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S07.E23: Wehe ʻana (Prelude)

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I feel so old.  I spent almost the entire episode trying to figure out who played the nurse and it finally hit me that it was Lori Petty.  And I was shocked because Point Break is the only thing I've ever seen her in.  How is it possible she's middle aged?!?!?!

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25 minutes ago, Frost said:

I feel so old.  I spent almost the entire episode trying to figure out who played the nurse and it finally hit me that it was Lori Petty.  And I was shocked because Point Break is the only thing I've ever seen her in.  How is it possible she's middle aged?!?!?!

Well Point Break is closer to 30 than 20 years old. Its "real" remake, The Fast And The Furious is 16 already.

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Geez, Danno...that house did not have even one letter, junk mail flyer, or electric bill with an address on it?  And not ONE HPD patrol car could arrive sooner than Steve, who was first going to a different place????  And the bad guys filled that ambulance (and later some poor schmuck's home) with about 5000 bullets, and not one of them hit Danno, Captain Tanaka, or the nurse???


And Captain Tanaka...we all know that you did NOT succeed with a Hawaiian restaurant--you moved to Los Angeles, changed your name and joined the LAPD as Lieutenant Tao of the Major Case squad. 

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48 minutes ago, UncleChuck said:

Geez, Danno...that house did not have even one letter, junk mail flyer, or electric bill with an address on it?  And not ONE HPD patrol car could arrive sooner than Steve, who was first going to a different place????  And the bad guys filled that ambulance (and later some poor schmuck's home) with about 5000 bullets, and not one of them hit Danno, Captain Tanaka, or the nurse???


And Captain Tanaka...we all know that you did NOT succeed with a Hawaiian restaurant--you moved to Los Angeles, changed your name and joined the LAPD as Lieutenant Tao of the Major Case squad. 

So 5-0 is set years into the future? That explains the two nukes that went off around Hawaii. The spotty cell coverage and now police coverage of that island is frightful. 20 minutes, come on we know that they have a helicopter squadron with at least one rocket armed gunship.

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TV writers really need to stop doing the big shoot outs.  Firing dozens, if not hundreds, of shots with high caliber weapons that do no real damage and hurt no one is ridiculous.  Time to come up with a new idea.   

Danno sending that teenaged girl running to the neighbors was ridiculous, as well.   Actually, the whole high speed ambulance chase was ridiculous.  Those things look like they would tip over very easily, so their fast, tight turns were dumb.  And then endangering a whole neighborhood by leading criminals in?  Right.

The house, or more specifically the pool/patio area, the cartel dude was in looked very familiar.  I swear I remember a dead body being fished out of that pool once.

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2 hours ago, Raja said:

The spotty cell coverage and now police coverage of that island is frightful. 20 minutes, come on we know that they have a helicopter squadron with at least one rocket armed gunship.

I guess Duke had the day off! It was jarring how the bad guys got there first and managed to avoid every other cop on the island until Steve showed up.

20 minutes ago, Mittengirl said:

TV writers really need to stop doing the big shoot outs.  Firing dozens, if not hundreds, of shots with high caliber weapons that do no real damage and hurt no one is ridiculous.  Time to come up with a new idea. 

Indeed! While I am sure ambulances are weighted in such a way that they will not tip over, I do not think they are by any means bulletproof. I can't find a specific reference but the IDF has an APC that can function as a combat ambulance and it looks like this:


That one is bulletproof.

Edited by dwmarch
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An overworked police procedural trope is that ONLY the lead detective can respond to a crisis, no matter how far across town (or an island) he is, even if he's in the shower or in a hospital bed hooked to a monitor, NEVER a beat cop just around the corner ("Don't make a move until I get there!"). And of course a protagonist with a pistol can always outshoot a villain with an Uzi or AK. I wonder if the Governor will really sign off on Five-0 replacing that house?

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While I agree with all the above comments over the ridiculously unrealistic ratio of 'bullets to bad-guy kills' and the 'where the hell are all the other police officers in this island' (hey, isn't that always the case with this show - it's a hand-wavy thing), as well as some of the other crazy plot contrivances, as a committed Danny fan (despite what the writers have done to the character over the seasons), I loved this.

