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Social Media: What's Up With Her?

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11 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

I call bullshit. If she's got tattooed eyeliner, it's been done since Feb 13, when she posted the picture of herself and Buddy in the car. (IG photo) You can see quite clearly that there's no eyeliner. You sort of see no eyeliner in the picture at Grandfather Mountain from 4 days ago. 

Plus, I'm sure if she had it done it would have been filmed so we could hear her screeching...

I was thinking the same thing. There are many recent pictures of her where there is either no eyeliner or it looks different than the pool photo. I suspect she painted the eyeliner on with photoshop and then had to cover that falsehood with another. 

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3 hours ago, MrFluffy said:

If there's a massive weight change in either direction, it'll be fun to see the tattoos *then.*

Pushing 70 here. When I was early 30's a friend gifted me with eyeliner tattoos. Holy help! That hurt like nothing I had had done before including giving birth twice! The thing with eyelid tattoos is the eyelid is  very fatty tissue and the tattoos are absorbed in a couple of years. I had mine done once again about a year later (dumb but ya know...vanity) but they are long gone now.

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14 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Pushing 70 here. When I was early 30's a friend gifted me with eyeliner tattoos. Holy help! That hurt like nothing I had had done before including giving birth twice! The thing with eyelid tattoos is the eyelid is  very fatty tissue and the tattoos are absorbed in a couple of years. I had mine done once again about a year later (dumb but ya know...vanity) but they are long gone now.

I heard Princess Diana had eyeliner tattooed on. I've had my eyelashed dyed (I'm a redhead, we have invisible lashes without mascara), it doesn't hurt and it lasts about 6 weeks. I cannot imagine getting a tattoo on my eyelid. (Or anywhere, for that matter... not a fan of tattoos, personally, but to each his own).

Edited by Emma C
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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Sorry, I have been snarking over at Sisterwives- so havent posted anything here in about a month and gee, Whitney still is as heavy as she was 6 months ago. Clearly her binging on ice cream and pizza has cancelled out any working out she has done.   

Why, she doesn't binge on ice cream and pizza! You know she doesn't eat enough! Once a day! Only salads and apples!! 

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1 hour ago, Emma C said:

I heard Princess Diana had eyeliner tattooed on. I've had my eyelashed dyed (I'm a redhead, we have invisible lashes without mascara), it doesn't hurt and it lasts about 6 weeks. I cannot imagine getting a tattoo on my eyelid. (Or anywhere, for that matter... not a fan of tattoos, personally, but to each his own).

I hadn’t heard that about Princess Diana. If she was willing to put up with what sounds like horrible pain to get it done I guess I could understand. When you are the most followed and photographed woman in the world you’d hate to constantly worry that your eyeliner is smeared or running, which in her case would probably be headlines around the world. ‘PRINCESS DIANA HAS SMEARED EYELINER’ READ ALL ABOUT IT!! Can’t you just imagine???

But since no one gives a shit if Whitney’s eyeliner is smeared, it seems unnecessarily risky and vain. Although I still say that I don’t think she has eyeliner tattoos based on her photos. 

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I've had my eyeliner (and brows) tattooed because I'm pale and my features disappear w/o makeup.  For eyeliner, my technician applied a topical freezing first--yes its all FDA approved etc etc.  Did it hurt?  Yes, it stung.  A shot of tequila and one advil when I got home took care of the pain.  Was it worth it?  1000%.  Would do again (it fades).

Did whit get eyeliner tattooed?  Hard to say but totally possible.  The upper lids on her pool pic above are pretty thick and I think they look like a waterproof liquid eyeliner applied too thickly!  Bottom lid eyeliner?  could be tatts.

I kind of agree with Colleenna that WWT wouldn't give up an opportunity to get it filmed so we could be charmed by her reaction to getting inked.  But then again, I don't think she had that hideous Alasker tattoos filmed.

Survey Says:  50/50 either way.

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1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

In that post she gets all annoyed WITH HER FANS saying "y'all want fat people to exercise and want to dictate how we do it." Newsflash, Whit, your fans ARE fat, and even people who don't exercise can rub two brain cells together and figure out that your workout routine is totally idiotic for your body type.

