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2017 Tryouts and Training Camp: Candidates Included

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Christina and Savannah are this season's Morgan and Kaitlyn (Season 8.) Neither one can dance or have the total DCC package, but they still make the team. I can picture if all the rookies from this year try out again three or more will be cut at next year's finals. They should be counting their lucky stars three vets were cut at finals, Holly and Erica left, and a few talented DCCs retired because there was a snowball chance in heck of them actually making the team this year. The squad especially from Season 8 on has left a lot to be desired. Season 7 was not all that great either, but they did have a few standout girls making the team to make up for the ones who should not have made the team in first place.

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35 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I can picture if all the rookies from this year try out again three or more will be cut at next year's finals.

I predict Christina & Alexandria will be retiring after this year, and yes, of the remaining, it will be interesting next year to see who makes it back.  Bold prediction...it will be a cut-fest.

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10 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

Which ones?

I meant to say some of the rookie candidates this year would have not made the team if a few of the rock star vets from last season did not retired. Sorry, I am not feeling good at all, and my thought process is all over the place from being sick, miserable and tired.

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I should prob put this in unpopular opinions but I love Savannah and I think she's going to blossom this year.  I think she's going to gain a lot of confidence and come back and be a strong audition.  She is SO well spoken with Kelli and Judy, she just sounds sincere but still professional.  A great ambassador.  Just my opinion though :)  

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54 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

I should prob put this in unpopular opinions but I love Savannah and I think she's going to blossom this year.  I think she's going to gain a lot of confidence and come back and be a strong audition.  She is SO well spoken with Kelli and Judy, she just sounds sincere but still professional.  A great ambassador.  Just my opinion though :)  

I really, really hope so! I love her, too.

I think Alexandria will retire as well. And she should. She needs to go back to Boston and enjoy her new home and life with Man Bun!

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Who comes up with these episode titles???




episode 1213Open(1 HOUR 0 MIN)

Kelli announces the official squad and the women realize the hard fought dream of becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. Full of excitement and nerves, the squad prepares for their very first football game at AT&T Stadium.


No mention of cutting anybody else (although we know they do) or Erica's disappearance/nonexistence.

Edited by DCCFanInKy
change wording
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1 hour ago, LaurenBrook said:

I should prob put this in unpopular opinions but I love Savannah and I think she's going to blossom this year.  I think she's going to gain a lot of confidence and come back and be a strong audition.  She is SO well spoken with Kelli and Judy, she just sounds sincere but still professional.  A great ambassador.  Just my opinion though :)  

I love Savannah too.  I agree with everything you just said.  

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1 hour ago, LaurenBrook said:

I should prob put this in unpopular opinions but I love Savannah and I think she's going to blossom this year.  I think she's going to gain a lot of confidence and come back and be a strong audition.  She is SO well spoken with Kelli and Judy, she just sounds sincere but still professional.  A great ambassador.  Just my opinion though :)  

I really like Savannah too, I don't get the hate.

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37 minutes ago, cgloss said:

I really, really hope so! I love her, too.

I think Alexandria will retire as well. And she should. She needs to go back to Boston and enjoy her new home and life with Man Bun!

??? Man Bun! Glad I'm not the only one who calls him that. 

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I like Savannah, too. But I do thinks she's Jasmine and Tara is Danielle. Definitely a candidate to get cut in year two or three if there's a strong red head. 

I expect Christina and Alexandria to be one year girls, too. I'm on the fence about Miranda, we haven't seen a lot of her but what I've seen I've been very underwhelmed. 

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4 minutes ago, klh25 said:

I really like Savannah too, I don't get the hate.

Savannah was blonder in NY....http://www.newyorkjets.com/flight-crew/cheerleaders/Savannah /549e4f9a-c12c-4048-b85e-8a72d675ba2d

I'm almost positive I saw Savannah driving a jeep through Deep Ellum a few weeks back,

Tara def lost some weight, look at the video below her picture http://www.newyorkjets.com/flight-crew/cheerleaders/Tara/e2f0430a-68ee-4508-a237-0b0754436aa8

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11 hours ago, Emilyhitch said:

Not like anyone cares, but I saw Stephanie, Simone, Chantel, and Yuko out at the new bar, Bottled Blonde tonight. I love that Yuko was there. She’s honestly so breathtaking in person. 


