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High Profile Scientologists: Tom, Travolta, and More!

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2 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

I still think Cruise gets different treatment because of his celebrity status.     I would be SO interesting though if Nicole and Katie started talking.  They won't, but gosh darn it, I'd love it.   And as for Suri....we all know she is better off.  Those sad kids of Nicole's....they lost out big time and got Tom and the creepy church instead of an actual loving parent.  

I also think that Cruise might not be as aware of some of the junk as others because he is so protected from it.  He is treated like gold and is only shown and told the magical world saving aspects of Scientology.  And the abuses he hears about, he never sees...or realizes he sees them, hears the Scientology side from the upper ups and thinks it is just bitter haters hating.  Cruise isn't smart, so he sees what they want them to see and then just goes on believing the big ol' lie.  

Cruise may not know everything, but he knows enough. He has that army of Sea Org slave labor catering to his every whim. And he had Nazanin Bonaidi abducted from her regular life and turned into the perfect girlfriend for him before he discarded her. 

There is also his wife auditions. I've chosen these links because they are reputable and contemporaneous with the whole TomKat phenomenon. I don't think Tom knows about the coerced abortions, but he knows enough and just doesn't care. Why did Katie need 24/7 Scientology handlers? He knows that's not normal and it clearly wasn't what Nicole had. He's a dickbag who knows he's exploiting others.



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I still think Cruise doesn't see the underbelly of all that.  He sees people doing things for him, but that's what is done with celebs.  They ask and they get.  He doesn't even consider that the Sea Org people are slaves....he is just used to every want and desire taken care for him and done with a smile.   I got to glimpse into the life of the famous once and often they don't see anything that happens under the surface.  

And while we see the shadiness of the whole Nazanin business....he just sees someone lucky enough to be with him.  

It's naive and just basic conjecture, but he might not know to the extent of all of it.  Of course, he might know and just doesn't care because it doesn't happen to him and happens to the little people.  

What made me think this....is that for a while I think Leah was sheltered from all of the gritty underbelly too.  She didn't see it until she asked about Shelly and made a spectacle at Tommy's wedding.  She made herself a problem to Tom and Katie and that is when they turned on her and treated her with with the garbage they do to everyone else.  

One angle Leah and Mike may want to explore in trying to get the IRS exemption revoked, is if "church" funds are being used to fund Cruise's studio.  

My understanding is that Cruise and his sister took over the deeply financially troubled UnitedArtists a number of years ago, and theee have been reportedly been numerous and repeated accounting irregularities since.  

I'm a forensic accountant specializing in securities fraud, and I'd love to look at their books.  

Edited by Tiger
23 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I think at this point there is no excuse for well known people who we know have access to internet and the outside world to claim to be ignorant of the abuses within COS.  They choose to ignore and/or buy the 'complainers are horrible people and mad they aren't allowed to be in COS' excuse. 

I mostly agree.  However, the people they trust inexplicably are the ones telling them that all these stories are just bitter people who weren't able to access the gifts of Scientology like you did...wink, wink.  

I think Cruise doesn't go looking for the bad and when he hears it....he is easily placated by having access to the highest of the high in the organization and then assuring Cruise that none of this passes the snuff test.  I also think he truly believes they can save the planet and anything else is just collateral damage.  

However, personal things would make me go hmm.   Like Travolta losing his son and Scientology not being able to stop or heal that.  Or Scientology being the main reason for two failed marriages for Cruise.  Those things would get me thinking.  

I just think of how long someone like Leah didn't question anything she was told and she had access to all this too....and when Scientology explained it away, she believed it until it happened to her.  

3 minutes ago, shelley1005 said:

I just think of how long someone like Leah didn't question anything she was told and she had access to all this too....and when Scientology explained it away, she believed it until it happened to her.  

I totally applaud what Leah is doing now, but what if Leah did not care to question anything until it happened to her? It is possible. 

5 hours ago, Enigma X said:

No doubt that Cruise has a lot of power within the church, but could part of the reason that he has not been required to disconnect from Nicole and Katie be because they have not said anything against the church? What Leah says makes Tom a sadder sack of shit if it is true that he really has not had any kind of contact with Suri since Katie left him. Although, I am sure Suri is better off this way.

