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S01.E09: The Mistress of All Agonies

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Poor Kyle, all he wanted was some vanilla ice cream. It really took them a long time for them to figure out that Colleen got hit with a poisoned sword like those other two guys. 

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Oh, Kyle...

So Harold's back! I was expecting that, but his new personality was a surprise.  Poor Joy, she has no idea her father's an awful human being. 

Those new guys look interesting, I wonder what's going on and why they took Danny away. Also, I guess the guy who was playing with ninja stars was Davos, Danny's friend. Another mistery. 

And Danny's got healing powers too! That was cool.

Edited by Helena Dax
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42 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I'm enjoying IF the more it goes on, and yet I still don't know that it's a good show. I'm confuzzled. 

I feel the same way, I'm enjoying this show and am interested in what's going to happen next but it's not a good show. Or it's just not as good as the other Marvel Netflix shows. 

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Harold!  I started clapping alone in my living room when he climbed out of that retention pond.  I was hoping he wasn't really dead.  He might be the only character on this show (save Claire and Gao) who I care if they live or die.  So far, his third life hasn't disappointed.  I loved Ward getting committed to the same facility Danny was in.

Madame Gao may be evil (and awesome!) but she gives good life advice that everyone else on this show would do well to heed.  She was totally right on when she called out Danny for focusing on stuff that happened 15 years ago when he has more pressing problems, and she was right when she told Claire that following Danny in an effort to find herself is a dumb strategy.  I expect she's right about Bakuto too.  If Gao says it's a trap, it's a trap!

I was also amused that Danny, Claire and Colleen thought that they could torture Gao (Gao isn't intimidated of your fake punches Danny!) or that they could get her to reveal anything she doesn't want to reveal with truth serum.  They clearly didn't understand who they're dealing with.  Idiots.    

3 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

I'm enjoying IF the more it goes on, and yet I still don't know that it's a good show. I'm confuzzled. 

Same.  The back half of IF is definitely better than the first half (which makes it unique among Marvel's other shows that almost always flag towards the end), but I'm not yet to the point to where I'd call it good.  

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Danny's glowy healing powers reminds me of Tangled. I was totally singing that song to my TV the whole time he was healing Colleen.

That resurrection thing the Hand does makes people more crazy and evil when they come back? I can't wait to see what it does to Elektra. She was already pretty crazy to begin with. That and it makes you want to hurt the people closest to you? So the first person she's going to want to kill is Matt. Oh shiiiit.

I'm loving these revelations we're getting about the world of these shows. It's all coming together! That's the part I'm enjoying the most. I'm just not that invested in any of the characters that were first introduced on this show.

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On ‎3‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 6:56 PM, Sakura12 said:

I feel the same way, I'm enjoying this show and am interested in what's going to happen next but it's not a good show. Or it's just not as good as the other Marvel Netflix shows. 

Slightly disagree. With IF I am always looking forward to the next episode. I was able to finish this in a weekend, whereas Luke Cage took me well over a week to finish because I didn't find it as engaging. My order of Netflix Marvel shows would be DD, JJ, DD2, IF, LC. But that's just me.

I love double zombie Harold. That scene with Kyle was so well acted. Without saying anything you could see Harold thinking, as he panned his eyes across the table, "I don't have any fucking vanilla..." The quick switches between quiet sincerity and insane are great.

Edited by Spaceman Spiff
Corrected typos
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That was a good episode. It's nice to see that Danny can do more than just punching things. I guess healing isn't something he learned about while training. My guess is there is a lot that he doesn't know.

Zombie Harold was great. I'm aslo interested to see what this does to Electra. Poor Matt :(.


I loved Ward getting committed to the same facility Danny was in.

I enjoyed this too. It seemed right.

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19 hours ago, Bec said:

That and it makes you want to hurt the people closest to you?

I didn't take that bit literally, but moreso as meaning...effectively that's what happens. Something like...it makes you more impatient and impulsive and reckless and that the natural result of that would be hurting those closest to you more than others. Not necessarily that is creates some explicit bias toward those closest to you, but that its symptoms all but guarantee those will end up hurt the most.

