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S07.E07: It's Expensive To Be Me

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Wasn't there some rumor about Kim having a huffing problem as well that came out a couple of years ago? I remember reading about it but I can't remember the details.

Also, Taylor outed that Kim had been an addict for 30+ years at a reunion ( when Brandi made her "Kyle wants Kim to fail" accusation) and Kyle acknowledged (nodded her head "yes") that that length of time was correct.

Actually Taylor said half her life, Kyle said she prayed everyday of her life for Kim to be sober.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-3/videos/happy-to-see-kim-fail  When the reunion was filmed -four years ago Kyle would have been 43 and Kim 48.  There was no mention of 30 years that would have put Kyle at 13 and Kim at 18.  I don't think that was truly a factual to the day discussion.  No one has ever said Kim was a big drinker as a teen-they have sais she worked. 

1 hour ago, Former Nun said:

A beer?  So does "sober" now mean complete abstinence?

If you are sober you abstain totally.  I didn't write the code, but that is how these folks roll.  I think why might be more accurate of Rinna to say is that HH cut back on his drinking or her no longer drinks to excess but Rinna said three years sober.

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6 hours ago, AndySmith said:

With the others, maybe. With Kim, it seems a bit more real and different.

I don't know if the trigger is Lisar's step-sister or not, but she's clearly disliked Kim from the get go. The addiction stuff played a large part, but I think she would have been on the opposite side of Kim, regardless. 

Kim's not the most likable person, and she's awkward as hell, particularly around women. Lisa Rinna is a fake friendly person, so someone like Kim who isn't social anyway is not going to gel and make pretend with Lisa. The only way Kim connects with other women is when someone else makes all the effort to be friendly without anything to gain by it, and/or acknowledges that Kyle has let Kim down as a sister. Those who come to mind are Adrienne, Camille, Brandi, the Wiccan HW, and Yo. 

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11 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Here is a story about Eden:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/eden-sassoon-on-joining-rhobh-sometimes-when-you-resist-something-its-exactly-what

She is such a f#cking liar.

She begins with being, "received well by everyone at first. They were like, 'You're absolutely fabulous and we love you!'".  Din't she just complain Kyle was not warm or welcoming which would pretty much be the opposite of claiming she was absolutely fabulous, and Kim was in a bad place.

The nonsense continues, and this one is particularly annoying because #MyTruth doesn't jive with reality.

But Eden admitted that she really didn't keep up with RHOBH over the years, explaining that since the series has been on the air she's gotten married, had two children, and gotten divorced, lost her father.

First off the original air date of the show aired October 14, 2010.  It filmed from January to June of 2010.  Eden got married on July 24, 2004, had her daughter May 24, 2005, her son August 29, 2006, filed for divorce April 4, 2008 and it was later in 2008.  Her dad did die in 2012.  So Eden is pretty much just a phony liar.  I am curious if perhaps she joined AA to have a captive audience as friends, who listen to her BS without judgment.

Why don't these women just admit they watched the show and wanted to be a part of it for the opportunity to promote their business or career?  I seriously doubt the producers chased this lying turd down.

Well said!

This was also mentioned in the article:

"...Eden hinted that the waters might be a little bumpy for her up ahead. "At this point in the season I feel great, and then I start to feel more and more and more," she confessed. "You can’t really point the finger at anyone — I guess I can point the finger at myself. My being emotionally open and available and wanting to be a peacemaker could possibly not be the easiest thing to do in this little world. "....

It sounds like things get bumpy because she is emotionally open, available and playing peacemaker---WTF? How does that make a bumpy ride? It's only been two episodes with her and I can't stand her! 


(sorry if this has already been mentioned....I'm only on page 5 of this thread)

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1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

Wasn't that because Kim'spost-arrest tox screen showed a substance often associated with huffing (too lazy to look it up)?


As far as I know, it always has.

That was it, it showed up in her tox screen when she was arrested! I knew I had read that. LOL

1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Actually Taylor said half her life, Kyle said she prayed everyday of her life for Kim to be sober.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-3/videos/happy-to-see-kim-fail  When the reunion was filmed -four years ago Kyle would have been 43 and Kim 48.  There was no mention of 30 years that would have put Kyle at 13 and Kim at 18.  I don't think that was truly a factual to the day discussion.  No one has ever said Kim was a big drinker as a teen-they have sais she worked. 

If you are sober you abstain totally.  I didn't write the code, but that is how these folks roll.  I think why might be more accurate of Rinna to say is that HH cut back on his drinking or her no longer drinks to excess but Rinna said three years sober.

Somewhere, someone said she has been an addict for 30 years but it could have been a blogger. I have no problem believing that Kim's alcohol/drug problem started in her late teens, she partied hard with Kathy/Rich and that crowd back then. I also don't think alcohol is her only addiction but that it is more of her go to when money is tight and eyes are watching. I think Kim will use/abuse whatever is easiest for her to get, the high/escapism is what matters most to her. And, I think that is also why it has been so hard for her to kick her addictions, she needs psych meds and they can do the same to you that alcohol/illegal drugs do.

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I couldn't stop laughing at Erika Jayne's lame 'video' shoot. What is this? A Gordon Gekko fantasy from 1985? "It's expensive to be me"? Why--because you have to pay sycophantic douche nozzles to hang out with you? Yeah, I guess that can get costly. Yuck. I'm surprised this silly, out-of-touch hack isn't performing at the inauguration. Sounds like the same type of mentality. And by the way...no one is "offended" by a middle-aged sea hag doing some played out bullshit that wouldn't have been considered "edgy" twenty five years ago. You're not offensive; you're a desperate, sad, talentless hack.

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2 hours ago, Former Nun said:

A beer?  So does "sober" now mean complete abstinence?


1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

If you are sober you abstain totally.  I didn't write the code, but that is how these folks roll.  I think why might be more accurate of Rinna to say is that HH cut back on his drinking or her no longer drinks to excess but Rinna said three years sober.

Actually I always thought she said "stopped drinking" - which doesn't have the AA/recovery implications that the word "sober" implies.  He could have stopped regular/heavy drinking and still have the occasional social beer.

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13 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Your point does hit the nail on the head. And I am happy that she's pulled back from the addict story line and has finally stopped the tortured angst, which in turn made others very protective of HER and therefore ended up admonishing her sister in the process.  You have describe it in a way that justifies why Kyle would need to get certain things out there once and for all and even take pleasure in having her side heard and you are absolutely right but now I'm going to outline why, although understandable, I found it not as easy to digest.

I'm the daughter and sister of alcoholics/addicts.

