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S05.E11: James K's Story

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

James K. used pidgin English when describing Chinese food.  Such mocking behavior of a presumed accent is racist.  Please do not perpetuate his use of that language. 

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If James truly does regret his behavior on camera (which I doubt, but let's just say he really does for a second), then at least he's not trying to sell everyone on the "TLC just edited things to make me look bad" excuse.

However, I'm with the folks who think this is BS and he's not really trying.

Having said that, no one hopes he proves us all wrong more than I do.

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23 hours ago, vadare said:

Many is the time I have thought about "what would I do if I was the Nurse Ratchet in this situation"?


1.  Ship Leeeeesa off to one of those treatment facilities so she can begin to work on herself and her addiction to being abused, which is what I think might be going on with her.  Of course, this place is going to take her cell phone away (you'll see why in a minute).

2.  Hand Bailey a large stack of cash, a new cell phone, and a new identity and tell her to "run...just run!"

Then it would just be me and Sweat Baby James.

1.  Call every take-out restaurant within a 20-mile radius and tell them if they get a call from this phone number or to deliver to this address, they will not get paid for their services, so just don't come.

2.  Introduce myself to James.  Tell him that I am now in charge and he will be doing what I say.  (This is not to be cruel [not that I really care] but to establish with him that he is no longer in charge.)

3.  Anything he throws at me will be taken away from him.  I would imagine his cell phone and controller for his video games will be the first to go and I'm fine with that.

4.  He will eat what I hand him.  There will be no deviation from what I give him.  He can bitch and moan all he wants; either he eats what I give him or he goes hungry...it's that simple.

5.  He will be visited by therapists, both mental and physical.  He will participate fully and completely or he will suffer the consequences.

6.  Consequences will come in the form of food.  For every time he gets out of line, he will lose food portions.  I might cut up a chicken breast and start removing bites from his plate "this is for whining about xxx" and remove a bite of chicken and throw it away...in front of him.  (I know this seems particularly cruel and might not even be technically legal, but it's my daydream and he ain't the brightest crayon in the box, so he won't know how to deal with the legal part.  I figure if he's used food as a reward to himself all his life, this would make the consequences particularly harsh.)

7.  When he gets really out of line, I'll do something particularly cruel, like eat an entire bowl of pasta in front of him.

Am I missing something?

A livestream so those of us who can't be there can watch and laugh. 

  • Love 4
On 6/14/2017 at 8:40 AM, AZChristian said:

We know they had a food list, and we know that at least Lisa was trying to follow it.  Remember when James wanted Chinese food, and she said, "But it has rice" (inferring he wasn't supposed to eat rice - probably because it's on the "carb' list).

And what was his reaction?  All together now, "But it's F-R-I-I-I-I-E-D" (like that made it okay).

You can't fix stupid.

This is what I was going to say, even without a list of food to avoid anyone with 3 brain cells could deduce that fried rice is worse than regular rice, I never underserstood his logic. It's totally Dr. Now's fault, he probably only listed to avoid "rice" but said nothing about fried rice, you can see where James was misled. 

I call total BS, like I truly hope this story isn't even true, because if this physical therapist even remotely believes any of this stuff then I fear for the others in his care... maybe he lost his phone in one of James' fat rolls during a session, and when James (or Leesa) fished it out they made comments using the PT's emails/accounts. 

A few in the past have claimed they were given little guidance only to be disproven by other patients, I want to say even some not featured on the show, but I don't remember the source for that so I don't want to misrepresent, but regardless it seems they are given lots of education outside of what we actually see on tv.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, leighroda said:

I call total BS, like I truly hope this story isn't even true, because if this physical therapist even remotely believes any of this stuff then I fear for the others in his care... maybe he lost his phone in one of James' fat rolls during a session, and when James (or Leesa) fished it out they made comments using the PT's emails/accounts. 

