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Social Media: What's Up With Her?


Culture Check: How can we come up with catchy or snarky topic titles and still remember the human behind the title? 

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1 hour ago, cherenkov said:

This is why I get on the scale. Stretchy pants are comfortable but they are backstabbing liars!

True! Despite the  1 lb weight gain,  my pajama shorts are so huge on me that they  will no longer stay on, so they got tossed this  morning.  

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On 3/28/2020 at 12:01 PM, SevenCostanza said:

On her Instagram in the spot where she posts those videos that only last 24 hours, she has asked that everyone stop saying that being stuck inside from the corona virus is going to make them fat!!  I think it strikes a nerve with her when people say that especially if they're smaller than she is.     Sorry Twit but being inside all day everyday is making  a lot of people gain weight,  myself included.  My gym is closed and there's only so much walking I can do.  I'm really bored and stressed and I've been eating more than normal.    I think she just wants an excuse to eat and lay around and not feel guilty about it.

It's taking a lot of effort on my part not to fall back into bad eating habits while I'm stuck at home. Fortunately I'm able to work several days from home, so that relieves some of the boredom, but I'm still stuck inside all the time. It doesn't help that it's been raining a lot the past two weeks, which has severely limited my options for getting outside and going for a bit of a run once in awhile.

One thing that we've made sure to do is just not bring things into the house that promote mindless munching. I've got two bags of Skinny Popcorn, and I so far have only eaten about three cups worth. The worst thing I've done is eat the occasional spoon full of peanut butter. Thankfully, the weight is still coming off, though a bit slower since my activity level is down.

And it's not as if Whitney can't exercise at home. I would expect that the fitness guru that she claims to be would have ample knowledge of what kind of exercises she could do that doesn't require a gym and might even have a set of free weights of her own since she's supposedly now a competitive weightlifter. If I can do stretches and yoga to get some daily activity in, she certainly can move her oversized ass around the house.

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2 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

It's taking a lot of effort on my part not to fall back into bad eating habits while I'm stuck at home. Fortunately I'm able to work several days from home, so that relieves some of the boredom, but I'm still stuck inside all the time. It doesn't help that it's been raining a lot the past two weeks, which has severely limited my options for getting outside and going for a bit of a run once in awhile.

One thing that we've made sure to do is just not bring things into the house that promote mindless munching. I've got two bags of Skinny Popcorn, and I so far have only eaten about three cups worth. The worst thing I've done is eat the occasional spoon full of peanut butter. Thankfully, the weight is still coming off, though a bit slower since my activity level is down.

And it's not as if Whitney can't exercise at home. I would expect that the fitness guru that she claims to be would have ample knowledge of what kind of exercises she could do that doesn't require a gym and might even have a set of free weights of her own since she's supposedly now a competitive weightlifter. If I can do stretches and yoga to get some daily activity in, she certainly can move her oversized ass around the house.

And, if Whitney is so comfortable with her body and her weight, then why should it bother her when people post funny memes or comments about gaining weight?

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I have been genuinely curious about something since I first heard of this girl's (and this show's) existence. If she's as active as she says she is, all the working out, dancing, climbing stairs, etc., then the caloric intake she would have to have to stay at this same weight she's been at for years has got to be ENORMOUS.

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23 hours ago, wheresmypizza said:

I have been genuinely curious about something since I first heard of this girl's (and this show's) existence. If she's as active as she says she is, all the working out, dancing, climbing stairs, etc., then the caloric intake she would have to have to stay at this same weight she's been at for years has got to be ENORMOUS.

She has talked about her love of pizza and lots of it and late night eating pizza. She told a story about eating mor ethen 3 pizza herself late at night. There seems to be many overweight people who are drawn to pizza (kind of like a drug). I wonder why it is such a popular choice? If I had to overdo a food , it would be ice cream. I never realized how many calories pizza has. A favorite teacher of my kids , had a heart attack in his early 50's and he wrote as he recovered about how bad all the pizza had been. A Costco Pizza is over 5000 calories and Dominos 3000. The schools in our area have dominos pizza everyday. This teacher ate it everyday and got Costco pizza on the weekends. He taught math and science and he did out all the numbers and wanted to warn the kids to not get in the habit young (sadly the school still feeds dominos everyday and kids will choose pizza over a salad or turkey sandwich). 

