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S04.E03: Baby Fat

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4 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

The one person that I wound up feeling sorry for was Lenny, because he seemed to be genuinely invested in the idea of being a father. I liked what he said about having a child changing your focus and wished that Whitney could have had a similar revelation. It was really annoying that she treated being pregnant like a massive imposition on her life, but then acting all sad when it turned out to be a false alarm. Bitch, please....

I'm curious, what gave you that vibe about him?  He just seemed his usual monotone self to me.

15 hours ago, mamadrama said:

And Whitney, you ARE still a child yourself. No grown ass adult acts like you. 

That's exactly what I said when she said "I still feel like a child myself."  It's gotten to the point where when she says something sensible and adult, I'm shocked.  When she said "At the end of the day he's my boss and gets to decide whether I continue working" I froze while doing dishes.  I had no idea what to make of it?

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Whitney thinks Roy was making up a girlfriend? Even if he was, wouldn't that be a sign that he is NOT interested in you, because he MADE UP A GIRLFRIEND to avoid the possibility of dating you? God, Whitney is obtuse as shit.

*****hahahahaha you are so right!

What I really don't get about Whitney is, she claims to love being big, love being fat, and yet some random drunk calling her big can supposedly hurt her feelings sooooo much. You are your own body shame, Whit. It's on YOU. You can choose to just think "oh, what a drunk dickhead," and move on with your life immediately. The problem is that YOU think that drunk hater is right.

I took the "guy making rude comment" as 100% fake and 100% an attempt by Whiney to get more attention and sympathy for herself. She does not give one shit about what people think of her, as long as she's the center of attention. Just like any other narcissist. 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Lovecat said:

My heart goes out to you and the members of your support group, @mamadrama.  That being said, #sexyJesusSunday is the most brilliant thing I've heard in months.  There's a lot of shit going on in the world at the moment; I think we all could use a little #sexyJesusSunday in our lives!


Urr, on topic...?  ON WHAT PLANET was Roy flirting with Whitney??  She's so thirsty for him she looks at him like he's a 64oz sweet tea on a hot summer's day, and he just looks like he's trying to plan an escape route.  Next interaction we see on camera, I'm watching his eyes--if he blinks SOS in Morse code, I'm sending help.

Ah Roy!I think he's just trying to be nice about the whole thing and she is definitely smitten. He gave her a side hug again but it looks like the previews for next week have him telling her she's pretty. It seems like they're trying to lead us into believing he may have interest in her (but I suspect it might be the "you're pretty and smart, but........" talk).

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Dear TLC and Whitney Way Thore,

On behalf of every woman who has either wanted to get pregnant but couldn't, gotten pregnant at the wrong time and decided to have the baby, gotten pregnant at the wrong time and decided to end the pregnancy, wished they could have more kids but life got in the way, or lost a baby . . .

Fuck. You.

This pregnancy-but-not-actually-a-pregnancy "storyline" has been the height of disrespect and disregard for people who have struggled with fertility or other deeply painful pregnancy issues. Most of us suspected that the entire thing was fake to begin with, but to milk this for ratings is inexcusable.  Once more for good measure (and because I'm still mad):

Fuck you, TLC and Whitney Way Thore.  You're both disgusting.

I love you.

  • Love 12

Was anyone else annoyed by the so-called "interview questions" at the parade that weren't anything of the sort? I know it's a wacky radio station, they're not going to have deep discussions with people, but they were basically asking people jokes. "What do you call a lesbian with a u-haul?" or whatever that one was. "What is platinum gay?" etc and so on. At least ask actual questions, even if they're just something like "What's the most interesting thing you've seen today at the parade?" Or whatever. That just bugged the fuck out of me, the stupidity of it. Might as well throw some knock-knock jokes in there.

  • Love 9

If Whitney's performance at the pride parade was an honest reflection of her working hard to prove her worth to the radio station, she has no hope for having any sort of professional career. She brings an entourage even though her boss made it clear that he thought that was unprofessional by stating that his girlfriend was not going to come because she doesn't come to work with him. On top of that, she didn't have any questions prepared. The mic thing might not have been her fault, but she was way too quick with trying to make sure no one blamed her instead of trying to find a solution (like buying new batteries, or being the one to suggest the cell phone alternative instead of Roy bringing it up). Whether or not she gets a longterm position at the station is probably already determined by whatever agreement they have with TLC, but they could at least put more effort into making Whitney seem like she's a valuable contributor. I'm sure the station has ACTUAL interns that wish they had the opportunity that's been given to Whitney.

