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1 hour ago, Spunkygal said:

I read the article in the Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4079370/Mariah-Carey-prepares-New-Year-s-Eve-performance-Times-Square.html

She said she just wanted a holiday...why can't she have one! Well, don't agree to sing on NYE. And Tanaka and Anthony(?) carried her to the stage for rehearsal? Oh, and someone in her entourage asked exactly what time does the ball drop! That was probably the same person who wasn't aware of the time change in that crossing borders episode. There were technical problems but I think Mimi just didn't give a shit about being there.

You know, when she first started out in her career she seemed nice. I get that singers can turn into divas, but Mariah behaves so rudely and is so full of herself it makes me wonder how her fans stand for this kind of behavior. She is quite dismissive and petulant. 

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I'm going to go ahead and guess Mariah has enough money to make everyday a holiday, so, go away Mariah!  Her dancers and America should charge her an inconvenience fee for her idiotic non-performance last night.  Isn't that what she's trying to charge her last fiancé?

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12 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

Watching first episode for the first time. 

Busgate:  If one of the perks is bringing all the kids then wouldn't they all want to sleep on the same bus?  Who is on Mariah's bus if not one of her best friends and her child who is the same age as the twins???  I think Stella wants Mariah's ear all the time and put Mary Ann on a separate bus for that reason.  Anthony should've gone about it like ElectricBoogaLoo wrote for sure!!

Because neither Mariah nor her kids (or Stella) are traveling on the bus.  They're staying at a hotel in London and using a private jet to fly to and from the concert venues in the different countries.  I guess they weren't close enough friends to include Mary Ann on the jet.

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12 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

OMG y'all, did you see Mariah's NYE performance? She didn't even try to sing along to the backing track for the first song (Emotion).

Mariah did three songs.  The first song she sung was Auld Lang Syne.  Actually, she lipsynched it.  Then Emotions, then completely lipsynched We Belong Together.  Even if you believe Mariah wouldn't sing Emotions live because she couldn't hear herself, she was clearly lipping on WBT, but gave up halfway through it for whatever reason.

Mariah claims intentional sabotage by Dick Clark Productions, basically saying they refused to fix her inner ear monitor problems when she repeatedly brought it up immediately prior to going on stage.  They counter that Mariah showed up late to rehearsal, didn't do a sound check (which Mariah admits to during Emotions), didn't do a vocal run through of any of the songs either (there's bts of Mariah's rehearsal that backs their claim), used a body double for the rehearsal, there were eight stage monitors that were working just fine in rehearsal (Mariah's PR says the same thing) and Mariah's team gave them the vocal tracks to use.

I'm not sure why Mariah's is trying to push back so hard, especially since this is not the first, second or third time this has happened to Mariah in a live setting.  The reason why she doesn't do live TV anymore is precisely because of what happened last night.

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Aren't managers supposed to be on top of tiny details like TIMING? Stella's main job seems to be to talk about how tough and awesome she is, and she seems to be so distracted by her personal agenda that she can't keep track of a literal agenda for her client. 

Mariah said "Take the blame, apologize, and keep it moving" = seems to be par for the course with Mariah. Stuff happens, and whoever she blames in private, she seems to truly follow that philosophy... at least publicly. Unfortunately, her diva rep gives people reason to assume the worst.

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I agree that Stella is so far up her own ass and making sure that she's doing really important things like feuding with Mariah's hair person and hiring her own 12 year old daughter to be paid by Mariah that she isn't doing important things like getting her client to a show on time. And what makes it even worse is that this didn't happen in 1988 when you would have to bust out that map of the world showing different time zones. This happened in 2016 when you can look up what time it is anywhere in the world on your phone in, like, two seconds. All you have to do is click on the world clock at the bottom of your clock app and voila! It requires almost no effort at all, so the fact that Stella didn't do this at any point before they were actually on the plane makes her look like lazy AND stupid, not to mention totally irresponsible.

