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S07.E18: Choose or Lose

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Yeah aside from the last couple minutes of romance bs, this episode was amazing. Watching the other liars stare at Stupid Aria and yell at her was pretty glorious. Damn. I know it'll all be forgotten though by next week but I'm basking in the afterglow of this episodes awesomeness. 

And spencer was back to old form tonight. I miss you Old Spencer. Stay forever. Get rid of the bangs, they don't work for you. 

  • Love 3

I'm sorry but I'll never get over how irksome it is that Marco disappears as soon as Toby's availability is free again. If you're going to write filler, at least make sure the filler is wrapped with a better bow. If everyone here is right and that's Twincer, Spoby fans just got trolled hard and I doubt real Spencer's getting back with him. Toby looked uncomfortable so I was hoping he'd reject her, but ultimately he has an excuse of grief that Spencer could never hope to really understand.

Sick of the show just using Ashley as a stand-in to look around at all of Haleb's big moments. Even with the Jason sketch factor, Ted/Ashley would be one unsoiled endgame in a sea of really bland montages of horny people. This is the problem with this season, with so little remembrance of the mystery, any romance at all has diminishing returns. It isn't interesting to see a couple get it on when that's all they've been doing since the time jump. No moments have landed because they just aren't rare. I did a series rewatch and the first 4-5 seasons don't oversaturate it this badly. Please, for the love of god, tell me Marlene is getting it out of the way now so that it doesn't fill 75 percent of the series finale.

If I hear Spencer say "Are we done here?" one more time.....it is such a cop-out. Literally. Tanner was being more than fair this time. She may still have a condescending way of speaking to them, but she wanted their side of the story instead of making one of her theories. And they decided to be twerps again because they don't want one consequence even though they could plea self-defense. Speaking of Rollins, this rando being so fundamental to the end of the series makes the stakes so low. Why does anyone care that this man died? He's literally a soap opera filler douche with an evil british accent that Alison banged.

AD was nicer to Aria than they should have been. I wonder at this point if AD is even someone that has shared a single scene with Aria. The special interest in her was just bizarre. 

Caleb/Spencer/Hanna (aka love triangle) team up next episode to berate Mona into the most clear confession of all time. Mona killed Charlotte. AD then finds this out and it puts Mona's life in jeopardy in the series finale.

3 hours ago, mac123x said:

Me too, but the gunshot wound feeds more into Spencer has multiple personalities rather than an actual twin.

I thought it was strange that they showed us the wound, but I swear, if it turns out that Spencer has multiple personalities (one of whom is A or AD) or if she has a twin, I am going to cut a bitch.

2 more episodes & we are finally done.

  • Love 3

I mean.. it's funny as much as I loved this episode, my big takeaways were I really liked Arias braided hair thing at the beginning of the episode and also.. I guess Arias ad burn phone was a samsung? And you know the Aria getting rumpled by all the liars. I know it won't last.

Also.. I can't get on the Emison train. I can't. I know there are people here who like them but I don't and I never will and I'm entitled to my feelings on the matter. Just as you are with yours.

And why did Caleb enlist Ezra for help? I know Toby is still grieving and he's in the "growing my beard out because I can't bring myself to shave" phase but even in said stage he's more help then Ezra. I'm longing for the days when Caleb and Toby had a bromance and bonded over how they were both loners before each other and stuff. 

Again though is anything even happening? Have the liars stopped anything? It feels like most of this season has been treading water. I suppose next week something is going to happen and then we will get our big finale but these last final episodes have been nothing short of just being there.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 7

I have seen every episode of this show, but I was totally flummoxed by the reference to Ezra's "son" Malcolm.   I had completely forgot everything about that. This freaking show!


Agree definitely NotSpencer was the one makin' it in the cabin with Grizzly Toby.  Nice light touch there having Toby say "this isn't like the Spencer I know!"   Especially as in the earlier scene Spencer appeared quite disdainful of Toby's invitation to join him.  


Hate to see Tanner back.  Snore.  


Was so sure there was an Emison miscarriage pending when the "previously" showed Ali getting knocked down.   Hmmmm.   And I couldn't stop staring at the artful arrangement of lanterns, candles, and pillows for their woodland love scene.   


Strap in in everyone, just a few more episodes and we will be free of this!  

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5 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

How in the hell did A.D. or Mona or whoever get the game into Alison's bedroom and out again in minutes ?  That was beyond ridiculous.

I keep telling everyone, AD is Charlemagne the Great!


5 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

 and of course the smartphone A.D gave Aria explodes and catches fire (funny, but it didn't look like a Samsung Galaxy Note 7).

Out of all 7 seasons, Aria may not be AriA as so many fans have theorized over the years, but at least she did have the one True Burner Phone.

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1 hour ago, dwmckim said:

at least she did have the one True Burner Phone.

Damn, here I was gonna be making burner phone joke, but you beat me to it. I laughed how Aria just left the phone on the floor, while still being on fire. Umm...

