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S07.E14: The Other Side


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Fuck the writers.  I like Sasha, I like the actress, and I like her friendship with Maggie.

For the love of God, could someone just kill Negan already.

The scenes with Sasha and Rosita were excellent.

The scenes with Maggie and Daryl were a let down.

I don't know who was dumber.  Daryl, Enid or Gregory.  If Gregory goes to Simon for help, Simon will put a bullet in his head.

I need for Negan, Simon/Negan Junior, and sexist Savior who kept calling Enid girl and threatening her to die horrible painful deaths.  I want someone to cut out Negan and Simon's tongues and gouge out their eyes before they kill them.

Edited by TigerLynx
  • Love 10

Maggie to Daryl-"you wuz gonna kill that gah.  But you deedn't.  Good god, the awful southern accent, and then segue into an Aussie terrible accent?  Ugh, I can't stand her. 

Did Daryl BATHE???

Gregory is such a smarmy carpetbagger, and I love every minute he's on.  It's pretty obvious that the minute he plays runtelldat with Simon, he's getting gutted.   Can't wait, they're both awful people and I love them so much. 

  • Love 5

Although, if it's Dwight, might that not set up the rest of the redemption arc they are so painfully trying to create with him?

I honestly don't know if I can blame Eugene at this point. We know he's a coward. He knows he's a coward. He's now in a position of relative safety thanks to his savante like knowledge of random things that are only useful in a ZA.

  • Love 13
Just now, Mu Shu said:

Maggie to Daryl-"you wuz gonna kill that gah.  But you deedn't."  Good god, the awful southern accent, and then segue into an Aussie terrible accent?  Ugh, I can't stand her. 

Did Daryl BATHE???

Gregory is such a smarmy carpetbagger, and I love every minute he's on.  It's pretty obvious that the minute he plays runtelldat with Simon, he's getting gutted.   Can't wait, they're both awful people and I love them so much. 

5 minutes ago, 17wheatthins said:

Could it be Carl??

It would be funny if it's Carl.  He's just bound and determined to kill Negan.  Could he do so already?  Please, please, please.

I thought it was Daryl.  I didn't even think about it being Dwight.  Since I don't give a damn about Dwight, it was probably him.  We'll lose Sasha, and get stuck with idiot Dwight.  Oh joy.  {face palm}

Edited by TigerLynx
  • Love 6

Good thing Rosita doesn't mind pimping out her cooch to pick up survival tips, because if her recent shit gets aired in public with CDB, she might have to fall back on that to stay around.

Sasha, girl.  Rosita is willing to die, why take the fall for her?  Because of all the drama with Sergeant Polygamy??  *face-palming like its a popular dance move*

Simon says "Come see me, and we'll get up to some alcoholic shenanigans."

Gregory says "Only if you let me keep my Doc, and somebody doesn't depose me".

Daryl;  "Sorry I got Glenn's head turned into a pile of meat"  *sniffle*
Maggie;  "Aww, come here wooby.  I'll hug it better"

Sasha;  "Can't tell her yet, to keep her safe.  Watch out for her."
Enid;  "I'm telling mom!!"

"Cmon Eugene, we gotta go!"
"No!  I now enjoy ice cream and pretty ladies who like to watch me handle & yank my joystick here.  Abraham is gone, so my preferred viewing pleasures has vacated the premises.  I have found a new haven in this universe of shit.  Kindly see yourselves away before others come."

  • Love 10

Who says Sasha is dead? Glenn under the dumpster, people. Never forget!

I actually liked this episode. - no Negan and no Tara.  I enjoyed hearing Rosita say something besides sarcastic quips. I liked the scenes with her and Sasha, although how Sasha could keep the necklace after Rosita told her she made it, I don't know, but anyway... What I hated was seeing two women  - especially these two women - at odds and crying over the likes of Abraham! Good lord.

Daryl is now worse than an annoying mope. He's a real liability. Even now knowing exactly what the consequences would be he was still going to kill the Savior. He has no impulse control and something needs to be done about him. And Simon. He's the person on this show I most want to see murdered in a painful way. And Dwight is next. Oh, and the savior who was bullying a little girl (Enid). Tough guy needs to be taught a lesson.


