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S07.E18: Heartache

Tara Ariano

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

He does. Jenelle dropped that bomb when she was being called out for being a dead-beat mom. I remember the article being posted here. It was also during that time when Jenelle referred to Kieffer as the N word. Effing bitch! Whatever Kieffer may be, referring to him by using such an ugly slur really burns me up. Jenelle and Kail are two of a kind.

Of all the insults to hurl at Keiffer, and there exists a smorgasbord, the N word is...wow. Just wow. 

  • Love 4
On 1/31/2017 at 3:51 PM, saratothej said:

Not only is it Money Hole Road, but the town is apparently RANSOM, North Carolina.

And it is next to Cape Fear River!  Cape FEAR indeed.


On 1/31/2017 at 4:44 PM, Birdee said:


Leah: At least she decided not to argue with Corey over the school thing, which she would have done in the past just for the sake of arguing. She and her sister both look like death warmed over, so I'm guessing there's still pillses in the holler. Also, did she have trouble pronouncing the name fo the girlses school district? Mother of the Year right there. 


 I noticed that her grandma had a lot of trouble saying "the kids' school."  She kept saying "kidses school."  These people do not understand how to make a word ending in "s" plural!  It really drives me nuts.  


On 1/31/2017 at 4:53 PM, shelley1005 said:


I didn't see Kail as pissed at Jo when she called. She was just stressed the fuck out.  Jo's known her a long time and recognized it from jump street.  It's the one moment in this shit show that I'll give her credit.  


She was stressed because she lied about where she was, and was caught with her boyfriend by her husband.  She brought about this stress.


13 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Oh honey! Like x2004

Fairydusted - who is that in your avatar???


7 hours ago, Vandy10 said:


During Aubrey's t-ball scene, I noticed how she was doing a funny little run-hop-run thing while running the bases. Just as I was wondering what was up with that, Cole showed up and Chelsea did the exact same run-hop-run thing over to Cole. So that was cute.


I noticed that they both run the same way too!  I noticed that they both sometimes run with their toes pointed, which seems difficult to do in theory.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

And it is next to Cape Fear River!  Cape FEAR indeed.

Haha! I live in NC, and Jenelle's new place must be waaaaaay out in the woods, because I have never heard of it! The Cape Fear River is well known, but Ransom? Reigelwood? I have lots of family that lives in the Wilmington area, and all of the little towns they've mentioned (Leland, Southport, Oak Island, etc.) are places I'm very familiar with, but I've never in my life heard of this. Makes me feel for Jenelle's future, being so isolated. 

On 1/31/2017 at 5:53 PM, shelley1005 said:

LOL @ the tweet from Javi that he was so upset because he hoped Kail would fall back in love with him when he came back.  I might have some tolerance for that if you weren't dippin' your dick on the regular while on deployment too.  Boo.  Glad those two are done with each other.  

While I gave Jo a lot of side eye when he was complaining about child support because of his lack of job....I actually don't consider him to be unemployed.  MTV pays him well.  And it's not like he hasn't worked...Kail too.  They both would go out and get a job if the MTV money dried up.  Right now MTV is paying his bills, so he's cool.  

I didn't see Kail as pissed at Jo when she called. She was just stressed the fuck out.  Jo's known her a long time and recognized it from jump street.  It's the one moment in this shit show that I'll give her credit.  She realized it all went sideways that is mostly her fault with a little bit of Javi, but it's mostly on Kail.  I've had those "are you there yet, where you at?" freak outs.  Kail didn't want Isaac gone IMO so she could hop back on the dick, but because she realized she was upset and he was upset.  I'll give her small props for knowing the best place for Isaac is to be with Jo where no drama is gonna hop on up.  Small props.  Very small.  

