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S13.E21: Don't Stop Me Now

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1 hour ago, Palomar said:

Yes, Meredith should have been honest from the beginning, but since when does someone having a crush mean they have "dibs" on them....especially when the guy has NO interest in anything beyond friendship.  These are Doctors, not high school.  If Meredith would have said "yeah, I like him too" from the beginning when Maggie mentioned him, the whole thing could have been avoided.  I would think that Maggie would be embarrassed as hell about all this anyway. Jeez, broaden your dating pool, people!

See I'm not Maggie's biggest fan but this definitely wasn't about dibs. I remember feeling so much second hand embarrassment for Maggie at the start of the season and Meredith is a big reason for that. I mean Meredith was awful discussing Maggie's feelings with Riggs and Alex and Maggie was just pouring her heart out. I bet knowing about Riggs and Meredith's relationship would have nipped that crush in the bud. At the very least Maggie wouldn't have shared quite so much. At the end of the day, Meredith didn't even tell her, Maggie figured it out.  I get feeling betrayed. Meredith should have put on her big girl pants and told her sister the truth. She may have told herself she was sparing Maggie's feelings but really she wanted to avoid an awkward situation and turned it into a betrayal. That being said, first time in a while since I felt like Meredith emotionally cared about anyone other than herself. Even when she was doing the most about Richard and Alex, it was more about these two being her people and therefore an extension of herself than about loving someone.

Anyway back to betrayal. Catherine and Bailey did the same thing to Richard this season. I was really excited about a story line about overhauling the resident's program cause it is terrible. Bailey as the chief should have gone to Richard and said this is the problem and this is what we're going to do about it. Instead she put her personal relationship above her professional obligations and out of a need to spare his feelings ended up blindsiding and betraying Richard and completely obscuring the original idea. I know Grey has always been more of a soapy drama about feelings and relationships but every problem is caused by people's inability to communicate to their spouses, sisters, mentors,etc. I'm not particularly interested in seeing new residents become doctors but I wouldn't mind seeing our attending become better teachers. The mentorships used to be great. Mark and Jackson, Teddy and Christina,Arizona and Alex, even April and Owen. I'd  love to see it from the other side. We got a bit of Amelia and Stephanie but that pops up every six eps. Grey's is really losing me this season.

Another pet peeve, I hated Stephanie and Richard's mugging for the camera and the cries of disgust from the gallery. I get it, it's gross but I'm sure that patient would have been humiliated if she was awake and it seemed in bad taste. April was the only one to reign it in a little while showing she was clearly squicked.

They need to shit or get off the pot with Amelia and Owen. The patient story was sad. The mom just seemed so stoic and resigned after hearing the cancer spread. She was sure in her decision. I thought the actor who played the dad did a really good job. These decisions were out of his hands (as they should be) and you could see his heart breaking. I think it was supposed to make me feel bad for Amelia but it did the opposite. I like her less now. Run Owen. Even you deserve better.


Was Jackson just in one scene. Hmmm. Does he care about his mother's marriage? Arizona might as well have not been there. I just didn't feel much from her. Same for Alex. Stephanie had good reaction shots.  Don't miss Jo one bit.

i know it doesn't seem like it but I liked this episode. Way more than last week anyway.

Edited by tua20782
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33 minutes ago, tua20782 said:

See I'm not Maggie's biggest fan but this definitely wasn't about dibs. I remember feeling so much second hand embarrassment for Maggie at the start of the season and Meredith is a big reason for that. I mean Meredith was awful discussing Maggie's feelings with Riggs and Alex and Maggie was just pouring her heart out. I bet knowing about Riggs and Meredith's relationship would have nipped that crush in the bud. At the very least Maggie wouldn't have shared quite so much. At the end of the day, Meredith didn't even tell her, Maggie figured it out.  I get feeling betrayed. Meredith should have put on her big girl pants and told her sister the truth. She may have told herself she was sparing Maggie's feelings but really she wanted to avoid an awkward situation and turned it into a betrayal. That being said, first time in a while since I felt like Meredith emotionally cared about anyone other than herself. Even when she was doing the most about Richard and Alex, it was more about these two being her people and therefore an extension of herself than about loving someone.