Shipping montage was awful, but I'm fine with it, if it means there won't be anymore of that for the last two episodes.

Edit. What happened to Sean Faris's character, Tanner's original partner, can't remember his name.

Edited by RedMal
  • Love 2

The Emily/ Ali thing does not ring true, it feels rushed and shoe-horned into the show, there is simply insufficient set-up or back story to make it a realistic coupling, even with the horribly handled non-consensual pregnancy crap. Emily/ Paige was a much better fit, and the hurried removal of Paige from the show has me assuming they are putting her back on Team AD. 

They have also set up a Spencer/ Toby reunion by literally removing the only competent cop in Rosewood while he was off screen. This is such a horribly lazy and contrived piece of writing and is symptomatic of the many faults this show has. The cop is gone, all plots relating to him are instantly dropped, his character and its impact on the show is forgotten; I cannot state enough how bad this writing is. 

I wonder if Aria realises that shredding does not destroy documents. It might just take the police an extra hour or two to put the pieces back together. I vaguely remember that cop who returned, but I have no idea where she was placed in the overall plot, so the reveal was a little underwhelming. 

Mona states the obvious about Aria. The manner in which Mona sets out the clues just makes the rest of the Liars appear like they have single figure IQs, again. I mean, these five girls are so insufferably moronic, they are beyond stupid at this stage, and again it is a symptom of bad writing that relies upon plot induced stupidity. 

I actually stopped the episode here, I might come back to it later, but it feels like a monumental waste of my time. 

Edited by Chinspinner
  • Love 7

How stupid is Aria? She thinks that when she goes to meet AD in the woods, she should wear a black hoodie and black leather gloves? And why would she call AD to reveal her plan to turn herself in? That's the classic dumbass villain move.

Alison is also not the brightest. AD is definitely after you guys so you decide to go for a walk in the woods at night? That seems like a great idea and not at all asking for AD to attack you and Emily!

Hahahahahaha, a piece of glass was found in Spencer's shower drain. Callback to the glass in Emily's hair? It wasn't a tiny sliver either. It was a HUGE chunk but of course (1) Spencer didn't notice it in her hair and (2) it somehow managed to get inside the shower drain but (3) it just sat there inside her drain for months or however long it's been since Hanna hit Wrollins.

This conversation had me cracking up:


Aria: How did you know [about the unfiled police report about him being an inappropriate pervert]?
Ezra: The other night after you fell asleep, I...found it.

Really, Ezra? You "found" it? Because Aria just left it lying around? It reminded me of Carrie Fisher's character in When Harry Met Sally:


Marie: So I just happened to see his American Express bill.
Sally: What do you mean you just happened to see it?
Marie: Well, he was shaving and there it was - in his briefcase.
Sally: What if he came out and saw you looking through his briefcase?
Marie: You're missing the point, I'm telling you what I found. 

Who is writing the terrible dialogue these days? "Do you remember that kiss we shared? It was nice, wasn't it?" Who the hell talks like that? It definitely doesn't sound like something that Spencer (or any normal person) bwould ever say.

Also hilarious: Tanner saying that she's a closer. Really? Did you actually close any of the cases in Rosewood the last time you were here? She still hasn't figured out who killed Charlotte. She wasn't the one who figured out where the Dollhouse was. She accused the PLLs of murder approximately eleventy million times. That doesn't sound like she's a closer to me.

The montage of everyone doing it reminded me of the last episode of Buffy where everyone spends their last night before the big battle together. And what was with the shitty emo cover? Is MK taking her musical cues from Shonda Rhimes now? Say it ain't so because I suffered through two seasons of shitty emo covers on Grey's Anatomy and I don't need to hear any more of those.

Why did Caleb call Ezra to go investigate the signal he was getting from the game? That made no sense to me. You'd think that the PLLs would want to go investigate but I guess we're supposed to assume that they're all too exhausted from being sexed up.

I love that Toby has been up at the cabin for, like, what, two weeks? And he comes back with a beard and a flannel shirt to show us that he has become a mountain man.

8 hours ago, marinaalexis said:

I'm still very suspicious of Ali. I caught A.D.'s use of "wait for it" while on the phone with Aria and we all know whose iconic line that is.

Aaron Burr's!


8 hours ago, SadieT said:

Wish the scene of the girls going off on Aria could have been longer. I would totally watch an entire episode of the 4 of them just yelling at Aria for being a shitty friend and just an all around sucky Ezra obsessed weasel. I particularly loved when Aria was all "Ezra could go to jail!!!" and Alison was all "so what?" like she couldn't care less. That's the Ali we need back in our lives.