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22 minutes ago, theatremouse said:

I didn't take that bit literally, but moreso as meaning...effectively that's what happens. Something like...it makes you more impatient and impulsive and reckless and that the natural result of that would be hurting those closest to you more than others. Not necessarily that is creates some explicit bias toward those closest to you, but that its symptoms all but guarantee those will end up hurt the most.

I think it might be a little of both.  While I agree that being a HandZombie doesn't mean that you wake up with a drive to start killing the people you love immediately, I expect there's more to it than that increased impatience, impulsiveness and recklessness can cause someone to lash out at the people they spend the most time with/care about the most.  The HandZombie from the Chinese mobster's story killed,.cooked and ate his children.  Unless the untold part of that story was that there was a famine or other food scarcity situation going on at the time, recklessness and impatience don't seem likely to inspire the cannibalism of your own offspring.

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Possibly. I took it more as it basically drove him insane and to cannibalism (or to just any of the most vicious things his brain could come up with), and if his children hadn't been there he would've probably killed and eaten someone else. But it's true we don't really know for sure yet.

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Harold!  I figured he wasn't going to be truly dead, but I'm glad he's back in the game, and crazier then ever!  Poor Kyle picked the wrong evening to ask for vanilla!  And now Joy knows the truth, I can only imagine where this is going to lead to.  Meanwhile, Ward tries to find some way to stop him, only for Harold to apparently plant drugs in his car, and he's on his way to likely get himself committed to the same psych ward he and Joy sent Danny too.  I believe that is what we would call irony!

I had wonder if that slash Colleen got last episode was going to end up being laced with poison too, so I wasn't surprised when she collapsed.  Impressive that she was still able to fight off some goons, even when she was less then 100%.  But Danny has healed her now, only for him to collapse and be taken away by whatever this organization Colleen is working for.  This Bakuto guy has gotten way more interesting simply because even Madame Gao seems freaked out by him.  That takes quite a lot to accomplish.  I still think she'll come out ahead, but it was kind of refreshing seeing her caught off guard for once.

Claire is getting left back this time!  Oh, Claire.  Your relationships with these hero types tend to have an expiration date each season!

Who is this guy that seems to be hunting down, Danny?  He did beat up that poor food truck guy, but didn't kill him, so he isn't flat-out evil, I don't think.  Is he the much talked about Davos?

Despite its imperfections, I'm actually slowly getting into this more, and is is the rare Marvel Netflix show that actually improves, instead of starting off strong and faltering (especially season 2 of Daredevil and Luke Cage.)  I doubt it will be enough to top the best of them, but it isn't dull anymore, which is good enough for me.

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I enjoyed this episode and would consider it to be the best of the series so far. 


- Harold's return and the reveal that the hands method of resurrection strips away the persons humanity. Like another user mentioned above, I'm also curious to see the impact this has on Elektra 

- Madame Gao's Manipulation: What made it so interesting was the fact there were definite truths within the taunts she gave. 

- Joy knows the truth. 


- I wasn't super keen on the sudden inclusion of healing powers although the effect reminded me of charmed, which had a nostalgic value. I'm not a comic reader but I assume he had healing abilities in the comics? 

Also in regard to the Netflix show ordering my order would be

Jessica Jones (an amazing character piece with engaging studies of PTSD and mind control), DareDevil Season 1, DareDevil Season 2, Iron Fist (at least so far) and Luke Cage 

Edited by Wayward Son
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Why do the 'heroes' always let the bad guys chatter away while trying to decide what to do? It's so annoying -- to me.  How about a shock collar? 

To what team did the paramilitary team belong to that broke into Colleen's dojo? Gao's? (She acted as if her people were coming, but her thugs never looked like a SWAT team.) Buttakudo's? (They did look like some of his guards.) There seem to be way too many versions of The Hand minions in this show. And none of them seem as ninja-like as the ones from DareDevil. 

So Harold's back from the dead. It seemed odd that no one, not even Harold, seemed to notice that his finger had grown back. 

It's hard to root for Danny.  He's so naive that he appears to be dim-witted. 

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13 hours ago, shrewd.buddha said:

Why do the 'heroes' always let the bad guys chatter away while trying to decide what to do? It's so annoying -- to me.  How about a shock collar? 

