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S11.E09: Frightening Families

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The competition is turned on its head as the eight remaining all-stars are combined into a pair of super teams that must each create a frightening family of three mutated characters.

Sneak peek:

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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On 3/15/2017 at 4:37 PM, SnarkyTart said:

Lordy!  I would pay good money to see Cig & George and Tyler & Emily as one team.  But that can't happen because it would be such a blowout.

It might!  If they just choose randomly there's a 1 in 3 chance that those two teams end up together.  I imagine they'll pre-select the pairings, say Cig & George with Ben & Evan, just so the latter learn the magical power of smiling.

Also, they've never had just two teams compete, right?  Since it's a non-elimination episode, I'm betting immunity isn't on the line, but rather some cool prize (such as the winning designs are used in some SyFy movie).

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I'm sure I'll have copious notes tomorrow, but right now......SHUT UP ADAM.  God, he's getting the dick edit tonight.  "I don't know how I'll fix it".  Oh?  You are responsible for the whole team, who elsewise agrees?  Unless we have yet another twist, this team is so losing, C/G/E/B is getting along beautifully.  But Adam, man, I just don't know.  It's like a case of the ass with a side dish of sulks.

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Yep, I also was saying "Shut UP Adam! Don't just whine, think up a damn idea on your own!" Then...........he thought up an idea and then I was like *muttering* "Okthatwasaprettydecentidea."



Lordy!  I would pay good money to see Cig & George and Tyler & Emily as one team.  But that can't happen because it would be such a blowout.

The producers passed by such an opportunity by not doing that. Sometimes it IS fun watching a slaughter.  Suspense sushmence.

and talking about


Cig & George and Tyler & Emily

granted they all might be getting the positive edit but I like them all even more after spending more time with them this season,the others have tended to lose their shine a little bit.

Wet blanket part : I know it's a trope but the character using the wheel chair is based on a real condition. It just makes me a bit sad that maybe some parent of a child with the same condition would see someone make a horror character out of them. I mean people with burns are also shown as scary as well but for whatever reason I'm not fond of them doing that particular character. *shrugs*

Edited by Monty9
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You know, if anybody other than Adam had gone home, I may have ragequit the show.

I know he could probably blame editing, but as Heather B said on the Real World many, many years ago, the editors only work with what you gave them.  If you looked like an asshole, it's because you acted like one.

Good riddance.

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4 minutes ago, starri said:

You know, if anybody other than Adam had gone home, I may have ragequit the show.

For a minute I thought his bs would fly, but I knew it would come down to him and Logan, and I'm glad it was him.  Adam's been slipping and frankly, his attitude this week was beyond.  I actually wrote "THANK GOD" next to my elimination notes!


10 minutes ago, Monty9 said:

Wet blanket part : I know it's a trope but the character using the wheel chair is based on a real condition. It just makes me a bit sad that maybe some parent of a child with the same condition would see someone make a horror character out of them. I mean people with burns are also shown as scary as well but for whatever reason I'm not fond of them doing that particular character. *shrugs*

I thought that too, but remember how the circus was back in the day and all.  Freaks and all that.  Uncomfortable and exploitative, yes, but at least this was a mutated makeup gig. 

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I was wondering if the show was going to start eliminating individuals. I expect that someone else will depart next week, to even out the teams. Adam deserved to go - his attitude was less than stellar.

The winners did deserve their win. Excellent work.  And especially when it is getting close to the finals.  I wonder if it'll be a final four. I think Emily is the only female contestant left.

Back then, the circus or sideshow was full of what would simply not pass today. The mutated part is what set the tone of it not being some sort of sideshow.

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I guess at least one presented scenario is coming true, though I'm pissed there was no preview for next week.  Only seven now, so teams are out?  Nice how they eliminated one person but no one got a win, immunity or not.  Evan/Ben seem to be making a comeback.  I did love all the teams matching dress this week.