And I get that Mariah can't just stroll onto the stage an hour late and say, "Sorry for being late! My dingbat manager didn't realize that this country is in a different time zone from London." If she had, that wouldn't have made anyone in the audience feel better about waiting an hour. She did the best she could by apologizing and saying, "I'm here now!" and then getting started. I feel bad for her because the purpose of having a manager and a staff is so that they can figure out these details ahead of time so that all she has to do is get to the venue and do her show. When you have staff to do these things for you, you really have to put your trust in them (because if you don't and you're constantly checking up on them, you might as well fire them, do everything yourself, and save yourself the expense of paying them).

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Stella is an awful manager.  The assistant may not be bright, but she's been running around like crazy and putting up with them teasing her and prank in her and making fun of her for the entire tour.  It's laughable for Stella to expect the assistant to be proactive when she's been dictating everything to the girl.  Yeah, I get that assistants are supposed to anticipate needs, but the girl admitted she'd never been an assistant before and from what we've seen, all Stella has told her is to get things done and to not cry.  Also, why didn't Stella call her if she needed her instead of braying on and on about her not being around.  It was so inappropriate of Stella to yell at the girl on the bus like that, and then later tell her "I like you a lot....this may not be the right place for you" without just coming out and saying she was fired. Of course the poor, dumb girl was confused!

Can we get more Tanaka jumping out of cakes and more scenes with her kids who are freaking adorable.

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I was so over Stella's bullshit about being a mom with sick kids and begging them to take tylenol. Come on. These aren't babies who will spit it up and you have to worry about overdosing them when you try to replace the dose etc. I get the situation, I've had a hospitalized baby who has continued to have standard health issues up til now (mid teens) but for Stella to act like she was some supermom because she gave a 12 year old a little cup of liquid made me cuss. Fuck off, Stella.

I was a little impressed by the weepy move Molly made to try to get Ms. Badass to say "you're fired" while she pussyfooted around it. I thought you were a boss bitch, Stella? Tell the girl she's fired. You weak?

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I lived through the 90s and can only tell you that Mariah Carey was an overly dramatic person who recorded songs for dolphins, I think.   Nice to see she's crammed herself in a sausage case three sizes too small and hired Daniele Staub to manage all the fuckery.    Never saw anything then, even less now.  All those middle aged women acting like bitchy teens.  How mortifying.

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Okay so I am confused is the girl Stella's assistant or Mariah's? At one point Stella said my assistant when speaking about Molly. Stella is so great and handles everything, okay right.  Her kids catch a cough and she loses her shit. She truly is a piece of work, and that is not a compliment. 

Can someone please hire someone with enough balls to tell Mariah to dress in classier clothes that actually fit her!

At this point I am only in it for gratuitous views of Tanaka!

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12 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

At this point I am only in it for gratuitous views of Tanaka!


12 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Okay so I am confused is the girl Stella's assistant or Mariah's? At one point Stella said my assistant when speaking about Molly.

Her title is "tour assistant", but I think that just means Stella gets to yell at her and call her stupid. 

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Molly was doomed from the start because Stella wasn’t sure about hiring her, but did anyway. I was the “Molly” early on in my career and the only way to deal with these people is to not show any fear at all. They smell it from a mile away and enjoy watching others suffer. It’s sick really. You really have to have a thick skin or get out as soon as you find something else.

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1 hour ago, dhilde85 said:

Molly was doomed from the start because Stella wasn’t sure about hiring her, but did anyway. I was the “Molly” early on in my career and the only way to deal with these people is to not show any fear at all. They smell it from a mile away and enjoy watching others suffer. It’s sick really. You really have to have a thick skin or get out as soon as you find something else.

Me too and you have to be proactive, not sit back and say "I didn't know you needed me." It's best to be too visible and shadow your boss and be told to back off rather than to be out getting a tattoo, sitting on a bus alone, chilling out on the stairway and being invisible. But this show is all bullshit anyway so who knows what is fact or fiction. I'm just watching for Tanaka doing lap dances.

