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S07.E19: Last To Know

Tara Ariano
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Leah always looks so hurried and flustered (and just as messy as the kids). Seriously, I loved dinner time because that's when kids tell you about their day. Leah was just stumbling around with more and more bowls, and unknown other children seemed to be there. And not one bowl matched (another pet peeve for OCD me). 

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10 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

I think a lot of women cook the way their own mothers cook. I would bet dollars to donuts that Dawn did not have Leah in the kitchen growing up, happily baking pies or trying new recipes together. Maybe Dawn plopped cold canned food in front of her kids all the time, so Leah thinks it's normal. (I'm trying to think of any food that I would eat straight from the can unheated. Pork and beans maybe?) With Kail it's probably same thing and I suspect also Jenelle.

Leah has no concept of planning a meal, shopping for it, organizing the kitchen, and timing everything to be ready together. NO CONCEPT. Motherhood in general, running a household, getting bills paid on time, planning ahead (meals, passports, schools), organizing activities -- it all just seems to be too much for Leah. Last week she burst into tears because the school might not be open in time for classes to start. She broke down crying about it. smdh

I agree. Also, these girls never really had time to learn to take care of themselves that most people do. In my first year in college, I ate a lot of stupid shit like microwave mac n cheese and even take-out spaghetti. I was the same age as Leah et al. My mom didn't like cooking and would make basic things, so I didn't find it that strange that cooking wasn't a big part of my life...my dorm also only had a microwave so there was that.

It wasn't till I was 23 or so I got sick of shitty ready meals and taught myself how to cook. That these women have kids should encourage them to want to cook good meals, if not for themselves then for the kids. Maybe they'll get there at some point. We don't really see Chelsea preparing meals that I can recall, but I can't imagine her routinely giving Aubrey cold soup lol

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8 minutes ago, poopchute said:

I'm not talking abou complicated meals though.  It is not hard to bake a piece of chicken and a potato or make some rice and a vegetable.  

Unless it is coming out of a package....for some it is.  I have a friend who is basically terrified of cooking.  She never did it, never watched anyone do it.  She is trying to teach herself to cook....and often snaps her misadventures on Snapchat and they are hilarious.  However, I will tell you....she's no moron.  

Now these girls could learn...however I think for many of them....soup out of a can or pizza dipped in ranch is just what they know as dinner.  

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3 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

One of the easiest things to do is get a rotisserie chicken from any grocery store. Even Leah can manage that one. You can even eat it cold if you must. Throw some frozen veggies in the microwave, and there ya go. You can even heat up frozen fries or roasted potatoes. She's not that busy. I don't care how she grew up - she sees real life. She can figure out how to feed three little children with almost no effort. I hate when I see kids looking all disheveled and eating crap. 

I don't care either about how she grew up. Agree about the chicken and agree about how her kids look. Nova and the three AAAs look like crap for the most part. 

Leah could check out YouTube videos for recipes or find easy recipes online But she won't. Worthless POS. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Interesting that people keep bringing up chicken since that is often the one protein that people who know nothing or are scared of cooking won't touch.  They are super duper afraid of not cooking it enough or not knowing when it is enough and people getting sick.  

I know a lot about cooking.  I always find it hugely entertaining when people who are otherwise really competent can't or don't know how to cook....and they flounder around the kitchen like an idjit.  Not that I am saying Leah or the rest of the crew are otherwise competent.  No one says that.  I'm just saying that just because it is easy for you doesn't mean it is for everyone else.  

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I think most things can be learned if one truly has the desire. My mom cooked for us growing up, but during my teen years, our life was really crazy. My step-dad was bi-polar and was committed to a mental hospital several times when I was in high school. They eventually divorced somewhere in my senior year and all of his financial mistakes came back to bite us in the butt. Foreclosures, repossessions. We moved a lot and mom was working hard to get us back on track. The little ones came first. I had best friends who drove me everywhere and was mostly never home. This is why I never learned to cook or drive as a teenager. 