I took a couple of minutes to Google the physical therapist when he showed up on the episode.  This guy is the founder/president of a chain of PT offices.  What do you think the chances are that he's ever SEEN a patient in a long time . . . except - coincidentally - the guy with the TV cameras.  That whole scene was off.  And ending up with James with a look on his face as though he'd just won an iron-man triathlon because three people pushing, tugging, and bracing him, helped him to "succeed" in sitting up.  Poppycock.

  • Love 10

At this point, if I were Dr. Now, I would make 3 or 4 episodes of My 600-Lb Life required viewing before you even think about entertaining the notion of packing up your stuff and moving to Houston.

  • First, you have to watch the episodes about Christina.  She started out over 700 lbs. but that chick, God bless her, DID THE WORK.  She changed the diet, she started exercising, she went to therapy.  When she realized her husband only stuck around because, as long as she was immobile, he could control things, she divorced him. As a result, three years and several skin removal surgeries later, she looks amazing!  But I cannot stress enough...she did the work!!
  • Then, I'd make them watch either Pauline or Penny.  Yeah, they got the surgery, but if you get the surgery and refuse to do the work and you keep eating what you want and keep whining and making excuses, that's all the results you're going to get.  And part of that work is just the First 2 Steps of any 12-Step Recovery Program...recognizing that you are powerless over your problem and that you must relinquish control.  (Which we pretty much all agree was/is Pauline and Penny's major problem.) 
  • Then, I'd make them watch this episode.  If Dr. Now suspects that you aren't willing to do the simplest things to help yourself, he just won't bother with the surgery.

Then maybe...just maybe...others will see that gastric bypass is just a tool.  This still requires a lot of effort on your part.

But I can't imagine that anyone at this point who is appearing on the show and is going to see Dr. Now hasn't seen at least one episode.  But these are the 3 or 4 they need to see before they even show up for their first appointment.

(Wow!  This means James K. isn't so useless after all.  At least he can serve as a bad example.)

  • Love 13

Watching James again is really an ordeal.  His most uttered word is definitely "oowww" - with and without "mah laygs".   He actually makes the horrible delusional Penny (who I just watched before) look somewhat sane.  I started my viewing with James J who actually did pretty well, all downhill from there!

Lisa actually tells him that rice is on the list of what he can't eat.  "But it's FRAAYHD".  "It's still rice."  He is so nasty to her.

  • Love 1

James is on repeat tonight. I'm ashamed to say I bought this episode and watch it frequently. There's something new every time.  So, a question. Surely James is receiving some kind of disability. If so, couldn't he get a home care aide? Even if the person only came in to give James a bath and check his wounds, isn't there some kind of support for Lisa so Bailey didn't have to leave school?

My stepfather did hospice at home. I know the county offered Meals on Wheels and housekeeping (which would have helped my mother changing sheets in his sickbed, etc., not just run a vacuum). Of course, my mother the martyr did not take advantage of any of this, since it would defeat her purpose of having something to complain about. But I digress... You'd think Lisa would have some kind of help thru the disability services.

Second thing I noticed - Lisa tears up James' biscuits before putting the gravy on them. I will admit to finding biscuits and gravy one of the most unappetizing things I can imagine, so I don't know if that's how they're eaten or what. Or is she tearing it up so the little baby won't have to actually cut up his own food?

  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, aliya said:

James is on repeat tonight. I'm ashamed to say I bought this episode and watch it frequently. There's something new every time.  So, a question. Surely James is receiving some kind of disability. If so, couldn't he get a home care aide? Even if the person only came in to give James a bath and check his wounds, isn't there some kind of support for Lisa so Bailey didn't have to leave school?

Conjecture, but based on observation and a bit of research on Kentucky benefits for "disabled" people:  James is eligible for a certain amount of home health aide care per day.  Lisa is definitely on the payroll; I suspect Bailey is as well.  If Bailey were in school, the state would pay someone else to take shifts at James' house.  James ain't giving up money he can control, so he asked the state to "hire" Bailey as a home health aide as well.  Friiiiiiiiiied rice ain't cheap.

