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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion


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10 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Christmas basically told josh to vote out someone over personal reasons (jessica and Cody) vs getting out a strong player (Elena) and I think she knew that sounded ridiculous because she paused after saying Elena was a strong player. 

It's like what I was mentioning the other day, about why she gets so pissed when people point out to her when she's acting weird, because if she ever actually took a step back and looked at what she was doing, she'd realize how dumb it was, so she does whatever she can to avoid doing so. 

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, missyb said:

Disregarding game talk or what makes sense in the game, I like the way, as friends, Josh and Xmas talk to each other. It is calm and level headed. They bounce off of each other. I find it fascinating to watch. Don't necessarily always agree with their point of view but they talk to each other not at.

I like that too. I also think it's nice that both of them are calmer with each other. Xmas I think in her bid to impress Paul comes across as agitated and angry and Josh has repeatedly said that Paul brings out a poor reaction in him too. I like how when the two of them together it's a safe space and they can talk without putting each other down.

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, himela said:

My opinion of Paul is that he is always aware he is playing a game that it's core is based on lies and manipulation so he behaves accordingly. I mean, there are many people who have won games such as BB and Survivor who were experts in manipulating other people's weak spots and the audience is OK with that and they admire them. I think that's why Paul doesn't mind using these methods cause he is of the opinion that the means jusifies the ends and that the audience always forgets about HOW someone won and they just remember that they won. I don't think Paul is evil or mean. I think he thinks everything is allowed cause it's a game (not abuse or violence ofc). I have a soft spot for Paul cause he is Armenian and well, Armenians are our brothers and sisters (I am Greek) and they have suffered a lot throughout the years. I know that's game irrelevant but well, it matters for me.


So are the Kardashians. It's not just that I loathe facial hair but Paul really is handsome in his before pictures.

Edited by Scout Finch
  • Love 1
43 minutes ago, missyb said:

Disregarding game talk or what makes sense in the game, I like the way, as friends, Josh and Xmas talk to each other. It is calm and level headed. They bounce off of each other. I find it fascinating to watch. Don't necessarily always agree with their point of view but they talk to each other not at.

Same. I like it as well. Nicole & Corey did that a lot last season as well, they would bounce off every single possible scenario and idea off eachother, just to make sure they were making the right decision. I enjoyed watching that. And I like it with Josh & Christmas now, you can be more open and comfortable when you really trust someone 100% and I think both Josh & Christmas really trust eachother and can talk it out. They aren't whining, they aren't trying to one up each other or talk over each other or demand something of the other. It might be confusing at times especially if you wander away from a conversation and then are like how the hell did they get to that point. Haha. But I get it, you need to really talk out your thoughts with someone to make sure you are making the right decision (or at least what you think is the right decision)-  a lot of people in this game don't have that. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
34 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Anyone know why there's a special episode on the 18th? BuyBack doesn't make sense as there'd only be two jury members at that point. 

They REALLY want Cody in the house.

All joking aside, I have no idea. It could be another special episode like last season, where it wasn't a battle back but some odd carnival comp/concert that I ended up skipping.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

They get $8000 in jury. That's not worth it when you consider how much is taken out for taxes. That's probably why we don't see more professionals on the show. They make a lot more money working their everyday job so BB is not worth it. 


3 hours ago, TheGapper said:

Maybe they all have low incomes like I do, being self employed, and then suddenly 8K sans taxes IS A LOT. (Here in the Mississippi Delta a little goes a long way.)

@TheGapper brings up an excellent point: how are the stipends disbursed? 

  • Salaries for (performance) services rendered are subject to both federal and state income taxes.
  • Per diem reimbursements are not.


4 hours ago, Emilissima said:

I don't know what that corn-cob-headed thing was, but that was the real winner, IMO.


Actually, I think that was a Killer Klown From Outer Space.



Edited by Nashville
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's like what I was mentioning the other day, about why she gets so pissed when people point out to her when she's acting weird, because if she ever actually took a step back and looked at what she was doing, she'd realize how dumb it was, so she does whatever she can to avoid doing so. 

You're so right. I feel like campaigning to her would be useless because she'll always take it as you talking down to her or telling her she made a mistake, which she'd never admit. And she'll trash talk you for trying to tell her what to do. At first I thought Jessica should've been talking to her the past couple weeks, maybe put some doubts in her about Paul or The House, and then I realized it would just make everything worse. Christmas would double her support for Paul/The House just so she can feel like she wasn't proven wrong. 

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, mooses said:

You're so right. I feel like campaigning to her would be useless because she'll always take it as you talking down to her or telling her she made a mistake, which she'd never admit. And she'll trash talk you for trying to tell her what to do. At first I thought Jessica should've been talking to her the past couple weeks, maybe put some doubts in her about Paul or The House, and then I realized it would just make everything worse. Christmas would double her support for Paul/The House just so she can feel like she wasn't proven wrong. 

