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S29.E01: Gimme Shelter / S29.E02: Skeletal Fracture


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I'm so freaking mad that Kailah won that challenge!


Without question the people who I hate on the show are: 

Laurel - She is just an overall piece of shit.

Kailah - A skank and an arrogant person.

Zack - Another overall piece of shit.

Tony - He is a headcase who only cares about himself.

Camila - A crybaby who starts so much shit.

Anika - Just a boring person.

Cory - A user who tries so hard to be like Bananas

Sylvia - I don't like anything about her at all.

Ashley M - A drunkard skank who I just can't stand to hear talk.

Bananas - I just straight up hate the man.

Jenna - Dumb.

Nicole - Overly emotional and tries too hard to be tough.

Marie - Useless.

Edited by Hiacios
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...meh.  I think this will finally be the season I give up.  For real.  I just don't find any of the newbs that interesting, the vets seem desperate and the kids in-between are just thirsty.  Also...John can pound sand. If anything, I can't bare to watch him anymore.  

I still love you, CT.  Also, Abe.  Abe will always be my favorite.  Loved his appearance in the CT special! Actually, seeing all those flashbacks on the CT thing made me realize how this show just isn't what it used to be.  That, and I'm just too old for this shit.  Good luck, guys.  

  • Love 4

Man, Johnny Bananas is a douche. He just had to rub it in  how he spent the money that had it not been for Sarah, he wouldn't even have. Enjoy your house, I guess.

It was nice seeing Shane again. I felt bad for him when he was talking about his heartbreak story. He seems genuinely nice.

Kailah hasn't annoyed me just yet. She obviously talks too much and rubs people the wrong way, but she does seem like she'll be a strong competitor. However, I don't think she'll be able to beat the likes of Cara Maria or Laurel once they come into the picture.

I found it funny how everyone came in being all nice to each other and then, just started turning on each other. 

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I wanted the vet challenge winners back and was annoyed I had to watch the Newbies for so much.  

I also love it when the group tries to make a move and send someone home aka Tony and Kailah and they come back.  It makes me snicker.  

I just can't imagine how much they whole group is gonna freakin' shit when the monster winners come in there.  

I do like the angle that they had them staying in a Survivor like shelter.  I wish the whole season was like that....where they didn't get to live in this cushy mansion like place.  HOwever we know that they can't have it like that all season long....because half the point of any challenge is the drunken drama and the sloppy sex hook ups.  

The only vet winner I am sad is not in there...is Wes.  Mainly because he's so arrogant and obnoxious, so he'd be off the hook if he was brought in as already touted as a Winner vs. the Losers.  

Darell's kiddos were the cutest ever.  CT's little man looks like he already works out.  Tony's kids?  I just feel sorry for them.  

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Not gonna lie I loved this episode and I love the format of the season. I've been a long time watcher of this show just knowing that my favorites are coming soon makes me tolerate the newbs haha even if I don't know who half of them are, I can't wait to see them destroyed by the beasts

I agree Wes would have been a nice addition to the cast.

Im totally team Darrell, CT and Cara. Jurys out on Ashley, and Im excited to see Laurel compete again even if I don't love her

I was watching the CT episode and omg the challenges/elimination used to be sooo much better. Like that cookie one. They need to bring back the old antics. It was gold. 

Also totally cried with the whole Diem and CT clip. Way to rip my heart out again MTV> RIP Diem. 

Also- I kind of loved Nicole, i think she is going to be a real threat. And she is a cop so good luck arguing with her (no hate on cops, I am married to a cop LOL but man they are so used to crazy that she will probably thrive in in this situation) LOL.

Also Sylvia is an idiot, especially because I think Nicole will be around for a while ( and possibly tony if he can refrain from being a drunk idiot)

Edited by yogi2014L
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9 hours ago, Steph619 said:

Man, Johnny Bananas is a douche. He just had to rub it in  how he spent the money that had it not been for Sarah, he wouldn't even have. Enjoy your house, I guess.

I have to ask...is this house nice? I can't find any pictures on the internet. If it's in southern Cali though, I can't imagine that even Sarah's portion and his portion combined would have even covered the down payment.

