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S29: Becca & Floyd

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Team Fun is the perfect name for them!  They're running the race well and having fun while doing it!  I was so happy for them when they got the Express Pass and came in second!  They were also the only team to finish the Shoot Detour, so kudos to them!

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I like they are happy to be on the race but good lord I found then more annoying than the hippies and that is saying a lot. Please tone down the rapping/singing and maybe I will be able to handle them.

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43 minutes ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

I'll take the constant sunshine and rapping over a man borderline abusing his partner any day. 

It doesn't have to be one or the other they can both be things I don't want to see on my tv.

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Becca reminds me so much of one of my relatives -- constant giant goofball, even a Colorado connection. But the relative in question can also flip a switch into get-it-done-NOW mode faster than you can drop a beat; it's kind of fearsome to watch. I'm looking forward to seeing if that's the case with Becca too. 

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I liked Floyd from the moment he said he studied all the countries flags before coming on the race. Then he said he was a college drum major and I liked him even more. At first I was bummed he got paired up with Becca but they seem like a great match plus they were the only ones to pick and stick with the bow challenge. 

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Did anyone else notice the awful bruise on Becca's inner elbow, just before she shot the second fish? It's called an "archer's kiss" -- when you fire an arrow and you don't have a sleeve or arm guard on the arm holding the bow, the bow string can snap hard against your arm and leave a combination bruise/abrasion that's really painful. I had it happen once when my arm guard had slipped -- Becca must have snapped that string against her arm over and over! I respect that she was able to keep up a positive attitude with that.

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I've always said that if I were lucky enough to run the Race I'd want to have as much fun as possible - given the very limited possibility of winning the million - so teams like this always appeal to me. They're getting along well, making decent decisions and standing by them and seem immune to what other teams are doing - running their own race. I'd love to see them do well.

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They have the possibility to annoy me, particularly the fun meter, but so far I like them. I don't see them winning, but stranger things have happened. I like that he's a big fan.

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They did a good job to come back from some really bad luck.  They started out on a late flight, but fought their way up to the top by just killing the Keep the Beat Detour, and Becca delivered quite solidly on the Roadblock.  And then, they beat out three teams in a four-way race to the Pit Stop.

Eighth to fifth.  Great work, Team Fun!

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Lucked out majorly.  They did fairly well with the Build It Detour, and despite a slow start, it seemed that Floyd was able to at least get out of the Roadblock before Brooke, London, and Sara.  But then, he goes and loses their passports, and Becca gets set off, and not in a good way.  I think it's easy to see why she likes Matt & Redmond.  She must be almost as much of a bitch as they are jerks.

They'd better get it together and go back to being Team Fun next week.

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Becca showed real anger issues when Floyd lost his passport. I suspect that this won't be the only time to see rough sailing with these two, and I'll bet Mean Becca will rear her ugly head sooner rather than later.

Maybe Floyd and Sara should have been a team.

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6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Becca showed real anger issues when Floyd lost his passport. I suspect that this won't be the only time to see rough sailing with these two, and I'll bet Mean Becca will rear her ugly head sooner rather than later.

Maybe Floyd and Sara should have been a team.

Even better - Becca and Shamir.  She would not have stood quietly by while he complained about his "injury"; she'd have said, "Suck it up, buttercup, or I'll give you a broken nose to complain about."

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I was also kind of taken aback by how Becca went OFF on Floyd with the passport issue. I mean, yes, he screwed up but I thought her reaction was extreme. I'm glad they (he) weren't (wasn't) eliminated but am wondering about how many Becca personalities exist there. 

And while I have not read spoilers or speculation or anything so have no idea if anyone has either suggested this or not, but somehow I got this sneaking suspicion watching the most recent episode that at some point in the not-too-distant future they might throw a wrench into the works with the pairings ...

Since, unlike previous seasons, there are no real "relationships" or loyalties that would be compromised once taping is over, perhaps they'll either force everyone to re-team or give one winning team the option to choose new partners and see what the trickle down effect will be.

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Becca would be exhausting to me in her hyper phase and super annoying in her angry phase and I'm actually impressed by Floyd, who takes in all in stride.

The only person I know who behaves like Becca so far, and by that I mean that she behaves likes her life only has super heights and super lows in it, with no in between, is bipolar. Doesn't mean Becca is, but just to add a perspective because when her mood changed it looked and felt very familiar to me.    

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Losing your passport is a really dumb mistake. I can see being really pissed about it in the moment. If she doesn't hold it over his head, I can give her a pass on this one.