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24 minutes ago, sourpickles said:

but no one got a win

Ben/Evan/Cig/George did win.

Circus freaks vs. nuclear holocaust doesn't seem quite equal to me.  I wish they both had the circus.  I also wish Tyler/Emily/Adam/Logan had gone with something other than burns, it's such a boring obvious choice. I think they might have had more creative freedom if they went with a family that had been living for generations with radiation causing bizarre mutations.

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Until I saw the close ups on the summary full article, I was clueless how they got four individual tshirts overnight.

I had forgotten that Ben and Evan had been wearing them already....talk about my focusing on the characters created and overlooking the characters that made them.

I do love the way they altered two t shirts for Cig and George.  (Was that why they didn't go for Emily and Tyler?)

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I meant an individual win.....if they were going to kick one contestant off, I just found it odd (I know immunity wasn't on the table) that no one was really singled out on the winning team.  I actually wasn't a huge fan of either of the group looks, for some reason I felt they were, I don't know, not enough?  At least at first, then (as always) I got what the judges were saying.  I was hyper focused on Adam, loved how he just walked up on stage and started blathering away, like it was all him, till finally someone stepped in.  He was so overpowering. 

1 minute ago, enoughcats said:

I do love the way they altered two t shirts for Cig and George.  (Was that why they didn't go for Emily and Tyler?)

I felt, looking at it, that E/T looked over to C/G and E/B got there first.  Like Adam/Logan were the last on the playground.  I didn't like how he was acting towards Emily at all.  But, the E/T/L/A team all had purple on, so they had a low key match going on.........

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42 minutes ago, sourpickles said:

I actually wasn't a huge fan of either of the group looks, for some reason I felt they were, I don't know, not enough? 

Totally agree, and I've felt that way for most of the season.  This is definitely not an All-Star season.

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Adam seemed ready to leave this show weeks ago. It seemed like he wanted to quit multiple times. Logan seemed so much happier this episode getting to work with Emily and Tyler. 

Notice how Adam took complete credit for changing the concept lol That's after he stuck them with the worse site because he just picked the card HE wanted after disregarding the others, especially Emily who said she wanted to go pick.

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^^ My thoughts exactly. Adam didn't come off well in this ep at all. For awhile now I've gotten the feeling that Adam and Logan were not on the same page at all, so it was interesting to see another pair thrown into the mix. It seriously pissed me off the way he steamrolled over Emily at the beginning, and picked the opposite of what the rest of his team wanted to pick seemingly just to be an ass. Glad to see him and his Woody Woodpecker hair gone this week.

I'm not a horror fan at all, so this wasn't my favorite challenge by any means. Especially since I was still eating supper when I started watching it… X-( Hopefully that's our horror quota for the season. Despite that, the Circus team obviously had so much fun working together that I was glad they won, just as a reward for their enthusiasm. Cig and George have both really impressed me this season, despite not standing out all that much in their original seasons, at least for their work. Both seem so dedicated, easy going, and very practically-minded about what needs to be done and how to best accomplish it. Good for them! I really would've loved to see them and Emily & Tyler team up, though.

Enoughcats, I'm glad I'm not he only one who had to study Circus team's tshirts to realize they'd turned a set of Ben and Evan shirts into Cig and George shirts, lol.

I always get a kick out of when Glenn acknowledges how ridiculous his hair is.

So my satellite description for next week says the two teams must each create a coven of witches or warlocks. Ummm….. how are seven people going to make two teams?

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34 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

So my satellite description for next week says the two teams must each create a coven of witches or warlocks. Ummm….. how are seven people going to make two teams?

 The preview showed them still in their teams from this week.  Presumably Emily/Tyler/Logan will have to work one man down.

