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S05.E15: Lupe & Ashley D

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After re-watching Ashley s first episode, She like others on the show  are addicts ,she traded her food addiction for pain meds  ,meanwhile expecting magical skin surgery  would change her, Ashley s husband will be next become disabled by fat and his mother not to far behind....Molested as a child,eats to the point of obesity than moves in  father  than a happy life but keeps eating..what wrong with these people that they think its normal for a child to weigh 200 lbs ? let alone a girl

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31 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Okay that brought up some disturbing mental images I might need therapy to remove from my mind!

I am sorry, I didn't want to carry that image alone! 

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13 hours ago, pdlinda1 said:

I thought anything and everything in CA is sky high?? $888/month is very little, even with MediCal and food stamps...I got the $4K figure on what the show pays participants from this board and the poster went into some detail about what the show pays and doesn't pay.  I do think, however, that the show is gaining a lot of viewership and people I know who don't ordinarily watch "reality TV" are actually plugged into this show so I'm thinking maybe the payment structure is becoming more lucrative to the participants??  After all, there would be no show without the participants, right???

I thought Lupe and G lived in San Antonio, TX, not CA.

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6 minutes ago, Trees said:

I thought Lupe and G lived in San Antonio, TX, not CA.

They moved to Houston, TX when Lupe began seeing Dr. Now. Then Lupe moved to San Antonio, TX to live with her cousin when she left Gilbert.

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9 hours ago, vicegrip said:

I couldn't believe that green sh*t in Lupe's incision- it looked like guacamole. Why was there always a cigarillo tucked under Gilbert's hat? He looks so ridiculous. Their segments just made me angry. 

This is random and maybe weird, but I really liked Ashley's narration. Her voice sounded almost... pretty. I have noticed that once these people lose a significant amount of weight, their voices sound less garbled and miserable. 

Methinks in addition to being a drunk, our dear Gilberto is also a weedhead. What they do is split open the cigar to remove the tabacco filler and replace that with weed. Roll it, seal it and then smoke away. Your cigar has mow become a "blunt". 

The more you know...

Edited by Brooklynista
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Re: sex and the broken stitches, I don't want to re-watch the show, but didn't she say "Gilbert MADE ME have sex when I got home..."?

That sounds like rape to me.  Her statement, plus the physical damage - why no consequences for him?  Domestic violence at a minimum, if not a rape charge.

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7 minutes ago, Trees said:

Re: sex and the broken stitches, I don't want to re-watch the show, but didn't she say "Gilbert MADE ME have sex when I got home..."?

That sounds like rape to me.  Her statement, plus the physical damage - why no consequences for him?  Domestic violence at a minimum, if not a rape charge.

The problem would be trying to prove it in a court of law. At best, it would become a he-said/she-said situation, and she did not report it at the time which will lead jurors to not believe her. There are many ways to explain the broken stitches and infection, and as much as I hate the thought, Lupe's physical appearance will not go over well with a jury. Unfortunately, she's screwed either way (pun intended). She would have needed to report it as rape to the police right after it happened to have had any chance of Gilbert being convicted.

ETA: Thinking further on this she does have the video with Gilbert's comments which are damning, especially when he tells her to not tell Dr. Now about the sex when she was waiting for the ambulance for her broken stitches and infection. I don't think his "I got needs" comment would go over well with a jury either. It would still be difficult, but she's not completely without proof.

Edited by Complexity
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51 minutes ago, Complexity said:

The problem would be trying to prove it in a court of law. At best, it would become a he-said/she-said situation, and she did not report it at the time which will lead jurors to not believe her. There are many ways to explain the broken stitches and infection, and as much as I hate the thought, Lupe's physical appearance will not go over well with a jury. Unfortunately, she's screwed either way (pun intended). She would have needed to report it as rape to the police right after it happened to have had any chance of Gilbert being convicted.

ETA: Thinking further on this she does have the video with Gilbert's comments which are damning, especially when he tells her to not tell Dr. Now about the sex when she was waiting for the ambulance for her broken stitches and infection. I don't think his "I got needs" comment would go over well with a jury either. It would still be difficult, but she's not completely without proof.

