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Evelyn has a big surprise awaiting Adrian upon his return from the hospital. Sebastien encourages Carmen to forge a relationship with Jacklyn. Zoila is shocked to discover a secret that Genevieve has been keeping from her. Marisol learns some surprising information about Jesse's past acquaintances. With Ernesto out of town, Rosie turns to Spence when she needs help parenting Miguel.
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I was still kind of bored this week but with some nice moments to break up the tedium. 


I'm disappointed that as predicted, Ernesto and Katie are involved with the cartel. A they're downplaying it so it comes across as so bland and B I like Ernesto and this doesn't make Katie any more interesting. Taylor and Michael continue to be a waste of space.


Marisol and Jesse continue to be boring. Who cares if he carries a gun? But I did like her pushing that woman at the restaurant because I saw a glimmer of Hilda Suarez and I remembered why I used to like Ana Ortiz.


They write Genevieve and Zoila like this is a show going on 8 seasons and they've run out of story lines. What the hell?


Carmen's story line wasn't so bad this week. Without the Powell's and with everyone else being so flat, I think she came across well. I wonder where they're going with this kiss. Was it just a platonic kiss and just there for effect or are they going to let this play out? And why not have her be with Doug? He can be Sam 2.0. Remember Sam, you guys?

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There were several good twists tonight IMO.  So Jesse had a problem with Louie Becker and Mr Spence and Taylor are "together."


Adrian is usually humorous, but scaring a little boy was just mean.  I did like the smirk the kid gave him after Evelyn asked him to call her Mom.


Poor Zoila.  She had a right to be upset with Genevieve for betraying her.  

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Mr Spence and Taylor are "together."


I have yet to watch the episode, but I kinda figured out there was something going on between them from next week's promo in which 

she slaps him in a public park

. I hope they're just "partners in crime" and not the romantic kind, because it would be character assassination for him!

Anyway I gotta say I'm pleasantly surprised with all the twists this season: Micheal not being dead despite them making us believe that for a handful of episodes; Genevieve being the one involved with the tennis pro; Blanca being murdered instead of making out alive and ratting out her kidnapper, and now this? Anyway, the Jesse "shocker" was not much of a twist because it was teased in this episode's promo. :(

Is it just me or a boy reading a porn magazine in 2015, when he could be streaming or downloading all sorts of naughty videos for free, seems, shall I say... anachronistic? I hate it when shows do that... seriously, shows, NOBODY reads those anymore!!!

I'm also glad they remembered Philippe's "fake" suicide by slipping in that line "Your home has been the sight of a murder, A SUIDICE and a chopped off leg"! Again, nice continuity (is this because Marc Cherry has stepped back from whatever his role was?). XD

And how stupid was of Carmen to leave without her phone? I saw that coming from a MILE away!!! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! -.-'

And, for Pete's sake, why does everyone keep talking about Marisol's exes and how crazy they were? As far as I'm concerned, I only remember Nicholas being so. Did Marisol have any on-screen other love interests I don't recall?

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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It does bug me how they keep changing the way Marisol's name is said.  And they have done this over the course of the show.  It reminds me of a certain cooking show hostess who exaggerates Italian words.


Sometimes they just say it normally, other times it is so over done.  And why did she think it was okay to rifle through Jesse's apartment like that?

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Loved the scene between Genevieve and Zoila! I always liked characters dealing with the 'realities' of pregnancy (and, I know, nothing about this show is real, but still...) and that sometimes people need some help. I just don't get Carmen's storyline-I don't think her character would work so hard for a relationship as she has always been portrayed as career oriented (singing, not as a maid...). She has had other love interests that she has blown off for her career.

Oh, and Rosie-I couldn't believe she went to Spence for help. Just let him get on with his life. I kind of found that insulting. And, she wears one of the lowest cut tops I have seen on this show to talk with the man she married and then dumped. Also, when she was telling Spence to tell her son to respect women for their brains and not their boobs-well, hard to sell that line when her boobs are hanging out all over the place.

