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S34.E12: It Is Not A High Without A Low

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I don't know if there was a right time to get rid of Zeke, but as far as Andrea and Cirie are concerned, it was the right move to get rid of him sooner rather than later.  He was probably going to go one more vote before turning on them.

So even the family visit has become a team reward?  What happened to the days of one person winning, then pissing people off by not selecting them to be part of the reward?  They picked two people, but it's not the same.  It'd be great if those who didn't win said 'nope, don't want it', and made those 3 paranoid about what was going on back at camp.  I still think of Ken last season, desperately pointing to himself as Jay made his picks.  Or Wentworth catching flack online for not selecting Jeremy and pregnant Val (which she didn't know about, in her defense).  Tai misses his cats!  I love him for that alone.  Cirie's got a good looking son.  Meh to Brad/Aubry/Andrea winning.  I kind of had a feeling, based on the episode description, that he might have won this challenge, though.  Michaela has such a competitive spirit, I'd hate to think of her and Courtney Yates being tethered together in a challenge.

30 days for Sierra's nails to finally chip I see.  That must have been one hell of a manicure.

I worry Andrea might be getting too big of an ego there.  And she has an ally in Michaela that could be unpredictable and doesn't like being bossed around.

I love how practically no one liked Michaela or wanted to work with her, now those very people need her and she was the go to.

Well, it was nice having one week off from an endurance challenge.  If Andrea doesn't win, I'm very worried for her.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Brad/Aubry/Andrea won, and picked Cirie and Sarah to join them.  Would have been nice to see more of the visit, and not just Brad/Monica.

Of course Brad said he needed to win II and he does.  Hoping it's Sierra, Troy, or Tai.  Nothing against Tai, but I don't want to see Michaela, Andrea, Aubry, or Cirie go.  Wonder if we'll see any idols come out tonight.

Edited by LadyChatts
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ooh i didn't know we were live chatting. 
@LadyChatts - I said the same thing. Why is everything a team challenge? the winner should have to choose 2-3 people the end.. It's ticking me off. 

Andrea made a stupid mistake not taking Michalea. Cirie would have understood, but Michalea wasn't happy from the word jump with what they did to Zeke. and look what happened. 

If I were Tai, I'd give Sierra an idol, and bounce out someone. but i don't think this will happen. (I'm happy because I picked Brad to win immunity tonight in my pool, so yay me. if Sierra goes out that's double points for me). 

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Sarah might be my savior this episode.  Hee hee, Sierra made a mistake telling Sarah about the legacy advantage.  Wonder if she'll still will it to Sarah.  At least if she doesn't, Sarah and Michaela will know someone has it.

It breaks my heart seeing Hali and Ozzy over on the jury.  I mean, I'm glad they are there and weren't off on the pre jury trip.  But damn, I would have much rather seen them still in the game.

Is Jeff going to address that 3 of the 4 on the bottom were willing to throw one of their own under the bus?  Hey, Sierra's stealing Hali's line about voting off bigger threats.

Very nervous for Andrea.  Sierra is just mentioned every episode.  I don't think I'll be that lucky.  Can we get to the vote already?

Edited by LadyChatts
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1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

Sarah might be my savior this episode.  Hee hee, Sierra made a mistake telling Sarah that.  Wonder if she'll still will it to Sarah.  At least if she doesn't, Sarah and Michaela will know someone has it.

Mother Nature is being a real mother right now--I know Sierra told Sarah at the start of the episode about the legacy challenge and that she would will it to her if for some reason she was voted out (which I thought was a dumb move to begin with), but did she tell Sarah that again?  What does that really gain Sierra?  All it does is let Sarah know that there's another idol in play and when the next time it can be played--either by Sierra because she's still around (which might not be in Sarah's best interest) or by whomever Sierra willed it to.

ARGH!!  And now I won't know who gets voted out because there's severe weather far, far north of me...grrr.....

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Sierra told her in the beginning of the episode, and then after the IC she reassured Sierra she wouldn't tell anyone.  Cut to her then telling Michaela about it.  Sarah really wants that advantage, but either way, she knows it's out there somewhere and can possibly use that to her advantage.

Sierra is gone!  And she wills the advantage to...Sarah.  So now there are 4 idols and one advantage, and only 3 people in play of all of them.

Edited by LadyChatts
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1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

Sierra told her in the beginning of the episode, and then after the IC she reassured Sierra she wouldn't tell anyone.  Cut to her then telling Michaela about it.  Sarah really wants that advantage, but either way, she knows it's out there somewhere and can possibly use that to her advantage.

Sierra is gone!  And she wills it to...Sarah.  