There were at least 5 current cowboys players that I saw and none of the girls were even in their vicinity after they saw them. Jenna & holly, take notes. 

We totally care! Thank you for sharing!


Of all the bars/clubs in Dallas, why do the players and the cheerleaders keep going to the same places? After the Holly and Jenna drama, I wouldn't even want to be under the same roof as the players. Those girls are smart for staying away from the guys, but things can get so misconstrued when people see them out in a social setting like that. 


5 hours ago, Teresa said:

Well Shelly and company need to stop acting so annoyed that we want answers. Don't have a show if you're going to leave stuff out that's that major. 

Right?! And I don't like how Shelly told us that everything is filmed and shown in order when it so clearly is not.

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2 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

I should prob put this in unpopular opinions but I love Savannah and I think she's going to blossom this year.  I think she's going to gain a lot of confidence and come back and be a strong audition.  She is SO well spoken with Kelli and Judy, she just sounds sincere but still professional.  A great ambassador.  Just my opinion though :)  

I do too. Glad she and Tara both made it.

2 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

I meant to say some of the rookie candidates this year would have not made the team if a few of the rock star vets from last season did not retired. Sorry, I am not feeling good at all, and my thought process is all over the place from being sick, miserable and tired.

That's Ok; hope you're feeling better.

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7 minutes ago, NMDD43 said:

We totally care! Thank you for sharing!


Of all the bars/clubs in Dallas, why do the players and the cheerleaders keep going to the same places? After the Holly and Jenna drama, I wouldn't even want to be under the same roof as the players. Those girls are smart for staying away from the guys, but things can get so misconstrued when people see them out in a social setting like that. 


The places we keep seeing the players at are definitely the most fun places in Dallas. Citizen is more of a club and it’s tiny and extremely dark inside, so it’s a good place for someone to go if they don’t want to be easily seen. Clutch is a bar and is really fun for games! Bottled Blonde is a new bar in Deep Ellum and it’s exactly like Clutch, but it’s even better. I’ve only been there 3 times so far and I’ve already seen multiple Cowboys, Mavs, Stars players, and even a couple people from the Bachelor ? It’s definitely the new hotspot so I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw Jenna there soon lol

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7 minutes ago, Emilyhitch said:

The places we keep seeing the players at are definitely the most fun places in Dallas. Citizen is more of a club and it’s tiny and extremely dark inside, so it’s a good place for someone to go if they don’t want to be easily seen. Clutch is a bar and is really fun for games! Bottled Blonde is a new bar in Deep Ellum and it’s exactly like Clutch, but it’s even better. I’ve only been there 3 times so far and I’ve already seen multiple Cowboys, Mavs, Stars players, and even a couple people from the Bachelor ? It’s definitely the new hotspot so I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw Jenna there soon lol

I enjoy reading about it because I will never go there.  I work in Downtown and live in Rockwall and on weekends I have no desire to be anywhere near downtown. 

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17 hours ago, rungirl said:

I might be in the minority but I really liked Taryn.  Would have definitely kept her over Christina!

I'm not crazy about either one of them.

My favorite rookie is Lauren.  And of the vets, I have to say I really love KaShara this year.  I find myself smiling whenever she has an ITM.  What a great, positive attitude she has.  She's like a bright light on the DCC...the kind of genuine optimism we really haven't seen since the days of Courtney Cook.

32 minutes ago, klh25 said:

I enjoy reading about it because I will never go there.  I work in Downtown and live in Rockwall and on weekends I have no desire to be anywhere near downtown. 

If you happen to run into Reality Steve Carbone, make sure you get a selfie with him!

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19 hours ago, TMoney said:

I cant believe they are going to just ignore the Erica situation? They should just say that she is out because of injury, or had to resign, something?! To not acknowledge is ridiculous, the long time fans like myself do notice. Even if it was for violating her contract they could say, she decided she needed to move on. I need answers!

I get not showing Erica's cut/departure since they've done it before... But this year they've gone out of their way to repeat how many cuts are left once every five minutes. I think Kelli said there's 37 of ghem 5-6 times in the beginning of the episode... why would you do that if you aren't sure you want to air stuff like that?