Let’s not sell her workout routine short. Everyone has goals with their workout: get stronger, lose weight, get healthy, reduce body fat, etc. so everyone chooses a workout to meet those needs. For someone Whitney’s size the priority is almost always to lose weight and reduce the strain on her organs and joints before she ended up dead. For that, this workout routine is totally idiotic. Whitney’s goal is to post snippet videos for her fans to swoon over. For that you have to have something that looks so impressive regardless of whether it does anything for you physically or is even done correctly. So with this workout routine she’s meeting her goals. 😀

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3 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

In that post she gets all annoyed WITH HER FANS saying "y'all want fat people to exercise and want to dictate how we do it." Newsflash, Whit, your fans ARE fat, and even people who don't exercise can rub two brain cells together and figure out that your workout routine is totally idiotic for your body type.

She also snaps that "you always tell us we're doing it wrong." Yeah, she lurks in this forum. 

HEY WHITNEY: we don't criticize your form because we hate you. We criticize your form because it's dangerous. You're going to do yourself permanent damage. 

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13 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

She also snaps that "you always tell us we're doing it wrong." Yeah, she lurks in this forum. 

HEY WHITNEY: we don't criticize your form because we hate you. We criticize your form because it's dangerous. You're going to do yourself permanent damage. 

Exactly. Whitney could be a perfectly capable athlete. She swims well. She knows how to push herself, sometimes. She needs to stop the caterwauling and do more cardio. That's it.

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10 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Exactly. Whitney could be a perfectly capable athlete. She swims well. She knows how to push herself, sometimes. She needs to stop the caterwauling and do more cardio. That's it.

That, and she needs to stop kidding herself that she eats only once a day, and barely enough calories to sustain life, let alone a 380 pound body.

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1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

She also snaps that "you always tell us we're doing it wrong." Yeah, she lurks in this forum. 

HEY WHITNEY: we don't criticize your form because we hate you. We criticize your form because it's dangerous. You're going to do yourself permanent damage. 

Yes and we would be criticizing that form if she was skinny too. It’s not because she’s fat and exercising. It’s because she’s doing it poorly. 

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On 4/19/2019 at 3:34 PM, Emma C said:

I heard Princess Diana had eyeliner tattooed on. I've had my eyelashed dyed (I'm a redhead, we have invisible lashes without mascara), it doesn't hurt and it lasts about 6 weeks. I cannot imagine getting a tattoo on my eyelid. (Or anywhere, for that matter... not a fan of tattoos, personally, but to each his own).

Wow! That Joker smile ! 

and her front rabbit teeth annoy me 

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7 hours ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

Is it me or are her shoes kind of Heaven’s Gate?

[sarcastifont on] Now, what would a nice Jewish girl like Whitney be doing making suicide cult references? What do you mean, she didn't actually convert? I thought her deep devotion to Judaism far surpassed any connection she had to what's-his-name, the chubby chaser with the serial girlfriends! [sarcastifont off]

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3 minutes ago, Kathy said:

Are people really that pathetic to see her as some kind of role model?

Normal people, no.    To future applicants for My 600 Pound Life yes, I'm sure very obese immobile people see Twit as an inspiration.   Honestly I don't think that's a bad thing.  If someone in that condition is inspired to get up and move more because of Twit then good for them.   Personally I find her very immature, self centered, rude, and not the least bit inspiring, but hey that's me.

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7 hours ago, Ketzel said:

[sarcastifont on] Now, what would a nice Jewish girl like Whitney be doing making suicide cult references? What do you mean, she didn't actually convert? I thought her deep devotion to Judaism far surpassed any connection she had to what's-his-name, the chubby chaser with the serial girlfriends! [sarcastifont off]

Well nothing on Instagram yesterday about Passover and nothing today about Easter so maybe she has moved on to Heaven’s Gate. 😂😂😂

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10 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

Well nothing on Instagram yesterday about Passover and nothing today about Easter so maybe she has moved on to Heaven’s Gate. 😂😂😂

Well, I don't remember this great Buddhist Whitney celebrating Buddha's birthday (April 8) either.  Maybe she's moved on to one of the denominations that doesn't celebrate ANY holidays.

  • LOL 3
6 hours ago, Colleenna said:

Why would ygou think that? Just curious. 

Not sure, but I think you're asking me why I see Glenn slowly dying from exercising w/ Twit.

First, take a look at him. He's barely able to stand up.

Second, I'm no expert, but I don't think an exercise regime designed for a 35-yr-old woman is appropriate for a 72-yr-old man.