Yes to all of this! I laughed my ass off when Aria tried to justify everything by saying that Ezra could go to jail and Alison clearly didn't give a fuck. So sorry that the guy who deliberately started a relationship with a high school girl so he could write a book about her dead friend might be exposed for the gross manipulative person that he is. Obviously keeping that a secret is more important than keeping your BFFs out of prison for murder so keep on prioritizing a guy who thinks it's okay to fuck his high school student who he met under false pretenses. He'll be glad to keep you company after your friends are in orange jumpsuits!

7 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

How in the hell did A.D. or Mona or whoever get the game into Alison's bedroom and out again in minutes ?  That was beyond ridiculous.

Not only did AD get the game out of Alison's bedroom in under five minutes, but while the police were driving up and parking in front of the house. AD is obviously a ninja so - Holden?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Alison is also not the brightest. AD is definitely after you guys so you decide to go for a walk in the woods at night? That seems like a great idea and not at all asking for AD to attack you and Emily!


Yes to all of this! I laughed my ass off when Aria tried to justify everything by saying that Ezra could go to jail and Alison clearly didn't give a fuck. So sorry that the guy who deliberately started a relationship with a high school girl so he could write a book about her dead friend might be exposed for the gross manipulative person that he is. Obviously keeping that a secret is more important than keeping your BFFs out of prison for murder so keep on prioritizing a guy who thinks it's okay to fuck his high school student who he met under false pretenses. He'll be glad to keep you company after your friends are in orange jumpsuits!


Considering how many times AD has broken into Alison's house, she and Emily are probably safer in the woods at this point. 

Poor Aria. I loved that the liars wouldn't give her a ride when they got called down to the police station in the middle of their big confrontation. And then she had to sadly enter the interrogation all alone. You know you done fucked up when your murder accomplices kick you out of the jail carpool and you're being left out of the burner phone give-away. But she still has Ezra so she's probably fine with it all. 

  • Love 6
21 minutes ago, SadieT said:

Poor Aria. I loved that the liars wouldn't give her a ride when they got called down to the police station in the middle of their big confrontation. And then she had to sadly enter the interrogation all alone. You know you done fucked up when your murder accomplices kick you out of the jail carpool and you're being left out of the burner phone give-away. But she still has Ezra so she's probably fine with it all. 

I just laughed at this because Aria found her own way there in the first place. Why would she want to leave her own car to carpool?

Honestly, I don't feel bad for Aria, but I'm tired of the other girls' reactions to all of this as well. Spencer's acting like a brat, Emily's been no better, and Hanna just has her whine face on all the time. I just find it laughable that THIS is the move that breaks them all apart temporarily. Like, at this point, I'd be rolling my eyes at the entire situation. "Oh, I don't think I can forgive you..." Shut up, Spencer. It's really her that's been annoying me, especially with her hypocrisy with Mary Drake. She lets the woman roam free, even though she now knows that she killed her own sister, and she doesn't know what Mary could be up to. I'll bet now that we'll see her on the A.D team, even if she's not A.D. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Hahahahahaha, a piece of glass was found in Spencer's shower drain. Callback to the glass in Emily's hair? It wasn't a tiny sliver either. It was a HUGE chunk but of course (1) Spencer didn't notice it in her hair and (2) it somehow managed to get inside the shower drain but (3) it just sat there inside her drain for months or however long it's been since Hanna hit Wrollins.

And it apparently had blood on it still, though it didn't really look like it when Tanner was holding it.  She also said that it matches glass taken from under Wrollins' fingernail.  I wonder if she was just making that shit up to try to scare a confession out of the PLLs.

4 hours ago, Chinspinner said:

They have also set up a Spencer/ Toby reunion by literally removing the only competent cop in Rosewood while he was off screen. This is such a horribly lazy and contrived piece of writing and is symptomatic of the many faults this show has. The cop is gone, all plots relating to him are instantly dropped, his character and its impact on the show is forgotten; I cannot state enough how bad this writing is. 


I think it was a mistake to write him out. The character was really growing on me.  Couldn't he be the one good cop? What was the point of him then? The actor was doing a good job and didn't deserve to be just dropped like that.  Hopefully, he gets work on a better show.

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On the one hand, I can see why they wrote him out the way that they did. It was true to his character of being a good cop who believes in following the rules, but it also removed Spencer's threat to expose him to his superiors for sleeping with her. Now that they know, there's nothing to stop the investigation of Dunhill's murder aside from Rosewood PD's usual incompetence.

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

 There's no sympathy there for screwing her ex boyfriend who just lost his wife. And I thought it was bad that she decided to go screw Caleb, even with Hanna's wishes. 

Pretty sure Caleb and Toby weren't raped. Didn't see any rope or roofies lying about either.  In fact, Caleb was sniffing around Spencer in multiples cities before finally getting down and dirty with her in Rosewood.  And Toby was the one to invite Spencer to the cabin to stay with him.  


4 hours ago, Chinspinner said:

They have also set up a Spencer/ Toby reunion by literally removing the only competent cop in Rosewood while he was off screen. This is such a horribly lazy and contrived piece of writing and is symptomatic of the many faults this show has. The cop is gone, all plots relating to him are instantly dropped, his character and its impact on the show is forgotten; I cannot state enough how bad this writing is. 

