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"The View": Week Of 5/15/17

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Monday: Terrence Howard ("Empire"); "View Your Deal" Oprah edition with Adam Glassman

Tuesday: Minnie Driver & Micah Fowler (ABC's "Speechless")

Wednesday: Seth Meyers ("Late Night with Seth Meyers")

Thursday: ABC News' Byron Pitts (author, "Be The One: Six True Stories of Teens Overcoming Hardship With Hope")

Friday: Mark Cuban guest co-hosts on "Guy Day Friday";  Jeffrey Tambor (author, "Memoir: Are You Anybody?")

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Again, not one thing I'm interested in seeing.  Maybe Jeffrey Tambor, but the rest of the lineup is has no appeal to me.  This is the best they could do for sweeps?

Edited by Haleth
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5 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Well, Seth is adorable and very sharp in his commentary on the prez.  He might get some zingers in.  

I want him to knock heads with Jedifoxbot and wipe the floor with her in his sarcastic sweet way without him looking like a jerk. Or just shut her up!?

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So today they were talking about how Michelle Obama's lunch program is, naturally, being axed. This started a discussion about how superior lunch programs are in other countries and Joy mentioned the Michael Moore film where in France, school kids are treated to a lunch room with nice tablecloths, china, cloth napkins and nutritious, mouth-watering food. When Jed asks, "Who's gonna pay for this?" I thought...well...isn't that what TAXES are for?

Does she not understand how these things work?

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8 minutes ago, dinkysquid said:

So today they were talking about how Michelle Obama's lunch program is, naturally, being axed. This started a discussion about how superior lunch programs are in other countries and Joy mentioned the Michael Moore film where in France, school kids are treated to a lunch room with nice tablecloths, china, cloth napkins and nutritious, mouth-watering food. When Jed asks, "Who's gonna pay for this?" I thought...well...isn't that what TAXES are for?

Does she not understand how these things work?

People like Jedi want to pay as few taxes as possible.  And what taxes they do pay they don't want them used for things that benefit anyone they think should be taking care of themselves.  You know, children, people with jobs that don't pay them enough to live without assistance, seniors, the disabled, basically anyone who isn't a rich "job creator". 

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I think Joy was describing Jedi to a T when she was talking about people who resent anyone poor or sick getting something "free" from the government. Jedi gets worse by the day. "Who's going to pay for all that?" I don't know, the same people who manage to pay for it in France, Germany, etc.? I can't blame anyone who's quit the show because of her. She's easily the worst co-host who's ever been on this show, and that's a pretty big achievement when you think of who all they've had on the past 5 years.

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What these idiots like Jed won't back is directing money that's already in the budget to things other than "Defense".  I wanted to slap her silly when she started all that talk about who all should pay for kids lunches who can't pay. With so many people like her who don't want to pay towards anything that would help people they deem don't really need it school lunches really would end up being completely defunded like she wants. Especially down here in the South where programs that help people are always what get slashed or discontinued all together.

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The one thing that has surprised me is that the schools in my city got rid of paid lunch. Every child eats breakfast and lunch regardless of income. Then again my city goes blue even though the rest of the state is solid red and voted for the orange moron.

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42 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I think Joy was describing Jedi to a T when she was talking about people who resent anyone poor or sick getting something "free" from the government.

But they are always the first in line when they are handing out tax breaks.

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Terrence Howard is making news at least on twitter with his comment about indictments coming. I can't figure out if he's a good guy or not. Whoopi seems to like him a lot but I don't think she's a very good judge of character.

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1 minute ago, merriebreeze said:

Terrence Howard is making news at least on twitter with his comment about indictments coming. I can't figure out if he's a good guy or not. Whoopi seems to like him a lot but I don't think she's a very good judge of character.

I have never liked Terrence Howard. I've never been able to put my finger on it but I get a very negative vibe from him.  And unlike Whoopi I do think I'm a good judge of character.  I've been told I have very good spidey sense.

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5 minutes ago, merriebreeze said:

Terrence Howard is making news at least on twitter with his comment about indictments coming. I can't figure out if he's a good guy or not. Whoopi seems to like him a lot but I don't think she's a very good judge of character.


2 minutes ago, susieq147 said:

I have never liked Terrence Howard. I've never been able to put my finger on it but I get a very negative vibe from him.  And unlike Whoopi I do think I'm a good judge of character.  I've been told I have very good spidey sense.

Well, he has been accused (can't recall if he was charged) with domestic abuse. I read about it on this site, in the miscellaneous celebrity thread awhile back.

