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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

It'd be an interesting theory for Jess and Cody to both go for the temptation challenge and then have Jess tank it so that they can't backdoor her, then hope that she and Cody both play for Veto. 

But it effectively runs out at Final 6, right?

Yeah, that seems like an interesting plan. It's risky because what if it's something Jessica can win and Cody can't, or vice versa? But they're probably both going to be on the block no matter what, so why not take the risk? And it'd force Josh to choose someone else to go on the block (Mark). It sounds too complicated for Jessica/Cody to think up, though.

I feel like their only big plan is going to be using Reverse Psychology to get them to evict whichever between them wants to go first. I don't even expect any campaigning or last-minute Cody grenades.

Oh yeah, because everyone would play by then. But I feel like she's someone who is higher up on some people's target list - it could come in handy later!

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I suppose they can discuss beforehand "If it is physical, I tank it. If it is mental, you tank it" or whatever. 

Like if it is a speaking monotone challenge, Jess tanks it, but if it is a serving champagne challenge, Cody tanks it. 

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Alex said something to Paul about Alex throwing her under the bus.  Paul asked if she talked to Alex.  Elena said,  "I don't owe her a conversation."  I wish Mark would have had the same attitude.

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Paul asking Elena for a run down of her  conversation with Josh. He said did it end on a good note. Yes, it was productive. He also wanted to know about the votes. What did you tell her? That the hose was telling me to.Paul, all i care is if it ended n a good note. Deflect deflect deflect  from the ringleader. 

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8 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Meanwhile, Josh is coming onto Elena while she's trying to talk game. "Your eyes are so pretty when you're mad."

Well, we did hear in his DR that he was hoping all the rocky couple drama would somehow result in him getting laid.  

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8 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Cody is such a douchebag. 

This gets lost in the Paul hate (rightfully so) but man alive where the fuck did they find this sack of shit.

Yeah, it really sucks that I'm, like, rooting for a fucking coup d'etat for this piece of garbage. 

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Jessica and Cody are talking about the veto competition.  They are discussing how if it's a comp that involves prizes, they should both just go for the prizes.

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Here's a funny thought. If Cody had put Alex up against Jillian, who goes home there? 

And if Cody doesn't pull the shady as shit "save Alex" move, does Paul sway everyone right away against Cody?

To late to go back there. But, I think Paul would have rode it out with the Cody crowd. It probably would have ben a lot more interesting.

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If I was Jess & Cody I would just be walking into rooms, interrupting conversations, blowing up people's games. Why not? You both know you are Target #1 and #2. But no instead they retreat back to their bed to make Victim noises and talk about throwing Veto if it's prizes. 

Also, I think Christmas will have more of a pull over Josh than Paul will. But Paul will think he has the pull. 

Christmas made a good point about Have Nots- why would you pick Jess, Cody & Mark? With Elena in there they will be in there talking game together. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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What I don't get is that they now know America gave Jessica a temptation and that translates to America liking Jessica. Can they not conclude tht America does not like Paul and by the way, is this Paul's last week of safety? 

Why can these fools play their own game instead of carrying Paul to the finish line? Seriously, it is so infuriating that to save my own blood pressure I should just tune skip this predictable season that Grodner sho tin the foot on day 1. 

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2 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

What I don't get is that they now know America gave Jessica a temptation and that translates to America liking Jessica. Can they not conclude tht America does not like Paul and by the way, is this Paul's last week of safety? 

Why can these fools play their own game instead of carrying Paul to the finish line? Seriously, it is so infuriating that to save my own blood pressure I should just tune skip this predictable season that Grodner sho tin the foot on day 1. 

Paul's safety has been over for two weeks. Jessica could have nominated him when she was HOH, but she stupidly didn't.

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Paul is claiming that he's glad nobody went home on his HOH.  He says it's better this way with Josh being HOH.  I know Paul thinks it's funny that Josh will probably be the one to finally send Jess or Cody packing but we all know Paul wishes it could have been him.

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19 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

If I was Jess & Cody I would just be walking into rooms, interrupting conversations, blowing up people's games. Why not? You both know you are Target #1 and #2. But no instead they retreat back to their bed to make Victim noises and talk about throwing Veto if it's prizes. 

Also, I think Christmas will have more of a pull over Josh than Paul will. But Paul will think he has the pull. 

Christmas made a good point about Have Nots- why would you pick Jess, Cody & Mark? With Elena in there they will be in there talking game together. 

Exactly, take every opportunity to paint a target on whoever they want. They have nothing to lose. Make the other side of the house lock themselves  in a room.

Edited by missyb
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Paul just now, "My soul has been gone for a long time now."  That's probably the most self aware statement Paul has made.