The back filling of his time before 5-0 was done well, although I was sort of expecting the Captain or perhaps one or two of the other detectives to turn out to be in on the initial murder case, since that was the corruption storyline way back in S1E1. They did a really decent job of matching Scott Caan's look too. 

Like so many others, I can see in too many episodes that SC sometimes looks like he's just turning up and is disinterested/bored (who can really blame him?), but I do admire that, given the opportunity of a Danny-centric storyline, he is great at portraying an "ordinary guy" - unlike the others, who relish the action hero persona and will shrug off a shoot out/beat down, his acting choices have him still puffing with anxiety and effort after a fight like that in the hospital room.

I do love the return to the bromance of this season - the family (so married) feels of the decorating was nice and the characterisation spot on. Steve's babysitting was really sweet - AOL's own parenting style was there for all to see. Danny's monologue to the comatose patient, along with his dialogue with his already retired former superior,  was a credible drawing together of many threads. 

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15 hours ago, GustheCat said:

From the previews, this would seem to be a very Danny-centric show. I wonder if it will give us some insight into Danny's future direction in terms of his job and Rachel?

As you probably already saw, it was actually "Flashback Danny", as opposed to "Future Danny".

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7 hours ago, Frost said:

I feel so old.  I spent almost the entire episode trying to figure out who played the nurse and it finally hit me that it was Lori Petty.  And I was shocked because Point Break is the only thing I've ever seen her in.  How is it possible she's middle aged?!?!?!

She's also, among other things, in A League of Their Own--the movie starring Geena Davis & Madonna which Penny Marshall made about the All-American Girls Pro Baseball League, which was active for a few years during World War II to keep the sport going while the male players were fighting in the war. She played Geena Davis' character's sister who often felt she was overlooked by people because she was more tomboyish & plainer than her sister & because she could play baseball well. This movie was also made at least 20 years ago--I think I recently saw on my Twitter it had hit some milestone anniversary since its release, anyway. So yeah, Lori Petty is at least middle-aged by now.

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First of all: people waking up from a coma after several years rarely (if ever) just get back to normal and have total recall. Even if the guy managed to come out a good lawyer could have shredded his testimony without problems. Cartel guy should have googled medical facts before freaking out and sending a hit-squad.

And it's been a while since I've read Sun Tzu but I'm pretty sure the sound tactical move in that scenario was to dig in and wait for reinforcements (yep, where the hell was Duke and his cavalry-helicopter squadron) and not rushing out in a (surprisingly sturdy) ambulance with a comatose patient, a nurse and only one man to do the shooting in tow. I hope the family whose house got demolished sue the hell out of H50.

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 I hope the family whose house got demolished sue the hell out of H50.

When the bullets were flying and things were breaking, I thought that the family would have to get 5-O to pay for the clean up and to repair and replace.  Then 'boom!' in comes Steve and his Durango.  I wonder how it works in real life when the police damage personal property (although I'm sure it hardly ever happens as often as it does here).

I did not recognize Lori Petty, although I kept trying to figure out where I knew her from because her voice was so familiar.  When I read here that it was her, I immediately thought of 'A League of Their Own', which was the only movie I've ever seen her in (I think).  She was good as the nurse.

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This was such a good episode! They really weaved in the pilot and Danny's backstory in a surprisingly smart way. They gave us a good idea of what his life was like, before Five-0. It was a treat to finally see Meka after all these years (that's who Danny's partner was, right? I don't think we had seen him before, we just knew he was killed) and Michael Paul Chan was perfectly cast. They needed a strong presence to fill in that role, and he nailed it.

6 hours ago, Roselle said:

They did a really decent job of matching Scott Caan's look too.

Yes! I actually questioned whether some shots were inserts or just newly filmed. I thought Scott Caan had aged way more, but as it turns out he kinda looks exactly the same? In the last scene, that awesome first meeting from the pilot, AOL looked so young and freshfaced, but SC looked basically like he does now, save for the hair. That was pretty trippy.


Like so many others, I can see in too many episodes that SC sometimes looks like he's just turning up and is disinterested/bored (who can really blame him?), but I do admire that, given the opportunity of a Danny-centric storyline, he is great at portraying an "ordinary guy" - unlike the others, who relish the action hero persona and will shrug off a shoot out/beat down, his acting choices have him still puffing with anxiety and effort after a fight like that in the hospital room.

