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Social Media: What's Up With Her?


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I have French friends who live in Paris and I asked about Whit and the show and they didn't know who she was. I sent them a link to some articles and photos of her and Chase and the response was "oh, who s this fatty American....is that man homeless" Gotta love the French 😂 

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Let's all be real... there was no way that they would have been able to drag this storyline out of a wedding even if Chase's real GF wasn't up the duff. At some point, they would have to figure out a way to break the engagement. They just wanted to have some fun wedding planning stuff before finding some convenient reason to break things off.

Chase jumped the gun a little bit, and I have no doubt that Whitney's sycophants are going to pour on buckets of sympathy to Whitney because she's so "obviously" heartbroken. Someone else said it best - this was just a business arrangement going bad.

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For Whit's sake I hope the thing was fake because...

They were together for less than a year and engaged while they were supposedly having constant "ups and downs" and living apart for know obvious reason while he cheats on her.

That is just pathetic, that's the kind of stupid shit that engaged 18 olds get into, not educated grown ass women in their late 30s do.

Best option for Whit would be that the whole thing was fake and whats his face violated the contract, we all know a lot of this "reality" is scripted, if not that she is a sad, apparently mentally ill woman.

Edited by John M
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Her adoring, not at all gullible fans are asking Buddy to kick Chase’s ass. What a mess. Chase, Ryan: you wanted the ”fame”, well, it comes with her delusional supporters. 

This amuses me. There is no possible way Buddy can lift his leg higher to kick Chase's ass. Maybe a good swat to the shins? Plus Buddy just seems way too lethargic to actually fight with anyone. Maybe a war on Instagram, but not a physical altercation...

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25 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

This amuses me. There is no possible way Buddy can lift his leg higher to kick Chase's ass. Maybe a good swat to the shins? Plus Buddy just seems way too lethargic to actually fight with anyone. Maybe a war on Instagram, but not a physical altercation...

At best, I could see Buddy sliding an extra can of tuna Henchi’s way, to have him pee on a pair of shoes that Chase left behind.

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34 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

This amuses me. There is no possible way Buddy can lift his leg higher to kick Chase's ass. Maybe a good swat to the shins? Plus Buddy just seems way too lethargic to actually fight with anyone. Maybe a war on Instagram, but not a physical altercation...

Now, now, he has already been charged with assaulting a police officer so some shoving and throwing his drink on him is a possibility.

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On another site, a poster reacted to the  claim that Chase "reconnected " with the other  woman with "That's  bulls***. Chase and (womans name) have been  together for  two years. " 

So, oops. Looks pretty much like this whole thing  was scripted and Casey went  off script.  

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Remember how smug Whitney was while giving Heather relationship advice?

And the way she was so weird about Heather and Ryan kissing, that kissing was just as real as any kissing that Twit did with Chase.

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5 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Remember how smug Whitney was while giving Heather relationship advice?

And the way she was so weird about Heather and Ryan kissing, that kissing was just as real as any kissing that Twit did with Chase.

I was thinking about Whitney’s treatment of Heather during this “relationship”. I actually might consider watching a new season if they let Heather let loose on Whitney with what she really thinks about all of this crap. 

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22 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Remember how smug Whitney was while giving Heather relationship advice?

Not only that but admitting at best her relationship was (obviously) FULL of problems before the knocking up his ex while she is lecturing others on how relationships should work. Fabulous indeed.

Have a seat Whit, this whole thing was your choice and you should be embarrassed.

"O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!"

Edited by John M
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I took a couple days off, Spring cleaning and head cleaning. When I came back and all this $hit hit the fan, the first thing I thought is Where is Dot? I really miss her input. I sure hope she is OK.

Well, we all figured out from the start that the Chase/Casey romance was fake, fake fakety fake...and so it proves true. As far as the Twit's involvement we probably will never know the real truth...if the mystery keeps the show going...that will be the storyline.

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5 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

As far as the Twit's involvement we probably will never know the real truth...if the mystery keeps the show going...that will be the storyline.

At least not until the show ends and one of the barnacles writes a tell-all in a last ditch attempt to squeeze whatever last dollars they can out of this mess. Whitney, OTOH, will likely go to her grave insisting that this "grand romance" had been real. 

