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2017 Tryouts and Training Camp: Candidates Included

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13 minutes ago, dcc.fan.always said:

I think both Holly and Jenna should have been cut. DCC has standards. 

But this is exactly it -- they don't. They have a series of rules that are in place so they can pick and choose when to enforce them when they want to get rid of someone.  Those aren't standards.

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4 minutes ago, Dccfan126 said:

But this is exactly it -- they don't. They have a series of rules that are in place so they can pick and choose when to enforce them when they want to get rid of someone.  Those aren't standards.

You either have rules for everyone or you have rules for no one. It's really very black and white. Shades of gray complicate things. You are right, without the consistency, there are no standards. Kelli needs to step up as a Director and take a hard stand. I would be cleaning house big time.

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13 hours ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:

Which locker room was Kelli referring to? Do you think KelliS and Jinelle knew per their facial reactions. 



For what it's worth, after watching the episode, it looked like Jinelle was generically smiling to whoever she was talking to (didn't look as "smirky" as it looks on the screenshot).  Kelli, however...I paused on her during the episode (and rewound a few times and paused again), and yeah, that was IMO definitely a "look" she gave Kelsey.  I gotta say, I kinda love it :)

Edited by ByTor
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13 hours ago, Dccfan126 said:

I think I would have laughed in her face if Jenna told me to stop, because pot meet kettle.

Especially since Holly and Jenna went to a club where players were (I don't buy that they didn't know the players would be there) together

13 hours ago, Dopeydwarf said:

I think if holly would have admitted it,  she wouldn't have looked as bad as she did.  Would've been an oopsie, and K&J would have least known she was being honest. It's the lie that did it, I think.  

Holly was an idiot for lying.  She knew she was guilty of what she was being accused of, so she had to have known there was evidence for Kelli to confront her about it.  And I love the double talk.  "I wasn't talking to any players"  No, dearie, you were banging them...but I guess if she's not into dirty talk she can technically say she wasn't talking to them.  Just like the "currently" comment.  I never was a fan of Holly, but my opinion of her dropped even lower.

Edited by ByTor
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11 hours ago, RhiRhi said:

Jenna said she stayed back because of Sydney's (postponed) wedding.

And this year she implied she stayed back from the Hall of Fame trip to help the rookies.  I see a pattern here.

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8 minutes ago, ByTor said:

And this year she implied she stayed back from the Hall of Fame trip to help the rookies.  I see a pattern here.

K&J told Jenna she was not going to Canton for the Hall of Fame game on Thursday night's episode.  Based on what others have said Jenna chose to help the rookies to redeem herself since she was pulled from the Canton trip.

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11 hours ago, Jessinvirginia said:

Just got chewed out on twitter for alleging that Erica was let go for the alcohol rumor. Her friend vehemently denies that this was the case. I shouldn't have gossiped, so I deserved it. Maybe there is more to the story. 

No, what's posted here is accurate. Erica's friend is in denial or has been lied to about what Erica did.

1 hour ago, dcc.fan.always said:

I think both Holly and Jenna should have been cut. DCC has standards. 

 It's so interesting to me that neither girl was cut. Both had flagrant contract violations, but no cuts. Just punishment.

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10 hours ago, Dccfanatic said:

Should she go the library on a Friday night?

In a city the size of Dallas there are many things to do in between the library and going to bars.  Maybe she and Jenna could have gone to the zoo :)

Edited by ByTor
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Okay, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but does anyone think maybe Christina would have been cut right before announcing the team if all of the drama didn't go down?  K&J sure love to cut a girl on the last night right before announcing the team, and you can tell Christina + Brennan are prime targets for a final night cut, ala Kyndall (who I never really liked) and Amy (poor Amy, I loved and felt so bad for her!)  Always makes for a good "ending" to MTT to have a die-hard try-hard comeback girl get cut, as it reinforces how hard it is to make the DCC, and shows the tears and heartbreak for those girls who just don't have what it takes.  

Christina is lucky to have made the team, and she should be counting her lucky stars for Holly + Ericka's bad behaviour!

