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S05.E22: Missing

Tara Ariano

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3 hours ago, quarks said:

2. When and how did Felicity switch from that velvet jacket to the one she was wearing later? Didn't she and Diggle just immediately pick up and leave? It's an emergency, Felicity, and that jacket looked great! Why waste time on switching to another designer jacket that will be advertised online immediately after this and...oh.

I comfort myself that at least she didn't change into a pleather catsuit and long coat for an island showdown. Seems like all Laurels have the same priorities.

  • Love 4

Chase is the best thing of this season for me, I love him. He is crazy in a way that's so entertaining it makes me want to root for him.

I still don't get how they thought that they were safe with Talia on the loose..they knew she was helping Chase or did only Oliver know? I can't remember.

It's a true pity they are so fixated on making it all about Willaim..the episode could have been way more compelling if they put the focus on characters the audience knows and cares about. I get that Oliver has a soft spot for his son but being a father isn't getting a girl pregnant, it's taking care and raising a child and Oliver did none of that. So much that he can live with sending Willaim away and wondering about him only when someone reminds him of his existence. Willaim could have died in an accident or gotten an abusive step dad in the meantime and Oliver would have kept going on with his life oblivious of everything. Chase could have taken him and raised him to be a villain and Oliver would have found out in ten years when he showed up to kill him. And I notice how meaningless his relationship with William is even more when I see Lance being so focused on WD's drama with his daughter because he was a father for real, he raised and loved two daughters. It's something that is part of him, he can't forget about it until someone reminds him of that.

I thought Lance's reaction to E2 Laurel was perfect. He was distraught because he thought it was his Laurel but when he realized she only looked like her he had a hard time because of the way she looks but he didn't want to adopt her because if she looks the same she can be his new daughter. Yay for not going down that bizarre road again show!

I really liked the Olicity scenes but the best of the episode for me was the Felicity/Diggle scene..I don't know if it's because they are so rare but I loved it. The actors play that friendship so well.

I thought it made sense for Oliver to hallucinate Laurel because they have to wrap the FBs up (even if it's kinda funny at this point since the plan has changed so much, especially regarding her) but the actress looks so different it weirded me out. 

  • Love 15
18 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I just hope that the William thing is being hit so hard right now because of the fathers and sons thing they have going on this year. If that's the case, I can stomach one more episode of it. 

Or because they are killing his mom off to Oliver be a dad. (That will probably be more Felicity being a step mom since between being the mayor and the GA he has no time)

I get using kids to show how evil a bad guy is..like when they take a school bus full of kids for leverage and you know the stakes are high because they are innocent..they should have gone for that angle here as well with William deserving a safe, happy life because he is a child and not making it seem like Oliver would break without him in his life when he isn't in his life anyway. I get saying the guilt of an innocent being killed because of you can destroy a person but that would be true for any child, not because he has a special bond with Oliver.

  • Love 4
49 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I still don't get how they thought that they were safe with Talia on the loose..they knew she was helping Chase or did only Oliver know? I can't remember.

They do know. Oliver said she took Curtis when he and Dig were in Dinah's flat and Felicity was on the coms with them.

1 minute ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Or because they are killing his mom off to Oliver be a dad. (That will probably be more Felicity being a step mom since between being the mayor and the GA he has no time)

You guys are killing me with this. I wholly agree with the rest of your post.

I love that friggin' birthday party so much. Can we make that an annual May thing? Felicity put up green arrows on the wall! And the way Lance looks at these two goobers. It's like, yeah, finally getting it. They ARE the cutest together. Plus, Felicity complimenting him on the wrapping and her off screen, Everybody needs socks. Hee.

If Quentin needs a surrogat child, can it be Thea? I really liked their scenes and it would be an upgrade for the both of them.

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

I wish they hadn't gone as far as they did with her this ep by revealing that chaining Quentin up was difficult for her and that she'd struck a deal with Chase that he'd stay safe (unless she was lying).

I thought she was. I didn't buy in her "this hurts me, too" thing for a second - don't know if that was KC's or BS's bad acting, haha.

Anyway, I liked the episode, but..

- was Oliver really going on again about how having people in his life made him vulnerable or whatever nonsense? Did he really need a pep talk from Malcolm of all people?