Thanks!  The regularly scheduled programming came back right as Sierra was willing it to Sarah...I'm guessing Sarah voted for her, though.

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Just now, LadyChatts said:

Andrea didn't even seem surprised that she might be up for being voted out.  I wonder if she got wind of it back at camp, or if she is good under pressure of learning that info at TC.  I really hate how these episodes are paced and edited.  I feel like there's so much missing.  

that's what I hate. like. 
nothing happened between the barbeque and immunity? nothing really leaked out about Andrea? it's like the show just wants to hit the highlights and nothing else. 

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1 minute ago, wallflower75 said:

Thanks!  The regularly scheduled programming came back right as Sierra was willing it to Sarah...I'm guessing Sarah voted for her, though.

She did.  Though Sierra doesn't know that, or at least hopes she didn't.

What a fall from grace of Brad's alliance.  Love seeing them blindsided at the last few votes.

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1 hour ago, vb68 said:

Boy Sarah worked that like a champ!

Seriously, her voice grates like no other and that deer caught in the headlights look bugs me but I'll give her this - girlfriend is playing. I thought all her flipping back and forth would hurt her but the last two weeks she's wisely hidden in the shadows and made her moves from behind the scenes. Good for her. And thank goodness Sierra's gone so I have to stop wondering why she was even on this season every time I saw her. 

It's good that Michaela didn't just make a move on emotion because she was pissed about the Reward challenge. But this was a tricky decision. Sierra was no great strategic threat in my opinion but she and Brad together were a tight pair, which is always a good idea to break up. But Andrea's dangerous in that she's strong and very smart. However, it's obvious everyone knows that so she'll probably have to win immunity or get an idol or advantage, to make it to the F3. 

And good for Tai voting with the other side against Sierra because honestly, I thought it was ridiculous he would consider going with Brad and company when he clearly knew they all voted for him. It wasn't even like one vote because someone whispered Tai's name to Brad or Sierra. Every single one of his so called alliance, without hesitation, voted for him. If that doesn't tell a person where they are on the totem pole, I don't know what would.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 23

Good strategy Cirie.  Pull in Tai and have a goal.

Eyebrows (nice close-up, editors) drops legacy info.  "pretty president" wtf. Good groveling with the adv.  

Hope that Brad goes will be dashed.  Never believe the intro.

InstaReward!  More massive amounts of food and the "Loved Ones" i hate these episodes............

Sibling bonds.  Gag me.  My little sister has been trying (and failing.  lol) to screw me over for the last 30 years. 

I'm obligated to look out for her, but would never help her win Survivor.

Nasty challenge.  I love the beach, but hate to dig in the sand and get all gritty.

Uh Oh! Andrea thinks Mik will "get over it".  I love Momma Mik.  She knows her girl.

I still hate you Monika.

Edit preps for a Mik flip.  Don't do it!  Brad and Eyebrows will then toss you.

Interesting new challenge.

Ewww...this will not end well.   Idols still floating in the ether.

Go Sarah!  .  End up on the jury looking stupid.  Qoute of the season.

Jury Debbie is just so freaking gross.

No idols.  Woooo Hooooo!

Walks those phony caterpillars off to Ponderosa and tosses Officer Sara the legacy.  

Edited by PaperTree
  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, wallflower75 said:

Oooh, even Tai voted for Sierra!!  (Must've missed something thanks to Mother Nature.)

I feel your pain. We must live in the same area. Mother Nature has been awful lately and always on the nights my TV shows are on! 

All the guys except Tai and Sierra voted for Andrea. Everyone else voted Sierra. 

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That was pretty boring.  The loved ones visit usually leaves me cold but especially this time because I find six of these people to be boring and I'm only actually invested in Andrea and Cirie.  And that challenge was dreadfully dull because obviously the team with Brad's aim at throwing stuff and Andrea's general athleticism was going to win, especially when the third member was the respectably athletic Aubry. 

Only real interesting choice before the vote was choosing the rewardees.  Normally you want to pick in some order: opposing alliance leaders so they're where you can watch them, shaky members of your alliance, and potential swingers in some order.  Which would dictate Tai, Michaela, and Sarah.  But emotionally I think you'd want to reward Cirie for being an awesome person and your closest ally if you're Andrea and Aubry.  Wrong call, but I get why they did it.  Probably should have been Michaela and Sarah, because Cirie is the only member of the theoretical five person majority who was not already going on the reward who is emotionally mature enough to handle losing out.