3 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I have to ask...is this house nice? I can't find any pictures on the internet. If it's in southern Cali though, I can't imagine that even Sarah's portion and his portion combined would have even covered the down payment.

It looked nice, a ranch not a mansion by any means but if it was in socal it probably cost him almost a million ( would be my guess, no expert on real estate).  A nice normal house. Smart of him, IMO. 

I wish this show would stop trying to make Johnny happen, he has the the same approach to life as Donald Trump.

I don't understand why people are supposed to care that Tony has kids. It Is not his competitors responsibility to coddle him because he didn't bother to properly consider birth control.

I cannot wait for the "invasion", all of the attention on the new people was unbelievably grating.

  • Love 18

I want the invasion to happen quicker! I like Kailah, I don't know why.  Sylvia was a monster on her season, so not too excited to see her. Half of this episode was people bitching.  It got boring. The shelter is horrible, I don't think I could handle it.  Ok, I couldn't.  No Way.  Send me home, I quit.  That would be me! 

C.T has a son!! He is so cute!!! 

Johnny is so damn arrogant. Ugh

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Mischievious said:

I find it hilarious how everyone was bragging when the earned a "ticket" to the oasis. Did they not hear TJ say they can't go there until everyone earns a ticket? Eventually challenges will be thrown so people can win so they can get the hell out of camp. 

It's my understanding though that if you get a ticket, you're safe until the oasis. So Kailah, Tony, Nicole, and Dario are sitting pretty until the Oasis. I wonder if they still have to compete in missions up until then?

So I can't stand Tony, but I understood him being upset with Sylvia to an extent. And even though Sylvia was crazy on her season, I kind of like her and felt bad for her because I could tell she felt genuinely bad.

Also, I don't know why but I like Kailah. Is she cocky and annoying? Yes, but it seems like all these girls just decided to hate her before the show even started. She seems to attract hate though, so what do I know.

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1 hour ago, OnceSane said:


IDK why the other ladies hated Kailah…maybe they watched her season.  Or they overheard the guys talking about how hot she is and are already butthurt.

I've always liked Kailah, even on her RW season.  She can get annoying, but I think she's pretty cool generally. I totally agree with you re: the hate towards Kailah. Did you see/hear the shade the other women were throwing at her when she was going into the water? Seems to me like they're jealous.

I automatically begin to dislike any man who refers to women as "females", so Nelson can take several seats. 

Can Tony have one TH where he doesn't mention his daughters?

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I also liked Kailah. I did not watch her season of Real World (I largely stopped watching after Portland when they started in with the "twists), so this was my initial introduction to her, but I didn't see anything that would make other cast members hate her. And I'm shocked more girls didn't try to align themselves with Jenna, because she is the closest thing to a champ in that house right now and is a good competitor.

I do not understand the choice of Ashley as one of the "champions". She has been on 2 challenges and won 1 with 3 other people from her season. There are so many other women, such as Evelyn, Emily, and Rachel, who are true beasts and would have been much better choices.

Also--not at all surprised to see Marie go home first. If memory serves, she has sucked on every challenge she has been on. Other than that, there are some real cast members with potential in this house--they just need to stop trying to be like Bananas.

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1 hour ago, sekay87 said:

I also liked Kailah. I did not watch her season of Real World (I largely stopped watching after Portland when they started in with the "twists), so this was my initial introduction to her, but I didn't see anything that would make other cast members hate her. And I'm shocked more girls didn't try to align themselves with Jenna, because she is the closest thing to a champ in that house right now and is a good competitor.

I do not understand the choice of Ashley as one of the "champions". She has been on 2 challenges and won 1 with 3 other people from her season. There are so many other women, such as Evelyn, Emily, and Rachel, who are true beasts and would have been much better choices.

Also--not at all surprised to see Marie go home first. If memory serves, she has sucked on every challenge she has been on. Other than that, there are some real cast members with potential in this house--they just need to stop trying to be like Bananas.

Haven't Ashley and Marie only been on one challenge each prior to this season? I'm blanking on any of the ones that weren't Battle of The Seasons (2012).