- so Oliver basically was, "fine, Chase, you can kill everyone because I'm not playing your game/you're not pulling my strings anymo- William? MY BOY! I shall set you free, you'll obviously keep your word." What the hell?

I knew we would be having an E1 Laurel apperance - didn't make it any less horrible.

Did I hear it wrong or did Yao Fei say Aki instead of Akiro? Anyway I missed a good chunk of lines - and I can't even find transcripts anymore. Enunciate, cast!

But the party was awesome. And Slade too. And Chase. :)

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, looptab said:

I thought she was. I didn't buy in her "this hurts me, too" thing for a second - don't know if that was KC's or BS's bad acting, haha.

I thought the same thing as you but then I read others' comments and am suspecting KC's "choices" now. This is a problem.

16 minutes ago, looptab said:

Did I hear it wrong or did Yao Fei say Aki instead of Akiro? Anyway I missed a good chunk of lines - and I can't even find transcripts anymore. Enunciate, cast!

It's actually Akio, but I heard him say Aki too. I also think he said Shadu instead of Shado.

  • Love 2

I don't think I even see William as a kid to be honest. More like a really irritating awful plot point/producer grudge that I want dead and I think that's the trouble with how they've executed the plot. It was laughable. I don't feel like I'm wishing death on a kid but rather an annoyance.

Compare that to AoS where the child character was a computer simulation but really tugged at my heartstrings and hit all my mummy buttons. 

Edited by Mellowyellow
  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I don't want him to die because it would just create drama I don't care for because I don't care for him and can't connect to Oliver's feelings towards him since they didn't write him as his dad. I wish him a very happy life offscreen. 

Ditto. With his mom who is to stay alive and well and taking care of him somewhere far away from SC. Thea seemed to like Corto Maltese, no? And Oliver can go visit during hiatus.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Did Evelyn even utter one word in this episode or is she really that forgettable? I genuinely cannot remember.

Also, I still don't understand her motivation for joining Chase. Like, you're mad at Oliver for killing so you go join up with a sociopath? Um...okay then.

I can't remember Evelyn talking, but like you said, she is that forgettable.

To be fair, I don't think she understands her motivation for joining Chase either, so... I think they just really wanted one of the recruits to betray the team and she was the one they picked, so they just half-heartedly came up with a reason and then kept moving forward. But still, we're supposed to believe she hated what Oliver did in the past so much she's okay working with someone who will kill his own wife and kidnap an innocent kid? 

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, quarks said:

2. When and how did Felicity switch from that velvet jacket to the one she was wearing later? Didn't she and Diggle just immediately pick up and leave? It's an emergency, Felicity, and that jacket looked great! Why waste time on switching to another designer jacket that will be advertised online immediately after this and...oh.

Maybe they should change Felicity's code name to Quickchange?  The wardrobe changes in this ep were just downright silly.  They had Felicity in 3 different outfits in the span of one evening.  She went from that lovely party look to the flowery top/green jacket (complete with different hair and jewelry) from the time Curtis called her in the loft to when she was in the lair on comms with Oliver and Diggle.  Then she changed again (at least top, jacket and jewelry) to leave with Diggle.  I mean, I realize they need EBR to be in clothes she can run around in next ep, but one of those changes was just unnecessary.

I enjoyed the party scene, but the rest, eh.  Still fast-forwarding all of the flashbacks, now also fast-forwarding all the BS scenes and just generally rolling my eyes at Chase.  I won't even talk about the kid at this point, it's been covered how terribly they've handled that story line.  Just a big old, "Ugh".

  • Love 5

I enjoyed this episode and it frustrates me that it took this long to go back to being good.  That is 7 episodes in a row that I liked.  See show, you can do it.

The birthday party was fun. I like seeing everyone relaxed.  I also thought the cake was cute but what was cuter were Oliver and Felicity.  These two have a way of sucking me back in, even when at the beginning of the season I swore this show ruined it for me. That's the magic chemistry of SA and EBR.  Of course, I loved my OTA (never enough) and the little Delicity scene and call back to season 2.    I was reminded tonight why I use to like Malcolm.  Season 3 and 4 really damaged his character for me.  I still don't want him back but he was the truth tea re: Oliver's stupidity.  I am also happy to see Nyssa but agree with others re: "Husband".  It has been overkill since the 1st mention, enough, we get it, let's move on, it is just stupid.  I also love JS.  I wish he wasn`t always ahead of the game, I wish it was more cat and mouse, but JS portrayal  of him is good.  I want more between EBR  and JS.  I also liked the `Ms. Smoak`` and `that`s the plan, sis``.  

