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S06.E15: Angels We Have Heard On High

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The random extras at the Christmas party are hilarious. What in the world?? I can understand having a bunch of unknowns for a normal party, like the one in high school, because you just figure they are schoolmates who showed up. But this is clearly a smallish get together to exchange gifts/ ornaments and we've never seen these people EVER. And the fact they are not explained or acknowledged by the gang is just so weird and distracting. 

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Well this "white Christmas", under the tree for me was the first big step forward towards Coke!Kelly.  Yay!

And Rush turning out to be Steve's biological father is such a classically ridiculously soap retcon, I kinda love it.  But it is so weird that the show milks almost no drama out of it, why are they so allergic to actual soap opera story?

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I hate that mistake on Steve's birth certificate so much. They were losing viewers left and right at this point in the series, they could at least show some respect to those that stuck with it. Every character on this show, including her son, Steve, refers to Steve's mom by her full name, Samantha Sanders, every time she is on. There have been whole episodes and plot lines dedicated to her and how she is THE Samantha Sanders. Including one just a few episodes ago, with Steve at the egghead party. Gah. So lazy.

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That gif of Kelly and Donna opening the box o'snakes is a delight. The best moments on this show are the ones where a glimmer of the actors comes through- usually it's things like Ziering and BAG making the best of whatever background moment they have, but even Jennie Garth is actually charming for a moment here.

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I have to say, I did not fully appreciate Susan when these episodes first aired, but I kind of love her now. Even if she TOOK THE JOB. Same goes for Steve. God bless those two.

I get where Cindy is coming from as far as not having a life in Hong Kong. I mean, she didn't really have a life in Beverly Hills, until she started making friends, joined the beach club, and went to grad school, but it must be really hard moving to a place where you don't speak the language. I'm sure there were people there who spoke English, since it was a British colony (or something like that) at the time, but it must be hard to do regular, everyday things with that language barrier. And then she's by herself during the day and Jim's at work. I mean, life must have been pretty bad if spending time with Brandon is the most desirable option. (I apologize for using "most desirable" and Brandon in the same sentence.) And if the chasm between Jim and Cindy was as bad as she made it seem, I hardly think some chintzy gold angel is going to suddenly fix everything.

I think it's kind of weird that Val's Christmas present for David was a portrait of herself. When she said it last episode, I thought it was either going to be of David or the two of them. But I guess that causes fewer Val and Kelly problems.

Speaking of Kel, can't wait to see her roll up her dad's check and snort that coke. It's not as good as Kimberley's wig, but it was probably one of the best/most memorable images on 90210.

Edited by MerBearStare
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1 hour ago, ZeroDiscipline said:

I hate that mistake on Steve's birth certificate so much. They were losing viewers left and right at this point in the series, they could at least show some respect to those that stuck with it. Every character on this show, including her son, Steve, refers to Steve's mom by her full name, Samantha Sanders, every time she is on. There have been whole episodes and plot lines dedicated to her and how she is THE Samantha Sanders. Including one just a few episodes ago, with Steve at the egghead party. Gah. So lazy.

They could have at least explained it away that Samantha is her stage name because alliteration, and Iris was a bit old-fashioned sounding at the time.

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I'm sure there were people there who spoke English, since it was a British colony (or something like that) at the time, but it must be hard to do regular, everyday things with that language barrier

Hong Kong has a sizeable English speaking expat community. Even back then. And a large segment of the local Hong Kong population speaks English as a second language. I mean, it's Hong Kong, not the middle of nowhere in rural China.

She could have contacted various social and/or women's expat groups and made contacts through them. Or another option she could have done...sign up to take Cantonese classes. It would have been a great way for her to kill time, learn the local language, and meet other expats there learning the language. As a city in Asia, Hong Kong is much more English friendly than Tokyo, for example.

Edited by AndySmith
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I think the issue wouldn't be the language as English is very common in Hong Kong, but more the boredom.  Jim is working, probably really busy with meeting new people and making a good impression.  His life is exciting.  Cindy doesn't have an automatic social life- she'll have to actively find stuff to do and plan her days to keep busy.  It would be easy for her to just sit at home after she's been site-seeing.  And, while she may meet other wives, they have lives that don't include her.  I had a friend who ran into this situation just from moving to Austin to NYC where her husband worked for some consulting firm.  She was bored to tears and they finally moved back.  I can see Jim telling her to "find some friends" and just ignoring her.  She's be ripe for another emotional affair. 

I think the gift was a small way for Jim to show her that she's special and he hears/understands her plight.  I'm sure the entire time he's been making her feel bad for complaining since he's so busy trying to get the lay of the land.  I mean, this is sort of like the return to Minnesota storyline remember? I think that would have been better... just ship them back and have them always be "too busy" to visit. 