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As I said in the Celebrity News Thread......no one really cares if it was Mariah or DCP who was at fault for the sound mishap, or if shes sings live or lip syncs. No matter what, she was paid to entertain and if something went wrong, it was on her to improvise in a fun way. Why drag everyone else down with your diva BS? Its NYE, people are there or are watching to have fun, no one wants to see her stomping around the stage like a petulant child because things aren't going exactly perfect. What a shame that she got paid great money for that BS.

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18 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

Me too and you have to be proactive, not sit back and say "I didn't know you needed me." It's best to be too visible and shadow your boss and be told to back off rather than to be out getting a tattoo, sitting on a bus alone, chilling out on the stairway and being invisible. But this show is all bullshit anyway so who knows what is fact or fiction. I'm just watching for Tanaka doing lap dances.

I agree with this, except that from what we've been shown, Stella didn't given Molly the agency to do this.  If Molly had walked in at anytime and said, "hey, I decided to do x, y, z," she would have still gotten yelled at and belittled. And it was clear she was trying to avoid as much as that as possible.  However, I do think it was beyond unprofessional and immature of Molly to disappear for a few hours without telling/checking with her boss first.

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Stella and Molly is like The Devil Wears Prada: Mariah Edition. 

It sounds to me like Molly was never given any clear direction as to what's expected of her. Yes, she should have enough sense to check in every morning to know what's going on for the day, but when she made that comment about everyone telling her not to speak unless spoken to, it's apparent there's a lot of mixed signals. I agree that Stella is one of those women who gets off on making other people feel like shit, so the only way to keep her quiet is to stay one step ahead of her. It honestly sounds like a horrible work environment and one of those things you suck up for a year so you can beef up your resume.

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Molly has clearly been in a no win situation from the beginning. No matter what she did, Stella was going to find a way to make it sound like Molly was a moron (because Stella obviously thinks she is smarter than everyone else, despite not knowing that Luxembourg is in a different time zone than London). She said that Molly needs to anticipate her needs aka BE A MIND READER and know to do things without being told about them. No one can live up to that, especially someone who is brand new and doesn't know Stella or Mariah well enough to know what they want or need. If Molly had called or texted Stella to check in or ask if she needed anything, you know that Stella would have complained that Molly was too needy or a kiss ass or annoying.

What really annoyed me about Stella's incessant whining is that when she was going on and on about how hard it is to be a working mom dealing with sick kids but Molly was nowhere to be found, I don't think there was anything that Molly could have done to help in that situation. Stella already had medicine that she was giving the kids so what exactly did she need from Molly? Not a damn thing. Stella just wanted something to complain about. And if she really needed Molly to do something while she was doing the oh so difficult task of getting them to swallow a teaspoon of cold medicine, she could have just called Molly or had someone go knock on Molly's hotel room door. Stella is obviously one of those people who just loves to bitch about anything and everything.

My absolute favorite thing about this episode that up until now, Stella has consistently portrayed herself as this tough as nails hardass but when Molly straight up asked, "Are you firing me?" Stella kept dodging her. How fucking hard is it to just give a simple yes or no answer? And then later Stella tried to paint the situation to Mariah as how she's just sooooooo nice as opposed to too chickenshit to just admit to Molly's face that she was firing her. I had some major respect for Molly for cutting to the chase with that. Of course, that dissipated when she started crying. I agree that being a PA is probably not the right fit for her, or at least not in this kind of situation where her responsibilities are not always clearly defined. It looked like when she was given specific tasks to do (like packing up Mariah's clothes), she was on it. I get that assistants are supposed to be at your beck and call, but I thought it was silly for Stella to get so pissy about Molly going to a church or getting a tattoo in the morning when she didn't have anything else she was supposed to be doing. If they had told her she was supposed to be doing X, Y, and Z before they left but Molly blew it off to go sightseeing or get a tattoo, then fine, but she didn't so what's the big deal?  