Now what I dislike.  Willy.  I can't take this story serious.  I can't invest in someone who I don't care about and was never shown to care about.  This kid is the new LL for me - can't act, told not shown, and storyline is just terrible.   I know what the show is trying to do, but it is a little to late.  This show could have made me care about this kid but choose to go the BMD root instead of showing a real relationship between Oliver and his kid.  Please send him away after this season.  He (in my opinion) serves no purpose.

Lastly, BS.  Honestly, I just don't care.  There is a FF button for a reason and since I don`t watch live anymore (joys of kids activities), I rely on the live forum and I know what to skip.  My only problem is of course PB.  I hate that I might miss a good scene but, I can`t watch someone who cannot convey any emotion or expression.  I have never disliked a character like LL or BS.   Maybe BS can take Willy away and live happily everafter. 

  • Love 15
13 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I didn't like the "my boy" line, and I just never want to see or hear about that kid again. 

I love this so much, because I agree 100%. I want it to be tweeted at MG incessantly. How the fuck can he be "your boy", Oliver? You don't even fucking know him.

Re. the rest of the episode - I guess I wanted to like it. I just found it predictable, and I hated the way all the beats were predictable. Not just the William thing, because we knew that, but everything else. Curtis investigating Dinah's apartment? Gonna get kidnapped. Digg and Felicity go on the run? Gonna get kidnapped (seriously, Digg - how could you not see that truck or whatever it was? it was right there!). Thea and Lance in a "safe" "house"? Gonna get kidnapped.

It just reminded me of the Buffy season 2 episode, Becoming (part 1), where Angelus sets a trap for Buffy, she walks into it, and Angel just goes " . . . and you fall for it every time!" (which was what I was saying when the whole MY SON clusterfuck occurred) Except Buffy was a 17 year old traumatised teen, and Oliver's in his thirties.

I wasn't even charmed by Malcolm's "you're getting dumber with age", or whatever he said (don't care enough to rewatch) - simple reason, this was MG hanging a lantern on something we've been complaining about FOREVER.

I know this couldn't have happened, because it wasn't the season finale, but how awesome would it have been if Oliver, when Chase fake surrendered last week, just put an arrow in him. Goodbye, sucka! The look on his face! "But but . . . I had a plan of kidnapping everyone close to you!"

Oh, and Evelyn can't die soon enough. I mean it. Someone push her on a landmine.





I also love JS.  I wish he wasn`t always ahead of the game, I wish it was more cat and mouse, but JS portrayal  of him is good.

This so much! I found it hard to articulate what I didn't like about Prometheus, because JS is doing a magnificent job. But that's the reason. It becomes ridiculous to say he has no superpowers, because he keeps accomplishing some superhuman shit.

Edited by arjumand
  • Love 9

Show...stop trying to make William happen. Its not going to happen.

I'm serious. Why does this show think we care so much about this annoying kid? They cant keep using him as this big plot point, because the audience doesn't care about him, so when Oliver freaks out about saving him, it rings hallow. Oliver hardly knows him, and neither do we. He`s a plot point, not a character. All we know about William is that he's a generic (and stupid) kid, and that he represents one of the stupidest, most contrived plot lines the show ever did. So, I don't want anything bad to actually happen to him, I am fine if this is his last appearance.

Anyway, aside from the continued presence of the Cousin Oliver (no relation) of the Arrowverse, I actually did really like this episode. Seeing all of the past characters was super cool, and I thought it was generally a fun episode. Can I just say, I REALLY wanted that birthday party to continue longer? I know the plot is important, but I could watch Oliver talk about socks and awkwardly flirt with Felicity all day. I'm a sucker for fluffy hang time, what can I say?