Good points.  I think some states have mandatory reporting of domestic violence incidents even if the injured party backs off pressing charges.  You'd think that seeing this woman's physical damage following a major surgery would make doctors quite alarmed.

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Just now, Pentwater said:

Isn't Gilbert a felon on parole? Poor Lupe. I hope she gets the help she'll need for her hip surgery (and maybe a spine modification). She's too good for Gilbert.

He is?  What makes you say that?  Hmmm... that would be interesting.

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5 minutes ago, Trees said:

Good points.  I think some states have mandatory reporting of domestic violence incidents even if the injured party backs off pressing charges.  You'd think that seeing this woman's physical damage following a major surgery would make doctors quite alarmed.

I have often wondered why we did not see Dr. Now's reaction when he first saw Lupe's broken stitches and infection. I don't think it was pretty (and perhaps not something they could put on the air, even on cable). Notice she left him shortly after that... did Dr. Now tell her what a dickhead he was and that she should leave him? I'm just hoping she didn't go back to him.

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1 minute ago, Complexity said:

I have often wondered why we did not see Dr. Now's reaction when he first saw Lupe's broken stitches and infection. I don't think it was pretty (and perhaps not something they could put on the air, even on cable). Notice she left him shortly after that... did Dr. Now tell her what a dickhead he was and that she should leave him? I'm just hoping she didn't go back to him.

If only the cameramen would tell their behind-the-scenes stories!!! 

Seriously, what kind of doctor could see such violence and ignore the cause?

That said, I have no doubt that she went back to him.  That she has been with him so many years says to me that they have a toxic co-dependency going on.  She's been accepting his version of "love" for so long, she probably sees it as normal.  She clearly, also, has enormous self-esteem issues...

... as does Gilbert.  Someone who would pursue a bed-bound, morbidly obese person as a partner has to believe that nobody else would want him/her.  They go for the low-hanging fruit.

That line of thinking gets me back to my feelings about watching this show.  Are they showing dramatic medical stories?  Or are they exploiting mentally-ill, desperate people who may agree to it for lack of other resources to get out?

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1 minute ago, Trees said:

That said, I have no doubt that she went back to him.  That she has been with him so many years says to me that they have a toxic co-dependency going on.  She's been accepting his version of "love" for so long, she probably sees it as normal.  She clearly, also, has enormous self-esteem issues...

True.  But she did leave him which is something new. She's changing. As she loses weight, everything is changing. And when one person in a relationship changes, the dynamics of the relationship changes. So I remain hopeful though not very optimistic.

1 minute ago, Trees said:

That line of thinking gets me back to my feelings about watching this show.  Are they showing dramatic medical stories?  Or are they exploiting mentally-ill, desperate people who may agree to it for lack of other resources to get out?

Looking at all the shows TLC puts on the air, it seems to me they are knowingly and intentionally exploiting them.

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He is?  What makes you say that?  Hmmm... that would be interesting.

I don't have the best recall, but thought in the first episode he had a teardrop tattoo on his face. Other little things, too, but ICRC. (Old person.) <--Pentwater

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4 hours ago, Pentwater said:

I don't have the best recall, but thought in the first episode he had a teardrop tattoo on his face. Other little things, too, but ICRC. (Old person.) <--Pentwater

Far too many gangster-wannabes and thuggish guys get the teardrop tattoo just because. I am surprised Gilbert doesn't have Lupe's lips tattooed on his neck. I have seen far too many of those on all kinds of guys' necks. 


Seriously, what kind of doctor could see such violence and ignore the cause?

The kind of doctor who wasn't told the truth by his patient? I seriously doubt Lupe told the doctor the truth. With Gilbert pleading with her to not say anything (classic DV abuser move) I can see her lying about what happened. She likely told the doctor she must have moved around too much and caused the stitching to rip. 