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No matter who was actually at fault, she didn't handle it well. If she had just loudly announced to the audience, "Hey, I can't hear the music on the monitor, but I'm so happy to be here with you guys tonight!" and then proceeded to interact with them by shaking hands with people in the front row, asking everyone to sing along, or something, ANYTHING, it would have been fine. But just standing there awkwardly while looking really annoyed just made things worse.

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That's how professionals react when shit goes sideways during a performance!

Totally unrelated story - James Corden was paying tribute to George Michael and he was talking about how several years ago, he had an idea to do a sketch for Red Nose Day (a big comedy charity event in the UK) where he would drive around with George Michael singing songs. This was the precursor to his now signature carpool karaoke thing. When he started doing the Late Late Show a few years later, he tried to get celebrities to do carpool karaoke but no one wanted to do it so he started sending them the clip of him and George Michael. He said Mariah Carey was the first one who agreed to do carpool karaoke, saying, "If it's good enough for George Michael, then it's good enough for me."

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23 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

What really annoyed me about Stella's incessant whining is that when she was going on and on about how hard it is to be a working mom dealing with sick kids but Molly was nowhere to be found, I don't think there was anything that Molly could have done to help in that situation. Stella already had medicine that she was giving the kids so what exactly did she need from Molly? Not a damn thing. Stella just wanted something to complain about. And if she really needed Molly to do something while she was doing the oh so difficult task of getting them to swallow a teaspoon of cold medicine, she could have just called Molly or had someone go knock on Molly's hotel room door. Stella is obviously one of those people who just loves to bitch about anything and everything.

Stella is insufferable. What does Molly have to do with Stella's kids being sick? All that bitching and moaning Stella did about how hard it is to give her pre-teen a cup of tylenol was ridiculous. And then she lashes out at Molly because she's stressed and can't deal. If Stella can't handle her kids being sick while she's working then maybe she should have arranged for child care to accompany her on tour, at her own expense, because it's not Molly's responsibility to hold her hand while she tries to get her kid to swallow some children's tylenol. I feel for working mothers but no amount of stress makes it okay for a person to be an insufferable bully and that's what Stella is. I wish Mariah would fire her but unfortunately it looks like Mariah fell for her BS tough girl act and probably feels some sort of loyalty to her.  

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Just to reiterate what I said in the latest episode thread… Mariah needs to fire Stella. She’s making this NYE thing all so much worse by lashing out in the press and blaming everyone. Those “sabotage” claims are coming from Stella, not Mariah. Maybe Mariah does feel that way—but it was Stella who actually accused Dick Clark Productions of sabotaging the performance and did all the bad-mouthing in the press, not Mariah herself. Unfortunately for Mariah, Stella represents her so every idiotic thing Stella says in the press reflects poorly on Mariah. 

I think Mariah was dealt a bad hand. There’s no way she could have sung live in Times Square without her in-ear monitors working as she obviously couldn’t hear or find her place in the track. If she had tried to sing and been off key, people would be saying she can't sing anymore and that her career is over. If she had refused to perform until the issue was resolved or walked off stage, which I personally would have been tempted to do, people would have crucified her for being a diva. So she stayed out there and was subjected to a prolonged public embarrassment. It was awkward and hard to watch and you could sense her frustration with the situation. Maybe she could have handled it better on stage, and surely her camp should have handled it better afterwards, but the public was never going to let her get away with such a massive mishap.