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Going on the assumption that Ryan brought Chase into this and the producers saw a good storyline, is it possible that they did some sleuthing and realized that Casey had a gf back home? That would explain some of the scenes they included in the latter episodes. Ryan, Chase, and Whitney sharing one room in Paris as well as the "alone time" where she calls her Dadwe instead of getting amorous.

That may have been the loophole for the broken engagement. The baby messed with the timeline for that.

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8 hours ago, John M said:

Have a seat Whit, this whole thing was your choice and you should be embarrassed.

Amen. I have absolutely zero belief that she wasn't completely in on the scam. Even when you looked at most of the photos of her and Chase, she was looking at the camera and not her supposed fiance. This was entirely made for her show's storyline and was so painfully obvious that only the most deluded of her fans bought it. And the ones that don't are shitting on Chase for deluding Whitney and only being in it for the fame. Bitch, please...

This is Whitney's show. The very conceit that she wasn't aware that Chase was only there to play the role of "handsome straight BF" and fulfill the fantasy of a fat woman landing a hot man just doesn't pass the smell test. I truly believe that Whitney is a deluded, self-centered idiot, but she's not stupid. And she had to know that at some point, this would blow up in her face. So she looks like a moron, and she's got people on her instagram page accusing the show of being fake.

The show could have been good if it focused on her just living a good, fulfilling life, showing that you don't need to put your life on hold if you're not the ideal weight. Instead we get all this artificial drama and stunts designed to show how "awesome" Whitney is.. It was only a matter of time before one of these stunts blew up in her face and she should count herself as lucky that it's only leaving her look foolish and not something where she or one of her parents could have been seriously hurt.


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24 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

This is Whitney's show. The very conceit that she wasn't aware that Chase was only there to play the role of "handsome straight BF" and fulfill the fantasy of a fat woman landing a hot man just doesn't pass the smell test. I truly believe that Whitney is a deluded, self-centered idiot, but she's not stupid. And she had to know that at some point, this would blow up in her face. So she looks like a moron, and she's got people on her instagram page accusing the show of being fake.


I agree with everything you said except for the bolded part. I don’t think it occurred to her this would blow up. I think she assumed everyone would tow the line and follow the script. She and Chase would break up in the predetermined way they were supposed making Whitney look good but not embarrassed or “not good enough’. Her sanitizing her IG, changing her hair, dropping off of SM etc are all actions of someone who has had a painful breakup. I think she feels betrayed because she isn’t used to people in her orbit not following the rules. And now she’s lost control of the storyline. Worse, he has been sleeping with another woman and got her pregnant, something Whitney may never be able to do herself. It couldn’t have gone off the rails in a worse way for her. The final humiliation will be when people find out who this woman is and it’s clear Chase has chosen a younger, healthier, thinner (even 9 months pg), cleaner woman.

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Heh, "cleaner" woman.

Yes, one who showers regularly and washes her hands after eating cheetos the same day. 

Wow,  the bar couldn't be set much lower could it?

We know the gf has to have a pleasing personality as well, at least in comparison to Twit 's bullying, know-it-all narcissism. 


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23 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I agree with everything you said except for the bolded part. I don’t think it occurred to her this would blow up. I think she assumed everyone would tow the line and follow the script.

What she should have known was that there was no good way for this to end. There was no way in hell that the show would have gotten to the point where she'd be standing at the alter in her wedding dress waiting for Chase to say "I do." How the hell could they break up an engagement without her looking stupid after painting this as some kind of epic love story and the fulfillment of her dearest fantasy? And while Whitney  and TLC might have had control over the show and social media, they had no control over what Chase did off camera when he wasn't on the clock. And that apparently included maintaining his relationship with his real GF and an accidental pregnancy.

No matter how they ended this, Whitney was going to look like an idiot. And the TPB should have been aware of this being a monumentally bad idea. My guess is that the "plan" was for Whitney to recognize that they just weren't compatible (as he is a human male and she is... something else) and they'd part amicably just before the wedding so she could look wise and strong. Instead we get his real life relationships being the issue and she looks like an idiot because he had a real girlfriend not named Whitney. This exploding in her's and TLC's faces was positively inevitable.

