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Seasons 1 and 2 Discussion

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2 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

I thought that Villanelle was in the bathroom before the murders and that's when Eve saw her. And then Villanelle went to the room to kill the witness while Eve used the bathroom and got away before Eve got back to the room. Did I misremember?

I think you're right.  That's the way I remember it, too.

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I was thinking that given the number of deaths, there wouldn't be time for Villanelle to kill four(?) people and get away clean while Eve took one call (and presumably, used the bathroom and washed her hands). But the other way (as I thought) would be worse as she would have to carry out her massacre and make it to the bathroom in the same time Eve did! It still seems an implausibly tight schedule for the amount of violence involved (it would have to fit in the time between her nephew leaving the ward and returning with some flowers, which can't be very long). It's amazing how efficient offscreen killers can be!

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I'm wondering who is actually behind Villanelle - they're presumably Russian but it seems unlikely they're the KGB (who aren't called that anymore, I know) or MI6 would have a better handle on them (I would imagine - by their choice of targets if nothing else). I hope this gets revealed and it isn't just some shadowy conspiracy.

On ‎16‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 11:26 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Villanelle is clearly a psychopath (or sociopath? I always get them mixed up) and emotionally immature. She behaves like a child, pouting when she can't get what she want, dressing up to try to charm the assessor.

I loved Villanelle looking at her hook up's dead body and going "Problem solved!" (does that make me a sociopath too?) - though he really shouldn't have stolen her perfume.

On ‎16‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 2:20 PM, CarpeFelis said:

Her way of having sex with him almost seemed like she was trying to kill him right then and there!

It was somewhat reminiscent of Xenia Onatop in Goldeneye (who crushed guys with her thighs), so I was slightly surprised he survived (however briefly). And Villanelle gets a free Chinese(?) meal!

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On ‎23‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 2:28 AM, slf said:

Bill was so delightful this episode I began to suspect that he was going to die.

As soon as he produced a baby and went "Daddy's going to die!" his death was inevitable! Mind you, I did think he was an idiot for heading into the club. Once he had lost eyes on Villanelle he should have abandoned the pursuit. If she'd wanted to flee, Villanelle could have easily done so in the club and as soon as he entered it should have been obvious that going inside was a trap.

On ‎02‎/‎06‎/‎2018 at 3:23 AM, cakes1975 said:

I was sorry to see Bill killed, but I think many of us have see too many action spy movies. Most spies are more George Smiley than James Bond.

And George Smiley would kick his ass... or rather, make some cutting remarks over a cup of tea for heading inside the club. He'd already lost visual contact with the target (bad) so if she was looking to shake a tail, she'd already done that. The other possibility was it was a trap. Either possibility, going inside would be a mistake

On ‎23‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 11:16 PM, catrice2 said:

How was she monitoring the calls/conversation?

As well as stealing Eve's case, she also bumped Bill outside the hotel they were staying in. So she could easily have planted a bug on him then.

...or in the belt, as other people have said. How nice of Villanelle to provide the perfect accessory for Eve's date!

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On ‎30‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 3:31 PM, Deanie87 said:

And he kept talking on the phone the entire time LOL!   You know its bad when you're rooting for the assassin to kill him because he's just too stupid to live.

I loved him answering Eve's query, "Are you running or crying?" by saying "Both!"

While I did think it was implausible that you could fire off so many automatic weapons in the English countryside unnoticed, I do buy that there would be little immediate response. They were in the middle of nowhere, it would take time for any response to appear (and even longer for an armed response unit, which would probably have to come from London).

On ‎03‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 5:29 PM, smartymarty said:

Villanelle is sent to kill Frank the same day that Eve figures out Frank's the mole, or is there yet another mole informing Villanelle's employers?

Eve's boss seemed to think he was not the top dog, since she was looking to see who he was working with rather than bringing him in immediately.

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I couldn't believe Eve put on the perfume either, but have they connected the Frenchwoman's murder to Villanelle yet? They did say her luggage had been checked by somebody before they returned it. But even if it had been checked, I wouldn't have touched it!