The Powells continue to delight me (yes, I know it was wrong of Adrian to try to scare the boy, but I enjoyed it as it was in character for him-also, it was used as his silver lining to realizing that they are not going to be selling their house with all of those disclosures).

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I liked the twists, but I didn't like Carmen stupidly leaving her phone, Marisol stupidly searching the Jessie's apartment, or the Powell storyline.  Adrian scaring a child was just too, too far for me.  I know it's a dark show, but I still didn't like it.

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I liked this one. My jaw about hit the floor when they showed Taylor in Spence's apartment, even though they sort of clued us in he had a woman in there right when Rosie showed up. I just didn't see that coming. Still, I don't think they're romantically involved because it would have started when he was still with Rosie and I don't see him doing that. I hope.


What nerve Rosie has, going to Spence for help with Miguel, and then what colossal gall to go back and yell at him for not handling it the way she wanted! Where does she get off? This all seemed like a very contrived way to get her into his apartment just so they could show Taylor being there.


Carmen leaving her phone behind was dumber than dumb, and just last week she was calling Rosie the dumb one. I think they're tied now. I don't understand why Carmen would want to be with Sebastian anyway. She knows he's a cheater and a sponge. I think the show is confusing the character with the actor playing him, like every woman would want him just because of how he looks. 


It feels like they are really struggling to keep Zoila relevant this season. With Valentina out of the picture there just doesn't seem to be much for her to do anymore and Genevieve's storyline is suffering in the process. 


One thing I did notice is when Zoila went back to power-clean the kitchen, the flooring in that kitchen is to die for!


I loved Adrian telling Dion the house was haunted. "Well, maybe not a ghost, but a shadow or a demon." LOL. 

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I actually liked Zoila in this episode.


Still can't stand Rosie.  Glad Spence told her off, even if he is screwing Taylor.


Hated what Powell did to that foster kid. 


I think the tone of the show, this season, is all over the place.

Edited by dirtydi
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I liked this one. My jaw about hit the floor when they showed Taylor in Spence's apartment, even though they sort of clued us in he had a woman in there right when Rosie showed up. I just didn't see that coming. Still, I don't think they're romantically involved because it would have started when he was still with Rosie and I don't see him doing that. I hope.

I don't think they're having an affair because of the way they revealed her in the bedroom.  She wasn't in a towel, or lingerie or dressed in any other way that would suggest they were lovers.  That's not to say they aren't but for a soap, I'd think the reveal would be more revealing. 


I'm glad that Spence got to tell Rosie how he felt. I think this was the meatiest material he has gotten in a long while. 

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I will give them this, 9 episodes in and we still don't really know who the bad guy is. I still think it's Ernesto and I think Jesse is an undercover DEA agent, that's my theory anyway.

Edited by missbonnie
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Giuliano, I assume the previous poster was talking about Giana DiLaurentiis.

I assumed the poster was referring to Giada as well. And it's not that she mocks Italians or Italian speech, it's that she overemphasizes the pronunciation. 

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Still can't stand Rosie.  Glad Spence told her off, even if he is screwing Taylor.


I would be happy with an entire episode of Spence telling off Rosie.  It's good that at least someone is calling her out on her pretty horrible behavior. 



Is it just me or a boy reading a porn magazine in 2015, when he could be streaming or downloading all sorts of naughty videos for free, seems, shall I say... anachronistic? I hate it when shows do that... seriously, shows, NOBODY reads those anymore!!!


I think Spence asked him why he wasn't just using the internet, and Miguel said something about getting the magazine from a friend. 

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The hair on this show is weird.   Rosie looks awful with those long bangs glued down so they curve around her eye and down the side of her face.  And the music executive had a horrible mass of frizz stuck on one side of her head, which wasn't any more flattering as a tall fauxhawk.  But then Genevieve is stunning with a soft French braid for tennis and Carmen's hair was gorgeous when it was all waved and full for her last performance. . . .


I'm kind of bored with this show.  Can you tell?

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WTF is Spence doing bringing a pornographic magazine to a playground? That's all I got from this episode.