I just learned that one of my favorite authors was raised as a Scientologist (Neil Gaiman). He left years ago and refuses to talk about it.


I'm pretty sure both have been declared SPs according to Leah, but I'm not 100% certain. I do know his not being required to disconnect was one of the complaints she brought up with her superiors, and nobody came back with them not being declared as the reason. 

I've read differing accounts regarding his contact with Suri, that he has had contact and hasn't. I'm not sure what to believe. Katie must have some dirt on him/them because it was all settled quickly and she got full custody. Knowing what I now know about Scientology I'm impressed and understand all the cloak and dagger aspects. 

5 hours ago, Enigma X said:

I just learned that one of my favorite authors was raised as a Scientologist (Neil Gaiman). He left years ago and refuses to talk about it.

There is some speculation that his novel "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" was a vague allegory for his experience in Scientology - young boy encounters fantastical world of immortal beings with superhuman powers and is enchanted... only to see the dangerous underside of this world when it begins to sink its dark claws into his family. There are some well-thought-out explanations of this, what all the elements of the book could represent, but it's probably not what he intended. Then again, who knows? He can't say anything directly about Scientology, or he risks getting declared and losing his family. So anything's possible.

19 minutes ago, shelley1005 said:


"As a child, I suppose I was as much as a Scientology as I was Jewish, which is to say it was the family religion," he told the BBC in 2013, adding: "Am I now? No."

He's being purposefully vague. Is he not Jewish now? Not Scientologist now?  We have seen how Scientologists campaign against former members - they haven't released anything negative about Neil....

I don't feel like I'm in a position to say Gaiman is really still in or not. He says he's not. Tony Ortega who knows more about this than I do says they tend to believe him. I feel it's only right to give him the benefit of the doubt. Not everyone will be Leah and Mike. As brave as Leah is, she's also in the best position to do what she's doing. Her family is completely out. Gaiman's family is not. I don't blame him for staying quiet for the sake of his family. 

Yeah... he says he was in as a child, and now he's out. He's said multiple times that he's out. It makes perfect sense that he can't speak up against the "church" with most of his family still inside, and that the "church" wouldn't go after a high-profile public figure when he hasn't given them cause. It's not like he was Sea Org. Regular members are able to leave, so long as they do it quietly. There is zero evidence that he is still in, and SOME evidence that he is truly out (if his word isn't good enough, his wife Amanda Palmer showed up to support the launch of Kate Bornstein's anti-Scientology memoir). Which I think outweighs a baseless suspicion.

Watching Graham Norton and Nicole Kidman is on promoting a film in which she plays an adoptive mother (Lion). Interesting that she doesn't mention being the mother of adopted children. Wonder if there's any Co$ related reason for that. One of the other guests, Dawn French, mentioned being an adoptive mother. Just find it curious.

2 hours ago, fastiller said:

Watching Graham Norton and Nicole Kidman is on promoting a film in which she plays an adoptive mother (Lion). Interesting that she doesn't mention being the mother of adopted children. Wonder if there's any Co$ related reason for that. One of the other guests, Dawn French, mentioned being an adoptive mother. Just find it curious.

Goodness, I'm surprised she would take a role like that! Seems like it would stir up really painful emotions for her.

After reading more about John T. on the ABC Special thread, I started wondering why he really is still with the COS.  I realize that everyone says that COS has something on him.  However, he's a smart man.  He has to know that he can still deny things.  Granted, COS knows that things that he revealed to them is supposed to be protected due to church/penitent  privilege, right?  Or is it?  Apparently, there are have been some serious litigation over it.

Church position below, but, come on..........


The COS litigated extensively with this Plaintiff about this issue.  Here's a link of her lawsuit.  I can't post some of the links. I'm trying to figure out who won on the issue of the confidentiality.  Man, her claims are brutal, though similar to what we have heard before. 


Still, I wonder if there is any other reason John hangs on.  How devoted is his wife? Could he be afraid of losing her?  I just think that he has to realize that if he left, he would receive warm public support and it would be the COS who would come off looking poorly if they blasted him.  In fact, the more they blasted and talked negatively about him, the more THEY would be frowned upon. And if they secretly released secrets, that would be obvious as well.  I'm not sure if there are enough bright people at the top to realize this.