Eve did seem to act as if she had a death wish, but at least she called Villanelle on her BS when she spouted all that, "I want to stop!" nonsense. Which I guess could also be indicative of having a death wish - as the lady herself said, "Never tell a psychopath they're a psychopath - it upsets them!"

On ‎07‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 1:22 PM, pasdetrois said:

When Villanelle was confronting Frank it took me a moment to realize she had blood on her shirt, and that she had killed his guard.

She didn't kill him - he was injured but still alive. Which makes her toying with Frank even more unbelievable!

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On 11/10/2018 at 9:12 AM, John Potts said:


She didn't kill him - he was injured but still alive. Which makes her toying with Frank even more unbelievable!

Max, the guy who told Frank he would give him anything but a cuddle, was still alive, but when Eve was going down the hall to see Frank in the bedroom it did show one or two dead bodies lying on the floor.

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On 4/11/2018 at 9:50 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

He wasn't a witness though. The nurse told Dom and Eve that it would be a few minutes before they could see the patient, so Eve went to the bathroom and apparently Dom left to get coffee or snacks (I think he came back with a small paper bag) and was shocked when he saw the carnage, so he didn't see anything.

I thought it was sweet when he said "we should have brought chocolates" for her.  Unusual for a kid that young to be so thoughtful....especially not knowing her.  So that's where he had come from, looking for chocolates.  Chocolates saved his life 😀 

I just borrowed this DVD from the library and watched the first episode.  I'm glad to see some discussion here because I sometimes have trouble following this type of show.  But so far it's been nice and clear!!

Edited by AnnaCody
Posted too soon.
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On 4/11/2018 at 7:51 AM, Mumbles said:

I never watched Grey's Anatomy so I was ignorant as to how great Sandra Oh is. She's so natural!


Consider yourself lucky.  Sandra Oh was horribly underutilized in that show. 

Killing Eve just got picked up by Hulu, and I just watched the first episode.  I'm hooked!  I love this character for Sandra Oh.  Her reaction to the murders in the hospital took me by surprise - I was just assuming she was some super secret killer spy somehow stuck behind a desk, and we were going to see her "true" character.  But I loved that she really is just a normal person who was horrified by what she saw and didn't know how to react at first.  I'm really going to enjoy seeing her become a spy/agent (not sure what to call her at this point). 

I also loved seeing Kirby Howell-Baptiste, as I only know her from The Good Place.  I'm hoping we see more of her character. 

I don't understand why Eve was being assigned to protect the girlfriend/witness.  Based on everything else she did, it doesn't seem like that would be part of her normal job.  And the fact that she was blamed for the death was also weird - unless Eve is already a super killing machine herself, how would they have expected her to do anything up against someone who killed 2 security guards?  Her presence would have changed nothing.

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On 8/1/2018 at 9:56 AM, Pondlass1 said:

I just watched the first two episodes On Demand last night.  The acting and storytelling is great and I cannot wait to see more.  My only criticism is that everything just falls into place for the psychopath assassin.  A convenient drainpipe to climb. No one enters the toilet. Those kinds of things take me out of the story a bit.  

The two female leads are great so far.  Hope the writing keeps up.

I agree that things were a little too convenient for Carla's murder.  What if the catering manager (who Villanelle had the brief chat with upon entering) knew she wasn't an employee?  (Not a big venue, very possible situation.)  What if Carla hadn't gone to the ladies' room?  What if someone else was there?  That was totally unrealistic to me - a ladies' restroom at some sort of event venue, with an event that was almost all women, and no one else is in the bathroom during the entire time?  Never would have happened.  Would have made more sense for Villanelle to have put an "out of order" sign up as she walked in, looked around to see if anyone else was in there, etc.  Or, for her as a VIP guest to be shown to a private restroom.  This was my main criticism of a lot of episodes of Sherlock - way too many co-incidental occurrences where if any one hadn't happened the mystery wouldn't have been solved.  I would have preferred to see Villanelle to have arranged for Carla to receive an emergency call, which pulls her out of the luncheon, puts her in a private room and then Villanelle gives her the "you're my inspiration" speech and hands her the perfume.  I'm willing to handwave the drainpipe - I'd assume she had done some sort of surveillance on the property.  But for her to so easily walk by so many guards to get to the drainpipe?  That was my problem with that scene. 

