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Intervention Canada: All Episodes Discussion

Aw my lahgs
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I made it about 10 minutes into this episode and just couldn't do it. Can someone please tell me if he went to treatment and what the end chryon said? I don't think there are recaps for these Canadian episodes. 

That first few minutes had me in tears with my heart breaking for those kids and such anger and hatred toward the mother that it had to go off. Maybe I'll try again later, but I don't think so. 

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I hope he succeeds, but wow, he was pretty far gone. He's going to need a lot of support as the years go by.

What was up with his relatives not seeing him for years at at time? Even one of the sisters hadn't seen him for six years. I know Canada's big, but c'mon, they have planes. 

There was no way to bottom-line him. He wasn't relying on them for money. Hell, he barely saw most of them (except Cara, and I guess Dad who had gone from being absent to enabling fairly recently.)

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I haven't watched this show in years, but was bored last night.  This has got to be one of the saddest ones I have ever seen.  They played the Diana I think her name was before his and it just made it more sad.  I've had experience with addicts before but this poor guy just didn't want to hurt and/or take anything from anybody when people had been taking from him his whole life.  

The Mom and Dad and Grandma to some extent need to go to a special kind of hell for letting all the things happen to that poor kid.  I hope he makes it.

Edited by kj4ever
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I came here to see if he made it or not because I just. Couldn't. Take it. So sad. So many bad things happened to this kid. So many. One after the other, after another, betrayal upon betrayal. Gee whiz...I lasted until his mom sold him when he was 12. I couldn't after that. First time since watching this series that I found myself in tears and thinking "Damn. I'd be a junkie too if all that happened to me."

Glad to hear he's clean and sober. I hope he never sets eyes on anyone with his DNA strands ever again. They've hurt him enough for several lifetimes.

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I'm going to cut the dad a bit of a break in what happened to his kids.  It sounds like he fought for custody of all three kids when he split from their scum-of-the-earth mother, but the courts gave custody to the mother.  I could be remembering wrong, but it sounds like she took them far away from wherever the dad was and hooked up with new guy and he no longer had access to them.  It seems like that should be no excuse for him to be there for his kids, but I wouldn't put it past the mother to do everything possible to make it super, super difficult for the dad to have any sort of relationship with the kids once she was done with that relationship.  Robbie mentioned that he knew that his father had tried to stay in contact, but that the mother made it difficult and I believe she probably made it damned near impossible for him.  To hide her awful deeds no doubt.  I do wonder why they weren't sent to live with him instead of being placed in foster care for all that time.  None of them explained that.  Why didn't the social workers contact their father instead of putting them in foster care?  Did he refuse to take them in?  I didn't get that vibe from him.  Why didn't the oldest let someone know they had a father who could look after them?  That's kind of a big gap in the story.


I hope he succeeds though.  He didn't seem to be mean, selfish, or cruel.  Just sad.  SO sad.  The person he trusted the most betrayed him in the worst possible way. 

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I am a pretty hard-assed Intervention watcher.  I love watching drunks fall all over the place, I marvel at the sheer amount of smoke generated by meth pipes, gawp at the skin picking and needle tracks, and am amazed at the variety of ways people ingest their meth or pills.  But I was really touched by Robbie.  What happens to some poor children in this world, well, it's absolutely no wonder why they need to self-medicate.  Robbie's mom is now immortalized in the Worst Parents Ever Hall of Shame, along with "Fetus in a Jar" mom.  I was astounded at how "normal" the two sisters were...I wonder how much therapy they have had to overcome such a horrible childhood.  Usually it's the girls who get abused and molested and taken advantage of, so props to them for surviving and still loving their damaged brother with all their hearts.  I want Robbie to know happiness; he checked out of living life so early.  I don't necessarily blame the aunt (?) who took Robbie in and then sent him away.  How do you handle a raging teenage alcoholic when you've got a kid of your own?  I do blame Dad and Grandma and even Richie, the eight-year long stepdad.  Yeah, you married a whore, but don't walk out on the kids.  You're the only dad they know!