Sorry for what I am about to post because I will get down and dirty here about Gilbert and forcing sex upon Lupe. Again, sorry for the visual:



Okay, here goes. The thought came to me that maybe Gilbert being all sweaty and dirty, he lied upon Lupe's body as he was getting his kicks while raping his wife. That sweat is what entered into her incisions and caused the infection. Or worse, he shot a load onto her stomach area. 

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On 4/14/2017 at 2:21 PM, hookedontv said:

Ok, watched this episode last night. Here are my comments for anyone who's interested:

1. I should have made a drinking game out of this-every time Dr. Now says "super" it's time to take a shot. I caught myself whispering "say it! say it!" on more than one occasion. 

2. Does Gilbert own a shirt with sleeves? 

3. Gilbert mumbling about his needs - what a douche. And all the sex talk - trying to make himself out to be a stud puh-lease!

4. Sex with fresh stitches and at least 3 big honking drains hanging out? Disgusting he should be ashamed of himself. What a tool. That green stuff?

5. I REALLY wish we could have seen Dr. Now looking at that ripped open wound to see his reaction. It wasn't even his voiceover it was Lupe saying that she had to go into surgery right away. I can't imagine how horrified Dr. Now and the surgical staff were. 

6. Was I the only one who was grossed out by watching Lupe squeeze out the ground meat, use her hands with foul nail polish to form patties, then proceed to eat the cooked cheeseburger patty with her fingers? That scene just turned my stomach for some reason. 

7. Ashley is living in opposite world now - she is shrinking and her family (except Patrick so far) is gaining weight. She's so mild mannered I hope she finds her voice! 

Sorry for the long post, didn't realize how much I had to get off my chest! 

In regards to #6, for a second I thought you were still talking about Lupe's infected wound. . . .

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21 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

For sure...  I'm concerned that Lupe won't have enough self esteem to stay away. If she went into therapy on her own maybe she could get healthy enough to move on & have a better life. 

If she's back with him, I really, REALLY hope she doesn't get pregnant.

This is a woman who seems to willfully keep herself helpless, so that Her Man has to tend her every need and remain shackles. This is some sick codependency. I can't see her suddenly having the strength to kick him aside. 

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I like the assumption that Gilbert was DEFINITELY violent with Lupe.  The fact that she never claimed she was or is ever seen with distinct physical injuries is immaterial.  Her not saying it is just more evidence that it happened, of course!  It all reminds me of that whole "I'm not the Messiah" scene from Life of Brian.

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6 hours ago, Michael Stabosz said:

I like the assumption that Gilbert was DEFINITELY violent with Lupe.  The fact that she never claimed she was or is ever seen with distinct physical injuries is immaterial.  Her not saying it is just more evidence that it happened, of course!  It all reminds me of that whole "I'm not the Messiah" scene from Life of Brian.

I perfectly agree.  However victims with her mindset try to hide their injuries.  That's why she waited too long to let Dr. Now know that her stitches had been ripped out.  Then she had to go to the hospital and get immediate surgery. 

Lupe left the animal (Gilbert) briefly, but they are now together again, as she states on her Facebook, and if anyone doesn't like it, they can "unfriend" her. 


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For people with no FB.

guess that settles it. Two idiots in love with idiots.

does she not realize that two people being physically abusive is worse than one?

Cant make this stuff up.




And G is totally stoned 

Edited by TicketToHellPaid
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And the cycle of abuse continues.

  1. tension starts building
  2. abuse occurs
  3. abuser apologies, promises to never to it again, honeymoon phase
  4. things are calm for a short time, then starts back at step 1

So he's apologized to her, blamed her (she does it too), promised to quit drinking and screwing other women, and then threw God into the mix, and she bought it all. Clearly, some people are telling her to not go back which explains the "unfriend me" comment. This is so typical. Maybe she'll heal a little during the calm, but it won't be long before he'll be right back to his old tricks, and she'll be abused once more.

Leaving an abusive relationship has many "relapses" just like trying to quit an addiction. She's relapsed. The question is whether she'll ever dump him for good or if she'll forever be controlled by their relationship.