All that aside, I'm loving it. 

I am on board with the speculation/fear that Eve's husband is not long for this world. (I'm even staying off imdb so I don't see how many episodes he's in!)  I do love their dynamic, and how she just blurted out her new top secret job and he's all "oh, that's nice dear" about it. 

I loved the pink dress - it was a big pouffy FU to the therapist.  You're going to treat me like a child?  Fine, I'll dress like a child. 

On a larger note, how do you fire a paid assassin?  I mean, without becoming her next victim?  That's one HR dilemma.

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Good news bad news.  The show and Sandra Oh were nominated for Golden Globes. However, once again Jodie Comer was NOT!  What does this woman have to do get nominated?!!!  Very disappointed.

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I just started watching this on Hulu. I thought that Sandra Oh was great. Loved how she told her husband exactly how she would kill him. I'm looking forward to seeing Eve develop her talents and go head to head with the assassin. 

Glad that the little girl in the ice cream shop - and the teen making ice creams - got out alive. 

I hope that Eve's former boss and the assistant continue with her as she takes on her new role. 

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I get Eve putting on the perfume and clothes.  She isn't officially a profiler, but the first two episodes showed she has those skills.  I see her putting on the perfume and dress as trying to get into Villanelle's mind. 

I also understand her stopping the car and getting out.  Eve knows Villanelle can/will find her, eventually, and kill her if she wants.  But she knows Villanelle has had chances to kill her already - several times in Germany - and hasn't.  So the face off sort of made sense.  I do wish she had told Elena to get behind the wheel and drive if she hears a shot. 

I don't quite understand why Villanelle let Frank get away in the last episode - she could have easily caught up with him in the field or at least gotten close enough for an easy kill shot.  Did she decide not to kill him, and then only change her mind after she listened to his confession on Eve's phone?

And speaking of Eve's phone, why did Villanelle take it?  Did she know Eve had taped Frank?  Did I miss something?  (I absolutely loved the 1-2... 3... .... .... 4.)

I think Kenny and/or Carolyn are part of the 12.  Kenny made some comment about 12 being a "powerful" number.  And, if so, that could explain how Villanelle knew to take Eve's phone - Carolyn had already tipped her off.

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I found too many obvious flaws in this episode to really enjoy it.  Which is a shame, because yes, sometimes you have to suspend reality a bit for this show, but it usually doesn't have large gaping plot holes.  First flaw:  Nadia was run over twice with an SUV, enough to appear absolutely dead to Villanelle, but she's in prison walking around with just a crutch, so apparently not *that* injured.  How does she not have multiple breaks/fractures, and how would V. be careless enough to leave her alive if she didn't look a big broken bloody dead mess under the SUV?  Second flaw:  Carolyn and Eve have to head to Russia to interview Nadia, but again, looking at her injuries, apparently enough time has passed that she doesn't even have bruises/cuts on her face.  So how much time has passed?  Third:  Villanelle has to get inside the Russian prison to kill Nadia before she can tell anyone what really happened - that Villanelle is the one who ran her over - but why wouldn't she have said something about that as soon as she was conscious?  I can understand a delay in time before Carolyn/Eve get information on Nadia, but Konstantine knew immediately that Nadia survived, and there's no reason to believe that she wouldn't have ratted out Villanelle immediately to the people who hired the three of them in the first place.  Also, they already had a man inside - the Dr. could have just poisoned Nadia if they really wanted her dead.  So making Villanelle go there was obviously a ploy, leading to....  Fourth:  Villanelle getting double crossed by the Dr. and locked in the hole was just waaaayyy too obvious.  You could see that coming a mile away. 

It's like the regular writers took a break and let someone fill in for them with this episode. 

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On 7/4/2018 at 9:15 PM, kieyra said:

New viewer. Yes, this episode was aggravating because Bill’s death was both telegraphed and made him look like a moron. 

