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S07.E24: Cherries And Flowers

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One of my good friends was an animal science major in college.  I now know more information than I ever wanted to know about the mating habits of horses (did you know that a mule is the result of a female horse mating with a male donkey? Does this knowledge make me less basic?  I hope not.)  I also knew about the differences between cows and heifers but like someone said, heifer is way funner to say.

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It just means you're boring, not particularly intellectually curious, and have no real individual interests beyond what's faddish for whatever your age group is. It's not really that much of a "pejorative," girls my age and younger joke about being basic bitches all the time ("omg I'm such a basic bitch right now, look at my Audrey Hepburn poster and throw pillows that say 'love' and 'hope'").. It's a middle class/suburban class marker so it's more jokey than insulting. Like many "slurs" reserved mostly for whites and non-lower class folks, it's a bit insulting but only in the shallowest and jokiest of ways. It basically just means "really average." People who say things like "Marilyn Monroe is my spirit animal." And non-white girls often joke about being basic bitches too in their captions of their Starbucks runs. It's just that in our country whites tend to have privileges other groups often don't, and they're considered the default, so they're likelier to be considered "basic" aka "average girl."

Kail would not be basic not because she's interesting or curious about others outside of her own prescribed group but because she's trashy...Same reason Jenelle wouldn't be. 

Edited by Lm2162
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50 minutes ago, Phoebe70 said:

One of the things that pissed me off the most during this episode was when Kail refused to put Lincoln's clothes in a bag for Javi.  REALLY?!  Lincoln is her son too.  Why be such a petty b*tch?  Doesn't she realize how terrible she is making herself look?  And she can't get Javi a simple glass of water when he politely asked for something to drink?

The only reason I can imagine this having actually happened, whcih we saw it did, is because this segment is filmed the EXACT SAME DAY they filmed the segment about him breaking in (which they edited into the prior week's episode), because she's wearing the same exact clothes. Now I don't know which one of these events happened when, because it's impossible to figure out if they're trying to make it look like Javi had broken into the basement THAT MORNING (when she talks to Sterling on the phone), or if that was some sort of event she was recounting, and then got herself all worked up about it in the meantime. I don't know, the editing on this show is really hurting my enjoyment, no joke. At least tell her to change her fucking shirt. Make an effort.

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12 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

"sweety" smh.

I'll give Farrah a pass since she obviously meant to write "sweaty" since Karl always looks greasy and dirty 

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55 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

The only reason I can imagine this having actually happened, whcih we saw it did, is because this segment is filmed the EXACT SAME DAY they filmed the segment about him breaking in (which they edited into the prior week's episode), because she's wearing the same exact clothes. Now I don't know which one of these events happened when, because it's impossible to figure out if they're trying to make it look like Javi had broken into the basement THAT MORNING (when she talks to Sterling on the phone), or if that was some sort of event she was recounting, and then got herself all worked up about it in the meantime. I don't know, the editing on this show is really hurting my enjoyment, no joke. At least tell her to change her fucking shirt. Make an effort.

There is no excuse whatsoever for a mother, father, guardian to NOT put a child's clothes in a bag, backpack, or luggage as they go spend time with another adult.  I don't care what transpired that day, the day before, the night before, an hour before. Your child is leaving for a week with his paternal family out of the country. Lincoln has no care nor does he even know what is happening in his life. All he knows is he is leaving with dad out the door. Whatever Kail may be feeling at that very moment it should have no bearing on what she should have done for her child. I don't care if she received notice that she needs to vacate the premises. I don't care if she received notice from her school she is not graduating on time. I don't care what turmoil or drama she is dealing with at that moment. You put your kid's clothes in a proper bag for his trip, you fucking heifer.

We know the heifer gets worked up for any little thing as we have watched over the years. I know she is still pissed over the fact Jo didn't want her Mother Russia ass anymore and how long has that been? The girl holds grudges. What is upsetting is when the children are used in those grudges. Not putting Lincoln's clothes in a bag is her "fuck you" to Javi. No matter what, that is Lincoln's dad. Any fuck yous to him is a big fuck you to Lincoln.