Edited by zorak
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1 hour ago, mooses said:

Josh keeps asking Elena why she voted him out. She's like, "The House said everyone was! What was I supposed to do?" And Josh is like, "But why?" Elena: "Because of The House." Josh: "But why is it better for your game?" Elena: "Because The House wanted it, I couldn't go against them." Josh: "But why?"

I'm tired of Josh's whole my-family-is-watching-I-can-annoy-everyone-but-they-hurt-my-feelings schtick.

Josh needs to grow a pair! Prancing around banging pots, crying the next. Paul is HOH now, not Josh, which bores me to tears! 

4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Paul just now, "My soul has been gone for a long time now."  That's probably the most self aware statement Paul has made about himself.

Really Paul, maybe someone should create some chaos for you, you tiny man.

15 minutes ago, zorak said:

Paul is claiming that he's glad nobody went home on his HOH.  He says it's better this way with Josh being HOH.  I know Paul thinks it's funny that Josh will probably be the one to finally send Jess or Cody packing but we all know Paul wishes it could have been him.

I loved his face, he was so pretending to enjoy that hex, who knows, if either Jess or Cody win temptation, or POV, baby Josh might not send them home

Edited by F. M.
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46 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I would LOL for days if Paul plays in the temptation competition, comes in last, and gets put up. Make it happen BB! 

Also, Cody/Jess for temptation and veto. ❤️❤️❤️


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I hope Jessica remembers that she told Elena she was going to provide commentary if Matt and Raven started having sex again while she was in the room.  I know she's guilty of having sex with Cody while other people were in the room but I really want someone to make it super awkward for Matt and Raven.  I read that last night Raven gave Matt a blow job while Jess and Cody were in the room.  Jess has nothing to lose this week, so why not ruin Matt and Raven's fun?

Now Mark is telling Elena about Alex's little slip up of saying that Mark and Elena were not happy about HOH while not realizing Mark was in the room.  Elena wants to know all the details of Mark's conversation with Alex.  Elena is telling Mark how when she tried to have a conversation with Josh in the storage room, every person in the house came into the storage room to eavesdrop.  She's pissed at Alex. 

Elena left and Mark is by himself saying how he hates living in this house, jury's going to suck, etc.

Edited by zorak
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I don't think I'm strong enough, guys.

A fucking Josh HoH? JOSH?! I was prepared for a Raven HoH, I tried to see the bright side of that. But Josh?

Fuck this. This is the actual fucking worst. 


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I knew Mark was feeling miserable in the house. And I think Elena is too. How I wish Mark would just have a fuck it attitude and do what he feels like. Talk to the people he likes and just play to win and take bodies with you.

Edited by missyb
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I don't think I'm strong enough, guys.

I'm not.  I'm just... not.  I'll try and check in here tomorrow evening after the temptation comp, and then maybe on saturday after the veto.  But I don't even know if I can bring myself to do that.  I'm sure as hell not going to watch the feeds.  If nothing happens by Saturday I'm cancelling and saying see ya.  Otherwise, it's been fun guys - see you for BB20, hopefully without any vets.  

ETA: Feel free to message me if the shit hits the fan, or the unthinkable (Jody safety/Mark safety) happens.

Edited by Slider
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Mark is showing a brain and Elena is just to plain stubborn to believe that Paul is not her savior. Mark is pointing out to her that he does not feel very good about his position. Look who is in that room ( upstairs) and Im not. 
Mark really wanted Jess or Cody to win. Elena says the longer that ar win the game, the more target is one them ( because of the association with Jody), SMH. For all her talk, she does not get it. She is on the outs.

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2 hours ago, Cutty said:

Cody is such a douchebag. 

This gets lost in the Paul hate (rightfully so) but man alive where the fuck did they find this sack of shit.

Getting over, or not getting over. PTSD after he went to war,

15 minutes ago, missyb said:

Mark is showing a brain and Elena is just to plain stubborn to believe that Paul is not her savior. Mark is pointing out to her that he does not feel very good about his position. Look who is in that room ( upstairs) and Im not. 
Mark really wanted Jess or Cody to win. Elena says the longer that ar win the game, the more target is one them ( because of the association with Jody), SMH. For all her talk, she does not get it. She is on the outs.

Mark should toss her, she's a Paul puppet ,.

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1 hour ago, missyb said:

Paul says I think after these next two weeks everything will be better. Oh really ??? Who do you think the group will turn on next ? 

OK so Cody and Jessica go and then Mark and then? I can't wait to see if they grow brains after they vote out these targets. They have to turn on each other or do they plan on carrying Paul to f2? 