They know they’re tracking a psychopathic female assassin, so he follows the first suspicious woman he sees into a tactically unsafe situation? Grrr. Come on, show. Also, introducing a regular and then killing them in episode 3 of 8, after basically one scene of backstory, was very strange season pacing.

I just found this show on hulu and I'm mostly loving it, but come on, did Bill have to have that giant vulture on his shoulder through most of the episode? Even as I loved him more and more? Except for the ridiculous writing that made him follow Villanelle the way he did. Give the man some dignity and don't make him die for being a dumbass.

I've only seen 3 episodes and haven't read any spoilers so this is rank speculation, but I'm guessing someone close to Eve will die in each episode forward, finally leaving Eve completely alone to face Villanelle.

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On 5/28/2018 at 2:05 PM, Ailianna said:

They told us who Anna is--the widow of the man Villanelle castrated to get sent to prison in the first place.

I assume it will be revealed that Villanelle was sexually abused as a child - by that man and/or others. Anna is likely to be Villanelle's mom, stepmother, foster mother, older sister, or someone else whose male partner raped Villanelle while she looked the other way.

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22 hours ago, Ashforth said:

I just found this show on hulu and I'm mostly loving it, but come on, did Bill have to have that giant vulture on his shoulder through most of the episode? Even as I loved him more and more? Except for the ridiculous writing that made him follow Villanelle the way he did. Give the man some dignity and don't make him die for being a dumbass.

I've only seen 3 episodes and haven't read any spoilers so this is rank speculation, but I'm guessing someone close to Eve will die in each episode forward, finally leaving Eve completely alone to face Villanelle.

Coincidentally, I just rewatched the show last week. Don’t they also have him hauling that baby around for the first half of the episode? Giant bullseye on forehead.

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New viewer. I agree with the above posters; Bill is an experienced agent and knew that they were tracking a highly skilled female assassin. Why in the world would he follow her into a crowded nightclub without any backup? Not credible.

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I was surprised at Kenny being Carolyn’s son. Now I wonder if his job is to report to Carolyn if Eve uncovers anything dangerous to Carolyn? I legitimately yelled when Villanelle broke into Eve’s house. Can’t believe that she has kept her husband in the dark when his life could be at risk. 

Really enjoying this show but I agree that you can’t look too deeply because there are some obvious holes— such as Eve not fleeing her home once it was clear that Villanelle knew where she lived.

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After having some issues with the last episode, I was really happy that I enjoyed this one so much.  I thought it was a good season finale.  As with others, I loved the interaction between Villanelle and Irina, and I liked that Irina never even made an attempt to get away from her, she just went along up until the end in the tea room.  A few thoughts:

Count me in on those who do not believe Konstantin is dead.  If he's alive I'd love to have more Eve/Konstantin scenes. 

Villanelle's attraction to Eve:  I think we now know that Eve was simply a surrogate for Anna.  So I'm not convinced Villanelle really has feelings for Eve, as Eve, but Eve reminds her of Anna (crazy dark hair), so she's just a stand in.

Eve's (possible) attraction to Villanelle:  sorry, shippers, but I also don't buy into the theory that Eve is sexually attracted to Villanelle.  She's fully obsessed with her, but I don't think it's on a sexual level.  She desperately wants to get into Villanelle's head, to find out what makes her tick.  She is smart enough to take advantage of Villanelle's obsession with her, though, and will play that card when she needs to.

I loved Eve's interaction with Villanelle's neighbor.  I give her a lot of credit simply for still being alive.  I can't imagine she's too subtle about spying on Villanelle.

Villanelle's apartment - I love that her refrigerator contains nothing but champagne.  I loved seeing Sandra Oh just swig from the bottles. 

Technical question - did Carolyn actually fire Eve?  Because if so, Eve would have had no diplomatic immunity for anything she did in Paris.  Not even sure if her current position gives her immunity, but I'm willing to just assume it does.  If she had killed Villanelle, she would have been wanted/arrested/tried for murder.