Edited by Stee
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31 minutes ago, rungirl said:

K&J told Jenna she was not going to Canton for the Hall of Fame game on Thursday night's episode.  Based on what others have said Jenna chose to help the rookies to redeem herself since she was pulled from the Canton trip.

Yeah, I know, but on social media the implication was that Jenna voluntarily stayed behind to help the rookies.

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I don't know about Christina...wasn't she the only comeback girl who made it? i might be forgetting someone.  Kelli may not have wanted to make it look like their judgment was wrong bringing some girls back for another try and then none of them do (Celinda, Brennan, etc.)  I think Christina is OK - she must have a spark they like when she performs. I do love her look and her hair.  As for her being so winded/tired, now that I think about it I wonder if it was just adjusting to all the practices on top of her cycling and barre classes.  It's possible she was just over-tired from a more intense schedule and not just 'out of shape.'  

And yes - Holly and Jenna both got in trouble last year for fraternizing and that's why they didn't go to USO.  I know people like to bring up Sydney's wedding and how Jenna was her MOH but don't forget - Sydney was originally supposed to get married in like August and ended up pushing it back several months last minute due to her husband getting a pretty major surgery on his leg (like, he wouldn't have been able to stand up at the end of the aisle in August or do a first dance, etc.)  So when she asked Jenna to be in her wedding, Jenna said of course because it looked like it'd be before the season started.  Having it moved to November probably meant she knew there may be a conflict with DCC...lucky for her, she was able to play it that way when she got removed from the tour.  Sorry, I have heard from too many people who I trust that Jenna did not choose to stand behind to be in her bestie's wedding.  Was she happy that she ended up being able to support her friend? of course! but imagine trying to tell Kelli you can't go on a USO tour to be in SYDNEY'S wedding lololololol  No USO tour, getting removed from point rotation and not being considered for pro bowl... can you see why maybe Jenna changed her mind at retirement and wanted to come back for a 'make up' year? That's why I'm sad for her - she had a chance to finish on a strong note and then all this mess.  I honestly do hope she finishes the year strong; i have no hate for the girl whatsoever, don't get me wrong.  Just some food for thought and why she is truly fortunate to not have been cut back in July. 

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2 hours ago, rungirl said:

K&J told Jenna she was not going to Canton for the Hall of Fame game on Thursday night's episode.  Based on what others have said Jenna chose to help the rookies to redeem herself since she was pulled from the Canton trip.

this falls into the theory, that she is on  K&Js very tight leash . kinda "when I (K&J)tell you to jump, ...jump"

Wonder if the rookies got any better under her mini tutoring camp. And that would mean what 10 ( I lost count) rookies left, she is the only veteran, the senior-most veteran, there ? Or did only SG go to canton ?

How's that setting a good leader example, if you don't tell the whole story? A rookie could be thinking "wow if I stay on this team for 6 years and someone else gets to the HOF ( or a similar honor), I could be stuck at home teaching ?"

No one is going to give up an PAID overseas trip/tour to be a bridesmaid in a wedding - where the date changed. One can always get to Canton, OH. Sydney knew the date of the USO tour, as I think they go close to the same time every year,  when she changed her wedding date.  Why was the wedding date changed? I've known people to change the date on various functions as a way of "trimming " the RSVPs.

Edited by sATL
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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

And this year she implied she stayed back from the Hall of Fame trip to help the rookies.  I see a pattern here.

Pattern of lies. Good covers, but truth = brat was grounded.

14 minutes ago, sATL said:

No one is going to give up an PAID overseas trip/tour to be a bridesmaid in a wedding - where the date changed. One can always get to Canton, OH. Sydney knew the date of the USO tour, as I think they go close to the same time every year,  when she changed her wedding date.  Why was the wedding date changed? I've know people to change the date on various functions as a way of "trimming " the RSVPs.

Canton was a one time honor bc Jerry Jones induction in HOF. Very Big Deal.