Alcohol, Crack, Cocaine, Heroine (80's status, Boogie down Bronx)

And yes that makes me the Kyle of my family.

Which is why a lot of what I see from Kyle disgusts me. I understand where she's coming from and I also feel that her resentment has gotten the best of her on more than one occasion. I can agree that she's had a hard time of it and totally get it. Don't get me wrong. But being the put upon one doesn't absolve being cruel in those moments of being at the end of your rope. It doesn't absolve her from being vicious and nobody can't tell me that Kyle hasn't ever unleashed hell on Kim because of her addiction. I'm 99% certain that that outburst in the Limo was no where near the first time Kyle has "had enough" and hit low.  And quite honestly I could easily accept that as well if Kyle wasn't so intent on putting forth just the "woe is me" part of her story. If she had been more real and more willing to admit that the struggles affected everyone and yes, has caused even her to lash out aggressively at Kim during really down moments of Kim's addiction I would have been less critical of Kyle. My dislike comes from seeing Kyle give us this whole withering flower persona that is the complete opposite of what a woman who has dealt with lifelong addictions in her family would truly possess. Not saying that she can't be worn down after all these years. Of course she is which is probably why she didn't realize what a BAD decision it was to bring this to a reality show.

She does deserve that pat on the back. I just don't think this was the way to get it. I get where Kyle was coming from, I really do but I saw the fame whoring underneath as well as the melodrama coming from a woman I can tell is a spit fire so even though I get that it's a trying thing to live through I wasn't blind to her throwing caution to the wind almost gleefully when addressing Kim and her issues publicly. That's what left the bad taste in my mouth.  That there was a point where it wasn't just her having some crumbling emotional, "I don't have the strength" heartbreak needing acceptance and support. To me, she milked it to a degree and here and there contributed to the story lines momentum.  There were surges of anger and resentment that drove some of her behaviors thru a few of the seasons. Just because we all know why and see where it all comes from doesn't make it something that should be excused and the fact that Kyle's never admitted to that side of her and always pushes the "always supportive sister" angle of it while conveniently forgetting those sections of letting the gravity of the situation cause her to lash out is what annoys me. 

She isn't being truly honest and there was a part of the show where I feel Kim was asking her to and to stop always making their discord out to be all Kim's fault.  That didn't escape me. I could tell there was way more to it than what the narrative was and so I've never given Kyle a complete pass on her role in it all. That's all. I do think having Kim's addiction off the table (or only in small doses) helps my opinion of Kyle though. The more lightweight subject matter surrounding Kyle makes it easier to just see her as anybody else and I'm able to not hate seeing her on my screen anymore.

I'm not completely without experience in this area so my take on it isn't without insight or understanding.

 Well said.  Kyle almost gets the advantage of being white washed by how poorly Kim treated her season 5.  I'm curious which examples you have in mind because reading your post immediately made me think of Kyle endlessly needling her in Hawaii.  Kim was a hot mess but it was so unproductive the way Kyle just ruined the atmosphere till the last drop when she knew exactly why Kim was mia/late etc..  then the next season I remember somebody telling Kyle that they ran into Kim at a cigar bar, cut to Kyle in a talking head clutching pearls saying "that couldnt possibly be true? I mean Kim is telling me she's sober!" Sooo phoney. 

 I think part of it is just Kyle's personality aka the "eggbeater" in that she doesn't know when to let things go. Yolanda thought this was why Carlton got testy and now that I think about it Camille as well, where Kyle tends to ask questions incessantly and to the point where people become offended.

Edited by Inspectabecky
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17 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

That was it, it showed up in her tox screen when she was arrested! I knew I had read that. LOL

Somewhere, someone said she has been an addict for 30 years but it could have been a blogger. I have no problem believing that Kim's alcohol/drug problem started in her late teens, she partied hard with Kathy/Rich and that crowd back then. I also don't think alcohol is her only addiction but that it is more of her go to when money is tight and eyes are watching. I think Kim will use/abuse whatever is easiest for her to get, the high/escapism is what matters most to her. And, I think that is also why it has been so hard for her to kick her addictions, she needs psych meds and they can do the same to you that alcohol/illegal drugs do.

I am going to let Kim have this one-she said she didn't start drinking until she was 23.  I see no reason to disbeliever her as it would be far more sympathetic if she had started when she was younger and would fit Eden's idea of her.  Rick and Kathy were living in New York at the time of Paris' birth (1981) and Nicky's birth and Kim and Kyle were living in California, so I am not seeing the connection.   The Hiltons moved to California in the mid to late 80's and then back again to New York again, when Nicki was in high school. Kim is very clear she claims she is an alcoholic, hell Kyle yelled it at her in the limo.  I think Kim smoked(s) pot and does a lot of pharmaceuticals-some prescribed some not.  I don't see money as being  a impediment for her getting the drug she wants. People with a lot less resources score all the time.  Kim has never said she was an addict she has said she is an alcoholic.  Rinna is the one that keeps saying Kim is an addict.  Kim's use of pharmaceuticals (even the prescribed ones) are held against for not being clean and sober by many in the alcohol drug rehab world.

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2 hours ago, dosodog said:

As long as that accent is channeling all the things I want to say Eileen when she goes all "I'm a resolver.  We must resolve this) No.  Absolutely no!

Dorit, with all her flaws, for me, makes up everything, when she goes right to the point with Eileen's nonsense.   And shuts her up.  Or gets her to make one of those shocked, confused faces.  It's the "how do you not understand I'm right and you are wrong" look.

Their lemon water lunch where Rinna was so hungry reminded me of RuPaul's "lunches" on Drag Race.

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7 minutes ago, princelina said:


Actually I always thought she said "stopped drinking" - which doesn't have the AA/recovery implications that the word "sober" implies.  He could have stopped regular/heavy drinking and still have the occasional social beer.

Obviously he did have a beer we saw it on TV.   Here is the tape and Kyle asks Rinna, "how long has Harry been sober?", Rinna answers, "three years sober."  She then goes on and on about him just stopping drinking when looking down at his dead brother's body (no shortage of drama).  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/videos/lisa-r-gets-personal-talking-about-addiction (this particular video is part of a series of bringing up Kim's drinking) I am nattering but words matter and the meaning these people attach to sober is abstinence.  When abstinence isn't enough, it becomes all about their thought process.  Stopping drinking can mean stopped drinking at 8 pm.  To me, it just goes to Rinna's fakeness.  I think the meaning of sober has evolved over the years.  When I was growing up I had parents who drank but were never impaired-they split a beer every night before dinner.  They spoke of a friend having to sober up before an event, who had too many drinks while playing golf and had a dinner to attend after the match.    