Man, I don't think any of the underdogs (for lack of a better word) came off well. I liked Nicole a lot in Skeletons, and I was thrilled to see her here because I didn't think BMP would invite her back . . . and she got dirty out there, and not just during the mission. Good news: she's got a ticket to the Oasis. Bad news: The other Staten Islander went out, and I didn't get to see if Nicole and Marie knew each other. Oh, and we're stuck with Kailah and Tony. If Tony wins money, I think BMP should give him a little more so that he could afford a vasectomy.

Is it bad that the idea of CT reproducing kinda scares me? I mean, I wasn't expecting him to stay alone forever after Diem, and I recognize some stuff of these people are none of my business. But . . . Lil Christopher?!? Wow. I didn't react like that with Darrell's kids because it's been a figurative eternity since Fresh Meat II. He's had time away from the spotlight. Meanwhile, CT has been working behind the scenes and occasionally popping up.

As for the Champions? I think we could've gotten a better crop. I hate to say it, but Johnny would qualify, even if I think most of his wins were based in luck. Darrell has four titles, though I don't know if the layoff will do him any good. Laurel, CT, and Cara Maria strike me as hard workers, even if they've only won once apiece. Ashley is one-for-one, and she didn't get the unique experience that Sam got. That girl is probably still in therapy thanks to Frank and Zach. Speaking of Zach, I regard him as the male Rachel . . . all muscle, no hustle. He poops out a lot. And Camila? She's there because she's fucking psycho. Have you seen the commercial, with Nicole holding her back? I'm glad she's there, because I don't know who else can hold back the Camilanator.

I don't have Twitter. Anybody else tweet the hashtag for a shot at seeing the show with a Champion? I don't think I'd win with any of the eight possibilities. I like CT, but we don't have much in common aside from being male and Italian. And I'd probably blab to Darrell that I've frequently referred to him as "Pootie Tang."

You know what I want later this season? Johnny yukking it up as per usual, manipulating the easily-duped. "MEANWHILE . . . BACK IN AMERICA." It's Johnny's house, and Sarah is there. "I heard that I paid for his new pad, and that means I can do whatever the fuck I want." Then she lifts the sledgehammer, and the fun begins.

Wes? You're not back because you know you'd go off the cliff and onto the canyon floor. You've beaten your roadrunner twice. Be happy with that, butthead.

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I don't watch the Real World, although I do watch Are You the One.  So, I didn't recognize a lot of the newbies.  The thing that got me about the Tony/Sylvia situation was that if the situation was reversed, you know Tony would claim he needed the money for his kids and Sylvia was being a terrible person for sending him in, so I rolled my eyes at the whole thing.  Some friendship, there.

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When I die and go to hell all it is going to be is Nicole and Ashley talking at me for all of eternity.  I thought Ashley was horrific and then Nicole started braying.  I understand Staten Island is deep City but that has to be put on, right?!?  

She's a monster though and I don't think most of those girls are going to put up much of a fight.  I suppose I better resign myself to her on the show for the long haul.

In addition to putting the names and cities and how many challenges these kids have done they also should have put up which season they are from so I would have some sort of clue.

Nelson is SO DAMN HOT.  And then he speaks.  And I am disappointed.

I think the female challenger champs chosen aren't that great? I mean yes they've all won and all are strong  competitors but they aren't the greatest. I agree there are better woman champs but then again..maybe some people just checked no on that box. I think there are some people who won't come back to a challenge ever.

1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I think the female challenger champs chosen aren't that great? I mean yes they've all won and all are strong  competitors but they aren't the greatest. I agree there are better woman champs but then again..maybe some people just checked no on that box. I think there are some people who won't come back to a challenge ever.

I think Laurel is amazing, and Cara Maria is pretty good. Camilla and Ashley though? Meh. I really wish Ev would come back!

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So many new people that I don't know but I already don't like!


It hit me halfway through the show that Nelson, while being super annoying, also looks like a knock off Wayans brother. I could not stand him or understand his anger with Tony on Bruno's behalf. So you suck, Nelson, for making me side with Tony a little.

I loved how they're all out with the old, in with the new and instead just repeat the same alliance games that all the vets play but with a more vicious twist. Sylvia was stupid.

2 hours ago, Zima said:

I really wish Ev would come back!

I miss Ev! And Ruthie. She was a beast.