USO tour - remember when Jenna's whole inspiration was bc she saw DCC on a USO tour that year she lived in Korea? Getting kicked of a USO tour = gut punch.

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2 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

It's so interesting to me that neither girl was cut. Both had flagrant contract violations, but no cuts. Just punishment.

I suspect it was more a testament to how weak this year's team is. Just not enough seasoned decent vets left on the team to step up/in to fill the void. Why else would you allow two repeat-offender troublemakers - who also happen to be 2 of the best dancers by far - to stay?

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Does anyone feel as I do that the reason Jenna wasn't cut was because her indiscretion was with the QB?  If it was some lower profile player I think the disciplinary action may have been different.  I'm sure no one in the organization wants to chance messing with the QB's mind, and if he's any kind of man, he wud feel guilty if she got cut for hanging with him. 

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16 hours ago, MyMomSaysImSpecial said:

The most I would have said was, “knock it off.”  Holly is a grown ass adult. It’s not Jenna or anyone else’s job to babysit her. I would have said that to Kelli and Judy as well. That I told her to stop but I can’t make her stop. 

If Jenna had not been violating the terms of the contract also, I would have said " this is a violation of our DCC contract. This can not continue, as it will end up being reported to K&J. " type thing.

16 hours ago, Dopeydwarf said:

I think if holly would have admitted it,  she wouldn't have looked as bad as she did.  Would've been an oopsie, and K&J would have least known she was being honest. It's the lie that did it, I think.  

I agree. And with most employers, an employee is warned in some way prior to being dismissed off the team. ( hince the reason for being " suspended" verses cut ) .

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3 minutes ago, Trixi said:

Does anyone feel as I do that the reason Jenna wasn't cut was because her indiscretion was with the QB?  If it was some lower profile player I think the disciplinary action may have been different.  I'm sure no one in the organization wants to chance messing with the QB's mind, and if he's any kind of man, he wud feel guilty if she got cut for hanging with him. 

NO NO NO NO NO. These guys DO NOT CARE. Jenna was obsessing and Dak WAS NOT. She blew it way out of proportion. He did not resuce her on his horse. They more like causual dated/hooked up not bf/gf.

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sorry - off topic for a minute.  how does one make the vidoes from stop playing automatically on this site? every time go to a new page a video starts that usually located under the 1st post of that page. I think it just started - like within the last week - did something change?

And the vidoes I want to see - like from all if the discussion points, I have to start of my own.

Back on topic - since Charlotte was on the most recent episode and someone mentioned her attire/workout regime, here is a nice article about her ( link ) and how she started her journey working for the organization.

{quote} "We have a significant amount of female brainpower in our company — 43 percent of our employees are women."  {end-quote} . the no frat policy is only for the cheerleaders?

Edited by sATL
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I don't think Dak saved Jenna -- but I do think Jenna was saved because it was Dak. 

He stays out of trouble and isn't a risk. Holly's situation was a risk to the organization because she could have been two drinks away from a black eye courteousy of Zeke.

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Jenna was never Dak's gf. Just a hookup.

Dak is not a thug like Zeke, but also not Mr. Rescue Jenna.

Holly blew them off so what did she expect? She also is the one who put DCC at risk with underage drinking.

Jenna kissed ass and pouted, but took her ass beating. She got to stay.

Jenna will be gone next year too. 

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2 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

I don't know about Christina...wasn't she the only comeback girl who made it? i might be forgetting someone.  Kelli may not have wanted to make it look like their judgment was wrong bringing some girls back for another try and then none of them do (Celinda, Brennan, etc.)  I think Christina is OK - she must have a spark they like when she performs. I do love her look and her hair.  As for her being so winded/tired, now that I think about it I wonder if it was just adjusting to all the practices on top of her cycling and barre classes.  It's possible she was just over-tired from a more intense schedule and not just 'out of shape.'  