I mean, these five girls are so insufferably moronic, they are beyond stupid at this stage, and again it is a symptom of bad writing that relies upon plot induced stupidity. 

So true. And this is exactly why I don't put any stock in the Twinser theory.  It's been clear for episodes that the couples are going to end up back w/their high school sweet hearts because either A) MK relishes in feeding the romantic fantasies of the teen shippers B) isn't talented enough to can't come up with a viable alternative to one or all of them finding love somewhere else or C) all of the above. 

Which is why I also don't think Spencer's scar was shown as any kind of twin or multiple personality clue. In MK's mind it was for the shippers to show how much Toby still cares about Spencer--gently touching the spot where she could have died. It's just like the house he was building all along for her and the fact that she was the one who held him when he cried over Yvonne, who conveniently kicked the bucket. And like Chinspinner says above, now Fury is out of the way so there's no one else for them. Is the timeline terrible? Absolutely.  Is it sub-par writing? No doubt.  


3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I love that Toby has been up at the cabin for, like, what, two weeks? And he comes back with a beard and a flannel shirt to show us that he has become a mountain man.

I'm pretty sure it was to delude the viewers into thinking that more time has passed since Yvonne's death than it really has.  Just like that contrived bit about Caleb staying at the Radley last week was to make viewers forget he was staying at Spencer's only a few weeks before.  Next Emily will make some throwaway comment about how long it's been since Paige worked at the school or Ezra will announce Nicole fell in love with one of her doctors and eloped all so it seems kosher.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Peanut6711 said:

Pretty sure Caleb and Toby weren't raped. Didn't see any rope or roofies lying about either.  In fact, Caleb was sniffing around Spencer in multiples cities before finally getting down and dirty with her in Rosewood.  And Toby was the one to invite Spencer to the cabin to stay with him.  

Oh, I'm not trying to say that this is just on Spencer! Caleb became a very gross individual that lost him so many points that he's not my favourite male character anymore  (and I blame him way more than Spencer for their failed relationship). And Toby's behaviour this episode was so off and him inviting Spencer to his cabin only spelled out disaster. It's just that Spencer's attitude since 7B started has been pissing me off, and her bringing up her and Toby's kiss just added fuel to my fire. I've been disliking Spencer for the entirety of this season so far, and this episode didn't help things. She leaned in to kiss him, she decided to bring up their kiss, initiating the possibility of them hooking up, and there seems to be no care in the world about Yvonne. I do blame the writing for this, because they had to insert Spoby as endgame and they messed up by rushing it. 

Basically, I blame all three of them. I've stated before about how I dislike Caleb and how I blame him a lot for how the love triangle was handled. My post was just focusing on Spencer's role in the entire mess since the time jump, and how I've liked her way more before the time jump happened. 

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Before the episode, I was wondering why Ali would take Emily out to the woods, even allowing for the attachment to the kissing rock, when AD is running around. But seeing as how her house gets broken into constantly, I now get it. The woods probably are safer than her house at this point!

Oh, Emily. It's good that you're kind, loyal and beautiful, because Ali certainly doesn't love you for your brains. First asking her if she'd put the game on her bed, when she'd been standing there staring at it in obvious shock. (Plus you know she hates even having it in the house, so why on earth would she move it to her bedroom?) And then romanticizing the idea of going on the run with the baby to Ali of all people. Ali spent two years of her life on the run and knows exactly how hard that was in itself. Thinking that she would want to try to do that again, with a kid in tow this time, is dense of Emily. Plus I do not think Ali would want that kind of life for her child. But Ali was nice in the way she gently shut down that idea.

I liked that Ali wouldn't join the group swear. Promising a blanket "we will understand no matter what" is nuts in my view, especially given Aria's actions. Speaking of, I appreciated that it turned out that Aria betrayed her friends for nothing, since it eliminates her ability to rationalize her actions.

Tanner! I clapped in glee when she turned up. So glad she's back for the final episodes! That said, I didn't understand the bit between her and Spencer about Tanner rescuing them from the dollhouse five years ago. Ali and the boys rescued them, not the police - Ali actually had to give the police the slip as part of the rescue plan that they devised.

  • Love 1

I know a lot of people hate watch this show but despite the show's many many flaws (eww inspiring pregnancy that is supposed to be romantic and cute but rubs me the wrong way and yet still makes me want Emily and Alison to work things out) I still enjoy watching the show.  I actually liked most of this episode.  Spencer stonewalling Tanner,  Aria bring really bad at being bad,  Teddy bear prison,  To yblooking like a mountain man serial killer.  

I really am going to miss this train wreck and yet strangely fascinating show when it is over.  

9 minutes ago, Mrs. DuRona said:

Pretty solid episode.  As a Keene State College grad, the highlight for me was the random "We have pictures of you in Keene, NH" fake alibi, haha.  