So when I first moved out, with my then-fiance, I couldn't even boil water. I started just making macaroni and cheese. Cooking was SUPER intimidating to me. It did not come naturally and I really didn't have anyone to show me what I was doing. By the time I was 21 I had learned to make scrambled eggs and brown ground beef. I could do simple stuff like fry breaded chicken. 

Over the years I just kept trying more and more, little by little. I would call my dad and ask for recipes. I had my ex's mother give me recipes for things HE liked. Even now that I'm 37, I still have a lot to learn. I'm certainly no gourmet cook, but the only way not to be scared by it is to keep trying. I still am not the kind to just wing a recipe or make substitutions. I go by the recipe and I can get really flustered if I make a mistake, but I have a large number of recipes I have mastered and it feels good to be able to make homemade meals for my family every night. And yes, some nights it's macaroni with hot dogs. But other nights it's roasted balsamic chicken and veggies, tossed in parmasean. 

I just honestly don't think these girls want to try. That's on them. They're mid 20s by now. What's the point of life if it's not to continually seek improvement? It's just really sad, to me. They know they didn't have the best upbringings, do you think just because you have more money you're giving them better than you got???

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58 minutes ago, shelley1234 said:

Interesting that people keep bringing up chicken since that is often the one protein that people who know nothing or are scared of cooking won't touch.  They are super duper afraid of not cooking it enough or not knowing when it is enough and people getting sick.  

I know a lot about cooking.  I always find it hugely entertaining when people who are otherwise really competent can't or don't know how to cook....and they flounder around the kitchen like an idjit.  Not that I am saying Leah or the rest of the crew are otherwise competent.  No one says that.  I'm just saying that just because it is easy for you doesn't mean it is for everyone else.  

This!  I'm not a very creative cook.  I can follow simple recipes. I'm also super picky and so is my 10 yr old.  I cook M-F and I'm the weekends we do usually order out. We eats a homemade meal every weeknight.  

Growing up me and my two sisters were not taught to cook. Sure, we hung out in the kitchen and watched mom but my dad absolutely forbid us to touch a stove. Why? He was paranoid. He was so scared of us burning ourself or us accidentally leaving the stove on and burning the house down. Whenever he was at work or whatever we would make ourselves something to eat, but no one sat us down to learn recipes or how to mix stuff together. Nothing. It wasn't until I moved out that I began to cook things. I felt like a big girl!  Haha Now we have google for recipes. Yay! 

The one time after my sisters moved out (I'm the baby) and I did make myself something on the stove, I left the burner on. Dad was sooooo mad!! 

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28 minutes ago, ghoulina said:


Over the years I just kept trying more and more, little by little. I would call my dad and ask for recipes. I had my ex's mother give me recipes for things HE liked. Even now that I'm 37, I still have a lot to learn. I'm certainly no gourmet cook, but the only way not to be scared by it is to keep trying.

I just honestly don't think these girls want to try. That's on them. They're mid 20s by now. What's the point of life if it's not to continually seek improvement? It's just really sad, to me. They know they didn't have the best upbringings, do you think just because you have more money you're giving them better than you got???

You had what we say in our home "ganas." It translates into the desire or motivation to want to do or learn.

Unfortunately, Leah is sorely lacking the desire for a lot of things. She couldn't even get her kids to school on time. She doesn't have the desire to keep a clean home or to wash clothes. Hell, I hate housework at times, too. Can't hate on her for that, but as you once pointed out, she is always this way.

Also, the kids could be very picky about their food at this stage of their lives with a mother like Leah. She has given them whatever they wanted to eat because she is lazy and she has been, and likely still is, a drug addict. She allows Ali to make the rules regarding the use of a helmet and the motorized chair. I am sure the girls dictate what foods they will eat when they are with her, and Leah doesn't have the desire to actually make anything if the girls aren't going to want to eat it or fuss about it.  I bet at Cory and Miranda's the girls eat what is put in front of them because they know it is not a restaurant.

As Emerald Girl pointed out about the roast chicken, that is probably the best bet as far as chicken is concerned. They are already cooked and all that is needed is a side dish. I love those roasted chickens. I can make a salad using that chicken, make chicken sandwiches, or just eat a chicken leg. So damn simple.