29 minutes ago, mrsh said:

I'll give Farrah a pass since she obviously meant to write "sweaty" since Karl always looks greasy and dirty 

Got that right. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Just now, GreatKazu said:

There is no excuse whatsoever for a mother, father, guardian to NOT put a child's clothes in a bag, backpack, or luggage as they go spend time with another adult.  I don't care what transpired that day, the day before, the night before, an hour before. Your child is leaving for a week with his paternal family out of the country. Lincoln has no care nor does he even know what is happening in his life. All he knows is he is leaving with dad out the door. Whatever Kail may be feeling at that very moment it should have no bearing on what she should have done for her child. I don't care if she received notice that she needs to vacate the premises. I don't care if she received notice from her school she is not graduating on time. I don't care what turmoil or drama she is dealing with at that moment. You put your kid's clothes in a proper bag for his trip, you fucking heifer.


Make no mistake, it's a move with like a cunt factor of 9, I'mnot excusing it. It's senseless, I mean you don't even have a SHOPPING bag? Loose socks and drawers, in a pile directly into hsi arm? I hate the asshole contest these two have every week. Congratulations, you both tie for first. In second to last, Lincoln, and in DEAD last, Isaac, because he has a better understanding of this situation in general. 

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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

It just means you're boring, not particularly intellectually curious, and have no real individual interests beyond what's faddish for whatever your age group is. It's not really that much of a "pejorative," girls my age and younger joke about being basic bitches all the time ("omg I'm such a basic bitch right now, look at my Audrey Hepburn poster and throw pillows that say 'love' and 'hope'").. It's a middle class/suburban class marker so it's more jokey than insulting. Like many "slurs" reserved mostly for whites and non-lower class folks, it's a bit insulting but only in the shallowest and jokiest of ways. It basically just means "really average." People who say things like "Marilyn Monroe is my spirit animal." And non-white girls often joke about being basic bitches too in their captions of their Starbucks runs. It's just that in our country whites tend to have privileges other groups often don't, and they're considered the default, so they're likelier to be considered "basic" aka "average girl."

Kail would not be basic not because she's interesting or curious about others outside of her own prescribed group but because she's trashy...Same reason Jenelle wouldn't be. 

So like your average sorority girl?  I guess the more adult version of "basic bitch" would be a SAHM who lives in Luluroe leggings, has a daily starbucks and hangs out at the park with the other SAHMs when she's not at the gym or posting "perfect life" instagram pics?  I'll admit to giving those moms the stink eye on occasion.  I went for a hike earlier this week when I took a mental health day and the only people I came across that didn't smile and say good morning were the two women in perfectly matching athletic wear walking their dogs with perfect hair and make-up, clearly having taken way too much time to primp for someone walking their dog without reality tv cameras following them.  I may be guilty of internally rolling my eyes after my nod and smile went completely ignored.  They definitely fit into a "type."   So I guess I see what you're saying. I'm more of a believer in doing what you want and liking what you like and fuck whatever stupid label someone wants to give you to feel superior about themselves, though.  I mean, I think people who refuse to partake in anything remotely mainstream and who look down their noses at anyone who enjoys anything remotely popular are more obnoxious than the people they enjoy feeling superior to. 

I'm off to Starbucks to get my skinny vanilla latte now.  You best believe I'll be first in line when the PSL comes back.  Although the new version with the "real" pumpkin is shit, if you ask me.  Fucking food babe and her stupid pseudo science ruins EVERYTHING.  

Edited by lezlers
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I'm off to Starbucks to get my skinny vanilla latte now.

I love their vanilla lattes! *high-five*

I seem to remember Kail referring to herself as a basic bitch in one of her countless selfies.

I have to laugh at Kail's hypocrisy (what else is new?) at her being upset at the producers for editing out any conversation about Lincoln going out of the country. What difference does it make if it was mentioned or not? It certainly doesn't change the fact she behaved horrible in that scene. Would that have made a difference in her giving Javi his son's clothes in a bag or not? There is a simple solution to all of this aggravation Kail seems to have with the editing and other MTV-related issues - quit the show.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Agree with you about the food babe...annoying.

basic bitch is defined by her choices, which she makes not because she particularly likes them, but because they are popular and she can use them for attention on social media, which is of utmost importance.

