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S04.E08: Big Girl Dance Battle

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I had forgotten about the ski splits somehow. It was suppose to be some serious moment but when she finally face plants in the snow ❄️ I couldn't help but laugh.

what is burned in my brain forever is her and "Lennie" the fake boyfriend in the hot tub. I can't find it on the internet but did that hot tub over flow when she got in or is that my sick imagination? 

But him holding her and her floating and posing in the hot tub made me dislike her even more.

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2 hours ago, AmyB said:

Oh geez twit's head is gonna get even bigger. Apparently one judge "threw" the battle. Sneak peak

Of course.  Because this is Twit's show, she of course "should have" won.  If only everything were fair.  She only loses when mean people are mean and unfair.

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People has a sneak peek too, Whit's doing her dating profile:


Oh honey, no, no, no, no, what are you doing with that profile? And strong independant woman? Let's see, you stalked your ex-boyfriend, she just moved out of your parents house in your 30s, you have two roommates in your 30s, you don't have a job, you can't put on your shoes, you made up a fake relationship with a guy and then cried when he rejected you because you didn't think he could get anyone else...

Screenshot 2017-03-21 at 2.jpg

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40 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

Of course.  Because this is Twit's show, she of course "should have" won.  If only everything were fair.  She only loses when mean people are mean and unfair.

Reminds me of the quote on academic politics being so vicious because "the stakes are so low."

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16 minutes ago, John M said:

People has a sneak peek too, Whit's doing her dating profile:


Oh honey, no, no, no, no, what are you doing with that profile? And strong independant woman? Let's see, you stalked your ex-boyfriend, she just moved out of your parents house in your 30s, you have two roommates in your 30s, you don't have a job, you can't put on your shoes, you made up a fake relationship with a guy and then cried when he rejected you because you didn't think he could get anyone else...

Screenshot 2017-03-21 at 2.jpg

Anyone notice she spells feminist wrong and hadn't corrected it yet in that post lol. 

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Yeah, I noticed the description on the DVR about Whitney "diving back into online dating".

They're rehashing story-lines already.  I guess the next "medical scare" is right around the corner, again.

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3 hours ago, Stephanie1216 said:

I had forgotten about the ski splits somehow. It was suppose to be some serious moment but when she finally face plants in the snow ❄️ I couldn't help but laugh.

what is burned in my brain forever is her and "Lennie" the fake boyfriend in the hot tub. I can't find it on the internet but did that hot tub over flow when she got in or is that my sick imagination? 

But him holding her and her floating and posing in the hot tub made me dislike her even more.

That ski split scene was scary. I was afraid that she was going to tear all of the muscles in her legs. Got my zaftig self back to the gym though!

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Wow, that scene of Whitney and Victoria at the radio station where Victoria just happened to have all the judges' score sheets, and Whitney just happened to find them was so-o-o-o very real and uncontrived! And who would ever have imagined that one judge would hate BGDC so very much that s/he would deliberately undermark them so drastically that even the high scores from the other two judges would not be enough for Whitney to get the win she so richly deserved! (And who would imagine a scoring system where that would even be mathematically possible! How amazing that they somehow developed a scoring system that was so easily manipulated that one out of three judges had the ability to override the decision of the other two! I mean, it's not as if people doing these competitions think at ALL about how to judge them so the teams won't have grounds to whine about unfairness or cheating!) Of course Whitney has to have a re-match! She wuz robbed! She was dissed!  

Oh hell, I broke my sarcastifont.

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She apparently considers herself a feline lover yet her cats are pooing all over the house because she doesn't clean or scoop the litter boxes on a regular basis?  And I don't think she is "an independent woman"  when she is relying on a reality show to make a living and her father had to cosign her mortgage.

Edited by abbey
punctuation is important
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5 minutes ago, abbey said:

She apparently considers herself a feline lover yet her cats are pooing all over the house because she doesn't clean or scoop the litter boxes on a regular basis?  And I don't think she is "an independent woman"  when she is relying on a reality show to make a living and her father had to cosign her mortgage.

This reminds me of two things:

First, I've come to the conclusion, based on what I've found from salaries from comparable-level basic-cable reality show, that Whitney is probably pulling down about $100,000/season, maybe a little more, before taxes.  Now, that's much, much more than she's capable of earning from anything else that's she's even remotely qualified to do.  But not so much more that she couldn't burn through her after-tax income pretty quickly.  Especially if, as I suspect, she came into the show with a mountain of debt accumulated.  I wouldn't be surprised if her Season One salary was gone before Season Two even started filming.  And putting a significant down payment on that house would've probably wiped out most if not all of whatever she had left from Season Two's salary.