I agree with this so much.

As much as I was dreading the fall out from this horrible storyline, I have to admit it feels like they pulled themselves out of a  headlong fall and managed to land somewhat gracefully.  I like that it was really all about Maggie and Meredith and in the end  Nathan was after all that was a nonentity.  IMO, Meredith was the more childish one in this situation because an adult would have simply said 9 months ago -- "I am already sleeping with him."  Done and done. Maggie definitely gets to feel some type of way in this situation.

Those worms were the most disgusting things.  I think I gagged.  And now I am so paranoid, I think I am  going to damn near parboil any fruit or vegetable I get.  LOL.

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This was sort of a good/bad episode for me:

Good: The worms story line was very old-school Grey's and something the show has been missing.

Good: Meredith and Maggie have their nice little heart to heart at the end and Meredith is finally honest
Bad: Watching Maggie act like she's 13 for most the episode (I'm sorry...bumping a surgery to make a passive aggressive point?  Really?)

Good: The cancer mom story line was very well done
Bad: I just handle these story lines right now (I know, I know...that's just me)

Good: Old school Bailey coming out, as well as in-character April
Bad: I don't care that much about Richard and Catherine to get too excited about trying to get them back together.  Plus, in-character April was a little over the top for me.

So, here is my main complaint--well one of them--about the show right now.  They seem to have completely forgotten how to write relationships.  I was not a fan of Meredith and Derek, but they did a great job of growing that relationship and *allowing the viewers to be part of it.*  Same with both Cristina and Burke and Cristina and Owen.  Heck, even Jackson and April way back in the early days was well-done.  But, I have no clue what Meredith and Riggs see in each other.  Same with Owen and Amelia.  I'm not even sure what the Jackson/April situation is anymore...  And then there is the Minnick/Arizona monstrosity (I have a feeling that they are doing some last minute editing in an effort to get out of the Minnick situation.)  Now, it seems like the way they do relationships is: Let's put these two characters together and then we'll just tell the audience and they'll just lurrve it!  Great!

Nope, doesn't work that way.  If you don't allow the audience to develop some kind of emotional investment in the relationship, they will--at best--lack any interest in the coupling or--at worst--be annoyed, irritated, infuriated by the coupling.  I've seen shows that have started this way and then after they got their footing, they started taking the time to grow relationships (for better or worse...).  However, this is the only show I've seen to actually regress in this department.  I mean, Meredith and Riggs are a couple because...they told us so.  Minnick and Arizona are a couple because...they told us so.  Ugh.

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1 hour ago, OtterMommy said:

So, here is my main complaint--well one of them--about the show right now.  They seem to have completely forgotten how to write relationships.  I was not a fan of Meredith and Derek, but they did a great job of growing that relationship and *allowing the viewers to be part of it.*  Same with both Cristina and Burke and Cristina and Owen.  Heck, even Jackson and April way back in the early days was well-done.  But, I have no clue what Meredith and Riggs see in each other.  Same with Owen and Amelia.  I'm not even sure what the Jackson/April situation is anymore...  And then there is the Minnick/Arizona monstrosity (I have a feeling that they are doing some last minute editing in an effort to get out of the Minnick situation.)  Now, it seems like the way they do relationships is: Let's put these two characters together and then we'll just tell the audience and they'll just lurrve it!  Great!

Nope, doesn't work that way.  If you don't allow the audience to develop some kind of emotional investment in the relationship, they will--at best--lack any interest in the coupling or--at worst--be annoyed, irritated, infuriated by the coupling.  I've seen shows that have started this way and then after they got their footing, they started taking the time to grow relationships (for better or worse...).  However, this is the only show I've seen to actually regress in this department.  I mean, Meredith and Riggs are a couple because...they told us so.  Minnick and Arizona are a couple because...they told us so.  Ugh.


