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When Calls The Heart - General Discussion

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Elizabeth acquires her own home, which is a surprise to Jack. Elsewhere, Gowen's selfish plot is unearthed by Abigail; and Frank realizes he can no longer outrun his past.



Something of a low-key episode. As always, I liked Elizabeth and Jack's interactions. And Rosemarie continues to be a delight.


I'm surprised to actually find myself caring about Frank/Matt Landry and his secret past. But poor Abigail always seems to encounter shady men.


When I saw the preview for tonight's episode, I said, "Are you freaking kidding me?" Do these writers not know of ways to be suspenseful without love triangles? 1st season was Rosemary coming into the picture, last season Charles, and now the nurse from town is coming to Hope Valley?

Edited by VMepicgrl
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Thanks for that. I completely agree. I am glad we got an explanation, but it seems like a silly request from the network. I'd rather the more accurate clothing from season one that did not distract me from the stories. And like one person commented, it does not explain the hair. I guess the network wants all women to have long, loose hair on all shows and movies.

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The show is back for Season 4 next year -- http://itsawonderfulmovie.blogspot.com/2016/04/hearties-alert-when-calls-the-heart-hallmark-season-4-four-more-news.html


Erin and Daniel will each star in a Christmas movie for Hallmark's Countdown to Christmas this year.   I saw the video announcement, and my first impression was that Erin will appear in one movie and Daniel will appear in a separate movie -- but someone raised the question about whether or not they might actually be in the same movie.  So I am not sure.  I think we're talking about 2 separate movies, but maybe only one.  In any case, you'll see Erin and Daniel during the Countdown to Christmas.

I read the article and laughed about the executives wanting the show to reflect a sameness to show that this is a Hallmark show.  I still find the costumes and hair distracting. Maybe I'll think of the show as a science fiction western.

I don't know if Hallmark was originally behind the "Love Comes ______" series of movies, but they certainly play them enough. Those movies are more accurate, if I remember correctly. I know they are re-branding themselves lately, but if they want to show some sameness, they should show it to those movies. Let the modern shows look alike.

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On 7/27/2015 at 1:12 PM, Leia1979 said:

Any idea where Coal Valley is supposed to be? I looked up Cape Fullerton, and it's in Nunavut on northwestern Hudson Bay, and that seems to be way further away from anyplace you'd find a coal mine than even Hamilton would be. Probably some geographical hand-waving by the writers. 

I think it's meant to be somewhere in Alberta. It's a fictional town as near as I can tell, but they do name drop Medicine Hat at one point, so it's probably Alberta or B.C. judging by the beautiful mountains they show in some of the establishing exterior shots.  What kills me though is that they make Hamilton (which is a real city in Ontario) seem like it's a days journey away.  Via train and stage coach, surely it would be a good week if not longer. Yet it seemingly took Clara a day's travel. Okay.... 

I just binge watched S1 and have started season 2 and I'm already ready to punch my fist through the screen.  Did the hairstylists and costumers completely give up on having any semblance of historical accuracy?  This is all supposed to be pre-WW1 Canada, right?  Yet in S2 everyone is wearing their hair down like it's the 2000s. If you compare to Road to Avonlea (another Canadian rural TV show) they too are also pre-WW1 but everyone is in hats and with high collars.  There is no way that Coal Valley would be so fashion-forward. They'd be some of the last parts of Canada to get a sense of what is en vogue in the cities.  

And how convenient is it that the second that they lose the mining company, a lumber company is right there to pick up the pieces!  Has everyone just given up behind the scenes?  S1 was filling my need for a sweet little historical show, but geez-- a little attention to detail could go a long way! 

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I didn't see any new threads for the new season, so I'll put my two cents here.  I have actually crossed over into hate-watching this mess of a show.   It has become so cartoonish, so sanitized, so historically inaccurate that it is truly laughable.  If I see one more beachy-wave with obviously growing out highlights (Lori L.), one more 2010 goatee (pastor whozits), one more scene of incredibly clean and color-coordinated children, and one more second of Rosemary I think I will scream.   Who the heck is in charge over there?   Season one was so good, and it has just become a parody of itself ever since.

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I actually do not mind the non-period costumes or hair. Hell I watched Reign. It just does not bother me. I am pretty bored with the stories. I thought the first season had more story arcs going on. I get a bit sick of the random townspeople that appear for a story in one episode but disappear for the rest. 

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It's like the show is trying too hard to be Little House on the Prairie: Canada version.  Michael Landon Jr is in charge, so it's no wonder.   I didn't like Little House back then, and this is even worse, because I know what it could be.  It's probably leaving my DVR queue soon.