I'm waiting to see how Whitney's health holds up in her 40's There is only so long she can claim she is so healthy yet so overweight. My SIL did this and hitting 40 was bad, bad for her joints and mobility, diabetes, even more weight gain due to hormonal issues,, now doctors are saying she is lucky to have 5 years left if she does not make dramatic changes and in her 30's she was pretty active, teacher, had her own kids and foster kids but 40 she hit the wall. 

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There seems to be many overweight people who are drawn to pizza (kind of like a drug). I wonder why it is such a popular choice?

I'll have to look for the source but I read somewhere that pizza has a combination of flavors and textures to make it incredibly addicting. And, when you consider that the body considers refined flour in the crust to be sugar, a pizza has it all: sugar, salt and fat.

Speaking of addicting foods, the Snicker's bar is considered to be the perfect candy due to the proportion of textures and the ease with which it can be eaten.  Of course the almond makes one believe that there is a healthy protein in there.

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1 hour ago, goofygirl said:

BRAVO KETZEL!!!!!!  Stands and claps!! Hoots & Hollers!!  Cats got so skeered they jumped out their collars!

Aww, thanks, goofygirl.  (Ketzels can't blush, but if they could, I would. :))

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3 hours ago, Me from ME said:

I'll have to look for the source but I read somewhere that pizza has a combination of flavors and textures to make it incredibly addicting. And, when you consider that the body considers refined flour in the crust to be sugar, a pizza has it all: sugar, salt and fat.

It also has tomato sauce, which is full of carbs/sugars.

3 hours ago, Me from ME said:

Speaking of addicting foods, the Snicker's bar is considered to be the perfect candy due to the proportion of textures and the ease with which it can be eaten.  Of course the almond makes one believe that there is a healthy protein in there.

Peanuts, not almonds. 🥜

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5 hours ago, Ketzel said:

Their choice of memes to self-protect

Is not a shot at your self respect

Nor should it arouse your assumed authority

To speak for a worldwide fat sorority

I love your whole poem!  To me this was the funniest that literally had me LOLing 😄😄😄 

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Peanuts, not almonds.

Thanks for the correction. You are absolutely right! Snickers are my sugar drug of choice but it has been a while since I have indulged. Almond Joys definitely take more effort to chew and I think it is the nut and not just the coconut. A bite of a Snickers bar just dissolves so easily. A few years ago I bought the bf one of those monumentally large ones for Christmas and the proportions didn't seem quite right. We bought a regular size and compared them and they seemed to be constructed the same but the sheer amount of nougat threw it off somehow.

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2 hours ago, Me from ME said:

Thanks for the correction. You are absolutely right! Snickers are my sugar drug of choice but it has been a while since I have indulged. Almond Joys definitely take more effort to chew and I think it is the nut and not just the coconut. A bite of a Snickers bar just dissolves so easily. A few years ago I bought the bf one of those monumentally large ones for Christmas and the proportions didn't seem quite right. We bought a regular size and compared them and they seemed to be constructed the same but the sheer amount of nougat threw it off somehow.

Actually  there's a new  almond butter  Snickers 


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19 hours ago, Ketzel said:

Oh Whitney Thore, may your thighs increase

You’re proud and happy to be obese

But let me give you a little clue

There are very few people who agree with you

Most think that lots of excess weight

Is not attractive, safe or great

And fear that in their isolation

They may fall victim to food temptation

Calories in, few calories out

Makes people sluggish, grumpy and stout

And once the fat becomes systemic

The risk increases from this pandemic

Corona virus is enough of a curse

But adding pounds makes it that much worse

So if making jokes about getting fat

Is the best way people can push back on that

Do you really think it’s the time for you

To scold them for their point of view?

Their choice of memes to self-protect

Is not a shot at your self respect

Nor should it arouse your assumed authority

To speak for a worldwide fat sorority

Exert a little self control

Weight loss is such a common goal

Why does it trigger such disquiet?

Nobody’s asking you to diet

Be fat and happy, if you can

But most of us have a different plan

To come out of this viral war

In the same size jeans as we wore before

You are an excellent writer.  Your poetry was superb.  This is by far the best post I've ever had the pleasure of reading on Whitney Thore.  Marvelous.  Bravo, you made my day!!

