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S05.E16: Where are the now? Brittani and Sean

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Brittani will have to endure two more painful surgeries to achieve her ideal body. Will Sean finally make a break from his mother's over-protective care? And Annette and Calisto prepare for skin removal surgery.

This is your episode thread.  It will unlock when the episode has finished airing on the east coast. 

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Brittani has done great,now its time her husband  to do something about his weight,she lost it he seemed to have gained it,Sean unless he gets away from Mom he will yo-yo until he is dead...since when are sandwiches on weight loss diets ? Never .... I notice that all these people seem to have obese family members and or friends ...I think it makes it harder to lose weight  for some while others ignore their own size.

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I wonder if the store let Sean in barefoot because he was in a wheelchair and wasn't going to walk on the floors. I live in a university town where the Walmart backs up onto cornfields. I'm pretty sure the stuff on the bottom of the farmers' shoes is worse than Sean's bare feet, and they let the farmers in. 

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I'm not even sure that thing at the bottom of Sean's left leg qualifies as a "foot." 

I feel sorry for him in a way. He seems pretty mentally challenged and a complete victim of his mother's overbearing nature. His chances for living a normal life are slim to none. His mother's condition sounds rather grave -- I don't know how he's going to get through the rest of his life without assistance full-time assistance.

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Somehow I missed what happened to his mother - was she not getting enough positive attention through Sean anymore, so she got sick herself to ensure plenty of care and sympathy? (Munchausen Syndrome people will do this.)

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22 minutes ago, aliya said:

I wonder if the store let Sean in barefoot because he was in a wheelchair and wasn't going to walk on the floors. I live in a university town where the Walmart backs up onto cornfields. I'm pretty sure the stuff on the bottom of the farmers' shoes is worse than Sean's bare feet, and they let the farmers in. 

The shoe thing bothers me  on a few of the Food Network shows when they wear their dirty boots into the kitchen!   That said, I was happy for Sean that he was so excited to  just be in a grocery store.  One simple moment which showed how damaged he is by his mother.

For those of is are Intervention, think about Suzon and her mother who threatened suicide after Suzon said yes.  This is a tiny bit of what Sean will have to deal with.  As someone mentioned in the chat, APS. should be involved.

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my gawd - Sean literally weighed over 1,000 pounds? Absolutely staggering. His mother should be locked away where she can't harm him any longer.

Edited by okerry
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30 minutes ago, fonfereksglen said:

For those of is are Intervention, think about Suzon and her mother who threatened suicide after Suzon said yes.  This is a tiny bit of what Sean will have to deal with.  As someone mentioned in the chat, APS. should be involved.

Ack! Really?? I am a few seasons behind on "Intervention," but will check this one out!

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Wow, our West coast buddies are bit laid back.

That scene with Sean's mom whipping herself into a hysterical frenzy and Dr. Now giving her the verbal smackdown was surreal. She really showed herself to be a real nut job. Actually, after I heard Dr. Now's comments to her about her possible Munchausen's behavior, it suddenly made sense why she never pursued getting her son help with his seriously injured and deformed left foot: she wanted him that way! I really didn't think Munchausen's after watching the initial episode, but many of you here did. Unexpectedly, I ended up feeling pretty bad for Sean and hope he can start to live the life of a normal twenty something man, with boatloads of therapy, of course. Didn't think I'd ever feel that way since I absolutely could not stand him before. 

51 minutes ago, fonfereksglen said:

The shoe thing bothers me  on a few of the Food Network shows when they wear their dirty boots into the kitchen!   That said, I was happy for Sean that he was so excited to  just be in a grocery store.  One simple moment which showed how damaged he is by his mother.

For those of is are Intervention, think about Suzon and her mother who threatened suicide after Suzon said yes.  This is a tiny bit of what Sean will have to deal with.  As someone mentioned in the chat, APS. should be involved.

I have watched many episodes of that show but I don't recall that one. Sickening. Was she an addict too?

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Storms knocked my electricity out so I'm just now caught up. I really liked Nikki so if they are showing an update for her, I will watch it, too, further setting back my plan to no longer watch this show. By next year, my resolve will probably dissipate completely. Sigh...