Interested to see where they'll take this next season.

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I cracked up at Villanelle with Irina - what a pair. I also do not think that Konstantin is dead - if you didn't see the dead body, no go. 

I'd like to see more of Carolyn and her son. That was a big reveal - and he doesn't seem to be too trusting of Mama. 

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On 12/2/2018 at 6:04 PM, chaifan said:

I also loved seeing Kirby Howell-Baptiste, as I only know her from The Good Place.  I'm hoping we see more of her character. 

 Thank you! I was wondering where I knew her from. I was going to go look her up after I finished reading this but you saved me the trouble. Yeah, she's great and I hope she is in the rest of the episodes.

 Just started this series today and I was hooked after the first 5 minutes. Which is a lot faster than the last show I binge-watched. (Mindhunter, which I ended up enjoying but it took a couple of episodes.)

 I've not really seen Sandra Oh before as I never watched Grey's Anatomy. I did see her in Hard Candy but she had a very small part in that. I'm loving her in this though. She's great and the rest of the cast is also very appealing. I'm hoping we see her assistant and her boss (not the dick swab one) even though she no longer works for MI5.

I was so glad that Dom wasn't killed. I thought he was. I thought he was the one on the bed that turned out to be the guard. I actually turned the show off at that point because it had gotten a little dark for me but I turned it back on a few minutes later and was so relieved when Dom walked back in the room.

 Really looking forward to see where this one goes.

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On 12/24/2018 at 6:41 AM, LisaM said:

New viewer. I agree with the above posters; Bill is an experienced agent and knew that they were tracking a highly skilled female assassin. Why in the world would he follow her into a crowded nightclub without any backup? Not credible.

Maybe that speaks even more to the fact that Villainelle is successful because women are not taken seriously as assassins? I mean, even by MI6! ;)

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How can Bill be soooo slow that he finally figured out that he was following the assassin AFTER he was already in the club? HOW!? As a seasoned professional he should've had a clue when he almost lost her trail because of the trolly. She purposefully waited for him to follower her! 

Edited by coleycole6
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On 12/30/2018 at 7:58 PM, coleycole6 said:

How can Bill be soooo slow that he finally figured out that he was following the assassin AFTER he was already in the club? HOW!? As a seasoned professional he should've had a clue when he almost lost her trail because of the trolly. She purposefully waited for him to follower her! 

I am new to the show but I have to say, I was surprised he followed her so easily. 

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On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 10:07 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Congratulations to Sandra Oh for winning  a Golden Globe!!

Best Actress in a TV Series, Drama
Sandra Oh, "Killing Eve"

I was very happy about that! (I noticed she didn't single out Jodie in her acceptance speech, not that she has to,she did acknowledge the whole table,but I just thought she would)

Now all we need is Jodie and the show to get some award lovin'  She and Sandra have noms in this Sunday's Critics Choice awards, he show also. I know just about all critics I've heard/read acknowledged  how amazing Jodie's performance was (and were mad/surprised at the awards snubs) so I have a good feeling she may pick up an award. But I won't get my hopes up too high yet. She is up against:

Maggie Gyllenhaal, The Deuce

Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid's Tale

Sandra Oh, Killing Eve

Elizabeth Olsen, Sorry for Your Loss

Julia Roberts, Homecoming

Keri Russell, The Americans 


and the show is nominated with

The Americans

Better Call Saul

The Good Fight


My Brilliant Friend



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Man, I thought Jodie Comer was going to take the Critics Choice tonight. What does this woman have to do to win?!! (or be nominated?!)   I really thought the critics loved her performance even more over Oh's.  I am glad Sandra singled her out in her acceptance speech though.

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I just started watching this show on Hulu. I don't have a formed opinion yet. I like parts of it, dislike others. Will keep watching.

One good thing is that I finally like Sandra Oh. I haven't seen her much, other than one movie and in Grey's Anatomy. In fact, one reason I couldn't stand that show is because of Sandra's character. I can count in one hand how many character coming from Shondaland I like (I sometimes think she wants to make sure every single one is hated) but Christina was probably the worst of all. Glad I could see the actor being an actor, and not just that character.

