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Zach and Tori

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  I love the name - not too out there, and it's spelled correctly without any random vowels!  When Zach was a teenager, I was afraid he was going to live in his parents' basement forever, but it looks like he's really made something of his life. I think that if the show ended today, he'd be okay with his life just the way it is.  It appears that despite Matt and Amy's best efforts, he turned out to be a responsible, well-adjusted adult. Congrats on the new baby. He's pretty adorable. 

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What a squish! Jackson is so cute. Thank you Zach and Tori for spelling his name correctly. I'm seeing far too many "Jaxons" lately, I almost forgot there was a proper spelling. Oh and both parents look fresh and well rested, what is this? Pretty certain I looked like I was hit by a truck 2 days post partum, lol. This baby will be so loved! 

Edited by iheartla
  • Love 2

Welcome to the world Baby Roloff!

The name Jackson is nice, normal, not spelled in a trendy manner. 

BUT...in my part of the world(Deep South), Jackson is a very common name. My son(18) had 3 Jackson's in his elementary school grade level and my daughter(14) had 5 in her elementary school grade level. There were about 50 students per grade level. They are in high school now and I can honestly say that I know about 25 Jacksons. That doesn't include, of course, the other Jackson's I'm not aware of. 

Point is that Tori said in last week's episode that she didn't want a common name and to me, it looks like that's what they went with in the end. However, she's entitled to change her mind and position. It's just that her comment is the first thing I thought about when I heard the name. 

Now, about Jeremy and Audrey. They are going to, no doubt, choose a 'Christian name' AND spell it like they are hooked on damn phonics...Grayce, Faythe, Charetee, Hoype.

Or they will go 'Mother Earth' and choose something along the lines of Willow, Sage, Redwood, Lily, Rose. 

One thing is for certain...whatever Jeremy and Audrey do/say/show through actions, it will be done PURPOSELY to upstage Zack, Tori and Jackson. Geez, I despise that couple! They are so full of BS and believe they are God's Gift to imankind. NEWSFLASH: Youi aren't! 

Edited by HahYallDoin
Misspelled three words
  • Love 5

Honestly, I'm glad to see a traditional name.

And I suspect if Jer and Auj go with a traditional name, that it will be spelled traditionally because I suspect both sets of in-laws are somewhat more traditional than we really see.

If they did go for a "nature" name, it would also be traditional like Rose or Lily. Naming the kid something genuinely odd would turn off their Christian fans.


Tori looks super cute in these pictures and like she didn't just give birth to a bowling ball. I've seen pics of friends & relatives after they gave birth and they always look so fucking wiped out lmao. (Maybe Tori and Zach did a bit of touch up before taking these photos but IDK, do they seem like the type? I guess if they're putting these pics out for public consumption...) 

Edited by galax-arena

Jackson may have been popular years ago, but, Tori knows what is in trend with her kindergartners right now. I got a common name, Lucas and my next is uncommon, Bladen (a family name on Dad's side), for grandsons. That Jackson is Adorable. I can't wait to see him grow up. Whether he's LP or average, he's going to be showered with love. Too bad Sully isn't here anymore. Every little kid needs a dog. I'm trying to convince my daughter to get one for her boys. So far, they are winning this battle.

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JerPoj are perpetually jealous because they feel they aren't getting their fair share of attention/money. They are incapable of working regular jobs.

If Jax is a regular baby size then JerPoj 's jealous because Jax gets first grand baby status and a multiple months head start in all the baby attention.

If Jax is little then JerPoj will be in despair since the cameras won't care about their too-late-to-the party average baby.

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 3

I love the name, and I have to say that even though it's not an unusual name, I don't know of a single Jackson. I named my daughter a name that I think of as a Southern name, and she's the only one with that name around here.  She hates it, because when someone mentions her name, everyone knows who they're talking about.  Parents just can't win.

Edited by Honey
  • Love 2

I'm really happy little "Jax" arrived safely and everyone appears healthy and happy!  He's CUTE!!! And I do not automatically think all babies even look human, much less cute ... so good for him! 

Of course you can't tell from a couple of pics of a newborn but I do lean toward thinking he is a little person, which is absolutely fine and I wish him nothing but the healthiest most comfortable life any little person ever enjoyed. He is lucky he is in a family that is ready for that and I think Zach and Tori will be great parents to him no matter how tall he ends up being!

And Audrey can just suck a lemon.  Sorry, you don't get to pop out the first grandbaby, no little person for you.  Poor Audrey, stuck raising an average height girl, oh the shame!  Why have a kid at all if it is not going to make you the center of attention?  Might as well put her up for adoption, no point to having her now!  ha 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I'm really happy little "Jax" arrived safely and everyone appears healthy and happy!  He's CUTE!!! And I do not automatically think all babies even look human, much less cute ... so good for him! 