2 hours ago, tua20782 said:

Another pet peeve, I hated Stephanie and Richard's mugging for the camera and the cries of disgust from the gallery. I get it, it's gross but I'm sure that patient would have been humiliated if she was awake and it seemed in bad taste. April was the only one to reign it in a little while showing she was clearly squicked.

Yes.  It bothered me a lot that the doctors were taking selfies IN the operating room, and clearly making a mockery of the fact that a patient had worms.   There are parts of the world where worms and other parasites are a serious health concern, causing dehydration, malnutrition and death.  

I want next week's episode to have some of those doctors or nurses to post photos online, and then the patient comes back and complains or sues.  NOt that I like the storyline, just that the behavior of taking photos and making faces seemed to cross an ethical line. 

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8 hours ago, lavenderrose said:

Once again, Maggie does not care about Riggs, but rather her only sister lying to her face and making her look like a fool every time she talked about him. Meredith was completely wrong in this situation especially since Maggie asked her to be honest with her. Maggie will go down swinging for Meredith and Meredith for her as well. I would feel grossed out knowing I divulged all of fantasies of someone that my sister has slept with this whole time. I thought Maggie handled it fine because I know for a fact had that been someone else in Maggie's shoes all hell would've broke lose.

The problem is that Meredith isn't like Maggie, word-vomiting everything she's thinking at any given moment.  Meredith has had conflicted feelings about Riggs ever since they first had sex, so if she's not even sure how she feels about it, how is it fair for Maggie to expect Meredith to move way out of her emotional comfort zone and make declarations about her attraction to him?  That's not to say that Maggie is wrong and Meredith didn't make a mistake, just that Maggie expects other people to be like her and maybe she should learn to deal with it when they aren't.

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4 minutes ago, Starscream said:

The problem is that Meredith isn't like Maggie, word-vomiting everything she's thinking at any given moment.  Meredith has had conflicted feelings about Riggs ever since they first had sex, so if she's not even sure how she feels about it, how is it fair for Maggie to expect Meredith to move way out of her emotional comfort zone and make declarations about her attraction to him?  That's not to say that Maggie is wrong and Meredith didn't make a mistake, just that Maggie expects other people to be like her and maybe she should learn to deal with it when they aren't.

I think a simple I already slept with him would suffice. Regardless of whether Meredith wanted to marry Riggs or never see him again, that should be enough to deter Maggie. Sisters generally try to avoid overlapping. Meredith didn't need to give a grand declaration of love, just briefly disclose your history with the guy.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, backformore said:

Yes.  It bothered me a lot that the doctors were taking selfies IN the operating room, and clearly making a mockery of the fact that a patient had worms.   There are parts of the world where worms and other parasites are a serious health concern, causing dehydration, malnutrition and death.  

I want next week's episode to have some of those doctors or nurses to post photos online, and then the patient comes back and complains or sues.  NOt that I like the storyline, just that the behavior of taking photos and making faces seemed to cross an ethical line. 

Sorry to tell you this, but I have a medical background and, having been present at surgeries, I have to say it's pretty common for surgeons and their nurses and techs to joke around in the operating room. Once the patient is unconscious, the main surgeon often has his favorite music playing (something they don't seem to do on Grey's, probably because it would interfere with dialogue). It's not really uncommon for the surgical crew to be dancing or bopping to the beat.

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I have no problem with doctors dancing and singing. My issue was more the disrespectful attitude toward a patient by taking selfies in the OR and mocking the medical problem the patient was experiencing.  The "eeww worms! Gross!" . Patients have the right to dignity and respect.  

Put another way,  If I found out doctors were listening to music and rocking out during my surgery,  I'd have no problem with it.  If I learned that they were taking selfies while I was open on the table, I would feel violated.  And if those photos were posted on Instagram, I'd hire a lawyer.