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I'm just amazed at Whoopi's assertion that it's "illegal" for the White House not to have press conferences. Say whaaaa? There's no obligation for any politician to deal with the press at all. (Not saying that would be smart, but it's not illegal.) The Great Sage needs to read the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment (of which I am a big fan) says -- simply and powerfully -- that the federal government can't pass laws controlling religion, the press, free speech, and the right of people to peacefully assemble. Nor can it prevent people from asking the government to pass laws to solve problems.

In other words, read a third-grade textbook about the things that caused people to flee England and/or pissed off the Founding Fathers.

Nothing in there about it being illegal to not talk to the press.

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4 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

I'm just amazed at Whoopi's assertion that it's "illegal" for the White House not to have press conferences.

Ignorance run rampant!  The constitution doesn't have a daily briefing mandate.  Can't WG google this shit?

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Yeah, Howard's tossed out comment about indictments was a puzzler. Too bad they went to commercial and didn't have time to ask about it.

Re school lunches, in so many communities meals at school are the only meals some kids get. Jed wants local govts to pay for nutritious meals instead of the Fed?  Guess what, Jed?  Local govts don't have the money. Around here they are closing schools and laying off teachers by the dozens.  If the Fed govt doesn't help with the school lunch program there won't be food for anyone there. Kids will be forced to brown bag it and you know a whole lot of kids will go hungry.  Then she dragged out that tired excuse that kids won't eat veggies anyway. So maybe the regulations need to be tweaked to allow for more palatable meals, but to toss out the whole program cuz kids won't eat broccoli is ridiculous.

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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

Then she dragged out that tired excuse that kids won't eat veggies anyway. So maybe the regulations need to be tweaked to allow for more palatable meals, but to toss out the whole program cuz kids won't eat broccoli is ridiculous.

I thought Sunny had the best response to that. "Kids don't like math either, that doesn't mean you stop teaching it."

Anyone else laugh today when Jedi went rabid after Joy mocked Ronald Reagan?

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Whoopi occasionally makes good points and then backtracks with general ignorance. She's said a lot of ignorant crap over the past years and loves getting the last word which is just obnoxious. I hope Sunny checks her one day because I'm sick of seeing her constantly trying to appease Whoopi. They need to replace Whoopi, Jed, and Sara because she adds nothing to the conversation.

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Terence whispers to Jed I agree with you the talks about the school lunches were all he had to eat some days. 

My aunt talks often about the a trial program they did in her school when jimmy Carter was president.  She says someone wheeled in a cart around 10am and you got to choose a fruit and half a bagel with an oj or apple juice.  The students grades improved greatly but the program was dropped.  

Edited by tribeca
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4 hours ago, susieq147 said:

I have never liked Terrence Howard. I've never been able to put my finger on it but I get a very negative vibe from him.  And unlike Whoopi I do think I'm a good judge of character.  I've been told I have very good spidey sense.

Howard got fired from "Ironman" because he was behaving like an asshole, copping attitude and nobody could stand him. For a few years after that, no one would touch him. I'm hoping that the fact that a show like Empire would take him on, must mean he's changed. And weren't he and his wife on the brink of divorce, amid rumors of domestic abuse?

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I have been a teacher for 20 yrs and breakfast and lunch has always been free for all students. You should see the quantities that get thrown away. Today my class was given 18 apples, 13 were thrown away untouched. 100% of the green beans is thrown. But they do eat the pizza and the nuggets when they are served. Most throw away the tater tots, but they do eat the bagged chips that are served. I mean, its tragic seeing the food that gets thrown. The kids do not like it. 

ETA: most times, I don't blame the kids for tossing the food, it is BLAND.  Prior to the lunch program overhaul I used to buy the school lunch regularly. Now, i curse the days that I forget my lunchbox at home because I will have no choice but to eat the tasteless school lunch.

Edited by Blissfool
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Couldn't an old folks' home or soup kitchen use 13 apples (make applesauce!) & tater tots (serve with catsup!)?  Green beans are vile, so I have no bright ideas about them -- but most other food can be turned into something tasty & nutritious.  None of it should be wasted. 

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All the schools in our area also serve free breakfast and lunch for all students regardless of income.  I do agree with Sunny that if we are serious about solving so many health issues that we have to offer healthy food.  I wish I had been encouraged more to think about healthy choices.  I think it will take time to change people's mindset, but it will be worth it. 

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33 minutes ago, 3pwood said:

Couldn't an old folks' home or soup kitchen use 13 apples (make applesauce!) & tater tots (serve with catsup!)?  Green beans are vile, so I have no bright ideas about them -- but most other food can be turned into something tasty & nutritious.  None of it should be wasted. 