Yeah, that totally took me out of the scene. I couldn't even concentrate on what he was saying I was so sure someone was going to turn him in or arrest him for having a porn magazine around an 8 year old and hugging him etc.  I was just so worried that scene was going in a different direction.

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Marisol questions the return of a familiar face to the neighborhood. Carmen's lies begin to catch up to her. Zoila tries to prove she is a better maid than Joy. Rosie's suspicions about Taylor lead her to a shocking discovery. Evelyn goes to the extreme in order to keep Deion.

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Carmen spends weeks sabotaging her lifelong dream of a singing career for a man who's not very interesting.  When the whole thing inevitably implodes, she doesn't want him anymore.  (Good crying, horrible earrings.)


Rosie observes one of her husbands in a public park with another woman and automatically concludes there could be no other reason than sex.  Idiot.


I thought Marisol earned the comeuppance she got from Jesse, but she handled both the personal and professional fallout with composure. 


I like Joy; don't care about any of the three kids.


P.S> I thought Valerie Mahaffey was the obsessive ex-wife who hanged herself outside the dinner party last year.   Guess not.

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P.S> I thought Valerie Mahaffey was the obsessive ex-wife who hanged herself outside the dinner party last year.   Guess not.


I thought it was first season, but I'm with you.  I thought she was Michael's ex wife who killed herself first season.  I think I need a refresher course on the first season.


I was screaming at Zoila not to be so stupid but at least she was likable this week. Joy was mean with her passive aggressive cuts all day - I wouldn't have taken the blame despite her sob story. I think Zoila thinks her relationship with Genevieve will shield her, but that relationship has been so damaged this season that I think it's very risky.


The Carmen stuff was predictable and boring (to me).


Rosie continues to grate.  I hope there is more to Spence and Taylor's relationship than sponsorship.  Rosie dumped him.  Even if he is dating Taylor, it's not really her business.  

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I thought it was first season, but I'm with you.  I thought she was Michael's ex wife who killed herself first season.  I think I need a refresher course on the first season.


I was screaming at Zoila not to be so stupid but at least she was likable this week. Joy was mean with her passive aggressive cuts all day - I wouldn't have taken the blame despite her sob story. I think Zoila thinks her relationship with Genevieve will shield her, but that relationship has been so damaged this season that I think it's very risky.


The Carmen stuff was predictable and boring (to me).


Rosie continues to grate.  I hope there is more to Spence and Taylor's relationship than sponsorship.  Rosie dumped him.  Even if he is dating Taylor, it's not really her business.  

Yah, yah, I meant "first season."  I tend to forget the second season even existed.  What was the big secret there?  Marisol's husband and housekeeper?  Pfft.  Oh.  And. . .mmm, some teenagers in ski masks.  Double pfft.


I guess I like Joy because she does a good job for her boss.  As a housekeeper!  Hey, there's a twist. 


Genevieve and Zoila are WAY too far into the friend zone to ever revisit employer/ee status.  And the pretense that Zoila is only temporarily out of play is silly--I can't see her strapping on a Babybjorn.  Just call Merry Maids and get it over with.

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I thought Valerie Mahaffey was the obsessive ex-wife who hanged herself outside the dinner party last year.   Guess not.


She was. They cut her down in time to save her.


This was a strong episode thanks mostly to the guest stars. Mo Gaffney was hilarious as the drugged up social worker and Valerie Mahaffey's special brand of crazy is welcome on my TV any day of the week. I have no idea what's going on with the head shaving.


It seemed like there was something lost in the editing of this episode, unless I missed something. I knew that "one last time" with Carmen and Sebastian would end up being their undoing, but it seemed like there should have been a pan up to the ceiling or out the window or something to indicate someone was filming them. I don't have any grasp of how they were caught on video, especially since it seemed like Jacklyn bought Carmen's story.


I still have no idea what the connection is between Taylor, the dead tennis pro, the guy who took and killed Blanca, and Olivia. The whole thing's a jumbled mystery to me.


Biggest laugh for me was Dion laughing at Adrian and saying "You're her bitch."