I think Ali is working with/for the cops.  Which is how Tanner called her on the burner phone.

I think the same! How else would Tanner know her burner phone number? And why would Ali even answer the phone in the middle of such an intense, emotional confrontation? It totally felt like she was waiting for that call and knew exactly who it was going to be, and why Tanner only called Alison instead of all of them. It would explain why she didn't swear to stick by them at the end of the episode as well.

I'm also wondering if this will link in to the Liars' attitudes toward Ali in that flash-forward scene that we're getting next week. I still feel like it's going to turn out to be a dream, but if it's real, maybe the girls find out that Ali went behind their backs and that's why they're so aggressive and annoyed with her when they burst into her classroom.

Edited by marinaalexis
  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, mac123x said:

Aria called Spencer on Spencer's burner phone also.  I guess the police let them put their phones on call-forward or something. 

Well the whole reason they got the burner phones in the first place was so they could still communicate with each other, so I assume they all exchanged numbers and at some point Aria was informed.

The police had nothing to do with the burner phones so I'm not sure how that's possible or when that would've happened?

Spencer your such a hypocrite and Aria its not Aria fault your parents our getting a divorce your Daddy did that all by himself and Aria did not destroy everything you care about lets not forget spencer you put on a black hoodie to and kidnapped malcom plus Aria did not technically hurt anyone just planted a burner phone and destroy a baby room

50 minutes ago, Froippi said:

Spencer your such a hypocrite and Aria its not Aria fault your parents our getting a divorce your Daddy did that all by himself and Aria did not destroy everything you care about lets not forget spencer you put on a black hoodie to and kidnapped malcom plus Aria did not technically hurt anyone just planted a burner phone and destroy a baby room

A key difference though would be that Spencer joined the A team to try and get to the bottom of things to ultimately help/free them all; Aria joined the AD team to save Ezra's ass. The only other people who stood to benefit was herself.  

  • Love 5

I am not a fan of Ali and I can't understand how the girls can even deal with her--she bullied them horribly in school, manipulated them right and left and fully expects them to help her at the drop of a hat and yes her not agreeing to the pledge will play out in these last two episodes.  Ali is untrustworthy and Emily--as well as the other girls--will get burned.

I haven't liked Spencer since the time jump and I especially didn't like her blaming Aria on her parents' getting divorced.  She's an adult woman in her twenties, I'm pretty sure her parents splitting up isn't going to ruin her life--she'll be sad yes, but it's not this tragic even she'll never get past.  And Spencer just seems so needy now and leaping into relationships with emotionally unavailable men without even thinking about the consequences until she's hurt--she wasn't like this in high school where she could have a legitimate excuse for her rashness.

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Peanut6711 said:

A key difference though would be that Spencer joined the A team to try and get to the bottom of things to ultimately help/free them all; Aria joined the AD team to save Ezra's ass. The only other people who stood to benefit was herself.  

still though she kidnapped a kid have a hard time over looking that just like people have a hard time overlooking what Ezra did to

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, AftermathTV said:

I won't even be mad if Twincer exists so long as Alison is in an axis of evil with her.

Anything to ruin Emily's elopement. 

I'm good with anyone being A if Alison is A along with them. 

As far as Emison I'm still suspicious of that "fall" in the school a few weeks ago. They brought it up again in the previously and I was waiting all episode for Alison's big reveal that she miscarried. Why would they remind us of that stupid scene otherwise?

5 minutes ago, Peanut6711 said:

A key difference though would be that Spencer joined the A team to try and get to the bottom of things to ultimately help/free them all; Aria joined the AD team to save Ezra's ass. The only other people who stood to benefit was herself.  

What was Toby's reasoning for all the things he did when he was on the A Team? Why could she forgive him immediately? Why did Hanna continue to visit Mona in Radley, even after all that she did to her and the others? Why does Alison forgive Cece and actively tried to get the girls to help free the one who tortured them for over a year? Alison was accepted into the group early on, but she wasn't part of the Liars until the time jump.  

Now, I get why Aria is being shut out; she did choose Ezra over her friends, so they can be pissed. But what she's done is not nearly as bad as what others have done. It's why I keep saying that these girls are not actually friends. Each of them continue to choose their love interests over each other. They continue to handwave what they do, but criticize a lot of moves that each girl does. 

I just think the whole "we can never trust you again. We can never ever forgive you. You're an awful person" mantra is way over the top, as if this is all new to them. Again, Aria hasn't done anything that bad in the last two weeks. Spencer has this new pattern where she deflects blame on other people that might be part of it, but isn't really the primary problem. Spencer's been extremely condescending and acting like she's holier than thou, which is a major issue with her character this season. 

  • Love 1
38 minutes ago, marinaalexis said:

I'm good with anyone being A if Alison is A along with them. 