The problem for me as a fan here is that it's clear that five of the remaining eight are threatened by Andrea becoming the dominant force here (she's not, but that's the perception because Cirie as usual is the power behind the throne) so she must be removed if those five want a million dollars.  And Aubry and Cirie are enough of gamers that they know the same thing (though I bet Cirie thinks she could beat Andrea and that she's right).  Which means bad times for my favorite player.  And almost no one would ever allow Cirie near FTC so I'm going to be pretty dissatisfied with the winner, given Aubry's invisibility.

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2 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

I always hate the loved ones visits. (Except when they make the loved ones do the challenge!) Still, Cirie and her son are adorable. He needs to be on a future season. It's cute how Culpepper thinks that Monica is some sort of Survivor genius and not just a goat who got dragged to the end then got crushed.

Me neither.  I'd miss my cat, niece, and nephews.  When Jeff said something about the sibling bond when talking to Aubry and her sister, I started laughing.  Me and my sister get along and love each other, but we'd be rolling our eyes if Jeff said that to us.  This did seem like more of an emotional visit, but I don't know if it's because some people didn't have one or make it to their's before.

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Meh episode for me. Most of the women are a blur to me, so I can't tell Andrea and Sierra apart. Nice move telling Sarah about the Legacy Advantage. That is something I'd keep to myself.

Tai and Michaela are a power couple now? Interesting. One is a notorious hothead, and the other only lost his shit when a fellow player got outed.

Kinda wish the winners of a "loved ones" challenge would hustle away from the others in order not to see their anguish. While they've only been gone for over a month, the game probably makes it feel longer. I was happy to see Cirie's kid this time. Cute guy. He probably knows about jungles like his mother did the first time she played. Also, I was rooting for a Big Mark/Little Mark situation for Tai.

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Oh right, the other thing just as a fix the show type of thing: the loved one visit is MUCH more interesting when they are in camp.  What's the only memorable thing from the reward here?  It's Cirie's son's shock at the bathroom situation.  You want THAT, show.  More of that will happen if they are at camp not at the 3024934th identical food reward.

Edited by enlightenedbum
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Well, here we go. Here comes a nice slithery snake. Tai must feel confused. His own alliance went after him instead of the enemy alliance. ?? OK, Cirie mastermind, start weaving your conspiracy web! I feel for Sierra losing control of the game (not). Her Wunderbrows could have their own vote at tribal.  Now, dimwit Sierra, why are you telling Sarah about your advantage? That's nice, Andrea being the poster child for a Mother's Day commercial. Is she even a mother? (No, but her mother is.)

This seems kind of early for loved ones. Aubry's sister is really pretty. Sierra's dad gave a nice Biggest Loser speech. I bet they had loved ones now so that they could show the episode right before Mother's Day. Whoa, Todd is hot to my 59-year old eyes.  I guess Mark the boyfriend came for Tai, not Mark the chicken. Cirie's boy sure is a cutie. I liked Michael's mother - Michaela kicks the box and mom yells, "Michaela!" Interesting that Aubry and Andrea called the shots on who got to join them and they chose their locked-in alliance member Cirie and then hovering on the fringes of the alliance Sarah, to try to cement her as a member of their alliance. I thought Michaela's display of temper, kicking the box, was off-putting. You're a grownup, Michaela! Besides, you can break your toe kicking that box.

Everybody single person could say the same thing to Tai that Michaela is and he would agree: "Yeah, sure, I feel it, too."  The plot's afoot to vote out Andrea. This episode is kind of ho hum so far. How exciting, another endurance challenge. Nothing like watching people stand in place. That black buoy reminds me of Rob C.'s Magic 8 ball.  It looks like Brad' buoy was touching the top of his post. Oh oh Andrea! I guess Brad's isn't touching, it's just really close.  Oh hurrah, Brad wins. (I can't help thinking of the Season 6 immunity necklace that was partly burnt up.)

This tribal is so exciting I fell asleep. When people go up to vote I try to figure out who they're voting for by the placement of the pen.  Ha ha!! So much for the Legacy Advantage. I wonder how Sierra feels after watching this and realizing Sarah orchestrated the vote just to get the Legacy Advantage.  Ha ha, Sierra says "she was honest with me" about Sarah, yeah, right.  Kind of a snoozer episode.

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The intros to the loved ones took forever. It could have been that there's too many people left and Probst always has to ask a question. Just bring them all out at once and ask questions to the ones that get to stay for a while longer. In this one Michaela had to know that she wasn't going to get picked unless her team won.

I knew Sierra was a goner the minute she said that she's going on people's words. Michaela said that she's loyal to those she's in an alliance with which she showed that she is still. It was a good time to get rid of either Sierra or Andrea. Andrea would have to go next if she doesn't win if these people are smart. 

All in all a rather boring episode.

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