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Ive watched twice and I cant figure this out: did Floyd lose his passport or their passports?  Because I would be mad at my stranger-partner for costing me a chance at a million dollars and a race around the world if he lost his passport, but I would be LIVID if he lost MY passport.  Just Livid.  

I'm not saying the air punch was ok, but I am saying that there would be screaming. 

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1 hour ago, fib said:

Ive watched twice and I cant figure this out: did Floyd lose his passport or their passports?  Because I would be mad at my stranger-partner for costing me a chance at a million dollars and a race around the world if he lost his passport, but I would be LIVID if he lost MY passport.  Just Livid.  

I'm not saying the air punch was ok, but I am saying that there would be screaming. 

He just lost his, they were each carrying their own, Becca said she would now be cartying his as well. Which makes me hope she loses both of their passports.

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I haven't lost my liking for these two.  I don't know how I'd react if my partner, at the mat, realized he'd lost his passport. I mean, obviously I'd like to think I'd be cool about it but... I can't say for sure. It would be a hell of a painful way to leave the Race. Plus they've been performing tasks well, so it have an extra sting.

We'll see how they are next week.

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If you watch the video, you would see that floyd lost his passport and when they got it back he did not zip up and lost his ID on the stairs and becca found it, that is when she called him an idiot and threatened him. You need a passport and an ID to fly now.  She also said she had a family of brothers that I believe someone guessed. All is forgiven and Becca and Floyd seem like besties.  They did talk about the adrenaline and the stress and don't seem to have a problem with any of the racers. 

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That video is fascinating.  Can't believe they thought the express pass should be in the sneaky pouch not the passport. But hey, its a crazy situation.  

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Nice recovery!  They lucked out a lot when Brooke gave them their extra key at the Lock Detour, and they knew it.  Becca crushed the Roadblock, and she was very nice to repay Brooke by helping her out, even though I might not have done the same thing.  Second place was very much deserved.

They seemed to have such a good time with that Fast Forward.  But honestly, I'm surprised that, when they saw Brooke & Scott approaching them, they didn't just hand over their Express Pass to them since they wouldn't be needing it.  But I guess they wanted to keep it a secret that badly.  They did well to finish the Fast Forward, but I'm confused as to why that didn't lead them to first place and only landed them in third.  They seemed to have no trouble doing it at all.  Was it really getting lost that did it?

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So it looks as if I was right when I thought the passport unpleasantness was a simple bump in the road. These two are back to running my kind of Race - enjoying everything, appreciating the adventure, but still trying to Race well.

They took third place gracefully - surprised, but agreeing that it was worth it to have that extraordinary experience. My favorite moment may have been when Floyd said "It's like a rainbow" and Becca said, rapturously, "It is a rainbow!"

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Glad they finally won a leg, but they had a lucky break with a few things.  First of all, after Floyd botched his first try at the Roadblock, they got really, really lucky that they were bunched up on the ferry for the night.  Then, they were lucky that Liz & Michael completely lost their way to the dock to head for the Grab a Hold Detour.  And then, after losing their lead due to bad directions from an unreliable local, they got lucky that Matt & Redmond's boat driver couldn't park for beans.

Nonetheless, they still did their tasks well enough that all of these lucky breaks didn't bother me.  They got their first win, and good on them, and good on Becca for coaching Floyd on how to belay, using her climbing instructor profession.

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I just like them enormously. I have from the start and nothing has come along to change my mind. In a season where few teams seem to care about TAR as such, they clearly do, they race well (not without mistakes, but that doesn't matter), and they enjoy what they're doing and seeing while it's happening. 

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On 3/31/2017 at 2:28 PM, ItsJessMe said:

She looks so familiar to me.  I don't rock climb and have never been to Boulder so the familiarity is clearly not from real life.  Has she been on anything else?

I thought so too, and after a couple of episodes it hit me: she could almost be the twin sister of the character Faith from season one of UnREAL, who was played by Breeda Wool.

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Their recap came out:


Seems like everyone supposedly bonded in Norway.  

Interesting reasoning regarding why they decided to participate in the conspiracy, not sure I agree with the idea that Vanck and Ashton were a threat, but it seems like it was a purely strategic play on their part, at least to go along with it.  Their reasoning for not U-Turning someone else makes sense, especially if they really felt Brooke and Scott and Team Lolo were weak.

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They did very well to finish the Sing It Detour as quickly as they did, even if they had to sing the song three times.  Then, Floyd was great at the Roadblock and was one of only three people to do it in only one try.