As far as Emison I'm still suspicious of that "fall" in the school a few weeks ago. They brought it up again in the previously and I was waiting all episode for Alison's big reveal that she miscarried. Why would they remind us of that stupid scene otherwise?

Same. There was a moment in the first scene when Emison were in the living room and Emily was all how are you? I half expected them to say she lost the baby or something.

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Same. There was a moment in the first scene when Emison were in the living room and Emily was all how are you? I half expected them to say she lost the baby or something.

Yes! I was ready for that too. And same thing when they were first talking in the woods, and Ali said something about no longer wanting to escape Rosewood. I was totally expecting her to admit that she didn't want to run away with the baby because they is no baby anymore.

10 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Not gonna lie, "wait for it" made me think Barney Stinson was AD for a minute.  

Aria: "Wait...Is this Barney?!?!"

AD: "This is not Barney...but I hear that guys awesome".

I laughed SO HARD at Aria stupidly getting caught by the Liars out in the woods, and everyone yelling at her about clearly choosing Ezra over her friends. I know I should be rolling my eyes at the hypocrisy of the whole thing, but I'm just so over Aria, that I can so nothing but laugh at her misfortune. Even when she tries to do the right thing, she totally fucks everything up.

So AD phones just...spontaneously combust? Like those "This mission with self destruct" mission briefs from Inspector Gadget. Ah, a show with FAR more logic and dignity than this show.

This one did have a few nice moments and scenes, like Spencer finally smashing that stupid phone and Hannah wondering why they never thought of doing that, and Mona just being awesome in general. So not a total failure of an episode, but a lot of PLL style ridiculousness.

  • Love 5

Caleb mentioning spousal privilege made my spidey senses tingle. Marlene would have to pull a thousand rabbits out of a thousand hats for his motivation to make any sense, but it would at least be a rewarding surprise if he was involved somehow because no one seems to suspect him at all and he's been around since season 1. Unlike the reveal of Sara Harvey which had the entire PLL fandom shouting, "she doesn't even go here!" 

This is just a prediction, but I'm convinced that Mona killed Charlotte, A.D. knows it, Mona knows A.D. knows it, and her motivation for solving the game is rooted in self-preservation with a side of reflexive love for Hanna. Theirs truly is a love that dare not speak its name.

There was decent fodder for the theories about Alison and/or Ezra being A.D.! Alison finding the game in her bed followed by the game disappearing when the cops show up, Tanner knowing her burner digits, and her muteness when everyone said they wouldn't rat each other out. Also the previously with her "fall" but no pay-off? Something's gotta be up. And Ezra...I can't even with that motherfucker, like ever, but for the theories, there were a few things: his ain't-no-thing-but-a-chicken-wing attitude toward knowing about the police report so he could keep Aria in his thrall, the phone planted in their apartment, and the convenience of Aria being let off the hook. 

Y'all have said pretty much everything that needs to be said about the ships and the shipping montage. You guys, I haven't felt that uncomfortable since the Ezria/Emison montage in 5x05, and that montage was set to "Every Breath You Take."

Y'all have also said pretty much everything that needs to be said about Aria. She is so basic.

Much fodder for the Twincer theories as well, but I hope it doesn't happen. If you're putting together a puzzle, you like to have all the pieces in front of you. It's so much more rewarding when there are clues woven through a show and when it finally lands on someone, the reaction is either "yes! called it!" or "ugh, I was so sure it was X character, but I can totally see how they did that, well played show." Both reactions, BTW, are signs that the showrunners crafted a viable mystery. Season 1 of Veronica Mars is a perfect example. It's just not satisfying to pull something out of thin air unless it comes from Mona. Mona can do whatever the fuck she wants, and we're all here for it.

While I'm on the subject of carefully crafted mysteries, an example of a shitty reveal was how the Charlotte/Cece reveal was an unnecessarily careless handling/introduction of a transgender character. In an effort to pull a gender switcheroo on the audience, Marlene stepped in one of the more destructive tropes about LGBT characters. Also, killing Charlotte when transgender women of color get murdered on the regular is doubly careless.

I will never be on board with Emison, but I could actually stand Alison in this episode. For basically the first time not in a flashback, her affection for Emily seemed rooted in something other than being dependent or how Emily feels about her. And she was speaking for the entire audience when she called Aria out for choosing Ezra over them. PREACH.

  • Love 9
20 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:


I love that Toby has been up at the cabin for, like, what, two weeks? And he comes back with a beard and a flannel shirt to show us that he has become a mountain man.


That's just Toby's latest Hairstyle of the Week.  That's how he rolls.  In the long run, that's the main thing i'll remember more about the character even more than Keegan's "acting" ability.  

Just remembering the two and a half seasons that took place in a two month period.  Toby would have had to literally have a Hairstyle of the Week if not Day during that time.

Maybe Toby really is in love with Twincer and Twincer is a professional hair stylist.