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Well, wasn't she on the floor of the bathroom grabbing pills or something.  I don't remember exactly.  Didn't Monty give her something or she took something from Monty poker night?  And wasn't Dr. Paul taken aback when Kim told him her medications?  Crap, too much history and I can't keep up with it.

In any case, I don't think Kim was an addict or an alcoholic 'all' her adult life but I do find it hard to believe she didn't have her first drink until 23.  Or drinking until she was 23.  But then again, I don't take anything out of Kim's mouth as fact.  I think Kim partied hard most of her life. 

IMO, you can quit drinking but it doesn't necessarily make you 'sober'.  If you're replacing alcohol with medication, prescribed or not, you're not 'sober'.  That's not to say that you can't take any medication.  It depends on the medication.  It's a gray, messy area.  And a whole other discussion......

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8 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I am going to let Kim have this one-she said she didn't start drinking until she was 23.  I see no reason to disbeliever her as it would be far more sympathetic if she had started when she was younger and would fit Eden's idea of her.  Rick and Kathy were living in New York at the time of Paris' birth (1981) and Nicky's birth and Kim and Kyle were living in California, so I am not seeing the connection.   The Hiltons moved to California in the mid to late 80's and then back again to New York again, when Nicki was in high school. Kim is very clear she claims she is an alcoholic, hell Kyle yelled it at her in the limo.  I think Kim smoked(s) pot and does a lot of pharmaceuticals-some prescribed some not.  I don't see money as being  a impediment for her getting the drug she wants. People with a lot less resources score all the time.  Kim has never said she was an addict she has said she is an alcoholic.  Rinna is the one that keeps saying Kim is an addict.  Kim's use of pharmaceuticals (even the prescribed ones) are held against for not being clean and sober by many in the alcohol drug rehab world.

Kim can say/claim whatever she wants but I still believe she has abused other drugs, be they legal RX meds or not. We have several scenes showing us that Kim has gotten high off of pills, in Hawaii crawling on the floor looking for pills and in Paris with the excuse of taking the "wrong meds". She may not have had her first drink until 23 but something tells me she was popping/snorting pills/powder before her first drink. Even though Kathy/Rich lived in NY, they were frequently back in California. Hell, even Monty admitted he/Kim like to "party" when they were dating/married.

All that said, that still doesn't excuse Rinna's behavior this season nor Eden's intrusive inquisition of Kyle about her mother/Kim's current sobriety. Neither of those 2 are coming from a place of caring, they are just looking for a storyline and Kim is an easy target for them. Oh, and so is Kyle, Rinna knows that no matter how hard she pushes Kyle about Kim, she will not fight back, Kyle will not lower herself to their level and Kyle will never out their dark secrets. It just isn't in Kyle, she is not that mean IMO.

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34 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Well, wasn't she on the floor of the bathroom grabbing pills or something.  I don't remember exactly.  Didn't Monty give her something or she took something from Monty poker night?  And wasn't Dr. Paul taken aback when Kim told him her medications?  Crap, too much history and I can't keep up with it.

In any case, I don't think Kim was an addict or an alcoholic 'all' her adult life but I do find it hard to believe she didn't have her first drink until 23.  Or drinking until she was 23.  But then again, I don't take anything out of Kim's mouth as fact.  I think Kim partied hard most of her life. 

IMO, you can quit drinking but it doesn't necessarily make you 'sober'.  If you're replacing alcohol with medication, prescribed or not, you're not 'sober'.  That's not to say that you can't take any medication.  It depends on the medication.  It's a gray, messy area.  And a whole other discussion......

The way Kim explained it is she was very aware of what she put into her body and may have had a taste but did not have her first real drink until she was 24 years old.  She had Brooke at 22 so it kind of makes sense-pregnant at 21, so 24 may be accurate.  She said she started drinking more after her divorce from Gregg Davis and the ensuing custody battle.    http://people.com/tv/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-kim-richards-on-her-longtime-sobriety-struggle/  Kim and Kyle are saying 20 year struggle.  So Kyle backs her facts.  Here is the youngest daughter's take on Kim:  http://www.inquisitr.com/2846888/rhobh-star-kim-richards-daughter-calls-her-fragile-physically-and-emotionally-on-motherdaughter-experiment/  (The issue in the home was brother Chad who suffers from mental illness and now lives with Kyle.)  

I definitely think Kim will always be on meds and I do think we have seen many episodes in the past where she has abused the meds.  No one has that many accidental med mix ups.  Kyle and Kim both suffer from anxiety disorders.  Kim claims (not recently) to take medication for the same. 

I don't think Kim will ever measure up to Rinna or Eden's idea of sobriety.  First off Kim is incredibly defensive and secondly very entitled.  Kyle gauges Kim's sobriety by her abstinence from alcohol.  If Kim is not drinking she is sober in Kyle's eyes. 

I do think it odd they speak of Kim's five years of sobriety.  I guess she was sober during part of the time.  Strange reference.

Edited by zoeysmom
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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Kim can say/claim whatever she wants but I still believe she has abused other drugs, be they legal RX meds or not. We have several scenes showing us that Kim has gotten high off of pills, in Hawaii crawling on the floor looking for pills and in Paris with the excuse of taking the "wrong meds". She may not have had her first drink until 23 but something tells me she was popping/snorting pills/powder before her first drink. Even though Kathy/Rich lived in NY, they were frequently back in California. Hell, even Monty admitted he/Kim like to "party" when they were dating/married.

All that said, that still doesn't excuse Rinna's behavior this season nor Eden's intrusive inquisition of Kyle about her mother/Kim's current sobriety. Neither of those 2 are coming from a place of caring, they are just looking for a storyline and Kim is an easy target for them. Oh, and so is Kyle, Rinna knows that no matter how hard she pushes Kyle about Kim, she will not fight back, Kyle will not lower herself to their level and Kyle will never out their dark secrets. It just isn't in Kyle, she is not that mean IMO.

I agree with you, especially what I've bolded (and, it's been said on this thread by many, many others, as well).  

My feelings on Eden are that she: 

1.  Is trying to project something of her own onto Kyle and Kim - most likely, her guilt over that last phone call with her sister prior to Eden's sister's death.

2.  She has absolutely NO business digging in and interrogating Kyle about her mother, her sister, their relationships or whether or not anyone else in Kyle's family had addiction problems.  She is not a psychologist, psychiatrist or addiction counselor.  She is a nosey, buttinski Pilates studio owner.  What right does she have to say she wants to "help Kim/Kyle"?  Kim and Kyle seem to be doing just fine without that ferret-faced version of Sandra Bullock butting into their business.