I am taking way too much pleasure in all of this. I'm such a bad person...

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1 hour ago, Hana Chan said:

I am taking way too much pleasure in all of this. I'm such a bad person...

Here's  your  gasoline  soaked underwear and  your ticket  on the bus to Hell. You can have the  seat next to  me. 😉

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If the show is renewed, I think they have to be very careful how to handle the “break-up” of the fake lovebirds. Whitney can’t go hard at the “other woman” because only Chase was under contract and this woman can say or do anything she wants in the media if Whitney’s fans start going after her on social media. I stopped watching in the middle of last season and just kept reading here because I couldn’t take the bad acting between Chase and Whitney. I am all in if the show comes back for another season. I need to see how they clean this up. Does Chase get a bonus check for filming an “apology”  to Whitney for next season? You know Whitney will need “closure” and it has to be on film.  I am not ashamed to be loving this so much. A fake storyline getting upended is great. 

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I wonder if Whitney will be the god-mother?

I was also one that felt this was fake from the jump. I would not be surprised if Whitney did fall for Chase even though he was only a paid actor. I wonder if next season, we will see her moved back to Greensboro as it seems that nobsactive is kaput and there is no reason to be there anymore.  

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2 hours ago, MakingBacon said:

If the show is renewed, I think they have to be very careful how to handle the “break-up” of the fake lovebirds. Whitney can’t go hard at the “other woman” because only Chase was under contract and this woman can say or do anything she wants in the media if Whitney’s fans start going after her on social media. I stopped watching in the middle of last season and just kept reading here because I couldn’t take the bad acting between Chase and Whitney. I am all in if the show comes back for another season. I need to see how they clean this up. Does Chase get a bonus check for filming an “apology”  to Whitney for next season? You know Whitney will need “closure” and it has to be on film.  I am not ashamed to be loving this so much. A fake storyline getting upended is great. 

My feeling is that Whit will want to "be the bigger person" and "move on" so it won't be discussed very much - onward with a new fake story!  Maybe she'll qualify for the Olympics!  Seriously though - if I were her I'd take my TLC money and sneak off to the strictest fat farm I could find and show up looking way better for next season.  Then she actually would have something new to talk about.

What I am mostly curious about is if Ryan will still be around.

Edited by princelina
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4 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

I am taking way too much pleasure in all of this. I'm such a bad person...

I’ll join you in that hand basket to hell! Lol! Twit was nothing but a smug asshole to Heather about Buddy and Chase last season. All her “relationship advice” and condescension. It’s come back to bite her in her significant ass and I can’t help but find it a little bit karmic. 

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13 minutes ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

I’ll join you in that hand basket to hell! Lol! Twit was nothing but a smug asshole to Heather about Buddy and Chase last season. All her “relationship advice” and condescension. It’s come back to bite her in her significant ass and I can’t help but find it a little bit karmic. 

Make a little more room in that basket for me. Her smug superior act toward Heather just ticked me off so much I can’t help but hope Heather is just laughing and laughing at this.  So this fabulous woman has had the following relationships - Roy, the gay guy she claimed was ‘in the bag’,  Avi, the fat fetish man who had a bunch of other women but she swore was going to marry her, Buddy her high school friend who supposedly loves her but couldn’t even be bullied into admitting they slept together, and Chase, her fiancé who knocked up another woman.

Yep - lots of room to be smug there about her relationship prowess. 

Edited by 3girlsforus
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15 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

I was thinking about Whitney’s treatment of Heather during this “relationship”. I actually might consider watching a new season if they let Heather let loose on Whitney with what she really thinks about all of this crap. 

During last years tell all Heathers mask slipped a little while Whit and Buddy were holding hands. Whit said something along the lines of "well I wasn't available so I thought Heather would be a good stand In until I was ready " Heather said something along the lines of "well if you were honest and a good friend you would have told me this, now I look stupid" Heather was visibly angry and of course the host changed the subject. Whit is a c u next Tuesday who gets off on hurting others to make herself look good. No sympathy from me.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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1 hour ago, princelina said:

What I am mostly curious about is if Ryan will still be around.