As if a shock collar would stop Gao.  I'm fairly convinced that they only reason they were able to capture her and keep her prisoner is because she wanted to be there.  

Edited by xqueenfrostine
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As if torture and intimidation would work on Madam Gao! She would eat these guys for breakfast. I'm still pretty sure she could have escaped any time she wanted, and she was just sticking around to screw with Danny and company, or its all a part of a greater plan. And, honestly, she made a lot of good points. She might be evil, but she knows what's up.

I'm interesting in seeing who this new guy is and his people are. They seem to have some connection to the Iron Fist, as that guy seemed to know Danny's powers better then he did, and Madam Gao seemed to actually get nervous seeing him. Who are they and why did Danny pass out? Did he take out the poison killing Collen and get it himself? I have to say, I do really like the world building and all the mystical stuff going on. It sets this show apart from the other Netflix shows.

Zombie Harold is pretty awesome. Poor Kyle. He should have just gone with the gourmet Butterscotch.

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In retrospect it's making Matt seem that much smarter that he managed to get exactly the information he wanted out of Madame Gao by convincing her that their interests were momentarily aligned. We know he's not above intimidation and torture, but he didn't even try to go that route with Madame Gao. He only had to get thrown across a room once to learn that lesson. Heh.

Danny, on the other hand... needs to be thrown across a room at least a few more times.

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That was a very boring episode. At this point, every character on this show is more interesting than Danny. The funny thing was, a few times in earlier eps I thought Danny was going to heal someone based on the way his glowing fist was shot, and he didn't. I didn't even know Iron Fist had that power. 

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On 3/28/2017 at 8:01 PM, Ottis said:

That was a very boring episode. At this point, every character on this show is more interesting than Danny. The funny thing was, a few times in earlier eps I thought Danny was going to heal someone based on the way his glowing fist was shot, and he didn't. I didn't even know Iron Fist had that power. 

I found the Meechum storyline much more boring than the Danny/Madam Gao storyline. The show needs to be better at switching back and forth because after the commandos came in there was about 15 minutes straight all dealing with Harold and Ward. It was ok stuff but at that point I was much more interested with what was going on at the dojo.

For awhile too I thought the only cure for Colleen was to chop her arm off. I mean it is an MCU tradition.

On 3/25/2017 at 2:46 PM, tennisgurl said:

Who are they and why did Danny pass out? Did he take out the poison killing Collen and get it himself?

He said in an earlier episode that focusing his chi into the iron fist takes a lot out of him.

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Ward, this series really loves screwing with him. I like the reversal of roles between Danny and Ward, but also as Danny defines himself, whether as Danny, businessman (failed businessman), or Iron Fist... Ward, this guy of many masks, a different one to almost everyone, loses all of his...

So, I take Harold's either going to turn Joy against Danny, or like Yang's fable, he'll harm her.

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On 3/19/2017 at 11:47 PM, Bec said:


That resurrection thing the Hand does makes people more crazy and evil when they come back? 

See "Pet Sematary."  Or maybe the Lazarus Pit.  

Edited by millennium
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Poor, poor Ward.  I really want this actor to be on another show.  He is great.  He would have made a good Lex Luthor. And last week revealed some nice arms.

So poisoned Colleen can still fight as well as the Iron Fist.  

I like the actress playing Gao but I am tired of everyone but King Pin underestimating her. And if she said she was around in the 17th century,  believe her you fools.  

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On 23/03/2017 at 6:07 PM, shrewd.buddha said:

Why do the 'heroes' always let the bad guys chatter away while trying to decide what to do? It's so annoying -- to me. 

"We can't kill Gao because killing people is bad".

*kills everybody to get to Gao*

"OMG, what do we do with Gao?"

"Anything but killing her."

ME: Give me a break

Writers: No break for you. You have to endure this for an entire episode

ME: Lucky I have tequila

Meanwhile, David Wenham and Tom Pelphrey are in a much better psychological thriller than the juvenile plotline the others are in.

Also, is it just me or is the basic plot outline a total retread of Luke Cage?

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On 4/11/2017 at 7:24 AM, AudienceofOne said:

Also, is it just me or is the basic plot outline a total retread of Luke Cage?

Other than the family aspect of the antagonists, I'm not seeing a lot of similarities in their plots.

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