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I grew up in an orphanage, and wasn't adopted by my American parents until I was 14. Trust me, before that, no one ever sat down with me for dinner or tried to teach me how to cook or whether I should warm up the food before I serve it, yet I will never serve anyone soup straight out of the can, especially my daughter.

So the way Leah grew up does not matter, every single one of them have enough free time on their hands and internet access , it is not that hard to look up something on pinterest or even youtube and try to do it. And if she cannot do this now, I can't imagine what will those poor kids eat once the show is over and she is forced to hold her 9 to 5 job.

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The crockpot could be their best friend! It requires little effort. I make homemade chicken noodle soup in mine and it's super easy. Sure, I have to chop up a few things, but otherwise, it's pretty simple. And fairly healthy. I also make a lime cilantro chicken in there, for a healthier spin on tacos. That's super easy as well. Pinterest is out there, my friends. Crockpots are affordable. They have no excuses. 

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4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

The crockpot could be their best friend! It requires little effort. I make homemade chicken noodle soup in mine and it's super easy. Sure, I have to chop up a few things, but otherwise, it's pretty simple. And fairly healthy. I also make a lime cilantro chicken in there, for a healthier spin on tacos. That's super easy as well. Pinterest is out there, my friends. Crockpots are affordable. They have no excuses. 

I know a single mother of two who has to travel 45 minutes out of town to her job. She is extremely busy and yet, she makes dinners with her crockpot.

No excuses at all especially for Leah who does absolutely nothing all day except to pick fights with her exes and posts selfies. No excuses for any of these girls who feed their kids the way they do with the amount of money they pull in.

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5 hours ago, leighroda said:

I can attest as one of those people with no real cooking skills. My mom didn't cook growing up...

I am one of those people too. For whatever reason, my mother and grandmother chased us out of the kitchen when we were growing up. I was a snotty little brat and had no interest in household skills, so I never bothered to learn. I never had children and I always worked long hours, so I can open cans and make simple meals, but I do a lot of take-out or pre-packaged foods.

(What is bizarre about this: I love to watch cooking shows. I admire people who can cook or bake. It's like alchemy or magic to me, to dump stuff together and get this magnificent meal. The thought of trying to do that myself overwhelms me. I don't know why.)

What I observed in my friends over the years is that my women friends had to learn to cook when they became parents. It became second nature to them very quickly, because they HAD to. Because they wanted to be responsible parents. So whether they saw it as kids or bought a recipe book or just adapted to the new demands of parenthood, they learned what they needed to know. This is what Leah has not done. Leah is a perpetual pre-teen. 

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Yeah, I agree that Leah and many of her cohorts on this show are perpetual preteens.  I think they had a baby so young, had shitty upbringings themselves and then had this shit storm fame at the same time.  It really stunted almost all of their development.  Chelsea has come out of it the best and even she took way longer than one should to get there...and I firmly believe she came out of it because she had a pretty normal family by comparison.  All of these moms....sans Chelsea....behave like teenage brats.  It's not okay and they can grow the fuck up anytime they want...and they should, but I totally get why.  Understanding why someone is messed up isn't an excuse...it's just an understanding.  

I grew up cooking with my mom in the kitchen.  I have a good background and safety net when it comes to the kitchen.  I did have to teach myself a lot of things though since once I moved out on my own....I decided to become a vegetarian/vegan leaning.  So I had to adjust everything I knew...but at least I knew something.  Side note....my dad was the stereotypical husband.  He worked, came home and my mom put the dinner on the table.  My mom passed away about 10 years ago.  My dad still struggles to cook anything that isn't a frozen dinner or out of a box and into boiling water.  He tries and does it for a while, but he struggles.  He then goes back to buying frozen meals and ordering out.  It's not that he's lazy or not intelligent.  He spent most of his life having his meals placed in front of him and he just struggles.  He can use a crockpot and yep, that is a good suggestion to anyone who is a sucky cook who doesn't want to be.  He still has so many questions about it.  I have said a million times over....just throw it all in there and turn it on.  It'll be fine.  I promise.  