10 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Gregory is such a smarmy carpetbagger, and I love every minute he's on.

Me too! The scenes with Gregory were, as usual for me, some of the highlights of the ep. He's a great actor and so deliciously sleazy.

Eugene didn't want to be set free! Loved it.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 17
1 minute ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

"Cmon Eugene, we gotta go!"
"No!  I now enjoy ice cream and pretty ladies who like to watch me handle & yank my joystick here.  Abraham is gone, so my preferred viewing pleasures has vacated the premises.  I have found a new haven in this universe of shit.  Kindly see yourselves away before others come."


Eugene is a coward, but his other options in the ZA is to be a psycho killer, an idiot, or a combination of both.  The majority of the smart people exited stage left, and now Sasha has probably joined them.

  • Love 7

That Maggie/Daryl scene was shit. I hated it. Of course writers can't make any character mad at Daryl for too long. We didn't even see him cry because of that greasy rat's nest he calls hair. Maggie couldn't even be a little bit angry?? I'm not saying she has to be all Hulk Smash but come on. Ugh.

I don't like that Sasha is sacrificing herself. I guess her time is drawing near. Boo. Still don't give a flying damn about Rosita. I don't want Sasha to go.

About time for Greg to go. He's such a damn cowardly bitch. How the fuck did he come to be the leader of Hilltop? Jesus needs to throw his ass overboard and take over.

I like Simon for some reason. He gives off just a great villain vibe without being over the top. Simon for leader of Saviors please!!!

  • Love 13

Reasonable episode. Would be solid filler in a strong season, but stands out ahead of the pack this year.


  • Finally get a catharsis scene between Daryl and Maggie. Scene itself is a bit of a letdown (Cohen was flat) but Reedus brought it again. This incarnation of Daryl, while depressing, is a lot more interesting than the bland man-around-town he turned into during the Alexandria arc. When the writers give Reedus something interesting to do with Daryl, he generally does a strong job.
  • Sasha and Rosita had a decent scene together. It wasn't brilliantly acted by either but it wasn't hard to watch, either. Was nice for them to finally take the edge off Rosita, she was becoming unnecessarily grating. 
  • Sasha's self-destructive arc finally appears to have reached some form of apotheosis. Would have been nice for them to get where they were going with this character a lot sooner. Ends up feeling like they strung her along for seasons to finally plug in as a plot element, but...well...she got there, at least. 
  • I think that's clearly Dwight at the end there, which means Dwight might FINALLY be getting on with this relentlessly foreshadowed turncoat act. We'll see though.
  • No manipulative tinkling music, no junkyard people, no boat people, Negan's henchmen were (relatively) restrained, no horrendous CGI. 


  • Gregory continues to be a cartoon of a character, although he was more dialed back here than he has been in prior episodes, so that's something. While the actor is portraying "unctuous weasel" well enough, it remains inexplicable that anyone would have accepted him being in charge this long.
  • Katelyn Nacon is not a strong actress. She's no Chandler Riggs, but this show really hasn't done a good job casting its younger roles.
  • Still not a fan of the whole "Eugene is a coward...again!" storyline. I love the portrayal of Eugene on the show and enjoy his screen time, but he's now one of several characters caught in this "waffling" state where their characterization bounces around. It's not very clean storytelling. Yes, in real life people regress, but it can make for some pretty pointless storytelling. I do hope they're going somewhere with it.
  • The plan to "go in" if they missed ONE sniping opportunity suggests a terrible dearth of planning and creativity. Even for clearly suicidal characters who are being reckless it's a bit mind boggling.

S'okay episode. Let's see if they can build some momentum off it. 

Edited by BloatedGuppy
  • Love 8
1 minute ago, ShadowSixx said:

That Maggie/Daryl scene was shit. I hated it. Of course writers can't make any character mad at Daryl for too long. We didn't even see him cry because of that greasy rat's nest he calls hair. Maggie couldn't even be a little bit angry??