Teachers have brought up that idea but its not allowed because it's "federal programs" and a bunch of munbo jumbo. Kids aren't even allowed to take a non-perishable home (i.e. apple). 

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A relative of mine graduated two years ago and I remember her posting on Facebook about being behind on paying for lunch and the lunch lady threw her lunch in the trash.  I don't think free lunches are everywhere. 

I graduated long ago ? and I don't ever remember breakfast being served at school.  My school was in a small town so maybe that's why 

I still want to know what Terence agreed with Jed about.  His comments after did not really match her views. 

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Kids love junk food. They will choose it if given a choice. If they throw out their school lunch and have access to junk food in vending machines, they will fill up on snacks. No vending machines access,  they will wait until parents pick them up and whine until they get mcdonalds chicken strips. Their palates have been destroyed by a constant diet of processed food, salt and sugar.  Kids diets are my pet peeve. I ate lunch with my grand at her school one day, greasy fried chicken or pizza. Guess what? It all went into the trash. They had 30 minutes for lunch, after standing in line we had about 10 minutes to hurriedly eat and clear our trays. It was chaotic. I couldnt believe parents didnt rise up and revolt over the way their kids are fed. But then the diets at home are not great either.  Rant over. Kids have to be taught to eat healthy. So STFU Jedi.

Edited by Morgalisa
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9 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

Kids have to be taught to eat healthy. So STFU Jedi.

Right, when kids eat healthy, they're healthy.  This is long-term investing.  I'm so old I don't remember eating breakfast or lunch, for that matter in grade school.  High school yes, grade school no.  I got lunch money everyday in high school and I bought cigarettes!

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So today they were talking about how Michelle Obama's lunch program is, naturally, being axed. This started a discussion about how superior lunch programs are in other countries and Joy mentioned the Michael Moore film where in France, school kids are treated to a lunch room with nice tablecloths, china, cloth napkins and nutritious, mouth-watering food. When Jed asks, "Who's gonna pay for this?" I thought...well...isn't that what TAXES are for?

Does she not understand how these things work?


Say whaaa????

How easy it is to spend money that's not ours.  I cannot begin to imagine the nightmare of finding tax money to pay for linen laundering, chipped china replacement, flatware washing, etc.

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Good lord, why does Whoopi have to contradict every frickin' frackin' thing Sunny says?  If Sunny said the sky is blue Whoopi would tell her (listen, here's the thing) she's wrong. So annoying. 

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A huge problem with school lunches is so much of it is processed food.  When I was in primary and middle school (which was the same school K-8)  all our lunches were homemade.  And they were so good.  And yes there was pizza but it was homemade pizza made with fresh ingredients.  In high school the quality went way down because most of the food was frozen or came pre-packaged.  There has to be some middle ground between healthy and junk food for school lunches.


And I do agree with the above posters who fault parents with their kids disliking healthy foods.  If a child is seldom exposed to healthy foods and is only given fast food and junk then yes they are going to prefer to eat that.  My son grew up with home cooked meals almost every night.  And now when my granddaughter comes for dinner I make sure to provide her with a home cooked meal.  And guess what?  She loves beets.  So if you offer kids healthy choices they might surprise you and actually enjoy them.

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Growing up, I always lived close to my school, so went home for lunch.  My Mom always had a home made soup & sandwich in the winter & a sandwich with a wholesome filling, like egg salad & lettuce, left-over roast beef or chicken & always a glass of milk.  I could have a banana or apple if I had room, but usually didn't.  Mom made EVERYTHING from scratch, even her bread, so that's what I was accustomed to.  I was about eighteen when I had my first piece of pizza, followed by other stuff that teens liked.  I never acquired a taste for junk food, but do like the occasional potato chip or cheesie.  Just sayin'.

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You would think that Joy would know abt schools since she used to teach. Yeah, Jedi said she was a teacher, but I think it was dance classes of her mom's. 

School lunches need a complete overhaul.

I am a teacher and YES:   there is enormous waste of fruit and veggies, as well as "meals" of processed, fatty unhealthy foods such as nachos, pizza, etc., and this provision may be the only food some kids get that day.  

Problem is that companies providing these foods cheaply win the district contracts. It's a money issue, less than nutrition. 

Many schools have eliminated vending machines from elementary and middle schools, despite  heavy pressure  (and big bribes full of dollars) from Pepsi and Coke not to do do.

Some high schools still have them, although some schools lock the machines until after lunch, to push the cafeteria food. If there is an open campus,  students usually go out for whatever.  

Funding for education and kids usually lose out, hence the push for private and charter control. 