I really hope that either Kyle or Kim will let her and Lisa Rinna (who basically started this whole thing) have it - they both deserve a blasting from one of the Richards sisters - face to face.  I hope that, at the least, Kyle addresses the comments from Rinna regarding Kyle being an enabler or Kim being "thisclose" to death.  

And, I hope one of them will tell Eden to shut the F up and worry about her own life.  

Edited by njbchlover
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1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

The way Kim explained it is she was very aware of what she put into her body and may have had a taste but did not have her first real drink until she was 24 years old.  She had Brooke at 22 so it kind of makes sense-pregnant at 21, so 24 may be accurate.  She said she started drinking more after her divorce from Gregg Davis and the ensuing custody battle.    http://people.com/tv/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-kim-richards-on-her-longtime-sobriety-struggle/  Kim and Kyle are saying 20 year struggle.  So Kyle backs her facts.  Here is the youngest daughter's take on Kim:  http://www.inquisitr.com/2846888/rhobh-star-kim-richards-daughter-calls-her-fragile-physically-and-emotionally-on-motherdaughter-experiment/  (The issue in the home was brother Chad who suffers from mental illness and now lives with Kyle.)  

I definitely think Kim will always be on meds and I do think we have seen many episodes in the past where she has abused the meds.  No one has that many accidental med mix ups.  Kyle and Kim both suffer from anxiety disorders.  Kim claims (not recently) to take medication for the same. 

I don't think Kim will ever measure up to Rinna or Eden's idea of sobriety.  First off Kim is incredibly defensive and secondly very entitled.  Kyle gauges Kim's sobriety by her abstinence from alcohol.  If Kim is not drinking she is sober in Kyle's eyes. 

Chad is living with Kyle and Mauricio?  Gosh, they are 'good' people. 

What's a first real drink?  A sip now and then?  I just don't totally buy it.  JMHO. 

She's 'sorry for the people she let down?'  This woman just doesn't know how to apologize.

I feel for Kimberly.  I didn't watch that show but you could see Kimberly's struggles when she was on RHBH.   Didn't she go live with her father for a while?

Of course, Kim lays blame on RHBH.  I just wish Kim would take responsibility and stop playing victim.  You screwed up. 

I agree on your take on Kyle's definition of sobriety.  In my mind, Kyle's definition is that if I can go to bed and be pretty well certain that I'm not going to get that call during the night, I'm cool.  I'm just going to ignore the substitutions.  I get it. 

As for Eden and LR....Eden has a plan to 'save' Kim because 'she's' been there.  I admit I find Kim rather sad too.  LR says things on the basis of what Kyle's feelings were when Kim was drinking.  She needs to fast forward.   And I think there is a whole bunch of production induced conversations going on.  Be it LR asking Eden about what she thought of Kim and game night and the conversation at lunch in Malibu. 

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3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

If you are sober you abstain totally.  I didn't write the code, but that is how these folks roll.

I think this is a newer definition because of all the "programs" available.  Clean and sober.  An officer could stop a driver and ask, "Are you sober?"  She isn't asking if the driver EVER imbibes--if the person has stopped drinking forever; she's asking for this particular incident if the driver has been drinking.   People often say, "I was sober," meaning they hadn't been drinking on that occasion.   I think there's "sober" and "sober."  The dictionary doesn't explain that one must NEVER drink again to be called sober.

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1 hour ago, Former Nun said:

I think this is a newer definition because of all the "programs" available.  Clean and sober.  An officer could stop a driver and ask, "Are you sober?"  She isn't asking if the driver EVER imbibes--if the person has stopped drinking forever; she's asking for this particular incident if the driver has been drinking.   People often say, "I was sober," meaning they hadn't been drinking on that occasion.   I think there's "sober" and "sober."  The dictionary doesn't explain that one must NEVER drink again to be called sober.

I remain forever confused because I assume people are sober if they are not presently drinking or under the influence.  Here is new age definition of sobriety, and I believe this is what Eden and Rinna are speaking to:    http://sunrisedetox.com/blog/2010/02/19/is-there-a-difference-between-clean-and-sober/  Exhausting.

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4 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

It was really nice of Erika to make sure to pack the caftan that Kyle gave her and be wearing it when Kyle arrived in Greece.  It was a very thoughtful gesture and a great way to make Kyle feel welcomed when she got there.

I was thinking about Erik and the Greece trip, so Kyle arrives and she waits around while Erika spends three hours having her hair put in a ponytail and rehearses gets tossed in the pool and then back to hair and make-up?  It has to be trying to be around Erika Jayne and waiting around while she takes umpteen photographs of her latest look and spends a whole lot of time in hair and make up.  The caftan was a nice touch, very thoughtful of Erika.

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9 hours ago, Inspectabecky said:

 Well said.  Kyle almost gets the advantage of being white washed by how poorly Kim treated her season 5.  I'm curious which examples you have in mind because reading your post immediately made me think of Kyle endlessly needling her in Hawaii.  Kim was a hot mess but it was so unproductive the way Kyle just ruined the atmosphere till the last drop when she knew exactly why Kim was mia/late etc..  then the next season I remember somebody telling Kyle that they ran into Kim at a cigar bar, cut to Kyle in a talking head clutching pearls saying "that couldnt possibly be true? I mean Kim is telling me she's sober!" Sooo phoney. 

 I think part of it is just Kyle's personality aka the "eggbeater" in that she doesn't know when to let things go. Yolanda thought this was why Carlton got testy and now that I think about it Camille as well, where Kyle tends to ask questions incessantly and to the point where people become offended.

I just think that there were way too many times where Kyle drove the point home a little too much, a little too eagerly and a little too readily.

I guess what it boils down to, to me, is that the whole Hawaii scenario where Kyle was determined to basically call Kim out in front of a table full of people and a camera crew. I think this is how Kyle REALLY is within that whole dynamic. Like I said you can't tell me that Kyle hasn't thrown her own punches in the name of frustration and resentment. I'm more inclined to believe that Hawaii is more along the truth surrounding their sister dynamic. Kim fucks up, Kyle unapologetically calls her out, puts her on full blast. Lectures her, chastises her and if it's a public affair then so be it and when I say public I mean if they are around people, like family or close friends, who know about Kim's issues.  THAT seemed more real to me than Kyle's 5year old regressive reaction to Kim and Rinna bickering back and forth on the plane and in the restaurant. Do I think Kyle was upset about the exchange? Sure but scared like a 5 year old? Which is why I completely understood Kim's reaction to her cause Kim looked at Kyle unbelievably not because she wasn't helping but because she was sitting their like a poor 5 year old in a fetal position like she's trying to drown out the screams of her parents arguing.. The woman who went in on Kim unabashedly in Hawaii is now rocking back and forth hiding her face in terror like some emotional head case?  Even I rolled my eyes at that. So I totally got Kim's reaction cause I was thinking the same damn thing. 