Third, I don't think Jessica is a good trainer, so her choices for either Twit or Glenn seem inappropriate to me. Both need more cardio, such as riding a stationary bike, rather than fooling around with Crossfit toys.

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2 hours ago, Dot said:

Not sure, but I think you're asking me why I see Glenn slowly dying from exercising w/ Twit.

First, take a look at him. He's barely able to stand up.

Second, I'm no expert, but I don't think an exercise regime designed for a 35-yr-old woman is appropriate for a 72-yr-old man.

Third, I don't think Jessica is a good trainer, so her choices for either Twit or Glenn seem inappropriate to me. Both need more cardio, such as riding a stationary bike, rather than fooling around with Crossfit toys.

I'll respectfully disagree with you on this. He's actually outperforming her on this circuit, by a wiiiiiiide margin. 

You're correct that both need more cardio --- a stationary bike or elliptical or swimming. You're also correct that Jessica is NOT a good trainer. But the ball slams and kb swings are good for him. And resistance training is just the thing our aging bones need in order to stay strong. 

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😂😂  😂😂  😂😂

Twits hideous orange 🍊 bathing suit bottom looks like a FULL baby’s Pampers diaper in front.   She wears THE WORST clothing.  Between gigantic & ugly and/or lack of clothing , she always looks terrible. Twit is Mental...and loves drawing attention to herself. Not sure which DSM Classification she falls under   ( I’m not a doctor, i only play one on tv ) 😉 but she’s nuts.

Edited by DNR
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I also think Glenn looks like he's "dying" every time he's in one of these videos.  I've thought this since probably the first Jessica video.  Don't get me wrong he's definitely outperforming Whitney (although I don't know how much that says) but he honestly looks like he can barely move sometimes.  I'm not blaming him I just think these are weird exercise choices for well both of them.  I really think one if not both will have an injury because of these workouts if they haven't already.  FWIW I do think Glenn has done better in pretty much every physical activity he's participated in with Whitney.  I'm not into crossfit but are there a lot of 70 something out of shape people doing it? Are the super morbidly obese doing it?  I'm honestly asking because most of these exercises seem like things that you should be moderately in shape to do.  Personally, I just play sports to keep any weight off so I'm not that familiar with crossfit.

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In my opinion, Glenn is participating in all these exercise routines just to encourage Twit to keep moving, in a desperate hope that she will start to make some progress.....which we know is not likely.

I think he does look like he would be better served doing a different routine, some cardio and some strength training, just not the stuff they are doing. He always does look like he is in ill health to me and could easily just drop over. 

I think Twit is too self-absorbed to even notice how bad he looks.

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6 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I dont necessarily disagree with this part of the statement, but do you think there are better choices they could make for him?  Maybe everyone looks horrible doing these I don't know.

Both train the core. Core strength is really important for us oldsters, because in improves balance and stability, which decreases the risk of falls. Are there better exercises for core strength? Maybe. But these two exercises train multiple areas of the core at the same time, as opposed to having to to crunches AND planks AND squats AND hamstring curls.... There's also a small cardio benefit. 

  • Useful 1
22 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

Normal people, no.    To future applicants for My 600 Pound Life yes, I'm sure very obese immobile people see Twit as an inspiration.   Honestly I don't think that's a bad thing.  If someone in that condition is inspired to get up and move more because of Twit then good for them.   Personally I find her very immature, self centered, rude, and not the least bit inspiring, but hey that's me.

22 hours ago, Kathy said:

Six seasons of watching her "exercise" and no noticeable results.  She has no fabulous life, really no life at all.  Boring.  How can she get another season?  Are people really that pathetic to see her as some kind of role model?

Honestly, I think she has the Jerry Springer effect on her "fans" in that they look at her and feel like their life is not so bad.  I mean you can say ok I'm not in total shape or even overweight but at least Im not hundreds of pounds overweight.  Maybe I don't have the best dating life but  a mumbling out of shape criminal man-child with anger and substances abuse issues and no discernible skills isn't giving me the brush off.  Honestly unless you are watching this show just to snark (I'm guilty of it) I really can't imagine her having true fans unless she makes them feel better about their own life or they are somebody who are just obsessive about people on tv and delusionally think they can do these things Whitney sort of implies because she doesn't correct...like every guy she ever comes in contact with wants her.

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1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

Both train the core. Core strength is really important for us oldsters, because in improves balance and stability, which decreases the risk of falls. Are there better exercises for core strength? Maybe. But these two exercises train multiple areas of the core at the same time, as opposed to having to to crunches AND planks AND squats AND hamstring curls.... There's also a small cardio benefit. 