I AM going to rewatch the coke episodes-- my absolute faves for sure. 

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I mean, she didn't really have a life in Beverly Hills, until she started making friends, joined the beach club, and went to grad school, but it must be really hard moving to a place where you don't speak the language

I think even when she did those activities, she still didn't really have a life.  The only adult I think she was ever friendly with was Jackie.  And obviously, she had being a middle aged parent in common with Andrea.  Though in Cindy's defense, the writers, for good reason, weren't particularly interested in developing Jim or Cindy or giving them lives.  I think most of Cindy's scenes consisted of her making dinner.       

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Not sure if it was Cindy or her acting but I found her annoying . The writers gave her zero personality and as someone wrote above , all she did was cook . And what annoyed me most about her was that she was always so nice to Kelly and Dylan when both royally effed their kids more than once . And the way Dylan treated Jim and Cindy was all " Dylan we'll always love you and you're always welcome here " . It's one thing to be civil cuz you're an adult and it's another to be overly nice 

Edited by Jaclyn88
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I have an annoying logistical question. How many bedrooms is the Walsh house? We never see a guest room and when Dylan was in the surfing accident he took over Brandon's/ on the couch. So I'm guessing they had no guest room? If Steve took over the master room (and maybe he's paying rent that's going toward the mortgage) and Val is is Brenda's old room and Brandon's still has old room. Where did Cindy stay when she was home?

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Ahhhhhhhh I hate the Cindy storyline in this episode!! It could've been an interesting storyline if these characters were actually on the show anymore and if the show ever really cared about their relationship after the first season, but they weren't and it didn't, so why put us through all of this crap only to have Cindy simper over an ugly angel necklace (seriously, Jim buys the worst jewelry) and a lame non-apology note? 

Like, moving to a foreign country for a spouse's job can be rough if you have nothing else going on yourself, and I can see how it would take a toll on the relationship, especially considering they had basically this exact issue when they moved to LA - moving halfway across the world to a place where you don't speak the language could make that twice as difficult - and it sounded from what she said like there were some serious issues brewing between them. And then she gets a stupid angel necklace and a two-line note and all is forgotten? What happened to you not knowing you are to each other anymore? What happened to all of your issues about having no life of your own out there? Jim's dumb "I love you my angel" is enough to fix all of that? Even if they couldn't get James Eckhouse back, they could've at least made his note a little longer and thrown in a comment from Cindy about joining a club or something when she gets back to Hong Kong. 

On another note, a bird is a really terrible Christmas/birthday gift. 

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4 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

And obviously, she had being a middle aged parent in common with Andrea. 

This made me laugh for a really, really long time. Thank you. 

I kinda get Cindy here a but - at least in Beverly Hills, Cindy could busy herself by being overly involved in her kids lives. She had no life but at least she was a Mom. Now she's not really that AND she's moved to a whole new country so she's had to leave even the non-mommy things behind, and Jim's being Jim. That said, I didn't care and she should have gone and visited Brenda. She'd find London way more interesting than BevHills. 

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8 hours ago, MerBearStare said:

Speaking of Kel, can't wait to see her roll up her dad's check and snort that coke. It's not as good as Kimberley's wig, but it was probably one of the best/most memorable images on 90210.

Kelly snorting that line with her dad's check might be my favorite soap moment of all time, though Val smoking that joint at the end of her first episode is also right up there.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Great question!  Everytime we've seen someone stay over (Cheryl, Emily, Dylan), they've always bunked in with one of the kids.  So no, I don't think there's a guest room.

But I thought Brandon was in the master and Steve took over his old room/was sharing a bathroom with Val.  Maybe that happens later, when Kelly moves in in a season or two?

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I feel like it looks bigger than a 3-bed from the outside but it doesn't even seem to have a den/office/study, from memory? I'm guessing Cindy slept in Val's room, of the options. 

That portrait of Val is 'fourth-best dude on a street corner outside busy train station in a tourist town'-level. I can't believe Colin makes any money from his art if that's supposed to be good. 

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2 hours ago, WoodyCee said:

I have an annoying logistical question. How many bedrooms is the Walsh house? We never see a guest room and when Dylan was in the surfing accident he took over Brandon's/ on the couch. So I'm guessing they had no guest room? If Steve took over the master room (and maybe he's paying rent that's going toward the mortgage) and Val is is Brenda's old room and Brandon's still has old room. Where did Cindy stay when she was home?

Guess Brandon slept on the couch. Brandon's got the parents room and Strawberry got Brandon's old room

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Joe's gift to Donna sucks. Valerie's gift to David sucks. 