We've also seen how Kyle can join forces in a heartbeat with no fear. We've seen her back Kim up against Brandi, we've seen Kyle's steely resolve when it came to defending Faye. Basically there have been numerous times when I've seen Kyle hold her ground and found it extra hard to believe the whimpering mess she had been conveniently reduced to a few seasons after revealing how seriously brash she can be. Whether it be with Kim or another cast member.  One minute she can not only hold her own but also be a force to be reckoned with (a fragile woman doesn't try to plow through a 6'9" Brandi Glanville to talk to her sister) to some crumpled and defeated soul.  T

I truly think that Kyle strategically changed her tune cause she realized that she wasn't coming off too good. By showing their true interactions, after it came out, it left Kyle open for some serious criticism as well and so she realized that even though Kim was a hot mess addict some of her "tough love" moments weren't doing her any favors. That's when she started leaning more on the angst part of being the sister of an addict and that's when I soured even more on her.  So no, I found Kyle's complete turn around from "strong willed woman/sister" to the "hands are tied, burdened loved one" to be a bit too drastic and unbelievable. The attempt at that spin really made me dislike Kyle even more cause all it did was drive the narrative that much further and I found it to be completely ruthless.

Thankfully we are finally in a season where Kyle has put enough distance between season one (Limo) Kyle, season two (fuck it, put it all front and center) Kyle, season 3..etc. (it's tough to be me) Kyle and now she's where she can maybe start over and stay neutral this time. Kim not being as a full time housewife helps with this endeavor of hers and I hope she sticks with it. She's close to repairing that mistake and I hope she either stays completely neutral or makes it clear that any talk of Kim to her or around her is unacceptable and leave it at that.  I have a feeling that Kyle is finally ready to take that route and for that I am so grateful. Let's just see if it actually plays out that way.

Funny thing, I can't help but think of Ladies of London. Once Sophie decided not to speak about her sister in law anymore she has done a superb job of dodging and shutting down ANY sort of interaction that would even suggest she's not staying true to her word in spite of how often she has to side step negative commentary about Caroline. Something that a lot of HW's across all the franchises seem to find impossible... LOL.

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11 hours ago, WireWrap said:

That was it, it showed up in her tox screen when she was arrested! I knew I had read that. LOL

Somewhere, someone said she has been an addict for 30 years but it could have been a blogger. I have no problem believing that Kim's alcohol/drug problem started in her late teens, she partied hard with Kathy/Rich and that crowd back then. I also don't think alcohol is her only addiction but that it is more of her go to when money is tight and eyes are watching. I think Kim will use/abuse whatever is easiest for her to get, the high/escapism is what matters most to her. And, I think that is also why it has been so hard for her to kick her addictions, she needs psych meds and they can do the same to you that alcohol/illegal drugs do.

It's funny to me how little Kim's official prescriptions are considered. A person like Kim who still needs to be on meds trying to kick dependence on other drugs..... I mean the odds aren't really stacked in her favor. Not making excuses but all the speculation about Kim's mannerisms, behavior awkwardness, the scrutiny the speculation...... Any number of things can cause Kim's awkward showings and I think people like Rinna take unfair advantage of that by always associating her odd behavior with not being sober without even acknowledging how hard it must be for her to stay sober considering she can't take prescription drugs completely off the table.

My take? The best that can be expected is for Kim to MANAGE her addiction as much as she can. I can't see her being able to completely abstain for the rest of her life. I'm just rooting for her to find some balance in this part of her struggle.

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I think it's interesting how now that Kyle is a potential target regarding Kim's sobriety or lack there of there's so much more "support" regarding Kim not being a target. Not excusing Kim or even supporting Kim per se just more support about Kim not being a target anymore. I mean the only way to defend Kyle is to kinda cut Kim a break and I think it's completely interesting how its affected the general dynamic regarding Kim and her issues.

This is what I mean about how Kyle had a lot of power when it came to how others react to Kim. We are seeing it this season. Kyle's not having it, Kyle's not interested in condoning the whispers and speculation and Kyle's not contributing to the conversation and poof not as much outside harshness directed Kim's way as before. Funny how that works huh Kyle....?

I surely hope she can keep it up cause I really don't want to see Kim under fire anymore.  I'm tired of everyone pretending that it's the Elephant in the room each and every time Kim's around. It's not. Stop pretending that it is in order to try and force some new A HA story line moment. I can hardly recall any scene involving Kim outside of the first season that didn't have the addict cloud hovering overhead so I'm not surprised that Kim never came across as anything but negative. I personally found some of her interactions rather pleasant and lightweight but of course those were outweighed by the drastic details surrounding her addiction and the ugly situations that arose because of it.

Fingers crossed that their won't be anymore in depth glimpses into those dark waters. Bravo I beg of you.

Edited by Yours Truly
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Brevity is the soul of wit.


(Belabour is my Canadian word of the day).


Topic?  Erika's pillow fight sequence would have been slightly less tacky if actual feathers had exploded from said pillows, instead of that cheap stuffing oozing out of a broken seam.

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9 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

The notion of "sober" and "sobriety" has been well established in AA circles since 1935.  Your days/months/years "sober" are reset to zero the moment you take a drink.  Sooo ... total abstinence from alcohol.

There are more humans outside AA circles than in.  I think the key word here is "sobriety."    I'll never lump people who are/were in a program to maintain sobriety with social drinkers who are sober for the most part, may get "tipsy" or drunk occasionally--or those who have never had a drink.  I'll happily stick to my definition(s) of sober.  Bill W can stick to his.  Here's one from a dictionary: The most common meaning of sober is "not drunk" — people who drive need to be sober.

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12 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

There are more humans outside AA circles than in.  I think the key word here is "sobriety."    I'll never lump people who are/were in a program to maintain sobriety with social drinkers who are sober for the most part, may get "tipsy" or drunk occasionally--or those who have never had a drink.  I'll happily stick to my definition(s) of sober.  Bill W can stick to his.  Here's one from a dictionary: The most common meaning of sober is "not drunk" — people who drive need to be sober.

Fair enough - I am fully aware of the various meanings of the word.  But didn't this ALL start with 'someone' asking if Rinna had declared HH was "3 years sober" (and then he had a beer)?  I choose to believe she knew exactly which connotation of the word was being applied at the time she used it, due to her history and seeming obsession with other people's "sobriety".