ETA: I stopped over at Netflix to check out season one, just to make sure I was remembering it correctly.   Yep. SO much better.  Not the technicolor cartoon parody it is now.  Just a sweet show with a tiny bit of gritty realism to show they're trying.

Edited by Suzysite
On 2/27/2017 at 8:28 AM, Suzysite said:

Season one was so good, and it has just become a parody of itself ever since.

I loved season 1 so much, I probably should just rewatch that instead of this mess. Besides all the ridiculous anachronisms, my biggest problem with Hallmark is they'll take something that is good in the first season and turn it into total treacle. Just a gooey, prissy, goody two shoes mess. They do it every time. I kinda hate this season so much I keep forgetting to catch up!

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I like the show, sure the hair is ridiculous and everyone is too clean but it's nice escapism.  

Rosemary however is driving me nuts!  It appears that every storyline now involves her in some major way, why?  She's not the focus of the story!

I also like that they portray women running the town, which is of course unrealistic but I like that girls can see that anything is possible.  It's a nice progression from the women in season 1 being at the mercy of the mine owners to now running the town.

Jack and Elizabeth have great chemistry.

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I was home from work and randomly scrolling through Netflix. Watched the first season and loved it, although I was disappointed there wasn't any follow up from the TV movie. 

I'm almost all caught up now and WTF happened to the great, little historical show? The clothes are atrocious. Elizabeth doesn't looks so bad but Abigail and Jack are terrible. What is with the light jeans and J Crew type jacket I noticed in a few episodes? UGH, I agree with the downturn in quality and the annoying plot lines. 

I like Rosemary and Lee but Rosemary is very annoying and seems to be involved in every storyline. I don't like how there is no follow up from past seasons, like Luke and Wyatt (smart kid who built the fan for the mine) And of course, Abigail is mayor. 

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It makes me sad that the show isn't as good as it could be but I'm not sure of the problem.  The actors are good enough.  There is an attempt at humor which is something I like. A couple years ago I commented that there were too many modern touches.  I don't get drawn into the stories. Everything remains on the surface.

After the first or second season, I saw the original movie with different actors and it was so much better. 

I'm experiencing the same problem with The Good Witch.  The other Hallmark series didn't catch my attention so I did not even check them out. I often watch their movies and enjoy many of them.  The words bland and slow come to mind when I think about When Calls The Heard and The Good Witch.

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49 minutes ago, madfortv said:

It makes me sad that the show isn't as good as it could be but I'm not sure of the problem.  The actors are good enough.  There is an attempt at humor which is something I like. A couple years ago I commented that there were too many modern touches.  I don't get drawn into the stories. Everything remains on the surface.

After the first or second season, I saw the original movie with different actors and it was so much better. 

I'm experiencing the same problem with The Good Witch.  The other Hallmark series didn't catch my attention so I did not even check them out. I often watch their movies and enjoy many of them.  The words bland and slow come to mind when I think about When Calls The Heard and The Good Witch.

Oh gosh, The Good Witch. I can't even watch that show anymore, and When Calls the Heart is very quickly getting there. I can't quite put my finger on the problem either. At this point I'm actually watching to figure that out.

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I'm not sure why people are complaining that the show is historically inaccurate.  Wasn't it common practice in the early 1900's for people in rural Canada to have access to hundreds of glass hurricanes, votive candles and red rose petals just in case someone wanted to propose marriage?

PS  I admit that I am totally ignorant about Canadian history.  Were there really problems in the Northern territories?

Edited by ShelleySue
  • Love 7

I liked that there weren't too many side stories this week and that the teacher story was resolved. I'm glad they didn't make the male teacher into a villain. The railroad guy can't leave soon enough. 

I don't know if it was the military spouse in me, but the goodbye scene with Jack and Elizabeth was over the top. I just rolled my eyes watching her run after him. 

How long is the season? I'm guessing we only have a few episodes left. 

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I don't think it's the final season they are doing a contest for a set visit to meet the actors so that tells me it will be back.  The mean railroad story is wearing thin.  I also find it hard to believe the townspeople would rather eat in a tent with the rail workers or in the saloon rather than Abigail's cafe.  What a dumb storyline.  It's the 3rd episode with the mystery guy still working at Abigail's.  He seemed to be interested in the nurse at first now he has dinner with a random town lady?  What's the point of his story?  Frankly I wouldn't mind him dating Abigail.

The school plot is fine, it gives Elizabeth something to do in between pining for Jack I guess.

This show is worlds better than Good Witch which has turned into a farce.  At least these leads have chemistry, Cassie and the Dr. are downright uncomfortable around each other.