And yes - Holly and Jenna both got in trouble last year for fraternizing and that's why they didn't go to USO.  I know people like to bring up Sydney's wedding and how Jenna was her MOH but don't forget - Sydney was originally supposed to get married in like August and ended up pushing it back several months last minute due to her husband getting a pretty major surgery on his leg (like, he wouldn't have been able to stand up at the end of the aisle in August or do a first dance, etc.)  So when she asked Jenna to be in her wedding, Jenna said of course because it looked like it'd be before the season started.  Having it moved to November probably meant she knew there may be a conflict with DCC...lucky for her, she was able to play it that way when she got removed from the tour.  Sorry, I have heard from too many people who I trust that Jenna did not choose to stand behind to be in her bestie's wedding.  Was she happy that she ended up being able to support her friend? of course! but imagine trying to tell Kelli you can't go on a USO tour to be in SYDNEY'S wedding lololololol  No USO tour, getting removed from point rotation and not being considered for pro bowl... can you see why maybe Jenna changed her mind at retirement and wanted to come back for a 'make up' year? That's why I'm sad for her - she had a chance to finish on a strong note and then all this mess.  I honestly do hope she finishes the year strong; i have no hate for the girl whatsoever, don't get me wrong.  Just some food for thought and why she is truly fortunate to not have been cut back in July. 

Sounds like Jenna makes poor decisions. Repeatedly. She and Holly were not good for each other. Both very immature. 

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5 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Sounds like Jenna makes poor decisions. Repeatedly. She and Holly were not good for each other. Both very immature. 

yes. trouble follows trouble.

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Sometimes Holly's attempted strategy of deny deny deny actually works. But they can't have proof. For example, one of my college roommates and another girl cheated off each other during a geology test. What's funny is neither of them knew any of the material, and they both bombed the test. The professor suspected them of cheating because several of their answers were similar. He called them in separately and basically interrogated them and tried to get them to admit they were cheating. I remember telling them to deny deny deny, Because I guarantee if they'd admitted to cheating, he would've turned them into the dean and they would've been expelled. Lives over, forget getting a degree from a decent college. Since he didn't have any proof, all he could do was try and get them to confess. They didn't, and he gave them both F's and they ended up withdrawing from the class. Now, these two nineteen year olds were scared shitless, genuinely felt like assholes, and never cheated again. They got very very lucky. Sometimes you have to lie for self preservation. It's not the moral high ground, but if it's between getting expelled or not, lie. 


My point is that after watching my roommate, I totally get the strategy of denial, but it only works if there's zero proof, only suspicion. My guess is Kelli had proof, so Holly just comes off as a bald faced liar.

Edited by PrincessLeia
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Can someone fill me in on what happened with Erica?  I went back thru the thread and assumed it has something to do with drinking and lying.  Anyone know what happened there? I loved her dance style. 

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2 hours ago, Blndee6 said:

I suspect it was more a testament to how weak this year's team is. Just not enough seasoned decent vets left on the team to step up/in to fill the void. Why else would you allow two repeat-offender troublemakers - who also happen to be 2 of the best dancers by far - to stay?

Yep. I imagine that if they were 2 year vets and middle of the road dancers, both likely would have been cut. 

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4 minutes ago, Trixi said:

Can someone fill me in on what happened with Erica?  I went back thru the thread and assumed it has something to do with drinking and lying.  Anyone know what happened there? I loved her dance style. 

So I believe she had a neck injury of some sort per her Instagram live video she did with Holly. I don't think there was any type of scandal in her departure from the team. I could be wrong though.

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I would bet money there was proof about what happened and not just suspicion, but actual proof. 

Let's say a DCC employee goes around to the bars/clubs on that list with a picture of Holly and says "I'm looking for this girl because I'm concerned about her safety.  Have you seen her?"  Now they're not exactly lying since her behavior could get her into a bad situation that it's hard to get out of.  Now, most people would probably shake their heads and say haven't seen her, but employees at the location where Holly and Jenna were said to be at could likely say that they saw her there, especially because they're both pretty girls and they're hanging out with members of the local pro football team.  The DCC might even be able to look at video surveillance (if they got the right person) and confirm whether or not Holly and Jenna were there, especially if the location was the same place where Zeke allegedly punched the DJ.  Now, I'm not saying this is actually what happened, but it's one theory about what happened, especially if all they have up to that point is second-hand info from locker room talk.  Gossip could be played off as misheard or twisted to make one girl look bad and another look good.