Nyssa! Why cant some show in this verse just get Katrina on contract already, she's just amazing, even in just a few scenes! I want a Talia vs Nyssa show down! And I cant believe Slade is back! I know that MB didn't handle things well with his character, but I'm still super happy they got him back. No matter how stupid the show made his character, the man is amazingly charismatic. Has his crazy calmed down? It would be interesting if he got back on Oliver's side, after everything that happened. I'm sure Oliver could never actually let bygones be bygones, but it would be nice to see them working together again, and Slade being more like himself before he lost it.

I was even happy to see Malcolm again, LoT really did a lot to make me like him again. I enjoy him when he is a reluctant ally of Oliver, and spends his time being snarky, instead of trying to push him as more of an anti hero.

Quentin being all torn about Black Siren almost made her presence worth it. Although, I laughed at Quentin being all amazed by the idea of alternate worlds. Yeah its a weird concept, but how many times has his daughter come back to life magically? This isn't the weirdest thing you've dealt with. I also enjoyed Thea not at all low key shipping Olicity, and then Curtis shipping it even harder.

I'm actually really excited about the finale going into it, it seems like it could actually be really epic! The second half of this season has been really good, its too bad they had to get through so much padding in the first half of the season.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, thegirlsleuth said:

The three big cliffhangers/raise the stakes moments this season all involved characters that I don't care about.  First, Billy got arrowed.  Then Susan got kidnapped.  Then William's kidnapping pushed Oliver into crisis.  But for me, it held no stakes because I don't care about these characters.

Yes. All the DO IT FOR SAINT LAUREL stuff at the beginning of the season falls into the same category for me. I think this is the major failing of this season, which was full of failings: it disregarded its own history and instead expected the audience to care about things it took no time or effort to make us care about. So nothing resonated, and that's how the season is apparently going to go out, too--asking us to feel deeply about Oliver's Deep Feelings for his son, a character we don't know, a relationship we've never seen, which has barely been discussed this season. Of course, I'm sure Thea, Dig, Felicity and the others will be threatened, too. But, again, the show spent 2/3 of a season asking us to only care about new relationships and new characters (or dead ones), even though they didn't bother to ever show us why we should do that. And now in the last third of the season, they want us to go back to caring about Oliver's deepest relationships, except not too much, because they all pale in comparison to the most important, least-shown relationship of all. Bleh. *prayers up for Samantha and William's long lives outside of Star City*

12 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I didn't mind his vision of Laurel.  It's all Oliver's inner voice talking.  He'd want her to be understanding.  And it explains why he suddenly starts thinking of her as his reason to live while he was on the island.  It's conflated clearly but the guy's traumatized so I can forgive him, lol.

I'll admit I only watched the flashbacks via FF, but I actually found this hilarious? The show had to come up with an explanation for why for the last few years of flashbacks, FB!Oliver has barely considered Laurel, when we know that in S1 he claimed that she was the thing that kept him alive. So...now we know: at the last possible moment, he was drugged and hallucinated a version of her that told him what he needed to hear and that's how we get to S1. As usual, Oliver's idea of Laurel, and hers of him, has little basis in reality.

Edited by Carrie Ann
  • Love 21

Debating with friends this morning. I say Olicity is not reunited. They say they are. I thought they sort of agreed to think about dating again. There wasn't even a kiss! 

Anyway, making William the centerpiece of Chase's plan is just stupid, as you all have pointed out already.

I found myself just rolling my eyes at the cavalcade of costumed people during the later part of the episode. And irritated at Nyssa's "husband" once again.

Loved the Delicity callback to Season 2 although I'm wondering how Digg and Felicity walked away from that spectacular crash.

Oliver unable to keep his eyes off Felicity when people were sharing their summer plans was so hot. Also, Felicity was definitely remembering a night under the stars with Oliver, IMO. I wonder if it was specifically the Pacific Crest trail because Oliver's face suddenly got a very interested look when she started talking.

And not surprisingly Katie Cassidy still can't emote. Maybe they should have used VFX on her face instead of her hair.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Delphi said:

 I'd imagine that the team has various articles of clothing stashed at the arrow cave in case they needed to get out of dodge.   I mean,  if they have to flee its not the best option for Felicity and Thea to be running in tight skirts and heels while Diggle and Oliver wear tuxes.

Oh, absolutely.  But what I thought was weird was Felicity changed twice, once after the party and then again before leaving with Diggle.  Just seemed like overkill from the wardrobe department.