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5 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

I'm not a horror fan at all, so this wasn't my favorite challenge by any means. Especially since I was still eating supper when I started watching it… X-( Hopefully that's our horror quota for the season. Despite that, the Circus team obviously had so much fun working together that I was glad they won, just as a reward for their enthusiasm. Cig and George have both really impressed me this season, despite not standing out all that much in their original seasons, at least for their work. Both seem so dedicated, easy going, and very practically-minded about what needs to be done and how to best accomplish it. Good for them! I really would've loved to see them and Emily & Tyler team up, though.

I think you've really nailed one of Cig and George's strengths.  They are very practical in what they do.  They rarely make these grandiose plans that can't be executed in the time available.  

Space Channel is rerunning their season.  Very early in the season they were teamed up on a challenge and their result was head and shoulders above everyone else's.  Even then they brought out the best in each other.  They know how to work as a team.  "Yes and..." is an improve concept, but it helps in this kind of teamwork too.  They don't diminish the other person's ideas.  When a decision has to be made (like last week when they did rock-paper-scissors), they do it quickly and there's no whining about it.

And, as pointed out in the recap, Cig (I think it was him) suggested they all review each other's work when it was just about complete.  That keeps things cohesive.  And the expanded teams definitely brought out the best in Ben. He had a kind of confidence that he hasn't had in a long while.  (And I loved how Ben and Evan ran over to Cig and George, probably terrified they'd be stuck with Evan and Logan.)

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Did anyone think Adam and Logan were being a jerkish to Emily?  They seemed to disregard everything she was saying, even though she was often making sense. 

I also did not love (do not remember if it was Cig or George) saying something like, "Finally, after all the pretty make ups, we finally get to do something slimy and gross" (not an exact quote).  Um, you guys turn everything into monsters!  If the challenge was to make pretty  princesses, you guys would make sure she fell in a vat of acid, because that is how much you hate any type of beauty make up.  It's like a lovely face would cause you horror, because it might make you "girly".

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Did people watch Cosplay Melee? I thought it was a lot of fun and Xavier was the clear winner. His costume and make-up were what they call "camera-ready" on Face Off. Also nice to see an African American nerd. There's plenty out there, in my experience, but they tend to be underrepresented in the stereotype.

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2 hours ago, qtpye said:

Did anyone think Adam and Logan were being a jerkish to Emily?  They seemed to disregard everything she was saying, even though she was often making sense. 

Yes.  I even wrote "Adam is being kind of a dick.......so is Logan" at the beginning maps thing.  I noticed Adam seemed to focus on challenging Emily, especially when Tyler wasn't around.  Tyler was very muted this episode as well, hardly saw him.  For a hot minute I thought Adam's changing things up was going to turn out after all but happy day, it did not.  The Gherkin was watching with me and he said "what does that have to do with the military".  If a nine year old can't figure out where you are going, you might be a tad off........especially after Adam was banging on about the makeups being too obvious.  And I sure did notice him leaping up on stage and running his mouth, all those stories, all that credit........talking is what he's done best lately.  And just to clarify, I was a big fan of his.  Maybe he was indeed trying to get kicked off.  The models were really great again, super enthused and into selling those characters.  That gross casserole Logan made up was some weird stuff............

2 hours ago, Kathira said:

Did people watch Cosplay Melee?

Sure did, have to see if there's a forum up for it yet, I quite liked it!

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2 hours ago, qtpye said:

because that is how much you hate any type of beauty make up.

Respectfully, I remember the episode where the guys had a great time trying out beauty makeup on each other. I think that showed a nice openness to the idea. Now granted, I think there ought to be a giant hook that reaches out and removes a contestant for saying "I don't know anything about beauty makeup" on this show, because it is a given that beauty makeup should be part of the skill set necessary to succeed on this show, along with time management and adaptivity. But the guys seemed open to it. 

That said, I have a massive platonic crush on George this season. I desperately want him to be my best friend. He just seems to be enjoying himself so much. Same with Emily. They are an awesome combination of enthusiasm plus down-to-earth practicality that gets things done. 