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10 minutes ago, BuddhaBelly said:

I was so confused about why the kids weren't sent with to their father instead of foster care bc I can't imagine he would have said no to taking his kids in. I wonder if there was something that made him "unfit."

I think I remember that the dad was a pretty heavy drinker, and then there was that assault conviction when he walloped the wife because she (!!) threw the older daughter down the stairs.  Also, olden days "Moms Good, Dads Bad."

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16 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

He went to treatment, got new teeth donated by a local dentist, and according to the BSOJ, he's been clean since Sep. 1st, 2016.

Thank you. I think I'm going to let this one go unwatched. I just watched a trial of a teenage boy who was locked in a closet in the basement by his parents for 18 months, and listening to the testimony of the experts about his future has shaken me to the core. Hearing that Robbie's mom sold him off for drugs did me in. The parents of the boy in the trial got 10 years in prison followed by 10 years probation and the other 9 kids were asking for a relationship with the parents, which the experts agreed should be what happened, even though it should be supervised. ALL the experts said this, and my hate for humanity hit a new high. There is apparently research that suggests it is the appropriate remedy in these situations, then Robbie showed up on Intervention

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14 hours ago, Red Bridey said:

I think I remember that the dad was a pretty heavy drinker, and then there was that assault conviction when he walloped the wife because she (!!) threw the older daughter down the stairs.  Also, olden days "Moms Good, Dads Bad."

The Intervention Dude also said something like "You had your problems too" to the Dad when he was making excuses for why he didn't get them out of foster care.  I think Dad was just as messed up as Mom back in the day.

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I hadn't watched this show in years but caught Robbie's episode. Wow. I was in tears through most of the show and I usually have very little sympathy for most of the people profiled (hence, I stopped really watching). But this episode just broke my heart. You've all said pretty much everything I feel but I just needed to post because I've been thinking about Robbie and his sisters since I watched. I actually couldn't sleep after watching this. Robbie was so broken and in so much pain but underneath it all you could see a good person. My heart just ached for him and his middle sister who seemed to be particularly close to him. I honestly think the only thing that kept him alive up to that point was that he knew the pain he would cause others if he committed suicide. He looked so different at the reveal - so healthy. I really hope he continues with therapy, realizes his value as a human being, and makes it. He has demons I cannot even imagine.  I truly hope his is a success story.   

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This was definitely one of those episodes where I totally get the addiction and am amazed that he was even somewhat functional. He just had no chance. Poor, poor Robbie. I wanted to hug him.

And shallow me would like to say that damn, he cleaned up hella well.  He was practically unrecognizable at the end. I hope he stays clean. 

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3 hours ago, Indy said:

This was definitely one of those episodes where I totally get the addiction and am amazed that he was even somewhat functional. He just had no chance. Poor, poor Robbie. I wanted to hug him.

And shallow me would like to say that damn, he cleaned up hella well.  He was practically unrecognizable at the end. I hope he stays clean. 

Hell I thought he was attractive when he was skinny, doped up and had no teeth.  His sisters were beautiful too.  I wonder what the Mother looks/looked like.  I'm assuming she's alive since they blurred out her face.  To bad they can't put her name on TV....She'd have a pitch fork crowd around her in no time.

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Agree with all posters. This was such a sad one. Even in the throes of his addiction, he was kind to his junkie friends. His sisters seemed like lovely people, especially Cara who was closest to him. Andrew Galloway,  the interventionist even seemed moved by Robbie's plight. Noticed they called him Robert at the end, maybe changing his name went along with changing his life.  Best heartfelt wishes to him. 

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On 2/2/2017 at 10:51 AM, kj4ever said:

The Intervention Dude also said something like "You had your problems too" to the Dad when he was making excuses for why he didn't get them out of foster care.  I think Dad was just as messed up as Mom back in the day.

I'm also appalled at the grandma too for knowing those kids were in foster care and making the excuse that she "didn't know it was that bad."  I bet grandma had a lot of her own issues, particularly when Robbie got sexually abused by a family member while with her.  She seemed like one cold fish.