7 hours ago, Teresa said:

Man, it's almost dangerous that Kalyssa is going full steam on maybe 3 hours of sleep a night. Poor girl! I would be dead. No wonder she's so exhausted. 

Well honestly I don't believe the girls who are saying they work full time during TC at least. Full time means they would leave their work at 5 (or 4 if they start at 8), meaning there's no way they could always be there earlier to practice. And of course, very few full time jobs allow you to leave at 05:01 sharp so...

that's not directed to kalyssa specifically, it applies to all tccs.

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4 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

I should prob put this in unpopular opinions but I love Savannah and I think she's going to blossom this year.  I think she's going to gain a lot of confidence and come back and be a strong audition.  She is SO well spoken with Kelli and Judy, she just sounds sincere but still professional.  A great ambassador.  Just my opinion though :)  

I was just about to post this same thing. I really like Savanna and think she looks great. She and Lauren are right behind Lacey when their group dances so she gets a lot of screen time and when I saw the entire group, I thought she actually stood out more than a couple other rookies. There are girls who were called into office several times and talked to over and over about mistakes and ended up being great DCC   (Jordan Chanley)  So I agree with you for sure!

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Btw has anyone else seen that Kelli was very positive about Holly and the whole situation on Twitter? there's no way she quit without a warning and by writing an 'angry letter'. That's part of the reason I'm finding it difficult to believe Erica was cut for something so stupid too.

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1 hour ago, dreamcatcher said:

Btw has anyone else seen that Kelli was very positive about Holly and the whole situation on Twitter? there's no way she quit without a warning and by writing an 'angry letter'. That's part of the reason I'm finding it difficult to believe Erica was cut for something so stupid too.

I think regardless of everything that has happened Kelli is maintaining her professionalism.  She might be thinking their actions were stupid and I'm sure she has told Judy that in private, but she is going to be cool and collected publicly.  All of them have to be.  I mean, I would love to be a fly on the wall and read the private messages that have gone back and forth among the remaining girls on the squad.  Well, and alumni too:)

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I would rather have Kelli say we have taken 32-39 girls on the squad in years past so we are looking at taking around that number of girls.  Then keep them guessing as they don't always think we are at 37 and only one more will be cut etc.  It also doesn't box you into a corner when you discover vets acting out or there are more people retiring than are really good candidates.  Just a thought!

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1 minute ago, cherryblossom said:

I would rather have Kelli say we have taken 32-39 girls on the squad in years past so we are looking at taking around that number of girls.  Then keep them guessing as they don't always think we are at 37 and only one more will be cut etc.  It also doesn't box you into a corner when you discover vets acting out or there are more people retiring than are really good candidates.  Just a thought!

So in Season 7 they took 39 girls for the final squad - were they just running into each other on the field or fighting over locker space or what?  Cause it's been 36 girls max ever since, right?  And don't the All Stars have lockers?  I don't know why they didn't put in more lockers for the basic squad when they built the stadium.  How much more would that have cost.

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22 hours ago, TMoney said:

I cant believe they are going to just ignore the Erica situation? They should just say that she is out because of injury, or had to resign, something?! To not acknowledge is ridiculous, the long time fans like myself do notice. Even if it was for violating her contract they could say, she decided she needed to move on. I need answers!

I am wondering if there is some kind of legal action happening here so they CAN'T comment.

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Can they please fix Gina's hair??? it was all I could focus on during the SG performance. its so flat and yellow and blah.  it needs some lowlights, it needs to be a more natural colour. it's just godawful.
The more of Lauren I see the more I like her. Same with Kashara.