 I just can't figure it out.  With everything hitting the fan lately.  These public figures have to be feeling the heat.  

Stacy Francis, currently featured in the Celebrity Big Brother house in the UK, is a Scientologist. I had no idea who she was (not uncommon for "Celebrity" BB) so I googled her and realized that she was one of the star performers at the legendary Tom Cruise birthday bash that's been covered in many of the Scientology books/films. She was also a friend of Leah Remini before Leah split. 

Definitely makes me give her a little extra side-eye when she's whining about unfair treatment from the other housemates. I'm watching her with a very different eye now that I've realized that. 

20 hours ago, bubbls said:

Katie must have some dirt on him/them because it was all settled quickly and she got full custody. Knowing what I now know about Scientology I'm impressed and understand all the cloak and dagger aspects. 

When Katie pulled off that cloak and dagger escape, I looked like an idiot jumping up and down on my couch with a wild-eyed excitement.  I kept telling my friends and family, "You don't understand!  This is like out of a movie.  You have no idea what she's up against.  Katie Holmes is seriously the bravest woman on the planet."

Little did I know that a few years later my favorite spunky actress from King of Queens would take over that title when she'd look straight into a television camera and basically tell Scientology, "I'm taking you down."

I swear, I wake up every morning cheering and I have zero connection to that cult.

5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

After reading more about John T. on the ABC Special thread, I started wondering why he really is still with the COS.  I realize that everyone says that COS has something on him.  However, he's a smart man.  He has to know that he can still deny things.  Granted, COS knows that things that he revealed to them is supposed to be protected due to church/penitent  privilege, right?  Or is it?  Apparently, there are have been some serious litigation over it.

Church position below, but, come on..........


The COS litigated extensively with this Plaintiff about this issue.  Here's a link of her lawsuit.  I can't post some of the links. I'm trying to figure out who won on the issue of the confidentiality.  Man, her claims are brutal, though similar to what we have heard before. 


Still, I wonder if there is any other reason John hangs on.  How devoted is his wife? Could he be afraid of losing her?  I just think that he has to realize that if he left, he would receive warm public support and it would be the COS who would come off looking poorly if they blasted him.  In fact, the more they blasted and talked negatively about him, the more THEY would be frowned upon. And if they secretly released secrets, that would be obvious as well.  I'm not sure if there are enough bright people at the top to realize this.

 I just can't figure it out.  With everything hitting the fan lately.  These public figures have to be feeling the heat.  

His wife is very devoted. So devout that she hid away her first child (also disabled) from her first marriage.  She's had a lot of trauma -- almost killed by Charlie Sheen while they were high!!!!  The one constant is her faith in Co$.  If Travolta left, which I doubt he would, he'd lose his children and his entire support structure.  Kelly would then appear on every single talk show (at the direction of Co$) and say every negative thing about Travolta possible. 

18 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

His wife is very devoted. So devout that she hid away her first child (also disabled) from her first marriage.  She's had a lot of trauma -- almost killed by Charlie Sheen while they were high!!!!  The one constant is her faith in Co$.  If Travolta left, which I doubt he would, he'd lose his children and his entire support structure.  Kelly would then appear on every single talk show (at the direction of Co$) and say every negative thing about Travolta possible. 

Was Kelly P. a COS member when she married first husband Gage?  And when she dated Clooney and Sheen?

The stories that I have read about her first child are pretty sad. I wonder if they are true.  I found some links, but, none that I can post. 

Based on all that I have read, it's seems unlikely this is a happy life for her or John T., regardless of the happy pictures, another son, etc.  I've read that she does not speak to her parents.  Is this true?

29 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

His wife is very devoted. So devout that she hid away her first child (also disabled) from her first marriage.  She's had a lot of trauma -- almost killed by Charlie Sheen while they were high!!!!  The one constant is her faith in Co$.  If Travolta left, which I doubt he would, he'd lose his children and his entire support structure.  Kelly would then appear on every single talk show (at the direction of Co$) and say every negative thing about Travolta possible. 

Wait, Kelly Preston has another child not from John Travolta? I never knew this. Wow. 