8 hours ago, Me from ME said:

Thanks for the correction. You are absolutely right! Snickers are my sugar drug of choice but it has been a while since I have indulged. Almond Joys definitely take more effort to chew and I think it is the nut and not just the coconut. A bite of a Snickers bar just dissolves so easily. A few years ago I bought the bf one of those monumentally large ones for Christmas and the proportions didn't seem quite right. We bought a regular size and compared them and they seemed to be constructed the same but the sheer amount of nougat threw it off somehow.

ssshhhh, Whitney may (probably is) reading this.  You are tempting her to go by snickers by the ton.  Oh wait, she loves being fat.  I forgot. LOL

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On 3/28/2020 at 10:56 AM, Irate Panda said:

I’ll play devil’s advocate for Whitney (I know) maybe she’s not with Chase and since he probably came in contact with hundreds of people’s the klerb, he’s not going to her house, especially with her mom there.  She probably would have said that, but I’m trying.  Meanwhile Whitney posted they were filming so Babs is around people anyway.

Are they still planning to have the wedding in Paris?  They better make it a local one in Greensboro (if it will ever take place).  They won't be able to fly.  The wedding date is on Halloween, the virus may still be in affect then.  

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1 hour ago, texasbluebonnets said:

Are they still planning to have the wedding in Paris?  They better make it a local one in Greensboro (if it will ever take place).  They won't be able to fly.  The wedding date is on Halloween, the virus may still be in affect then.  

According to their registry, the wedding is taking place in Blowing Rock, NC.  I’m not familiar with the area.

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Has anyone heard from Dot recently?

I haven't run afoul of the mods yet, so I hope this won't do it. Our beloved researcher and Snarkmaster General is well and commenting to a lesser extent elsewhere.


Also, the source for the Snicker's Bar cited as being perfectly engineered  is from From The End of Overeating by David A Kessler, M.D.

e.g. "while its flavor characteristics are appealing...the real key to its success lies in its even disappearance and clean getaway. The chocolate, the caramel, the nougat, and the peanuts all disappear at the same time. This contrasts with many products whose nuts become annoyingly lodged between your teeth and your cheek. The genius of Snickers is that as we chew, the sugar dissolves, the fat melts and the caramel picks up the peanut pieces so the candy is carried out of the mouth at the same time."

I think the reference to pizza having the addictive triumvirate of Sugar, Salt, and Fat comes from a book of the same name by Michael Moss which I didn't buy but borrowed from the library so I can't be sure. But I do know that it's difficult to only eat one slice of pizza.

Edited by Me from ME
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On 4/4/2020 at 5:44 AM, Me from ME said:

I haven't run afoul of the mods yet, so I hope this won't do it. Our beloved researcher and Snarkmaster General is well and commenting to a lesser extent elsewhere.


Also, the source for the Snicker's Bar cited as being perfectly engineered  is from From The End of Overeating by David A Kessler, M.D.

e.g. "while its flavor characteristics are appealing...the real key to its success lies in its even disappearance and clean getaway. The chocolate, the caramel, the nougat, and the peanuts all disappear at the same time. This contrasts with many products whose nuts become annoyingly lodged between your teeth and your cheek. The genius of Snickers is that as we chew, the sugar dissolves, the fat melts and the caramel picks up the peanut pieces so the candy is carried out of the mouth at the same time."

I think the reference to pizza having the addictive triumvirate of Sugar, Salt, and Fat comes from a book of the same name by Michael Moss which I didn't buy but borrowed from the library so I can't be sure. But I do know that it's difficult to only eat one slice of pizza.

Thank you! I am so used to reading and enjoying her posts and was concerned by her absence.

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On 3/30/2020 at 7:01 PM, wheresmypizza said:

I have been genuinely curious about something since I first heard of this girl's (and this show's) existence. If she's as active as she says she is, all the working out, dancing, climbing stairs, etc., then the caloric intake she would have to have to stay at this same weight she's been at for years has got to be ENORMOUS.

And you, my dear,  just got directly to the heart of the problem.  And she uses every excuse in the book to explain it away in other ways.  It’s one of the many things that makes her so unlikable.  