How does Kelly not notice that her bf is high especially when he had this problem before. Some psych major and didn't even learn from her mother and her brother. 


Seriously what the hell does David do?  I mean other than noticing someone's high, what does he do?  

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10 hours ago, MerBearStare said:

I have to say, I did not fully appreciate Susan when these episodes first aired, but I kind of love her now. Even if she TOOK THE JOB. Same goes for Steve. God bless those two.


Not to mention also, Susan is absolutely gorgeous.  Smart, sassy, and hot.  I've been coveting her beautiful hair for over 20 years now.

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8 hours ago, SoupThrower said:

How does Kelly not notice that her bf is high especially when he had this problem before. Some psych major and didn't even learn from her mother and her brother. 

Aaaaand, we find out that Kelly told Colin to knock it off with the drugs just last summer! Obviously, she was in some kind of denial. I'm sure Miss Psychology Major Kelly would agree, especially since she's taken at least 3 semesters of abnormal psych. As if.

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11 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Not sure if it was Cindy or her acting but I found her annoying . The writers gave her zero personality and as someone wrote above , all she did was cook . And what annoyed me most about her was that she was always so nice to Kelly and Dylan when both royally effed their kids more than once . And the way Dylan treated Jim and Cindy was all " Dylan we'll always love you and you're always welcome here " . It's one thing to be civil cuz you're an adult and it's another to be overly nice 

Hashtag real talk right there. Kelly fucked Dylan while the Walshes were in a pissing match WITH BRENDA over Dylan. Both of these two assholes should be permanent persona non grata, as it drove a wedge between Brenda and her family, for nothing. 

And I totally wish Cindy fucked Rush in Brandon's bathroom. 

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1 hour ago, blueroses said:

I Googled Jed Allan (Rush), and the awesome pinky ring belongs to the actor! This delights me. Also, he was briefly Edward Quartermaine on General Hospital in the 2000s!

Totally unforgivable in retrospect that this show found a way to put Joe E Tata in the opening credits, but never Rush. I want a show about Rush's daily existence. Call it "Hobnobs."

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Hashtag real talk right there. Kelly fucked Dylan while the Walshes were in a pissing match WITH BRENDA over Dylan. Both of these two assholes should be permanent persona non grata, as it drove a wedge between Brenda and her family, for nothing. 

I totally get that, but I also appreciate that Cindy was mature on that issue, and didn't get sucked into Brenda's drama. 


The writers gave her zero personality and as someone wrote above , all she did was cook

Hee!  I can imagine the table reads for the early season episodes with Carol Potter glumly sitting there, trying to think how she can make stirring a pot of water seem exciting.  

And as a shout out to Tara and Sarah, you have my undying affection for the reference to Don't Tell Mom, the Babysitter's Dead.   

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Seriously would have been the seminal moment in the history of the show if Brandon went to Cindy's room the next morning, like after the 8:35 commercial act break. and Rush had to do the Susan "Grim Reaper" impression sex walk in the background. Though I don't put it past Rush to just say "Hey, Brando," smugly putting both hands behind his amazing hair, sitting in bed with the comforter at waist level, revealing his super gray hairy chest and old man pecs, while Cindy stammers and Brandon looks on disapprovingly.

"Mom, I thought you said you were going to church!"

Rush: "To be honest Brando, there was more than a few mentions of the almighty at our little midnight mass!"

Cindy (eyes wide with shock and surprise) "Rush! Brandon...I don't know what to say...but..."

Brandon: "Don't say anything at all, merry Christmas!" (storms off)

Cut to Rush, taking his pinky ring off "Don't want to lose this bad boy...AGAIN!" ...Cindy's eyes light up, door closes, giggles are heard. 


I was tempted to put in a "Hope you're not in a Rush, because THIS Rush wants to be in you!" joke, but it seemed too crass for a smooth operator like the Rushman. I know what you're thinking: WHY DIDN"T UNCLE JUICE WRITE FOR THIS SHOW???? We're all thinking it :). 

Edit: so many Rush name based innuendos, I can barely control them. I like thinking that Rush always takes it one sentence too far, and diminishes it further. For example "Sometimes every woman could use a little rush...which is what I call my penis, but it's not little." "Don't be fooled by my name, because I'm going to take my sweet time making whoopee with you. What I'm saying is I'm not in a hurry. Rush Sanders, nice to meet you." God, why wasn't there a crossover where ALly McBeal's law firm either prosecuted or defended Rush?? 