On 1/6/2017 at 2:56 PM, Enigma X said:

I don't think this is the right thread for my questions, but their is no general questions thread here. That may be because none of us are on the other side of Scientology and can't answer certain questions. And this may have already been answered. I apologize. But do all of the ~50,000 Scientologists in the world live in a Scientology community? I mean can a Scientologist live in Chicago, rural Kentucky, or Martha's Vineyard? Will they need to find access to places where they get their required auditing and give their required knowledge reports? The whole compound setup is so weird to me?

No personal knowledge here, just what I've gleaned from a lot of reading. If you are a regular parishioner, you can live anywhere. So long as you are near a Scientology facility, or other scientologists who can teach classes provide auditing services and who are generally prepared to read the local Scientology community in the practice of Scientology. However, as you become more invested in Scientology the push is to have you dedicate your life to the religion. So it seems like ultimately everyone is encouraged to move from being a regular parishioner to a sea org member.

This encouragement is practical as well as Financial. if you sell all your worldly belongings and turn them over to the church the church makes out much better than if you are simply buying books at ten or Twenty or $50,000 a clip every year. Once you make the decision to become more involved either by learning how to become an auditor or learning to become a teacher of Scientology, as opposed to a practitioner of Scientology, you are then encouraged to move closer to the large Scientology centers. So that's when you see people going to Florida or to LA or to Hemet or a couple of other places around the country. Those communities are where you see the largest abuses. That's where the forced-labor, the forced abortions, the physical punishment xcetera are regularly practiced.

I'm kind of surprised that they haven't yet talked about the punishments that include running. The active running around a pole in a circle for hours or days is a standard sea org punishment and I've heard some crazy stories about people running for 8 10 12 hours at a clip while being disciplined in Scientology.

So I just finished watching another documentary on Scientology (one that was suggested here). I find it interesting that part of their technique is to go to into marginalized communities and offer teaching aide while indoctrinating the children into Scientology. This is an old technique employed by many religions actually. I am just suprised that people still fall for it. I am specifically speaking to how they went into a predominate black area in LA and went to a C.O.G.I.C. (mainly black religious base) school and the pastors praised the Church of Scientology. I mean I guess if they helped the kids learn, they deserve it. But I still think they should see what is really going on.

2 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

Wait, Kelly Preston has another child not from John Travolta? I never knew this. Wow. 

Co$ scrubs it from the internet.  I believe the child (now an adult) lives with Kelly's parents and most likely accounts for why they she is estranged from them.  Drugs are bad.

It's like Jessica Alba's kidnapping as a tween from the set of Flipper.  Scrubbed from the Internet.  I was in the audience for a taping of the Daily Show in 2001 where she was the guest and it was discussed.  She was accidentally locked in the dressing room of the Daily Show and had a panic attack.  We had to wait longer for the show to begin but we got free bottles of water.  They edited out the talk of the kidnapping but they aired her upset about being locked.  She was still frazzled when she came out to talk to Jon Stewart.

46 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Co$ scrubs it from the internet.  I believe the child (now an adult) lives with Kelly's parents and most likely accounts for why they she is estranged from them.  Drugs are bad.

It's like Jessica Alba's kidnapping as a tween from the set of Flipper.  Scrubbed from the Internet.  I was in the audience for a taping of the Daily Show in 2001 where she was the guest and it was discussed.  She was accidentally locked in the dressing room of the Daily Show and had a panic attack.  We had to wait longer for the show to begin but we got free bottles of water.  They edited out the talk of the kidnapping but they aired her upset about being locked.  She was still frazzled when she came out to talk to Jon Stewart.

Alba kidnapped a child?  What?  I think I got this wrong. 

Edited by wings707
Just now, CofCinci said:

No, she was kidnapped.

Ahhh.  I can no longer mulit task.  I am watching the Golden Globes.  

3 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Co$ scrubs it from the internet.  I believe the child (now an adult) lives with Kelly's parents and most likely accounts for why they she is estranged from them.  Drugs are bad.

Child did drugs or Kelly?  

Did the grandparents try for custody of Jett too? Would a 'normal' Scientologist be considered a lesser person for giving birth to two children with issues? Or are the children blamed for it? Is Kelly getting a "pass" because she's famous? Since they are supposed to be able to fix themselves I was wondering how they view disabled children. 

3 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

Did the grandparents try for custody of Jett too? Would a 'normal' Scientologist be considered a lesser person for giving birth to two children with issues? Or are the children blamed for it? Is Kelly getting a "pass" because she's famous? Since they are supposed to be able to fix themselves I was wondering how they view disabled children. 