Yep, that's it to a tee. Jessica has to be the right move this week, because if Elena was the right move, then Christmas was a moron for giving up her temptation, which she could have used in the future to help herself, to screw over Jessica, and since she can't be a moron because she's Christmas, then getting Jessica out over Elena MUST be the right move. 

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, The Companion said:

Ha! She can't even keep track of her fake issues. My endometriosis is the most painful thing I have ever been through. The cramps hurt more than the major surgery I had to treat it. Raven can shut up anytime.

I'm really surprised CBS's legal team didn't put the kibosh on Raven; even amateurs like me can pick up on the fact that she and her mother are grifters. She's -or her mother-  a lawsuit against CBS waiting to happen.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, mertensia said:

'm really surprised CBS's legal team didn't put the kibosh on Raven; even amateurs like me can pick up on the fact that she and her mother are grifters. She's -or her mother-  a lawsuit against CBS waiting to happen.

I saw like a very brief clip the other day of her mother talking to their doctor about their disease and the dr was more or less trying to sound doctory while still making the chances of organ failure seem possible but Ravens mothers was pushing and pushing him to overstate it. He didn't so she said, "so what you're saying is there's many ways to die from gastroparesis".  She was so triumphant about it,. She was trying to make everyone feel for them and obviously looking for more donations.  Let me tell you, if GD FORBID I had a "fatal" disease, and especially if GD FORBID GD FORBID my CHILD did, I would be out of my mind with grief and worry, just as we all would. The last thing I would be was triumphant and proud of myself and smirking. They're disgusting and loathsome beyond measure. I would rather Paul won than Raven and that is saying something 

  • Love 15

Where did you find this clip, @Rbonnie?  Google didn't help. 

5 hours ago, mertensia said:

I'm really surprised CBS's legal team didn't put the kibosh on Raven; even amateurs like me can pick up on the fact that she and her mother are grifters. She's -or her mother-  a lawsuit against CBS waiting to happen.

I am sure their contract is iron clad preventing an HG from suing them.  And she had doctors clearance, as well.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, missyb said:

Disregarding game talk or what makes sense in the game, I like the way, as friends, Josh and Xmas talk to each other. It is calm and level headed. They bounce off of each other. I find it fascinating to watch. Don't necessarily always agree with their point of view but they talk to each other not at.


10 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Josh is the only person Christmas doesn't get aggressive, condescending, and arrogant with so that's nice.

Except she's constantly feeding his delusions that Jessica and Cody are terrible people and they disrespected him beyond unthinkable levels. 

I will give them that calling Josh a sexual predator was probably too far but let's not forget how psycho Josh was those first few week.  (which still doesn't really excuse calling him that but an extreme reaction was creating another extreme reaction and it all started with Josh)

  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Where did you find this clip, @Rbonnie?  Google didn't help. 

I am sure their contract is iron clad preventing an HG from suing them.  And she had doctors clearance, as well.  

Wings I watched it the other day, not sure what but I'll look through my iPad history and do my best to find it again.  And hopefully even figure out how to post it!

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, Yolo said:

Raven Walton on Instagram: “A short Video of Ravens doc today talking about the differences between mild Gastroparesis and the rare severe ones like my family.…”

Yolo thank you so much!!  That's the exact clip that I saw....thank you for saving me the trouble looking for it.  Isn't she nauseating?  The doctor is the same doctor that they talk about on their gofundme too.  Someone gave them a hard time believing they were legit so they said if you don't want to donate to us then donate directly to dr Abel and gave his info.  

Really appreciate that you posted the clip, thank you ? 

  • Love 6
Just now, Rbonnie said:

Yolo thank you so much!!  That's the exact clip that I saw....thank you for saving me the trouble looking for it.  Isn't she nauseating?  The doctor is the same doctor that they talk about on their gofundme too.  Someone gave them a hard time believing they were legit so they said if you don't want to donate to us then donate directly to dr Abel and gave his info.  

Really appreciate that you posted the clip, thank you ? 

You're welcome! Raven's definitely her mother's child to say the very least lol, you can tell something's up because they can't keep quiet for shit!!

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, The Companion said:

Ha! She can't even keep track of her fake issues. My endometriosis is the most painful thing I have ever been through. The cramps hurt more than the major surgery I had to treat it. Raven can shut up anytime.

My daughter suffers horribly from it, has gotten in the way of college, the side effects from medication are horrible.  No way Raven would be flipping around in the backyard with it.

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Interesting the video cut at Stacy saying, so there are many wasps to die from GP.  I think the doctor probably said there is very little risk of death. 