There's also the possibility that someone was taking selfies/group shots/videos, recognized Holly an/or Jenna in the background and sent it to someone at the organization asking if this was one of their girls.   We don't know how they found out, but I think Holly knew she was busted and that they're telling her that they KNOW she's been out and about where she shouldn't be.  Whether she quit because she felt humiliated on national television or was cut, again we don't know, but she's no longer on the team.  Yes, I feel badly that she's not there anymore, but she put herself into that situation and didn't seem to be taking the punishment seriously.  If she sent off a nastygram to Kelli and Judy quitting, that's immature and stupid because you've just given them more proof they were right not only to not trust you, but to actually cut you for reasons that might just include immaturity.

I wouldn't be surprised if Holly's regretting her actions right about now.  I know I wouldn't be posting anything showcasing how stupid I was with some of the decisions I've made, especially if they've already been documented (to a point) on national television.  Did I make any sense or am I just running on not enough caffeine and letting my fingers do the talking/thinking instead of my brain?

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I'm sure they had evidence as well even if it was simply multiple people calling K&J and saying that they were at such and such club and saw Holly there with a Dallas Cowboys player. That is evidence (that's not hearsay and would be admissible in court, although they certainly are not in court or any sort of formal proceeding where the rules of evidence matter). I can guess that if they just had gossip, they would not have confronted Holly and Jenna in the manner that they did, but regardless, it was clear that they knew before ever speaking to them. Why Holly didn't seem to understand that and lied threw her teeth, making the situation worse, I do not know. 

Edited by Jess14
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3 hours ago, sATL said:

this falls into the theory, that she is on  K&Js very tight leash . kinda "when I (K&J)tell you to jump, ...jump"

Wonder if the rookies got any better under her mini tutoring camp. And that would mean what 10 ( I lost count) rookies left, she is the only veteran, the senior-most veteran, there ? Or did only SG go to canton ?

How's that setting a good leader example, if you don't tell the whole story? A rookie could be thinking "wow if I stay on this team for 6 years and someone else gets to the HOF ( or a similar honor), I could be stuck at home teaching ?"

No one is going to give up an PAID overseas trip/tour to be a bridesmaid in a wedding - where the date changed. One can always get to Canton, OH. Sydney knew the date of the USO tour, as I think they go close to the same time every year,  when she changed her wedding date.  Why was the wedding date changed? I've known people to change the date on various functions as a way of "trimming " the RSVPs.

Agree that Jenna is/was on a tight leash.  My guess is Jenna was fairly forthcoming about staying back to help the rookies.   Otherwise she'd lose all credibility when last Thursday's episode aired.

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So originally we all thought that Holly and Jenna weren't besties anymore, then Holly posted that dinner with Jenna and other vets still on the team.  And holly definitely made it seem that they were still close and besties. Do you think that maybe Holly did not k know what Jenna said in the office visit? Maybe after watching the episode , maybe and Jenna won't be as close as they say they are? 

I may be wrong. Just asking for your opinion. 

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Kinda random thought within the whole Holly-Jenna discussion, but I think Taryn should have made the team over Christina (equally bad if not worse kicks) and maybe even Gina (based on attitude, as Taryn seems really sweet and I think this was the first time K&J commented on how much a rookie is trying and improving). I don't think she 100% looks like a DCC but since they take in so many girls that just fade in the background, they should start focusing on humble girls with potential instead of 'rockstars' who are too full of themselves.

Aaaand none of the girls that are left look like point/triangle material to me. Maybe Lacey and Robin from the vets (if they choose to stay) and Keyra and Kalyssa would look good in the triangle-but I don't see them as point.

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1 hour ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:

So I believe she had a neck injury of some sort per her Instagram live video she did with Holly. I don't think there was any type of scandal in her departure from the team. I could be wrong though.