Point being, it doesn't surprise me she had to hit up the Daddy Bank for that House.  And I agree with someone who mentioned earlier that the most likely outcome is that Glenn ends up trying to either flip that house or keeping it for rental income.


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And of course she is looking for a man or a woman because we all know what a raging lesbian she has become EXTREMELY RECENTLY. (Sorry, y'all, I just don't appreciate the teenage-style "experimentation" phase she has all of a sudden concocted for a storyline)

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1 minute ago, ClareWalks said:

And of course she is looking for a man or a woman because we all know what a raging lesbian she has become EXTREMELY RECENTLY. (Sorry, y'all, I just don't appreciate the teenage-style "experimentation" phase she has all of a sudden concocted for a storyline)

Well, the poor girl has to widen the pool as much as possible, donchaknow. Because it's so much easier to hook-up when you are a fat, slovenly, bisexual woman with a narcissistic personality, rather than a fat, slovenly, straight woman with a narcissistic personality. It's so much more attractive!

*Shakes the box with the  broken sarcastifont inside.   Work, dammit! Or do I mean "Werk dammit!"*

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And excuse me, but when have we ever seen her "ruminating over life's challenging questions"?  Which questions would those be?  "Should I order pizza or pasta in for dinner"?  "Should I wear my confetti leggings or my neon green leggings today"?  "Should I get whatersherface to rub my boobs, or should I get Boo Bear to do it"?

Yeah.  Having to ask someone else to put your shoes on, or shave your legs, or co-sign on a house does not speak "independent woman" to me.  Those of us who also watch "My 600-lb Life" know where this is going.  Maybe we should introduce Twit to James K, eh?  They'd be a match made in heaven.

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19 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

And excuse me, but when have we ever seen her "ruminating over life's challenging questions"?  Which questions would those be?  "Should I order pizza or pasta in for dinner"? 

"And which pizza app should I use?!?!" LOL

Also she says she wants a man or woman but she also specifies that she wants her partner to have a "luscious beard." Color me confused/grossed out.

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37 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

And of course she is looking for a man or a woman because we all know what a raging lesbian she has become EXTREMELY RECENTLY. (Sorry, y'all, I just don't appreciate the teenage-style "experimentation" phase she has all of a sudden concocted for a storyline)

Well, uh, while she may not have been explicit about gender, I don't know of any cis-gender lesbians with beards. So it seems Twit is once again displaying her basic ignorance when attempting to show how atune she is with diversity in all its aspects.

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5 minutes ago, Dot said:

Well, uh, while she may not have been explicit about gender, I don't know of any cis-gender lesbians with beards. So it seems Twit is once again displaying her basic ignorance when attempting to show how atune she is with diversity in all its aspects.

I mean, lesbians might have "beards," but wouldn't they be men? ;) Seriously, Whitney clearly has no clue what she wants, either with a romantic partner or with regards to losing/keeping her enormous weight.

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11 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Well  some women  can grow  beards, but that is usually  a medical  condition .  I think  the percentage  of women  who can grow a beard and that would  be interested  in her would be very small.

According to Twit, PCOS women have facial hair. Not the same thing as, for example, Lennie Asshat's brush.

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So she wants someone like the bearded woman at the circus, eh?  Might make for one interesting episode, but only one.  Would be nice to see that bearded women are doing these days for work, since sideshows have shut down.

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“I’m just tired of people not knowing what they’re getting, or like accusing me of trying to hide how fat I am,” Thore, 32, explains. “I want them to know, right up front, that this is me, and this is what you’re getting, and if you don’t like it then f— off.”

So sez Miz Twit in talking to Tal about why she wants to  reveal herself in "a bikini." (Looks more like a 2-piece to me.)

Better she would have included a photo of herself sweaty, unwashed for several days, with greasy hair if she wants the guy (or bearded lesbian) to know the real her that they're getting.

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11 minutes ago, Dot said:

“I’m just tired of people not knowing what they’re getting, or like accusing me of trying to hide how fat I am,” Thore, 32, explains. “I want them to know, right up front, that this is me, and this is what you’re getting, and if you don’t like it then f— off.”

It is extremely telling that she thinks everyone who is not attracted to her should "fuck off."

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9 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

It is extremely telling that she thinks everyone who is not attracted to her should "fuck off."

That seems to be her go to phrase to anyone that disagrees with her. 

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37 minutes ago, AmyB said:

That seems to be her go to phrase to anyone that disagrees with her. 