Agreed. Scott Caan doesn't always put in the effort, but when he does he's such a joy to watch. He had a couple of moments with the fantastic Lori Petty (when he was thanking her for risking her life) that brought a tear to my eye, for some reason. Good acting can really elevate a scene. I think that's why I enjoyed this episode so much, it wasn't much plot-wise but all the actors were fantastic (it really did feel like Danny's old Captain had known him for 10 years, they had that chemistry down pat). Also, the script did a lot to enrich Danny's backstory. I loved one Danny line in particular, when he said "the one time I didn't hang up on my wife". So in character and it really explained Danny's guilt over failing to talk to the witness.

When they connected that case to Steve's father, when we learned that was Danny's next assignment, and we saw him entering Steve's house, all those years ago, that also kind of moved me. And rewatching McGarrett Sr.'s death again, and then the Steve/Danny first meeting, that was emotional too. I wasn't expecting that from this show.

I continue to say it, this season has been such an improvement over the past couple of seasons, and I remain impressed, every week. Out of all the aging procedurals, H50 is the last one I would have predicted to have a creative resurgence. I'm happy I was wrong.

Edited by Princess Lucky
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The episode kind of felt like a possible goodbye/ future exit story for Danny. With his talking about retirement. 

Liked seeing flashback Danny compared to present Danny. 

Steve is so great with the kids.

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I only catch this show every couple of months, but I enjoyed this episode. The story held my attention for the majority of the episode, the Steve-Danny banter was good, and it was cool seeing Lori Petty as Nurse Jenny.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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Lori Petty's nurse was the most convincingly realistic character I've ever seen on this show. Wow. And Michael Paul Chan's police captain makes me think he's being underutilized on Major Crimes. As unique  as Scott Caan is, he's very much his father's son. You can see James Caan in every gesture. Fascinating twist: an episode with all the main actors but one making cameo appearances.

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2 hours ago, Bobbin said:

Fascinating twist: an episode with all the main actors but one making cameo appearances.

Which one was missing? At one point I saw Chin, Kono, & Lou around a table. I'm pretty sure I saw Jerry too in a different scene.

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On a different but related subject, again, no appearance by Kamekona. Without checking, I think this is the longest stretch in 7 seasons where he has been absent. Does anyone know if the actor Taylor Wily is ill, or otherwise occupied? We did see his shrimp truck a couple of episodes ago, and he has an acting credit in Episode 19.

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5 hours ago, Princess Lucky said:

it wasn't much plot-wise

The current-day plot was ridiculous, and the past plot only slightly less-so.  Let's review, shall we?
1) Ex-captain Tanaka doesn't inform the local squad or the hospital that there's a potential witness.  So at least one person was shot (and possibly killed) because only Danny can work the case.

2) The crime boss sees the report (bonding with a coma patient?  Really??) but waits for Tanaka to get Danny and come back to the hospital before he attacks.

3) Danny knows that the crime boss is going to attack but he lets a random woman into the room just because she's wearing scrubs.  Even if he wasn't "genre-savvy", I think that he personally has witnessed assassins grabbing loose scrubs.

3) The ambulance chase -- the less said about that the better

4) The mooks find the ambulance in 10 seconds but Steve has to "follow the gun-fire".

Good acting by Caan but I was shaking my head all the way through.

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19 hours ago, Frost said:

 I spent almost the entire episode trying to figure out who played the nurse and it finally hit me that it was Lori Petty. 

She's in Orange is the New Black too!

I think they need to take a break from the banter. I mean these guys can't fix up a house for 5 minutes. I also find it hard to believe Danny would throw away instructions. Steve I could buy. 

I liked the fight with Danny and the nurse. It was kind of close-quarters, old school Bourne style. 

Cutting the power was probably the most sensible bad guy thing I've ever seen on this show.

Wow, Danny, you're talking about the team and just say how Kono is hot when you get to her? Nothing about how she's the ace sniper on the squad? 

Edited by ganesh
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9 hours ago, BooksRule said:

When the bullets were flying and things were breaking, I thought that the family would have to get 5-O to pay for the clean up and to repair and replace.  Then 'boom!' in comes Steve and his Durango.  I wonder how it works in real life when the police damage personal property (although I'm sure it hardly ever happens as often as it does here).