I also agree about the cooked chicken in the deli section.  Not for me of course...but for the average mom.  Here is my pet peeve....you can't buy those with food stamps cause it is cooked/prepared food.  It makes an easy, healthy option for families not be an option for really poor families.  You can buy a box of frozen fried chicken that is not healthy, raw chicken that is scary to cook, buy soda, buy candy, but you can't buy that healthy cooked chicken to make a quick, easy, healthy meal.  Thankfully none of these moms are financially in that situation, but we all know families that are. 

Edited by shelley1234
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I love allrecipes.com for meal ideas. A lot of practical recipes as well as more creative ones, and you can search by ingredients you already have at home for meals. Its pretty much idiot proof and Leah could easily use a website like that to learn to cook simple meals. For someone who's whole life revolves around being a SAHM, she is pretty shitty at her job. At the very least she could learn to make a few different kinds of casseroles.

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..you can't buy those with food stamps cause it is cooked/prepared food

@shelley1234 The whole roasted chickens that are cold can be bought with the EBT card. As long as food items are not hot, it can be bought with EBT.  I learned this while in line at Costco. The cashier told a customer they can't buy the hot roasted chicken, but they could buy the cold ones groceries store sold. The only difference between them aside from the temperature of the chicken is the roasted chicken may be a day or two old which is why it is sold in the cold section of the deli.


Leah is always worried and bitching about how she is perceived. She has two weeks of filming time to put her best foot forward. I think of what I would have done back in the day with the kind of time Leah has on her hands now. Leah doesn't even have her girls 100 percent of the time. She kills me.

Edited by GreatKazu
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They don't have them cold here, just hot.  I wish they did.  I menu plan sometimes with the families I work with and it would be a great option for those without many in the kitchen skills.  

I agree that the girls are barely being filmed and they could be on their best behavior for 2 weeks.  They just don't have that ability....and that's why MTV loves them.  We've seen Kail trying to do that this season with controlling what will and won't be filmed, etc....however she is also circling drama on the regular and so it backfires every time.  If she had the mental maturity to actually control herself for 2 weeks....if Leah has the ability to not be late and do the basic things that life needs....if Jenelle could not yell at someone, treat her child like shit and have a major tantrum.  They can't.  It makes the drama suck of a tv show that we all love.  Chelsea can do it....and she's the palette cleanser between the shit shows, but boring as hell.  

If the girls started controlling themselves while being filmed....MTV would be an unhappy camper.  

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On ‎2‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 6:06 AM, MissMel said:

I want a cake day, today.  I don't even care about lunch or dinner.  I want cake for breakfast, too.  Not enough to make it, bake it, and clean it up but I still want it.

God bless all of you in your 30's and 40's dealing with babies and toddlers.  I don't think I could do it.  I had my kids young and dumb back when I had the energy not to notice.  Full on menopause here for this 42 year old and no lie, the thought of grandkids scares me.  I'm tired!

I'm 39 and have a 2 year old and a soon to be 5 year old.  This shit is hard.  Sometimes I think it would've been easier if I had them 10 years earlier but then I think about how I was 10 years ago and....yeah nope.  Whole lotta NOPE on that one.  Although I probably still would've been better than Leah.  I mean, even my 29 year old trainwreck self knew how to use a microwave.

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I think sometimes it isn't just a matter of knowing how or learning how.  I grew up cooking and that's not a problem, I can cook anything.  But, I didn't have a mother who ever made breakfast and lunch was either a sandwich or maybe a frozen pizza on a Saturday.  Now, as an adult, I know people who will get up and make bacon, eggs and maybe some sort of potato on a random day, then the next maybe they make pancakes, etc.  To me, the way I grew up, that seems like a big effort and the type of thing you'd do on a weekend after you slept in, not just for Thursday before work or school.  Of course, the reality is that it takes less than 5 minutes to make a piece of toast and fry up an egg, but if you were raised with grabbing a pop tart, that's something that you just don't really see as a possibility for a daily habit, if that makes sense.