And lots of car selfies.

And don't forget the basic bitch hashtags...


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22 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Agree with you about the food babe...annoying.

basic bitch is defined by her choices, which she makes not because she particularly likes them, but because they are popular and she can use them for attention on social media, which is of utmost importance.

And lots of car selfies.

And don't forget the basic bitch hashtags...


So, basically Kail and Leah?

Wait. Kail would be an uber basic bitch because she DRIVES WHILE TAKING SELFIES.

Edited by GreatKazu
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23 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I have to laugh at Kail's hypocrisy (what else is new?) at her being upset at the producers for editing out any conversation about Lincoln going out of the country. What difference does it make if it was mentioned or not? It certainly doesn't change the fact she behaved horrible in that scene. Would that have made a difference in her giving Javi his son's clothes in a bag or not?

I said it before, but yea - I am not sure how showing that would have made a difference. I don't think it would have made her look better. If anything, it would make her look WORSE (if that's possible) in my eyes. A weekend with Javi? Okay, you hand over a couple of outfits without a bag. Rude, but okay. He's going out of the country for ___ amount of days? Give him a backpack at least! And....in regards to Isaac, it's worse, because Lincoln going on an extended vacation would likely be harder for him to deal with than a normal weekend away. And yet she's still all, "Why are you crying???"

Edited by ghoulina
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@ghoulina exactly.  Another factor makes it hypocritical. Kail has been crying now about not wanting to film. How is it she can bitch about not wanting to film and yet, she bitches when MTV chooses not to insert a conversation? She is speaking out of both sides of her blown up mouth.

Here is the photo where Kail refers to herself as a basic "bih". The infamous photo of herself driving while taking a photo:



Perhaps being a basic bitch isn't so bad once you compare that to someone who is racially insensitive and is disparaging people of color.

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1 hour ago, lezlers said:

So like your average sorority girl?  I guess the more adult version of "basic bitch" would be a SAHM who lives in Luluroe leggings, has a daily starbucks and hangs out at the park with the other SAHMs when she's not at the gym or posting "perfect life" instagram pics?  I'll admit to giving those moms the stink eye on occasion.  I went for a hike earlier this week when I took a mental health day and the only people I came across that didn't smile and say good morning were the two women in perfectly matching athletic wear walking their dogs with perfect hair and make-up, clearly having taken way too much time to primp for someone walking their dog without reality tv cameras following them.  I may be guilty of internally rolling my eyes after my nod and smile went completely ignored.  They definitely fit into a "type."   So I guess I see what you're saying. I'm more of a believer in doing what you want and liking what you like and fuck whatever stupid label someone wants to give you to feel superior about themselves, though.  I mean, I think people who refuse to partake in anything remotely mainstream and who look down their noses at anyone who enjoys anything remotely popular are more obnoxious than the people they enjoy feeling superior to. 

I'm off to Starbucks to get my skinny vanilla latte now.  You best believe I'll be first in line when the PSL comes back.  Although the new version with the "real" pumpkin is shit, if you ask me.  Fucking food babe and her stupid pseudo science ruins EVERYTHING.  

But like I said it's more of a joke thing now-- it's popular AMONG sorority girls. They flaunt it. It's sort of meta and ironic/hipstery. College kids use it just to describe a type, like "jock" or "frat boy" or "goth" or "surfer kid." I mean, it describes a very particular type of girl. There are posters and shirts that say it that girls wear. Some ironically, some unironically, some in between. It's like kids who own that they're emo. It's basically a name for the "popular" girls who usually have made fun of OTHER groups. So I can't manage that much sympathy. Every other group has always been labeled, maybe it's their turn. 

Says a lot about racial and class politics honestly that it's not actually really used as an insult. It was meant for white middle class girls so it's never actually been very offensive. 

Edited by Lm2162
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59 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

exactly.  Another factor makes it hypocritical. Kail has been crying now about not wanting to film. How is it she can bitch about not wanting to film and yet, she bitches when MTV chooses not to insert a conversation? She is speaking out of both sides of her blown up mouth.