There are many ways to die from a cup of coffee (choking, drowning, getting your cranium cracked by a travel mug, etc.); however, millions of people manage it daily without incident. :)


2 minutes ago, njbarmaid said:

My daughter suffers horribly from it, has gotten in the way of college, the side effects from medication are horrible.  No way Raven would be flipping around in the backyard with it.

Maybe it's still waiting its turn in line behind all Raven's other diseases...?  :>

  • Love 10
17 minutes ago, wings707 said:

nteresting the video cut at Stacy saying, so there are many wasps to die from GP.  I think the doctor probably said there is very little risk of death. 

I agree. And I just listened again...she's talking about her stomach, and she says since she and Raven have the severe form not the easily treatable form (she's awful) if it's not helped (by giving her money)  it could lead to failure to thrive and to organ failure.  So he says, yes, if treatment doesn't work it would fail like any other organ, heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure...he is merely pointing out that any organ can be subject to organ failure.  But this sicko jumps on it and says so you're saying there are many ways to die from gastroparesis as though he was listing possible consequences to other organs from her disease.  It's revolting.  He may also have been about to correct her by explaining what he was saying, and as you point out, they cut the video there 

  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, Cutty said:

So, reading some recaps, Josh/Christmas are suspicious of Paul's double dealing with Elena but have agreed that Jess needs to go. But they need to watch it around Paul. Kevin really thinks he can get Cody not to put any of his alliance (Alex, Jason, Josh, Paul, Christmas) on the block. Kevin really wants Matt or Raven out next.

Christmas needs to talk to Kevin.  I think it will be easy for him to see Paul's control. He is a reasonable man not given to flights of emotion and a wheeler dealer in real life.  There is hope here. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, gunderda said:


Except she's constantly feeding his delusions that Jessica and Cody are terrible people and they disrespected him beyond unthinkable levels. 

I will give them that calling Josh a sexual predator was probably too far but let's not forget how psycho Josh was those first few week.  (which still doesn't really excuse calling him that but an extreme reaction was creating another extreme reaction and it all started with Josh)

The sexual predator thing wasn't them just making something up though.  I thought it was ridiculous that they went there and it crossed the line.  But, they were told by Raven that Josh had been snooping on the girls in the shower.  Thats what led Cody to throw that out there.

9 hours ago, Nashville said:

@TheGapper brings up an excellent point: how are the stipends disbursed? 

  • Salaries for (performance) services rendered are subject to both federal and state income taxes.
  • Per diem reimbursements are not.

I feel like I remember hearing that the jury stipend is not taxed, but I might be making that up lol.

Am I gonna have to start rooting for Matt's lazy, useless, dirty ass simply because he's not quite as much of a horrible human being (still kinda sucks though tbh) as the others? Dammit!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

Just finished watching After Dark. I was basically The Paul Show. Just when you think finally! Paul is leaving an area, we can hear someone else talk for a change, the camera follows Paul.  I think the people who make that show either think we all just can't get enough of Paul, or they hate us.

And I finally realized who Cody reminds me of (personality wise) -- David Puddy, from Seinfeld.  All those silent stares.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I feel like I remember hearing that the jury stipend is not taxed, but I might be making that up lol.

Cody: It (Audrey) was a dude dressed up as a girl. 
(Jess covers his mouth.)
Cody: That's what he was!
Jason: It was a he first or she first?
Matt: I think the issue is you're saying "it."

Am I gonna have to start rooting for Matt's lazy, useless, dirty ass simply because he's not quite as much of a horrible human being as the others? Dammit!

I think sometimes this type of thing comes from sheer ignorance, vs. hatred.  If it's simply a lack of understanding I, myself, feel a lot more understanding of that as opposed to someone who just hates.

Matt is either more educated, more sensitive/compassionate/empathetic or (sorry to be a cynic) more PC. 

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, Jel said:

I think sometimes this type of thing comes from sheer ignorance, vs. hatred.  If it's simply a lack of understanding I, myself, feel a lot more understanding of that as opposed to someone who just hates.

I'm fairly confident in saying Cody is both ignorant and hateful. He's just a disgusting human being on multiple levels. 

  • Love 11
31 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Christmas needs to talk to Kevin.  I think it will be easy for him to see Paul's control. He is a reasonable man not given to flights of emotion and a wheeler dealer in real life.  There is hope here. 

Oh he already knows.  He talks to Jason about it every once in awhile. He knows Paul is running the show. 

22 minutes ago, MV007 said:

The sexual predator thing wasn't them just making something up though.  I thought it was ridiculous that they went there and it crossed the line.  But, they were told by Raven that Josh had been snooping on the girls in the shower.  Thats what led Cody to throw that out there.