5 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Debating with friends this morning. I say Olicity is not reunited. They say they are. I thought they sort of agreed to think about dating again. There wasn't even a kiss! 

Anyway, making William the centerpiece of Chase's plan is just stupid, as you all have pointed out already.

I found myself just rolling my eyes at the cavalcade of costumed people during the later part of the episode. And irritated at Nyssa's "husband" once again.

Loved the Delicity callback to Season 2 although I'm wondering how Digg and Felicity walked away from that spectacular crash.

Oliver unable to keep his eyes off Felicity when people were sharing their summer plans was so hot. Also, Felicity was definitely remembering a night under the stars with Oliver, IMO. I wonder if it was specifically the Pacific Crest trail because Oliver's face suddenly got a very interested look when she started talking.

And not surprisingly Katie Cassidy still can't emote. Maybe they should have used VFX on her face instead of her hair.

TV line added them to the couples reuniting Finale sweeps list- I think they usually get given those by inside sources/show runners. So Olicity reunited. It's just not some big extravagant thing. It's more an understanding of them being together but taking it slow I guess. I'm presuming there will be something more overt in the finale in terms of them being together, like a kiss or something.

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Debating with friends this morning. I say Olicity is not reunited. They say they are. I thought they sort of agreed to think about dating again. There wasn't even a kiss! 


TvLine put them in the list of couple reunited but I was surprised when I read that. I thought they were agreeing they were ready to try again but with everything that was going on that reunion was postponed to the next episode (after they defeat Chase and save their friends).

It made sense to me when they used Tommy to further Oliver's journey. Their relationship was cut short by TM's death, but I also completely bought Oliver's hallucination of Tommy that told him he was a hero in S2. I absolutely believe Tommy's memory would motivate Oliver. Maybe it's because CD is a better actor and I liked his character. But using LL or Spawn as a motivation has fallen totally flat. What I saw on-screen of LL's relationships with these characters wouldn't inspire them, and we haven't seen enough of the Kid (thank godopus) for me to care about him. And his acting sucks. If he was an actual character (like the scrappy Stranger Things kids) instead of a plot point, there would be actual emotional resonance instead of something I have to endure to get to the next scene.

  • Love 20

I enjoyed this episode overall, with some quibbles.. However, while watching, I often felt like the robot on Mystery Science Theater 3000 and wanted to make snarky comments. That said, I'm trying to become more "zen-like and well-adjusted" about this show in order to enjoy the remainder of this season.

This episode seemed to have a ton of references to past seasons (plus clarifications, like, for example, Oliver's S1 computer skills), and also a lot of seeming meta references. Felicity's comment to Curtis that he's "worse than a shipper on a soap opera" could arguably be interpreted as either a meta jab or tribute to shippers. Similarly, her comment that she ordered Oliver's birthday cake for a 6-year-old because she wasn't sure she "could order a Green Arrow cake for a grown man" could arguably be interpreted as either a meta jab or tribute to comics fans. 

I loved the Olicity scenes, but it also makes me apprehensive that something's going to happen in the finale that'll derail their progress.

The child actor who plays William looks like he aged 3 years instead of 1. If he returns next year, his voice will probably have already changed.

The drug that Kovar gave Oliver really was a deus ex machina, wasn't it? To make Oliver relive all of his injuries again and push him into his S1 traumatized state.

Ugh. Stop with the attitude that blood family is more important than created family! (Malcolm: "Friends are one thing, but family is family.")  Oliver's team + Thea are Oliver's family. So... whatever. 

I thought the sonic modulator device that Curtis made for Dinah was left behind on the floor of Dinah's place - which would make it inaccessible to Dinah on the island (assuming she's on Lian Yu).

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 5
31 minutes ago, tv echo said:


Ugh. Stop with the attitude that blood family is more important than created family! (Malcolm: "Friends are one thing, but family is family.")  Oliver's team + Thea are Oliver's family. So... whatever. 


It's particularly annoying coming from Malcolm that wasn't a father to Thea for most of her life and when he was he used her to save his ass. Robert was Thea's father..he loved her, took care of her and raised her. Malcolm is nothing.

Edited by Midnight Lullaby
  • Love 12
1 minute ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Robert was Thea's father..he loved her, took care of her and raised her. Malcolm is nothing.