Second place was well-deserved, though I think that if they'd gotten first if they'd nailed that Detour on the first try.

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Their enthusiasm and enjoyment of every part of this race is contagious. I originally thought they were going to be corny and annoying, but they are the exact opposite, and I can't help but smile when they are on the screen. I'm glad they are doing so well.

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Phil did a facebook interview the other day and he named them as his favorite couple this race. Sofunny that when asked to tellhis favorites form other years,he named the ones I remembered.  

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I've watched TAR since the first episode of the first season and Becca and Floyd are definitely in my top five of all time favorite teams.  They're good racers, though not without fault, and are so likeable and pleasant that I can't help but actively root for them.

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Their mostly philosophical reaction to the U-Turn was in such contrast to Michael and Liz going on and on about how horrible Brooke and Scott were only made me love Team Fun more.

While I'd love them to win, I'm actually more invested in seeing them simply stay in the Race to the end, since they are enjoying the adventure itself so much.

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Well, considering that she didn't punch him, there is no surprise to me that there is no mention.  

If he lost his passport and then after getting it back lost his id and didn't notice I would certainly have some words for him had he been my partner. ANd if you have not noticed, they seem to still be great friends. I trust  if he really ever got punched by Becca, he would be the person to resent it and he certainly seems not to hold any grudge. 

Edited by holly4755
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We saw a hint of this in their Fast Forward episode, but now we get a real look at one of their weaknesses: navigation.  Thanks to that bad navigation, they got seriously lost trying to find the Detour.  But once there, they did both the For the Bride and For the Groom ones in good time, something they needed to do to catch up to Liz & Michael.  By keeping their cool, they ran the rest of the leg flawlessly, passing up Liz & Michael when they hit their Speed Bump, and then staying in front long enough for Becca to rock out the Roadblock.

Fifth place and barely alive for another leg.

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On 5/12/2017 at 5:17 PM, scowl said:

No one has mentioned the vicious punch that mean Becca gave Floyd when she discovered that they had been U-turned. It was really cute. 


On 5/14/2017 at 6:05 AM, holly4755 said:

Well, considering that she didn't punch him, there is no surprise to me that there is no mention.  

If he lost his passport and then after getting it back lost his id and didn't notice I would certainly have some words for him had he been my partner. ANd if you have not noticed, they seem to still be great friends. I trust  if he really ever got punched by Becca, he would be the person to resent it and he certainly seems not to hold any grudge. 

I'm pretty sure Scowl was being sarcastic, and Holly missed the last 4 words of his post. 

I am genuinely surprised by some of the posts in the episode threads that make such a big deal out of the "threat" in Morocco.  These people must live in a special bubble where hyperbole and exaggeration (not to mention just human frustration) do not exist.  And where there's no such thing as a joke. 

I was very afraid Becca & Floyd were going to get eliminated, and very happy they survived this leg.  I can see why Becca annoys some viewers, but I love this team's energy and optimism.  I hope they at least make the final 3, and I'd be happy with them or Tara & Joey winning it all.

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I've been watching Becca & Floyds wrap up of their journey. It's amazing that one randomly picked the other and they are so in sync. Their analysis of the episodes are so spot on, they never trip over each other words & are so happy talking about it. 

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Sucks for these two to go out. I know that Becca came close to finishing Floyd, but I felt that they competed with Matt & Redmond in terms of best chemistry, and their brand of "fun" is a lot more "genuine" that I would have guess. Well, better than BJ & Tyler.

Thank goodness for Facebook . . . Floyd posted the following: "It happens that Phil's daughter is graduating from my college also! Best Pit Stop ever."


Awwwwwwwww. So wish TARCon was still a thing, because they would be a blast to meet.

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are the tarflies still a thing?  They would know the closest thing to tarcon. 


fyi I know someone who runs a rally in California and she says about half the racers compete in her charity run.  I can't remember her name right now, I have to scour another board to find it, will take me a while, but will try and come up with  it before the show is over. 

Edited by holly4755
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Lantern7, that photo is the BEST!  

I was so sad for Floyd tonight.  He is a delight and has a bright future.  Only 21 years old -- wow.  My gosh, he battled this last leg heroically.  That heat was vicious and I thought he was in real heatstroke danger having to perform the bike / basket delivery three times.  Cheers to Floyd.

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I think Becca was battling between disappointment and worry about Floyd, He did look like he was going to have heat stroke.  acombination of heat and humidity and exhaustion brought hm down to doing it over and over. 

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