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On 3/31/2020 at 6:14 PM, Ketzel said:

Oh Whitney Thore, may your thighs increase

You’re proud and happy to be obese

But let me give you a little clue

There are very few people who agree with you

Most think that lots of excess weight

Is not attractive, safe or great

And fear that in their isolation

They may fall victim to food temptation

Calories in, few calories out

Makes people sluggish, grumpy and stout

And once the fat becomes systemic

The risk increases from this pandemic

Corona virus is enough of a curse

But adding pounds makes it that much worse

So if making jokes about getting fat

Is the best way people can push back on that

Do you really think it’s the time for you

To scold them for their point of view?

Their choice of memes to self-protect

Is not a shot at your self respect

Nor should it arouse your assumed authority

To speak for a worldwide fat sorority

Exert a little self control

Weight loss is such a common goal

Why does it trigger such disquiet?

Nobody’s asking you to diet

Be fat and happy, if you can

But most of us have a different plan

To come out of this viral war

In the same size jeans as we wore before

BRAVO!!  Well done.

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On 3/29/2020 at 10:43 AM, Colleenna said:

True! Despite the  1 lb weight gain,  my pajama shorts are so huge on me that they  will no longer stay on, so they got tossed this  morning.  

If they have elastic, somehow fashion a mask out of them.

On 3/30/2020 at 8:01 PM, wheresmypizza said:

I have been genuinely curious about something since I first heard of this girl's (and this show's) existence. If she's as active as she says she is, all the working out, dancing, climbing stairs, etc., then the caloric intake she would have to have to stay at this same weight she's been at for years has got to be ENORMOUS.

Dr. Now could tell her the exact number.

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1 hour ago, Tosia said:

How many here think Chase is the one person grateful to C19 for keeping Twit away from Him?


In my opinion, I think Chase and Ryan ruined this show forever.  She should have stayed in Greensboro to begin with.  Why did she even move to Charlotte?  Because of Ryan?  You leave all your beloved friends and family behind for one guy who is an asshole to you?  Yeah, what the fuck is wrong with her is right!!

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I think she moved because there was no more drama to be gleaned from those sad sack barnacles around her hull. 


Interesting that she doesn't have enough fabulous in her life in her town.  Hmmmm..


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I think she moved because we could only have so many battles between Todd and her for control of the mega-empire that is BGDC and how many more conversations can be had about Heather being devastated, just devastated about Buddy (oh yeah we still have those).  

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4 hours ago, Tosia said:

How many here think Chase is the one person grateful to C19 for keeping Twit away from Him?


I think it’s probably a mixed bag for him—on the one hand, since they’ve ceased filming, he probably isn’t getting that sweet, sweet reality show money, but on the other hand he doesn’t have to run his fingers through her sweaty extensions or be groped and pawed by her in the name of verisimilitude. 

My guess is it’s mainly a wash with a little lean toward gratitude. 

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Is she posting any nobsactive videos or just Ryan? I’m surprised she’s not posting more on SM since she’s home all day.  I mean there’s not much to do besides have Babs help make her wedding dress out of cupcake liners.

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On 4/8/2020 at 8:43 AM, Tosia said:

How many here think Chase is the one person grateful to C19 for keeping Twit away from Him?


Timing couldn't be any better for Chase having to practice 'social distancing' with his future bride to be. (yeah cough).  

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So I got to thinking  yesterday.... Since Sweatney is  "quarantined " with  Babs, what do you think  they're doing  about food? 

If BABS is cooking, and cooking reasonably healthy meals,  Sweatney  might actually lose a few pounds despite being  inactive.  Do we know if she's  been  hitting the Starbucks  drive-through for her thrice daily frappes? 

OTOH, if Sweatney is doing her usual thing  of delivery pizza and  pasta in quantities  sufficient for an Army platoon,  she may come out of this quarantine  even fatter than before.  

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23 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Is she posting any nobsactive videos or just Ryan? I’m surprised she’s not posting more on SM since she’s home all day.  I mean there’s not much to do besides have Babs help make her wedding dress out of cupcake liners.



If BABS is cooking, and cooking reasonably healthy meals,  Sweatney  might actually lose a few pounds despite being  inactive.  Do we know if she's  been  hitting the Starbucks  drive-through for her thrice daily frappes? 