Edited by iMonrey
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Rosie would drive me nuts. Stop being so freakin' nosy about things that aren't any of your business. Even before finding out about Spence, she kept asking Taylor about her whereabouts.

Deion is adorable and I loved his Powelling.

Edited by Luciano
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I'm obsessed with Marisol's dress from the previouslys when she's searching Jesse's place. Anyone know where I can find it? I've searched wornontv with no luck. I covet her wardrobe for the most part.

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I liked the episode overall.

It's nice to see Olivia back on my screen again. I'm curious whats she's up to, although Im positive she is not the killer and its just a plan to get Michael back and getting rid of Taylor.

I don't know if anyone else is noticing this also, but I see a certain pattern this season. Every episode they make someone suspicious of being the potential killer who killed Louie and Blanca.

First they make Ernesto a shady character and suspicious, the week after it's Jesse who had something to hide regarding Louie Becker, this week it's Olivia, and Im almost certain it will be Dr. Neff next week. But they all did'nt kill Louie and Blanca.

The writers are doing this on purpose to lead the viewers in the wrong direction. It will be someone you did'nt even think off.

My number one suspect for 7 weeks now is Gail Fleming. She will be in episode 12, possibly in 13.

There is no one else I can think of who might also be the killer. Jacklyn Dussault could also be an option but that doesnt make sense to me right now.

This cartel thing + the killer storyline is the only thing I really like this season. And Jesse+Marisol I also really enjoy, which is why I hope Jesse is a keeper for season 4. 3 episodes to go!!!

Edited by Melvinvdriet
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I liked this week because it had a heavy dose of Adrian and Evelyn, Marisol didn't get what she wanted, Carmen got what she deserved, and Remi and Valentina remain still blessedly gone.  However, Zoila's storyline this week was boring and predictable.  And the idea that someone would have to compete for attention with their girlfriend's maid is just beyond silly, even given how weird is the relationship between Genevieve and Zoila.  The murder mystery is also boring.  I think to care about a murder mystery, you have to have invested something in the murder victim and that hasn't happened.

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Every week I'm surprised by how much more I detest the character of Rosie. Following her employer to find out with whom she may be having an affair? Getting all mad at Spence because she thinks he is having an affair after she left him for someone else? Oh, and pulling out the "you told me you still loved me" as if she has any right to expect him to answer her questions. Her interactions with her employer were totally cloying and annoying.

This character is just so exhausting for me as a viewer.

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Bahaha! That's exactly what I thought they looked like!

... which is why I hope Jesse is a keeper for season 4. 3 episodes to go!!!

I will be shocked if we even GET a 4th season to be honest given the way Lifetime operates. I just burned through both seasons of Witches of East End on Netflix and it pissed me off all over again that they cancelled that show, it was so darn good. Edited by missbonnie
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Every week I'm surprised by how much more I detest the character of Rosie. Following her employer to find out with whom she may be having an affair?

I hate to defend Rosie but just for that part, it wasn't just to be nosy, she thought there was a link with Blanca's murder if I'm not mistaken?  I was doing something else while watching but didn't the women said the man she was having an affair with could be the killer so Rosie followed her to know who he could be?

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I will be shocked if we even GET a 4th season to be honest given the way Lifetime operates.


Before this season started, one of the lead actresses gave an interview and said this would be the last season. Lifetime hasn't confirmed that - their official position is that no decision has been made, but obviously someone told the actresses going into Season 3 it would be the last one. 


I wouldn't be too upset to be honest. Season 3 is better than Season 2 was, but the show is still running out of steam. If by some miracle they managed to get a 4th season I'd like to see them dump Carmen, Rosie and Marisol and introduce three new maids and three new families (or two, with one of the new maids working for Adrian and Evelyn). Zoila can stay only because Genevieve is good for the ratings but they need to give her a better storyline. 

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I'm obsessed with Marisol's dress from the previouslys when she's searching Jesse's place. Anyone know where I can find it? I've searched wornontv with no luck. I covet her wardrobe for the most part.