I thought it may have looked as though Daryl kinda sorta washed his hair? It seemed a little fluffy. I am so sick of seeing people cuddling Daryl as though he's a frightened puppy. I don't really blame him for Glenn, because then no one knew that Negan always retaliates by killing someone else, which, BTW, is a really smart way to control people, except idiots with really short memories, like Daryl. Maggie having to stop him from killing someone tonight made me want to beat him senseless. Now he's just being a selfish "I want" asshole.

Has the budget for this show dropped to levels where they can't afford real jars of pickles? I was looking at the one Eugene had in the recaps, and it's just cucumbers in water it seems.

  • Love 7

I think Daryl just didn't want any time alone with Maggie for fear she was angry and it's understandable. No plan will be foolproof because they lack the means of communication to pull off anything without a glitch. No one plans ahead or thinks of consequences. You don't have years or resources. I appreciate they are all doing what they can and what they think might work. It's better than sitting around or hiding behind a trench coat with a bunny in your pocket but to each their own. 

  • Love 4

So much of this seemed like filler, as usual.  I'm glad that Rosita finally broke down and confided in Sasha.  That was a good scene between the two of them and it's a relief that Rosita decided to drop the attitude and become a person again.  Grief does terrible things to people, but it was good that she realized that Sasha WASN'T her enemy.  Although it was VERY brief, what Sasha and Abraham had was real and Sasha didn't 'steal' Abraham.  I'm upset that Michonne and Sasha didn't get a chance to talk before Sasha ran off to her doom.  But Michonne doesn't exist outside of Rick anymore so she'd probably say 'Sasha who?'

As is often the case, I have no idea what purpose at least half of the show served.  There are only 2 episodes left in the season, so I can't help wondering what the fuck was the point of any scene with Jesus or Enid.  At least Gregory is entertaining filler.  I'm beginning to think that Lauren Cohan must have done something to piss Gimple off because I can't understand why such a major character like Maggie is being made so inconsequential.

I don't think Eugene is working a long-con.  I think he just likes being Negan's fair-haired boy.  Since I've never been a big fan of the character, I don't care if Eugene never makes it back to CDB.  What I would like is that he does something to help Sasha out.  He might not be able to save her life, but if he could see to it that she didn't suffer too much, that would be a good thing.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, Scribbles said:

I am still open to the idea Eugene is far less the coward than he once was and he didn't want to leave because he has plans in motion leaving would derail.

Even if he did get away, they would come for him, and more people would die.  He's not exactly good at ambulating quickly, so he probably weighed escaping with being caught, and caught won.  Plus, he gets to be the poor mans Vlad Dracula,  sort of.  That's always a plus. 

  • Love 8

My concept of time is so off, with these episodes.  How pregnant is Maggie supposed to be?  Seems like forever since they found out.  Or was all this supposed to have happened in a month or two?    I just feel like, when I see Maggie, she ought to be looking pregnant by now.  But I have no idea how much time has gone by in their world.  This season has seemed exceedingly long in mine.  lol   I'm very glad to see some action though! 

  • Love 7

I was looking at the one Eugene had in the recaps, and it's just cucumbers in water it seems.

Not even CGI pickles. This show disappoints on so many levels sometimes.

This show should be called "The Talking Dead." So much dialogue and so much of it is bad dialogue that doesn't reveal anything about the characters or move the plot forward.

Now Gregory's trying to develop a taste for tequila so he and Chicklet Teeth can so some shots together. By the time the Saviors return, Simon will be on another kick. "No, I can't really do tequila anymore, Gregory. Makes me too mean. Lately I've discovered a lovely little thing called Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill. You got any of that. Gregory?"

  • Love 5

I found myself getting a wee bit irritated at the whole "Rosita was with a lot of guys so she could stay safe and learn stuff" and then I had to check myself, hard. She's not the first woman in the history of the world who has used her attractiveness to stay ahead, and she won't be the last. And being totally honest with myself, I would do the same thing. I DID like that the writers let her own in on her own terms, too, by saying she slept with the guys for her own wants.

Also, am I the only who snickered when Gregory was threatening Jesus and thinking "Dude, you do NOT want to threaten someone named Jesus."