I do think Jace should have someone talk to him about court.  I don't think it should be Jenelle or Babs though.  They usually have an advocate for the child.  It would be great if that person could explain what is going on and what he would like.  Then he could answer honestly instead of just saying whatever he thinks someone in front of him wants to hear.  I still think Jace worries that if he says the wrong thing....they'll both leave him.  Poor kiddo.  

where did javi tweet that? 

On 1/31/2017 at 10:20 AM, Mkay said:

Read the bottom tweet first. 


Of course Kail retweeted it, but hasn't commented on the episode, yet. 





Thanks for the screenshot. Those tweets have since been deleted, seems he's now pissed. 





I called it, btw, a couple threads ago, that he was still holding out hope for them to reconcile. SMH. even though it was blatantly obvious to the rest of the world that she's been done for a loooong time now. 

Screen Shot 2017-02-02 at 8.15.18 PM.png

  • Love 3

Just watched this and I'm heartbroken for Issac even though I've read this entire thread before I watched and knew what was coming.  Oh my goodness....  that little voice.....

But on a positive note I have to say that Cole has great manners. He pulled out the seat at the restaurant for Chelsea and thanked the waiter when she put his food down.  I think that speaks volumes.

  • Love 18
1 minute ago, poopchute said:

Again I ask for the millionth time, HOW are these not the tweets of a 14 year old?  If you just showed me these with no context I would assume they were written by a child.  Does anyone in the entire franchise have the maturity of an actual adult? I can't think of any of them.  And I include the grandparents in that as well.

The internet brings out the inner bratty child in ppl, methinks. Ever read the comments section on a news article? or on youtube? SMH. 40 year olds turn into 12 year olds. lol. 

  • Love 5

Yep.  I want to take all of their twitter handles.  Step away.  Take a walk.  They are all such immature little twats.  And no matter what any of them say, they all desperately care about what random strangers on the internet think about them.  

I think there can be value in social media...to be able to connect with people in new and different ways.  However....twitter especially...can be a cesspool.  I have been known to spend some time on twitter and even enjoyed the back and forth that can happen there, but the difference is that I don't give a flying fuck what strangers on the interwebs think of me.  

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, shelley1005 said:

how pathetic.

I'd totally read his book, tbh. But I think he needs to either write it or don't, don't just threaten it everytime Kail does some shit you don't like. Don't make it dependent on whether or not Kail is being nice to you. That part is lame. She's clearly not concerned about what Javi wants, so he should just do him and write the book or not. And if he writes it, it shouldn't be to spite Kail, but to make some money. 

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, LBS said:

Just watched this and I'm heartbroken for Issac even though I've read this entire thread before I watched and knew what was coming.  Oh my goodness....  that little voice.....

But on a positive note I have to say that Cole has great manners. He pulled out the seat at the restaurant for Chelsea and thanked the waiter when she put his food down.  I think that speaks volumes.

Cole is a good egg. Like a sexier George McFly. Chelsea is lucky that she found a stable partner and not another Adam. 

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Cole is a good egg. Like a sexier George McFly. Chelsea is lucky that she found a stable partner and not another Adam. 

Cole? Sexy? LMAO. No question Cole is a good guy, but sexy, he is not. (IMO). That squeaky-voice baby-talk he does kills it for me, LOL. 

On another note, Adam has a serious attitude w/the producers. I think he's just come to realize (or at least he thinks) that MTV needs him to film just as much as he needs their $, so he thinks he can be as big of a dick as he wants to and still get paid. I also think he's come to believe that he's gonna get a shitty edit no matter what, so he figures he might as well not even try to fake it for the cameras. smh. IDK. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
  • Love 5

I think Adam knows he can treat the producers however he wants and unfortunately....and they just have to take it.  He can decide anytime that they can't film Aubree and he knows what power that is.  The way people like Adam and Farrah treat the crew and the staff is so disgusting.  When you treat those who serve or for whom you have a power control position over as less than human....well, it's telling.  

  • Love 10

I think Adam's been a dick all along, but they weren't showing it. 