What is the point of Ramos??? he was totally pointless in that ep. comes into the d=changing room to telll them they look good.  gee, thanks.
don't get me started on that purplish top with the ruffle Kelli was wearing at the start of the ep, but whoever told her that was flattering or suited her was lying through their teeth. she looked huge in it. made her look wide, made her look thick, gabe her a weird 'boob log' look your normally only get from a sports bra...yikes

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3 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I'm sorry, but I cannot stop laughing at "boob log!"

its what we always called it at the rink, you always knew when a girl had on a really strong sports bra because instead of boobs plural, she just had a log of boob!!

do they have a quota on how many times they need the girls to say 'dancing for my life' per episode?  could make for an interesting drinking game

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47 minutes ago, CaseyRe said:

its what we always called it at the rink, you always knew when a girl had on a really strong sports bra because instead of boobs plural, she just had a log of boob!!

do they have a quota on how many times they need the girls to say 'dancing for my life' per episode?  could make for an interesting drinking game

Take a shot whenever they say 'Dancing for my life', 'bringing my A game' or 'game ready' and you may just collapse of alcohol poisoning

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2 minutes ago, ellekotonyok said:

Take a shot whenever they say 'Dancing for my life', 'bringing my A game' or 'game ready' and you may just collapse of alcohol poisoning

five minutes into the ep

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1 hour ago, ellekotonyok said:

Take a shot whenever they say 'Dancing for my life', 'bringing my A game' or 'game ready' and you may just collapse of alcohol poisoning

or "Filling my bucket".  Or is it emptying?

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2 hours ago, CaseyRe said:


don't get me started on that purplish top with the ruffle Kelli was wearing at the start of the ep, but whoever told her that was flattering or suited her was lying through their teeth. she looked huge in it. made her look wide, made her look thick, gabe her a weird 'boob log' look your normally only get from a sports bra...yikes

YES! Hubby and I looked at each other and said "What the...?" I'd been thinking Kelli was making better wardrobe choices until that thing came on screen. Didn't help that I am sick and tired of the cut out sleeves she and Judy seem to be addicted to for the last several years. 


That shirt needs to be burned or buried. 

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46 minutes ago, SuzySmith said:

or "Filling my bucket".  Or is it emptying?

Not sure if anyone pays attention to the color commentary during football games but I’m a big fan of Romo as an analyst and I’ve heard him use the phrase “empty your bucket” a couple times now. He said it during the Raiders/Chiefs game last night too 

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1 hour ago, Bailey3606 said:

Not sure if anyone pays attention to the color commentary during football games but I’m a big fan of Romo as an analyst and I’ve heard him use the phrase “empty your bucket” a couple times now. He said it during the Raiders/Chiefs game last night too 

It's all that Cowboys Kool-Aid drinking they do there at The Star. 

They should rephrase their slogan to "It is a privilege, not a right, to have a bucket to empty here at the Star". Charlotte's going to make people start carrying actual buckets. 

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This whole Erica situation has me perplexed. I need to sort this out because my brain hurts. Bear with me friends, this is a long one. 


So most of us agree that Erica was cut for more than an injury, yes? And we think this because of the great lengths the show has gone to edit her out almost completely. Everything from falsely announcing KaShara as group leader instead of Erica, to not acknowledging her disappearance from the show/team. If it were just an injury, why go to such great lengths? Why edit her out completely?


We also agree that she was cut for breaking the rules of some sort because insiders have told us that she was cut for drinking at the Hall of Fame game. Whether that is entirely true or not is up in the air, BUT we all agree she was cut for more than an injury, so something must have happened beyond a hurt shoulder. 


I think most of us also agree that even if Erica did threaten legal action, she did not have a legal leg to stand on. So that doesn't explain why they did not acknowledge her departure either.


Some posters have said that they didn't show her drama because it would have made the organization and management look bad when combined with all the Holly/Jenna crap that went down. And others have said that Holly and Jenna were enough drama for the team; that showing Erica was just too much drama for one season. I agree to an extent, but they still could have just said she left the team for personal reasons, or an injury. Hell, they could have just simply said "a veteran decided to resign" and left it at that. So, I'm not really believing that reasoning either.


On that same note, reality show producers loooove drama so I don't believe they deliberately chose not to show her.  And if whatever happened was so bad that the organization's reputation was at stake (which I doubt it was) they could have watered it down. Ignoring it and editing her out makes it seem like she committed some heinous crime and that the organization could not afford to be associated with her anymore. But they are still cordial on social media, so how bad could it have been? I guess I'm not buying that theory either. 