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2 minutes ago, sourpickles said:

Yes.  I even wrote "Adam is being kind of a dick.......so is Logan" at the beginning maps thing.  I noticed Adam seemed to focus on challenging Emily, especially when Tyler wasn't around.  Tyler was very muted this episode as well, hardly saw him.  For a hot minute I thought Adam's changing things up was going to turn out after all but happy day, it did not.

It was almost as if Adam and Logan are jealous of Emily's youth and success on the show.  It was kind of jarring since this competition is known for it's comradery among contestants.

I also found it strange that they did not seem to have such animosity towards Tyler, who has had the same success.

Everyone is usually so cool on this program that I wonder if we really are not getting a realistic picture of the cut throat world of special effects make up design?

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As edited, Adam appeared to me to be 'that guy' that you pray is on the other working group.   

When he left, with his hirsute toupee, I had a vision of the vibrant hair  of four auffed competitors, walking into the sunset, brighter than the sun and casting long shadows.

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I wonder if cutthroat behavior would survive in this business. It seems as though the big movies and franchises have a designer who oversees the overall look of all of the designs, and then a team to carry out the applications on a daily basis (and who would, I hope, also have some input to offer on individual designs). We've seen the people Ve has brought on her teams after competition, and it has been the grounded people like Laura, who get the job done and don't appear to make waves. If you work for an effect company like Optic Nerve, where the team (I assume) is pretty constant, then I would think the best way to keep the work coming in would be to pitch in and make the finished product as good as possible. There would still be individual drive to be noticed enough to get to lead projects, but a good manager would let people know their talents are noticed without making it an outright competition.


Edited by Reishe
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We're never going to see, nor be privy to, what goes on behind the scenes.  I get that.  BUT, overall, this does seem to be the most balanced show in terms of friendly competing, along with Forged In Fire, which I can deal with because all the screaming on other shows I watch gets on my nerves (take THAT Ink Master, Top Model, Project Runway, etc.).  Someone mentioned last week (?) that they'd read exit interviews/social media posts/whatnot and there seemed to be a lot going on that we viewers weren't aware of.  So when someone acts out of character from what we've come to see, it is indeed jarring.  Still waters run deep and all that.  Adam came off extremely poorly, and I mean foot stomping toddler tantrum bad, and that's not really a way to go out.  I've been enjoying this season more than the last few, so that was for sure an off note.

Edited by sourpickles
I can't spell
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1 hour ago, Reishe said:

I wonder if cutthroat behavior would survive in this business.

I'm guessing no, since this is not a really individual type business. 99% of the time you're going to be working on a team, with a team, for people, with people. And all of entertainment relies networking. If say, Ve sees that you are not a team player, she's not going to tell her friend who is looking for an effects guy to hire you. It will hurt her reputation too if she recommends an asshole.

I've always wondered why the contestants on these kinds of competitive career type shows, Project Runway, Top Chef, this show, don't look at this more like a networking opportunity. You are meeting some great connections in the industry you want to work in. You have a one in (however many each show starts with) chance of winning, but you have a 100% chance of meeting someone who could potentially hire you or get you other job opportunities.

Look at the folks Ve has hired from the show. I think they are big winners since they got jobs doing what they love with someone who seems beyond awesome. (I love Ve!)

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9 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I'm guessing no, since this is not a really individual type business. 99% of the time you're going to be working on a team, with a team, for people, with people. And all of entertainment relies networking. If say, Ve sees that you are not a team player, she's not going to tell her friend who is looking for an effects guy to hire you. It will hurt her reputation too if she recommends an asshole.

I've always wondered why the contestants on these kinds of competitive career type shows, Project Runway, Top Chef, this show, don't look at this more like a networking opportunity. You are meeting some great connections in the industry you want to work in. You have a one in (however many each show starts with) chance of winning, but you have a 100% chance of meeting someone who could potentially hire you or get you other job opportunities.