I just watch ET live today for pll and they had a interview a few weeks back with Keagen Allen saying their would not be another Toby kiss if that ends up being a true and that is a big if then Spencer with Toby was not Spencer also Aria did not find that phone in Ezra apartment it was in the Brew and some people think Mona might have put that phone their to set Aria up its hard to say also like to add that AD can be everywhere so while it might look like Ezra AD that may not be case


Honestly i really can't stand Spencer anymore as far as i'm concerned what Spencer did kidnapping that Kid is just as bad as what Ezra did but oh no Spoby is to adoreable to screw that up so if we our going to frown on Ezria we should be frowning on Spoby double standard BS i'm tired of hearing on twitter, reddit, and facebook sorry not meant for anyone on these forums just some stuff i'm tired of reading about 

Edited by Froippi

This show. This freaking show. It's like the writers  compete among each other who can write the most nonsensical plots. Caleb doesn't bother asking Hanna before informing her mother about Hanna's insignificant troubles with the law. Said mother takes this in stride and approves Caleb's idiotic idea to marry Hanna right that evening. She isn't angry at all that Caleb and Hanna's little evidence destroying stunt might cost her her job or even her freedom if the police assumes she must have helped.

Spencer's parents are once again nowhere to be found when their daughter is being interrogated by the cops. None of the other Liars uses the services of a lawyer either.  That spectacular failure of a detective known as Tanner is back why exactly?

Aria's drama leaves me completely cold. As I have mentioned before, her writing a report accusing Ezra and not bothering to destroy it later is the laziest of all retcons and does not fit with established characterization at all. Her yelling at AD considering AD played her like a fiddle is none too convincing either. Spencer blaming Aria for her parents getting a divorce - is she ten or something? Not only would Veronica be fully justified to get rid of Peter but AD could have easily planted that phone with or without Aria's help, what is the big deal?

And then there is the romance. To say that it is forced would be an understatement of epic proportions. Emily and Alison, are the dark woods really so romantic with a killer on the loose?

  I loved how Caleb only now realized that the game should have some way of connecting to the internet. Some hacker, that guy.


The montage of everyone doing it reminded me of the last episode of Buffy where everyone spends their last night before the big battle together.

Yes, and that Buffy episode was truly terrible, IMO, even more than this one.

  • Love 7

If my memory serves me correctly, didn't Spencer join the A Team as a double agent so that could try to get intel to figure out who A was? If I am remembering that correctly, I wouldn't say that's in the same boat as Aria. Spencer may have 'kidnapped' Malcolm but if her intentions were always to fight A from the inside, then A's influence on Spencer would only go so far as Spencer felt it reasonable for her and Malcolm was never in any danger, especially if Spencer was the A Team member that dealt with that part of A's plan. Aria is another ballgame because her actions were purely selfish to cover up her own stupid tracks at the expense of her friends and while she didn't know exactly how her role in AD's games would impact her friends, she knew that it wouldn't be good. She intentionally took part in something that she knew would truly cause harm to her friends. Anyways, I can't stand Aria and it was temporary happiness to see them turn cold on her. I'm fed up with her and especially with her and Ezra. Still rooting for her to be a casualty of AD's before this show is over.

So did Mona kill Charlotte, is that why she's tracking the game so closely and looking so guilty? Because she needs to make sure that one of them takes the fall for what she did otherwise AD will come after her?

I know this show has long since established that you need to disregard realism and common sense because none of this show is any of that and it's also premised on the fact that these girls are incredibly stupid, but it seems like really incredibly lazy writing if you have to rely on keeping the identity of A/AD or whoever up until the last two episodes of the series. Unless it ends up being someone obvious, it looks like they're just going to end up rushing through a history lesson of why AD chose to be AD.

Emily and Allison don't work. I really wish they didn't try to make this a thing.

  • Love 1
56 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I know this show has long since established that you need to disregard realism and common sense because none of this show is any of that and it's also premised on the fact that these girls are incredibly stupid, but it seems like really incredibly lazy writing if you have to rely on keeping the identity of A/AD or whoever up until the last two episodes of the series. Unless it ends up being someone obvious, it looks like they're just going to end up rushing through a history lesson of why AD chose to be AD.

That's because it is lazy, it's kinda obvious they've been dragging this series out much longer than it needed it to be, so they had to come up with yet another A.

  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

If my memory serves me correctly, didn't Spencer join the A Team as a double agent so that could try to get intel to figure out who A was? If I am remembering that correctly, I wouldn't say that's in the same boat as Aria. Spencer may have 'kidnapped' Malcolm but if her intentions were always to fight A from the inside, then A's influence on Spencer would only go so far as Spencer felt it reasonable for her and Malcolm was never in any danger, especially if Spencer was the A Team member that dealt with that part of A's plan. Aria is another ballgame because her actions were purely selfish to cover up her own stupid tracks at the expense of her friends and while she didn't know exactly how her role in AD's games would impact her friends, she knew that it wouldn't be good. She intentionally took part in something that she knew would truly cause harm to her friends. Anyways, I can't stand Aria and it was temporary happiness to see them turn cold on her. I'm fed up with her and especially with her and Ezra. Still rooting for her to be a casualty of AD's before this show is over.

