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S03.E04: G'Day Melbourne

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Kevin and Nora take a trip to Australia, where she continues to follow the masterminds of an elaborate con, while he is surprised by a face from the past that takes him back to the traumatic events from three years ago.

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WTF Kevin is losing it thinking that was Evie. He had me going though.

You couldn't get me to lay in a closed box like Nora did. I guess she should have answered that she wouldn't have nodded.

Are Kevin and Nora done? They both are a mess.

Kevin and Grace meet up with Kevin, all flights are grounded. What weirdness will happen now?

Sounded like Carrie Coon had a cold.

"Taaake ooonnn meeeee".....

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3 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

I guess she should have answered that she wouldn't have nodded.

Are Kevin and Nora done? They both are a mess.

But last week, I thought the guy who set himself on fire asked Kevin Sr the same question, and he (Kevin Sr) said no. Then the guy said that was how he'd answered too, and "they" said no. Or am I not recalling that correctly? I admit I had a hard time following the episode last week. So maybe it's some sort of arbitrary judgement call on the part of the 2 physicists? If they really are physicists I guess? Maybe she was supposed to say she'd nod, but she was too cavalier about it and they got a bad vibe from her?

That fight scene between Kevin and Nora was really brutal. On the one hand, they're both so messed up that it's not surprising that they self destructed like that. On the other hand, they're both so messed up that they probably couldn't be in relationships with anyone else.

This show is so fucking weird. I love it, and I'm really going to miss it.

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Ha, I was right about who asked the burning man about killing the child to cure cancer. I'm not sure the scientists are scammers--perhaps deluded about what the machine can do, but true believers.

I don't think there's any coming back from what Kevin said to Nora. And what was this major explosion and where did it occur?

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I thought it was interesting that that stranger stepped up to the plate when Kevin was questioning the "Evie" he saw  in the alley. Kevin got a Glaswegian kiss for harassing her. How many strangers would intervene these days?  Especially if they all believed that the world was going to end in six days. I'd think that most wouldn't give a darn. 

Does anyone know the name of the opera that was playing when Kevin left the hotel room with Nora in it? 

I'm intrigued as to what the big explosion was and why all the flights were grounded. Some also believed (last episode) that a great flood was on the way. Hmm...large meteor hitting the earth causing catastrophic flooding or biblical origins? I hope this doesn't have a 'Lost' ending. 

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I'm thinking some type of terrorist thing happened, either in Australia or just internationally but still a big enough deal to ground all flights. Good idea, what with the "world ending" and all to keep an eye on these folks as the 14th/15th arrives. Although the various tourism boards and businesses and airlines must be very upset at this development.

Maybe the guy who burned himself was lying (to himself?) about his answer and was upset about losing his chance and hypothetically killing a baby (and immediately running into a person who had the correct answer).

I guess the physicists view themselves as good guys, and use the question to make sure that only "good people" (as determined by their question) make it to the other side.

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1 hour ago, Armchair Critic said:

John was kind of a dick in the restaurant, he didn't want Laurie answering Kevin's call and then when she took the phone outside he was knocking on the restaurant window at her.

Or it was just that he was finally acting normal about his SO giving priority to her ex. But all the seen main characters in this episode were freaked out about being left behind by their lovers.

So if the "correct" answer is that the twin should not die so the other could save cancer, maybe that means that to go through the incinerator/machine, you have to be hopeless about the future, including cancer being cured. In other words, they would only take money and incinerate transfer people who were suicidal. The guy from last week, who they said disappeared in the machine, was pretty hopeless. Maybe they were still working on the machine in hpes that it would really work eventually.

ETA: Maybe flights to Australia are never resumed, and electricity goes out too (we saw the room get dark around Nora at the end), and that's why we saw old future Nora in the earlier episode gathering all the messages from carrier pigeons.

Edited by shapeshifter
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The baby question reminds me of another moral dilemma I heard years ago. Two unwed mothers want an abortion, should they have one? No matter what you answer, it's wrong because one unwed mother is carrying Hitler and one is carrying Michelangelo. I know that's not exactly the dilemma, but that's what I remember.