  • Love 9
52 minutes ago, Diamond Dog said:

Babs talking about  homo-sex-y'alls at the gay pride parade like she's at the zoo. They are people, Babs, not some exotic creature put there for your amusement. The way she generalizes about the LGBTQ community makes me cringe.

Ya know,  you just said exactly how I felt when I watched last night.   Thanks for saying it, because you said it a hell of a lot better than I would of.

  • Love 3
52 minutes ago, M.F. Luder said:

Whether or not she gets a longterm position at the station is probably already determined by whatever agreement they have with TLC, but they could at least put more effort into making Whitney seem like she's a valuable contributor. I'm sure the station has ACTUAL interns that wish they had the opportunity that's been given to Whitney.

Good point. there are plenty of hard working college kids pounding the street hoping for a chance to be an intern. And for those lucky enough to get a position, they are covering "everyday" semi-news items like a grocery store opening, high school games, and road closures. Why on earth would a reputable radio station give something as controversial as the Pride Parade to Whit? and why is a dance major wanting to be an intern at a radio station, in the first place? Dance moves can't be "seen" on the radio and its too hard to visualize dance moves. let Whit intern with the Abby Lee Miller (dance moms) equivalent in Greensboro.

Edited by sATL
  • Love 6
17 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I call bullshit on the guy who said nobody would want to see her big ass on tv. Rewind and watch him walk away. Notice that he's mic'd. You can see the outline of the box on his lower back underneath his shirt.

I thought that was a mic. But why blur out his face if he was a plant?


What I really don't get about Whitney is, she claims to love being big, love being fat, and yet some random drunk calling her big can supposedly hurt her feelings sooooo much. You are your own body shame, Whit. It's on YOU. You can choose to just think "oh, what a drunk dickhead," and move on with your life immediately. The problem is that YOU think that drunk hater is right.

The funny thing is that people DO want to see her big fat ass on TV! lol.

I started watching this show because I struggle with my weight. I am not as heavy as she is but I definitely should lose seventy pounds. I liked her whole message about accepting yourself for who you currently are and was impressed that she was such a good dancer. The show is really much different than that. The impact on her life from carrying all of that weight around and her fainting, high blood pressure, pre diabetes ad now the fertility issues are a real heads up.

Buddy looks hungover all of the time.

Edited by spankydoll
  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

I thought that was a mic. But why blur out his face if he was a plant?

Because they think we're ALL stupid, and wouldn't see it as a production/editing ploy to make us think he was a stranger.  Folks here are not stupid, and caught on right away to the inconsistency.

8 minutes ago, spankydoll said:
  • Love 4

Yeah, I think they blurred the face because that's what they WOULD have done if it were real, which it totally wasn't. I mean, come on, being fat-shamed at PRIDE? Pride is full of extremely accepting people who are wearing crazy outfits and have all different bodies and genders and are just having a blast. It is probably generally a very nonjudgmental group.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Just B said:

The doctor seemed a bit hesitant to say what he did, but he's just being truthful and it needed to be said. I think she was looking at him the same way she looked at the ER doctor, total "listening with concerned face" ; I kinda chuckled. She has no intention of getting pregnant imo so I'm thinking she could care less about his advice to work on her weight (for getting pregnant or just to improve her health).

Well, I think almost any doctor who has compassion feels uncomfortable telling people that "hey you HAVE to lose weight." They get beat up enough about being heartless and everything else by a lot of the HAES, FA people. At the end of the day most doctors probably want to encourage their patients to do the right thing and you are not going to encourage someone like Whitney by being an asshole or blasé about it.

The face she made reminds me of my mom. My mom makes that face when you tell her something that she knows is true. She grew up with a mentally abusive father and that was her escape ability to just kind of tune it out or just try to show zero emotion. Problem is she does that for any coping mechanism. It is almost a dead look but deep down she is worried. Honestly as much as I can't stand Whitney she KNOWS she is unhealthy, she KNOWS she doesn't feel as good as she did when she was 200 lbs lighter, that is why she makes so much fun of herself, most likely a coping mechanism to "prove" to everyone she has tough skin and she doesn't care what they say.