Look at how he is (or has been) with Chelsea. He's either wooing her to bang her or he's gaslighting her and making her responsible for everything.

Part of me thinks that one of the motivators for breaking the 4th wall was to show Adam in all his glory. He is consistently a terrible person who is occasionally able to act somewhat charming for enough time to seem normal.

  • Love 14
22 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

And it is next to Cape Fear River!  Cape FEAR indeed.


WTH? That is crazy!

I can slam on Adam for being the dick that he has always been, but MTV knew what he was behind the scenes all along. We only see the few minutes he is an ass on television. MTV has no excuse for continuing to offer this douchebag a contract. The thing is, this season is just a continuation of the initial season 7, which is why it is 7B. There was no new contract to sign. MTV found a loophole to continue to film him. They must now deal with his shit just as   Adam knows in order to get his check, he must abide by his contract.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3
6 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

I think Adam knows he can treat the producers however he wants and unfortunately....and they just have to take it.  He can decide anytime that they can't film Aubree and he knows what power that is.  The way people like Adam and Farrah treat the crew and the staff is so disgusting.  When you treat those who serve or for whom you have a power control position over as less than human....well, it's telling.  

I wouldn't mind if both he and Chelsea were off the show.  He - because he sucks, and she - because she is boring.  

Speaking of them, Cole is very sweet and cute, but aaahh that voice kind of ruins him.  Reminds me of David Beckham - hot guy, little girl voice.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

I think Adam knows he can treat the producers however he wants and unfortunately....and they just have to take it.  He can decide anytime that they can't film Aubree and he knows what power that is.  The way people like Adam and Farrah treat the crew and the staff is so disgusting.  When you treat those who serve or for whom you have a power control position over as less than human....well, it's telling.  

I seriously doubt that Adam has any control over what Aubree can or cannot do since Chelsea has full custody and he has visitation rights and doesn't pay his child support. I'm no lawyer so I wouldn't bet my head on it, but I'm pretty certain that Randylicious would have hired an attorney seven years ago to make sure of this.

  • Love 9
On 2/1/2017 at 6:08 PM, Rebecca said:

Everything else has been said so...

Wow, Adam's girlfriend is weird looking. I don't feel bad saying so because she must be an awful person to date that POS. And to just sit there silently. Idiot. It's disgusting that Adam is still on this show. Also, he's seemingly introduced more random "women" to his children than all the other idiots on the show combined.

She looks like she might be Mr. Burns' grand daughter. 

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

The internet brings out the inner bratty child in ppl, methinks. Ever read the comments section on a news article? or on youtube? SMH. 40 year olds turn into 12 year olds. lol. 

I always tell myself NOT to read comments on internet articles.  Don't do it!  Then I don't listen to myself and read them anyway and go into a rage stroke.   And the cycle continues.  Sigh.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:


I think Adam's been a dick all along, but they weren't showing it. 

Look at how he is (or has been) with Chelsea. He's either wooing her to bang her or he's gaslighting her and making her responsible for everything.

Part of me thinks that one of the motivators for breaking the 4th wall was to show Adam in all his glory. He is consistently a terrible person who is occasionally able to act somewhat charming for enough time to seem normal.


Yup. He kept claiming that they were negatively portraying him. So then they were like, "You ain't seen nothing yet, buddy!"

  • Love 11

Adam has always been a selfish, irresponsible and sometimes rude, but I doubt he's always been THIS rude, dismissive and nasty to production. I noticed how he behaved on last season's reunion - where he was refusing to answer Dr. Drew's questions and saying the money was no longer worth it, etc. it was a marked change from all other times. I know he's never liked filming, but before this, I think he's always at least tolerated it and tried to present a better image. But I think the whole loophole of season 7b (so no new contract, aka no bigger paycheck) has made him especially sour. 

I think you're probably right that Adam's attitude was at least part of the reason MTV decided to break the 4th wall w/Teen Mom 2. 