Look at the folks Ve has hired from the show. I think they are big winners since they got jobs doing what they love with someone who seems beyond awesome. (I love Ve!)

I'm just going to quote the whole darn thing!  As for team playing, they say that about retail/customer service jobs as well, and I can tell you from personal experience that it is NOT always the case.  Though I'm sure there is an argument to be made for working to pay the bills vs. working at something you love.

I can't remember if it was here or on the Top Chef forum but someone did mention that the contestants SHOULD (and, in some cases, do) look at their stint on the show as one prolonged job interview.

Ve is awesome.  Loved her hair again last night........why is it always hair with her and Glenn?  I forgot to do my weekly "McKenzie looked awesome".  So, McKenzie looked awesome.  Love her, too.

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It was pretty interesting watching the interactions within the two teams this week.  C/G/E/B seemed to all work together really well and were a cohesive group.  Not surprised that they won.  E/T/L/A were totally not gelling with each other.  Emily and Tyler still worked together, like they have done all season.  Then Logan and Adam were off doing things on their own.  Adam really ended up being a complete dick.  I'm guessing that Logan and Adam recognise that Emily is just better than them and just don't have the maturity to handle that. 

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With the importance of teamwork and the fact that this is, as stated, something of a long drawn-out interview process, George and Cig proved that not only did they work well together, but they seamlessly incorporated Ben and Evan into the group AND brought out the best in them.  I don't know what their job situation is now, but someone should be scooping them up as a team.

And I'm not trying to minimize Emily and Tyler.  They are fantastic in their own right.  Maybe no one could have handled Adam and Logan...  hopefully with Adam gone, Logan improves.

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12 hours ago, niklj said:

Notice how Adam took complete credit for changing the concept lol That's after he stuck them with the worse site because he just picked the card HE wanted after disregarding the others, especially Emily who said she wanted to go pick.

Adam pretty much set himself up right at the beginning to go home, didn't he?

13 hours ago, sourpickles said:

I meant an individual win.....if they were going to kick one contestant off, I just found it odd (I know immunity wasn't on the table) that no one was really singled out on the winning team.

The winning team was just a formality; they picked who they wanted to boot, and the "win" went to the other group. They might have singled out a winner if he did something extraordinary, like when Emily invented a way to "flock" her model's face, but the judges saw no reason to hash out a tough choice.

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That whole group deserved the win.  They all worked well together and produced good results.  It would have been a tough choice to pick out one winner from the group.  They all did a great job.  And they had fun doing it!  :)

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3 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I'm guessing no, since this is not a really individual type business. 99% of the time you're going to be working on a team, with a team, for people, with people. And all of entertainment relies networking. If say, Ve sees that you are not a team player, she's not going to tell her friend who is looking for an effects guy to hire you. It will hurt her reputation too if she recommends an asshole.

I would agree, and also add the special effects make-up community in Hollywood is probably pretty small anyway, so if contestants on the show are living in LA and working, they will see each other again.

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18 hours ago, Monty9 said:

Wet blanket part : I know it's a trope but the character using the wheel chair is based on a real condition. It just makes me a bit sad that maybe some parent of a child with the same condition would see someone make a horror character out

Thank you. My son had severe CP and there were times his drooled a lot. Especially after a seizure. When they first showed the character I changed the channel. I don't know how the episode ended. I don't blame the show. I'm freak out cause I miss him so much. 

Sorry to go off topic. 

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Adam came off so poorly this episode that I breathed a sigh of relief when he was booted and in all the seasons I've watched I've never done that. Who knows, there is a chance he'd still be around if he wasn't a complete jerk and disregarded Emily's request for the circus map. There is just so much more room to play with a challenge like that. And the lack of cohesion that was an issue on their nuclear disaster makeup wouldn't have been an issue because circus people suffer from all sorts of deformities.