I just want to know WHY. Why do some girls leave this show humiliated and Erica was spared any mention at all? Kaitlin Legrand probably would have preferred her drama not be shown on national television, but it was anyway. I imagine Courtney Cook would have preferred no mention of her sudden departure because of all the speculation it caused in regards to her health and wellbeing. But it was still shown. I'm sure all the vets and TCC's who have been cut for being "too heavy" would have appreciated it not being shown. Just like Chandler probably would have preferred Tina's "grandma" comment be left out of the show. 




I guess I am just racking my brain for a logical reason that has not been mentioned already as to why she hasn't been acknowledged. Yes, I know it's just a stupid TV show and they don't "owe" me an explanation, but when a reality show doesn't align with reality it really bothers me. And when seemingly simple things don't make sense, it bothers me even more. 


Any other ideas as to why princess Erica was spared? 

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7 minutes ago, NMDD43 said:

 Any other ideas as to why princess Erica was spared? 

 She might not be....there's still next week and that description I saw didn't look like it'd fill a whole hour.  Just speculation on my part.  No inside info whatsoever...I do think the fans expect "closure" on the Erica issue.

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I think that in the grand scheme of things having a cheerleader threaten to sue is something the Cowboys are not interested in putting manhours or money into so they say just don't show it.  Yes, they are rolling over but I think it is not high on the list of what they would spend money defending.

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6 hours ago, NMDD43 said:

Ignoring it and editing her out makes it seem like she committed some heinous crime and that the organization could not afford to be associated with her anymore.

Hmmm, my more evil self is thinking you might be onto something, maybe that's exactly what they want us to think!

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6 hours ago, cherryblossom said:

I think that in the grand scheme of things having a cheerleader threaten to sue is something the Cowboys are not interested in putting manhours or money into so they say just don't show it.  Yes, they are rolling over but I think it is not high on the list of what they would spend money defending.

It really makes no sense though, the whole idea that she threatened to sue. What would she be trying to do? Avoid exactly what is happening now? Because being written off the show completely is not making her look good at all, since there is a thing called internet and social media and rampant speculation is going on. It would have been much better for both her and the Cowboys, if they had a segment that simply said "Erica has been injured, to prevent further injury she has decided it is best to leave the organization at this time, we wish her a full recovery." That could have been enough to prevent the casual viewer from digging any deeper. Instead, by trying to hide what happened, it is making it seem like something pretty terrible happened. 

If she did sue them, well, she's a moron since she's the one who did something wrong, and I hope we never hear from her again. If she didn't, I would like to know why they handled this all so badly. Maybe she murdered someone? Chose to fill her bucket instead of emptying it? Made a porno with a fan while Jerry was giving his acceptance speech? Has a hidden video of Kelli and Judy's Sapphic longings? Maybe she kicked a puppy? Brought her C game? Danced for someone else's life?

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Didn't a training camp candidate threaten to sue a few years back so they didn't show her in the show or her cut. "I'm going to sue" must be the magic word. No way the organization wants to deal with a lawsuit if they can avoid it. 

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11 hours ago, NMDD43 said:

I guess I am just racking my brain for a logical reason that has not been mentioned already as to why she hasn't been acknowledged. Yes, I know it's just a stupid TV show and they don't "owe" me an explanation, but when a reality show doesn't align with reality it really bothers me. And when seemingly simple things don't make sense, it bothers me even more. 

My two cents:  I think the reason why Kaitlin Legrand and Courtney Cook were discussed is because both had non DCC related personal issues.  Therefore K&J come off as caring employers.  I understand (although not exactly agree) that weight issues are a "minor DCC issue" and can get you cut IF there are better possible candidates to bring to training camp.  The Holly Jenna issue was a major DCC infraction, yet they ultimately only blamed Holly for the infraction and, based on what aired, only punished Jenna's leadership skills.  The DCC want to show that these type of infractions are punishable, but don't want to appear to the public that it runs rampant throughout the DCC. Which would explain why a few weeks later with Erica's infraction was just not discussed period.  I'm sure Kelli has some say on what is aired on CMT and since they gave CMT enough "juicy" stuff with Holly/Jenna saga that she felt she was within her right to ask Erica be edited out completely.  CMT doesn't want to tick off the DCC organization since they need their permission to even have this show. 

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