That, and I do think she mentioned to Toby that she was protecting him, exactly how Toby was "protecting" Spencer when he joined the A Team. He probably did just as many bad things, if not more, as an A minion and Spencer barely got mad at him, all because he started crying or whatever. She got pissed for about an episode, had a mental breakdown, and then understood. Toby tried to run down Lucas, he might have been the one to plant a snake in the dressing room where Spencer/Cece were (I don't know if that was confirmed), he attacked Hanna in that mannequin shop. There were a lot of things that happened to the girls that Toby at least stood by and let happen. So when Spencer says she can't forgive Aria, it's fine if she can't. It's just that she wasn't as upset with Toby when he harmed them all as A. 

Not that I'm defending Aria because she's the dumbass for protecting her fiance and not doing it to also find out who A.D is. That idea seemingly came to her when she already joined the team. I'm also fed up with her and Ezra, and have no care about her guilt. Maybe don't protect your fiance, then. I'm just mad at all parties involved but the fight is only lasting an episode or two, regardless.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, ringwaldoeuvre said:

While I'm on the subject of carefully crafted mysteries, an example of a shitty reveal was how the Charlotte/Cece reveal was an unnecessarily careless handling/introduction of a transgender character. In an effort to pull a gender switcheroo on the audience, Marlene stepped in one of the more destructive tropes about LGBT characters. Also, killing Charlotte when transgender women of color get murdered on the regular is doubly careless.

Yeah, this show has a REALLY unfortunate habit of writing things that are filled with extremely unfortunate implications, just for the sake of a "twist" or a "shock". Charlotte was probably one of the worst, but there have been tons of them (looking at you, creepy rape by fraud issues of Spencer's dad and her aunt/mom) and they don't seem to be slowing down as we come to a close.

So, a few months ago, I was out getting drinks at a bar with a friend/co-worker. Said friend/co-worker is, politically, a rather conservative republican, while I'm a pretty liberal democrat. We occasionally talk politics, but, since we don't agree on much on that front, we both get tired of arguing pretty quickly(although it never gets ugly, luckily) and move onto other topics. This night, however, it somehow came up that we both watch PLL, even though it had never come up before, and we started laughing about the multiple stupid plot twists, especially the identity of A/Charlotte/CC. Then, she said she didn't like the twist because she thought making the villain a trans woman was giving into "political correctness" and trying to edge into the media discussion of trans peoples rights. I said that I hated the twist because it made the shows only transgendered person a crazy evil villain, who ended up pointlessly dying off screen. She was like "wow, I never thought about it like that. It actually kind of seems unfair, its not like you hear about many psycho killers who change genders" and it turned into a whole discussion, ending with us both cracking up that PLL actually made a twist so stupid all that ALL people of ALL political affiliations can agree is stupid, even if its for different reasons.

I swear, I have the weirdest, most interesting PLL related conversations with the most random people.

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 9
On 6/14/2017 at 9:32 AM, insubordination said:

I think it was a mistake to write him out. The character was really growing on me.  Couldn't he be the one good cop? What was the point of him then? The actor was doing a good job and didn't deserve to be just dropped like that.  Hopefully, he gets work on a better show.

As soon as I saw Tanner I knew Marco was gone for good with some shitty excuse as to why he left. He still could have stayed on the case even with Tanner there. But this is Rosewood. They can't have any competent police detectives so obviously he had to go. I was starting to like him too and was disappointed when I realized that they just kicked him off the show. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, itainttippithebird said:

Hmmm, I think you better get to sharpening your knife and have a bitch at the ready!


(I know no spoilers, FYI, just pretty convinced on the Twincer front!)

The reason why Twincer is pretty much a lock, is that 1. They'd love to use Troian like that and 2. It's fanservice for people who have wanted a twin to be A for years. Just like the fanservice with dark side Aria. They didn't actually have something planned for final A, so now they're just using what the fanbase repeatedly speculates to make up storylines. That's why Marlene called these final 10 episodes a love letter to the fans. (It's failing on most fronts, but I can admit Paige's comeback provided for closure and gave her independence with breaking free of her first crush). She really is the only lead love interest to not be ruined. And the only LGBT character that has been written with proper development in mind.

  • Love 3

Well, I'll just step in here with my poorly thought out theory that Charlotte was supposed to fake her death with "Archer Dunhill" for whatever nonsensical reason but ended up getting killed by their lame plot. AD thinks that Charlotte was killed by one of the Liars hence the over the top, improbable "game", stalking, etc. Who is that dead body that magically gets transported around so well-preserved? Some random or maybe AD's (twin) brother which equals the same thing. The end. 

Edited by kissedbyarose
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