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Good for you Lupe !      Three cheers for two ignorant people who quote the bible in between fights.  Rah Rah !

I just hope she is infertile so no children are born into this mess.

I hope the state of Texas is alerted too and taxpayers no longer have to support your sorry ass.

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7 hours ago, Snarkasm said:

However victims with her mindset try to hide their injuries.  That's why she waited too long to let Dr. Now know that her stitches had been ripped out.  Then she had to go to the hospital and get immediate surgery. 

I'm sure in some cases. In other cases, consenting adults do stupid things because their desires are more important to them than common sense. And I don't think there has been any reference as to the time elapsed between the stitches coming open and when they called the ambulance. 

I think there has been a lot of conclusion-jumping as to his "abusive" behavior. Sure, the guy's a Neanderthal (and happy to admit it on national TV). I'm not defending the guy, but no one can assume just because her wound opened that it was due to violent, forcible acts by her husband. She was already behind the 8-ball in terms of success of a complex, major surgery without complications.

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2 hours ago, TicketToHellPaid said:

For people with no FB.

guess that settles it. Two idiots in love with idiots.

does she not realize that two people being physically abusive is worse than one?

Cant make this stuff up.

And G is totally stoned 

That is so pathetic.  Beyond pathetic.  And all the religious stuff, gag me...   Ignorant people using some religious crap to justify their rotten choices...  Well, they deserve each other.  I suppose their peers will buy it but anyone with half a brain can see that they're messed up people desperately trying to re-write history and thought-police people who saw the show.

This is not sweeping commentary about other people who share those same religious views. It's about ignorant people like Lupe and Gilbert who throw around those views and twist them to justify crazy crap (especially those who push it on others).

I'm not cheering for her any more.  If she chooses domestic violence, she can enjoy the consequences.  I just hope somebody in that household bought truckloads of condoms so no innocent babies get caught up in this nightmare of dysfunction.

1 hour ago, KateHearts said:

I think there has been a lot of conclusion-jumping as to his "abusive" behavior. Sure, the guy's a Neanderthal (and happy to admit it on national TV). I'm not defending the guy, but no one can assume just because her wound opened that it was due to violent, forcible acts by her husband. She was already behind the 8-ball in terms of success of a complex, major surgery without complications.

I don't want to re-watch to see the exact words, but my recollection is that she, herself, said, "Gilbert forced me to have sex the day I came home from the hospital and the wound opened up." 

Sick. They deserve each other and their version of God that endorses domestic violence.

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On 4/14/2017 at 8:05 PM, Armchair Critic said:
On 4/14/2017 at 6:35 PM, DC Gal in VA said:

BTW, don't want to start a firestorm, and I know Gilbert exhibits piggy behavior regarding sex, but I think it's highly likely that Lupe also wanted to have sex.

No flames here, that's why I said on the live chat that I figured she would get back with him.

IMO, I think she probably didn't want sex (painful surgery after all!) but he insisted.  She felt guilty and allowed it.  Same with if he is back with her.  He pleaded, begged, whined.  She felt guilty and he's back.  She may talk a good game, but that doesn't seem like a feisty independent woman to me.  It sounds like an insecure one.  Which, by the way, sometimes people cover up insecurities by being bitchy and vocal.  

On 4/14/2017 at 8:19 PM, gonecrackers said:

If she's back with him, I really, REALLY hope she doesn't get pregnant.

by the way, how old is she?  She looks too old to get pregnant. 

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2 hours ago, ethalfrida said:

Well, let's not forget that honor and obey differs from culture to culture. There is not a lot of divorce activity in Latino Catholic marriages. 

That is unfortunate if it keep women locked into violence, degradation and rape.

First off, the adults in this relationship don't deserve it.  Life is short.

But worse, it perpetuates the cycle of violence, when children grow up seeing it as the norm.

I no longer have any hope that Lupe will break free.  Quickly browsing through her FB page, her friends and family are encouraging her to stay.

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13 hours ago, Snarkasm said:


Lupe left the animal (Gilbert) briefly, but they are now together again, as she states on her Facebook, and if anyone doesn't like it, they can "unfriend" her. 