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6 hours ago, mojito said:

I think Cancer Mom knew she was fading fast and that's why she didn't ask for the baby daddy to come to her room, rejected the warming blanket, and just asked to be held.

Moreover, cancer mom said baby daddy wouldn't understand her DNR.

I think she wanted to let herself pass without a heroic attempt to keep her alive for what... a couple of months at best?

She wanted baby daddy's focus during those months to be on caring for the baby, not on her looming death.

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 I think Maggie has the emotional maturity of a 3 yr old   and if she is upset about her mother and Meredith lying to her maybe she should consider how judgy she is and why they don't confide in her. I don't think she ever apologized to her mother for her treatment of her following her parents divorce. and her snipey little digs about the fact that Meredith told Alex  just reinforced that she honest feels that Meredith should put her above everyone else.

 Cancer Mom destroyed me  and double bonus for me with 2 scenes of Alex holding infants .. Although He is a pediatric Surgeon not a Neonatal specialists. Hospitals do employ specialists other that surgeons

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I thought giving a press conference because Mer and Riggs did their damn jobs in a crisis situation is rather over the top but everything about their hook-ups is.  (I say hook-up because I've yet to see any interest in Riggs by Meredith other than for sex.)

Maggie must be really socially backward to get this up set about a man she wasn't even dating.

12 hours ago, Shellie said:

I was confused why she wouldn't allow them to operate. I understood she chose a DNR, but I didn't get her refusal to go for the chance to spend two months with her baby.

I thought that was very strange.  If the procedure worked, she'd have two months with her baby.  If it didn't, she'd be dead.  If she didn't try the procedure, she's certain to be dead.  It seems like a no-brainer to me to attempt to get two months with the baby you sacrificed your life for.

I liked the scene with Amelia holding the dying mother, and that Owen hugged her in the elevator when he knew she needed comfort and then ended it.  Maybe there's a chance they can have an adult relationship after all.

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10 hours ago, backformore said:

I have no problem with doctors dancing and singing. My issue was more the disrespectful attitude toward a patient by taking selfies in the OR and mocking the medical problem the patient was experiencing.  The "eeww worms! Gross!" . Patients have the right to dignity and respect.  

Put another way,  If I found out doctors were listening to music and rocking out during my surgery,  I'd have no problem with it.  If I learned that they were taking selfies while I was open on the table, I would feel violated.  And if those photos were posted on Instagram, I'd hire a lawyer.

Same here. It's fine to play music and joke around with each other. It's another to take selfies during a surgery. If they had just taken photos of the worms inside the tray, I would have been okay with that because it's something you don't see every day, there were a lot of them, and several of them were very large. To me, taking a picture of the worms by themselves would have been along the same lines of someone taking a picture of a huge tumor once it was removed. It was the selfies that made the whole thing unprofessional. There's a difference between documenting something and inserting yourself into the photo with duckface.

A comparable example: my friend's father was buried at Arlington. There is a whole ceremony that begins with a horse drawn caisson and a marching band and then concludes with a 21 gun salute and taps. I asked my friend if he wanted someone to take pictures of the ceremony and he said he would appreciate having photos that he could share with his elderly relatives who were unable to travel to Arlington from all over the country. I took pictures of the ceremony discreetly from the back (so that the other guests didn't see me holding up my camera), but I wasn't taking selfies while making peace signs. It's possible to take pictures in a respectful way to document something important without being obnoxious about it.

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On 4/28/2017 at 10:00 AM, lavenderrose said:

Once again, Maggie does not care about Riggs, but rather her only sister lying to her face and making her look like a fool every time she talked about him. Meredith was completely wrong in this situation especially since Maggie asked her to be honest with her. Maggie will go down swinging for Meredith and Meredith for her as well. I would feel grossed out knowing I divulged all of fantasies of someone that my sister has slept with this whole time. I thought Maggie handled it fine because I know for a fact had that been someone else in Maggie's shoes all hell would've broke lose.