Of course you can't tell from a couple of pics of a newborn but I do lean toward thinking he is a little person, which is absolutely fine and I wish him nothing but the healthiest most comfortable life any little person ever enjoyed. 

Agree with all this. He's adorable, and he looks like a little person. I'm hoping that if he is little, his related health issues will be nonexistent, or few. I can't recall; has Amy ever mentioned having had complications? I remember Zach's shunt, and his leg surgery. I hope little Jackson is spared the more worrisome aspects of achondroplasia.

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Just curious why some think he's LP; all I see is a cute little burrito baby.  Are there pics of him elsewhere w/o the newbie garb?

They must know by now but I'm glad they're keeping to themselves at least right now & hope they can just enjoy him.

Was the birth filmed?  I'm hoping not. I'm so over TV births.

I'm only speculating based on the size of his head/forehead.  It looks really big to me.  Its kinda hidden underneath the hat.

3 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Just curious why some think he's LP; all I see is a cute little burrito baby.  Are there pics of him elsewhere w/o the newbie garb?


1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

The pediatrician I asked based the guess on the bridge of his nose. Not a definitive diagnosis, just a guess

It's Jax's nose and browline that make me think he's probably little.  He looks just like Zach and Zach has classic "acon" features. 

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Audrey tweeted a link to her congratulations. I'm refraining from commenting here for now. Perhaps I am reading too much in to her words, since I think she's a bitch.


The first thing I noticed was her chest.  Was that the "mountain peak moment" she was referring to?

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Maybe but honestly, if watching Call the Midwife has taught me anything, along with the knowledge that my dad grew up in a hell hole of poverty, its that new babies are kinda gross and lumpy looking :(

I mean, cute baby, but....they all kinda look like weird featured freaks to me :(

That's the truth! My last one especially looked like he got hit with the ugly stick when he came out. He was pretty cute by the time he was a few months old, but it took a while lol. 

  • LOL 1
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36 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

The pic without the cap, to me, looks like an acon an awful lot. If he is a dwarf, I hope he is healthy growing up. I remember Zach needing surgeries when he was younger, aa well as the little people from various other TLC shows.

It will be interesting when they reveal. Do they need testing to verify?

I know there are bowling ball babies out there, so maybe he's just got a big head? He is a big baby.

It's probably tough for me to tell since my babies all had smaller heads, so I lack that frame of reference.  LOL

Just a few shallow observations...

~Jeremy and Audrey gave off the impression that they were too good to leave Bend. But because of their expanding family, they had to sacrifice by moving back to Portland.

As an aside, I am a native of Portland, and also spent summers in Bend at the grandparents. Back then the most exciting thing to do there was walk across the tracks to Bi-Mart. Boy have things changed. 

~ I'm surprised Matt is offering this job to his second favorite son. But I liked Zach's response about it being challenging to work with Matt.


~For Chris to say that comment about his single lady friends to enjoy their freedom and 'play' on the weekends seems like that's what HE wants out of a relationship. 

  • Love 8

Audrey and Jeremy make me sick. Jeremy looks like he's going to have a nervous breakdown. That one house really didn't need that much work. Auj's comments about the "gross" stone floor were so pretentious and bitchy. I hope they have to live out the "worst case scenario" and shack up with the parents. 

Yay Zach and Tori! What a sweet boy?. I wish them all the best.

Edited by Annb67
Because I can't spell
  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Annb67 said:

Her and sun make me sick. Her looks like he's going to have a nervous breakdown. That one house really didn't need that much work. Auj's comments about the "gross" stone floor were so pretentious and birch. I hope they have to live out the "worst case scenario" and shack up with the parents. 

Yay Zach and Tori! What a sweet boy?. I wish them all the best.

I thought Jeremy's comments about staying with Amy were really snotty. Is it ideal for a married couple to move in with a parent? No. But she was nice to offer and be glad you'll have a place to stay if need be.

I also agree about the house. I didn't think it was that bad, and the 5 couples with an offer on the table also didn't think so. His whining about how hard house shopping turned out to be, was making his inner sissyness shine through. 

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

I thought Jeremy's comments about staying with Amy were really snotty. Is it ideal for a married couple to move in with a parent? No. But she was nice to offer and be glad you'll have a place to stay if need be.

I also agree about the house. I didn't think it was that bad, and the 5 couples with an offer on the table also didn't think so. His whining about how hard house shopping turned out to be, was making his inner sissyness shine through. 

And if my son and daughter-in- law acted like such snots about the possibility of living with me, well let's just say much like Mary and Joseph there would be no room in the inn. Go live with your dad.

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