I looked at his facebook and someone posted to Gilbert, Lupe deserves a better man and the awful things he did. Lupe commented that he had been looking at women on the internet and not cheating. Then she went on to say she had been in the hospital for awhile so when they got home he basically deserved sex because she had been in the hospital? I wish she could talk to the counselor about this. How many women, myself included had to be on bed rest or in the hospital when pregnant and went months without sex? My husband would not have even joked, asked or brought up the subject of sex when I was in the hospital or got out. He was scared for my health. Those hospitals in Houston are major facilities , my small town hospital offered support groups for spouses when their husband/wife were in the hospital or seriously ill. This included not just helping with insurance paperwork, getting resources like meals or childcare but support knowing most spouses were going 3-6 months or even a year without intimacy and getting them counseling or support groups to talk to. It seems like Gilbert has collected the monetary freebies of being a caretaker spouse but has not looked into the emotional support he should be providing.

Edited by silverspoons
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4 hours ago, Granny58 said:

by the way, how old is she?  She looks too old to get pregnant. 

I think 40, 41? As she lost weight, she seemed to age more... or that could just be from marriage to Gilbert.

4 hours ago, Granny58 said:

wouldn't you?

Not major pain killers; I'd have to unconscious to be with him, surgery or no surgery.

Edited by gonecrackers
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5 hours ago, Trees said:

That is so pathetic.  Beyond pathetic.  And all the religious stuff, gag me...   Ignorant people using some religious crap to justify their rotten choices...  Well, they deserve each other.  I suppose their peers will buy it but anyone with half a brain can see that they're messed up people desperately trying to re-write history and thought-police people who saw the show.

This is not sweeping commentary about other people who share those same religious views. It's about ignorant people like Lupe and Gilbert who throw around those views and twist them to justify crazy crap (especially those who push it on others).

I'm not cheering for her any more.  If she chooses domestic violence, she can enjoy the consequences.  I just hope somebody in that household bought truckloads of condoms so no innocent babies get caught up in this nightmare of dysfunction.

I don't want to re-watch to see the exact words, but my recollection is that she, herself, said, "Gilbert forced me to have sex the day I came home from the hospital and the wound opened up." 

Sick. They deserve each other and their version of God that endorses domestic violence.

That wound appeared to have green pus coming out.  I don't think it was freshly ripped open by the time we saw it.  Beyond disgusting.   

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6 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I think there has been a lot of conclusion-jumping as to his "abusive" behavior. Sure, the guy's a Neanderthal (and happy to admit it on national TV). I'm not defending the guy, but no one can assume just because her wound opened that it was due to violent, forcible acts by her husband. She was already behind the 8-ball in terms of success of a complex, major surgery without complications.

I don't think he needed to be violent to open those incisions.  Just the position of having her legs up would have stressed the abdomen (I think).   And...well....the physical "act" IS forceful.  I think even laparoscopic incisions (as compared to skin surgery) would have opened in those circumstances.  

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I rewatched the scene. She said that "it's been about a month since I had sin removal surgery, and I was healing well, but Gilbert was really insistent that we have sex when I got home, because with me being in the hospital it had been awhile. Afterwards it felt like I had ripped open my sutures."

I think she was in the hospital about a month after recovering from surgery. Then, on her first day home Gilbert "insisted" on sex. 

I take that as mental abuse that resulted in physical damage. Others may see the mental coercion as physical abuse. Probably others shrug and say it's just sex between spouses.

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25 minutes ago, Snarkasm said:

That wound appeared to have green pus coming out.  I don't think it was freshly ripped open by the time we saw it.  Beyond disgusting.   

Well, I just finished watching and what the heck was that?  Did they not say or did I miss it?  I know way upthread that green stuff came up.  Gilbert asked rhetorically if it was mold and it did look like that.  Wound packing stuff that disintegrates over time?  

IMO he raped her.  In that condition, as soon as she got home no way would she want a romantic intimate moment with her husband.  

