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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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On 1/23/2018 at 7:36 PM, Fishy said:

I decided today that me and Wendy are over.  Was just thinking she has come a loooong way from her humble beginnings and I don't like what she's become.  I can remember back in the day she was actually endearing and could really make you laugh.  But lately she seems so sour and dour and so lacking in joy.  It's depressing.  Success doesn't become her.  It's overtaken her.  Peace Out.

 Before I came here I realized that I had two “Wendy” episodes left again on my DVR. Looks like I’m slowly kind of given up on her.  I enjoy watching to come here and Snark but I guess I’m not that interested anymore even to watch so I can join in the Snark. I’ll keep coming here though. Fishy was so correct in her above comment that Wendy just isn’t fun anymore although there still some fun in making fun of her.

I did see that thing with the Q-tip.  Wendy, really, really?   Who else does that? What is she covering with that make up that she can’t even gently blow her nose? I mean is she the only one on TV who is ever needed to gently blow their nose? I don’t know what Wendy is thinking but I’m not liking  it at that much any more.

Edited by Kira53
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I’m back.....  Now I’m feeling badly for Wendy.  I was continuing to watch the episode I was talking about above when Wendy said she thought Omarosa announced that she was writing a book on the Wendy show.  Wendy had to be told that Omarosa had announced that on Good Morning America.  She can’t remember what happens on her show and what she sees on TV.  I knew it happened on GMA and then it was a hot topic on Wendy’s show like it was a hot topic on every news show.  She’s not remembering the difference between what happened in her real life (since the show is part of her real life), and what she watches on TV.  That cognitive problem that she seems to be having looks like it’s become really serious now. I think her brain is going even quicker than Trump’s brain.  Sad........  (ironic)

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11 hours ago, Kira53 said:

I’m back.....  Now I’m feeling badly for Wendy.  I was continuing to watch the episode I was talking about above when Wendy said she thought Omarosa announced that she was writing a book on the Wendy show.  Wendy had to be told that Omarosa had announced that on Good Morning America.  She can’t remember what happens on her show and what she sees on TV.  I knew it happened on GMA and then it was a hot topic on Wendy’s show like it was a hot topic on every news show.  She’s not remembering the difference between what happened in her real life (since the show is part of her real life), and what she watches on TV.  That cognitive problem that she seems to be having looks like it’s become really serious now. I think her brain is going even quicker than Trump’s brain.  Sad........  (ironic)

I hadn’t thought of that (cognitive decline). I wonder if it’s the stress in her real life, her diet (truly unnecessary at her weight) or some sort of premature (early onset) Alzheimer’s...whatever it is you are correct. It is affecting the quality of the show.  She is losing her entertainment value, her recognition of what is and isn’t acceptable on tv (I can overlook someone needing to blow their nose but QTips? On screen teeth cleaning and personal grooming...not so much). When I first began watching, not so long ago, she was upbeat and actually had scoop. When she lost that off camera guy (sorry, forgot his name) and went down to just Norman, the quality of this show has suffered for it. Nobody there is going to challenge her. It would put their jobs in jeopardy. As it is they seem to know they are at the end of their run. The hot topics are not well researched anymore and/or Wendy just can’t remember. Does she need cue cards? Ah gee. If I want to see sadness I’ll just turn on the news. 

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Wendy is seemingly doing more and more grooming on air.  This last week she was working the cuticles on her hands, and then incredibly interrupted her hot topics talk in order to tell us about her fingernails and cuticles.  I just don't understand her increasingly random behavior.  I, too, am enjoying hot topics less and less and am probably close to not watching anymore.

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She was digging up her nose w/the Q-Tip again today (I didn't see it the other time) - disgusting.  If some other host did that on-air, I bet Miss Wendy would have a thing or two to say about it, but it's OK for her because her makeup may smear.  

I wonder what the criteria is for the Shoe Cam; I noticed that she didn't ask Ashley Banfield to endure that humiliation.  Is it because Ashley is a "serious"newswoman?  I don't get it.