I think Mother Russia just wants to be ON the production team and set up all her scenes like it's a 100% scripted show. She is very controlling. I'll readily admit I have control issues, but this girl makes me look like you're most relaxed flower child. 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

@ghoulina exactly.  Another factor makes it hypocritical. Kail has been crying now about not wanting to film. How is it she can bitch about not wanting to film and yet, she bitches when MTV chooses not to insert a conversation? She is speaking out of both sides of her blown up mouth.

Here is the photo where Kail refers to herself as a basic "bih". The infamous photo of herself driving while taking a photo:



Perhaps being a basic bitch isn't so bad once you compare that to someone who is racially insensitive and is disparaging people of color.

WTF is a "bih?" And leaving the G's off your words, really?

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58 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

But like I said it's more of a joke thing now-- it's popular AMONG sorority girls. They flaunt it. It's sort of meta and ironic/hipstery. College kids use it just to describe a type, like "jock" or "frat boy" or "goth" or "surfer kid." I mean, it describes a very particular type of girl. There are posters and shirts that say it that girls wear. Some ironically, some unironically, some in between. It's like kids who own that they're emo. It's basically a name for the "popular" girls who usually have made fun of OTHER groups. So I can't manage that much sympathy. Every other group has always been labeled, maybe it's their turn. 

Says a lot about racial and class politics honestly that it's not actually really used as an insult. It was meant for white middle class girls so it's never actually been very offensive. 

If you look at it that way, it's definitely aspirational. Someone like Kail who grew up without advantages would aspire to be seen as someone who has the affluence to buy whatever is popular because it is popular and not something she particularly loves.

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6 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

If you look at it that way, it's definitely aspirational. Someone like Kail who grew up without advantages would aspire to be seen as someone who has the affluence to buy whatever is popular because it is popular and not something she particularly loves.

That's absolutely how I interpret how she looks at herself. A white girl calling herself a basic bitch absolutely is not the same as a black girl calling herself "ghetto" or "ratchet," particularly a socioeconomically disadvantaged girl (or being a "redneck" or "hick"). Being seen as "basic" might lead to some lighthearted teasing about Starbucks or Skinny Girl margaritas but it isn't going to stop you from getting into school, being respected on a fundamental level, being treated well in stores and restaurants or getting a job. Being read as "ghetto" or as a "hick" very well can. So Kail turning it around on herself is absolutely what she sees as a compliment. Plus it's just a trendy thing to laugh at about yourself. 

Edited by Lm2162
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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

But like I said it's more of a joke thing now-- it's popular AMONG sorority girls. They flaunt it. It's sort of meta and ironic/hipstery. College kids use it just to describe a type, like "jock" or "frat boy" or "goth" or "surfer kid." I mean, it describes a very particular type of girl. There are posters and shirts that say it that girls wear. Some ironically, some unironically, some in between. It's like kids who own that they're emo. It's basically a name for the "popular" girls who usually have made fun of OTHER groups. So I can't manage that much sympathy. Every other group has always been labeled, maybe it's their turn. 

Says a lot about racial and class politics honestly that it's not actually really used as an insult. It was meant for white middle class girls so it's never actually been very offensive. 

Oooooooh, no.  If you tried to call a hipster a basic bitch (or vice versa) the hipster would probably try to shank you (with a very rare, vintage ice pick they carry in the brim of their fedora while taking a sip from their PBR.)

Every time I've ever seen the term "basic bitch" it's been used in a pejorative way.  Even here in this thread.  So we'll have to agree to disagree that it's not meant as an insult.   Also?  When did it become okay to refer to females as "bitches"?  I must've missed that memo. 

I'm most definitely getting old.

25 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

If you look at it that way, it's definitely aspirational. Someone like Kail who grew up without advantages would aspire to be seen as someone who has the affluence to buy whatever is popular because it is popular and not something she particularly loves.

Okay I agree that it's dumb to KEEP using products or consuming products or listening to music or whatever that you don't like just because it's popular.  You deserve to get made fun of for that.  But simply TRYING something popular?  What's wrong with that?  I often try popular things just to see what the big deal is about them.  Sometimes they're popular for a reason and I keep using/consuming them and other times....well....KOMBUCHA IS STRAIGHT FROM THE DEVIL'S ASSHOLE, PEOPLE.