Looks a lot like Alice+Olivia Lilia V-Neck Lace print dress, http://www.saksfifthavenue.com/main/ProductDetail.jsp?FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374306418059&PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524446867557&R=888819194086&P_name=Alice+%2B+Olivia&N=4294912096+306418059&bmUID=kX.Z5Rq

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 Season 3 is better than Season 2 was, but the show is still running out of steam. If by some miracle they managed to get a 4th season I'd like to see them dump Carmen, Rosie and Marisol and introduce three new maids and three new families (or two, with one of the new maids working for Adrian and Evelyn). Zoila can stay only because Genevieve is good for the ratings but they need to give her a better storyline. 

I agree this season is better than the last but it's telling that the most interesting characters aren't the maids. I felt no sympathy for Carmen, I'm sick of Rosie (maybe it's the voice) and Marisol is no longer a maid. I don't know where her story is going, is it with Jesse or with Olivia? BTW, love having VM back. My favorite part of this episode was the discovery that Deion is a Powell after all, loved it.

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How did Sebastian's wife get a video of him and Carmen having sex?

How did Marisol think Jesse was going to be ok with her sabotaging a job prospect even if they got back together? He has bills and has to eat. Was she going to take care of him? Does she think he would let her take care of him?

How is Rosie mad about Spence possibly screwing Taylor when she left him for another man?

how does Zoila think that taking the blame for Joy is going to help her situation at the house? G is already choosing to believe the doctor over her so this won't help.

Why are the Powells the only people on this show that make it worth watching? And Deon is my new fave character on the show.

Edited by scruffy73
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How did Sebastian's wife get a video of him and Carmen having sex?


That's why I thought they must have cut something out. The scene where he basically talks her into having sex one last time before they had to start laying low seemed significant, like this would be the one that would do them in. I remember thinking "uh-oh" but then nothing came of it until the video showed up out of nowhere without explanation.

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The bonding of Adrian and Deion was hilarious.  


And poor Zoila for having to deal with the awful Joy.  I bet she gave Zoila that sob story just to get her to feel sorry for her.  It was probably all a lie.

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Rosie makes a big decision after Spence starts asking questions about Ernesto's behavior. Zoila learns a disturbing truth about Dr. Neff and tries to warn Genevieve. Jesse clashes with Marisol over her suspicions about Olivia. Evelyn puts Carmen in charge of disciplining her foster son.
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This was actually a really good episode. I still can't figure out who killed Blanca. I'm assuming that Olivia tried to get the tennis pro to seduce Taylor. I'm sad to see Jesse go, I really did think he was a cop. Poor Spence, I hope he survived. Oh, edited to add that Rosie continues to be an idiot.

Edited by missbonnie
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If that's it with Jesse then he was kind of pointless. His whole presence went nowhere which is a shame because I liked him.  Ditto with the Olivia side trip but because she's such a trip, that bothered me less.  Olivia is always welcome in my book.


Evelyn looked really pretty in this episode even though I wasn't super into her having to learn she needed to take charge of the discipline.  I don't know if her unwillingness to do S&M earlier in the season and her unwillingness to discipline is supposed to be connected (because ewww) but otherwise that earlier story also kind of fizzled.


Otherwise, I enjoyed this episode.  As much as Rosa has been bothering me, I got genuine heat in her early scene with Spence and felt the angst when she said they couldn't be friends.  It mostly may be because of Spence but I still appreciate feeling it.  My heart also broke a little when Genvieve fired Zoila.  Neff may have been manipulative but Zoila did kind of put herself in a vulnerable position.  

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Did Valerie have to ACTUALLY shave her head to play that scene?

PS: I'm all focused on the PLL summer finale right now (after which I'll probably quit that nonsensical mess of a show for good), so I'll be back to commenting on here soon enough. :-)

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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Overall, it was a really good episode. Two weeks until the finale, so they're finally winding up, it feels.  


Carmen and the Powells seem to be the comic relief.  I actually felt bad for Zoila after wanting to strangle her most of the season.  I did not like Rosie any more than the other episodes. I'm glad Jesse saved Marisol, but I hope he's in the last two episodes too.

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