Those poor kids.  

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My thoughts as I watched this episode:

I worked at a couple different nonprofits where the mission was focused on support for foster care and higher needs children who I worked directly with, and his story, if I hadn't witnessed similar to his, would have had me crying like a baby. Even down to a grandma whose daughter bounced from her (seven) childrens' lives, and who had another child many years later who was as old as her grandchildren. 

When they started talking about the foster care portion, I just thought with dread, "oh please don't tell me his foster parents abused and molested him" because unfortunately I worked with children who were betrayed and taken advantage of even by their foster parents.  Although now that I'm writing out my thoughts, I am getting teary eyed. 

His mother never ended up getting arrested for what she did, did she? Unless I missed that. Wonder if his grandfather gave enough of a crap or is in the picture. Seemed like grandma didn't realize she was still fertile, thus Robbie having an uncle his age. 

I wish him the best. He has so much to continue working through. I can't even imagine the abandonment and trust issues he may have/had. Heck, I have my own fear of abandonment issues and what I've gone through seems so minuscule compared to what he's dealt with. Wish we could send him letters of support or something. His sisters also seem super strong and resilient. I'm glad at least the sisters were able to stay together in foster care. 

Edited by MVFrostsMyPie
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On 2/2/2017 at 10:51 AM, kj4ever said:

The Intervention Dude also said something like "You had your problems too" to the Dad when he was making excuses for why he didn't get them out of foster care.  I think Dad was just as messed up as Mom back in the day.

It's so interesting that the kids don't resent him for that. I was expecting there to be lots of anger towards their father because he wasn't there for them. Also did the father not have any family either? We didn't see any of the paternal side. What a mess.

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I just came here to see if I was alone on Robbie's episode being the hardest ever to watch.  This is the one that's finally broke me from watching.  My God have mercy what that poor man has been through...I just wanted to go back in time and save him when his sister talked about him being curled up in a ball and gray when his mother sold him.  That hurt my soul for him - sometimes it just seems like some people never get a chance and life is a son of a bitch to them from birth.  At least his sisters love him tremendously and I hope that's some comfort to him.  Sorry "Intervention" but I'm bouncing after this one.

Edited by bubbly
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It IS kinda hard to watch after that dose of reality isn't it? I haven't been able to watch an episode, even reruns, since that one. It was too raw and too real for me. I also want to go back in time, drop a dime in a cop's ear, and steal that kid away in the middle of the night when Robbie was a baby. He deserved so much better than what he got for parents.

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On 2/14/2017 at 7:55 PM, hnygrl said:

It IS kinda hard to watch after that dose of reality isn't it? I haven't been able to watch an episode, even reruns, since that one. It was too raw and too real for me. I also want to go back in time, drop a dime in a cop's ear, and steal that kid away in the middle of the night when Robbie was a baby. He deserved so much better than what he got for parents.

I still cannot watch this show anymore.

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Yeah. Me either. Seven months later and I get anxiety just seeing the "Intervention" titles in my Cable Menu. I kinda "know" what drove these people to do what the do after Robbie and I just....can't...I can't watch, I can't judge, I can't participate. It's just too awful. I haven't even been able to turn to the CHANNEL if it's on.

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Alcoholics seem to be the majority on this death list.  

It's interesting watching this show - the Canadian versions are not as slick as the American (IMO) and we often don't get a full story or follow up.  And the Canadian interventionists (or whatever they're called) seem more laid back .

The addicts I think won't make it often do.... and vice versa.  It's interesting.

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20 hours ago, jenifaohjenny said:

It is back up and running!

I've tried to access it from my phone and my desktop this morning and it still won't work for some reason.  Would anyone be willing to share who it was?  Thanks!

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Just finished this one. I usually watch with my husband, but luckily didn’t with this one because I was ugly crying. Not to minimize his pain at all, it just made me hurt for him. I’m so glad he accepted the help!!

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