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12 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

Is it too much to hope for a Sharp Shooting/Champagne Pouring HOH comp?  I

Well... they haven't done the Slip 'n Slide/Fill the Jug comp yet.  That's usually one of the first HoH comps after Jury starts, though - and although Jessica would probably do gangbusters on it, I have serious doubts about her ability to survive that long.


4 hours ago, mooses said:

Christmas using the Veto Thing to get out Jessica/Cody would be the dumbest thing ever. That thing doesn't have an expiration date. She should save it. Her biggest mistake was telling Paul about what it was.

Actually, I'm wondering if Paul even remembers Christmas has the Veto Temptation.  It hasn't been mentioned since the week of Cody's original eviction, to the best of my knowledge.


3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I don't think I'm strong enough, guys.

A fucking Josh HoH? JOSH?! I was prepared for a Raven HoH, I tried to see the bright side of that. But Josh?

Fuck this. This is the actual fucking worst. 


Welcome to the crapshoot!

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I only read this between Wednesday night and Friday morning, so I don't get spoiled about any game element, so this comment goes back a few days. Christmas didn't mispeak when she stated "neutral like Sweden." Sweden was neutral during WWII.

The main hope I have for this summer, is that at this point last summer I thought Pauline had everything sewn up. That exploded spectacularly, led by Natalie. I don't know who will lead the revolution this summer. Please, please please, let someone lead the Paul counter offensive.

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I would love to see a photo montage of Kevin's style morph over the weeks.  He arrived in a suit and here he sits with a bandana (woman's scarf?) around his forehead wearing a girls black tank top.  Love the guy.  He is one of the kids.  

Edited by wings707
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Did anyone else think Julie went too far in stressing not once, but twice, that the Hex had been used and Jessica could not use it again?  I don't recall her doing that when Paul's 3-weeks of safety was over 

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2 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

Did anyone else think Julie went too far in stressing not once, but twice, that the Hex had been used and Jessica could not use it again?  I don't recall her doing that when Paul's 3-weeks of safety was over 

I was glad she did.  They learned from Paul trying to push his safety.   They have not been clear on the rules and now correcting their mistake.  

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4 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I was glad she did.  They learned from Paul trying to push his safety.   They have not been clear on the rules and now correcting their mistake.  

That's a great way of looking at it

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:


I don't think I'm strong enough, guys.

A fucking Josh HoH? JOSH?! I was prepared for a Raven HoH, I tried to see the bright side of that. But Josh?

Fuck this. This is the actual fucking worst. 



A hundred percent on every word. 

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I chose a good week to visit my son.  I will keep up but I have zero interest in the feeds.  My only hope for this week is Alex hanging herself.   She is doing a good job, so far.  

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4 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Paul says I think after these next two weeks everything will be better. Oh really ??? Who do you think the group will turn on next ? 

Who ever he tells them too apparently, he's leading his sheep to jury and that's all they care about.

Jess is the rare one that says she has a great life outside and rather go home first if she/Cody are separated.

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LOL - What are all these "Victim Noises" ?  I'm reading here? I'm just catching up on what happened last night. I don't see anything about Paul's response to Jessica using the hex. Was that a bust? As for Josh being the new HOH ...........?  Looks like I bailed just in time! 

Gentlefolk? The bar??? is right this way.

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10 hours ago, Jel said:

Why doesn't one of these dumb asses figure out that after the obvious choices -- Cody, Jessica, Mark, Elena are gone, that one of them will be the next target. Figure it out and propose a deal to those four.  Please! Someone start playing Big Brother!

Right when the feeds came back Cody said to Jessica "so do you think we should just wait around and see if maybe someone comes to us wanting something?" and Jessica shot that down, she doesn't want anyone to come for them for anything.  It surprised me to see Cody show that he had a little bit of fight left.   I kinda wish they would just admit defeat and be civil with the rest of the house - after the other side calms down a bit.  Like you know you're going home, just have fun (and hope for the best in comps)

9 hours ago, mooses said:

Josh keeps asking Elena why she voted him out. She's like, "The House said everyone was! What was I supposed to do?" And Josh is like, "But why?" Elena: "Because of The House." Josh: "But why is it better for your game?" Elena: "Because The House wanted it, I couldn't go against them." Josh: "But why?"

I'm tired of Josh's whole my-family-is-watching-I-can-annoy-everyone-but-they-hurt-my-feelings schtick.

That was the most irritating conversation EVER. I changed cams which then went to Paul and I couldn't handle it and turned off my feeds.  It would be interesting to see how how the numbers of people watching the feeds changes after major situations like this. 

9 hours ago, Cutty said:

Cody and Jess are super bitter right now.

Meanwhile, Josh is coming onto Elena while she's trying to talk game. "Your eyes are so pretty when you're mad."