  • Love 2

I don't know what kind of language is in the contract concerning filming the children, however he has shared legal custody, so he could demand that she is no longer on film.  Chelsea would need to go to court and have an order from the judge that said otherwise if he did that.  Not being up on your child support doesn't negate your legal rights.  

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I can slam on Adam for being the dick that he has always been, but MTV knew what he was behind the scenes all along. We only see the few minutes he is an ass on television. MTV has no excuse for continuing to offer this douchebag a contract. The thing is, this season is just a continuation of the initial season 7, which is why it is 7B. There was no new contract to sign. MTV found a loophole to continue to film him. They must now deal with his shit just as   Adam knows in order to get his check, he must abide by his contract

You know?  This is interesting.  If Adam is behind the extension, this year.  I wonder if he threatened to not allow Aubree on the next season?  I would imagine Mtv and production got their legal teams on it.  They want Chelsea and Aubree.  I wonder if this was just to buy time to get things legally straight for another season.  It would be sweet to see Adam pull that card on tv, only to have Chelsea(or a producer) hand him a stack of legal papers/court order showing him Aubs is grandfathered-in or something of the like.  Like Gary handing proof to Amber that Gnat has more than 2 kids.  Adam's head would explode!

  • Love 1
On January 31, 2017 at 7:11 PM, berly57 said:

I just finished watching the last two episodes & have not read any posts, but I just want to go on record as saying I take back any comment I ever made about Jo that could even have been slightly interpreted as negative. This guy is a gem!!!! The way he is handling this whole Javi situation with Isaac is unbelievable!

Jo is amazing and has come a long way. I'm over five years older than Jo and I can't guarantee I'd be acting so maturely if I was in his shoes. I'd probably be Joe-Biden-Meme-Petty when it came to dealing with Kail and this situation with Javi. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 13

Back when Jon of Jon and Kate Plus 8 tried to get his kids removed from filming, the legal scholars weighed in and said that since they had agreed to filming throughout their married lives, she would be given permission to allow them to keep filming unless he could prove there was some change that warranted his concerns. His attorneys must have said the same thing, because the papers that were leaked (probably by him) said that the kids were having a hard time with people approaching them while out in public and had examples. Kate's attorney must have told her that he had a good argument because next thing we knew, he was withdrawing his objection to them filming and in turn, she got to keep the house and his child support was waived or reduced to next to nothing.

Adam would have that same battle. I also don't think he has 50% legal custody because of something that was discussed back when he was trying to get her to agree to move the location of the court to hear his request to change the custody agreement. I don't remember how it was discussed, but Chelsea was telling Randy that the attorney told her that the document he sent to her hadn't been filed and at that time, there were no changes, and it seems like they were discussing that he was asking for 50% legal and physical custody. He did eventually file something to try and get out of the supervision portion of the order and it was denied. He was then promptly arrested in the courtroom for being in arrears on his support for Paisley.

He has since obtained permission to drive with her and to have unsupervised visitation and Chelsea's child support increased. The kids received a $5000 college fund from MTV for appearing on 16 and Pregnant. I think, but can't say with any certainty, that the kids receive it each contract from MTV for Teen Mom. During the Dad's show, one of them said something about the money for college when Corey said they were not going to let his baby be filmed. Chelsea would be able to show that Aubree had a college fund, that she probably also pays into, and there hasn't been any negative experience and Adam would be denied.

Paislee, on the other hand, he can probably keep from being filmed. She really has no ties to the show other than him, and he can clearly show that it has been negative for him. He gets trashed on social media on a regular basis because he is an ass. If he wasn't on TV, only people who have met him would know what a vile and disgusting person he is, and he thinks he is edited to show him in a worse light, because he doesn't think he is that bad. 

The last thing I remember hearing about Stasia was that he kicked her out because she was pregnant and he had a vasectomy. Then she said that they were still together, she wasn't pregnant, he was trying to find out who was leaking information, and he was pretty sure it was Chelsea and Randy. Then I punched myself in the eye for reading all that trash. I have no idea what their relationship is today.