Brittani did great and the only negative comment I have about her process is that she lost just a bit too much weight in her face at the end. Throughout the episode, I thought to myself how pretty she looked since she hadn't become drawn in the face like a lot of the patients of this surgery. She looked ill and she was pretty before that last few pounds. Hopefully, her husband will get on track with her, since this couple really seems to love each other, which I noticed on the original show because it was surrounded by husbands who had sexual fetishes as opposed to actual love for the person they married.

There were several interventions for Sean and his mother before Dr. Now, but I can't remember the details at this moment. There was an article way back when the episode aired. I've never understood why APS wasn't involved, but suspect that they would take a step like calling a nutritionist or a doctor to make it look like they were trying. They clearly both need help, but don't see why or how Dr. Paradise can treat both of them. That doesn't seem right or productive. Hopefully I'm wrong. Sean didn't bother me as much this time as he did in the original episode, so perhaps there is some growth in him, even if it is just maturity based on age.

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Sean has no hope as long as his mother is alive.  Sean is a zombie. His mother has that look of mental illness some people have. Hard to explain, but sometimes its just written all over their faces.     Its a very sick dynamic, very much like Billy Robbins and his mother.

Sean really weirded out when the doctor came to see him. I was expecting to see him crochet himself into a cocoon.

Brittani's husband was so fat and I wish Dr. N would of said something to him.

As for Brittni, she worked hard, had a good attitude and a beautiful smile. I hope she enjoys her new life and is happy.

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Okay, this show makes me into a horrible person. I was really thinking that both Sean and his mom should be written off. Neither of them is making any contribution to society. They are both total drains on societal resources. Keep serving up the mac and cheese and shut the F up, losers. If you die? At least we save some money.  See what I mean about the horrible person? I feel differently about someone who cares and tries to improve. Sean is not that.

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My guide says next weeks show will be an update with Tertha and Chad.

Just now, Bunnygirl said:

My guide says next weeks show will be an update with Tertha and Chad.

I mean Teretha.  Sorry, typo.

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3 hours ago, Bunnygirl said:

My guide says next weeks show will be an update with Tertha and Chad.

I mean Teretha.  Sorry, typo.

Teretha has appeared on the Facebook "600lb Life Discussion Group" - she shared that she just finished the "voiceover" portion of her part of the episode and that it was a long and tiring process, she was glad it was done. She seems to be in good spirits, so hopefully it's a positive update for her! 

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I kept getting a horror movie vibe from Sean's mother. (Bette or Joan would have to play her part, of course.) I really wondered how she was counting 1200 calories - did it bear any relation to what is really 1200 calories and was the discrepancy deliberate or accidental? I'm convinced it was deliberate. She wanted Sean immobile and completely under her care. That said, I didn't believe in her turn-around after Dr Paradise showed up.

9 hours ago, okerry said:

Somehow I missed what happened to his mother - was she not getting enough positive attention through Sean anymore, so she got sick herself to ensure plenty of care and sympathy? (Munchausen Syndrome people will do this.)

I absolutely believe this.

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11 minutes ago, Miracle Maxie said:

I kept getting a horror movie vibe from Sean's mother. (Bette or Joan would have to play her part, of course.) I really wondered how she was counting 1200 calories - did it bear any relation to what is really 1200 calories and was the discrepancy deliberate or accidental? I'm convinced it was deliberate. She wanted Sean immobile and completely under her care. That said, I didn't believe in her turn-around after Dr Paradise showed up.

I absolutely believe this.

I re-watched Sean original episode after watching last night show , I noticed Sean's Mother was normal sized and attractive in photos while married to Sean's father after their divorce she gained weight and really let herself go.... Sean was a normal weight child ,not the typical for this show..  .Misery loves company and Sean's has no quality of life wife Mom .Knitting is not exercise and not moving around is not a option at his size if he ever wants a life ,he has been home-bound since he was 18 !sad

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8 hours ago, unoiamacutie said:

Wow, Dr. Now really went off on Sean's mother. That was pleasing to watch for sure. I knew Sean wouldn't make any progress, and I'm glad Dr. Now separated him and his mom.