3 hours ago, okerry said:

I took the "guy making rude comment" as 100% fake and 100% an attempt by Whiney to get more attention and sympathy for herself. She does not give one shit about what people think of her, as long as she's the center of attention. Just like any other narcissist. 

He may or may not have been fake. He seemed drunk to me. I wouldn't put it past the Producers to intentionally pick an asshole to say something to her and wire him up. Her reaction, unless she is a profound actress, I thought did seem insulted and hurt. I think she was on a high thinking she is oh so fabulous and BOOM! asshole comes over. Asshole may have been miked but I think producers are pretty effective at their job of knowing how to goad a situation. If they do that then they definitely know how to pick someone from a crowd who can be a real asshole and have no problems with being one.

Edited by lovetheduns
  • Love 2

What the heck happened with Glenn? In the first season, he would try to keep Whitney in check with her diet and exercise. He was the only one that I remember telling her, maybe you should eat this instead of that and the only one who took the health scares somewhat seriously. Now he doesn't mention stuff like that anymore. He was concerned with her being an unwed mother, but is that really so bad in the grand scheme of Whitney's life? I'd be more concerned with a 32 year old with diabetes, heart issues, joint issues, etc. than a 32 year old single mother. 

  • Love 4
48 minutes ago, lovetheduns said:

Well, I think almost any doctor who has compassion feels uncomfortable telling people that "hey you HAVE to lose weight." They get beat up enough about being heartless and everything else by a lot of the HAES, FA people. At the end of the day most doctors probably want to encourage their patients to do the right thing and you are not going to encourage someone like Whitney by being an asshole or blasé about it.

The face she made reminds me of my mom. My mom makes that face when you tell her something that she knows is true. She grew up with a mentally abusive father and that was her escape ability to just kind of tune it out or just try to show zero emotion. Problem is she does that for any coping mechanism. It is almost a dead look but deep down she is worried. Honestly as much as I can't stand Whitney she KNOWS she is unhealthy, she KNOWS she doesn't feel as good as she did when she was 200 lbs lighter, that is why she makes so much fun of herself, most likely a coping mechanism to "prove" to everyone she has tough skin and she doesn't care what they say.

I see what you're saying I guess I just perceived the look on her face like she's REALLY taking his advice to heart, but in actuality, not at all.  After her fainting spell last season she went home and ate pizza, even though the ER doctor said her heart is working twice as hard to pump blood. That kind of news would scare the shit out of me.

I struggle with my weight too but Whitney has basically lost 10 pounds in 2 years (even though she looks bigger); she could've done so much better for herself and I guess for me, it's just frustrating to watch. The last thing she needs in her life is to get pregnant and gain even more weight. I would like to really root for her but it seems like she just doesn't want it right now, so I'm not sure what the show's purpose is anymore. 

Edited by Just B
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33 minutes ago, saratothej said:

What the heck happened with Glenn? In the first season, he would try to keep Whitney in check with her diet and exercise. He was the only one that I remember telling her, maybe you should eat this instead of that and the only one who took the health scares somewhat seriously. Now he doesn't mention stuff like that anymore. He was concerned with her being an unwed mother, but is that really so bad in the grand scheme of Whitney's life? I'd be more concerned with a 32 year old with diabetes, heart issues, joint issues, etc. than a 32 year old single mother. 

Glenn is from a different era. He is probably used to most of his friend's children being married before having a child.

Plus he might be thinking there is another mouth to feed and will never be able to fully retire, as Whit at age 32 is still in his wallet (ie cosigning the mortgage)

Edited by sATL
  • Love 4

I know it's been said before, but if Whitney wants to have kids "someday" she needs to start following that doctor's advice NOW. And I think the look on her face when he was saying that to her reflected that realization, along with the realization that there is no way in hell Whitney will ever be small enough to conquer PCOS-related infertility at the rate she's going and with her utter lack of motivation.