Edited by Uncle JUICE
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56 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Seriously would have been the seminal moment in the history of the show if Brandon went to Cindy's room the next morning, like after the 8:35 commercial act break. and Rush had to do the Susan "Grim Reaper" impression sex walk in the background. Though I don't put it past Rush to just say "Hey, Brando," smugly putting both hands behind his amazing hair, sitting in bed with the comforter at waist level, revealing his super gray hairy chest and old man pecs, while Cindy stammers and Brandon looks on disapprovingly.

"Mom, I thought you said you were going to church!"

Rush: "To be honest Brando, there was more than a few mentions of the almighty at our little midnight mass!"

Cindy (eyes wide with shock and surprise) "Rush! Brandon...I don't know what to say...but..."

Brandon: "Don't say anything at all, merry Christmas!" (storms off)

Cut to Rush, taking his pinky ring off "Don't want to lose this bad boy...AGAIN!" ...Cindy's eyes light up, door closes, giggles are heard. 


I was tempted to put in a "Hope you're not in a Rush, because THIS Rush wants to be in you!" joke, but it seemed too crass for a smooth operator like the Rushman. I know what you're thinking: WHY DIDN"T UNCLE JUICE WRITE FOR THIS SHOW???? We're all thinking it :). 

omg... my boss is throwing so much shade at my stifled giggles right now.

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3 hours ago, blueroses said:

I Googled Jed Allan (Rush), and the awesome pinky ring belongs to the actor! This delights me. Also, he was briefly Edward Quartermaine on General Hospital in the 2000s!

He was the amazing CC Capwell during the glory days of Santa Barbara too. He deserves some sort of lifetime acheivement award. For how low- budge this show actually is, they did an amazing job of casting the adults. They are all too good for this.

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5 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Seriously would have been the seminal moment in the history of the show if Brandon went to Cindy's room the next morning, like after the 8:35 commercial act break. and Rush had to do the Susan "Grim Reaper" impression sex walk in the background. Though I don't put it past Rush to just say "Hey, Brando," smugly putting both hands behind his amazing hair, sitting in bed with the comforter at waist level, revealing his super gray hairy chest and old man pecs, while Cindy stammers and Brandon looks on disapprovingly.

"Mom, I thought you said you were going to church!"

Rush: "To be honest Brando, there was more than a few mentions of the almighty at our little midnight mass!"

Cindy (eyes wide with shock and surprise) "Rush! Brandon...I don't know what to say...but..."

Brandon: "Don't say anything at all, merry Christmas!" (storms off)

Cut to Rush, taking his pinky ring off "Don't want to lose this bad boy...AGAIN!" ...Cindy's eyes light up, door closes, giggles are heard. 


I was tempted to put in a "Hope you're not in a Rush, because THIS Rush wants to be in you!" joke, but it seemed too crass for a smooth operator like the Rushman. I know what you're thinking: WHY DIDN"T UNCLE JUICE WRITE FOR THIS SHOW???? We're all thinking it :). 

Edit: so many Rush name based innuendos, I can barely control them. I like thinking that Rush always takes it one sentence too far, and diminishes it further. For example "Sometimes every woman could use a little rush...which is what I call my penis, but it's not little." "Don't be fooled by my name, because I'm going to take my sweet time making whoopee with you. What I'm saying is I'm not in a hurry. Rush Sanders, nice to meet you." God, why wasn't there a crossover where ALly McBeal's law firm either prosecuted or defended Rush?? 

I'm deceased, this message was written by my ghost.

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49 minutes ago, Tara Ariano said:

I'm deceased, this message was written by my ghost.

Getting quoted by the show host is a close to famous as I'm ever getting, this made my Friday. Up next on the hallmark channel, Rush to Judgement, wherein cindy and rush take a secret vacation to palm Springs. 

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19 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Great question!  Everytime we've seen someone stay over (Cheryl, Emily, Dylan), they've always bunked in with one of the kids.  So no, I don't think there's a guest room.

But I thought Brandon was in the master and Steve took over his old room/was sharing a bathroom with Val.  Maybe that happens later, when Kelly moves in in a season or two?

All those young people staying there makes it seem like Starlight Manor or apartment on New Girl. 

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One thing I forgot - I was born and raised in New York City. I love New York City. Colin is the worst type of pretentious New Yorker. Shut up about New York already, Colin! No one cares!

Edited by atlanticslide
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Still confused as to how the house started as the walshes and ended up as steve , the baby and Janet's with inbetween , any and every friend / significAnt other .somehow even Kelly's other fiancé Matt lived there .. gotta love Jim and Cindy paying everyone's bills including their sons ex fiancés fiancé , Who by the way is being cheated on by Kelly yet again with Dylan ! 