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I recall Kim "disappearing" at the first infamous game night (prompting the Brandi vs Richards sisters blow up), as well as a gathering at Mohammed Hadid's house.  She wasn't ducking into the restroom to have a nip -- she was taking some quick-acting something or other, hence probably not a pill, unless it was a pill she opened up and snorted.

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19 minutes ago, kassa said:

I recall Kim "disappearing" at the first infamous game night (prompting the Brandi vs Richards sisters blow up), as well as a gathering at Mohammed Hadid's house.  She wasn't ducking into the restroom to have a nip -- she was taking some quick-acting something or other, hence probably not a pill, unless it was a pill she opened up and snorted.

At Mohamed's according to the producers she had stashed a bottle.  At Game Night Kim was higher than a kite on anti-anxiety medication.  Apparently, she also got a dose of medication that turns her into an asshole, or maybe it is naturally occurring.  Brandi has said, her reason for the crystal meth comment is she was attending her DUI classes and that was something being talked about.

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The thing is, you can snort just about anything (and people do).  So even if she was legitimately prescribed something, it could be that she felt that taking a pill and waiting for it to take effect wasn't fast enough, which is usually the reason they crush them and swallow or snort them.  

She does seem much better and I don't actually have an opinion on whether she's sober or not -- I didn't see anything aired that  Rinna was obviously reacting to, but I suppose these gatherings take many more hours than the mere minutes we're shown, so it's possible there was something.  Even if Kim was completely wasted, I still don't see the upside of ever letting Kim's name pass her lips again other than a casual inquiry as to her general health and happiness followed by a quick change of subject.  Aside from just being wrong, it also makes Rinna look bad.

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4 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

It's funny to me how little Kim's official prescriptions are considered. A person like Kim who still needs to be on meds trying to kick dependence on other drugs..... I mean the odds aren't really stacked in her favor. Not making excuses but all the speculation about Kim's mannerisms, behavior awkwardness, the scrutiny the speculation...... Any number of things can cause Kim's awkward showings and I think people like Rinna take unfair advantage of that by always associating her odd behavior with not being sober without even acknowledging how hard it must be for her to stay sober considering she can't take prescription drugs completely off the table.

My take? The best that can be expected is for Kim to MANAGE her addiction as much as she can. I can't see her being able to completely abstain for the rest of her life. I'm just rooting for her to find some balance in this part of her struggle.

That would be a good thing.  But she is still an entitled asshole who has major problems and struggles staying clean (I think she would be an entitled asshole sober).  She has fallen off whatever wagon she is riding these days how many times?  Perhaps its time to step out of the limelight and realize she can be EITHER sober OR on tv but not both.  But for all things holy, STOP talking about her on the show.  Certainly there is more going on in BH and LA than whether or not child star Kim Richards is drinking/huffing/snorting/etc.  Her presence and her coworkers inability to ignore her suck the life out of this show and are making this viewer one step closer to walking away.  She hijacks the whole fucking thing!

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17 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

That would be a good thing.  But she is still an entitled asshole who has major problems and struggles staying clean (I think she would be an entitled asshole sober).  She has fallen off whatever wagon she is riding these days how many times?  Perhaps its time to step out of the limelight and realize she can be EITHER sober OR on tv but not both.  But for all things holy, STOP talking about her on the show.  Certainly there is more going on in BH and LA than whether or not child star Kim Richards is drinking/huffing/snorting/etc.  Her presence and her coworkers inability to ignore her suck the life out of this show and are making this viewer one step closer to walking away.  She hijacks the whole fucking thing!

And I don't necessarily see why. To be honest it's not the most shocking or uncommon vice people suffer from.

The biggest drug of all is the rush that comes from reveling in the difficulties of others. That's what keeps Kim a hot topic.


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1 minute ago, Yours Truly said:

And I don't necessarily see why. To be honest it's not the most shocking or uncommon vice people suffer from.

The biggest drug of all is the rush that comes from reveling in the difficulties of others. That's what keeps Kim a hot topic.


No its not shocking but I'm not watching Intervention I am watching a show about rich women in BH.  I do not want to see her spiral down any longer and when a show becomes about 1 persons struggle in a cast of many it ceases being entertaining.  

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26 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

No its not shocking but I'm not watching Intervention I am watching a show about rich women in BH.  I do not want to see her spiral down any longer and when a show becomes about 1 persons struggle in a cast of many it ceases being entertaining.  

I was saying that it shouldn't be shocking enough to hijack RHBH. Especially umpteen seasons after the big "reveal". But sadly it can easily take over. Season after season after season and even whens she's not even a full time housewife... SMH.

Edited by Yours Truly
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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

That would be a good thing.  But she is still an entitled asshole who has major problems and struggles staying clean (I think she would be an entitled asshole sober).  She has fallen off whatever wagon she is riding these days how many times?  Perhaps its time to step out of the limelight and realize she can be EITHER sober OR on tv but not both.  But for all things holy, STOP talking about her on the show.  Certainly there is more going on in BH and LA than whether or not child star Kim Richards is drinking/huffing/snorting/etc.  Her presence and her coworkers inability to ignore her suck the life out of this show and are making this viewer one step closer to walking away.  She hijacks the whole fucking thing!

At this stage, Kim isn't the one hijacking the show though, that would be Rinna and Eden. I really think the others would be fine if no one talked about Kim/her addictions on the show ever again, including Kim herself. The others need to muzzle the 2 of them! LOL

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4 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

At this stage, Kim isn't the one hijacking the show though, that would be Rinna and Eden. I really think the others would be fine if no one talked about Kim/her addictions on the show ever again, including Kim herself. The others need to muzzle the 2 of them! LOL

Ok so a threefer!  Get rid of Rinna, Eden and Kim!  HA!

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2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

But for all things holy, STOP talking about her on the show.

And, Mr. Cohen, please do NOT exploit her extreme difficulties by showcasing her on Watch What Happens Live...either by appearances in person or clips from anything.  You're NOT helping!

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2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

The biggest drug of all is the rush that comes from reveling in the difficulties of others. That's what keeps Kim a hot topic.

What keeps Kim a hot topic for me is the way she chooses to deal with other people.  She never takes accountability for anything shitty thing she's done, she gets defensive and demands apologies from others who just want her to acknowledge her part in ugly scenes.  This past epi when she was asked about her sobriety she said she had to maintain it because if she didn't her family would not let her see the grandchildren.  She's not sorry for anything she's ever done to anyone.