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She was really rude to Brooke Burke Charvet yesterday. She wouldn't let up about Brook getting fired from Dancing with the Stars. Brook wanted to change the subject but Nooooooo, Wendy kept on about it. Brook was very gracious and finally got a subtle little dig in about how badly Wendy did when she was on the show. That was when Wendy finally let it go. What a bitch. 

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On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 11:29 AM, Mindthinkr said:

I hadn’t thought of that (cognitive decline). I wonder if it’s the stress in her real life, her diet (truly unnecessary at her weight) or some sort of premature (early onset) Alzheimer’s...whatever it is you are correct. It is affecting the quality of the show.  She is losing her entertainment value, her recognition of what is and isn’t acceptable on tv (I can overlook someone needing to blow their nose but QTips? On screen teeth cleaning and personal grooming...not so much). When I first began watching, not so long ago, she was upbeat and actually had scoop. When she lost that off camera guy (sorry, forgot his name) and went down to just Norman, the quality of this show has suffered for it. Nobody there is going to challenge her. It would put their jobs in jeopardy. As it is they seem to know they are at the end of their run. The hot topics are not well researched anymore and/or Wendy just can’t remember. Does she need cue cards? Ah gee. If I want to see sadness I’ll just turn on the news. 

I think his name was Jason. I also noticed that I haven't seen Suzanne in a long time. Not that I'm complaining. As bitchy as Wendy usually is to her, the chick does work a nerve with all that screeching.

I clapped through the TV with the audience today when she asked them if they didn't care about Heidi and Spencer and booking them on the show and laughed when she got annoyed and crossed her arms. As obnoxious and attention-starved as the Kardashians are, at least they're still relevant. For now, anyway.

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11 hours ago, rmcrae said:

I think his name was Jason. I also noticed that I haven't seen Suzanne in a long time

I thought about that yesterday! Where is Suzanne? Maybe she told Wendy she didn't want to be on camera at all. If that's it, I don't blame her. Wendy was always criticizing her and embarrassing her. I hope she's still there, though. I think she was a producer or something important behind the scenes. 

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Interesting note you guys bring up... I hadn't noticed that Suzanne has been MIA.  I'm not a big fan, but it seems like a bad sign to me.

I love Wendy, but I'm worried for her.  She is not healthy.  It wasn't that long ago she passed out on air.  Her marriage is clearly stressing her out.  She seems to have relapsed into whatever dangerous behaviors she struggled with earlier in her career.  It makes me sad that a badass, self made woman can be driven to illness or death by a piece of shit man.

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I just watched a few old aftershows on WW youtube channel.

She used to be much more energetic, composed, fun and healthy-looking. She used to be ... happy. It's really interesting how everything started going downhill after that drug incident with her son a couple of years ago. She is increasingly becoming more insecure, defensive and hostile. I don't know why her producers don't talk to her about cleaning her teeth and nose on air, it's very unbecoming and not funny at all. And how come she often forgets names of the celebrities? Something is definitely going on.

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Re: today's show:

I'm thoroughly delighted to know that Wendy "emptied her bladder" before sitting/laying down to watch the Grammys. But my question for Wendy: why no reporting to us on your bowel movements? Maybe she's saving that info for the Academy Awards. 

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I thought Wendy said in Hot Topics she was invited to 3 Grammy after parties and one was soooo boring. Then proceeded to do that snooze gesture. So how did she sit at home (empty bladder and all) and watch the Grammy's on TV? WTF Wendy? Does she even catch herself lying? She is slipping more and more each and every day. 

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Was Wendy having a minor stroke during the Monique segment of hot topics?  She was filling us in on Roland Martin vs Monique, which by the way was seriously incomplete.  She then went off on a incoherent tangent about Monique's original issues with Oprah, Tyler Perry and Lee Daniels.  She clearly couldn't remember any of the details and kept making these incredibly long pauses while trying to remember. 

bichonblitz, thanks for catching that!!!  She can't even keep her stories straight.  Also can Wendy come into the 21st century please with DVR and Tivo.  She had the actual nerve to ask the audience how did they watch both RHOA and the Grammy's?  Yeah, I'm sure some people did channel flip.  The rest of society used Tivo and DVR to watch different programs that are on at the same time. Could she be bothered to do any of her homework. 