8 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

I don't think it's the final season they are doing a contest for a set visit to meet the actors so that tells me it will be back.  The mean railroad story is wearing thin.  I also find it hard to believe the townspeople would rather eat in a tent with the rail workers or in the saloon rather than Abigail's cafe.  What a dumb storyline.  It's the 3rd episode with the mystery guy still working at Abigail's.  He seemed to be interested in the nurse at first now he has dinner with a random town lady?  What's the point of his story?  Frankly I wouldn't mind him dating Abigail.

The school plot is fine, it gives Elizabeth something to do in between pining for Jack I guess.

This show is worlds better than Good Witch which has turned into a farce.  At least these leads have chemistry, Cassie and the Dr. are downright uncomfortable around each other.

What I bolded is pretty much all that's keeping me watching the show at this point. So this past episode was tough to get through without them together. 

Only two episodes left. While I'll be sad to see the season end, I'm glad certain stories (the railroad guy) are winding down. It seems odd to have so many episodes without Jack. 

Rosemary is really annoying me this season. I'm glad that Elizabeth said something to her. The preacher can go at any time. His character seems so unnecessary. 

Abigail has the most chemistry with the actor who plays Henry. He's horrible, but Abigail brings something out of him. 

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It seems odd to have so many episodes without Jack. 

Yeah, I'm wondering if he's sort of 'done' with the show and they only convinced him to be in a certain number of episodes this season.  That, or he got some movie part.

I'm figuring they'll have him get gravely injured, he'll come back to Hope Valley but think he's bringing Elizabeth down because he's not a 'whole man' anymore, and that will be the ridiculous excuse to tear them apart at this stage of the game.  Cue longing looks and townsfolk trying to convince Jack that he's worthy.  I hope NOT, but this is what I"m afraid of.  

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What an odd choice not to at least bring Lissing back for the finale in some way. I can't find any news of any other movie or project he might have been doing either. Very strange. 

I thought it was interesting that Pascale Hutton and Kavan Smith (Rosemary and Lee) are going to co-star in a summer romance movie for the channel. As are Jack Wagner and Josie Bissette again. I guess it's smart marketing though I'm surprised P and K are "big" enough as secondary leads to put them in their own flick.

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I was also disappointed that they didn't bring back Jack. I had convinced myself that he would appear at the end. Also, when Lee talked about his brother, I wondered if we'd get a pregnancy announcement and the comment that they'd name a boy baby after Lee's brother.

With their June wedding theme going on, you'd think Hallmark would make a When Calls the Heart movie focusing on Elizabeth and Jack's wedding, with a follow up movie around the holidays leading up to the next season. 

Add me to the list of people who were disappointed that Jack didn't come back.  I thought he'd either be shown riding back into town or on the ground injured in the Northwest Territories.  I looked him up on IMDB and except for one episode of Timeless (which must have already aired) he has no other projects.  There isn't even anything listed as a future project that he could be working on.  

So, it's on my DVR but I wanted to see what the feeling was here.  NO JACK?  If he's gone for good, this show is basically over.  I know they probably think they can rely on the rest of the cast, but I think that's too optimistic.  And I don't give enough of a shit about Cody to look forward to watching the finale.  

I am probably a horrible person for wanting Cody to die. I cannot stand the character.

If this no Jack thing is permanent I am probably out. I thought for sure he would show up at the end or something, but nope. The various townspeople are not enough to keep me watching. I feel like I would care more about these characters if their stories were not so lame. I feel like there is potential, but for me, it seems like a lot of things happen offscreen.

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Yeah, Daniel Lissing being absent from the finale (bar a photo) was downright strange.  Either something's going on behind the scenes and he's gone or it was just a really odd writing choice for a finale.  I can't quite tell yet.

Through the ep he was last in, DL was very vocal on Twitter.  Nothing about the show since he was last on, though.  No reassurance from any of the other actors or tptb.  I just find it a weird choice for everyone involved in the show to just ignore Jack's absence, if DL's not gone.  I also thought it was strange that he wasn't in the credits since they used his likeness in a photo - I was under the impression that something like that would usually qualify as an appearance.

On the other hand, the show could just be expecting everybody to tune back in next season (it's been renewed for S5) and not even consider that it looks weird that they just left Jack's story hanging and didn't even address it as a proper cliffhanger.  It just didn't feel like a season finale to me.