The same is true with lunch.  Sandwich? Great.  Heating up leftovers? Great.  But, it doesn't actually occur to me to make anything for the meal.  I wouldn't bake a piece of chicken or grill a burger or broil fish, etc.  I can't really explain why not, other than it's lunch and it wasn't something that you did for lunch.  I realize that these habits/ideas are weird and they don't make a ton of sense, but it's just the way that I grew up thinking and it's hard to shift out of them.

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Of course, the reality is that it takes less than 5 minutes to make a piece of toast and fry up an egg, but if you were raised with grabbing a pop tart, that's something that you just don't really see as a possibility for a daily habit, if that makes sense.

It makes sense and I can understand what you are conveying. I grew up in a household where breakfast was a big deal on the weekends, and maybe a couple times during the week.

Going back to something I mentioned before about a scene from last season, Gracie made it a point to tell Leah how Cory and Miranda make them breakfast when they are in their care and custody. Gracie was pissed because she was hungry and wanted something to eat before school. Leah threw it right back in Gracie's face that she wasn't Cory nor was she Miranda. Instead of hearing what her child was saying which is she wants breakfast in the mornings, Leah took offense to it and gave her daughter tone. She missed the message that her children are wanting what they get at their father's house - a decent breakfast. If Gracie and Ali are content with cereal or a pop tart in the morning, that's fine. But apparently they aren't and Leah is not giving them what they want because Leah cannot bother to get up earlier than she has to. 

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I still love Jenelles excuse that they took the pictures at 7 at night. Chick seriously has an excuse for everything. Rematching the scene where they tell Barb and Jace, it is so telling that Jace is like holy fuck chick another one? So first it's I can't get Jace because I'm pregnant with the Roll then it's she can't because of custody of the Roll then it's I'm Pregnant with my next kid then miscarry then my next kid and now it will be I can't because of we are getting married. I just feel so bad for him. The tick started immediately when she started talking about the new baby. I just wish she would leave the kid alone and live her life with the Roll and her precious daughter 

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The thing is, we have seen Leah working hard to project an image for the cameras, to the extent of buying veggie/dip trays to shove into their hands. But even when she is trying, she still can't manage to actually do it. It's all for show. You know the minute the cameras are gone, she's on her phone and the kids are free-range grazing off the carpet again. 

My sister taught herself how to cook when she had kids, and she always had nice meals for them. But (speaking of crockpots) one time she had a beef stew in a crockpot, and her three-year-old tugged on the power cord and pulled the whole mess down onto himself. He had 3rd degree burns on his arm. Our grandmother and her mother-in-law blamed her for being careless, but she was literally standing right there, looked away for just a moment, when he reached up and yanked it. Kids are fast. And shit happens!

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My dad is literally terrified that the crockpot is gonna light on fire.  The idea of leaving it on while he is not home....is crazy talk to him.  Me?  I know how that shit works and if it is on low all day, I come home to a warm dinner and my apartment smelling divine!!!  

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I don't really like to cook but I do. I was always the clear and clean kid so doing the actual cooking was intimidating at first. We had 3 hot meals a day and everything was fresh. I cooked everyday for Hubby and lil fairy. Now for the last 2 years my Hubby stayed in Las Vegas to finish up work so cooking for myself is challenging. It's kinds of funny now though because my father and his wife moved into our lower level in law suite. They have their own kitchen but I had them up tonight for dinner. And no one died so I think I did ok. LOL 

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@shelley1234 Is your dad Jewish? I only ask because I was reading a story a few weeks ago about how many Jewish families were now afraid of the food warmers because so many had been catching fire. He may read or heard something that started his anxiety over it.

Leah has cooked meals and posted them on Instagram only to receive comments about how unhealthy they were. She probably doesn't try anymore. She doesn't take negative attention well.

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Nope, not Jewish.  He just is convinced it is gonna cook all down and start a fire.  He's an engineer.  He should understand how this all works, but it's just never been part of his life or experience.  

P.S.  If you put a can of condensed milk covered in water with a few inches over it....and leave it in the crockpot overnight, you wake up, open the can and it is the most delicious caramel.  Delish!  