AND multiple times commenting about how he couldn't talk to her in that dress she was wearing. It was super sexist.  Like dude, yes she has giant boobs and you've seen them now a month, STFU.  It was like he was thinking "i'm in power now.... I can say these things..."

8 hours ago, zorak said:

Elena left and Mark is by himself saying how he hates living in this house, jury's going to suck, etc.

I almost feel worse for Mark than I do for JEssica or Cody.  That guy literally has no one and it's not like he even did anything to deserve it.  

1 hour ago, FlyingEgret said:

Did anyone else think Julie went too far in stressing not once, but twice, that the Hex had been used and Jessica could not use it again?  I don't recall her doing that when Paul's 3-weeks of safety was over 

I didn't think so.  There was a lot of screaming online that Jessica was lying and she should be punished for it (which was ridiculous but whatever...) so I think that was BB's response to the outcry. 

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IMG_7922.JPG.337cf9998f9783a4c249a0d4ba448097.JPGSo if anyone is familiar with Rasputin, he lived over a hundred years ago in Russia and became very influential in the Tsar's court.  Literally now his name is used to convey an influential person but in a bad sinister way.  Here's the definition and here's his picture, and tell me if you think he looks like another sinister man who has great sway over the thoughts and actions of others.  It's a little uncanny to me!


{Word Origin and History for Rasputin

acquired name (Russian, literally"debauchee") of Grigory Yefimovich Novykh(c.1872-1916), mystic and faith healer who held sway over court of Nicholas II of Russia. His nickname is from his doctrine of "rebirth through sin," that true holy communion must be preceded by immersion in sin. His name used figuratively in English from 1937 for anyone felt to have an insidious and corrupting influence.}


Rasputin in white, Paul in black.  Are they brothers?






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This wuss desperately wants to be seen as a bad ass.  His posturing is so trite right down to the cheap-assed skull ring. I think it's hysterical that the only place he can find to live out his wanna-be  fantasies is on a second-rate reality show with a bunch of other desperate losers. 

Edited by Skycatcher
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3 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Did anyone else think Julie went too far in stressing not once, but twice, that the Hex had been used and Jessica could not use it again?  I don't recall her doing that when Paul's 3-weeks of safety was over 

Well... to be fair, when Paul invoked his Amulet of Ass Coverage at Cody's HoH nom ceremony, Paul did stand up and made a clear statement to all as to the specific details of his Temptation (even though he tried to twist its coverage details later in one-on-one conversations).  Jessica never made any such public declaration; the closest she came was to state "I am invoking the Halting Hex", or words to that effect.  So the divine Ms. Moonvies had to make the clarification statement Jessica never did.


2 hours ago, gunderda said:

AND multiple times commenting about how he [Josh] couldn't talk to her [Elena]  in that dress she was wearing. It was super sexist.  Like dude, yes she has giant boobs and you've seen them now a month, STFU.  It was like he was thinking "i'm in power now.... I can say these things..."I

Hope TPTB are warming up the word processor to fire off a quick and dirty restraining order.  Josh strikes me as exactly the kind of person who would fly from Miami to Texas just so he can show up on Elena's doorstep and say, "Oh, hi!  I just happened to be in the neighborhood, and thought I would stop by....".

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Just now, Nashville said:

Well... to be fair, when Paul invoked his Amulet of Ass Coverage at Cody's HoH nom ceremony, Paul did stand up and made a clear statement to all as to the specific details of his Temptation (even though he tried to twist its coverage details later in one-on-one conversations).  Jessica never made any such public declaration; the closest she came was to state "I am invoking the ahalting Hex", or words to that effect.  So the divine Ms. Moonvies had to make the clarification statement Jessica never did.


Hope TPTB are warming up the word processor to fire off a quick and dirty restraining order.  Josh strikes me as exactly the kind of person who would fly from Miami to Texas just so he can show up on Elena's doorstep and say, "Oh, hi!  I just happened to be in the neighborhood, and thought I would stop by....".

I think there was a lot of editing there. Paul did it during the veto ceremony. I am almost sure it was down several times. He probably stood up and invoked the pendant. Surprised everyone and then they asked him to do it again, reading the provisions of the pendant.  Just a guess here but from what I hav ehearad from past HG's, thats likely how it happened.


Did you all know that Dr Wills' infamous "I hate you speech" was rehearsed and done a couple of times????  From James Rhine .

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8 minutes ago, missyb said:

About 8:18am Josh and Xmas have an interesting conversation. His target is not necessarily who you would think !

This is very interesting..... I might actually turn the feeds back on if he plans to go against Paul and no let him in on his plan. However if he wants Elena out I don't think he can put up Cody or Jessica.  

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