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I just started the episode but I have seen some of the online comments. I lost a baby to SIDS 6 six years ago. The women in my infant loss support group are all up in arms about this episode. I despise the use of the word "trigger", considering how often it's thrown around these days. I think it's more or less lost its meaning and that people are using it ad nauseum. However, many of us who suffer from grief over infant and child loss DO have PTSD. (I, for one, went to wake my baby up and found that he had died in his sleep. Rigor mortis was already setting in. He'd been gone for a very long time. I have not been the same since.) The talk of pregnancy loss, false positives, etc. is really difficult on those women who are still in the early stages of grief. Me? I'm in a different stage in my life. I can handle it. But I feel bad for the other women who legitimately are feeling triggered. (Hell, for some of us just watching the damn Christmas Huggies' commercials is hard enough.) My support group is awesome. Hell, to break things up we even have #sexyJesusSunday where we share pictures of hot guys dressed as Jesus. So if these women had trouble with this episode then I cut them some slack. 

My point is, if she used this as a damn storyline for ratings, sympathy, her image, or whatever then I am pissed as hell. She was already on thin ice with me. 

I did love how she said she had so much going on, with helping the radio station and the folk festival and pregnancy. Bitch, please. No woman gets to sit on their ass and be the pregnant pampered princess the whole 9 months. We ALL had to work, take care of our kids, do housework, run errands, or some combination of those things. Your snowflake is melting, Whit. 

Your story breaks my heart.  I am terribly sorry you or anyone has had to endure this.

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

What I really don't get about Whitney is, she claims to love being big, love being fat, and yet some random drunk calling her big can supposedly hurt her feelings sooooo much. You are your own body shame, Whit. It's on YOU. You can choose to just think "oh, what a drunk dickhead," and move on with your life immediately. The problem is that YOU think that drunk hater is right.

Yes, yes, and yes. Also another example of how she can dish it out to others but sure can't take it in. I mean, in that situation, I would've batted my eyes at the dude and said, "Just wait til people see YOUR ugly ass. Surprise! You're on national television" and walked away. 

  • Love 3
32 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Your story breaks my heart.  I am terribly sorry you or anyone has had to endure this.

Thank you. I got pregnant with my rainbow baby three months later but she was born with a rare birth disorder called biotinidase deficiency (she's the only one in the state with it) and was hospitalized for 2 weeks with grand mal seizures after birth. I stayed right there with her the whole time. I had just lost one baby, I was going to do everything in my power not to lose another one. I barely slept. She is 5 now and doing fine. We're best buddies. We have a Molly Bear (a bear from a nonprofit organization for women with infant loss-it weighs the same as my son did when he died and was good to hold after he was gone) and my daughter sometimes has tea parties with him and talks to him. I wish she could've known her brother. He was only here for a little while, but he was a sweet soul. The night before he died he had his first laugh. We were watching TEEN MOM and Amber came on the screen. She didn't say anything but he thought she was hilarious. 

The phone call with Roy Boy was giving me secondhand embarrassment. WHY was she coming onto him so strongly? Joking about getting "romantical" in his media room. Who does that? And he looked very uncomfortable, and put out with her antics, at the Pride Festival. At this point, if I were him, I'd be having her go through someone else at the station. All he apparently has to do is look at her and her loins growl. 

  • Love 16
26 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Thank you. I got pregnant with my rainbow baby three months later but she was born with a rare birth disorder called biotinidase deficiency (she's the only one in the state with it) and was hospitalized for 2 weeks with grand mal seizures after birth. I stayed right there with her the whole time. I had just lost one baby, I was going to do everything in my power not to lose another one. I barely slept. She is 5 now and doing fine. We're best buddies. We have a Molly Bear (a bear from a nonprofit organization for women with infant loss-it weighs the same as my son did when he died and was good to hold after he was gone) and my daughter sometimes has tea parties with him and talks to him. I wish she could've known her brother. He was only here for a little while, but he was a sweet soul. The night before he died he had his first laugh. We were watching TEEN MOM and Amber came on the screen. She didn't say anything but he thought she was hilarious. 

The phone call with Roy Boy was giving me secondhand embarrassment. WHY was she coming onto him so strongly? Joking about getting "romantical" in his media room. Who does that? And he looked very uncomfortable, and put out with her antics, at the Pride Festival. At this point, if I were him, I'd be having her go through someone else at the station. All he apparently has to do is look at her and her loins growl. 

I am very happy for you that you have a now healthy little girl.  You have been through the ringer so you deserve the happiness.