Mariah's team claims there were issues with the sound from early on and that Mariah voiced her concerns about them—you can see she’s bothered by not hearing Ryan during their interview. But for whatever reason, Dick Clark Productions brushed off those concerns… maybe they thought she was just being a “diva” and complaining for no reason, maybe they truly believed the sound issues would resolve themselves when they went live. But just like Mariah could have handled the situation better, I think DCP could have handled it better as well. Why no public acknowledgement or apology that there were sound and technical issues on their end that interfered with the performance? Instead they issue a statement saying they had no involvement in the challenges associated with the performance… aren’t they responsible for the sound? The sound was the challenge. I don't for a second believe anyone intentionally sabotaged her, but there was obviously an issue with their equipment that caused the performance to go awry. Initially, I was actually expecting ABC or DCP to issue a public apology to Mariah and the audience after the performance because it was obvious it was a technical issue on their end, but instead both sides got defensive and tried to push the blame off on each other when it was really just a very unfortunate and public case of technical difficulties. 

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It takes time to be the kind of assistant who can anticipate someone else's needs. Molly doesn't seem horrible; she's just green, and, as noted above, does well when tasks are clearly defined. In time she'll probably be fine at something she decides to do (e.g. If she likes kids, doing something with kids), and when she's not under the stress of working with someone as mercurial and pushy as Stella.

Stella, OTOH, is a bad manager (contrary to her own opinion). On top of losing track of basic details important to her client's job, she doesn't know how to truly manage relationships. She has soured her relationship with those caterers, she can't do anything except berate Danielle and put her down, and she has no idea how to (or is flat out unwilling to) get Molly to a place where she'll be successful in her role. You can't expect an assistant to magically know what he or she is doing--especially if your attitude is "don't speak to me unless you're spoken to." You can't act like a pit bull and expect fantastic results.

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I recognize that sleazy dirtbag choreographer Anthony from the Lifetime show with that child dancer Asia, for whom he wrote tarted up songs and was generally a pain in the ass and appeared to be in some type of down low relationship with the girl's father. Not sure Mariah is a step forward or back for him because she's such a joke now, but it doesn't surprise me he has kids scattered abroad (child support? HA!) and needs his tour bus child-free for whores and drugs and the like. Everyone in Mariah's World is straight garbage just eager to debase themselves for the right price, which often times appears to be zero. Tanaka is a hooker who can be and has been anyone's, I'd wager heavily. With absolute certainty, actually.

Like everything with Mariah, it's all so controlled and she so clearly has production by the nuts that even if she wasn't the drunk, delusional mess we all know she is nobody would believe it. The talking heads of her modeling (badly!) the most expensive slutwear from two years ago in soap opera dream sequence lighting are just hideous. Any attempts to show her maternal side while shuffling her kids into a different car than she make me realize her kids are fortunate to have little to do with her, as most humans are. But, are these Nick Cannon's kids? Because he clearly doesnt give a fuck about them either if this is the agreed upon best place for them. What is he so busy doing that he can't provide their precious home base?

Her "anniversary" celebration consisting of wholly paid for employees/friends, and a recommendation from notorious predator Lee Daniels about how Mariah had to pay to get her role in Precious reframed as a big-hearted tale...nobody gives a good goddamn about her. And is there any point at which we get to hear her not say Tommy Matola kept her a prisoner, which has in turn put her on this full-tilt skank bender for 20 years now?

A. she was an adult then and now, so at some point she needs to take responsibility for her own decision in making some concessions to the label for her own career reasons; if she had busted out this grotesque whore butterfly thing in the 80s she would've gotten rightly trounced for it

B. I don't believe her self-serving revisionist history about anything

C. its hard to imagine her more insecure/constantly controlled/paranoid/trapped in a loveless situation than she is now 

Molly is sure incompetent, but let her play in the fucking cake, Stella! She was demeaned for Mariah's pleasure and that was her job for the night. Stella and the inner circle of leeches drink under fireworks, while Molly supposed to be what, doing the dishes or some shit? This mixture babysitter/friend/washed-up drinking buddy does not scream what I would be searching for in a manager.