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On 12/30/2018 at 7:58 PM, coleycole6 said:

How can Bill be soooo slow that he finally figured out that he was following the assassin AFTER he was already in the club? HOW!? As a seasoned professional he should've had a clue when he almost lost her trail because of the trolly. She purposefully waited for him to follower her! 

He figured out she was the assassin in the train station, I think. He hadn't realized, when he was following her, that she knew she was being tailed. When she turned around in the club and smiled is when he figured it out and that she had led him into a trap. 

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Damn!  Loved the Season 2 trailer.  Two questions, if anyone can answer these:

1.  I don't have BBC, so caught Season 1 on Hulu.  Does anyone know when Hulu will get Season 2?

2.  How do we get the moderators here to return Killing Eve to having separate threads for each episode, media threads, etc.?  With the lag between airing on BBC and Hulu, if things are all in one thread I can't come here for anything for risk of spoilers. 

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Mod here: Choices had to be made when the site was upgraded. Depending on how much activity this thread gets, it's possible a forum can be created.

If you—or others—have more questions/comments, please PM me, as forum business is OT.

ETA (better late than never): the mods for this forum are thewhiteowl and Cranberry.

Edited by dubbel zout
added mods for this forum
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  • Season 2 will be simulcast on BBC America AND AMC.
  • AMC is running a marathon of Season one starting at 11:45 AM on Sunday April 7, leading up to the season 2 premier which airs at 8:00 PM. All times are EST.
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Looking forward to Season 2. I binge-watched Season 1 when BBCAmerica re-ran the entire first season. I remember Sandra Oh from Sideways, but Jodie Comer was a revelation. For Kirby Howell-Baptiste fans (and, let's face it, who among us isn't), she has a small role on Bill Hader's HBO dark comedy series, Barry, which began season 2 last night.

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Sandra Oh is going to be on Ellen tomorrow, and the worlds absolute WORST interviewer will no doubt ask her a few awkward and terribly worded questions about Killing Eve. Your mileage may vary but Ellen seems to be at 3:00 PM in most locales.

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S2.E1: Do You Know How to Dispose of a Body?


Eve is reeling from her act of violence against Villanelle and doesn't know whether she is alive or dead; a paranoid and severely injured Villanelle manages to get herself to the hospital for treatment; Carolyn approaches Eve with an opportunity.


First look:

Original air date: 4/7/19

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Mr. Ecats and I are so damned late to this. Last night we binge watched the first year;  by episode 2 we were hooked.  

Took a while to find this on Previously, but I was delighted to find this being this active.  I look forward to a rewatch tomorrow and follow the rewatch on here, and then...new.  

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SO looking forward to this show coming back on tomorrow! The previews have me intrigued, and I could see Villanelle being childlike enough to put all of what happened as "look at how much she loves me, she had to prove she could be more like me" or some twisted thing like that. So looking forward to this dark humor again! I've re-watched season 1 a couple of times recently, in anticipation!

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I haven't seen the premiere or read anything about it yet, so this is my unspoilered bold prediction for the opener (which is likely totally wrong, ha): I know last season's finale implied that Carolyn knew Villanelle was in the Russian jail when she met with her, but I'm guessing that's a fake-out. I re-watched the end of S1 in anticipation of tonight's premiere, and in the scene where Carolyn orders Eve and Kenny back to London, it struck me that Carolyn is basically rolling her eyes at Eve's theories about Villanelle being in the jail--until Eve suggests that "Natalia" might be Villanelle in disguise, at which point Carolyn gets thoughtful. I don't know that Carolyn actually believes Eve's hunch, but I think it does occur to her that "Natalia" might well be a link to the Twelve, and she wants to go question "Natalia" herself because she's concerned about Eve's bull-in-a-china-shop approach to all things Villanelle-related. Presumably the Twelve realize that Carolyn realizes who Villanelle is, and that's why her escape is engineered shortly thereafter.

Other bold predictions: Konstantin isn't dead; we find out what was in the note that Nadia left for Eve but it's something we the audience already know (probably that Konstantin was Villanelle's handler).