Edited by lezlers
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I don't see being called basic as an insult, but I do agree with you that basic bitch is too harsh. If I went to Starbucks and someone said, "you're so basic," it wouldn't bother me. But wasn't Kail the one filmed for some feminist class who said she didn't like using the word birch casually? Hmmmm...

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22 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Every time I've ever seen the term "basic bitch" it's been used in a pejorative way.  Even here in this thread.  So we'll have to agree to disagree that it's not meant as an insult.   Also?  When did it become okay to refer to females as "bitches"?  I must've missed that memo. 

I'm most definitely getting old.

I'm with you. I hate the term, and I wouldn't even use the term "basic" by itself either. I don't know, it just really rubs me wrong. 

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20 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I don't see being called basic as an insult, but I do agree with you that basic bitch is too harsh. If I went to Starbucks and someone said, "you're so basic," it wouldn't bother me. But wasn't Kail the one filmed for some feminist class who said she didn't like using the word birch casually? Hmmmm...

I don't remember that scene. Did she really say she doesn't use the word or that she doesn't like the word? Because I certainly remember a few episodes back when she told Javi he was going to be seeing his "bitch" when he said he had to meet up with a friend later. I will chalk it up to more of her hypocrisy. 

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All I know is that I teach college kids in SoCal and they call themselves and the friends the term all the time, post it on their social media, etc. And I'm in my 20s and some of my friends use it ironically to refer to themselves too whenever they do something "suburban and white." Picking each other up for a Starbucks run-- "basic bitches" etc. Nobody has to agree that it IS positive or jokey but it's definitely used by young women very frequently to describe themselves. People can disagree, of course, but we definitely do it and it's not an insult, it's gentle mockery at most. 

The idea of the hipster is pretty much a myth/outdated now-- all it means now is "ironic." That's what I meant by hipstery. It's "meta" or semi-putting yourself down as a joke. Actually hipsters wear the "basic bitch" shirts all the time. 

Anyway just check out the #basicbitch hashtag on Twitter sometime, it's mostly girls labeling their own food, clothes, drinks or Snapchat pictures as "basic." It's weird, but it's just one of those cultural things.  

Edited by Lm2162
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2 hours ago, lezlers said:

Sometimes they're popular for a reason and I keep using/consuming them and other times....well....KOMBUCHA IS STRAIGHT FROM THE DEVIL'S ASSHOLE, PEOPLE.

I don't get kombucha either. How is it different from prune-o (or however you spell homemade prison hooch)?

I hit starbucks when I'm in Target. I like it.  I like Starbucks AND Target. I drive a Subaru. I own a pair of lularoe leggings. I take selfies. I wear makeup to work and I have a Posh Spice bob. I'm fancy in a very mid-2000's way. 

But, I come from a comfortable, stable background. If someone called me basic I might snarl at them in a subtle manner. Actually, what I would do is pretend I didn't hear them.  That's what we do. Oh, you're unpleasant? Poof! Invisible.

Maybe Kail will eventually get that what drives people like her insane is being ignored. Any attention (positive or negative) is like mother's milk to her, so people acting like she doesn't exist would make her wild. She could learn from that, but she's too engaged right now in making herself be noticed. It's baseline behavior. She thinks being "rich" and loud is the way to attention and thus happiness.

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Regarding the Farrah Kail fight, Farrah has been saying for years that Kail got pregnant with Lincoln to continue her storyline. She had said it in an interview a few days before that tweet fight. She was referring to Lincoln, not the baby we now know Kail was pregnant with when it was going on.

Kail was seeing Chris back when there was that fight over the concert she was going to attend with Sterling. He is the one who texted her and Javi was demanding to see it. She was also accused of having sex with some one else at college, who happened to be married and he shut down all his social media accounts. 

I don't believe she was with the producer because of the way that rumor started. I also don't think he would risk his marriage and job for sex with Kail. I believe she would sleep with whomever she wanted if she wanted to or if she thought it would help her get ahead, but feel pretty firmly this kid is Chris' and she was with him before Javi ever left for Qatar.