Wendy really doesn't give a damn anymore. 

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I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who's noticed that Wendy was really losing it the other day.  She was so incoherent in her rantings about Monique that it appeared she couldn't remember what she was saying and it was so disjointed.  I thought maybe that people were talking in her ear piece and she was getting confused, but I think it's more than that.

And her constant throat clearing drives me nuts.  And what's with her having to drink so much lemon whatever that it impedes her ability to speak?  

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Wendy was unnecessarily derogratory in her remarks about the stripper?/porn star? woman who slept with Trump years ago. Yes,  the woman is making money from her story but WW calling her something like (can't remember exact words) an old used up stripper with a worn out pu$$y. She also said the woman's dress she was wearing in the pic was awful. Hey Wendy, that worn out, poorly attired, big busted stripper doesn't look any more trashy than YOU.

And then there was the audience member who ran into WW at a local grocery store the night before and WW turned down the fans request to take a pic of them together.  Wendy must look like she just climbed out of a dumpster when she's in her "natural physical state". Lol.

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Was it today or yesterday... the show blurs after a while.  Anyway, Wendy was in the middle of Hot Topics when she went completely blank.  She stared into the camera for a few seconds and realized she lost her words/didn't know what she was talking about, then just demanded that Norman give out the information that she couldn't remember.  How stressful it must be for him to have to know in an instant whatever fact that Wendy can't spit out, no matter how inane.  I bet Norman has to color his hair because it went gray from being Wendy's puppet.  Hope he gets paid well.

Also, Wendy contradicted herself today, after telling the story about the audience member who approached her in the supermarket.  She said she refused the woman's requests because "I don't take selfies and I don't hug".   Later in the show Wendy was in the audience doing that face mashup contest, and after the man answered correctly she gave him a big hug, which she initiated.  Is her rule that she doesn't hug outside of the show?   Why do I even care?

Oh joy, it looks like another lame contest will be starting up again soon.  Let's see if Suzanne is corralled into hamming it up for that.     

Rant time:  I HATE that little "gotta run!" move Wendy does in the audience, when they break for commercials.  She does this "I'm cutely running out of frame even though I'm 6 foot tall galoot.  I just gotta scoot over here tee-hee, but I'm really getting away from these leeches in the audience before they accost me".   

Edited by patty1h
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4 hours ago, patty1h said:

Was it today or yesterday... the show blurs after a while.  Anyway, Wendy was in the middle of Hot Topics when she went completely blank.  She stared into the camera for a few seconds and realized she lost her words/didn't know what she was talking about, then just demanded that Norman give out the information that she couldn't remember.  How stressful it must be for him to have to know in an instant whatever fact that Wendy can't spit out, no matter how inane.  I bet Norman has to color his hair because it went gray from being Wendy's puppet.  Hope he gets paid well.


I was wondering!  I'm West Coast and there was a quick edit - they must have edited out her blank out.  While talking about DMX, right?

I couldn't believe Wendy was so derogatory to Stormy and wouldn't want her on her show - hey, Wendy - you're the woman who has been salivating, begging OJ SIMPSON to come on your show for months.  That is truly disgusting.

She also looks like she handed her stylist a picture of Siggy Flicker today and said, Make me look like this!

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i am glad i am not the only one who feels this season is awful.  i use to love Hot Topics and her guests.  But it seems Wendy is ripping people apart with nasty comments or snide remarks.  And as someone said her Hot Topics is usually repeating what she talked about on a previous show.  I also am wondering where Suzanne is.  

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42 minutes ago, oceanbrz312 said:

i am glad i am not the only one who feels this season is awful.  i use to love Hot Topics and her guests.  But it seems Wendy is ripping people apart with nasty comments or snide remarks.  And as someone said her Hot Topics is usually repeating what she talked about on a previous show.  I also am wondering where Suzanne is.  

I thought I heard a Suzanne sounding cackle during hot topics a few days ago but it wasn't loud enough to be Suzanne. 

Does anyone know why WW doesn't use que cards? At least she could APPEAR to remember and know what she's talking about instead of having to constantly ask Norman.