Recently watched Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher.  She was such a class act.  That's the way to acknowledge your problems and celebrity ridiculousness with humor and warmth. At the end of the show Carrie shares that her daughter Billie was thinking about being a comedian to which Carrie says, "Good for you because you'll have tons of material.  Your mother's a bi polar addict, your grandmother's a tap dancer, your fathers' gay and your grandfather eats hearing aids!(long story but true)."  Carrie said Billie laughed and laughed.  So Carrie told her, "the very fact that you find this funny means you're going to be ok."  And this is why Kim is not going to be okay.  She can't laugh at herself, everyone is out to get her and she's always the innocent victim.

7 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

truly think that Kyle strategically changed her tune cause she realized that she wasn't coming off too good. By showing their true interactions, after it came out, it left Kyle open for some serious criticism as well and so she realized that even though Kim was a hot mess addict some of her "tough love" moments weren't doing her any favors. That's when she started leaning more on the angst part of being the sister of an addict and that's when I soured even more on her.  So no, I found Kyle's complete turn around from "strong willed woman/sister" to the "hands are tied, burdened loved one" to be a bit too drastic and unbelievable. The attempt at that spin really made me dislike Kyle even more cause all it did was drive the narrative that much further and I found it to be completely ruthless.

The reason, imo, that Kyle shies away from Kim's sobriety issues is public relations pure and simple.  Ever since Mauricio got his own RE agency, shit got real and she (was told she) can't afford any bad publicity for her family.  She's completely changed from the mean girl portrayed numerous times in earlier seasons to the perfect wife, mother, friend and sister we see now.  Not buying it!  For more of the new and improved Kyle check out the last episode of Celebrity Apprentice.  Kyle gets called back into the boardroom to defend herself from elimination but she just CAN"T because she had grown to love and sob, respect the other members of the team so much.  She just could not bring herself to say one negative thing about anyone even to save herself.  So very, very noble, right?

Edited by zulualpha
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4 minutes ago, zulualpha said:

That's the way to acknowledge your problems and celebrity ridiculousness with humor and warmth.

Carrie may have been raised with "humor and warmth," so it was easier for to project that. She wasn't farmed out to support her family.  Additionally, she probably had 40+ more IQ points than Kim.

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22 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Obviously he did have a beer we saw it on TV.   Here is the tape and Kyle asks Rinna, "how long has Harry been sober?", Rinna answers, "three years sober."  She then goes on and on about him just stopping drinking when looking down at his dead brother's body (no shortage of drama).  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/videos/lisa-r-gets-personal-talking-about-addiction (this particular video is part of a series of bringing up Kim's drinking) I am nattering but words matter and the meaning these people attach to sober is abstinence.  When abstinence isn't enough, it becomes all about their thought process.  Stopping drinking can mean stopped drinking at 8 pm.  To me, it just goes to Rinna's fakeness.  I think the meaning of sober has evolved over the years.  When I was growing up I had parents who drank but were never impaired-they split a beer every night before dinner.  They spoke of a friend having to sober up before an event, who had too many drinks while playing golf and had a dinner to attend after the match.    

Thanks for the replay - I think we are on the same page.  I remember my own thoughts now, from when it happened, which were something along the lines of "she said he stopped drinking; someone else used the word 'sober' and she ran with it!"  I didn't think at the time she meant "sober" in the AA sense, but rather that he cut way down and stopped being a big drinker, yet because she likes to agree with people she went along with "sober", when she should have clarified with something like, "Well, I don't think he was an alcoholic, just drinking too much, and now he doesn't drink regularly/very often."

22 hours ago, breezy424 said:

In any case, I don't think Kim was an addict or an alcoholic 'all' her adult life but I do find it hard to believe she didn't have her first drink until 23.  Or drinking until she was 23.  But then again, I don't take anything out of Kim's mouth as fact.  I think Kim partied hard most of her life. 

IMO, you can quit drinking but it doesn't necessarily make you 'sober'.  If you're replacing alcohol with medication, prescribed or not, you're not 'sober'.  That's not to say that you can't take any medication.  It depends on the medication.  It's a gray, messy area.  And a whole other discussion......

Also, having a "first drink" or any kind of teen drinking doesn't reveal alcoholism usually until later in one's life when it starts causing problems.  I remember my dad asking me about my brother's drinking (we are very close in age) and I said, "Well yes - we all used to do it!  But then people started getting married and having kids and they stopped - but he didn't".  If Kim sipped a few cocktails and then had a few babies, I doubt anyone was accusing her of problem drinking then.  It's not a problem until everyone notices it's causing you problems!


11 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I just think that there were way too many times where Kyle drove the point home a little too much, a little too eagerly and a little too readily.

I guess what it boils down to, to me, is that the whole Hawaii scenario where Kyle was determined to basically call Kim out in front of a table full of people and a camera crew. I think this is how Kyle REALLY is within that whole dynamic. Like I said you can't tell me that Kyle hasn't thrown her own punches in the name of frustration and resentment. I'm more inclined to believe that Hawaii is more along the truth surrounding their sister dynamic. Kim fucks up, Kyle unapologetically calls her out, puts her on full blast. Lectures her, chastises her and if it's a public affair then so be it and when I say public I mean if they are around people, like family or close friends, who know about Kim's issues.  THAT seemed more real to me than Kyle's 5year old regressive reaction to Kim and Rinna bickering back and forth on the plane and in the restaurant. Do I think Kyle was upset about the exchange? Sure but scared like a 5 year old? Which is why I completely understood Kim's reaction to her cause Kim looked at Kyle unbelievably not because she wasn't helping but because she was sitting their like a poor 5 year old in a fetal position like she's trying to drown out the screams of her parents arguing.. The woman who went in on Kim unabashedly in Hawaii is now rocking back and forth hiding her face in terror like some emotional head case?  Even I rolled my eyes at that. So I totally got Kim's reaction cause I was thinking the same damn thing. 

We've also seen how Kyle can join forces in a heartbeat with no fear. We've seen her back Kim up against Brandi, we've seen Kyle's steely resolve when it came to defending Faye. Basically there have been numerous times when I've seen Kyle hold her ground and found it extra hard to believe the whimpering mess she had been conveniently reduced to a few seasons after revealing how seriously brash she can be. Whether it be with Kim or another cast member.  One minute she can not only hold her own but also be a force to be reckoned with (a fragile woman doesn't try to plow through a 6'9" Brandi Glanville to talk to her sister) to some crumpled and defeated soul.  T

I truly think that Kyle strategically changed her tune cause she realized that she wasn't coming off too good. By showing their true interactions, after it came out, it left Kyle open for some serious criticism as well and so she realized that even though Kim was a hot mess addict some of her "tough love" moments weren't doing her any favors. That's when she started leaning more on the angst part of being the sister of an addict and that's when I soured even more on her.  So no, I found Kyle's complete turn around from "strong willed woman/sister" to the "hands are tied, burdened loved one" to be a bit too drastic and unbelievable. The attempt at that spin really made me dislike Kyle even more cause all it did was drive the narrative that much further and I found it to be completely ruthless.