Edited by Jaclyn88
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I loved seeing Cindy again! Man, I didn't realize how much I missed her. Though I giggled at her telling a room half full of strangers that she "loved them all." Really, Cindy? Even fucking Joe?

And wow, Brandon. The Poutmeister. Don't you think maybe your mother, whose 20+ year marriage is on the rocks, could do with some support and compassion as opposed to your judgment and pronouncements? Little pissant. I would tell him "look, Brandon, we've been married longer than you've been alive. Maybe you need to stop talking about things you know nothing about."

And, Colin... why bother saying "it's not mine" if 10 seconds later you're going to rationalize your drug abuse with "well you guys drink and I don't, so..."

So agree with the ladies - why is Colin such a prize again? He's a druggie, a whore and a shitty artist with a Tin Tin haircut - and IMHO not that hot - what exactly is the draw?

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As the wife of a Berliner and an expat, I totally get where Cindy is coming from. Even with a decent proficiency in German and meeting new people through clubs and whatnot, it's not easy moving to a new country and dealing with the cultural shock and the language barrier. It's often easier for the spouse with the job because he/she gets distracted with work while the other spouse has to build a new life for themselves. While it's awesome in a lot of ways (and these days I'm really enjoying living in Europe), it is also hard as hell in many respects. And it doesn't help, I imagine, to have some judgmental shitty kid telling you your feelings are invalid and guilting you in to going back to a lonely situation. Shut up, Brandon.

And not for nothing,but I sure as hell wouldn't want to spend MY holidays with my husband's boss. That's work, no matter how you slice it, and it would be annoying at best. I'm not saying I'd rather be spending it with Bray-don, but I'm #TeamCindy on wanting to spend it with family and/or friends as opposed to my husband's colleagues. 

On 4/1/2017 at 2:27 AM, atlanticslide said:

One thing I forgot - I was born and raised in New York City. I love New York City. Colin is the worst type of pretentious New Yorker. Shut up about New York already, Colin! No one cares!

Amen. I'm not a native New Yorker, but I lived there on and off for over a decade and I do love NYC so I think I can chime in on this sentiment. On behalf of New York, STFU Colin. You too, Miss "I love NY" Kelly

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On 3/31/2017 at 8:27 PM, atlanticslide said:

One thing I forgot - I was born and raised in New York City. I love New York City. Colin is the worst type of pretentious New Yorker. Shut up about New York already, Colin! No one cares!

LOL, the kind of douche who always finds ways to wistfully say shit like "You know what I miss? Sitting in Grant Park, people watching, the diversity, the city abuzz, always I don't know, pulsing with life, where you can get a great falafel at 4 in the morning then go around the corner and get a nice fresh bagel...a summer morning in Central Park, watching the runners go by, in that bucolic oasis in a concrete jungle" and everyone's silently like "Write a fucking play about it, Neil Allen, and call it "People Don't Give a Fuck. Last time I was there I saw a guy taking a shit between two cars, do you miss that too?"

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15 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

LOL, the kind of douche who always finds ways to wistfully say shit like "You know what I miss? Sitting in Grant Park, people watching, the diversity, the city abuzz, always I don't know, pulsing with life, where you can get a great falafel at 4 in the morning then go around the corner and get a nice fresh bagel...a summer morning in Central Park, watching the runners go by, in that bucolic oasis in a concrete jungle" and everyone's silently like "Write a fucking play about it, Neil Allen, and call it "People Don't Give a Fuck. Last time I was there I saw a guy taking a shit between two cars, do you miss that too?"

I want to take this post out behind the Peach Pit and get it pregnant.  

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5 minutes ago, seasquared said:

Uncle Juice, your spin on the whole Rush/Cindy thing was my EVERYTHING!! If there is ever a re-boot they had BETTER call you!

It's fertile ground, to be sure. Rush and Cindy and Palm Springs, where he DEFINITELY was a swinger in the 70's. Jim in hot pursuit of them, looking on from the sidelines before finally confronting Rush and gettnig his ass KICKED. 

Edited by Uncle JUICE
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6 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Neil Allen, and call it "People Don't Give a Fuck. Last time I was there I saw a guy taking a shit between two cars, do you miss that too?"

Ok, that wins the internet for the day. 

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I am watching this episode on Pop and I say the emotional beats around the adoption are some of Ian Ziering’s best work. I NEVER thought Rush being his bio dad was far fetched or a trope. Rush even mentions that you could do things like that (under the radar) if you had enough cash. Maybe because “back in the day” I heard about these types of stories, in the black community intra family adoption was more common- if a man’s mistress became pregnant and didn’t want to raise her baby (or couldn’t), him bringing the baby home to be raised with his other children happened quite a bit. 

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