Hideous make-up monster: "Molly has a different way about her." You mean some remaining sense of self that instinctively pushes against becoming a flat out slave there solely for the abuse/pleasure of the wealthy and their ever-changing rotation of sycophants? We don't see Stella doing anything that needs assisting beyond sounding board Stella's nonsense to pad drama out for the camera since the "star" is dull as dishwater.

Ive read most of Mariah's income comes from corporate gigs of her singing holiday songs, offers for which will go on forever, so I'm not sure this tour is for anything but the TV show, which could be why it seems so half-assed and like nobody cares if it sucks.

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Ha! I just got to the preview where Scientology psycho James Packer drops her like a hot potato...reframed as Mariah falling love with hooker-dancer and being torn between true love and the billionaire!

I think my eyes just rolled straight into the stratosphere...

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Can't believe I watch this shit.  Well nothing else was on.

How could no one notice the time difference?  How stupid are these people?  It's right on your fancy phones in your tools.  Stella should be fired for that at the very least.

Ok, I am going to have to agree with Wendy Williams and say Mariah needs to get rid of Stella.  It killed me to type that sentence.

ETA:  Did Molly say she had to put lunch on her own credit card?  What the hell?

Edited by jumper sage
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I despise any human with a superiority complex, whether in the celebrity world or not.  Mariah has always had registered very high on my "meter of disgust".  

I was thrilled to welcome the new year with the feeling that 2017 just might be The Year of Karma.  

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22 hours ago, NoirDetective said:

I recognize that sleazy dirtbag choreographer Anthony from the Lifetime show with that child dancer Asia, for whom he wrote tarted up songs and was generally a pain in the ass and appeared to be in some type of down low relationship with the girl's father.

Say what now?  Please expand!

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Regarding Stella flipping out over Molly being M.I.A when the kids were sick, don't the kids have nannies? Why would a personal assistant be responsible for their care beyond picking up prescriptions at the drug store? 

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Stella is quite threatened by Tanaka.  You could see the rage simmering just below the surface when Mariah stopped her ass from sending him home.  And she tried to cover it with the "You're such a nice person" bullshit.  And why is Stella trying to act like Tanaka is the only one at fault here.  Mariah is clearly sending him signals too. 

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On 1/7/2017 at 10:13 PM, NoirDetective said:

Ha! I just got to the preview where Scientology psycho James Packer drops her like a hot potato...reframed as Mariah falling love with hooker-dancer and being torn between true love and the billionaire!

I think my eyes just rolled straight into the stratosphere...

James Packer is a Scientologist??? 

I wrote somewhere on here that I saw 0 attraction between Mariah and James.  Nothing.  She doesn't seem to miss him and Stella was able to talk her into postponing the wedding fairly easily.

 But..... sparks FLY between she and Tanaka!!  I think MC is a half-wit but I find myself cheering for them!!  He likes her for her, not her money or fame.  It's a very classic boy meets girl story.

Full disclosure: Also Tanaka also really looks like someone (they had the same glasses!) I really liked but he didn't like me in that way years ago.  


Stella tried to be a cockblocker but as we see from the previews, it didn't work. 

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4 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

But..... sparks FLY between she and Tanaka!!  I think MC is a half-wit but I find myself cheering for them!!  He likes her for her, not her money or fame.  It's a very classic boy meets girl story.

That's a far less cynical read than mine, as everything about this seems like a rented love situation to me. He's her paid boyfriend for the tour, and most of these Tanaka scenes seem shot after the fact (like, last week) to cover the narrative hole of her break-up with Packer. This "Italian villa" we're in this episode looks a lot like her house in LA they showed us already. 20-something world-hopping dancer who she hasn't seen since her last payment cleared likes her for her? A boozy 45 year old with two kids and enough issues to fill a magazine warehouse? I just don't see how this isn't a paid transaction, but I appreciate the optimistic viewpoint, too.