OK, replying to my own post to add: some core exercises, like crunches and planks, can be difficult for those of us who are "seasoned citizens" because they require getting down on the floor. It's not the "getting down" part that's hard --- it's the getting back up that's difficult for some.  (I don't have that problem.)

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On 4/19/2019 at 4:17 PM, Horrified said:

I've had my eyeliner (and brows) tattooed because I'm pale and my features disappear w/o makeup.  For eyeliner, my technician applied a topical freezing first--yes its all FDA approved etc etc.  Did it hurt?  Yes, it stung.  A shot of tequila and one advil when I got home took care of the pain.  Was it worth it?  1000%.  Would do again (it fades).

Did whit get eyeliner tattooed?  Hard to say but totally possible.  The upper lids on her pool pic above are pretty thick and I think they look like a waterproof liquid eyeliner applied too thickly!  Bottom lid eyeliner?  could be tatts.

I kind of agree with Colleenna that WWT wouldn't give up an opportunity to get it filmed so we could be charmed by her reaction to getting inked.  But then again, I don't think she had that hideous Alasker tattoos filmed.

Survey Says:  50/50 either way.

That photo of her in thr pool looks likeshe has a face full pf make up on.

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On 4/19/2019 at 1:38 PM, Emma C said:

Get ready for this:

Ooohh deadlifting less than half her body weight! I guess Whit's fans, who probably have no concept of what proper exercise looks like, are impressed. Let us know when you can pull your own weight off the floor! Hahaha.

In one of the episodes this season, as well as in the stupid wrapup game night show, Whitney referenced doing some kind of fitness competition. I feel like she said something about going up onstage and being barely clothed. So from that I can gather she is planning on doing some kind of a physique competition? Wow. 

For anyone not in the know, there are basically three different kinds of "weightlifting" competitions out there:

1. Weightlifting. This is what you see athletes doing in the Olympics. It is a contest to see who can do the snatch and the clean & jerk with the most weight. We have seen Whit to Olympic style lifts in her Insta videos, but I think even her dumb dumb trainer realizes that Whit could really hurt herself going for big weights in this very technical sport. I seriously doubt she is training for this kind of competition.

2. Powerlifting. This is a contest where athletes try to get the biggest lifts they can in bench press, deadlift, and squat. Most powerlifting competitions have a female weight category that includes everyone over the weight of 185-195 or so. There are no style points here, just judges who watch you lift to make sure you execute properly. Whit can't execute anything properly, and she's also very weak compared to say a 200 pound woman who has been training hard. Whit would get destroyed in this kind of competition, so I don't think she would ever participate.

3. Bodybuilding/physique. This is the one where you flex onstage before a panel of judges. Think Arnold. For women, there are many different categories where the judges are trying to find a specific look. The unifying factor is that they are all looking for very lean and muscular women...like, visibly muscular. Even though she would have no hope of doing well at this, I believe this is the kind of competition Whit is going for. She loves to expose her flesh, she loves the attention of being onstage, and she will also lap up all the "fat shaming" victim points that she will receive when the judges give her low points. Not to mention, there is no objective measure of strength for her to actually work towards.

Here's a picture of a novice bikini competitor at a 2017 event in Georgia. This woman is Whitney's height, so she well could be direct competition! LOL


ETA: I can't believe I forgot, but there is another possible category which is Crossfit competition. It's more or less an "official" version of the type of workout Whit does in the gym with her trainer. I don't think Whit will compete in Crossfit. She would have to go head-to-head through strength tests and obstacle courses with people who would be WAY outperforming her at every turn, and her dad wouldn't be able to do it alongside her to be moral support/emotional punching bag. Not to mention she would have to modify almost everything.

Edited by Nmarie33
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14 minutes ago, Nmarie33 said:

Ooohh deadlifting less than half her body weight! I guess Whit's fans, who probably have no concept of what proper exercise looks like, are impressed. Let us know when you can pull your own weight off the floor! Hahaha.

In one of the episodes this season, as well as in the stupid wrapup game night show, Whitney referenced doing some kind of fitness competition. I feel like she said something about going up onstage and being barely clothed. So from that I can gather she is planning on doing some kind of a physique competition? Wow. 