Erica was on injured reserve, was told to stay dressed out in the locker room during a game, and instead changed clothes and went into the stands. She then posted a snap chat of her drinking beer. That's why she left.

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3 hours ago, sATL said:

sorry - off topic for a minute.  how does one make the vidoes from stop playing automatically on this site? every time go to a new page a video starts that usually located under the 1st post of that page. I think it just started - like within the last week - did something change?

And the vidoes I want to see - like from all if the discussion points, I have to start of my own.

Back on topic - since Charlotte was on the most recent episode and someone mentioned her attire/workout regime, here is a nice article about her ( link ) and how she started her journey working for the organization.

{quote} "We have a significant amount of female brainpower in our company — 43 percent of our employees are women."  {end-quote} . the no frat policy is only for the cheerleaders?

I can't get rid of that video.  Did you get rid of it on yours?

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16 hours ago, Taryn Tempestwind said:

   I also feel that the fact that because this whole thing happened during the Making the Team shooting schedule, and the Jerry Jones induction to the Hall of Fame being filmed contributed to the publicness of the girls' reprimand.  CMT would be filming the next few weeks and there would be no hiding nor concealing that Holly and Jenna were missing from this important event.   The season is several episodes longer due to the Hall of Fame event.  They really did it up for him, new gold dresses for the team, shoes and pompoms, fireworks  and everything! A Whole episode to commemorate their beloved Jerry Jones' induction to the Hall of Fame!

   If this had happened later in the year, it would have been kept as quiet as it could have been; as these kinds of episodes have been kept quiet in the past.  I think the timing of this unfortunate behavior really forced Kelli's and Judy's hand and they had to show it.  They signed on for a reality show. And unfortunately, this was the reality at the time of filming.  I feel bad for Kelli and Judy as well as for Jenna and Holly.  My gut tells me they would rather not have had to address this publicly.  But again, darn it, this was their reality!  How do you keep it hush hush when the next thing we  viewers will  clearly see is that there is no Holly and no Jenna at this prestigious event?!  I feel like they had to show it.

   Had this happened later in the year, I don't know if Holly would have been upset enough to quit.  Everything would have happened exactly the same, but it wouldn't have been filmed.  She may have just been too embarrassed to go on, knowing what would be shown on tv.  Then maybe the embarrassment turned into indignation and anger.  From a couple of her Instagram posts, she was feeling very spicy about her treatment.  We don't see any more or less than Kelli and the MTT crew want to show us.  I am sure both the Jenna and the Holly discussions were much longer and more heated than we were shown.  Both girls broke rules, it seems, and got called to the office for reprimands, but we don't know the girls' side of the story, and how they felt about it being filmed.  Maybe they felt like the filming didn't have to happen, that it wasn't fair to film them at this time, but Kelli and Judy felt like it did have to happen for the continuity of the show.

It's just too bad that it happened.  I am simply sorry it happened.  I like both girls a lot as team members. They are beautiful, super talented, smart, well spoken, fun and will have great futures and families in years to come. 

It could have been avoided just by making better choices. (easy for me to say, I know)

 But it was fun....



Completely unrealated, but for the couple of posters that liked my snuggle puppy, and asked about him, he is a Havanese, just a little 9 lb dog, and his name is Wrigley- or Wriggy- or Wriggy Roo.  He is wonderful!  Great personality!  Google the breed, I can't begin to tell you how special he is nor how much he is loved and spoiled.  One of our three well loved doggies- Here he is after his bath but needing a little haircut- just to lighten this heavy post.  I am done speaking about it now, I promise!









Oh my goodness I could just snuggle him up!!!!!  I love all dogs but especially little snuggly fur balls.

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2 minutes ago, sATL said:

no. I just turned the sound off. which is an inconvince .

I called my tech support and they told me it was coming from the site we are on and that I should contact them.  I don't know how to contact them... do you?

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CroutineFAN, I am head over heels in love with Wrigley. I mean, just look at that face!!!!!