Well, NoBS Active Facebook Goup still claims 2276 members, and this is after the end of her "One Month Free!" promotion in April. If only half of them are actually paying, that little venture is bringing in $22,760 a month. And as far as we've seen, Ryan is doing all the heavy lifting (literally and figuratively) for the class. I'm no fan of his personality, but he sure seems willing to hustle, unlike  his partner Whitney.  She'll want him to do something to demonstrate his loyalty to her and repudiate his friendship with Chase, but otherwise, I don't see her shrugging off that much income, just because her fake fiance didn't see any reason to take his fake engagement seriously after the show ended for the season.

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2 hours ago, Me from ME said:

I was worried about her as well when she hadn't commented on the latest development. However, I just saw that she posted recently on another site.

She said a while back that she was done with this shitshow - I'm just feeling bad for her because she's missing all the fun now 😄 

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Maybe we can rent a tour bus to hell or a stretch limo, because I was glad to see Twit get her just desserts.... but I never want to see her gobble cake down her maw again. 

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One thing I still don't get is how this whole leak started. Chase has been living his own life offline while keeping up appearances with Whit. It seems like it wouldn't have been difficult to keep his secret girlfriend still a secret (from the public at least), even while pregnant. No one knew who she is or that it's Chase's baby. Did she not want to keep things on the down-low anymore? Maybe Chase decided he didn't want to keep up this double life? I'm curious how the cat got out of the bag. It seems like TLC would want to keep it under wraps if they could since it kind of kills their season and exposes the fake relationship.

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Personally  I initially  saw it on Reddit and reported  on this  forum,  this thread. It may be that  someone  who knows both him and his gf made the comment on  Reddit.  The second  comment  that I saw --- the one that claims  he and gf have been  together  this whole time,  for 2 years,  was NOT on Reddit but  another  site. I won't  say  which one because  the post  contains the  girlfriend's name,  which could  lead to  some of  Twit's  disciples harassing  her.

I will add that I  did some research, and  there is a  person  by that  name who lives in Wilmington.  And she's  adorable. 

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Life and Style has an "exclusive" from Buddy. He has moved into her townhouse so they can quarantine together. He has been cooking, they have been watching movies, and laughing.


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11 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

Life and Style has an "exclusive" from Buddy. He has moved into her townhouse so they can quarantine together. He has been cooking, they have been watching movies, and laughing.


I am no fan of Buddy but this worries me. She’s a taker and in an emotionally fragile state. She won’t give a shit if her neediness threatens his sobriety. Buddy needs to get his ass back to Greensboro. 

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10 hours ago, Colleenna said:

Personally  I initially  saw it on Reddit and reported  on this  forum,  this thread. It may be that  someone  who knows both him and his gf made the comment on  Reddit.  The second  comment  that I saw --- the one that claims  he and gf have been  together  this whole time,  for 2 years,  was NOT on Reddit but  another  site. I won't  say  which one because  the post  contains the  girlfriend's name,  which could  lead to  some of  Twit's  disciples harassing  her.

I will add that I  did some research, and  there is a  person  by that  name who lives in Wilmington.  And she's  adorable. 

I tend to think that the leak was organized by Chase/girlfriend. Assuming the rumor that Chase has been dating this woman for 2 years, she had to have agreed to the charade in the beginning. The baby threw a wrench in the works. She would have to have the baby while he was still pretending to be engaged to Whitney. He wouldn’t be free from the show until they filmed the months of wedding planning scenes and Chase being jealous of Buddy, which I believe was the original way the relationship was scheduled to end. Then add the delay in filming from Covid. It would make sense that they could delay the “wedding date” because of Covid and film planning later. So now he would be filming wedding planning and pretending to be her fiancé for months after his baby was born. The only way out is to let people know. I would assume he had some kind of non-disclosure agreement but obviously people know them. A couple of targeted internet leaks and - bam - he’s free. 