Packer just rejoined Scientology, it's been reported. Quite a year, engaged to MC then back to Scientology. Good to know even billionaires aren't immune from obvious and all-consuming mid-life crisises!

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Man, Stella was SUCH a kiss ass in this episode that I was getting second hand embarrassment from her comments.

ITA that she was threatened by Tanaka because she doesn't want anyone competing with her for Mariah's attention. Stella enjoys her role as Mariah's #1 (I almost puked when she referred to Mariah as her sister wife) and she doesn't want anyone else getting anywhere near her level of power with Mariah. That staged conversation between Stella and the hair girl and the makeup guy were so painful.

As for this being all on Tanaka (as Stella would like us to believe), whatever. In the previous episode when one of the dancers warned him that he was getting too close to a woman who's engaged, I was like, girl, please. He jumped out of a cake (as requested by Stella's daughter) and then he sat next to Mariah and talked to her at the party. He wasn't being inappropriate in any way that I could see. Unless there was some footage that got cut, he didn't do anything wrong. And this week, Mariah was definitely touching him so at the very least it's a two way street.

I knew I heard Mariah say "Lithuania" to the crowd twice (a friend of mine in high school was Lithuanian so my ears always perk up when I hear someone mention Lithuania) so I was shaking my head when the chyron identified the concert as taking place in Latvia. Like the Luxembourg time change situation, I blame Stella for this and for the same reason. When you're on tour, the days and the venues start to blur together (and they already look pretty similar). For someone like Mariah who is basically staying at her hotel with the kids most of the time and then being transported to the show each night, she isn't seeing much of the cities themselves because a lot of the time, each day is like the next: wake up, hang out with the kids for a little while, have hair and makeup done, get driven/flown to the arena, sing the same set list, go back to the hotel. Stella should be reminding her where they are going each evening. At least when Mariah realized her mistake, she took it in stride and said everyone already thinks she's a ditz.

FYI - list of show dates for the Sweet Sweet Fantasy tor in case you want to keep track of where they are and if stuff is being shown out of order. According to the schedule, she played Latvia on April 7th and then her next show was in Lithuania on April 9th, which may be why she thought she was in Lithuania.

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I'm not sure why I keep watching this show? I cringe through every episode!  I hate feeling second hand embarrassment for others,  and that is all I feel for Mariah.  This whole budding romance is so obviously fake. Mariah seems so uncomfortable in her skin.  She's always posing,  not actually living.  I don't know if that makes sense. 


I love Mariah in the dark wig!  

Edited by imjagain
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I dont know how to use the quote button but Imjagain who said Mariah is "always posing, not actually living" is spot on.  I just dont get why the need to create this whole fake romance with Tanaka.  They look SO uncomfortable together.  I'd be more likely to believe Mariah was having an affair with Stella than with Tanaka.    

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I watch a lot of reality tv and compared to the staged crap on most them, the unspokens seemed to really be there with them!! 

I don't get all of her posing either but I do think that Tanaka and MC were really shown to have real chemistry which now has been proven to be true since they are now together- though it may be only for a brief moment.

At first I wanted to rescue James Packer from MC but now I REALLY want to rescue him from Scientology!!  That sh*t isn't anything to be messed with!!  Watch Leah Remini's series if you want to hear about it! 

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Whether Mariah and Tanaka are together now or not I have no clue. 

It looks to me as they are trying to edit it to later say Mariah changed her mind about getting married. Because they want us to all say of course who in the world would ever dump the amazing Mimi. And I am not diminishing her talent, I just think she is bonkers.

Edited by Texasmom1970
because I cant spell - oops
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6 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Whether Mariah and Tanana are together now or not I have no clue. 

It looks to me as they are trying to edit it to later say Mariah changed her mind about getting married. Because they want us to all say of course who in the world would ever dump the amazing Mimi. And I am not diminishing her talent, I just think she is bonkers.

They are together for realz and she is totally bonkers!!! 


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