  • Love 4
On 6/12/2017 at 8:31 AM, ThereButFor said:

I too have great sympathy for most of the patients, but Ow Mah Laygs is definitely an exception.  He never really tried at all.  I am sure he "intends" to sit up again someday but "not right now".

Yeah that was too much! Right after he was psyching himself out to push himself and proove the doctor wrong, he said didn't feel like working out. Clsssic!

  • Love 2
On 7/6/2017 at 7:17 PM, aliya said:


Second thing I noticed - Lisa tears up James' biscuits before putting the gravy on them. I will admit to finding biscuits and gravy one of the most unappetizing things I can imagine, so I don't know if that's how they're eaten or what. Or is she tearing it up so the little baby won't have to actually cut up his own food?

I love biscuits and gravy. Serious comfort food. And as far as I know, the biscuits are never torn or cut up before serving. They're cut in half, and covered with gravy in an open faced configuration. She was doing it so the poor baby didn't have to cut them up, I'm sure. 

And he probably doesn't want a home health aid. They probably don't do stuff "right" for him, or he's such an asshole, they can't stand it. 

  • Love 5
On 7/6/2017 at 9:17 PM, aliya said:

James is on repeat tonight. I'm ashamed to say I bought this episode and watch it frequently. There's something new every time.  So, a question. Surely James is receiving some kind of disability. If so, couldn't he get a home care aide? Even if the person only came in to give James a bath and check his wounds, isn't there some kind of support for Lisa so Bailey didn't have to leave school?

My stepfather did hospice at home. I know the county offered Meals on Wheels and housekeeping (which would have helped my mother changing sheets in his sickbed, etc., not just run a vacuum). Of course, my mother the martyr did not take advantage of any of this, since it would defeat her purpose of having something to complain about. But I digress... You'd think Lisa would have some kind of help thru the disability services.

Second thing I noticed - Lisa tears up James' biscuits before putting the gravy on them. I will admit to finding biscuits and gravy one of the most unappetizing things I can imagine, so I don't know if that's how they're eaten or what. Or is she tearing it up so the little baby won't have to actually cut up his own food?

Regarding his ability to get a home health aide, I wonder if an aide can refuse to provide services? If I was an aide and saw "Ow, Mah Laygs" spread eagle in all his glory, I would get outta there so fast that I'd leave skid marks on the carpet! As I recall, back in Kentucky, it took four grown people to roll and bathe James: Lisa, Bayley, one of Lisa's grown sons--not James' son BTW--and one of James' male friends. So just how many home health aides could he ask for?

Also, I have watched his episode several times as well aliya and completely understand the weird fascination James' story has for many of us. In particular, I watched the Supersized pop-up version which is usually full of useless factoids but in his case provided a lot of background info on him and his family. Does anyone recall that scene where Dr. Now was giving Lisa major shade on how she was largely at fault for James' condition because she controls the food? The pop-up said that Bayley was livid that James just lay there and didn't say anything to defend Lisa. Just goes to show that within all bullies beats the heart of a coward.

Finally, that plate of crushed up biscuits and grrrraaaavy was so gross even though I really like biscuits and gravy the regular way. But I think you're right, the bastard was just too lazy to crumble up his own biscuits.

Edited by DC Gal in VA
To correct typo.
  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, vadare said:

Remember that part where I said that, if all else fails, James K. can always serve as a bad example?

Well, I knew it was true, I just didn't know it would hit so close to home.

I am a heavy-set girl.  I'd rather not mention personal numbers, because I'm nowhere near 600 pounds and I'm not disabled, but walking from my car to my desk at work gets me winded.  I stop my car at the end of my driveway to check my mail because I couldn't possibly walk the length of my driveway, much less back, to check it.

And yet, I would make great big bowls of pasta and sit in front of the TV watching this program and thinking to myself, "Huh...I'm glad that's not me." But always, in the back of my head thinking to myself, "Yeah, and if you don't watch yourself, that WILL be you one day."