Babs doesn't strike me as a particularly health conscious cook. The couple of meals we have seen on her table have been for guests so maybe they were not her typical cooking style. The lasagna she made for Ryan looked amazing but in no way healthful. I'm guessing whatever she prepares is no healthier than what Whit orders.

Edited by Elizzikra
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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:


Babs doesn't strike me as a particularly health conscious cook. The couple of meals we have seen on her table have been for guests so maybe they were not her typical cooking style. The lasagna she made for Ryan looked amazing but in no way healthful. I'm guessing whatever she prepares is no healthier than what Whit orders.

You may be right but I’d hate for people to judge the health of my daily cooking on my event/guest cooking. I have some go-to special recipes that I pull out when we want a special meal and I guarantee they aren’t that healthy. 

Babs may not cook as healthy as some, but if she eats the same way as Whit all the time she and Glenn would be 400+ lbs too. Of course she might be pulling out all of her ‘special” recipes while she’s with Whit because she’s stuck in the house with her. She probably doesn’t want to fight with Whit over food when she has no way to escape back to Greensboro. 

I agree with the above poster who is surprised at the lack of posts from Whit when she has really nothing else to do.

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:


Babs doesn't strike me as a particularly health conscious cook. The couple of meals we have seen on her table have been for guests so maybe they were not her typical cooking style. The lasagna she made for Ryan looked amazing but in no way healthful. I'm guessing whatever she prepares is no healthier than what Whit orders.

I couldn’t see the picture you linked for some reason.   I dont remember if Whitney posted a clip or it was on an episode but I think she said Babs ate canned soup everyday, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the food was catering from the show.  Babs doesn’t seem like  healthy cook to me either.  I wouldn’t be surprised if she and Glenn ate out or ordered in a lot.

Not newly taken but newly posted and I never saw it before.  As always Chase looks thrilled


Edited by Irate Panda
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I am not sure Babs cooks at all. Didn't they say she eats a can of soup every night for dinner? Last summer, I saw Mr. Thore dash into my local Chick Fil A and order a takeout for one. So maybe Whitney is living on delivery.

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2 minutes ago, Brodicea said:

I am not sure Babs cooks at all. Didn't they say she eats a can of soup every night for dinner? Last summer, I saw Mr. Thore dash into my local Chick Fil A and order a takeout for one. So maybe Whitney is living on delivery.

And yet, Glen seems like the type of husband who expects his wife to have dinner on the table when he gets home from work every night...

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20 hours ago, Colleenna said:

So I got to thinking  yesterday.... Since Sweatney is  "quarantined " with  Babs, what do you think  they're doing  about food? 

If BABS is cooking, and cooking reasonably healthy meals,  Sweatney  might actually lose a few pounds despite being  inactive.  Do we know if she's  been  hitting the Starbucks  drive-through for her thrice daily frappes? 

OTOH, if Sweatney is doing her usual thing  of delivery pizza and  pasta in quantities  sufficient for an Army platoon,  she may come out of this quarantine  even fatter than before.  

I vision Buddy smuggling pizza to Whitney through her bedroom window so Babs would be unaware of her eating at midnight binges...

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39 minutes ago, Brodicea said:

I am not sure Babs cooks at all. Didn't they say she eats a can of soup every night for dinner? Last summer, I saw Mr. Thore dash into my local Chick Fil A and order a takeout for one. So maybe Whitney is living on delivery.

I love me some soup and for work lunches sometimes grabbing a lean cuisine, but the sodium content in them is outrageous. Maybe Whit is whipping up her normal 6 egg scramble with bacon every night? Love the photo above how she misses her peeps, you know the ones she has known for less than 2 years, rather than her barnacles.  

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13 minutes ago, Kiki620 said:

I look at that last picture and clearly get the vibe of 2 gaslighting scammers and their dimwitted and desperate victim.  It almost makes me sad.  Except, not really.  

In this case are we counting Chase as the dimwitted and desperate one?

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On 4/9/2020 at 4:41 PM, 3girlsforus said:

I agree with the above poster who is surprised at the lack of posts from Whit when she has really nothing else to do.

Considering that filming one 20 minute segment 5 days a week made her SO BUSY that she had to move to a new town to keep up with it - I don't think she could squeeze much more into that busy schedule even with the quarantine!

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