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What is with Wendy and her love of Lifetime?   I apologize to anyone here who likes their stuff, but I find Lifetime movies to be tacky and exploitive.  

Wendy was wayyyy out of line telling the Eagle players to break necks and ribs during the game.  Not even the biggest fan wants to see a player with a broken neck.  And knowing she doesn’t give a rat’s ass about sports, she needs to keep her trap shut. 

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4 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I thought I heard a Suzanne sounding cackle during hot topics a few days ago but it wasn't loud enough to be Suzanne. 

While the audience was  doing their usual out of control clapping while Wendy was skipping to her seat, I saw Suzanne for a brief moment encouraging the clapfest. I guess she just doesn't want to be part of Wendy's Hot Topics monologue any longer but she definitely is still there. Smart move, Suzanne. 

How long did Wendy waste cleaning her teeth again today? She is so gross. 

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4 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I thought I heard a Suzanne sounding cackle during hot topics a few days ago but it wasn't loud enough to be Suzanne. 

Does anyone know why WW doesn't use que cards? At least she could APPEAR to remember and know what she's talking about instead of having to constantly ask Norman.

Are you sure she doesn’t use cue cards?

I don’t care about football but I’m shocked about the above report about what she said she want to happen to players.  And not much about Wendy shocks me any more.

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1 hour ago, KLovestoShop said:

Wendy was wayyyy out of line telling the Eagle players to break necks and ribs during the game.  Not even the biggest fan wants to see a player with a broken neck.  And knowing she doesn’t give a rat’s ass about sports, she needs to keep her trap shut. 

I was shocked when she said that!  I could give it a pass if she was trying to make a joke and it fell flat but she was dead serious.  The whole thing was just really weird.

Also from today's episode, what was up with her telling the dancer/actress from Step It Up to turn away from her when she spoke because she didn't want the flu?  That was just really rude and unprofessional, especially since  I highly doubt the woman had the flu, given that she just did an all out dance routine.  

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I was shocked at the football comments too. Some of the stuff she said under the guise of "advice" when she was rambling about Monique a few days ago were things she could apply to herself too. It's like she's hoping the offensive crap that comes out of her mouth will garner some attention and at this point she doesn't care what kind it is. This season has made it painfully obvious that her staff is having major trouble getting guests to appear on her show. The View has been running into the same issue at at times the difference being they can get a wider variety of guests to appear when they do get them. 

Whatever she's been doing to herself besides just going vegan has seriously affected her health. During an "Ask Wendy" segment earlier this week there was a guy who had lost a good bit of weight and he asked her how long it would take to get out of his own head when it comes to accepting the new him. Wendy actually got real and told him to give her a call when he did because she still can't and neither of them may ever. I think whoever has mentioned eating disorders previously when it comes to Wendy might be onto something. That might be part of what's making her act so off, causing her to faint and the cognitive stuff.

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13 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

Wendy was wayyyy out of line telling the Eagle players to break necks and ribs during the game.  Not even the biggest fan wants to see a player with a broken neck.  And knowing she doesn’t give a rat’s ass about sports, she needs to keep her trap shut. 

Anddddddd...... besides that awful comment she was so rude to the guest when he was talking about the Superbowl. I wish he would have told her that just because she doesn't care about the superbowl there are millions of people that do. But nooooo, he  just kissed her ass like everybody does, even though she made him feel uncomfortable and awkward. I know it's her show, but doesn't she have any bosses to report to at the network? People to tell her to get her shit together? 

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Anybody get the feeling that someone on the show may read here?  Her stance on selfies/hugging was discussed in this thread, and today Wendy stopped HotTopics to explain further why she won't hug strangers on the street.  Which still makes no sense to me, because she hugs the strangers in her audience.

Wendy was extra nasty today - she didn't call Kathy Griffin back why?  Because she doesn't want to get close to celebrities?  How about just be civil and return her call with an explanation?   Oh, why do I even care? (which is probably going to be how I end every comment on this thread)

Who do they think they're fooling with those annoying contests?  Those are not "Surprise!" calls to the contestants - you notice that they never get voicemail or no answer because those are pre-arranged calls.  They call live from NY to the 50 states - they've called people in CA and it's 6AM there when the show starts, and the person on the phone is always awake and composed... because it's all set up beforehand.   They apparently coach the person to act all surprised that it's Wendy on the line.  Don't think you're fooling ME, Wendy show.  I'm sure this is no revelation to you all reading here- we're too smart for this show. 