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10 hours ago, Christina said:

Regarding the Farrah Kail fight, Farrah has been saying for years that Kail got pregnant with Lincoln to continue her storyline. She had said it in an interview a few days before that tweet fight. She was referring to Lincoln, not the baby we now know Kail was pregnant with when it was going on.

Kail was seeing Chris back when there was that fight over the concert she was going to attend with Sterling. He is the one who texted her and Javi was demanding to see it. She was also accused of having sex with some one else at college, who happened to be married and he shut down all his social media accounts. 

I don't believe she was with the producer because of the way that rumor started. I also don't think he would risk his marriage and job for sex with Kail. I believe she would sleep with whomever she wanted if she wanted to or if she thought it would help her get ahead, but feel pretty firmly this kid is Chris' and she was with him before Javi ever left for Qatar.

Agree! The history is there.  That's what makes me believe it's Chris.  No doubt.  

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19 hours ago, lezlers said:

Oooooooh, no.  If you tried to call a hipster a basic bitch (or vice versa) the hipster would probably try to shank you (with a very rare, vintage ice pick they carry in the brim of their fedora while taking a sip from their PBR.)

Every time I've ever seen the term "basic bitch" it's been used in a pejorative way.  Even here in this thread.  So we'll have to agree to disagree that it's not meant as an insult.   Also?  When did it become okay to refer to females as "bitches"?  I must've missed that memo. 

I'm most definitely getting old.

Okay I agree that it's dumb to KEEP using products or consuming products or listening to music or whatever that you don't like just because it's popular.  You deserve to get made fun of for that.  But simply TRYING something popular?  What's wrong with that?  I often try popular things just to see what the big deal is about them.  Sometimes they're popular for a reason and I keep using/consuming them and other times....well....KOMBUCHA IS STRAIGHT FROM THE DEVIL'S ASSHOLE, PEOPLE.

I felt the same way when coconut water was a big deal.

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17 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I like kombucha, I think it's delicious. I don't think it really does what people claim, though. 

Well SOMEONE is quite the basic bitch...  ;)

8 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I felt the same way when coconut water was a big deal.

Yet another drink I think is nasty.  I'm all about my hint waters or just regular water with some chemically laden flavoring (bonus points if it has caffeine in it.)

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Kailyn not putting those clothes in a bag was mean and if she's willing to do all this on camera imagine what she's doing off camera. I'm sure Javi can be a pouty bitch.

The teen moms are threatening to quit the show all the time to the producers and the moms have all figured out that they can have temper tantrums and stomp their feet and the production will kiss their ass and give them more attention. I believe this mostly started with Maci and Bentley, maybe Farrah did it? Kalil is pulling that now, along with Janelle wanting Barb off the show. 

The producers need to call their bluff. The next time they threaten to quit or not film, instead of waiting and begging they need to pack up and say "see ya"

After awhile the cast will be begging to film and collect that check. Just like Maci did. Maci even tried to take Bentley out but remember he was quickly  back filming also, earning another check.

Just like when your child threatens to run away when they are little, tell them where the suit case is and say "we will miss you" and the child never even mentions it again. MTV needs to treat these "stars" like children.

Edited by Stephanie1216
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MTV should have used "sleeping with all these dudes" instead of "Cherries and Flowers" as a title for this episode.


I don't get kombucha either. How is it different from prune-o (or however you spell homemade prison hooch)?

You get a gold star! That's a first for mentioning pruno in any Teen Mom topic.

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I missed the first 20 mins due to the time zone differences but it's in my dvr. I still haven't watched it yet because I know it's only going to piss me off. Grrr I can't stand you, Kail.  

Edited by Mkay
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LOL, yea, he said something like - "life isn't all cherries and flowers" or "you act like everything is all cherries and flowers". It was pretty hilarious.

If I was on TM2, the episode would've been called "rainbows & puppy dogs". 

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Is it just me or do half of these teen moms look like they are rapidly approaching 40? I get that having babies before you've figured out how to boil water on a stove can mentally and physically age you prematurely, but every week it's like watching them race each other to the bottom.

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