Exactly! They just had a whole episode about Thea dealing with her mixed feeling about Robert, and how he loved her even if he was a very flawed person, and wasn't her biological father! Its just like when Oliver was insisting on protecting Malcolm just because he's Theas bio dad, even though he's the same asshole who used Thea to murder Sara against her will! I don't get why the show is so suck on this whole "blood is blood" thing when it comes to parent child stuff. We had that whole lovely scene where Dig tells Oliver that when Andy died he never thought he could have another brother, until he met Oliver, but then we have stuff like Oliver being a million times more upset about his bio kid he doesn't know than his actual family/team/comrades in arms who he actually knows and loves. I don't care about Malcolm being Theas bio dad, because he sucks, and I don't care about William being Oliver's bio son, because we don't know him, and neither does Oliver. Stop making the whole plot be focused around relationships that are unhealthy or nonexistent! Really, its almost a little creepy. Sometimes people can love people they aren't biologically related to as family, and that alright, and sometimes, biological relatives suck, and shouldn't be in your life, and that's alright.

Really, the show could take a page from the second Guardians of the Galaxy movie...


Sometimes biological parents just suck and are awful and its better for everyone if they blow the hell up.

  • Love 12

Yeah I hate the weird importance the show puts on blood family but I feel like it's mostly a plot related thing.Because most of the show revolves around found family like team arrow apart from when it comes to needing a reason to do stuff like give Malcolm a reason to stay on the show way past what makes sense or make a underdeveloped character like William matter.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

It's particularly annoying coming from Malcolm that wasn't a father to Thea for most of her life and when he was he used her to save his ass. Robert was Thea's father..he loved her, took care of her and raised her. Malcolm is nothing.

Especially when you think about how Malcolm treated the kid that he did raise -- Tommy.

I can  understand why Felicity changed from the party dress to a jacket in the bunker. Unless you're chinning and upping, or being covered by someone who does. it's probably cold down there.  I wonder if she had time to pack a bag before she left town with Diggle.

I'm going to go against the stream and say that I liked Nyssa's "my husband" line as a callback to s3.  Just this once time though, never again.

9 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Or because they are killing his mom off to Oliver be a dad. (That will probably be more Felicity being a step mom since between being the mayor and the GA he has no time)

I tell ya, between JJ/Sara, Zoe and William, its time for a TA nanny so the others can do their work. Does the sister Lyla was visiting live in Central City?

6 hours ago, bethy said:

One question remains for me - what was Quentin's present for Oliver?


  • Love 1

Okay - since Nyssa likes reminding everyone of her "marriage," Samantha can die and Nyssa can raise her "husband's" child.  She can keep him safe and sound and off screen forever.  Problem solved! 

I have been wondering if Felicity's weird camping line is to set-up a joke about the island in the next episode?  It was such a weird line.

The ending with Felicity and Chase better be leading some where next episode, if for no other reason than my curiosity about how EBR and JS will work together. 

  • Love 8
14 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

Okay - since Nyssa likes reminding everyone of her "marriage," Samantha can die and Nyssa can raise her "husband's" child.  She can keep him safe and sound and off screen forever.  Problem solved! 

I have been wondering if Felicity's weird camping line is to set-up a joke about the island in the next episode?  It was such a weird line.

The ending with Felicity and Chase better be leading some where next episode, if for no other reason than my curiosity about how EBR and JS will work together. 

Given all the stuff they have to do in the next episode, I can't imagine we'll have much time for much of a scene between Felicity and Chase if we do get one.  I also need something between her and Slade (or at least a mention by him).  

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

 I also need something between her and Slade (or at least a mention by him).  

I am guessing any Felicity and Slade will be no more than a snarky exchange of a line or two.  But Chase is this season's big villain so I need some exchange between the two.  I know it will be short since it doesn't involve a) fighting/stunts or b) the dumb kid.  

I am also still curious if Chase had any knowledge of Helix given that he was the one who produced the drive that was used to help Diggle. 

I guess I didn't read much into the "Ms. Smoak" line.  IIRC, this is the first time Chase has actually met Felicity.  He has interacted with all the characters except her.  She's also the person who exposed him with the help of Helix.

As for Felicity & Slade


MG said he wrote a little something but he didn't know if it would survive the cut.


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