I like angry Dr. Now and fully enjoyed watching him give Sean's mother an earful. 

I stopped recording this show because of the ridiculousness of "ow mah legs" and the Assanti debacle, but gave this episode a shot. Faith restored, for now. 

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What all of you said re: Brittani. She is adorable and I was pulling for her every minute. I even shouted encouraging things at my TV--"you can do it!" "Don't get discouraged, Brittani! I believe in you!"

Sean and his toxic mama. Oy. Of all the skeevy things in that twisted, deeply weird relationship, I raised my eyebrows highest at Sean's apparent preference for total nudity. Eek. He'd throw on a t-shirt and shorts for a stroll across the apartment, then get completely undressed again to clamber back into his fetid bed. Gave me the shudders. What grown man wants his mother to dress him, and wants to be completely naked around her?

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I thought it appeared that Brittani's husband lost weight too.  Not as much as her, but some.  I'll have to rewatch it.

Also, I had switched the channel over to check on something else  and missed the part of what happened to Sean's mother.  I saw her meet with the therapist and then Sean, but, then it appeared that she was no longer in the apt.  What happened to her?

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Brittani was a fabulous palate cleanser for the dysfunction with Seanmom.  A lot of the weight loss patients' skeletons are broken and twisted from the extreme overweight, it's really nice to see the medical team fixing these issues (her knees) rseulting in much greater mobility.  Brittani was smiling non-stop about her new life.  A doctor like Dr Now must literally live for patients like her.  They may be few, but one success like Brittani might justify dealing with 10 failures for him.  She looked so beautiful!  Happiness does that.

Mommie Dearest was going to explode as she was explaining to Dr Now how her dear son needed more extreme medical treatment because only she knew him!  The doctors didn't know Sean!  Medicate him now! Sean was real passive the whole time and his loyalty was 100% with mom who is always "helping" him with her angelic mannerisms.  These mannerisms hide something far more sinister.  Munchhausen by proxy?  Dr Now wasn't sugar-coating it.  That's a pretty heavy accusation to lay since it's such a perverted, twisted criminal mindset. but hey, it sure seemed to fit the puzzle.  This was emphasized when the show showed more visits where she was agitated by his minor symptoms (that I think he was playing up, too), and Sean was returned home with "nothing wrong with him."

She had a very underhanded way of placating anyone that brought up the harm she was causing Sean.  She did it both with Dr Now and Dr Paradise.  She would agree with them emphatically!  In fact, it seemed to catch Dr Now off-guard.  "You agree?" he wondered, with visible amazement.  Oh yes, she absolutely agreed.  What more can you say after that?  How deviously clever.

Dr Now himself looked like he was going to blow up when she brazenly declared that she was counting calories, but adding just a little more because her 1000-lb baby was hungry.  He gained over 50 lbs... after bariatric surgery!  That didn't add up!

I was fascinated by the unexpected result that Sean LOST weight when mom was away at the hospital, and he dieted on his own.  That's even more damning for mom as something much worse than an enabler, but an active, malicious participant in the sabotage of his 'progress.'

Why was she in the hospital, and why didn't Sean appear to care that much?  Maybe she's in inpatient psychiatric care?  It seemed to be a very long hospital stay.  A stroke?  She was massively overweight herself and did not look healthy at all.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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Anyone else chuckle when the Seanmom recap included a moan of "Owe mah knee!" when they shoved him in the ambulance?

Or when mom handed him a roasted leg of prehistoric bird, Flintstones size?  Memories...

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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3 hours ago, Pers said:

 she just finished the "voiceover" portion of her part of the episode and that it was a long and tiring process, she was glad it was done. 

Maybe this is an indication of why these people have food control problems. Try digging ditches, standing on your feet all day working at Walmart, watching 3 little kids as a stay at home mom, being an EMT... I could go on. "Long and tiring process" to do voice overs. Give me a break. I guess it was a long and tiring process to make good food choices so that you don't wind up being 600 lbs.

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Oh yeah, that bologna and American cheese. UGH!  Fake food, heavily processed, high fat, high sodium.  I sure hated seeing Sean eat that!