I am not being snarky with my next comment, but how do they feel about cosmetic surgery because if they are against it, I wish Travolta would have gotten that memo and followed it.

3 hours ago, Enigma X said:

So I just finished watching another documentary on Scientology (one that was suggested here). I find it interesting that part of their technique is to go to into marginalized communities and offer teaching aide while indoctrinating the children into Scientology. This is an old technique employed by many religions actually. I am just suprised that people still fall for it. I am specifically speaking to how they went into a predominate black area in LA and went to a C.O.G.I.C. (mainly black religious base) school and the pastors praised the Church of Scientology. I mean I guess if they helped the kids learn, they deserve it. But I still think they should see what is really going on.

Scary.  Right out of Jim Jones' playbook for cult recruiting.

Preston didn't want her first child, but wanted Jett....so, no they didn't try for custody.  She threw away her first child like garbage. 

Scientology doesn't believe that the disorders exist that either of her children had/have.  If Kelly and John has gotten Jett the treatment he needed, he'd probably still be alive.  But they didn't, so he isn't.  

Edited by shelley1005

They don't believe they exist??? I don't know what her first child has but my understanding is that Jett was autistic and had Kawasaki disease with seizures. I can see them denying autism because some of those treatments would fall under psychiatry which they despise. And autism doesn't have specific tests so they can blind themselves to reality. But there isn't a question of Kawasaki disease or seizures.  It's not like they deny the existence of other medical conditions. That letter made a point of saying Rinder's son had cancer so they believe in cancer. 

1 minute ago, CofCinci said:

No, there are several evidence-based assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Yes I know that. But that kind of assessment is different than say a blood test result. It isn't as simple as if X count is elevated you have autism. So I can see that since they are experts at distorting things, I can see them denying an assessment. Where as they don't seem to deny other medical issues as much. 

None of that in any way justifies failure to get proper treatment for someone, anyone. But especially not for a child who doesn't have the ability to get it for himself. My confusion just came from the comment that they don't even believe these diseases exist. I'm familiar with groups who are anti medicine. But denying the disease exists in the first place is a step farther into insanity. 

1 hour ago, Enigma X said:

I am not being snarky with my next comment, but how do they feel about cosmetic surgery because if they are against it, I wish Travolta would have gotten that memo and followed it.

I'm curios about $cientology's POV about plastic/cosmetic surgery too.  It must be okay. Kelly Preston, Travolta,Greta Van Susteren, Kristy Alley and Tom Cruise all had extensive plastic/cosmetic work done.  Pretty sure Kristy Alley had some sort of weight loss surgery too.  

I doubt Scientology would object to cosmetic work that enhances the careers of its celebrities. The better they look, the more or longer they work, the more fame and money for the organization. Sea org people can't afford to have cosmetic surgery but they're mostly hidden away anyway. Regular members, I don't know. I suppose if its profitable for the organization, it's OK. 

Religion certainly didn't stop Marie Osmond or Michael Jackson from a few trips under the knife. Religion can be very flexible when it needs to be. 

40 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

I doubt Scientology would object to cosmetic work that enhances the careers of its celebrities. The better they look, the more or longer they work, the more fame and money for the organization. Sea org people can't afford to have cosmetic surgery but they're mostly hidden away anyway. Regular members, I don't know. I suppose if its profitable for the organization, it's OK. 

Religion certainly didn't stop Marie Osmond or Michael Jackson from a few trips under the knife. Religion can be very flexible when it needs to be. 

I understand that hypocrisy allows many religions/organizations/people to look the other way for anything. I would still think that a "religion" that does not allow treatment of actual ailments and feel you can will yourself better just might have a policy on willing yourself to look younger,  fitter, firmer, etc.

These rules on not treating the actual sick stems from Hubbard's sick mind. I am not sure if he had celebrities in mind when he invented this cult and was wondering if there was written policy on this regardless on the hypocritical attitude.

7 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

The better they look, the more or longer they work, the more fame and money for the organization.

Too bad the majority of cosmetic surgery is noticeable and don't actually make them look any better at all.  All we do is stare in horror at what these people did to their faces! 

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