I guess Nora and Kevin are done unless there's an intervention. I hope Daddy Kevin doesn't try to drown Kevin because he can die outside Jarden. At least, according to Matt.

I remember that Take Me On song so, so well. Played it endlessly when it came out.

eta: I thought the end scene of Nora's face with water running down it made her look like a crying Madonna statue.

Edited by WaltersHair
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I found this episode riveting. It was obvious at the airport that things would soon be over for Kevin and Nora, but I never expected such a brutal end. So much unspoken rage finally let out. 

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9 hours ago, ShellSeeker said:

That fight scene between Kevin and Nora was really brutal. On the one hand, they're both so messed up that it's not surprising that they self destructed like that. On the other hand, they're both so messed up that they probably couldn't be in relationships with anyone else.

It was completely brutal - and it should have played out without the opera and the burning book distracting the audience from the moment.

Kevin is completely out of his mind with mistaking someone else as Evie.  I mean he is gonzo and the new "Bible" did not help - as well as his constant resurrections.

I feel that Nora losing Lilly was the straw that broke the camel's back.  She now has to deal with her grief of losing her entire family.  I am not surprised she wanted to try and join them.  However, Nora, unlike Kevin, has the inner resources to survive this.

Edited by Macbeth
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5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

ETA: Maybe flights to Australia are never resumed, and electricity goes out too (we saw the room get dark around Nora at the end), and that's why we saw old future Nora in the earlier episode gathering all the messages from carrier pigeons.

Edited 5 hours ago by shapeshifter.

That's a good theory about why Nora was using carrier pigeons but I thought the electricity went out at the hotel in connection with the fire alarm. Don't certain services automatically get shut off so that nothing could add to the blaze? The fire brigade knew there was a fire in the building (not knowing how big or its origin) because the alarms went off. I thought that (electric being shut off) was just standard. 

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I'd guess that any answer applicants give to the "Kill the baby to cure cancer?" question, results in rejection from the Join Your Departed program.  

Certainly the man who immolated himself in front of Kevin Sr. chose in opposition to Nora.  Yet he too was rejected.  And then disappeared from the earth. Nora confirmed that everyone in the video she viewed (giving pre-zap testimonials to the program) had now disappeared. We know, from our flash-forward to Future Australia, that Nora Durst has also disappeared from society, and is living under another name.  

I think that the end-game for the band of "physicists" is to shift these unhappy people into such further misery, that they drop out from their worlds altogether. And disappear. They are not Departed. They've just hidden themselves.  

(And God did I love the dynamics and rich characterizations of the two "physicists."  So Lost-ian, those two.)   

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I think that the question about killing one of the twins isn't about the answer, it's about the process. Nora said yes; the Burning Man said no. Neither of them got sent through. I'm going to say that neither one of them showed to be of "sane mind," and that's what shut down their chances of going through. We didn't actually see Burning Man's interview, but his response sure as hell was over the top; I would guess he would have been anxious and insistent during his pre-zapping procedure. And Nora was just the opposite: coldly determined. Her heart rate didn't even elevate while being shut in that damn peanut-filled coffin. And damn, it turns out that she really did want to get sent through. I wonder if she had even admitted that to herself right up until the moment that the doctors said no.

I loved the women playing the Dutch doctors. "Sadly, I am just a physicist." HA! I'd bet anything that the other one is a psychiatrist. Can we have a spin-off about those two, please?

Poor Kevin. I've lost count of how many times he/Justin Theroux has broken my heart over the course of this series. (I expect that The Leftovers will just about kill me by the time it's over.) His bewilderment - and fear - at not being able to connect with Nora was difficult for me to watch. He's terrified about what's happening to him, and the only comfort comes from his ex-wife. I guess during the end of days everyone is pretty self-occupied. I was convinced at first that Evie was still alive, and I was floored by the how and the why and the wtf of it. So he is losing it, but he really did die multiple times. That really happened!