  • Love 4

I find Babs to be just as annoying as Twit. She's utterly insufferable and that whole Southern belle/feigned shock and pearl clutching shtick is so fake. The famwehoreing is strong with this one. At least her father seems to display relatively genuine emotions at some points. I truly think he was annoyed to hear the whole pregnancy thing was discussed on the air and he heard about it via a family member's text. But who knows? All her social barnacles (tee hee - I love that) are pretty awful - to be honest. Even Will. Who I had some respect for initially but know think is just another player in the Twitney Fake Friend repertory theatre...

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, MissCurmudgeonly said:

Was anyone else annoyed by the so-called "interview questions" at the parade that weren't anything of the sort? 

They sounded like the kind of questions Howard Stern used to give his interns. I was more annoyed by her realization that the interviews hadn't been recorded than by the questions themselves. I left the room for a moment while they were hashing that out, so I don't know if that was a red herring or not, but it bugged me.

I do qualitative research and use tape (dating myself) recorders all the time. I ALWAYS check the friggin' machinery. Even though I take notes, if I don't have the tape, I ain't got nuthin'.  It would be the same way if your job is to tape interviews. Jebus H., how stupid is this girl?

And in the 'I can't believe this sh$t' category - passing gas and showing most of a pelvic exam on TV. This is when I know my carefree hippie days are over because this all just seemed so low class. Yes this stuff happens, but most people don't put it out there for the nation to see. She could have refused to have the pelvic filmed and asked to edit out the scene with Todd. These tapes will be around the rest of your life, Whit. 

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, aliya said:


And in the 'I can't believe this sh$t' category - passing gas and showing most of a pelvic exam on TV. This is when I know my carefree hippie days are over because this all just seemed so low class. Yes this stuff happens, but most people don't put it out there for the nation to see. She could have refused to have the pelvic filmed and asked to edit out the scene with Todd. These tapes will be around the rest of your life, Whit. 

I don't know that she has a say in it. When I signed my reality tv contract, there was a specific clause in it that basically said I had no say over what was shown or in what order things were shown. 

  • Love 2
Just now, mamadrama said:

I don't know that she has a say in it. When I signed my reality tv contract, there was a specific clause in it that basically said I had no say over what was shown or in what order things were shown. 


I don't know that she has a say in it. When I signed my reality tv contract, there was a specific clause in it that basically said I had no say over what was shown or in what order things were shown

Mama - You signed a contract that overrode your HIPPA rights? That's bananas. Or is it that you have some say on what activities are filmed but the producers have carte blanche on using what they would like? I found the footage of the internal ultrasound a bit much myself but Bethanny Frankel's live on the air peeing on the pregnancy test still takes the cake for most famewhorey desperate gambit in reality TV.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

Mama - You signed a contract that overrode your HIPPA rights? That's bananas. Or is it that you have some say on what activities are filmed but the producers have carte blanche on using what they would like? 

Right. I had in a say in what they FILMED but not in what they showed. If it was filmed, then it could be shown. So Whitney could have put her foot down on allowing them in the examination room and they wouldn't have been able to show that because the footage would not have been available. However, if she passed gas on camera then they were within their rights to show that-she couldn't tell them not to. Well, she COULD have asked but they probably would've shown it anyway. 

It's a standard reality tv program contract. You only have power in what they film, not in what they show or in how your story is portrayed through editing. 

Edited by mamadrama
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, spankydoll said:

I thought that was a mic. But why blur out his face if he was a plant?

Because there are still people who think this show is real.  And if they felt that that guy really fat shamed Twit, someone could possibly go apesh*t on him and cause the poor actor real damage.  There truly are nutty people out there who will defend their "friends" they feel they have on tv.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, goodbyeglittergirl said:

I mean, if you've sold your soul to TLC for a paycheck, and they are asking you to fake all these storylines and stuff, what do you do? She seems trapped. And I can understand - she wasn't making a ton of money until this show made her a reality star - so how do you turn your back on this? But she seems less and less happy with what she's being asked to do.

I don't think she'd be on the street.  I think her family is well off, and if she's still bumming around at her age, it's because she doesn't have to earn her own living, at least that's how it seems to ne.

  • Love 4
22 hours ago, Katydid said:

That Skyping scene with Roy was awful on so many levels! I loved his deadpan, "My girlfriend doesn't come to work with me" response to Twit carrying on about meeting her. 