Does anybody else watch "The Detroiters"?  My favorite line from the show was Ned and one of his great ideas for a new commercial: "Bologna! Because it's all the meats!"  That rang out in my mind when I saw Sean grabbing the pack of it.

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3 hours ago, Miracle Maxie said:

I kept getting a horror movie vibe from Sean's mother. (Bette or Joan would have to play her part, of course.) I really wondered how she was counting 1200 calories - did it bear any relation to what is really 1200 calories and was the discrepancy deliberate or accidental? I'm convinced it was deliberate. She wanted Sean immobile and completely under her care. That said, I didn't believe in her turn-around after Dr Paradise showed up.

I absolutely believe this.

Yeah--Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?-- the Victor Buono ("Edwin") character and his mother character, "Celia" who were at once dependent and resentful of each other. Celia thinks Edwin is brilliant and acts as his "secretary" and babies him while he is just another out of work musician in Hollywood willing to be (s)mothered. Victor Buono was quite large.

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I'm disappointed in Brittani's family for not taking care with the food in their home.  Everyone knew she had just lost all that weight, plus they're all obese too.  You'd think they'd find out what she needs to eat and have it - and nothing else - in the home while they're lucky enough to have her visiting for 3 months.  They'd all have benefited from the healthier options, too.

Re: Sean, what options are out there for him?  He seems low IQ.  When Mom dies, what will happen to him?  He does not seem to have life skills to live alone.  Group home?  Sheesh. What happens to people like him?  How could his mom not make contingency plans for him?

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He has no life skills and made no progress since his last show. I mean 550 is better than 1000 but he is still in terrible shape. Of course he is in pain. Of course he can't breathe! His lungs aren't meant to have all that fat pressing on them. He doesn't walk so he has Zero Fitness.  He stands up and he is huffing and puffing. Yeah freaking BOLOGNA! The worst food out there besides hot dogs. And when he was saying- I don't always stick to the plan, we get a pizza now and then, because I'm human" just awful!

His mother, well you've all said it. Epic scene with Dr Now telling her off. YOU are KILLING him! I loved that! 

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33 minutes ago, Trees said:

I'm disappointed in Brittani's family for not taking care with the food in their home. 

Brittani's family should not have to tip-toe around her.  She knows it takes self control, and only she can do it.

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Anyone out there who’s had bariatric surgery (either gastric by-pass or “the sleeve”) maybe you can answer this:
How can anyone GAIN weight after such a process? Isn’t your stomach made smaller? How is it possible to even down a whole sandwich, boloney or not? I can’t fit into my brain how this weight-loss surgery doesn’t result in weight loss every time, every patient. Help a girl out, will you?

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So I'm not trying to come out in support of Mama Munchausen (MM), but I got flashbacks and a shiver down my spine when she was asking Dr. Now about the lactic acid testing.  I feel like Dr. Now has taken a lot of liberties this season in brushing off people's issues (Ashley D and her "imagined" neurological issues).  Now I have no doubts that MM is trying to keep her son sick for her own benefits, but I have experienced the good 'ole brush off myself and it is infuriating.  Last year my dad was experiencing liver failure and going into fits from Hepatic Encepelopathy (HE).  Per many websites (including the American Liver Foundation), one of the quickest and effective treatments was...now brace your self...an enema using a specific (cheap) medication.  Yes, I said it, an enema.  They did this to my dad once and it brought him out of an HE episode , but he screamed the whole time and the nurses didn't like doing it.  Well, the next time he went into an HE state, the doctors reacted to me like Dr. Now reacted to MM when I suggested they should do a medication enema (They would say, where did you (me) get your medical degree? why would you want to do that to you dad? Just let him go in peace.).  He died a few weeks later (hospice pumped him full of morphine, thank you very much).  But in this case, I have no doubt that MM is trying to keep her son sick as if she wasn't, she would be as meticulous about his diet as running specific tests (we were like Nazis with my dad's diet), but I want you to understand that there are many doctors out there just want to blow off your concerns.

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Dr. Now mentioned to someone that carbonated beverages can play a role in stretching the stomach.  He also mentioned it is possible to eat small amounts continuously throughout the day, which would still wind up with higher calorie counts for the day (especially if your smaller meals consist of things that are high in calories specifically).   So, I guess, if you eat every few hours and down it with some soda, you can stretch your stomach again? 