Fast forward to about 3 months ago. I noticed my legs started to...change.  First, it was just a redness.  Then they started to blister a little bit.  Then they started to seep in the back.  It wasn't sticky and it didn't smell or anything, it was just kinda gross.

And yes...at times it hurt like a bugger.  When I didn't hit it, it stung like a thousand tiny bee stings.  When I did bang the back of my leg on something, I thought I'd hit the ceiling.  But still, I didn't put two and two together.

I knew I wanted to discuss medical options to help lose weight with my doctor, so I made an appointment and figured that, while I was there, I'd ask about my legs as well.  I didn't have to ask him; he told me to show me my legs.  He took one look at them and said, "Yes, you've developed lymphedema."

The words rang like a clarion call in my head.  Oh my God!  Despite the fact that he weighed over 700 pounds, this was the condition that seemed to be causing the notorious James K. the most trouble (and those around him the most misery).

So now, I'm on a prescription appetite suppressant, I'm adjusting my eating habits, and I've just joined a gym where I'm starting slow, but I am starting, because I'll be damned if I torture my family with perpetual plaintive cries of "OWWW, MAAAA LEEEGS!"

So when I said "at least James K. can serve as a bad example", I didn't think it would be to me.

I loved your story but not because this happened to you. How uncomfortable you must have been. But I love the facts that you shared and that you did something about it. It was very enlightening to see that it could happen when the weight is far lesser than what James K weighed. The body is interesting and now we can see that though we can generalize we also have individual reactions from these things. Way to go...

  • Love 8

Thank you Vadare for sharing your story and kudos to you getting started on your weight loss.  I have lost a fair amount of weight (very slowly) over the last couple of years and I can tell you it feels so good to walk and climb stairs without being winded.  I have a saying (I think from weight watchers) on my fridge: "nothing tastes as good as thin feels".  So good luck on your weight loss and keep up the good work!

Edited by abbey
correct saying
  • Love 3
On 7/6/2017 at 8:17 PM, aliya said:


My stepfather did hospice at home. I know the county offered Meals on Wheels and housekeeping (which would have helped my mother changing sheets in his sickbed, etc., not just run a vacuum). Of course, my mother the martyr did not take advantage of any of this, since it would defeat her purpose of having something to complain about. But I digress... You'd think Lisa would have some kind of help thru the disability services.


Lisa is being paid by the state to be caretaker.  That way they both get money so  James can eat high on the hog....   with graaaavey.  And don't forget to throw in cheese cake. 

  • Love 2
On 7/18/2017 at 8:58 AM, ethalfrida said:

Usually, in order to get state paid help you cannot own anything a your assets will be taken over. So a lot of seniors turn down those options. 

I think this was thru the county, one of the richest in the country. I don't recall my mother saying anything about a means test (and she would have), but that these were services offered through hospice, which might be different (since we're talking a limited time for a terminal patient) as opposed to unlimited time for a big baby like James.

On 6/15/2017 at 3:49 PM, leighroda said:

This is what I was going to say, even without a list of food to avoid anyone with 3 brain cells could deduce that fried rice is worse than regular rice, I never underserstood his logic. It's totally Dr. Now's fault, he probably only listed to avoid "rice" but said nothing about fried rice, you can see where James was misled. 

I call total BS, like I truly hope this story isn't even true, because if this physical therapist even remotely believes any of this stuff then I fear for the others in his care... maybe he lost his phone in one of James' fat rolls during a session, and when James (or Leesa) fished it out they made comments using the PT's emails/accounts. 

A few in the past have claimed they were given little guidance only to be disproven by other patients, I want to say even some not featured on the show, but I don't remember the source for that so I don't want to misrepresent, but regardless it seems they are given lots of education outside of what we actually see on tv.