The final fight between him and Nora? Just fucking brutal, although Kevin's attack had more truth in it than Nora's did. No way does Kevin want to be Jesus or even want anyone to think of him that way. On the other hand - yeah, Nora has been rolling around in the departure of her children for years, and she could never see that about herself. One of our first introductions to Nora was back when Jill and her friend were stalking her, and we watched her deliberately slide her coffee cup off the table and then almost dare the clerk to say anything because she was Nora Cursed. And the whole thing at the convention episode Guest where she was furious that someone would try to take her spotlight and her three stars … I love Nora (and Connie Coon is beyond compare), but damn she is a hot mess. (I should confess that when Grace had finished telling Kevin Sr her tragic, gut wrenching story, my first thought after "Oh, God," was "Take that, Nora Durst.")

I want to marry this episode. It will be a terrible and overwrought marriage, but I want to hold it close. It was magnificent. The fire in the sink illuminating their fight, the lights flickering then dying on Nora alone in the room, and that final shot of the water streaming off of her motionless face as if she were a statue in a downpour - stunning and unforgettable.

I'm not positive, but I think the opera was La Traviata by Verdi? I need to look up all of the music from this episode. Freaking masterpiece from beginning to end.

Edited by maystone
It's Jill not Julie
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34 minutes ago, maystone said:

I'm not positive, but I think the opera was La Traviata by Verdi? I need to look up all of the music from this episode. Freaking masterpiece from beginning to end.

When/if you find this out could you please post it and let me know? Thanks. 

P.S. Where do you go online to look this information up? 

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On the explosion...there was a dude at the airport putting up a fuss that he wasn't allowed to take what appeared to be a radiation suit through security. "There's going to be a nuclear event...I'm entitled to protect myself from fallout." Throwaway moment, or something else?



P.S. Where do you go online to look this information up? 

I use tunefind.com. According to Tunefind, the opera music is indeed from La Traviata, Act 2: "Dite alla giovine...Non amarlo ditegli." It's from a bit in the opera where Alfredo's father persuades Alfredo's lover, a former courtesan named Violetta, to give up the relationship so that Alfredo's sister's fiance will not break off the engagement (due to the scandal of Alfredo and Violetta's relationship). Violetta is anguished over the sacrifice being asked of her but accepts. Alfredo's father urges her to end the relationship by telling Alfredo she doesn't love him anymore.

Edited by Eyes High
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Considering Nora laughed at Kevin's suggestion that they have a baby, and emphatically told the physician examining her that it is NOT possible that she could be pregnant, I am betting that is exactly what she is: pregnant! Perhaps that influenced her being declined as a candidate for the machine. 

Kevin Sr and his new Kevin killing pal, Grace, do not seem to be the ones Kevin Jr should be with, especially since he is apparently having a psychotic breakdown. His mental state has deteriorated quickly .

This episode was my least favorite so far this season. Something about the pacing seems off, like they are rushing to tie things up. 

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When Kevin saw the "not Evie" girl on the television she was holding a sign that said " Surah 81" - which is a chapter in The Qur'an about coming signs of the day of judgement. 

Also could have some relevance to Norah going by the name Sarah.

One thing that stood out to me in Surah 81 is the reference to "ten months pregnant camels shall be abandoned "... ( was Norah smoking Camel cigs????)

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Have they explained why, exactly, so many people think the apocalypse is coming? Is it just because it's going to be seven years since the departure? Is there some significance to the seventh year - or did everyone act this way before each anniversary?

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

When/if you find this out could you please post it and let me know? Thanks. 

P.S. Where do you go online to look this information up? 

The "What's Alan Watching?" review lists all the music from the episode towards the bottom each week. :)

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This question is for someone who has a better eye for detail than I. Did Kevin's and Nora's hotel look the same as the hotel Kevin was in while he was in purgatory? My memory of last season is hazy.

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4 hours ago, RimaTheBirdGirl said:

I think that the end-game for the band of "physicists" is to shift these unhappy people into such further misery, that they drop out from their worlds altogether. And disappear. They are not Departed. They've just hidden themselves.  

(And God did I love the dynamics and rich characterizations of the two "physicists."  So Lost-ian, those two.)   