The worst part of the whole Holly this is, she is an amazing dancer and was an asset to the team and her immaturity totally screwed that up. I hope she learned that, no matter how talented you are, you are still subject to the contract/rules you agreed to. I have a feeling she thought her talent made her untouchable. None of them are irreplaceable. I do think, if she learns from this mistake, she will go far. She is captivating to watch when she dances. 

I think it's kind of funny, Orwell's 1984 has kind of come true, but it's not the government who is watching, it's society. Every thing this generation does is recorded, be it on reality TV, snapchat, Instagram. 20 years ago had Holly hooked up with some player in a bar there may have been some talk, but there would not likely be proof. But these days every person on earth is a reporter/detective/spy. We all photograph and record every moment of our lives. I am sure about half the people in that bar have photographic evidence of Holly's interactions. 

I have done a lot of dumbass shit at 20. I was drinking in clubs underage. I, however, was fortunate enough to be 20 in the 90s when there wasn't social media so no one can prove any of my inappropriate interactions. I'm so glad I'm not young in the social media world. These poor kids can't make a single mistake without it living forever on the internet. 

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1 hour ago, dreamcatcher said:

Kinda random thought within the whole Holly-Jenna discussion, but I think Taryn should have made the team over Christina (equally bad if not worse kicks) and maybe even Gina (based on attitude, as Taryn seems really sweet and I think this was the first time K&J commented on how much a rookie is trying and improving). I don't think she 100% looks like a DCC but since they take in so many girls that just fade in the background, they should start focusing on humble girls with potential instead of 'rockstars' who are too full of themselves.

Aaaand none of the girls that are left look like point/triangle material to me. Maybe Lacey and Robin from the vets (if they choose to stay) and Keyra and Kalyssa would look good in the triangle-but I don't see them as point.

I thought Taryn should have made the team too...she's probably 100% on the team next year, she looks like a DCC 

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I think a lot of the times, they not only make the mistake, THEY are the ones who post it on the internet and if it's not them, it's their so-called friends.  At the time, they might find it funny but when they hit the so-called real world and are out there looking for work, those things often come back to bite them.  A lot of companies know that their employees are the "public face" of the company and the general public isn't interested in working with companies who hire people with "reputations" (pictures of drinking, drugs, and inappropriate attire/companions could be the most benign pictures that could come up).  

As for Taryn, Kitty was right about her core needing work.  If I were her, I would be working on it until I could to the following:

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George Orwell is rolling over in his grave right now because he never would have imagined people would beg to be watched 24/7.  It’s like Peg Bundy from Married with Children complaining “why am I not getting peeped” when there is a peeping tom problem in the neighborhood.  Everyone wants to be watched, no one covets their privacy.   It’s bizarro world.  I feel like I’m living in the twilight zone every day.  (And I will cry the day my landline becomes obsolete)

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54 minutes ago, kary said:

I called my tech support and they told me it was coming from the site we are on and that I should contact them.  I don't know how to contact them... do you?

no. I am hoping the moderator steps in and perhaps knows how to contact them and open a ticket.

Edited by sATL
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11 minutes ago, lampwick said:

Everyone wants to be watched, no one covets their privacy.   It’s bizarro world.  I feel like I’m living in the twilight zone every day.

It's a Brave New World my friend. And it's dreadful. I watched (please don't judge) Bachelor in Paradise and saw two people talking  about their feelings for one another and neither of them once looked at the person they were claiming to be falling for. Then I realized, it's because these people don't know how to communicate without a cell phone so they are looking at where their phone would be. 

These girls are living their lives in front of a camera. You would think that would make them more media savvy, and know not to do dumb ass shit where they can be filmed, but then again, they don't exist if they are not being documented in some way so I think they don't get the concept of doing things in private. It just blows my mind that Holly wouldn't have realized that K&J obviously had proof. The fact she was lying to them shows how very immature she is. (I had no idea she was only 20. She always seemed older to me. Not old, but like 23-25)

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