Probably the "don't eat" list said something like, "avoid all "white carbs" -- potatoes, pasta, rice.  (although, come to think of it, I would think even the healthier versions of these foods would be off-limits.  Anyway, I digress.  James must have thought, it's fried rice (and hence, brownish in color), and it was the "white" rice he was supposed to avoid. ~smh~

  • Love 1
On 6/12/2017 at 6:47 PM, leighroda said:

I just saw this episode for the first time yesterday and I just can't... making Lisa sleep on the floor was ridiculous... there being absolutely no remotely healthy delivery options... sure Jan. Even Chinese food had beef/chicken and broccoli... probably not the healthiest option, but better than friiiiied rice and 2 egg rolls.

i live in Houston and apparently they are still here, but no chance I'll run into them seeing as they don't leave the stink apt.

I keep thinking of how these people (in general on the show, not just James & Lisa) eat. Lisa said she had chicken and fish. He wanted Chinese. She could have made a nice chicken stir-fry. I'd even give the big baby a little rice. He'd have to eat it or go hungry. But, I bet she has no idea how to take some frozen Asian veg, rice, & chicken and turn it into a yummy Chinese meal.

  • Love 3
On ‎7‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 5:10 PM, LocalGovt said:

Probably the "don't eat" list said something like, "avoid all "white carbs" -- potatoes, pasta, rice.  (although, come to think of it, I would think even the healthier versions of these foods would be off-limits. 

Then if you turn pasta red, with sauce, it's OK.  They'd love this.


28 minutes ago, aliya said:

She could have made a nice chicken stir-fry. I'd even give the big baby a little rice. He'd have to eat it or go hungry.

I do wonder if she's afraid of him.  Yes, he's bed bound, but she has to get within arm's reach.


They don't want to do that. It appears they Wil choose to Stay ignorant and  spend government money  on food that kills them. They want to practice learned Helplessness . Thier dynamic probably won't change. It's one of the most depressing things I've ever seen, Lisa's life. Same as any addict and their enabler. If she ever escapes, cause that vast are is doomed, she will need years of healing. I can't imagine there is any joy in her life. Stuck in a single wide in Ky With a Gross whining Monstrosity that makes her sleep on the floor for the pleasure of cleaning up his shitty ass. Fuck YOU James. 

Edited by Nancypants
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Nancypants said:

They don't want to do that. It appears they Wil choose to Stay ignorant and  spend government money  on food that kills them. They want to practice learned Helplessness . Thier dynamic probably won't change. It's one of the most depressing things I've ever seen, Lisa's life. Same as any addict and their enabler. If she ever escapes, cause that vast are is doomed, she will need years of healing. I can't imagine there is any joy in her life. Stuck in a single wide in Ky With a Gross whining Monstrosity that makes her sleep on the floor for the pleasure of cleaning up his shitty ass. Fuck YOU James. 

I don't think he makes her sleep on the floor. It may be an option she chose so she could stay nearby. Lisa is not as helpless as she appears but surely lacking in having reasonable aspirations (for want of a better word). She doesn't seem to have had a life prior to him so doesn't appear to know how to get one. I liken her to some in documentaries I've seen. They drink water where dead bodies, roaming animals, defecation and urine all dominate and seriously think they don't have a right to anything better.

1 hour ago, ethalfrida said:

I don't think he makes her sleep on the floor. 

If I remember correctly, he sure did make her sleep on the floor at one point . . . in case he needed something during the night.

Just looked up a definition:  Codependency

"Experts say it's a pattern of behavior in which you find yourself dependent on approval from someone else for your self-worth and identity.  One key sign is when your sense of purpose in life wraps around making extreme sacrifices to satisfy your partner's needs."

I'm surprised there wasn't a picture of Lisa there.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ethalfrida said:

I guess I didn't remember him asking her to do that.

I wouldn't describe it as "asking" her.  She wanted to sleep in the next room and said she would leave the door open in case he called for her.  He wanted her to sleep on the floor next to him.  Some remember it as he wanted her there in case he pooped in his bed; I just remember that he insisted she sleep on the floor and she gave in.

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

James K. used pidgin English when describing Chinese food.  Such mocking behavior of a presumed accent is racist.  Please do not perpetuate his use of that language. 

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