I did not recognize Lori Petty, although I kept trying to figure out where I knew her from because her voice was so familiar.  When I read here that it was her, I immediately thought of 'A League of Their Own', which was the only movie I've ever seen her in (I think).  She was good as the nurse.

Was that really a Durango Steve was driving? He--at least in present day in the show--usually drives a Silverado; that's easy for me to remember since 1 of the only 2 GM plants which make the Silverado is located in my hometown (the other's in Flint, MI). I'll cut them some slack though, & say Steve got the first Silverado (it used to be another color until Dr. Madison Gray blew it up earlier this season) after he met Danny.

Lori Petty's currently in Orange Is the New Black on Netflix. I read that today. She co-stars in that with Taryn Manning; Taryn, of course, also has a recurring role in H50 as Steve's flaky (but apparently now trying to get her act together) younger sister, Mary.

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11 hours ago, BooksRule said:

I wonder how it works in real life when the police damage personal property (although I'm sure it hardly ever happens as often as it does here).

Here's what happens: the police do what they want and you are responsible for all the cleanup, including paying for it. Often insurance will not cover anything because of "civil actions" exclusions. My family went through a situation about ten years ago when we found this out the hard way (and like these homeowners, through no fault of our own). So beware of Steve barreling into your house in his truck! (I cringed for those poor homeowners with that scene!)

1 hour ago, BW Manilowe said:

Was that really a Durango Steve was driving? He--at least in present day in the show--usually drives a Silverado;

Yes, pretty sure it was a silver Silverado. I think you could see the name on the door when Steve got out.

In addition to the notion that the homeowners didn't have any bills or magazines with the address lying around - why didn't Danny tell the teenager to call 911 when she got to the neighbors'? Why hadn't any neighbors called to report massive gunfire? Surely that would have tipped off HPD as to where Danny was. (The girl said she had friends living close by.) I hate stupid plot contrivances.

Edited by Moxie Cat
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12 hours ago, MissLucas said:

First of all: people waking up from a coma after several years rarely (if ever) just get back to normal and have total recall.

Yet more personal experience for me out of this episode. My dad was in a terrible car accident with traumatic brain injury that resulted in a coma and vegetative state that lasted for a few months. When he finally started to become lucid, he didn't remember his wife and thought he had a son, not a daughter. It took many weeks for his memory to return, and he still can't remember anything months before the accident because (relevant here) short-term memory before a TBI is not filed correctly into long-term memory by the brain. So combine a 7! Year coma with memories from the prior 24 hours - it's not impossible but it is highly unlikely that the witness would remember anything.

That said, I was really pleased that the show didn't go with the soap opera trope of the victim waking up and having perfect memories and lucidity. I would argue about who had been paying for his care for seven years (super difficult for even a person with insurance!) but the show handled the real-life health side of it accurately.

Edited by Moxie Cat
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20 minutes ago, Moxie Cat said:

In addition to the notion that the homeowners didn't have any bills or magazines with the address lying around - why didn't Danny tell the teenager to call 911 when she got to the neighbors'? Why hadn't any neighbors called to report massive gunfire? Surely that would have tipped off HPD as to where Danny was. (The girl said she had friends living close by.) I hate stupid plot contrivances.

I'm sure the homeowners will be delighted to come home from work and see a big Silverado is occupying their living room, before they notice all of those bullet holes.  Apparently no one that watches this show understands just how incompetent HPD is and I'm not sure how any cases got solved or crime was controlled before 5-0.  Their incompetence is why Danny chose to call Steve who didn't seem like he could possibly be closer than any HPD patrol units.  I even noticed last week that the SWAT team that Lou so competently led is now incompetent without him.  Also I think Duke's complete arsenal and squadron are only available if Steve is in danger.  It's not reserved for any other members of 5-0, especially Danny. 

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44 minutes ago, Moxie Cat said:

Here's what happens: the police do what they want and you are responsible for all the cleanup, including paying for it. Often insurance will not cover anything because of "civil actions" exclusions. My family went through a situation about ten years ago when we found this out the hard way (and like these homeowners, through no fault of our own). So beware of Steve barreling into your house in his truck! (I cringed for those poor homeowners with that scene!)