Edited by patty1h
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I haven't had time to catch up on comments but had to pop in to say 3 things:

1) W.T.F. with Wendy thinking ANYBODY needs to see her shoving Q-tips up her nose. I would rather walk in on somebody using the toilet.  

2) On more than one day this week she encouraged the Eagles to intentionally hurt Patriot players. How totally fucking stupid. No one despises Tom Brady more than I, and I want the Pats to lose too, but the sport is dangerous and players getting injured is no joke.

3) She pretty much told Leslie Jones: You just keep being funny and that will eventually land you a man, but you keep working out "for you." AKA, you ain't evah gonna be attractive, girlfriend. WOW.  

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On 2/1/2018 at 8:20 PM, Kira53 said:

Are you sure she doesn’t use cue cards?

I don’t care about football but I’m shocked about the above report about what she said she want to happen to players.  And not much about Wendy shocks me any more.

I've been to see her show and she uses cue cards for hot topics.

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1 hour ago, retired watcher said:

I've been to see her show and she uses cue cards for hot topics.

Thanks for verifying that she uses cue cards.  I was sure that she used cue cards and that was what was so disturbing to me about her level of confusion and lack of memory of names and events in hot topics.

That is a very interesting observation about the contest calls.  I usually turn of at that point but I don’t recall an answering machine/voice mail.  And 6 am in CA........ I know I’d never answer a call from an unknown number at 6 am.  I’d let it go to voicemail and get back to them in a reasonable hour.

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She has been decidedly mean and unfunny lately.  I wonder if she's having a moment, if her personal life is dragging her down, or if she is done with this show now that she has other means of revenue?  Or maybe, all three.

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21 hours ago, Destiny74 said:

She has been decidedly mean and unfunny lately.  I wonder if she's having a moment, if her personal life is dragging her down, or if she is done with this show now that she has other means of revenue?  Or maybe, all three.

totally this!!   and then if she's not being mean or unfunny, she's crying....  

On ‎2‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 11:40 AM, DrivingSideways said:

Hi Wendy!  Please get help.


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On 2/2/2018 at 6:28 PM, retired watcher said:

I've been to see her show and she uses cue cards for hot topics.

I believe you, but why does she still need to ask Norman LOTS of questions about her Hot Topics subjects? She just looks like an apathetic a-hole. She's just going through the motions but totally not into her job. I don't watch her show much anymore but I'm going to keep coming here to enjoy the snarking on WW!

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Did you see Wendy look straight into the camera today, take that Q-Tip and dramatically take something out of her eye? Someone on her "Bureau" reads here.

Her makeup artist can take care of that before she walks onto the stage. Even the Real Housewives have their makeup artists run to them during the reunion breaks to fix what needs to be fixed.

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Why is she even bothering with this show?  I'm tired of her talking about someone or something and then she says "I don't care".  Wendy, if you don't care, why bother?  She talks about Justin Timberlake, slams the Super Bowl for not using Jennifer Lopez and then says "I don't care".  

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1 hour ago, druzy said:

Did you see Wendy look straight into the camera today, take that Q-Tip and dramatically take something out of her eye? Someone on her "Bureau" reads here.

Her makeup artist can take care of that before she walks onto the stage. Even the Real Housewives have their makeup artists run to them during the reunion breaks to fix what needs to be fixed.

I thought that it was strange and it was a subtle jab at us...

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2 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

Why is she even bothering with this show?  I'm tired of her talking about someone or something and then she says "I don't care".  Wendy, if you don't care, why bother?  She talks about Justin Timberlake, slams the Super Bowl for not using Jennifer Lopez and then says "I don't care".  