I also think Whitney was just as blindsided by the pregnancy as everyone else. The part of her post that said ‘Chase recently let me know this information’ actually rang true to me. I suspect he told her that his girlfriend was pregnant and he wasn’t going to plan the game anymore. I do think the one concession he made to her was allowing her to change the baby’s due date. The original rumor was that she’s due in August. Whitney claims she’s due in October. Actually she said he will be a father in October. Technically that’s true if the baby is due in August too but she clearly wants people to believe she’s due in October. August due date means he knocked up his girlfriend within a few weeks of proposing to her. October can give her some wiggle room that they ‘couldn’t be together and he was tempted’. Sure it’s crap but Whitney is scrambling to save face. Chase would only say ‘the fall’.  I tend to think the original rumor of August is true since the rest of the rumors are true. 

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I’ll try and stop beating this dead horse after this post.  I have no inside information, so anything I think is just based on what was on the show or based on social media.  I think the  Chase-Whitney relationship was for the show because of:

  • Whitney is usually handsy and half-clothed, but shows the patience of Job around  Chase, while simultaneously touching Buddy at almost every opportunity.
  • She said she didn’t see herself marrying a guy she didn’t live with beforehand  or something along that strain of thought, but never seem in any hurry to figure out how to move in with Chase or even into the same city.
  • She and Chase had an awkward fight in Paris about having children then shortly there after he proposes, even though they never seem to resolve the moving or children issues.
  • She’s  going to the city of love with her soulmate, but her and Chase put up with Ryan staying in their room.  Not to mention Ryan is single and free to roam and he was ok being stuck in a room with those two?  She had no problem commandeering Ashley’s car, I don’t believe for one second she wouldn’t have thrown Ryan into Todd’s and Ashley’s room, especially since she’s the “star” of the show.
  • The brief time she was alone with soulmate #5 is spent calling Dadwee.
  • She lounges on the sofa with her head in Buddy’s lap despite being in a very serious relationship with Chase.
  • A party pic of Chase, Whitney, and I think Ryan, was posted months and months ago and some one commented where is **** (the supposed real gf)
  • The shit show that was called the “engagement party” was abominable.  Their friends seemed a combination of disgusted, disgruntled, and incredulous.
  •  No reaction shots from the barnacles in Paris after the proposal or no call home to Dadwee.
  • No announcement put in the paper from over-the-top Babs and Glen about the engagement. These are people that celebrate made up Whit-a-thons.  Yet are as silent as a Rudolph Valentino film, when their only daughter is getting married.
  • She “travels” the ends of the Earth looking for Avi’s other women and composes a whiteboard of potential victims that rivals a Law & Order episode, yet writes one IG post about this and is moving forward.

There’s more, but I’d be here all day.  I’m not privy to their lives other than what they show us online or on show.  I was always under the impression that Chase was a storyline.  I felt like he’d come and tape and go back to his real life when he was done. I think Ryan and Chase were used to breath life into a dying show.  I don’t hate either of them or even Whitney. I question some of the choices, but don’t think any of them are evil.  At worst, if Whitney thought this were real, Chase cheated on her, but if she thought it were real was was she still climbing all over Buddy at every opportunity.  Make it make sense.  I’m not saying she slept with Buddy during this, but I am saying an engaged women or people in a serious relationship typically don’t do this with somebody else


If the internet rumors are true, I think it does sting Whitney a little more that the girlfriend is young, conventionally pretty, and thin.  I do think Whitney was blindsided by the pregnancy.  I think Whitney thinks good looking, athletic guys should fall for her.  I’m not saying they can’t, but I am saying, it’s probably harder when they are almost 10 years younger and have a girlfriend.  I do wonder how much of this “road to the ring” is because she wants it versus how much her parents want it.  She seems the happiest diapering her cats, sprawled all over Buddy, while dragging her friends on trips.  I’m probably in the minority, but overall I really don’t actively dislike Whitney.  I pity her more than anything.  I wish she’d figure out what she, not Dadwee or Momwee, wants and work towards that goal.  Dadwee also needs to stop bribing his almost 40 year old daughter to do basic things like walking.  I’ve rambled enough.