Yeah, I'm pretty much on Maggie's side here. There's the feelings of betrayal, and the lying, and on top of that, extreme humiliation. Any one in her shoes would not likely be able to help but run through all the things she said to Meredith about a guy Meredith was already sleeping with. How are you not going to be embarrassed, hurt, and angry about that?

I also think it's worth noting that from Maggie's finding out to her starting to move on was less than a day. It's not like she froze Meredith out for weeks. She found out that Meredith and Nathan had a thing, then found out that the thing had been going on for months, freaked out a little, then by the end of the day, started to thaw. One good conversation and they should be well and truly OK. I don't think I'd begrudge someone a few hours of being upset even if I thought their concerns were completely ridiculous, and I don't think hers were.

All that said, bumping a surgery out of pique does cross a line. That wasn't cool.

On 4/28/2017 at 0:26 PM, esco1822 said:

I actually thought it showed tremendous growth in Owen to be the one to let go first and not try to eat her face or something. Old Owen could have easily misinterpreted her willingness as something else but this Owen read the situation well. 


On 4/28/2017 at 1:20 PM, Stacey1014 said:

I liked the elevator scene. I was pleasantly surprised that it ended the way it did and it didn't lead to anything else. I just wonder if Owen knew why she was crying. 

This is why I find Owen so frustrating. Most of the time these days, he's basically insufferable. But then he has these moments of being the most beautifully empathetic supportive soul, and I just can't bring myself to hate him. I just loved that he saw that someone he cared about was hurting and needed someone to cry on for a minute. I have no idea if he knew why she was upset, but I loved that he understood that they are not currently in a place where she necessarily wants to confide in him, and just offered what he could, without asking anything — even an explanation — in return.

Quick, Owen. Run to Switzerland to reunite with Cristina before I change my mind about you again.

Rather enjoyed Bailey's speech to Catherine, even though I find Catherine entirely unlikable and have no desire to see her reconcile with Richard. Especially, as others have pointed out, with not even a damn apology! Grrrr.

  • Love 6

Maggie is such a loser. What a fucking child. I wish they would kill her off or she would run away. She may make me finally quit watching this show. 

Why does Meredith have to be so sorry? It's not like Maggie was ever with Riggs and Meredith started fucking him. Maggie had a crush. So pathetic.

Besides all that Meredith and Riggs are the worst and they have zero chemistry.

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It's really sad that this was one of the better episodes this season.  Catherine could go away permanently.  If she appointed Jackson as the Foundation's member on the board, why does she think she's Bailey's boss?  I really wish she'd go back to Boston and return to running the foundation.

If these writers keep this idiocy up (who knows, maybe they'll get NEW ones if they have a writers' strike), Shonda really ought to just change the name of this show to "Maggie'th Anatomy".   Her childishness and lisping drives me nuts.

EDITED TO ADD:  April's freak-out over the worms in her hair, and her continued effort to find more worms made me laugh.  More quirky April.  I hope they have her do that for another couple of episodes.

Edited by Blonde Gator
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7 minutes ago, Swim mom said:

I seem to be all alone in that I think Meredith's behavior was childish. 

I'm there with you. I think she started the whole chain of unnecessary events and Maggie is right to be annoyed and hurt over how it all went down.

However for me I think it's just the overexposure of Maggie in general (I feel like nearly every episode is currently centering around her in some form when there's roughly 11 other characters getting nothing) combined with how irritating and childish she is (the continued focus on her highlights this) that has me just rolling my eyes and wanting her to get over it. 

I've no doubt in the remaining episodes she'll suck up screentime by "moving on" and the majority of other characters will stay ignored.

Riggs crap aside I want to give her props for being the only character on the show Meredith doesn't ignore or treat like crap or a sounding board but I think that's more to do with the writers preferences, eagerness to always get her to to the forefront of everything then it is anything else. 

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On 4/28/2017 at 10:55 PM, statsgirl said:

I thought that [Cancer Mom choosing not to have the embolectomy] was very strange.  If the procedure worked, she'd have two months with her baby.  If it didn't, she'd be dead.  If she didn't try the procedure, she's certain to be dead.  It seems like a no-brainer to me to attempt to get two months with the baby you sacrificed your life for.