  • Love 19
1 minute ago, mishap said:

My concept of time is so off, with these episodes.  How pregnant is Maggie supposed to be?  Seems like forever since they found out.  Or was all this supposed to have happened in a month or two?    I just feel like, when I see Maggie, she ought to be looking pregnant by now.  But I have no idea how much time has gone by in their world.  This season has seemed exceedingly long in mine.  lol   I'm very glad to see some action though! 

I brought this up in the live chat.  She doesn't even look big enough around the middle to hide the evidence of eating a huge meal, let alone being pregnant.

  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

so I can't help wondering what the fuck was the point of any scene with Jesus or Enid. 

I thought maybe the scene with Enid and the "veggies" was going to have a reason or a point. I just never learn.

When Sasha and Rosita set the fire to distract the walkers, why did they climb the fence, when they had boltcutters?

As for Eugene, I don't think he has any great plans to overthrow the Negan and his band of miscreants. I think he's enjoying the hell out of his new role as Big Man on Campus. Back at Alexandria he was either ignored by everyone or abused by Rosita. I think it would take dynamite to get him out of the Sanctuary.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:


I don't think Eugene is working a long-con.  I think he just likes being Negan's fair-haired boy.  Since I've never been a big fan of the character, I don't care if Eugene never makes it back to CDB.  What I would like is that he does something to help Sasha out.  He might not be able to save her life, but if he could see to it that she didn't suffer too much, that would be a good thing.

I've been thinking that Eugene's poison pill would end up being used before the end of the season. I'd say Sasha is probably going to be the recipient, and Eugene will use it as an act of mercy.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, mmecorday said:

Not even CGI pickles. This show disappoints on so many levels sometimes.

This show should be called "The Talking Dead." So much dialogue and so much of it is bad dialogue that doesn't reveal anything about the characters or move the plot forward.

Now Gregory's trying to develop a taste for tequila so he and Chicklet Teeth can so some shots together. By the time the Saviors return, Simon will be on another kick. "No, I can't really do tequila anymore, Gregory. Makes me too mean. Lately I've discovered a lovely little thing called Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill. You got any of that. Gregory?"

And it would serve the little fucker right. On so many levels.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, lmsweb said:

And that ultrasound did not look like a first trimester fetus. Just saying.

Almost makes me wonder if that ultrasound machine isn't bogus, and for some reason, they are stringing her along. 

She's way too fit and skinny to be pregnant, even if not real far along.  And if she isn't eating enough (which should be adding weight on its own), that baby isn't - and won't be - healthy.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

"No, I can't really do tequila anymore, Gregory. Makes me too mean. Lately I've discovered a lovely little thing called Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill. You got any of that. Gregory?"

If anyone deserves that vile muck, he does. Just before someone kills him. Slowly. Oh, I know - put Eugene's poison pill in Simon's Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill! Guaranteed he'll never notice it in that stuff


6 minutes ago, lmsweb said:

She's not the first woman in the history of the world who has used her attractiveness to stay ahead, and she won't be the last. And being totally honest with myself, I would do the same thing. I DID like that the writers let her own in on her own terms, too, by saying she slept with the guys for her own wants.

Agree, although I was a little shocked at THIS show allowing someone to say they had sex for reasons other than true and undying love or because they're kinky like Negan and his harem. I liked it, and yeah - I admit I'd do the same thing. That's why she hooked up with Ol' Dolphin Smooth, the soldier. If you're going to hook up with someone in an apocalypse where the pickings are slim, may as well be someone who knows how protect and fight.

  • Love 7

Not nearly as strong as last week's, which might be my favorite of the season, but I liked what we saw of Gregory and Jesus. NotNegan is indeed the best Negan. I fear that circumstances beyond the powers-that-be's  control made too much of the crazy scheme necessary, so it's really difficult to fault them for making the best they could of the situation. Still, perhaps standing up to the Saviors when they came collecting, protecting End or Daryl or whomever, might have made for a cooler end for Sasha's character. Then, again, as with Heath, no body thus far means that if things don't work out they can return. (There WAS a prominent dumpster nearby!)

   I did like that we got a bit of who Rosita was, even if it was a boring info dump that made one wonder which of them really was destined to perish. I guess it could still be both. 

  • Love 3

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