That's an interesting theory. I like it. Or in the case of the guy in the outback, he just took himself out. Poof, gone.


2 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

When Kevin saw the "not Evie" girl on the television she was holding a sign that said " Surah 81" - which is a chapter in The Qur'an about coming signs of the day of judgement. 

I knew somebody here would know what that referenced. I thank you very much!


As a child of the 80's I'm a little ashamed I didn't pick up immediately on "Take On Me". I had to run it through my head til it kicked in.

Loved Laurie in this episode. She was pretty awesome at helping Kevin out. He just breaks my heart.

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46 minutes ago, Rockfish said:

This question is for someone who has a better eye for detail than I. Did Kevin's and Nora's hotel look the same as the hotel Kevin was in while he was in purgatory? My memory of last season is hazy.

Nope, totally different looking hotel rooms.

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2 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Considering Nora laughed at Kevin's suggestion that they have a baby, and emphatically told the physician examining her that it is NOT possible that she could be pregnant, I am betting that is exactly what she is: pregnant! Perhaps that influenced her being declined as a candidate for the machine. 


I hadn't even thought about that......maybe so.....

This episode broke my heart.

.....and so Kevin is kinda dellusional after all?

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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They really tried hard to make Justin Theroux look like Scott Glenn.  They now have matching hair and beards.  They used a couple of shots, one just framed Theroux from eyes up, that really brought it home.  Jr. is turning into Sr.

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Have they explained why, exactly, so many people think the apocalypse is coming? Is it just because it's going to be seven years since the departure? Is there some significance to the seventh year - or did everyone act this way before each anniversary?

The number 7 appears a LOT in Revelations (7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls). If memory serves, 6 and 12 were seen as good; 7 as evil--which is why 144,000 were saved (12 * 12 * 1000). There's also Revelations 11, verses 2-7, where people trample on the temple for 42 months (6 * 7), and witnesses prophecy for another 1260 days--or a total of 7 years.

The show might claim that was an allegorical time frame, but that might be where people in the show are planning from. (Though the show has, in a previous episode, warned about people who try to make exact predictions, so the writers gave themselves an out.)

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7 minutes ago, marketdoctor said:

The number 7 appears a LOT in Revelations (7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls). If memory serves, 6 and 12 were seen as good; 7 as evil--which is why 144,000 were saved (12 * 12 * 1000). There's also Revelations 11, verses 2-7, where people trample on the temple for 42 months (6 * 7), and witnesses prophecy for another 1260 days--or a total of 7 years.

The show might claim that was an allegorical time frame, but that might be where people in the show are planning from. (Though the show has, in a previous episode, warned about people who try to make exact predictions, so the writers gave themselves an out.)

Wow. Thank you for all that information! 

Grok you on the disclaimer on the bottom, after all these are the folks who brought us LOST. 

For now I'm sticking with the meteor gimmick lol. 

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I wouldn't be surprised if the people Nora met with are actually affiliated with the Guilty Remnant somehow.

Reaching out to grieving people, and getting their hopes up about being reunited with their families, and then dashing those hopes in a devastating way that will make them feel guilty about their answer ("I missed out on this opportunity because I said I'd kill a baby!", or, "I missed out because I chose not to cure cancer!") sounds like exactly the kind of thing they would do.

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I personally don't think they will go the route of it being the GR again. Damon said in an interview that it was a risk have the GR be responsible for the missing girls in season 2 because so many people hated the GR in season 1.

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6 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

When/if you find this out could you please post it and let me know? Thanks. 

P.S. Where do you go online to look this information up? 

I was wrong; it was Rigoletto. My go-to source for music in The Leftovers is Alan Sepinwall who reviews at Uproxx. I'm actually going to post a link to his review of this ep in the media forum because it knocked my socks off.

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Considering Nora laughed at Kevin's suggestion that they have a baby, and emphatically told the physician examining her that it is NOT possible that she could be pregnant, I am betting that is exactly what she is: pregnant! Perhaps that influenced her being declined as a candidate for the machine. 

She has an IUD in which has about a 99% or greater effectiveness, so it would be a miracle if she were without damage to the baby. But I think it's interesting.