Respectfully, I just have to say that there's life, and there's quality of life.  That woman was ravaged by cancer, had just had abdominal surgery to deliver the baby, and was facing another surgery.  The two months with her baby would have been precious, but at what cost, both physically and mentally?  She said herself that she was so very tired.  People fight when they can fight, and they know when they're ready to stop.

On 4/29/2017 at 6:19 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Same here. It's fine to play music and joke around with each other. It's another to take selfies during a surgery. If they had just taken photos of the worms inside the tray, I would have been okay with that because it's something you don't see every day, there were a lot of them, and several of them were very large.

I have to admit, though, that I laughed when Richard told Catherine, "We named that one Gertrude!" while they were looking through the photos.  I'll show myself out...

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Swim mom said:

I seem to be all alone in that I think Meredith's behavior was childish. 

You aren't alone.  Look, Maggie is Maggie...she's not the most emotionally mature character on this show, but that is her character and her actions, while not what I would hope a 30 year old woman would do, were still consistent with who she is.  Meredith on the other hand, well I don't understand a single choice she's made regarding Riggs.  Part of that is that I don't understand the Riggs thing at all (because the show has never bothered to give us any reason to invest any drop of emotion into them), but also...well, Meredith has always been a very straight-talker and then, all of a sudden, she does something completely out of character in this situation?  

It's hard to conjure up any sympathy for a character who isn't making any sense.

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3 hours ago, Lovecat said:

Respectfully, I just have to say that there's life, and there's quality of life.  That woman was ravaged by cancer, had just had abdominal surgery to deliver the baby, and was facing another surgery.  The two months with her baby would have been precious, but at what cost, both physically and mentally?  She said herself that she was so very tired.  People fight when they can fight, and they know when they're ready to stop.

I agree with this.  Less than a year ago, I lost a close friend to the same kind of cancer (pancreatic).  There was no baby involved, but her quality of life really went down hill and she fought the disease with everything she had.  After watching her go through this, I can see how someone would choose not to take extreme measure to prolong their life.  This woman (the character, not my friend) just gave birth--the thing she had longed for.  She had that "perfect" (ish) moment.  While it might not have been what I would choose, I can understand her decision to let go at that point.

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14 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

Meredith on the other hand, well I don't understand a single choice she's made regarding Riggs

I think Meredith's choices were supposed to be a conflict between her wanting to date Riggs (which wasn't played well) and her not wanting to hurt Maggie by dating him. So we was torn between dating him (what she wanted) and hurting Maggie (not what she wanted).

This is not to say it was played out very well in the show. I'm just thinking this was the idea between her push-pull with Riggs.

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40 minutes ago, Complexity said:

I think Meredith's choices were supposed to be a conflict between her wanting to date Riggs (which wasn't played well) and her not wanting to hurt Maggie by dating him. So we was torn between dating him (what she wanted) and hurting Maggie (not what she wanted).

This is not to say it was played out very well in the show. I'm just thinking this was the idea between her push-pull with Riggs.

In theory, I could see that.  But that is not what the show gave us.  

Honestly, if they had actually explored the push/pull aspect that you described, I think that Meredith, RIggs, Maggie, AND the Meredith/Riggs pairing would have all worked so much better.

I just keep thinking that this is the show that gave us years of relationship development between Meredith and Derek (and, to a lesser extent, Cristina and Burke, then Owen). I believe that is a big factor in what made Grey's so successful in the first half of its run.  Now, we just get a "hey, Meredith is now interested in this guy. Deal with it" message from the writers.  As a long-time viewer, that's insulting.

  • Love 4
43 minutes ago, Complexity said:

think Meredith's choices were supposed to be a conflict between her wanting to date Riggs (which wasn't played well) and her not wanting to hurt Maggie by dating him. So we was torn between dating him (what she wanted) and hurting Maggie (not what she wanted).