For anyone not in the know, there are basically three different kinds of "weightlifting" competitions out there:

1. Weightlifting. This is what you see athletes doing in the Olympics. It is a contest to see who can do the snatch and the clean & jerk with the most weight. We have seen Whit to Olympic style lifts in her Insta videos, but I think even her dumb dumb trainer realizes that Whit could really hurt herself going for big weights in this very technical sport. I seriously doubt she is training for this kind of competition.

2. Powerlifting. This is a contest where athletes try to get the biggest lifts they can in bench press, deadlift, and squat. Most powerlifting competitions have a female weight category that includes everyone over the weight of 185-195 or so. There are no style points here, just judges who watch you lift to make sure you execute properly. Whit can't execute anything properly, and she's also very weak compared to say a 200 pound woman who has been training hard. Whit would get destroyed in this kind of competition, so I don't think she would ever participate.

3. Bodybuilding/physique. This is the one where you flex onstage before a panel of judges. Think Arnold. For women, there are many different categories where the judges are trying to find a specific look. The unifying factor is that they are all looking for very lean and muscular women...like, visibly muscular. Even though she would have no hope of doing well at this, I believe this is the kind of competition Whit is going for. She loves to expose her flesh, she loves the attention of being onstage, and she will also lap up all the "fat shaming" victim points that she will receive when the judges give her low points. Not to mention, there is no objective measure of strength for her to actually work towards.

Here's a picture of a novice bikini competitor at a 2017 event in Georgia. This woman is Whitney's height, so she well could be direct competition! LOL


ETA: I can't believe I forgot, but there is another possible category which is Crossfit competition. It's more or less an "official" version of the type of workout Whit does in the gym with her trainer. I don't think Whit will compete in Crossfit. She would have to go head-to-head through strength tests and obstacle courses with people who would be WAY outperforming her at every turn, and her dad wouldn't be able to do it alongside her to be moral support/emotional punching bag. Not to mention she would have to modify almost everything.

You're making a BIG assumption - that whatever weight-related competition Whitney enters would be legit.  Yeah, not so much.

So far we've seen a fake ballroom dance competition, a fake dance Inspiration award, a fake "appearance" at the National Folk Festival, a fake "gig" as a belly dancer, a fake Cross Fit competition with Buddy, a fake tour with the Fitness Marshall . . . I'm quite sure the producers would be capable of putting together a fake weight lifting something-or-other that Whitney would win.

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5 hours ago, Dot said:

So difficult, in fact, that sometimes it takes a couple of hunky firemen to help manage it. 😕

Tee hee. I'm not exactly graceful getting back up. I look kinda like a toddler who has fallen and gets back up. But considering that my bestest friend in the whole world hasn't even been able to do THAT for the last six years, I'll take it (she's only 3 years older than me.)

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3 hours ago, Nmarie33 said:

Ooohh deadlifting less than half her body weight! I guess Whit's fans, who probably have no concept of what proper exercise looks like, are impressed. Let us know when you can pull your own weight off the floor! Hahaha.

In one of the episodes this season, as well as in the stupid wrapup game night show, Whitney referenced doing some kind of fitness competition. I feel like she said something about going up onstage and being barely clothed. So from that I can gather she is planning on doing some kind of a physique competition? Wow. 

For anyone not in the know, there are basically three different kinds of "weightlifting" competitions out there:

1. Weightlifting. This is what you see athletes doing in the Olympics. It is a contest to see who can do the snatch and the clean & jerk with the most weight. We have seen Whit to Olympic style lifts in her Insta videos, but I think even her dumb dumb trainer realizes that Whit could really hurt herself going for big weights in this very technical sport. I seriously doubt she is training for this kind of competition.

2. Powerlifting. This is a contest where athletes try to get the biggest lifts they can in bench press, deadlift, and squat. Most powerlifting competitions have a female weight category that includes everyone over the weight of 185-195 or so. There are no style points here, just judges who watch you lift to make sure you execute properly. Whit can't execute anything properly, and she's also very weak compared to say a 200 pound woman who has been training hard. Whit would get destroyed in this kind of competition, so I don't think she would ever participate.

3. Bodybuilding/physique. This is the one where you flex onstage before a panel of judges. Think Arnold. For women, there are many different categories where the judges are trying to find a specific look. The unifying factor is that they are all looking for very lean and muscular women...like, visibly muscular. Even though she would have no hope of doing well at this, I believe this is the kind of competition Whit is going for. She loves to expose her flesh, she loves the attention of being onstage, and she will also lap up all the "fat shaming" victim points that she will receive when the judges give her low points. Not to mention, there is no objective measure of strength for her to actually work towards.