Sean is just doomed, as long as the mother is in the picture.  I actually feel sorry for him.  He's never really had a shot at a normal life.  I absolutely agree, APS should be involved at this point.    

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Brittani is such a positive ray of sunshine. Every time a patient whines about how hard it is and how unfair Dr Now's program is, he should force them to watch her episodes. I wish the best for her and hope her husband realizes he's on his way to where she was and gets it together. He has a stellar role model in his wife and they really do seem to love each other to pieces. I hope he drops a ton of weight and they have the family they've wanted for years.

I don't quite get what happened to Munchausen Mom, either. Sean said something like her belly got so bloated she was in a lot of pain and had to go to the hospital. Dr Now going off on her was the best moment on this show......ever. I also couldn't believe the bologna sandwich. But, then thought about it for a minute. Sean had never done anything like grocery shopping in his entire life and probably had never made himself anything to eat. Whipping up a bologna and fake cheese sandwich for himself probably make him feel like Superman. I think if he has the chance to separate himself from his sicko mom, with a whole lot of time, therapy and basic instruction on how to be a functioning adult, he might be okay.

3 minutes ago, Dianaofthehunt said:

Anyone out there who’s had bariatric surgery (either gastric by-pass or “the sleeve”) maybe you can answer this:
How can anyone GAIN weight after such a process? Isn’t your stomach made smaller? How is it possible to even down a whole sandwich, boloney or not? I can’t fit into my brain how this weight-loss surgery doesn’t result in weight loss every time, every patient. Help a girl out, will you?

I know someone who had gastric bypass and lost over 200 pounds. She's gained it all back and about 100 more. She said it didn't take long for her to be able to start eating  more and more and the stomach gradually stretches out again. Also, we've heard Dr Now preach protein, protein, protein on every episode. I doubt Sean's mom followed that rule and gave him doughnuts, ice cream and white bread instead of some lean protein and veggies. 

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4 minutes ago, Dianaofthehunt said:

Anyone out there who’s had bariatric surgery (either gastric by-pass or “the sleeve”) maybe you can answer this:
How can anyone GAIN weight after such a process? Isn’t your stomach made smaller? How is it possible to even down a whole sandwich, boloney or not? I can’t fit into my brain how this weight-loss surgery doesn’t result in weight loss every time, every patient. Help a girl out, will you?

Good question.  And the answer is: it takes special dedication and talent, but it can be done.

I had gastric sleeve in Sept 2014 and today for lunch I couldn't eat more than 3 oz of fish in one sitting.  But note the words, one sitting.  The way to gain weight is to have a couple bites of something ever hour/half hour.  Penny was a master at this.  If I'm not careful, I myself could fall into this trap, but luckily enough, I don't have the time during the day to eat something every hour.

And with the sleeve, the part they cut out isn't as stretchy, per se, but it does stretch a little.  It will never stretch to its original size, but if you think about it, it has to stretch a little because you do need to survive and there is supposed to come a day where you stop losing weight and need to maintain - one can not live on one ounce of food three times a day.  But I think Sean had the bypass, which that pouch is cut differently and has more of a tendency to stretch. 

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3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

What all of you said re: Brittani. She is adorable and I was pulling for her every minute. I even shouted encouraging things at my TV--"you can do it!" "Don't get discouraged, Brittani! I believe in you!"

Sean and his toxic mama. Oy. Of all the skeevy things in that twisted, deeply weird relationship, I raised my eyebrows highest at Sean's apparent preference for total nudity. Eek. He'd throw on a t-shirt and shorts for a stroll across the apartment, then get completely undressed again to clamber back into his fetid bed. Gave me the shudders. What grown man wants his mother to dress him, and wants to be completely naked around her?

She really is, isn't she?  Optimism on a stick with an infectious smile!  I hope we get an update on when she has reached her goals.  And her husband is a doll!

And you can tell Dr. Now really likes her.  That smile he gave when describing her journey and his pride in her progress was warm and genuine.