I KNOW!!!! He's trying to get across to her THIS IS WORK NOT A SOCIAL OUTING but she just DOESN'T get it. OH MY GOD she's so DELUSIONAL!!!!! The whole love him then feels all "betrayed" by him and now... the delusion is strong with her. 

22 hours ago, preciousperfect said:

Kudos to the doctor for being somewhat blunt about her weight. 

So... this guy was supposedly her REGULAR OB-GYN???? Because he acted like this was the first time she'd been in. They didn't act like she was regular patient. And yes, kudos on the weight comment. 

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Diamond Dog said:

 Last night's episode particularly pissed me off, and here's why:

The fake pregnancy. Next time, go straight to the doctor before telling everyone, including Bushy Beard, the fake father that he may be the fake father. 

Trainer Will: I would have tossed Loud Breather from the gym if he waltzed in 40 minutes late. 

The Roy flirtation. After recovering from the fake pregnancy, she's back at it like a dog in heat.  I absolutely loathe women who go after men who are in relationship. Take a hint, Whitney! Roy isn't into you.

The fake rude guy at the gay pride parade. *blink...blink*  Whitney's been fat shamed!  

Babs talking about  homo-sex-y'alls at the gay pride parade like she's at the zoo. They are people, Babs, not some exotic creature put there for your amusement. The way she generalizes about the LGBTQ community makes me cringe. I realize she's from a different generation, but come on!

Then add the fart, the belly clap, and the waddle. Am I wrong, or did she look at least 50 pounds heavier than the last episode. How is that possible? 

I am guessing that Twit looks heavier than last season, as many have noted here, because her fat is dropping--losing gravity--as she gets older. There's only so much the inner muscles can hold up. Her fupa is draggin'.

And/or Twit probably does weigh more because there's no motivation to lose due to her Facebook "fame",  as well as the major skin tucks that she is going to need if,  and it's a BIG IF, she ever does lose weight.

Finally, seriously, her mental issues boggle the mind. WTF? 

  • Love 2

Love (and by that I mean HATE) how she pulls the shocked face to Glenn when he confronts her about announcing her "pregnancy" on the radio for all of Charlotte to hear. Then she tries to play it off like "I never said I was pregnant - we were joking about IF..." and says she "hasn't told anyone" ... ummm.... wonder if that whopper of a lie is going to come back and kick her in the teeth when mumsy and popsy see the episodes where you've told THE WORLD that you ARE pregnant and where you've put out on SM that you ARE pregnant. 

The level of low class just keeps sinking here and the level of disgusting excuse for a human being rises. 

  • Love 2

I'm still baffled by what exactly Whitney does, what is this woman doing with her life? Big Girl Dance Class is not a real thing, her internships are not real things, her fake internships were clearly even by the show lies not anything even resembling part time work...

Honey, you are in your 30s with a college degree, get a real fucking job. What the hell does she do with her time when she is not pretending to be fabulous for her fake TV show? Your life is so f-ing fabulous that you can't afford your modest house without a roommate at 32?

I'm just amazed at even in the cleaned up reality TV show version of her that her life is so unflattering. A 32 year old college graduate that needs a roommate to pay the mortgage, is unemployed, almost brags about her poor personal hygiene, honey your life is a mess and it's not because of your weight unless you want to admit that it's your weight causing your poor hygiene and your inability to hold down a 9-5 job that by 32 you shouldn't be worried about your ability to pay your mortgage without a roommate. 

Edited by John M
  • Love 12
4 hours ago, Just B said:

I see what you're saying I guess I just perceived the look on her face like she's REALLY taking his advice to heart, but in actuality, not at all.  After her fainting spell last season she went home and ate pizza, even though the ER doctor said her heart is working twice as hard to pump blood. That kind of news would scare the shit out of me.

I struggle with my weight too but Whitney has basically lost 10 pounds in 2 years (even though she looks bigger); she could've done so much better for herself and I guess for me, it's just frustrating to watch. The last thing she needs in her life is to get pregnant and gain even more weight. I would like to really root for her but it seems like she just doesn't want it right now, so I'm not sure what the show's purpose is anymore. 

I saw the video she posted showing off her swag she is trying to sell and she actually did look smaller to me. I wouldn't have noticed it if I didn't watch the episode afterwards.