This is not to say it was played out very well in the show. I'm just thinking this was the idea between her push-pull with Riggs.

I agree 100% that this is what they were most likely going for but the execution was abysmal.  First, the storyline disappeared for about 10 episodes in the middle, and then Meredith just wasn't selling any sort of pull only push -- except for sex.  It felt more like she was dangling him on a string, rather than really being conflicted.  And then they lumped all of it in a rush side-by-side with Maggie's mom's death so as an emotional hit for her it suffers horribly in comparison.

  • Love 4

I just caught up (why am I always so behind?). I actually didn't have an issue with the show. I do think the pictures with the worms was old-school Grays (remember pregnant tumour guy?) I guess I didn't have a problem with it, because, it sort of reminds me that they are human. That was disgusting (like ALL the worms they kept pulling out) and i think there gets to a point where you stop acting like Pro doctor - and act like normal human. i do understand why people feel differently in regards to this though. I may have to sit on that one. 

:( So sad. about Veronica, but I do agree with her decision. I think while she wanted to have the two months, she also wanted what was best for everyone and fighting something that she wasn't going to win, didn't make sense anymore. 

I have to say. I saw both Meredith + Maggie's side. Meredith should have spoken up, but in her defense, she also tried to stop it in the bud. there was really nothing to tell, except (i'm assuming) they decided they wre going to make something of it - hence now she was going to tell. But Maggie had the right (at first) to act hurt and betrayed. Bumping surgeries, brrzt. wrong. 

"I heard you had worms in a patient."
"Yes, yes I did."
"Did ...did you take pictures?"
"Please, don't you know me?" 

I laughed. 

  • Love 3
43 minutes ago, Daisy said:

:( So sad. about Veronica, but I do agree with her decision. I think while she wanted to have the two months, she also wanted what was best for everyone and fighting something that she wasn't going to win, didn't make sense anymore. 

I thought this was handled very well. I liked her scenes with Amelia and with her friend and the baby. I just wish she would have had the opportunity to name her child. 

4 hours ago, Daisy said:

I have to say. I saw both Meredith + Maggie's side. Meredith should have spoken up, but in her defense, she also tried to stop it in the bud. there was really nothing to tell, except (i'm assuming) they decided they wre going to make something of it - hence now she was going to tell. But Maggie had the right (at first) to act hurt and betrayed. Bumping surgeries, brrzt. wrong. 

The way I see it, Mere had already slept with Riggs when she found out Maggie was developing a crush on him.  And she didn't say anything for months, while continuing to listen to Maggie talk about her feelings for Riggs, letting her bare her thoughts as she would to a sister.  I can see why Maggie was PISSED that Mere didn't tell they had already shagged.  Even if Mere didn't think she and Riggs were ever going to bonk again, she shouldn't have made Maggie feel like a fool for sharing her feelings.

Come on, y'all!  Put yourself in Maggie's shoes!  You've developing feelings and telling your sister/best friend all about it, in detail, over and over, for months an months, and then you find out your sister/friend had sex with the guy and NEVER TOLD YOU?  You'd be ok with that?  Really?

Ok, maybe you hate Maggie.  Imagine if Mere had banged Owen back when Christina was falling for him, and imagine she didn't tell Christina for months and months while Christina was going on and on about how hot he is, and how medically skilled and awesome.  Don't you think Christina would have felt betrayed by Mere?

Edited by izabella
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Just now, izabella said:

The way I see it, Mere had already slept with Riggs when she found out Maggie was developing a crush on him.  And she didn't say anything for months, while continuing to listen to Maggie talk about her feelings for Riggs, letting her bare her thoughts as she would to a sister.  I can see why Maggie was PISSED that Mere didn't tell they had already shagged.  Even if Mere didn't think she and Riggs were ever going to bonk again, she shouldn't have made Maggie feel like a fool for sharing her feelings.