It was interesting looking around Twitter and Facebook, there was a whole lot of, "where's Jack" going on, as in a LOT.  I did see his appearance on "Timeless" mentioned as a reason he might have missed some filming, but I can't imagine that took more than a week, if that.  He also posted a pic with he and Rachel Boston (from various Hallmark/Lifetime movies) a while back, so it appears that they may have been working together.  But I don't think the timing worked out for interrupting his WCTH filming, plus why would the show agree to lose him for 4 eps just to film a Hallmark movie?

It's just strange.  I'm definitely out if he's gone.  Jack and Elizabeth are the reason I keep tuning in, although the supporting actors are fine, for the the most part.  I do have to give credit to Pascale Hutton, Rosemary has really grown on me.  But I'm just hanging on, as it is. 

One last thing, so sad that poor Rip died, he was such a cute dog.  I love that they gave him a mention over the end credits.

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On 4/9/2017 at 8:18 PM, Stacey1014 said:

Only two episodes left. While I'll be sad to see the season end, I'm glad certain stories (the railroad guy) are winding down. It seems odd to have so many episodes without Jack. 

Rosemary is really annoying me this season. I'm glad that Elizabeth said something to her. The preacher can go at any time. His character seems so unnecessary. 

Abigail has the most chemistry with the actor who plays Henry. He's horrible, but Abigail brings something out of him. 

Hallelujah re: the bolded part.  From the very beginning of this series I always felt Abigail had more chemistry with Henry than either Jack or Frank [in fact, it seems non existent with Frank, tbh]. Although I hate the treacly, predictable "love of a good woman makes a bad guy turn good" canard, I would have gladly welcomed it in this instance since I feel Lori and Martin have the best (dare I type it?) sexual tension of any of Abigail's pairings. And hey - it's Hallmark, so treacly and predictable is part of the channel's mandate!    ;-)

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On 6/13/2015 at 11:29 PM, madfortv said:

I agree with the other poster. I don't like Nora. She isn't meant to be likeable but I'm thinking the problem is with the actress.


The actress is the same one that played Felicia on General Hospital - aka "Frisco and Felicia". Frisco was played by none other than Jack Wagner and the actress is his ex-wife, Kristina Wagner. they were married for about 13 years but together much longer than that, had two boys together and spent the last few years of their marriage separating and getting back together. I think that's why I find their scenes together so awkward - at one point, IRL, they seperated for about 2 years and then tried to reconcile so their storyline in WCtH just feels too much like watching their personal, real-life pain. Even though they have been divorced for 10 years, I believe they must still be close friends - she has done absolutely nothing as far as acting goes aside from GH but suddenly shows up on the same set as Jack? I'm guessing he recommended her for the role or pulled strings for her to get it.

On 6/11/2017 at 10:12 AM, taragel said:

Did anyone watch Lee and Rosemary...er... I mean Kavan and Pascale's Hallmark Movie? It was pretty cute. There was also an ad for When Calls the Heart Season 5 coming in February 2018. A rather long haitus. There were no shots of Daniel Lissing in it which I found...interesting.

I saw it. I liked Pascale's character in that much better than her Rosemary.  She wasn't quite so grating.

I also saw the ad for WCTH Season 5. I wondered about the absence of Lissing in the previews as well as the last few episodes of S4.  The could have easily shown him in his Mountie duties writing letters home or whatever.  This silence is just weird and makes me think there has been some kind of problem.  If they try to make this show work without him they'll fail. I'm firmly convinced that the drawn out romance between Jack and Elizabeth is the only thing keeping this show on the air.  I know it's the only reason I'm still watching. I like him, I'm not that fond of her.

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On 6/12/2017 at 10:11 AM, pigs-in-space said:

Did she have that obnoxious baby voice on GH as well?  It's like nails on a chalkboard to me...

Yes, she did.  I remember her very first scene and I thought her voice would drive me mad.  She actually grew on me, but I think it was only because you could actually see her and Jack falling in love.  It wasn't good when things started to fall apart.

Edited by SusanwatchingTV

They're getting another Christmas movie and it mentions Jack, thankfully.  Still not sure what to make of Daniel Lissing not being in the S5 teaser, but it looks like Jack is alive and well for a while, at least.  I remember reading somewhere that the next season starts in February (which is what they did this year, iirc). 

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On 4/25/2017 at 3:02 AM, Misslindsey said:

I am probably a horrible person for wanting Cody to die. I cannot stand the character.

If this no Jack thing is permanent I am probably out. I thought for sure he would show up at the end or something, but nope. The various townspeople are not enough to keep me watching. I feel like I would care more about these characters if their stories were not so lame. I feel like there is potential, but for me, it seems like a lot of things happen offscreen.

GURL you are NOT alone! I really despise the whole Cody plot line. They need to kill off the character. It is useless and annoying. 

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