Unless it's the guy at Pride Day who left her l'l heart aching & lips trembling because he didn't swoon over her fabulous pulchritude.

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Okay. I'm watching this again (because it's on and... why not) and I have only JUST realized that Todd is saying "battement"! I thought he was saying "batma" and there some kind of move. And then Twit is asking how to say something in French on Instagram. Just stop. Please. Stop. Leave the French language alone. Don't go there. Don't contaminate that. Please. Step away from the French. 

ETA: I'm confused. WAS he trying to say battement? Because in the version of the dance that whats-her-face and replacement Todd did there wasn't a battement. So... either batma is something totally different or they can't say OR DO a battement. 

Edited by Maggienolia
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I feel second hand embarrassment out of having watched this "dance battle." The Trophy Wives were better just in that they did more than just stand there with some arm movements. But this competition was faker than the ones on Dance Moms.

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1 hour ago, AmyB said:

Anyone brave enough to find her "dating profile"?? Wonder what dating site she is using. She supposedly has used Tinder.

I'd love to see that, too, if it actually exists. And even if it did, I bet it's been removed by now.

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4 hours ago, AmyB said:

Anyone notice she spells feminist wrong and hadn't corrected it yet in that post lol. 

And the line "you should definitely hit me up for a good time"... ... ... uh. So is she looking for a relationship or a hook-up? 

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oh so the tv guide for the next episode, eps 10 Twit does do that belly dancing with the one judge from the dance battle so what was speculated up thread is so true! so not scripted or anything!!!

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4 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Also she says she wants a man or woman but she also specifies that she wants her partner to have a "luscious beard." Color me confused/grossed out.

Well, at a certain weight, women do develop facial hair.

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1 hour ago, Dot said:

I'd love to see that, too, if it actually exists. And even if it did, I bet it's been removed by now.

I can't imagine her leaving such tempting troll bait up, because she knows she's got a lot of non-fans out here.
On 600 lb Life, James had a gofund me up, and wow, the comments.

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31 minutes ago, Snarklepuss said:

I wonder how much the show paid him to take this role.

Exactly!  Can you imagine being an aspiring actor and having this "role" on your resume?  :)

Also - if they think it's so unfair for Jiya to have kids in her routine (who are kids of the members and part of the class in some way) then why is it fair in a BIG GIRLS dance competition to start out with a duet of Todd and Cameron?  Also, if choreography was a third of their score is it fair to hire it out?  On the other hand, now we know why the show allowed her to lose - to drag out the storyline into a rematch.  Good grief.

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6 hours ago, Maggienolia said:

Okay. I'm watching this again (because it's on and... why not) and I have only JUST realized that Todd is saying "battement"! I thought he was saying "batma" and there some kind of move. And then Twit is asking how to say something in French on Instagram. Just stop. Please. Stop. Leave the French language alone. Don't go there. Don't contaminate that. Please. Step away from the French. 

ETA: I'm confused. WAS he trying to say battement? Because in the version of the dance that whats-her-face and replacement Todd did there wasn't a battement. So... either batma is something totally different or they can't say OR DO a battement. 

He was, unfortunately, attempting to say battement.

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1 hour ago, Ocean Chick said:

I just read that as "Crossfit Barbies for Boobs".  A whole 'nother competition there.  LOL

But, Whitney would want to WIN because she hates to lose!


18 hours ago, AmyB said:

oh so the tv guide for the next episode, eps 10 Twit does do that belly dancing with the one judge from the dance battle so what was speculated up thread is so true! so not scripted or anything!!!

Ugh. Which she will try and incorporate into her dance battle rematch? 

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On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 5:42 PM, crazycatlady58 said:

Well  some women  can grow  beards, but that is usually  a medical  condition .  I think  the percentage  of women  who can grow a beard and that would  be interested  in her would be very small.

Perhaps she's searching for another woman with PCOS.   Hirsutism is often a common symptoms of PCOS, so if Twitney could find a woman with PCOS, they'd immediately have something in commong and together they could ruminate over life's challenging questionswhile they chowed down on pizza and/or pasta.

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But, Whitney would want to WIN because she hates to lose!



I think she just wants a trophy. Recall the St. Patrick's Day parade when she whined about not getting one. I'm sorry, I can't recall the exact words because I dislike her so much I just can't watch it again.

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3 hours ago, zoemom said:

Perhaps she's searching for another woman with PCOS.   Hirsutism is often a common symptoms of PCOS, so if Twitney could find a woman with PCOS, they'd immediately have something in commong and together they could ruminate over life's challenging questionswhile they chowed down on pizza and/or pasta.

While getting pizza crumbs in their beards.

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