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, Craphole Island said:

It's my understanding though that if you get a ticket, you're safe until the oasis. So Kailah, Tony, Nicole, and Dario are sitting pretty until the Oasis. I wonder if they still have to compete in missions up until then?

TJ never said they were "safe". I have a feeling that if someone who earns a spot in the Oasis ends up in the bottom, they might have to defend their spot in order to keep it....no one gets a free ride.  It would eliminate people from throwing challenges to help their friends because they think they're already through to the next round.  And based on this episode where "let's help each other out" quickly devolved into "fuck the rest of y'all, I'm getting to the finish line first!", it's gonna be every man and woman for themselves.

I love the new format, especially that they have to earn the right to luxury (cause I can't stand how they're complaining while they got a fucking free trip to Thailand and get to live on the beach for 2 weeks). However, all these new people are soooooooo boring.  And I can't stand the ones we do know: Tony, Ashley, Dario, Cory....although, Cory (and his ass) was looking good and I kept having to remind myself that I hate him.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention in my last post that I hated Nelson too. Like STFU. He was such a non-entity last season so I figured he was fine, but nah he kinda sucks.

Also, I hope Marie comes back! She was kind of disappointing physically this time around, but she looked great and I'm a fan. It's a shame after being gone for so many seasons to see her gone first.

CT has a kid?! I was a little shocked to see that

Also, what small town in Montana does Laurel live because that did look like a cute place.

I haven't watched RW in forever so this is my first time seeing some of these people. Nicole's voice is annoying as hell. Toya seems cool. I'm still learning the boy's names. I'm glad Jenna is back and I hope she does well. Hopefully Zach doesn't screw with her head too much ( he probably will though, he's a douche).

I've always like Shane and I'm glad he's back.

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12 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

Also, what small town in Montana does Laurel live because that did look like a cute place.

My first impression: Laurel and Cara Maria are friends now, and Laurel feels that she has to live a short drive away from Cara Maria in case Abram snaps again. He's psycho, and Laurel would be on my short list of people that could take him down.

  • Love 5
  20 hours ago, sekay87 said:

I also liked Kailah. I did not watch her season of Real World (I largely stopped watching after Portland when they started in with the "twists), so this was my initial introduction to her, but I didn't see anything that would make other cast members hate her. And I'm shocked more girls didn't try to align themselves with Jenna, because she is the closest thing to a champ in that house right now and is a good competitor.

I do not understand the choice of Ashley as one of the "champions". She has been on 2 challenges and won 1 with 3 other people from her season. There are so many other women, such as Evelyn, Emily, and Rachel, who are true beasts and would have been much better choices.

Also--not at all surprised to see Marie go home first. If memory serves, she has sucked on every challenge she has been on. Other than that, there are some real cast members with potential in this house--they just need to stop trying to be like Bananas.

Haven't Ashley and Marie only been on one challenge each prior to this season? I'm blanking on any of the ones that weren't Battle of The Seasons (2012).

You're right...both have only been on one Challenge, and it was Battle of the Seasons. Thanks for reminding me! I actually love Marie's personality, but she underperformed on that season too, so I wasn't shocked to see her go first. Ashley was also only on that season, and that's why I'm shocked she was selected as a Champion. I wish it would have been Ev. Or Emily. I agree with the male champs selected, if only because Kenny and Evan are banned from coming back. No one else would really work besides the 4 selected except maybe Landon or Mark, both of whom I think are done with this show.

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I've always had a weird thing with Zach, where I'm 99% sure he's repugnant and lame but at the same time I want to go to there. Maybe it was that trivia challenge where he not only knew the answer, Sleeping Beauty, but that the character's first name is Aurora. I felt a tiny thrill when I saw him looking all beardy, and then he immediately said "Make the Challenge great again" (which I feel like they replayed a bunch) and I instantly turned on him. May his stay on this season be short.

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8 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

Laurel is a disgusting person. I'll never forget her vicious attack on Eric, one of the sweetest people ever on this show. I can't bear to see her on my TV. I know she apologized, but really she showed her true colors. There is a lot of ugliness inside that person. 