I don't want to talk about Sean and his Munchhausen Mama except to say maybe you shouldn't be lecturing a doctor on testing, prognosis and treatment.  Visits to emergency rooms aren't the same as medical school.  LOVED the smackdown.  

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I believe they state on this show that the success rate for this surgery is only 5%, so 95% of the patients end up gaining some or all of their weight back, sad to say. 

I'm soooo chuffed for Brittani.  She's one of the best, and I hope and pray she's a success story long term.  And I hope that her husband realizes that his weight will affect his life and maybe even shorten it, and does something about it.  They both deserve long, happy lives.  And I agree that her parents had no need to change the food in their homes (even though they were both overweight themselves), as Brittani has to live in the real world.  And the real world will always contain temptations and unwise food choices, and it's up to her to make the right choices when faced with that temptation.  She knows what to do, and only she can make those choices.  And we saw that she rose to the challenge.

I don't know that Sean will ever attain a normal adulthood, even if his toxic mother were to die today.  He's been too damaged, I think.  And probably didn't start out on the high end of "normal" to begin with.  The best he can hope for is a group home.  The worst is life on the streets.  I predict that if Seanmom (thanks for that word!) were to die today, Sean would eat himself to death within a very short time, given the chance.  So very, very sad. 

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14 hours ago, aliya said:

I wonder if the store let Sean in barefoot because he was in a wheelchair and wasn't going to walk on the floors. I live in a university town where the Walmart backs up onto cornfields. I'm pretty sure the stuff on the bottom of the farmers' shoes is worse than Sean's bare feet, and they let the farmers in. 

I think the shoe regulation is so you don't step on something, and sue.

Thinking about it, it seems unlikely that more couldn't have been done for Sean's foot, and I wonder now if mom wanted him crippled.  Because  since it was a school injury, I'd think the school insurance would pay, and if not, most mothers would raise heaven and earth to get help.
Even after all these years, I'd love to see a qualified orthopedist look at his foot.
If she is to blame, I'd lock her sorry ass up for life.

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16 minutes ago, auntjess said:

I think the shoe regulation is so you don't step on something, and sue.

Kinda part of what I was saying - he's not walking, he's not going to step on anything, he's not going to fall.

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2 minutes ago, Calicocats said:

I would think health regulations would also come into play.  I can't imagine bare feet need to be around places where food is prepared.

I'm trying to think of this as an accessibility issue. What if someone had surgery or some kind of condition (maybe very sensitive neuropathy?) where they couldn't wear anything on their feet? Could they be kept out of stores? Only grocery stores? Only restaurants? I don't know. Should they be made to put a blanket over their bare feet? Don't know. Again, if they aren't actually walking around barefoot, can you keep them out? How much dirt is being tracked in on the wheelchair wheels?  It's an interesting issue to consider. I'm no friend of the ACLU, but sometimes they come in handy.

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I just watched this morning after having read here.  

Love Brittany!  Her husband needs to follow her lead and lose weight.  He is headed for Dr Now soon if he doesn't catch himself. 

We will hear of Sean's death at some point.  I don't see able to survive with or without mom.  It was interesting to see that he did better in her absence but she will be back.  

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1 hour ago, Dianaofthehunt said:

Anyone out there who’s had bariatric surgery (either gastric by-pass or “the sleeve”) maybe you can answer this:
How can anyone GAIN weight after such a process? Isn’t your stomach made smaller? How is it possible to even down a whole sandwich, boloney or not? I can’t fit into my brain how this weight-loss surgery doesn’t result in weight loss every time, every patient. Help a girl out, will you?

I had the sleeve 2.5 years ago and I have kept off the 100lbs that I lost the first year. Still need to lose a little more (30lbs or so). The farther out you get the harder it becomes. In the beginning it is so easy because your stomach is swollen and there is so little room for food. Once that swelling goes down it is up to you to eat right and exercise to keep it going. You can easily gain weight back by eating the wrong foods and what we sleevers call slider foods (ice cream, candy, cookies-basically carb & sugar loaded things). That's why it's so important to make changes early on and stick with it. It's definitely not an easy fix. It takes life long dedication but it does give us a fighting chance. You just have to want it. 

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