Come on, y'all!  Put yourself in Maggie's shoes!  You've developing feelings and telling your sister/best friend all about it, in detail, over and over, for months an months, and then you find out your sister/friend had sex with the guy and NEVER TOLD YOU?  You'd be ok with that?  Really?

which is why I said I could see it on both sides. I don't know if I'd tell my friend (or my sister) i slept with so and so if i thought that she (or they) was seriously/legitimately going to make a move on the guy (in a relationship way). What would that really accomplish? I've not been in that specific situation but I've had a guy end things with me so he could go for my best friend at the time, and my best friend called me and asked if that was okay. (they ultimately got married and have three really great kids, so there you go). but we were dating. I don't know if something happened before that (to cause that to happen) - and quite frankly, 16 years  later (laugh) I still don't want to know. 

Because it doesn't matter. 

Had Meredith and Riggs been sleeping together all this time, and not saying anything, and Maggie was bearing her soul. Sure. But as far as I remember (and I barely remember because I really didn't care LOL) - Meredith + Riggs slept together. Maggie said she liked him. Meredith nipped it in the bud. RIggs and Maggie shared bacon or something, and then nothing really happened between the two of them. Riggs kept pushing for Meredith, airplane, airplane sex, hotel sex, Meredith was going to tell Maggie because now there was something legitimately to tell.  and had they gone on their date because Maggie's mom didn't die - I think she would have said something before then). and then if car-sex came up, it comes up. 

but in my post I didn't say Maggie didn't have the right to be mad. I just didn't think bumping surgeries because she was angry was okay. 

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6 minutes ago, Daisy said:

but in my post I didn't say Maggie didn't have the right to be mad. I just didn't think bumping surgeries because she was angry was okay. 

You know what bothered me?  How NOT a big deal her bumping a surgery was.  Yeah, surgeries get bumped...but for emergencies and it is the non-critical surgeries that are bumped (I can't remember what surgery Mer said she had, maybe it wasn't critical).  I have to imagine that, for a multitude of reasons (insurance, malpractice, etc) there is some sort of protocol when you bump a surgery.  Let's say, a form where the hospital would say something like, "This appendectomy was postponed so that the operating room could be used for a woman whose entire digestive track was filled with worms."  Not "This appendectomy (or whatever) was postponed because the operating surgeon wasn't truthful to her sister and her sister is bitter."

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10 hours ago, Complexity said:

I think Meredith's choices were supposed to be a conflict between her wanting to date Riggs (which wasn't played well) and her not wanting to hurt Maggie by dating him. So we was torn between dating him (what she wanted) and hurting Maggie (not what she wanted).

This is not to say it was played out very well in the show. I'm just thinking this was the idea between her push-pull with Riggs.

Also lingering loyalty to Derek since she brought up being married as a reason not to go for it with Riggs.

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I agree Starscreem.  I like that they've shown Meredith conflicted. Up to this point, Derek was the great love of her life.  She'll never have that hot flame/burns intensely relationship.  Initially after he died, she said she was done.  So, yeah, she's been all over the place about Riggs, add in the Maggie factor, and sure, she's going to be even more conflicted.

As for Meredith's behavior in this episode, she did everything right, so I saw nothing to criticize in this episode thread.  

Previously, she should have told Maggie: a) at home for god's sake and b) earlier than letting Maggie figure it out.   As to when, I can see arguments for immediately after Maggie said she had a crush, but I can see arguments for delaying....just not as long as she did.  And, again, at home!

Edited by pennben
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On 4/27/2017 at 9:12 PM, Dee said:

Bailey's 'Old People Sex' speech to Catherine had me howling.

Chandra Wilson is such a gift.

Absolutely.  She is a treasure, when they use her right!  I loved seeing a glimmer of the old Bailey.  That was so satisfying!

On 4/27/2017 at 9:33 PM, BaseOps said:


Alex's returning patient story was heartbreaking. 


I liked the continuity of having the family return, and seeing the conclusion of that chapter of their lives.  Maybe we'll see the baby and father again one day!

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