Edited by Tosia
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1 hour ago, susieq147 said:

My son grew up with home cooked meals almost every night. 

My kids did too (they're 48 and 50), but they LOVED (as I do) every candy/junk food/fast food that came down the pike.  We're equal opportunity diners...we like it all.  We could be happy vegetarians.  We could be happy living at McDonald's.  Food, glorious food!

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Remember when Jamie Oliver did that experiment in a school district trying to educate families, kids and the school district on tasty and nutritious school lunches? Bureaucratic issues and all reverted back to precooked stuff when he left. I'm old enough that we didn't have as many processed foods available. My mother didn't have a healthy meal waiting for me. I made my own school lunch.  Cream cheese and Welch's grape jelly usually. Elementary school had great meat loaf and hamburgers cooked by the lunch ladies. Sometimes we didn't have the $$ for me to buy lunch. I think Jedi blah blah needs to be taken on a tour of a school and then maybe to a few homes so she can get a dose of reality. 

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My daughter brought her lunch to school everyday, never went through the line, more of a social thing. My son loved the cafeteria and going through the line. As a first grader, he came home one day and asked me to go and get the recipe for their vegetable soup because it was so good. Said it had green sticks in it. I guess I had never exposed him to green beans before that. 

School cafeteria spaghetti was my favorite.

Nowadays there's way too much money in those contracts, like Tosia wrote.

Edited by merriebreeze
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19 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Cream cheese and Welch's grape jelly usually

Another concoction to try!   My weird one is liverwurst and grape jelly...one of the few things given to me by my father.  My sisters thought it was gross.

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2 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

Another concoction to try!   My weird one is liverwurst and grape jelly...one of the few things given to me by my father.  My sisters thought it was gross.

I love liverwurst and I will give that a try.  It sounds very odd but I get the protein with sweet combo.  I like chutney with a steak, cranberry with chicken etc.   I love cream cheese with jelly or jam and I eat PB many, many ways!  

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12 hours ago, maggiemae said:

Good grief - what woman would not hold a door for a kid or challenged adult of any gender or give up a seat on a bus for an elderly person? Yes, just manners.

We're in our late 70s and my best friend since the 40s STILL doesn't "notice" when there's someone who needs the door held or opened for someone--this includes people in wheelchairs, people with canes, crutches, babies, packages/bags, etc.  She probably didn't give up her seat on the bus...or move down in a pew, etc. when we were young (I can't remember back that far).  She thinks I'm "so generous and thoughtful."  EGAD!

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I agreed with Joy on all the remarks from Republicans about being "troubled," "disturbed," etc., but yet they do nothing. Of course Jedi would use Chaffetz as her straw man Republican who says he'll do something considering, like Joy said, he's on his way out.

Whoopi was more incomprehensible than usual today. You could see Joy at some points was waiting for her to shut up already.

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3 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:


I agreed with Joy on all the remarks from Republicans about being "troubled," "disturbed," etc., but yet they do nothing. Of course Jedi would use Chaffetz as her straw man Republican who says he'll do something considering, like Joy said, he's on his way out.


Right. The same Chaffetz who had indisputable evidence that Obama had bugged Trump.  Evidence provided by whom?  Trump.

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Uh-huh. When it comes to ? ?, Jedifoxbot is all about "I want proof!!!" Whereas with Hillary-no proof but she was all frothing about "She COULD HAVE compromised National Security!!" And "Benghazi!!!"

First, you twit, the ? ? himself admitted WHY he fired Comey to Lester Holt, and proved himself and every one of his staff, who denied the reasons, as LIARS. His admitting he did what he did, said what he said to the Russians "because I'm President" and can do what he wants IS proof.

And how or why no one threw in her face how she has different standards for Hillary-who was exonerated-yet that didn't stop her from using what ifs, and for ? menace-who is doing and has done what he said Hillary was accused of doing, and thus has no right to run for office of President, just makes me shake my head before banging it on the desk.

I'm just going with the thought that Jedifoxbot knew she'd get destroyed by Seth if she went off on her defense of 45, so pretty much stayed mum. I feel cheated, frankly. I was looking forward to some smackdown.

Oh, has Graham changed his mind AGAIN, after recently praising ? menace for doing a "good job" despite all the attacks that even Obama didn't have to endure? ??

Whoopie. GOD. How difficult is to just say that most Republicans chose party over country? I We could have been spared your rambling and incoherent word ?.???

That all said, it was such a joy to see Seth.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Thinking of those wasted apples...
How about PTO/ PTA providing some stainless steel apple slicers.  A fun activity (motor skills) and easier to eat.

I'm thinking bacon and almonds would dress up those green beans :) lol

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