 I hope Chase and the mystery woman have a healthy child, I hope Buddy maintains his sobriety, I hope Heather is not saddled with another jealousy/bitter storyline, I hope Tal and Jon are still happy, I hope Whitney finds whatever it is she’s looking for, and most of all I hope Todd is off with Mattie, Katie, and Kerryn working on a tell-all!  J/k about the last part.  To me this is a very fake show but with real people that have real feelings, and as much as some of them get on my nerves, I’m not heartless.  Even if it were all fake, Whitney is left looking like a fool again.  I hope the show is done, but if it’s not I think they should just treat it like 


and pretend the previous season never happened, because I can’t bear sad sack Whitney or Detective Columbo Whitney pulling out the whiteboard again.


Edited by Irate Panda
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1) Irate Panda, although I am in the other camp you do make some good points. I will have to reconsider.


Actually she said he will be a father in October. Technically that’s true if the baby is due in August too but she clearly wants people to believe she’s due in October.

2) That is a GREAT point. Somehow, that rings true because she is good at crafting words. Casey, not so much.

3) Where is Babs? Does anyone know how many bedrooms are in the condo?

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48 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I do wonder how much of this “road to the ring” is because she wants it versus how much her parents want it.  She seems the happiest diapering her cats, sprawled all over Buddy, while dragging her friends on trips.  I’m probably in the minority, but overall I really don’t actively dislike Whitney.  I pity her more than anything.  I wish she’d figure out what she, not Dadwee or Momwee, wants and work towards that goal.  Dadwee also needs to stop bribing his almost 40 year old daughter to do basic things like walking.  I’ve rambled enough.

I think her parents want her to actually be married so that they don't have to feel so responsible for her.  I really doubt they wanted to do 2 seasons of a fake relationship story entitled "the road to the ring" 😄 I think she wants to have a tv show and followers who tell her she's great and she has that.  She just has to figure out how to keep that going.

Edited by princelina
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1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

She “travels” the ends of the Earth looking for Avi’s other women and composes a whiteboard of potential victims that rivals a Law & Order episode, yet writes one IG post about this and is moving forward.

I agree the relationship was fake and Whitney knew about the girlfriend but I guarantee she wants to do a ‘girlfriend’ slam. She got pregnant and humiliated Whitney. Whitney’s as angry as if the relationship was real. But she can’t go postal on her. Chase and the GF are much more dangerous to Whitney’s persona than Avi ever was. If Whitney makes trouble for them, Chase will come out and tell everyone the entire thing was fake.  That will be even worse than being cheated on. Right now people suspect it was fake. Confirmation would be the final nail in the coffin.  Right now they are scrambling to spin this and resurrect another season. Personally I think the chances are good this ends the show. But if she goes on a smear campaign against Chase’s pregnant girlfriend, she won’t be able to garner sympathy from the few sycophants she has left.  

TLC wrote that post and told Whitney to deal with it.

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19 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I agree the relationship was fake and Whitney knew about the girlfriend but I guarantee she wants to do a ‘girlfriend’ slam. She got pregnant and humiliated Whitney. Whitney’s as angry as if the relationship was real. But she can’t go postal on her. Chase and the GF are much more dangerous to Whitney’s persona than Avi ever was. If Whitney makes trouble for them, Chase will come out and tell everyone the entire thing was fake.  That will be even worse than being cheated on. Right now people suspect it was fake. Confirmation would be the final nail in the coffin.  Right now they are scrambling to spin this and resurrect another season. Personally I think the chances are good this ends the show. But if she goes on a smear campaign against Chase’s pregnant girlfriend, she won’t be able to garner sympathy from the few sycophants she has left.  

TLC wrote that post and told Whitney to deal with it.

I agree, I doubt the girlfriend was under any NDA, so she could be a loose cannon if she wanted to be. Chase and the gf could swing this into anything they wanted, if Whitney were to protest too much. What I can’t figure out is why they even picked Chase.  The guy had the personality of wallpaper paste on the show. He’s probably more interesting in real life, but he was definitely phoning it in here.  Let’s say they (the show, Whitney) didn’t know about the girlfriend (despite my personal thoughts) why pick this dude?  