She has a food addiction, shit I have a food addiction. The other day I fell off the wagon and ordered Indian food. The Naan... lord help me, I just wanted to eat wheelbarrows full of it - screw the chicken just give me fresh hot Naan. 

I don't discount that she wants to lose weight, but I think she has a very difficult time overcoming her addiction. I think this show is probably not health for her either. Constantly in the critical eye when it is airing, wouldn't make it "easy" to lose weight.

Weight loss is hard.. for those of us who have been overweight and or obese - it will be a life long battle. Some people give up and try to believe that they can be happy, others fight it for a time period and then gain it back. Then there is the small percentage who actually do achieve long term weight loss. I want to be part of that smaller number!

11 minutes ago, John M said:

I'm still baffled by what exactly Whitney does, what is this woman doing with her life? Big Girl Dance Class is not a real thing, her internships are not real things, her fake internships were clearly even by the show lies not anything even resembling part time work...

Honey, you are in your 30s with a college degree, get a real fucking job. What the hell does she do with her time when she is not pretending to be fabulous for her fake TV show? Your life is so f-ing fabulous that you can't afford your modest house without a roommate at 32?

I'm just amazed at even in the cleaned up reality TV show version of her that her life is so unflattering. A 32 year old college graduate that needs a roommate to pay the mortgage, is unemployed, almost brags about her poor personal hygiene, honey your life is a mess and it's not because of your weight unless you want to admit that it's your weight causing your poor hygiene and your inability to hold down a 9-5 job that by 32 you shouldn't be worried about your ability to pay your mortgage without a roommate. 

I think the roommate thing is for the show to have a storyline, to have a bigger cast of characters. Lets be rule Todd doesn't live in NC. Her other gay friend does but has real employment. Buddy is a bar tender and was one of the sweethearts from earlier seasons. 

She makes six figure income most likely from TLC - not to mention other things she does - 

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, sATL said:

Glenn is from a different era. He is probably used to most of his friend's children being married before having a child.

Plus he might be thinking there is another mouth to feed and will never be able to fully retire, as Whit at age 32 is still in his wallet (ie cosigning the mortgage)

Absolutely. I live in the south - women who have children out of wedlock (in my circle at least meaning acquaintances, family, friends, neighbors) would still look at that woman as funny.

Even at 39 if I were to "shack up" with a man, my family would be scandalized.

  • Love 3

I'm not sure why it took 3 weeks for this to occur to me, but:

When Whitney was having that totally unscripted kitchen conversation with Buddy's girlfriend, she said that she'd stopped taking birth control pills because she hadn't had her period in such a long time.

That suggests that the only reason she was taking them was to prevent conception.  

But, unless I'm mistaken, oral contraceptives are also prescribed therapeutically for things like PCOS to regulate hormones.  

So, two possibilities: either Whitney lied about going off of BC, or she isn't even trying to medically treat her PCOS.

Oh, and the FaceTime with Roy was, once again, the most unprofessional sort of conduct imaginable when addressing one's ostensible supervisor.

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

I'm not sure why it took 3 weeks for this to occur to me, but:

When Whitney was having that totally unscripted kitchen conversation with Buddy's girlfriend, she said that she'd stopped taking birth control pills because she hadn't had her period in such a long time.

That suggests that the only reason she was taking them was to prevent conception.  

But, unless I'm mistaken, oral contraceptives are also prescribed therapeutically for things like PCOS to regulate hormones.  

So, two possibilities: either Whitney lied about going off of BC, or she isn't even trying to medically treat her PCOS.

Oh, and the FaceTime with Roy was, once again, the most unprofessional sort of conduct imaginable when addressing one's ostensible supervisor.

I dont recall her saying she stopped them intentionally, I recall her saying she was not "perfect" in taking them.

I have PCOS - I didn't take the birth control they prescribed (at the time the one that was most therapeutic was Yaz which women in my family have had adverse reactions too (one got a nasty blood clot) so my ob gyn when my legs were getting fluid filled took me off of it ASAP.

I took metformin for awhile, and like Whitney i was not "perfect" in taking it every day. My mom takes medication for her blood pressure and for her arthritis and sometimes she forgets... her bone-on-bone hip will remind her that oh, you may have forgotten to take the tylenol or the prescription NSAID.