This is my biggest pet peeve with her! Who in the hell does she think she is? It's her job to care or at least fake it and act like she does for the sake of the viewers. What has happened to this woman? I used to love hot topics. Wendy was very funny and relatable, now she is just sour and miserable, jealous and hateful. She's not even nice during the Ask Wendy segment. It's embarrassing how rude she is to her "co-hosts". I'm sure she would care if we stopped watching her show and her numbers end up in the shitter because of her attitude! Her husband has really done a number on her and it's only going to get worse after her son leaves home to go to college. She's going to be alone in her house because you just know Big Kev is going to be over at the side chicks house around the corner every chance he gets. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

This is my biggest pet peeve with her! Who in the hell does she think she is? It's her job to care or at least fake it and act like she does for the sake of the viewers. What has happened to this woman? I used to love hot topics. Wendy was very funny and relatable, now she is just sour and miserable, jealous and hateful. She's not even nice during the Ask Wendy segment. It's embarrassing how rude she is to her "co-hosts". I'm sure she would care if we stopped watching her show and her numbers end up in the shitter because of her attitude! Her husband has really done a number on her and it's only going to get worse after her son leaves home to go to college. She's going to be alone in her house because you just know Big Kev is going to be over at the side chicks house around the corner every chance he gets. 

Yup, on her dime.  Don't forget that sleazy part...Big Kev is in it for the money...Wendy is getting well-paid, so, she should give a damn about the show..

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Today was a low point. I don't think a single word of Hot Topics was ad libbed, even her personal asides. She seemed to be straining to read the teleprompter with a lot of awkward pauses. I don't even think she knew what she was talking about half the time. She seemed extremely tense and out of it and I thought maybe she was feeling fainty again or something, but then she said she had the best sleep ever and was all fired up! ...and then proceeded to follow every story with "I don't care." How much fucking "melatonin" did she take?! I did not watch the rest of the show, but it made me wonder how she would get through her interviews.

Also, where is the dirt on what happened to Suzanne?! Wendy just suddenly doesn't talk to her anymore, she doesn't participate in the give-away, and they purposefully avoid showing her when they cut away to commercials, when they used to make a point of almost always showing her. I thought maybe she got axed, but I think I briefly saw the back of her head. Anybody know what happened there? 

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My take on Suzanne being MIA:  She asked for more $ for her participation in the contests and for wearing Wendy's clothing line.  In my head, "someone" didn't like that because they think it is a privilege to have been on camera and how dare Suzanne.  Then, the decision was made by Suzanne or "someone" that her on-camera days were over (except if she gets caught when cutting to commercials).  

I saw Wendy wiping her eyes today and I noticed the audience was clapping and hooting even more than normal.  I think Wendy told them just before the cameras went on that she is getting flak about her hygiene on-camera.  She made it into a "boohoo, people are being mean to me", and the audience decided to go over the top in their response, as a show of how much they love Wendy.  Lemmings.

I found her dismissive attitude towards middle American ("Emily & Henry") very condescending, that they couldn't appreciate hip-hop artists at next years Super Bowl.  You never know what kind of music people like.  Didn't Missy Elliott go over big when she popped up a few years ago?

Edited by patty1h
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I can't seem to find the show fun anymore.  I would always rolls my eyes at Wendy, but I'd still giggle or chuckle at things. I don't think I've really enjoyed the show  all season . Probably longer. There isn't any fun in it. Wendy doesn't care, shecan't seem  to be able to act like she even likes other people. 

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4 hours ago, patty1h said:

I found her dismissive attitude towards middle American ("Emily & Henry") very condescending, that they couldn't appreciate hip-hop artists at next years Super Bowl.

I don't think Justin Timberlake is "Emily and Henry's" middle American cup of tea, either. She is so off base with her beliefs. 

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5 hours ago, rcc said:

Wendy was given a big renewal (I think it ends 2022). So she has become complacent. Just like an athlete given a big contract and doesn't hustle anymore. 

At the rate she's going I don't think she'll make it another 5 years. It's only a matter of time before someone comes along with a similar show with a better host, topics and guests. I can't remember who on here mentioned her, but I agree that a show with Nina Parker as the host would be great. I saw her on an E talk show a few weeks ago and she was really good. Funny, shady without being a miserable wench and didn't say "I don't care" about every other story.

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