Also, there's a Burning Bed joke somewhere in that scene where the Book of Kevin is flaming in the background while he and Nora fight.

Edited by WaltersHair
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6 hours ago, Eyes High said:



I use tunefind.com. According to Tunefind, the opera music is indeed from La Traviata, Act 2: "Dite alla giovine...Non amarlo ditegli." It's from a bit in the opera where Alfredo's father persuades Alfredo's lover, a former courtesan named Violetta, to give up the relationship so that Alfredo's sister's fiance will not break off the engagement (due to the scandal of Alfredo and Violetta's relationship). Violetta is anguished over the sacrifice being asked of her but accepts. Alfredo's father urges her to end the relationship by telling Alfredo she doesn't love him anymore.

It was La Traviata! I was right about the last scene music anyway. So it was Rigoletto earlier. Thanks for the link, too.

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Perhaps someone can clear this up for me as I would hope this isn't simply a blatant error on the part of the show's creators. This has to do with the timing of the Rapture as evidenced by Grace's story in the previous episode.

In these last two episodes, the show has made it clear that the Rapture occurred on October 14th in the United States, but on October 15th in Australia, as Australia is 14 hours ahead of the U.S. on the other side of the International Date Line. And every indication has been that the Rapture happened simultaneously around the world. So, in the first year of the show, it was determined that the Rapture happened at 2:34pm in Mapleton, NY, where Kevin, Jr. was doing his girlfriend in a cheap motel, IIRC, and wife Laurie was having an ultrasound, the time and date noted on the ultrasound display. The girlfriend and the baby both disappeared. 

In Grace's casual accounting of that day, she was at the store when the Rapture happened, she knew what it was immediately, and her 5 children, confused and scared when her husband disappeared in front of them, took off into the Outback in search of Grace. By the time she got home, the children were gone, where she simply (hopefully?) assumed they had disappeared along with the 2%. So, if the Rapture occurred simultaneously around the world, it would have been 4:34am in Australia.  At that time of the morning, no regular store is going to be open for business, no normal person is going to be traveling miles away to do their regular shopping, and the entire family should be in their beds fast asleep, or perhaps just rising to prepare for the daily chores of an Australian ranch.

So . . . what is wrong with this picture?

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13 minutes ago, MyBad said:

Perhaps someone can clear this up for me as I would hope this isn't simply a blatant error on the part of the show's creators. This has to do with the timing of the Rapture as evidenced by Grace's story in the previous episode.

In these last two episodes, the show has made it clear that the Rapture occurred on October 14th in the United States, but on October 15th in Australia, as Australia is 14 hours ahead of the U.S. on the other side of the International Date Line. And every indication has been that the Rapture happened simultaneously around the world. So, in the first year of the show, it was determined that the Rapture happened at 2:34pm in Mapleton, NY, where Kevin, Jr. was doing his girlfriend in a cheap motel, IIRC, and wife Laurie was having an ultrasound, the time and date noted on the ultrasound display. The girlfriend and the baby both disappeared. 

In Grace's casual accounting of that day, she was at the store when the Rapture happened, she knew what it was immediately, and her 5 children, confused and scared when her husband disappeared in front of them, took off into the Outback in search of Grace. By the time she got home, the children were gone, where she simply (hopefully?) assumed they had disappeared along with the 2%. So, if the Rapture occurred simultaneously around the world, it would have been 4:34am in Australia.  At that time of the morning, no regular store is going to be open for business, no normal person is going to be traveling miles away to do their regular shopping, and the entire family should be in their beds fast asleep, or perhaps just rising to prepare for the daily chores of an Australian ranch.

So . . . what is wrong with this picture?

Logically, you're not missing much. I think it was at the very least implied that it all happened at the same time. Though I don't recall any actual precision in the reporting of the fact. Perhaps it happened at 2.34pm in each time zone?

Edited by Clanstarling
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1 hour ago, Blakeston said:

I wouldn't be surprised if the people Nora met with are actually affiliated with the Guilty Remnant somehow.