So I give her slack there

  • Love 1

This is a clip from the radio show where they talk about this episode. Roy's really nice about it, but I get the impression he's annoyed by how he's portrayed on the show, lol. He explains that he's told Whitney multiple times that his girlfriend doesn't want to be talked about on the radio show, let alone on national TV, and that's why he wasn't giving her any details. 

  • Love 7
29 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

I'm not sure why it took 3 weeks for this to occur to me, but:

When Whitney was having that totally unscripted kitchen conversation with Buddy's girlfriend, she said that she'd stopped taking birth control pills because she hadn't had her period in such a long time.

That suggests that the only reason she was taking them was to prevent conception.  

But, unless I'm mistaken, oral contraceptives are also prescribed therapeutically for things like PCOS to regulate hormones.  

So, two possibilities: either Whitney lied about going off of BC, or she isn't even trying to medically treat her PCOS.

No matter why a woman is taking oral contraceptives, taking them haphazardly is only going to screw up your hormone balance to the gods. If your hormones are already screwed up, as they are in anyone with PCOS, there isn't much else you could do to make that condition worse.

29 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

I'm not sure why it took 3 weeks for this to occur to me, but:

When Whitney was having that totally unscripted kitchen conversation with Buddy's girlfriend, she said that she'd stopped taking birth control pills because she hadn't had her period in such a long time.

That suggests that the only reason she was taking them was to prevent conception.  

But, unless I'm mistaken, oral contraceptives are also prescribed therapeutically for things like PCOS to regulate hormones.  

So, two possibilities: either Whitney lied about going off of BC, or she isn't even trying to medically treat her PCOS.

No matter why a woman is taking oral contraceptives, taking them haphazardly is only going to screw up your hormone balance to the gods. If your hormones are already screwed up, as they are in anyone with PCOS, there isn't much else you could do to make that condition worse.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, lovetheduns said:

I think the roommate thing is for the show to have a storyline, to have a bigger cast of characters. Lets be rule Todd doesn't live in NC. Her other gay friend does but has real employment. Buddy is a bar tender and was one of the sweethearts from earlier seasons. 

She makes six figure income most likely from TLC - not to mention other things she does - 

OK, see, that's the thing, I completely believe it was for show, over 4 seasons and her parents co-signing I completely 100% believe she could afford a $200k house.

But the thing is, I'm 33, there is absolutely nothing surprising or fabulous about that, that's like a normal house someone with a college degree and you know, a, job, is able to afford without worrying about being able to be able to pay their mortgage if their roommate moved out.

I guess my point is I know this show is full of lies and mistruths, those have been well documented, it's just utterly bizarre how this show and Whitney try and make her life so "fabulous" while making her look so stunted at the same time.

Edited by John M
  • Love 8
20 minutes ago, John M said:

OK, see, that's the thing, I completely believe it was for show, over 4 seasons and her parents co-signing I completely 100% believe she could afford a $200k house.

But the thing is, I'm 33, there is absolutely nothing surprising of fabulous about that, that's like a normal house someone with a college degree and you know, a, job, is able to afford without worrying about being able to be able to pay their mortgage if their roommate moved out.

I guess my point is I know this show is full of lies and mistruths, those have been well documented, it's just utterly bizarre how this show and Whitney try and make her life so "fabulous" while making her look so stunted at the same time.

But she's fabulous because she's fat and proud and guffaws. Oh yeah and she has sex a lot. Just fabulous. The real things you and I have accomplished are nothing compared to the massive queef she blew in Todd's face. 

Regardless of the possibility of her six figure income, if the bank knows she has no job security and nothing to fall back on, they'll probably want a co-signer. Is there any reason to believe that she makes six figures? Even if she does, the show has jumped the shark. The bank knows it won't be long and she'll be relying on her fake radio job and her fake dance class. Except they're fake so she can't even claim those two things as income. 

  • Love 4
54 minutes ago, M.F. Luder said:

This is a clip from the radio show where they talk about this episode. Roy's really nice about it, but I get the impression he's annoyed by how he's portrayed on the show, lol. He explains that he's told Whitney multiple times that his girlfriend doesn't want to be talked about on the radio show, let alone on national TV, and that's why he wasn't giving her any details. 

Oh lord this sounds so awkward

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