I wonder what is more painful; gastic bypass or skin surgery.  The sutures in skin surgery are horrific.  I've never had surgery, besides laser for cataracts which doesn't count.  But I know plenty of people who have had major surgery and a lot of pain but it goes away pretty quick so they say.  But that skin surgery looks brutal!  

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So pulling for Ashley.  I really like her and she's doing great.  She so loves little Patrick.  <3  What a mess of a family she has to deal with.  Kind of hope she's in contact with Christina for the benefit of them both.  

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27 minutes ago, Otter said:

I wonder what is more painful; gastic bypass or skin surgery.  The sutures in skin surgery are horrific.  I've never had surgery, besides laser for cataracts which doesn't count.  But I know plenty of people who have had major surgery and a lot of pain but it goes away pretty quick so they say.  But that skin surgery looks brutal!  

I've had three abdominal surgeries, two open and one laparoscopic.  The laparoscopic was a walk in the park compared to the other two.  When they do laparoscopic surgery, there are just like two or three pretty small incisions. I had full open gallbladder surgery, just about a year or two before laparoscopic surgery was common. I had a C section as well.  Honestly, surgery is tiring on the body, because whatever they are messing with on the inside still has to heal, but it makes a huge difference in NOT having a giant incision across your body that hurts like fire when you move or even cough.

Edited by NYCFree
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1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

I don't think he needed to be violent to open those incisions.  Just the position of having her legs up would have stressed the abdomen (I think).   And...well....the physical "act" IS forceful.  I think even laparoscopic incisions (as compared to skin surgery) would have opened in those circumstances.  

That's my point. Just because her incision opened doesn't automatically imply violence on his part.

40 minutes ago, Otter said:

IMO he raped her.  In that condition, as soon as she got home no way would she want a romantic intimate moment with her husband.  

See, these are the conclusions that are being drawn that drive me crazy. Who's to say she wouldn't want it? We have no clue as to her thoughts or feelings, and she admitted later on that she exaggerated his shortcomings.  

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21 minutes ago, NYCFree said:

I've had three abdominal surgeries, two open and one laparoscopic.  The laparoscopic was a walk in the park compared to the other two.  When they do laparoscopic surgery, there are just like two or three pretty small incisions. I had full open gallbladder surgery, just about a year or two before laparoscopic surgery was common. I had a C section as well.  Honestly, surgery is tiring on the body, because whatever they are messing with on the inside still has to heal, but it makes a huge difference in NOT having a giant incision across your body that hurts like fire when you move or even cough.

It hurts to cut your finger let along having yards of skin removed and then Frankenstein stitches.  

Sorry you've had the surgeries.  None are easy.  

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12 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

That's my point. Just because her incision opened doesn't automatically imply violence on his part.

See, these are the conclusions that are being drawn that drive me crazy. Who's to say she wouldn't want it? We have no clue as to her thoughts or feelings, and she admitted later on that she exaggerated his shortcomings.  

Yes, I drew a conclusion but IMO a valid one.  Anyone with a lick of common sense would know that sex wouldn't be a good idea so early in the healing process.  He had "needs" -- so what?  She had needs?  I really doubt it, hurting as much as she said.  

He wasn't giving her "comfort".  He hurt her.  Can you imagine her cries?  Not of pleasure but of agony.  And he didn't stop until he was finished.  Violence?  No I wouldn't go that far but what the heck is wrong with him to even fulfill his needs?  

Would you want sex with giant fresh sutures in you?  No one is that horny.

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11 hours ago, notyrmomma said:

I see her makeup is back.  Her lips remind me of the opening title sequence of Orange is the New Black.  

What's up with her lips? It looks like she used lip liner and forgot to use lipstick on her lips. Is this some type of odd beauty trend?

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21 minutes ago, LocalGovt said:

What's up with her lips? It looks like she used lip liner and forgot to use lipstick on her lips. Is this some type of odd beauty trend?

Gilbert doesn't allow her to have a mirror.  Or he just likes it for some reason.  

I'm bad, sorry.  Not in their marriage at all.  

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