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I just saw the premiere and felt it was solid but not spectacular--nowhere near as good as last year's pilot. I think you can definitely feel that Phoebe Waller-Bridge has taken a backseat; the episode's tone and visual style felt a bit different from S1's, and at other times it felt like it was trying too hard to recapture some of S1's magic. But on the whole it was solid.

What I didn't like: it feels a bit to me like the show re-set itself to the status quo a bit too easily after massively blowing it up at the end of last season. Carolyn fires Eve and then a day later re-hires her on a flimsy pretense...okay? Eve confronts Carolyn, demands answers, gets none, and is back in...okay? Niko and Eve have a massive fight and are basically like "it's over," and then she comes back and they act like it never happened...okay? At some point we need to get SOME answers and SOMETHING needs to change. I appreciate that the episode lampshaded some of these questions (seriously, what is up with Carolyn? And how much does she actually know about Paris?), but the episode can't spend all that time raising the questions and then not really answer them. On the heels of last season's finale, it's starting to get a little annoying.

The poor old woman who used to live in Villanelle's apartment building! I wanted more on her!

Not sure how I feel about Niko being back in the picture. It's hard to see anything about him and Eve not just being a rehash of last season. At least the actor brought more life to the part this time. Last season it was like the show ground to a screeching halt when he was around.

The Good: Villanelle was her normal charming psychopath self tempered by having some serious challenges to overcome. I think I said this last season, but she was boring at the beginning of S1 because she was the manic pixie dream assassin for whom everything was easy. Villanelle is more interesting when she is challenged, and tonight was pretty good for that--not least because she had to stagger a mighty long way bleeding her guts out! But overall, the character was the right mix of charming and psychopathic tonight. I totally knew she was going to off the kid sharing a room with her before she left the hospital, even though they had a nice little bond going, but I still jumped and said "oh shit" when she did it. I guess for Villanelle, a simple neck snap is a mercy? Not so merciful: telling that lady that her husband was improving. But peak Villanelle. Jodie Foster cracked me up in that scene, and then when she had to put on the bedazzled Crocs, ha.

Sandra Oh was really good in the scene of Eve's near-breakdown in the bath, and when she was maniacally chopping like 10 pounds of vegetables. And I loved how Eve stone-cold lied to Carolyn about not seeing Villanelle in Paris. She's learning how to play the game.

Not sure there's much more to say. This episode wasn't bad by any stretch, but I expected more from the premiere.

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I just finished watching season 2 premiere. Pretty good but I've got to say that I find myself liking and feeling more sympathetically towards Villanelle than Eve. I'm not sure why but Sandra Oh's dialogue seems really contrived . Her snappy comebacks aren't funny and are off-putting to me. ("congratulations" to the couple in the park for example). I admit I'm not familiar with her work, I had only seen her in Sideways before this and neither she nor that movie made much of an impression on me. Jodie Comer on the other hand is pretty amazing at portraying a sociopath. And she is genuinely funny when it's called for. Too bad she lost out on the Golden Globe.

By the way, is it definite that Konstantin is dead? He was one of my favorite characters.

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I had a moment during the episode where I was thinking...."what have they done to Villanelle?" 

A split second later ..... she does something so Villanelle I felt relief and revulsion in the same moment lol

The crocs moment was so good!

Welcome back show!

Edited by BellyLaughter
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Eve stabbed Villanelle but Villnaelle was the the first to leave the apartment, make it all the way outside before Eve left and miss the 3 assassins in 30 seconds?

Poor Gabriel and the woman getting the "made up" news on her husband. I am surprised Villanelle didn't take time to kill the man and end his suffering.

Carolyn's story about her father was creepy. I wonder if she knows Eve was lying. She conveniently avoided Eve's question. The woman is mysterious.

The Rushmore Windows and Glazing salesman probably never expected to get past saying the company name before hearing a dial tone or a polite "No! thank you". 

Family will be in for a nice surprise when the open the trunk.

I don't feel Eve's husband will survive this season.

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