I know, but it's a little harsh to say you're going to leave the house and announce to anyone and everyone that someone is a sexual predator so i can see why Josh is upset. BUT I still think Christmas is feeding into him making it seem like Cody did waaaaaaaay more than that, and no one is holding Josh accountable for his actions in which caused Cody and Jessica to get that angry. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Rbonnie said:

Yolo thank you so much!!  That's the exact clip that I saw....thank you for saving me the trouble looking for it.  Isn't she nauseating?  The doctor is the same doctor that they talk about on their gofundme too.  Someone gave them a hard time believing they were legit so they said if you don't want to donate to us then donate directly to dr Abel and gave his info.  

Really appreciate that you posted the clip, thank you ? 

That doctor (and I do respect the work he has done!) looks like someone is holding his family hostage off camera.

I cannot believe Raven will be on the block this week and no one can flip the votes. I never thought I'd be semi-rooting for Josh. Go Cody for HOH, though Paul will probably win...again. in some form. 

  • Love 3
21 minutes ago, Jel said:

I think sometimes this type of thing comes from sheer ignorance, vs. hatred.  If it's simply a lack of understanding I, myself, feel a lot more understanding of that as opposed to someone who just hates.

Matt is either more educated, more sensitive/compassionate/empathetic or (sorry to be a cynic) more PC. 

This feels like a "Methinks the [gentleman] doth protest too much" situation to me. Like I bet you would find "chicks with dicks" in Cody's Xtube search history. 

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Jel said:

Ok. But for me, I don't know him well enough to make that kind of assumption. 

I've watched his behavior and comments for 40 whatever days. Everything out of his mouth reveals a hatred of all things. The only thing he has shown even a modicum of respect towards is Jessica.

People who openly tell strangers they want civil war to break out in their country so they can fight in it don't strike me as well adjusted human beings.


7 minutes ago, MV007 said:

I think he's fine and has just not been exposed to anything outside of his very small bubble.  

 Ah. The Aaryn Gries defense. It's a very poor excuse for behaving like a jackass.

  • Love 14
3 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I've watched his behavior and comments for 40 whatever days. Everything out of his mouth reveals a hatred of all things. The only thing he has shown even a modicum of respect towards is Jessica.

People who openly tell strangers they want civil war to break out in their country so they can fight in it don't strike me as well adjusted human beings.


 Ah. The Aaryn Gries defense. It's a very poor excuse for behaving like a jackass.

Applause!  I agree.  

  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

That doctor (and I do respect the work he has done!) looks like someone is holding his family hostage off camera.

I cannot believe Raven will be on the block this week and no one can flip the votes. I never thought I'd be semi-rooting for Josh. Go Cody for HOH, though Paul will probably win...again. in some form. 

And no one (except maybe Matt) likes her! She just hasn't worn her welcome enough to get the votes to flip.  But maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised if she gets put on the block today. She may act like she's perfectly ok going up as a pawn.... but i kinda hope she massively cracks under the pressure.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I've watched his behavior and comments for 40 whatever days. Everything out of his mouth reveals a hatred of all things. The only thing he has shown even a modicum of respect towards is Jessica.

People who openly tell strangers they want civil war to break out in their country so they can fight in it don't strike me as well adjusted human beings.


 Ah. The Aaryn Gries defense. It's a very poor excuse for behaving like a jackass.

I don't think the two are comparable at this point.  Just my opinion.

  • Love 4

Kevin mentioning to Jason that Paul is in control awhile back does not mean he clearly sees that he has to go.   Asking Cody for a deal including Paul tells me he needs someone to lay it out for him, the sooner the better.  He spends too much time in the money room with Alex and Jason.  

I want Jess and Cody out.   Yes they are against Paul but neither are capable of discussing a plan to accomplish that with the others.  Christmas burned her bridge with Jess (smack upside the head).  Elena out is ridiculous.  Don't assume she is locked into Paul.  She is smart, talk to her!   They have made her an outsider, she latched onto Paul because she has no one else. 

I am away from the feeds vacationing so I am sure I have missed a lot though I read here and twitter in bursts.   

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Kevin mentioning to Jason that Paul is in control awhile back does not mean he clearly sees that he has to go.   Asking Cody for a deal including Paul tells me he needs someone to lay it out for him, the sooner the better.  He spends too much time in the money room with Alex and Jason.  

I want Jess and Cody out.   Yes they are against Paul but neither are capable of discussing a plan to accomplish that with the others.  Christmas burned her bridge with Jess (smack upside the head).  Elena out is ridiculous.  Don't assume she is locked into Paul.  She is smart, talk to her!   They have made her an outsider, she latched onto Paul because she has no one else. 

I am away from the feeds vacationing so I am sure I have missed a lot though I read here and twitter in bursts.   

Elena was also working the Paul angle after Jess told her she saw Paul as her best way to get further in the game.  She really went to work yesterday ! If she can make Paul want to keep her, she stays. And, that Xmas was not her friend.

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