Thankfully we are finally in a season where Kyle has put enough distance between season one (Limo) Kyle, season two (fuck it, put it all front and center) Kyle, season 3..etc. (it's tough to be me) Kyle and now she's where she can maybe start over and stay neutral this time. Kim not being as a full time housewife helps with this endeavor of hers and I hope she sticks with it. She's close to repairing that mistake and I hope she either stays completely neutral or makes it clear that any talk of Kim to her or around her is unacceptable and leave it at that.  I have a feeling that Kyle is finally ready to take that route and for that I am so grateful. Let's just see if it actually plays out that way.

Funny thing, I can't help but think of Ladies of London. Once Sophie decided not to speak about her sister in law anymore she has done a superb job of dodging and shutting down ANY sort of interaction that would even suggest she's not staying true to her word in spite of how often she has to side step negative commentary about Caroline. Something that a lot of HW's across all the franchises seem to find impossible... LOL.

IMO Kyle had her season of letting Kim show her ass in Hawaii - that was ages ago!  She has spent several seasons attempting to remove herself from the "Kim drama."  Sophie on Ladies of London just decided not to speak about her SIL 2 episodes ago.  Apples and oranges, as they say :)

6 hours ago, kassa said:

The thing is, you can snort just about anything (and people do).  So even if she was legitimately prescribed something, it could be that she felt that taking a pill and waiting for it to take effect wasn't fast enough, which is usually the reason they crush them and swallow or snort them.  

She does seem much better and I don't actually have an opinion on whether she's sober or not -- I didn't see anything aired that  Rinna was obviously reacting to, but I suppose these gatherings take many more hours than the mere minutes we're shown, so it's possible there was something.  Even if Kim was completely wasted, I still don't see the upside of ever letting Kim's name pass her lips again other than a casual inquiry as to her general health and happiness followed by a quick change of subject.  Aside from just being wrong, it also makes Rinna look bad.

Rinna lost all credibility and "upper hand" after sending Kim those texts (off camera - but we all know about them) - that is why IMO she should take her lumps and shut it.

3 hours ago, Former Nun said:

And, Mr. Cohen, please do NOT exploit her extreme difficulties by showcasing her on Watch What Happens Live...either by appearances in person or clips from anything.  You're NOT helping!

I would agree - except that I don't think Kim is ever blind-sided about any of this.  Which means she is coming on RH and WHHL knowing what her "storyline" is  - she's and adult and doing it for a paycheck, so the concept of what is "helping her" or "hurting her" is, IMO, thrown out the window.  An entire TV network can't be held responsible for how a 50 year old adult chooses to live her life and make money.  I don't think anyone with a brain thinks it's helping her - but she's choosing to do it.

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Yep, in the end, Kim is the one responsible for Kim.  She chooses what she chooses.  Just like she decided to make an appearance or appearances this season.  I liken it to Faye Resnick.  She's made appearances on and off over the seasons.  This season she is not making any appearances.  She finally 'gets' the ramifications and no matter how hard she tries to redeem herself, it's not happening in many eyes.  I like Faye.  Yeah, I know I'm in the minority.  Did she screw up over 20 years ago?  Yep.  Does she deserve a lifetime sentence?  Um.  No.  With that said, I could get on board with Kim if she would change her attitude.  I give her credit for stopping the drinking but unfortunately, she is still the self righteous victim she always have been. 

For me, Kyle is simply the person who has to deal with an alcoholic.  You vacillate between protection and sheer anger.  You want to protect them against the world and be a good sister or whatever....fill in the blank.   And then there are the times their behavior is sooo maddening you lose it.  I get Kyle losing it in Hawaii.  Kim went way over the patience barometer.  The problem with Kyle is that she can take a stand but then the guilt trip takes over and it ends up she's the one who tries to make everything right and caves.

Sophie may have made the decision to not talk about Caroline....when the show filmed....but when she was recently on WWHL, she revealed that she and Caroline are now not in a good place.

I liken RL to our new president.  They both need someone reasonable to be at their side to hold their phones before they can tweet or text.  Someone who can make them think before they 'act'.   They both have impulse control problems.   

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14 hours ago, princelina said:

I would agree - except that I don't think Kim is ever blind-sided about any of this.  Which means she is coming on RH and WHHL knowing what her "storyline" is  - she's and adult and doing it for a paycheck, so the concept of what is "helping her" or "hurting her" is, IMO, thrown out the window.  An entire TV network can't be held responsible for how a 50 year old adult chooses to live her life and make money.  I don't think anyone with a brain thinks it's helping her - but she's choosing to do it.

She can't choose something that's not offered.  Don't give her the jobs or the money.

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On January 18, 2017 at 0:01 PM, Almost 3000 said:

This comes up every once in a while. LVP has said that Giggy is on medication for his constant itching. My bet is something like doggy Benedril because I read dogs tolerate it better than humans when I put mine on it for a couple of days. Benedril makes you sleepy and I've actually used it as a sleeping pill on occasion.  Yep, at least Giggy is medicated and the alternative might have been, as the vet actually recommended, that Giggy be put down for all his issues. So I can't fault LVP for that.

Another alternative would be to let the poor old guy walk on his own two feet to prevent muscle atrophy, and lay in a very expensive heated dog bed, and just be a dog.  

Also, remove lace, satin, velvet, bow ties, and every other unnecessary material from his wardrobe.  Cotton is the most comfortable for the stated purpose of his clothing - to keep him warm. 

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On 1/18/2017 at 2:39 PM, princelina said:

(Remember George Costanza demanding the apology from James Spader on Seinfeld? :)


I was reading your post and thought about George C. before you even mentioned it!!! LOL  

"I can't help it that you stretched out the neck of the sweater. Your head is the size of a melon!"  I know it is not verbatim but I tried.   ; ) God I love Seinfeld!  Thanks for the reference.

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43 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Another alternative would be to let the poor old guy walk on his own two feet to prevent muscle atrophy, and lay in a very expensive heated dog bed, and just be a dog.  

Also, remove lace, satin, velvet, bow ties, and every other unnecessary material from his wardrobe.  Cotton is the most comfortable for the stated purpose of his clothing - to keep him warm. 

He does walk at home. He is carried when they take him outside the home but Giggy lives a more normal dog/pet at home. LOL

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