Wait - what?!  The police can damage your home, and they're not responsible for fixing the damage?  Can you explain that some more?

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9 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

Wait - what?!  The police can damage your home, and they're not responsible for fixing the damage?  Can you explain that some more?

It wasn't the police but the felons who bear responsibility.

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I'm sure it depends upon the insurance company and the language that's in your policy. But in ours, there was an exclusion that said that the insurer was not responsible for damage caused by "an order of civil authority." Luckily, there was wiggle room and we were able to come to a settlement (after 5+ years of a court case!) but we had to take the insurance company to court to get anything. 

Money aside, the police also aren't responsible for cleaning anything up. We had broken windows, doors, and blood, and had to pay a disaster company (like that art guy's!) to clean it up. (Also not covered.) The cops left when the event was over and we were on our own. (And because I want to be clear, our situation happened because of someone who was mentally ill, in a rural area. Definitely not crime-ridden, nuke-prone Oahu. :)

I hope Steve and Danny are more helpful to these poor folks!

16 minutes ago, Raja said:
27 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:


It wasn't the police but the felons who bear responsibility

Well, "felons" but also their victims, as in this episode. Our property was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, also as in this episode. And when the poor guy in our situation was tragically gone, it seemed really wrong to go after his widow for our damages. That should be why you have insurance. :)

Though I guess in this situation, Steve, Grover, et. al. could probably shake down the drug cartel guy to pay for the repairs to that house!

Edited by Moxie Cat
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21 minutes ago, Moxie Cat said:

I'm sure it depends upon the insurance company and the language that's in your policy. But in ours, there was an exclusion that said that the insurer was not responsible for damage caused by "an order of civil authority." Luckily, there was wiggle room and we were able to come to a settlement (after 5+ years of a court case!) but we had to take the insurance company to court to get anything. 

Money aside, the police also aren't responsible for cleaning anything up. We had broken windows, doors, and blood, and had to pay a disaster company (like that art guy's!) to clean it up. (Also not covered.) The cops left when the event was over and we were on our own.

I can understand that when criminals or perps damage your property, your fight is with your insurance company.  But if the police do damage, shouldn't they be responsible?  (I guess they'd argue that they were only there to chase the bad guys...  But man, that seems so unfair to innocent home owners).

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My impression has been that PDs don't have a procedure or policy for property damage. It comes out of the city's or county's funds, at the administration's discretion. Often, you have to sue the city for damages, with legal fees that may be greater than the cost of repairs. In this case, the perps may be liable for the shoot-em-up, but Danny "lured" them there. And that was definitely Steve's vehicle that came through the front door. The Governor might be feeling generous if she's up for reelection. At the same time, of course, police and firemen are good about cleaning up accident scenes.

Of course Danny threw away the assembly instructions -- real men don't need no stinkin' instructions! It drove me crazy that Danny couldn't hang up on his wife to take the witness's call. Push the button! But I've been stuck with such personal calls at work many times.

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On 4/29/2017 at 2:16 PM, ganesh said:

She's in Orange is the New Black too!

Wow, Danny, you're talking about the team and just say how Kono is hot when you get to her? Nothing about how she's the ace sniper on the squad? 

I love her in Orange is the New Black - when she showed up on that show, I had a similar reaction to what a lot of you are saying now. She a better actress than I ever gave her credit for when she was younger.

Danny was seemingly focused on his first reaction to Kono, but he didn't talk about the tactical gifts of any of them, did he? I admit, I tuned out just a little bit in that scene.

Danny figured out the nurse wasn't a nurse because of her shoes (another typical plot point in cop shows). When are criminals going to learn, if you're going to costume up, make sure it's complete from head to toe.

Tired of bullets not hitting anyone. Which isn't to say I want carnage - I just want something more realistic.

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This episode really felt like it might have been written as a series finale (prior to them finding out they were renewed for Season 8).  The ending, with the flashback of Steve and Scott Cahn's first meeting, seemed to me like it would have been a perfect way to end the series.  Danny reflects on where he came from and where he's been, and there was talk of him leaving to open a restaurant.  Then the series ends with reminding us how they met.  I'm not the biggest fan of Scott Kahn so this episode wasn't that interesting to me, but it was well executed.