And I thought it was extremely tacky of him to try to take complete credit for the dad makeup. And then he made sure the judges knew that the daughter/daddy switch was his idea as if that would save him. I call 'em like I see 'em, Adam strikes me as a hater. Emily is much younger and more talented than he could ever hope to be and a part of that bothers him. Surprise surprise, the only makeup on that team that received no critiques and the judges like the best was the one Emily and Tyler worked on. Adam and Logan were dead weight.

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19 hours ago, Monty9 said:

Wet blanket part : I know it's a trope but the character using the wheel chair is based on a real condition. It just makes me a bit sad that maybe some parent of a child with the same condition would see someone make a horror character out of them. I mean people with burns are also shown as scary as well but for whatever reason I'm not fond of them doing that particular character. *shrugs*

Yeah, I'm not a fan of horror to begin with, but I noticed the horror challenges can veer off into bad taste very easily.  Wasn't there some kind of challenge a few years ago where one contestant had a pregnant woman holding a dead baby?  I seem to recall Ve called them out on it.

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55 minutes ago, Lovely said:

Adam came off so poorly this episode that I breathed a sigh of relief when he was booted and in all the seasons I've watched I've never done that

Pretty sure he acted like that on his previous season.  If he didn't want to do something, he didn't do it, and then got all sullen when the judges criticized him. 

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On reddit both Melissa and Cig said Adam and Emily have a playful, sibling rivalry relationship, so at least some of the Adam douchiness is editing. 


Also, the contestants can't have art supplies outside of the lab, so George and Cig needed to get special permsission and supervision to alter the t shirts.

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I think the editing for the episode started when Evan and Ben practically tackled hug a pleasantly surprised George and Cig and almost jumped into their arms.  In contrast, you had a disappointed looking Adam and Logan gingerly inching up to Emily and Tyler.  

I do not think there is any real animosity between Adam/Logan and Emily/Tyler, but I do think they were disappointed in that moment and not hiding it very well.  It is ironic considering Emily/Tyler are much more talented then Adam/Logan

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11 hours ago, Kathira said:

Did people watch Cosplay Melee? I thought it was a lot of fun and Xavier was the clear winner. His costume and make-up were what they call "camera-ready" on Face Off. Also nice to see an African American nerd. There's plenty out there, in my experience, but they tend to be underrepresented in the stereotype.

I did, and just submitted a new forum request.  I liked it a lot (and I am not at all a cosplayer), but I think a lot of my enjoyment was due to my watching (and learning from) face-Off.  I love Yvette Nicole Brown - she is stunning, and I really am impressed by her make-up.  I'll have to look and see if there is a you tube video or something about how to do such a flawless beauty make-up, which I'm sure any of the FO contestants could do in their sleep.

Didn't mean to get off-topic, so getting back to this FO episode - I wasn't really impressed by any of the results in FO.  I won't repeat what others have said, but I thought the nuclear family (and they really could have something with that) was really lacking in imagination.  The circus family was better, because I think more constructive (ha ha) effort went into it, you could see it was the result of a group effort, not just components produced by one person.  I think it's interesting when the teams are composed of unevenly talented members.  Logan is better off without Adam, I'm so glad he (and that woodpecker head) was sent home. 

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38 minutes ago, mjc570 said:

I did, and just submitted a new forum request.

I was going to tomorrow if it didn't pop up! YNB is awesome, loved her in Victorious (Drake & Josh) and Young and Restless.  So thanks for that.

If I go back on topic............I agree with the watching and learning perspective of this show.  I owe Face Off a HUGE debt, so I'll do my best to deal with the flaws.  I just feel like this epi was so Adam centric...or felt that way.....that the makeup was second stage. 

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5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I was really disappointed in the circus characters. There was so much potential to do cool characters and I felt like they weren't nearly as creative or interesting as they could have been.

I said above before, I just wasn't overly blown away by either teams looks.  Can't put my finger on it, but I just didn't feel they were all that special.  I mean, good, yes, of course, but............

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