Here's a picture of a novice bikini competitor at a 2017 event in Georgia. This woman is Whitney's height, so she well could be direct competition! LOL


ETA: I can't believe I forgot, but there is another possible category which is Crossfit competition. It's more or less an "official" version of the type of workout Whit does in the gym with her trainer. I don't think Whit will compete in Crossfit. She would have to go head-to-head through strength tests and obstacle courses with people who would be WAY outperforming her at every turn, and her dad wouldn't be able to do it alongside her to be moral support/emotional punching bag. Not to mention she would have to modify almost everything.

A friend of mine participates in NPC physique competitions. She has consistently placed in the top 5 for the last 10 years. Not so bad for a 50 year old. (I've mentioned that before. You do NOT want to be around her when she's preparing for a competition. Carb cutting makes her cranky.) 


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9 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

A friend of mine participates in NPC physique competitions. She has consistently placed in the top 5 for the last 10 years. Not so bad for a 50 year old. (I've mentioned that before. You do NOT want to be around her when she's preparing for a competition. Carb cutting makes her cranky.) 


Can you imagine how bitchy a carb cutting Whitney would be?????

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5 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

Ok - this is weird but what really strikes me is that he has no shirt on. Do either Tal or Whitney ever wear a full set of clothing?????

To answer your question, "No". This Instagram post is another example of why I don't "get" Whitney's fans.  Half of them identify Tal as Todd.  There's one "Is that your new boyfriend?? Buddy gonna be jelly!!!" ( I'm guessing they meant jealous, if they meant made of jelly, carry on), a couple of toddler-like phrases like "nakey buns"...HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE FANS OF THE SHOW? I have missed seasons of the show and know the difference between Tal and Todd.  Let's pretend Buddy is actually interested in Whitney (yeah I know), is he somehow competing with a gay Tal for Whitney's heart? I'm pretty sure most of the people on Instagram are over the age of 3, why are terms like "nakey buns" being used by what I assume is an adult to describe another grown person, who is a stranger?  Whitney "wins" an "award" for an interpretive dance a 2 year old could master after watching a Ballerina Barbie video one time.  Instead of Mommy and Me classes, Whitney showcases Daddy and Me gymboree. FUCKING USELESS!  I'm no scholar, but my brain hurts from watching and reading about this show sometimes. I need to put myself in "timeout" for watching this mess. 

Edited by Irate Panda
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4 hours ago, Ketzel said:

You're making a BIG assumption - that whatever weight-related competition Whitney enters would be legit.  Yeah, not so much.

So far we've seen a fake ballroom dance competition, a fake dance Inspiration award, a fake "appearance" at the National Folk Festival, a fake "gig" as a belly dancer, a fake Cross Fit competition with Buddy, a fake tour with the Fitness Marshall . . . I'm quite sure the producers would be capable of putting together a fake weight lifting something-or-other that Whitney would win.

You forgot the fake cat show where Henchi won a ribbon.

And to @nMarie33: the bodybuilding judges would never give Twit bad points becuz the contest will be FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!

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1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

A friend of mine participates in NPC physique competitions. She has consistently placed in the top 5 for the last 10 years. Not so bad for a 50 year old. (I've mentioned that before. You do NOT want to be around her when she's preparing for a competition. Carb cutting makes her cranky.) 


I'm sure your friend is extremely dedicated to her diet and fitness regime. Physique competitors are not messing around.

If that is the next "competition" Twit wants to pursue, I do kind of hope that it's a producer-driven fake event. It would be pretty disrespectful to the women who drive their bodies to the limits to have to share a stage with someone who thinks only eating part of a giant cookie (washed down with a heavy cream frappuccino) is a healthy choice. I'm sure her dedication to bodybuilding will last just as long as her determination to be part of the Fitness Marshall crew, or Jewish, or lesbian. 

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On 4/17/2019 at 3:21 PM, 3girlsforus said:

Just how many people has this woman claims are her ‘soulmate?’ And I don’t really know how this soulmate stuff works but can you be soulmates since birth if you didn’t meet until you were 15?

Did he die?  The post just sounds so valedictory.
And in one of the photos with Ryan(?), her face does look thinner.

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