Yes, Leah doesn't take negative attention very well.   She gets very reactive when she gets any criticism.  I remember that one big meal she made....I think another time they were moving.  It was pretty crappy.  I also think that shows that when people in her life/family did cook....it wasn't healthy/good cooking.  It's sad really.  

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1 hour ago, Christina said:

@shelley1234 Is your dad Jewish? I only ask because I was reading a story a few weeks ago about how many Jewish families were now afraid of the food warmers because so many had been catching fire. He may read or heard something that started his anxiety over it.

Leah has cooked meals and posted them on Instagram only to receive comments about how unhealthy they were. She probably doesn't try anymore. She doesn't take negative attention well.

I think the only reason she posted photos of those meals was to prove to the "haterz" that she is the best mom ever and to prove she doesn't just give the kids frosting and canned ravioli. Those photos came after the season ended.

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On 2/13/2017 at 7:58 PM, GreatKazu said:

I think the only reason she posted photos of those meals was to prove to the "haterz" that she is the best mom ever and to prove she doesn't just give the kids frosting and canned ravioli. Those photos came after the season ended.

Ok, but legit...who buys a veggie tray for their kids?  Those things cost way too much when you can buy a bag of baby carrots for $1.

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12 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Ok, but legit...who buys a veggie tray for their kids?  Those things cost way too much when you can buy a bag of baby carrots for $1.

Leah is fucking lazy. She can't bother to wash and peel carrots or slice celery into edible bites.  It is easier for her to fork over $$ than to do the any washing and peeling. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

Leah is fucking lazy. She can't bother to wash and peel carrots or slice celery into edible bites.  It is easier for her to fork over $$ than to do the any washing and peeling. 


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2 hours ago, shelley1234 said:

Most if not all prepared veggie trays....the veggies are ready to eat right out of the package.  

Just because they're ready-to-eat doesn't mean you should.  Many people fall ill and die from cryptosporidium, salmonella and listeria.  Also, the veggies are washed with terrible shit you shouldn't even be ingesting. 

Wash your produce!

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10 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I was being sarcastic. I want to see her taking the veggies out of the tray to wash them. Because she's clueless.  

Funny, yeah?

Hard to get jokes over text/screen, but I was laughing when I wrote it. :)

But you get ranch dip with veggie trays. You don't get that with a package of baby carrots.lol It is an instant meal. Leah does not have to bother pouring ranch in a small bowl, and later put that bowl in the dishwasher. Celery sticks are ready to eat on a veggie tray. Leah is not going to buy celery, wash them and then cut them. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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My Kroger marks down the veggie trays when they are near their expiration date to $2.00 for the small tray and $5.00 for the larger one. They last a good week or two after the date. I check the trays every time I walk in the store, along with the old chicken wings, sandwiches, fruit and cheese trays, and prepared salads. The only thing I never find reduced is the rotisserie chickens, which average $10 unless you want sides. Those chickens don't have much meat on them, either.

Several people got sick from the bagged salads a few years back, but I've never heard of anyone getting sick from the vegetable trays. It's certainly possible. Even if it was a "F- You" to her haters, at least the kidses got some vegetables.

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On 2/13/2017 at 4:56 PM, GreatKazu said:

I know a single mother of two who has to travel 45 minutes out of town to her job. She is extremely busy and yet, she makes dinners with her crockpot.

No excuses at all especially for Leah who does absolutely nothing all day except to pick fights with her exes and posts selfies. No excuses for any of these girls who feed their kids the way they do with the amount of money they pull in.

Word!  If these girls went on Pinterest for more than just tips for over-decorating your house and planning a tacky wedding, they would find great "hacks"for organizing and easy, healthy  kid-friendly recipes.

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1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Word!  If these girls went on Pinterest for more than just tips for over-decorating your house and planning a tacky wedding, they would find great "hacks"for organizing and easy, healthy  kid-friendly recipes.


1 hour ago, Christina said:

My Kroger marks down the veggie trays when they are near their expiration date to $2.00 for the small tray and $5.00 for the larger one. They last a good week or two after the date. I check the trays every time I walk in the store, along with the old chicken wings, sandwiches, fruit and cheese trays, and prepared salads. The only thing I never find reduced is the rotisserie chickens, which average $10 unless you want sides. Those chickens don't have much meat on them, either.