Reaching out to grieving people, and getting their hopes up about being reunited with their families, and then dashing those hopes in a devastating way that will make them feel guilty about their answer ("I missed out on this opportunity because I said I'd kill a baby!", or, "I missed out because I chose not to cure cancer!") sounds like exactly the kind of thing they would do.

Interesting. A number of TV reviews I read said something along those lines, too. If it is a scam, I hope that it's not directly related to the GR. That would make them too much of a Big Bad in the series, imo. I think that the world of The Leftovers is fucked up enough that there's plenty of room for people/groups to be hateful to others. No reason for just one group to have all the fun. Ugh.

I have to admit that I'm perfectly willing to believe that the Universal Zapper is not a scam, or at least not an intentional one. After all, 2% of the world just up and disappeared simultaneously. Why the hell not have an invention that'll allegedly send others to where they went? It's not like anyone is going to be able to prove or disprove it. Talk about a leap of faith.

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16 minutes ago, MyBad said:

Perhaps someone can clear this up for me as I would hope this isn't simply a blatant error on the part of the show's creators. This has to do with the timing of the Rapture as evidenced by Grace's story in the previous episode.

In these last two episodes, the show has made it clear that the Rapture occurred on October 14th in the United States, but on October 15th in Australia, as Australia is 14 hours ahead of the U.S. on the other side of the International Date Line. And every indication has been that the Rapture happened simultaneously around the world. So, in the first year of the show, it was determined that the Rapture happened at 2:34pm in Mapleton, NY, where Kevin, Jr. was doing his girlfriend in a cheap motel, IIRC, and wife Laurie was having an ultrasound, the time and date noted on the ultrasound display. The girlfriend and the baby both disappeared. 

In Grace's casual accounting of that day, she was at the store when the Rapture happened, she knew what it was immediately, and her 5 children, confused and scared when her husband disappeared in front of them, took off into the Outback in search of Grace. By the time she got home, the children were gone, where she simply (hopefully?) assumed they had disappeared along with the 2%. So, if the Rapture occurred simultaneously around the world, it would have been 4:34am in Australia.  At that time of the morning, no regular store is going to be open for business, no normal person is going to be traveling miles away to do their regular shopping, and the entire family should be in their beds fast asleep, or perhaps just rising to prepare for the daily chores of an Australian ranch.

So . . . what is wrong with this picture?

According to the Google machine, depending on the time of year Australia has three to five time zones. It could have been within normal store hours, especially in a ranching/farming community. I live in farm country, and stores around here open as early as 7AM.

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1 hour ago, maystone said:

It was La Traviata! I was right about the last scene music anyway. So it was Rigoletto earlier. Thanks for the link, too.

Where is the link? Sorry to pester you. 

Nevermind. I'll just google in what @Eyes High posted. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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I though this was an absolutely riveting episode. Even though Nora and Kevin apparently told each other the "truth" at the beginning of the episode, it all devolved into truth at one of the most emotionally raw scenes I have seen.

2 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I wouldn't be surprised if the people Nora met with are actually affiliated with the Guilty Remnant somehow.

The two doctors drove away in a vintage Jaguar. That doesn't seem like the GR.

"Ah hah!" That made me laugh. And I loved the brass choir cover of Take on Me

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4 minutes ago, xaxat said:

The two doctors drove away in a vintage Jaguar. That doesn't seem like the GR.

They probably hiked it from someone who disappeared and are not guilty about that! 

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Did Nora actually 'nod' when answering the question? If not, that may have determined the reaction from the physicians. I.e. she answered with her mind but in reality she didn't want to do it which is why she subconsciously didn't nod

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I hope the physicists are not GR. There are tons of wacky reactions to the Sudden Departure--we have no indication it is the Rapture as described in Scriptures--but they are all going to fall into three categories: help you overcome grief, make you feel horrible and guilty, or preach a stoic going on in spite of pain. That some will resemble the others without being allied with them only makes sense. Right now I'm going with the physicists believing they are sending the ones they select where the Departed ended up, without ulterior motives. I wonder if the correct answer to the question is not to choose, to say that either action is unacceptable.

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