  • Love 13

Adam is such a vile, disgusting person on all levels. I wish there had been a scene during the early seasons where Randy had sat Chelsea down and asked point blank why she liked him, excluding, "I just like him!" and "I want a familyyyyy!" Did Chelsea ever explain his so-called "good qualities?" All I remember was her friends and Randy pointing out his bad qualities over and over, without her explaining his appeal. 

  • Love 3

Chelsea had an addiction to Adam that is so common in abusive relationships. Any little bit of attention from him was like she won the lottery. I always wanted Dr. Drew to discuss that because I think it would have had a teaching aspect for the young girls watching the show, but instead, he wanted Randy to compliment Adam for paying child support, the bare minimum a parent could do, and insisted that Chelsea should work harder on her relationship with Adam. He continued to point out things like her sleeping with one of Adam's friends as payback even after he had already been jailed for DUI and only had supervised visitation because of his neglect.

Dr. Drew used to be able to pinpoint these issues on Loveline, but was just a complete and utter failure as a host for the Teen Mom reunions.

  • Love 13

So I was bored last night and I guess I was in need of some form of self torture. I went back and watched the first few episodes of Teen Mom 2.  Kail and Leah have always been somewhat of a mess but I wasn't screaming at the TV or anything during their scenes. Chelsea was addicted to her situation with Adam and wanted a fairy tale life but Papa Randilicious said it best - to have a fairy tale you need a prince. But she was there from day 1 as a devoted and loving mother to Aubs, so I felt more bad for her than anything. I know it can be hard to get over someone you love even when  they don't deserve your love so I can kind of understand what she was going through.

Jailnelle however, has always been a wretched little bitch. From day 1 she was an unfit mother and that hasn't changed at all over the years. Throwing a baby in the crib and cutting the lights off is not putting him to bed. We saw her do that back then with Jace and then again with Kaiser Roll. She was the very definition of white trash and that has only been shown more and more as the years have passed. She disgusts me...

  • Love 9

Dr. Drew is constantly judging the moms and dads by different standards.  If the moms have sex with anyone....they are dirty, disgusting whores.   The dads get huge amounts of credit for basically breathing and standing up right.  And then he flips to the other side...if any of the dads get custody of their children, he treats them like mean, abusive monsters.  If Gary is holding Amber to the agreement or Corey is making sure he is the decision maker.....and Drew is all over them.  

Dr. Drew can go get bent.  

  • Love 9
23 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

I don't know what kind of language is in the contract concerning filming the children, however he has shared legal custody, so he could demand that she is no longer on film.  Chelsea would need to go to court and have an order from the judge that said otherwise if he did that.  Not being up on your child support doesn't negate your legal rights.  

he doesn't have any legal custody of aubrey. all he has is visitation rights. 

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Adam is such a vile, disgusting person on all levels. I wish there had been a scene during the early seasons where Randy had sat Chelsea down and asked point blank why she liked him, excluding, "I just like him!" and "I want a familyyyyy!" Did Chelsea ever explain his so-called "good qualities?" All I remember was her friends and Randy pointing out his bad qualities over and over, without her explaining his appeal. 

I think what Adam has is swagger/charm. He's got that cocky, confident attitude that many women find appealing and he does the whole push-pull thing - one minute he's into you, the next minute he seems bored with you - so it constantly keeps his gfs on their toes/they constantly crave and value his attention. 

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, shelley1005 said:

Physical custody and legal custody are two different things.  I doubt he has no legal custody or there would be no going to court about anything.  

It's been mentioned, several times, on the show that he has no custody of her at all, all he has is visitation rights bc as the father, he's entitled to that even if he has no legal custody. he was trying to go to court to get 50-50 custody of her but was turned down. You can go to court seeking custody of your kid all you want, regardless of current custody status. That's your right. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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