I don't think Eric/Big Easy is that sweet, though I do identify with him via weight. You take somebody like him, and you mix him with a woman I've taken to calling "Killbot," and sparks will fly. If Laurel had been on Battle Of The Sexes, she probably would have been offended by Melissa's lack of skill to throw her off Jamaica. Literally, I mean. She would have done the same with Ruthie, but she would have recognized her overall strength.

@annewithaneee: I can't hate Zach for co-opting a motto, even if you can't make an acronym from "MTCGA." There are soooooooo many other reasons to hate him. Once again: Sam owes him a beating.

Didn't notice "Skeletal Fracture" was the title of the second hour. I really wasn't a fan of that season. I hope Bruno rebounds, but I know that if Nicole visits his hometown, the first place she'll hit is the van down by the river.

13 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

Laurel is a disgusting person. I'll never forget her vicious attack on Eric, one of the sweetest people ever on this show. I can't bear to see her on my TV. I know she apologized, but really she showed her true colors. There is a lot of ugliness inside that person. 

Eric has apparently gotten great edits throughout his time on the show.  Most of the cast think he's an asshole.  And there was an earlier confrontation with Laurel that night in which he was the instigator that was never shown.

Edited by lilabennet
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The fact that Laurel had an incredible amount of regret after the fact goes a long way with me.  Unlike someone like Bananas who I don't think has ever felt regret or said sorry for a shitty thing he did while drunk or in the heat of the moment.  

If you watched Zach's season....and any of the comments he's ever made about women, it should be no shock who he voted for, if he voted at all.  

  • Love 1

Laurel is a disgusting person. I'll never forget her vicious attack on Eric, one of the sweetest people ever on this show. I can't bear to see her on my TV. I know she apologized, but really she showed her true colors. There is a lot of ugliness inside that person. 

I've met Big Easy actually while he was making an appearance at a bar in Cincinnati. He was not only incredibly wasted, but also such a jerk! I think editing has been kind to him because he'll already get criticized for being bigger and if they showed his true self, he'd be subject to even more ridicule. That said, there was no excuse for Laurel talking to him that way. She also went in on Paula that one season and started bringing up her eating disorder and mental issues. At the time she was trying to back up Cara because Paula was ridiculing her, but she still crossed a way inappropriate line when she came at Paula like that. Laurel has a bad mean streak.

Laurel is a mean person but I think a majority of these people are. I don't know if there's a true nice person. And even if the nice people seem to have to take themselves down and become ruthless to be winners.

Darreal seems like he's pretty nice, I know he's gotten into a few screaming matches a few times and I know he and brad were both kicked out when they both were drunk and got into the fight but they both seemed to be over it like right after and both acknowledged at the reunion that it was a stupid thing to do. Also Brad was nice until he went on that one challenge with his wife and they won and I really disliked him throughout that whole challenge and felt like he was acting like an entitled jerk. I've always had a soft spot for Mark as well, I don't know why.

And I do like Ct but I know his past behavior but I still maintain he never should have been allowed on The Duel. It bothers me that production didn't really care about his mental state. But then the same can be said for all the cast members. I remember when they used to do dallies online of the show and random unedited footage and one season, I forgot what one had a clip of tonya being totally out of it and it was messed up. He was sitting with derrick and someone else and they were talking about how many drinks she had since flying and getting to the house, but I feel like it was more than alcohol in her system. I don't know. It's just strange to me that they don't really seem to care. And I also felt really uncomfortable during dallies footage of the islands and watching the way the men treated the women or talked about them. It was gross.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 2
8 hours ago, MissMel said:

Why is/was Bruno homeless?  (It feels like everyone knows why but me.)  Apparently I don't keep up very well with this show.  I have a lot of reading to catch up on here but hoping someone can shed a little light on Bruno's situation for me because I'm confused. Thanks 

I have no idea! His TH seem to imply that it's an open secret but I don't follow any of these kids in the news, even if I did I don't think they'd report on Bruno. I didn't even know who he was until the chyron popped up in the bottom of the screen. 

His language seems to suggest he got in a fight with whatever friend/family/girlfriend he was living with. I don't think he's just a victim of the system here, and probably wasn't roughing it in his car. Obviously he's not living off the grid if MTV was able to get ahold of him to do the show but I'll happily be proven wrong. At least production will put him up in a motel for the next few days. 

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