When Steve was talking to Danny and asking where he was and Danny said he didn't know, Steve immediately asked Jerry to locate him.  I think that was the first time I have seen that.  Is Jerry always listening in to everyone's calls?  They were on cell phones and not any kind of radio frequency.  Or had Steve called up Jerry in advance and arranged for him to be on the call?

On 4/29/2017 at 7:44 PM, Moxie Cat said:

In addition to the notion that the homeowners didn't have any bills or magazines with the address lying around - why didn't Danny tell the teenager to call 911 when she got to the neighbors'? Why hadn't any neighbors called to report massive gunfire? Surely that would have tipped off HPD as to where Danny was. (The girl said she had friends living close by.) I hate stupid plot contrivances.

This.  I didn't understand why Danny didn't tell her to call 911 and tell them to tell Steve McGarrett exactly where they were.  I didn't understand why she wouldn't have called her parents immediately to tell them that some guy who said he was with 5-0 took over their house and holed up in there with a guy hooked up to a ventilator.  The parents would have immediately called 911 themselves.  Or her friends' parents would have called 911 themselves after hearing the gunshots.

Another thing that I found unrealistic... there's a portable generator that just happens to be sitting in the backyard?  I store mine in the garage, where it won't, you know, get wet.  It does rain in Hawaii sometimes, doesn't it?  Also, mine runs on gas.  There's exhaust and everything and you're not supposed to run it indoors because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.  What exactly did Danny do with it?  It looked to me like he ran outside, picked it up, ran back in, and three seconds later, it powered the house.

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What I didn't get about the nurse being the hired killer was, if there was a lockdown in the facility (which she probably caused, granted), wouldn't someone from the facility have kept/tried to keep her from leaving, if she'd been successful regarding the hit, since lockdowns mean nobody's supposed to come or go from there as long as the lockdown's in place? Maybe I just think too much.

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I don't think it is a matter of you/us thinking too much, rather the writers thinking too little.

Didn't Danny ask the teenaged girl if she had some friends "in the neighborhood"?  Who knows how far away that was?  And what if they weren't home?  What was Danny going to do if she panicked and came back home?  Or if the bad guys grabbed her?   Furthermore, what would he have done if the family inside the home couldn't leave quickly?  Maybe disabled, elderly or with a herd of small children (home daycare).  I wouldn't have left without my pets.  No way in hell would I trust those 5-0 guys with my little goobers.

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I would have slammed the door in Danny's face an called the actual police. 

I know this will never happen, but I'd love to see an episode from the pov of a Sunday morning local news program doing a piece on 5-0 on something like, "Is 5-0 really keeping us safe?" And then have accounts of all the damage.

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Danny figured out the nurse wasn't a nurse because of her shoes (another typical plot point in cop shows). When are criminals going to learn, if you're going to costume up, make sure it's complete from head to toe.

I think Danny was clued in because the fake nurse used the patient's real name. The facility didn't know his real name (they called him John Doe in the news), but the fake nurse used his real name. Danny asked her how she knew it. His suspicions were confirmed when she struck him in the face with the metal tray.

Nurses don't appear to have strict uniform rules these days. They tend to wear hospital scrubs for easy clean-up, but there seems to be endless options. Fake nurse was wearing green while real nurse was wearing pink and there were lots of other options shown in the news article. Why would the options for shoes be any different - wear something comfortable and sturdy.


Another thing that I found unrealistic... there's a portable generator that just happens to be sitting in the backyard?  I store mine in the garage, where it won't, you know, get wet.  It does rain in Hawaii sometimes, doesn't it?  Also, mine runs on gas.

I have a battery "generator" (really, just a big battery). It's enough to run a couple of things for a while and can be recharged by solar power.  That generator looked like a battery one.  The gas ones tend to be less enclosed than the battery ones. Battery ones are less finicky (and safer), but obviously, don't provide endless power.

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2 hours ago, ganesh said:

I would have slammed the door in Danny's face an called the actual police. 

I know this will never happen, but I'd love to see an episode from the pov of a Sunday morning local news program doing a piece on 5-0 on something like, "Is 5-0 really keeping us safe?" And then have accounts of all the damage.