Several people got sick from the bagged salads a few years back, but I've never heard of anyone getting sick from the vegetable trays. It's certainly possible. Even if it was a "F- You" to her haters, at least the kidses got some vegetables.

Ten dollars??? Damn! My Costco sells huge rotisserie cickens for $7. The grocery store I shop at sells them for $8 but after a couple of days they sell them at a reduced price of $4.99. I use them for chicken salad sandwiches and chicken caesar salad.

Leah loves to give the kidses juices and soda. Although she will deny they drink soda. 

@ghoulina didn't Leah post something about a year or two ago about wishing for healthy drive-ins which served fruits? I swear I remember her posting such a thing. Tell me I am not crazy.lol

Edited by GreatKazu
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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

@ghoulina didn't Leah post something about a year or two ago about wishing for healthy drive-ins which served fruits? I swear I remember her posting such a thing. Tell me I am not crazy.lol


I remembered and thought the same thing when @ghoulina posted that, so you're not alone! Either we're both crazy or Leah really does have such genius ideas.

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6 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Ten dollars??? Damn! My Costco sells huge rotisserie cickens for $7. The grocery store I shop at sells them for $8 but after a couple of days they sell them at a reduced price of $4.99. I use them for chicken salad sandwiches and chicken caesar salad.

Someone had posted something similar about buying an older rotisserie chicken in the 600 lb Life forum, and I posted that it was still more than fast food. She sent me a photo of the chickens at her store for $5.99. I bought one at the almost $10 once because I didn't feel like cooking, and there wasn't that much meat on it. It would be great for chicken salad, etc. but not really for a family dinner.

I also remember Leah posting something about wanting to open a fresh fruit fast food place, because I was trying to figure out what that would entail. It's probably in the recesses of her mind like the narcolepsy. 

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5 hours ago, Christina said:

Someone had posted something similar about buying an older rotisserie chicken in the 600 lb Life forum, and I posted that it was still more than fast food. She sent me a photo of the chickens at her store for $5.99. I bought one at the almost $10 once because I didn't feel like cooking, and there wasn't that much meat on it. It would be great for chicken salad, etc. but not really for a family dinner.

I also remember Leah posting something about wanting to open a fresh fruit fast food place, because I was trying to figure out what that would entail. It's probably in the recesses of her mind like the narcolepsy. 

I have to ask- who wants to eat an older chicken??  I have never seen the older option anywhere.  That sounds gross.

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I have never seen the older, cold chickens either, but I am told they are sold.  They are cheaper and can be used as cold, cooked chicken.  They would also be eligible for SNAP.  That would be no different than buying cold cuts except for that it is still on the bone.  What may be gross to you is something that is affordable to another.  

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Yup. Leah posted that about drive-thru fruits and veggies. That's why I said that, LOL.

Thank you! I read your post and I suddenly had a deja vu moment.

6 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I have to ask- who wants to eat an older chicken??  I have never seen the older option anywhere.  That sounds gross.

It is still good. The stores either sell it whole or they use it to make that chicken salad in the deli. They do not waste it. I read an article about how the stores do that with the leftover rotisserie chickens. The day old chickens are put in the refrigerated section at a reduced cost. Take it home and pop it whole in the microwave or oven. When I want the chicken as a meal, I buy the hot and ready ones at Costco. The cold ones I use to make enchiladas, tacos, or as I memtioned above I use for sandwiches or salads. No difference in taste.

Edited by GreatKazu
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On ‎2‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 9:32 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

Ok, but legit...who buys a veggie tray for their kids?  Those things cost way too much when you can buy a bag of baby carrots for $1.

Guilty as charged.  In my defense, you can find them in our store for 5 bucks and it includes ranch dressing.  My kids could survive for years on veggies and ranch dressing alone and chopping up a bunch of veggies is a pain in the ass.  Worth every penny.

On ‎2‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 9:46 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:


Huh?  No you don't.  They're party trays.  The veggies are fully prepped.   Another reason my lazy ass loves them.

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