I’m really surprised they couldn't write Buddy a big enough check to go along with the boyfriend role.  He’s there anyway.  They seemingly don’t give a damn about Heather’s feelings since she’s constantly painted as desperate and bitter. Buddy at least appears to enjoy Whitney’s company, her fans would probably cheer.  The only thing I can think of is that it’s easier for a stranger to walk away or Buddy’s sobriety would be in jeopardy.  I mean she was still bringing up the flesh hold how many years later?

Oh well,  I guess being quarantined has helped them all just try and go back to normal.  My question is Babs still there since Buddy moved in?  Isn’t Buddy still working?  Has Whitney posted Babs recently on SM besides the old Mothers Day video?  Also was the haggard picture of Buddy in the instastory on SM last week showing him living at Whitney’s or was that revelation just from the magazine?

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On 5/18/2020 at 7:56 PM, silverspoons said:

Soap dirt just put out an article about the pregnancy rumor and possible break up.  Not much new information, but would an article or maybe more to come get her to respond. 

I do not know what the phases mean in different states. I live in Southern Utah were it was always almost all open, and now we are open like school is open (I stayed in because I care for my sick mother).  One of the first things I saw when I took a drive just to see the world the other day , I did not get out of the car was TLC was back to filming. I thought it was just  90 day pillow talk but I guess it is for the happily ever after series. So basically the minute it was all open, filming started again. I assume the cast members and crew must agree to it being okay but I can't see Whitney turning down filming. 

I haven't read ahead yet, so apologize if this is duplicate info. NC entered phase 2 reopening Fri at 5pm. Restaurants and bars are allowed to open at 50% capacity. I was out Say and I'd say less that a third of people were wearing face coverings (all vendors at the Piedmont Triad Farmer's Market in Greensboro were wearing masks). Most of the restaurants I have been frequenting for takeout / curbside delivery have opted to remain closed for inside dining. I am choosing to maintain self quarantine, as I am in an at risk group.

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53 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I agree, I doubt the girlfriend was under any NDA, so she could be a loose cannon if she wanted to be. Chase and the gf could swing this into anything they wanted, if Whitney were to protest too much. What I can’t figure out is why they even picked Chase.  The guy had the personality of wallpaper paste on the show. He’s probably more interesting in real life, but he was definitely phoning it in here.  Let’s say they (the show, Whitney) didn’t know about the girlfriend (despite my personal thoughts) why pick this dude?  

I’m really surprised they couldn't write Buddy a big enough check to go along with the boyfriend role.  He’s there anyway.  They seemingly don’t give a damn about Heather’s feelings since she’s constantly painted as desperate and bitter. Buddy at least appears to enjoy Whitney’s company, her fans would probably cheer.  The only thing I can think of is that it’s easier for a stranger to walk away or Buddy’s sobriety would be in jeopardy.  I mean she was still bringing up the flesh hold how many years later?

Oh well,  I guess being quarantined has helped them all just try and go back to normal.  My question is Babs still there since Buddy moved in?  Isn’t Buddy still working?  Has Whitney posted Babs recently on SM besides the old Mothers Day video?  Also was the haggard picture of Buddy in the instastory on SM last week showing him living at Whitney’s or was that revelation just from the magazine?

Lots of interesting questions!  I have to imagine that Ryan suggested Chase and he was willing to go along with it (and apparently the gf too - maybe they are saving for a house or something). It's not exactly the type of part you hold auditions for 😄 I wonder how they came to hire Lennie back in the day - on the show they met online, but he was using an alias the whole time.

My guess about Buddy is they can pay him enough for a season finale but not enough to be her televised boyfriend indefinitely 😄 

I was wondering about Babs too.




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4 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

I tend to think that the leak was organized by Chase/girlfriend. Assuming the rumor that Chase has been dating this woman for 2 years, she had to have agreed to the charade in the beginning. The baby threw a wrench in the works. She would have to have the baby while he was still pretending to be engaged to Whitney. He wouldn’t be free from the show until they filmed the months of wedding planning scenes and Chase being jealous of Buddy, which I believe was the original way the relationship was scheduled to end. Then add the delay in filming from Covid. It would make sense that they could delay the “wedding date” because of Covid and film planning later. So now he would be filming wedding planning and pretending to be her fiancé for months after his baby was born. The only way out is to let people know. I would assume he had some kind of non-disclosure agreement but obviously people know them. A couple of targeted internet leaks and - bam - he’s free. 