They already did an "Oprah" like visit and by the end she sang the praises of 5-0. I bet Mike Wallace would also see McGarret's light 

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That's why I think a 'local' program would be interesting because the people putting on the show actually live there too, and there's a lot of disruption when 5-0 is up to their usual tricks. 

I would LOVE if a local reporter dug up the story on how the San Francisco Treat infiltrated 5-0 and then botched the whole thing. 

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It was nice seeing Lori Petty.  Even though she plays a recurring character in Orange Is the New Black (2013 - Present), I also remember her being a patient quite a few times on House M.D. (2004 - 2012).  I believe her character had Huntington's chorea.  Going back even further, I also remember her from In the Army Now (1994).

To add to the unbelievable ridiculousness of this episode, I'm surprised McGarrett didn't mow down the wrong people in that house.  Then, after making a grand entrance, he stops to draw his weapon while in the vehicle?  Okay...

I do like the fact that this was Danno-centric.   Also, the way they were able to retcon everything prior to and following the Pilot episode was a very nice touch.

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15 hours ago, ganesh said:

I would have slammed the door in Danny's face an called the actual police. 

I know this will never happen, but I'd love to see an episode from the pov of a Sunday morning local news program doing a piece on 5-0 on something like, "Is 5-0 really keeping us safe?" And then have accounts of all the damage.

Didn't they technically do that in the ep where Aisha Tyler played Savannah, the Oprah-like TV talk show hostess who was spending a week doing her show on location in Honolulu & who got to end her week by doing a ride along for a day with the team?

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7 hours ago, Utpe said:

To add to the unbelievable ridiculousness of this episode, I'm surprised McGarrett didn't mow down the wrong people in that house.  Then, after making a grand entrance, he stops to draw his weapon while in the vehicle?  Okay...

Yeah, I hate this particular 'hero move'. Unless you have X-ray vision (i.e. you're being Superman) how are you going to make sure you're not actually killing the people you're supposed to rescue? But for some reason you see it over and over again - probably because it looks cool for the split-second before your brain kicks in asking all the hard questions.

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4 hours ago, MissLucas said:

Yeah, I hate this particular 'hero move'. Unless you have X-ray vision (i.e. you're being Superman) how are you going to make sure you're not actually killing the people you're supposed to rescue? But for some reason you see it over and over again - probably because it looks cool for the split-second before your brain kicks in asking all the hard questions.

Truth. He mashed the bad guys flat - when they could have been Danny and his crew.

In another one of my pet peeves, Danny's crew hunkering down in front of glass doors, without drawing drapes, ridiculous. Ducks in a shooting gallery.

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I have only seen the episode once when broadcast, but, I believe Danny knew there were 3 perps trailing the ambulance when they made it to the house. He is upstairs, looking through the windows, and sees all 3 perps. None of them look up at him or notice him, and he has a clear shot at all 3 of them as he is either talking to Tanaka or talking on the phone to Steve. Um, any reason he didn't try to take them out at that time? Other than they would have needed to fill about 15 minutes of show at that point?

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On 4/28/2017 at 7:16 PM, Frost said:

it finally hit me that it was Lori Petty.

 OMG!  Thank you.  It was driving me crazy on Friday who that actress was.  I don't watch OItNB, so she didn't pop right into my head as a possibility.  I knew I knew her, but from where....

I thought the scene with Steve and Charlie at the end was just adorable.  It has launched many fanfics.  Not from me, I'm only a consumer, but I do appreciate it when the show sets some low-hanging plot bunnies out there.

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3 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

 He mashed the bad guys flat - when they could have been Danny and his crew.

In another one of my pet peeves, Danny's crew hunkering down in front of glass doors, without drawing drapes, ridiculous. Ducks in a shooting gallery.

Yes, so true - my thoughts went that way too.

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4 hours ago, GustheCat said:

I have only seen the episode once when broadcast, but, I believe Danny knew there were 3 perps trailing the ambulance when they made it to the house. He is upstairs, looking through the windows, and sees all 3 perps. None of them look up at him or notice him, and he has a clear shot at all 3 of them as he is either talking to Tanaka or talking on the phone to Steve. Um, any reason he didn't try to take them out at that time? Other than they would have needed to fill about 15 minutes of show at that point?

Real world you are still outside of handgun effective range. You probably miss and give away your position. Steve or Kono the bad guy goes down 

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