I also think Whitney was just as blindsided by the pregnancy as everyone else. The part of her post that said ‘Chase recently let me know this information’ actually rang true to me. I suspect he told her that his girlfriend was pregnant and he wasn’t going to plan the game anymore. I do think the one concession he made to her was allowing her to change the baby’s due date. The original rumor was that she’s due in August. Whitney claims she’s due in October. Actually she said he will be a father in October. Technically that’s true if the baby is due in August too but she clearly wants people to believe she’s due in October. August due date means he knocked up his girlfriend within a few weeks of proposing to her. October can give her some wiggle room that they ‘couldn’t be together and he was tempted’. Sure it’s crap but Whitney is scrambling to save face. Chase would only say ‘the fall’.  I tend to think the original rumor of August is true since the rest of the rumors are true. 

So... expect Chase’s baby momma to deliver an 8 pound “preemie” in late summer/early fall...

I think Babs could still be with Whitney. I think the townhouse has three bedrooms (part of Glenn’s objection was that she didn’t need so much space) but even if it only has two, Whitney gets the master, Babs is in the spare and Whitney has a good excuse to make Buddy share her bed.

As for Buddy’s work - if he’s a Uber/Instacart driver can’t he do that from anywhere???

Edited by Elizzikra
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38 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

So... expect Chase’s baby momma to deliver an 8 pound “preemie” in late summer/early fall...

I think Babs could still be with Whitney. I think the townhouse has three bedrooms (part of Glenn’s objection was that she didn’t need so much space) but even if it only has two, Whitney gets the master, Babs is in the spare and Whitney has a good excuse to make Buddy share her bed.

As for Buddy’s work - if he’s a Uber/Instacart driver can’t he do that from anywhere???

I guess I was wondering about Buddy’s work because wasn’t the whole reason Babs was with Whitney because she would be risking exposure to Glen because he’s working?  Wouldn’t it be risky for Buddy to be there or is he not working?

On the SM front has Whitney or Ryan for that matter heard anything about NObsactive? I don’t have Facebook or anything and the IG doesn’t seem to have been updated since April 23RD, except some people complaining in the comments.  Have they been sending out videos and did we ever find out what Whitney went to the hospital for from the instastory?  

OK, now back to 15-20 years of Little People Big World, since I guess this mess is pretty much over.




Edited by Irate Panda
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14 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I guess I was wondering about Buddy’s work because wasn’t the whole reason Babs was with Whitney because she would be risking exposure to Glen because he’s working?  Wouldn’t it be risky for Buddy to be there or is he not working?


Maybe Babs offered to pay Buddy to take time off from Uber/Instacart so she didn’t have to bear the brunt of the ‘woe is me’ crap from Whitney. 

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4 hours ago, princelina said:

It's not exactly the type of part you hold auditions for 😄 

I think there sort of were auditions for the part of Whitney's realio trulio boyfriend. Ryan introduced her to a couple of his buddies - there was the Thanksgiving dinner at his apartment with Whitney and Cam, where Whitney pulled off her shirt in front of him. That led to the whole "was she wearing a sports bra or a lingerie bra?" controversy. Then there was the No BS Active video where Ryan's friend Cort joined them, and Whitney started twerking at him, and then bent over and offered her rear to be spanked? Sniffed?  I think there was one other, but can't recall the name - wasn't someone making her food? And then there was the New Year's Eve party that seems to have been at Ryan's mother's house, where Whitney spotted Chase and was annoyed that Ryan was introducing him to all the women there, but her. If that was a ploy on his part to make her really interested in Chase, it seems to have worked. But I wondered at the time if Ryan was mainly interested in making it clear he wasn't going to play the role. There he was, trying hard to hook her up with one of his bros, but she kept scaring them off. So he threw himself on the mercy of his bestie, and Chase was persuaded to step in, with the understanding that it wasn't going to be for real. I can just imagine Ryan saying, "Nothing's real about  a show like this man. The money's good, you'll get to travel, and all you have to do is play her boyfriend on TV!"

Edited by Ketzel
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