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Ryan: What the hell happened to him?


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On 4/26/2018 at 1:52 PM, Tatum said:

I don't think Maci intentionally got pregnant with Bentley...I think Ryan balked at wearing a condom and Maci didn't want to piss him off by insisting he wear one. They were both irresponsible, but I put more of the onus on a more experienced 20 year old than a virginal 16 year old to practice safe sex. Ryan's dad does not agree with me though and came right out and asked why Sharon didn't put Maci on birth control, because precious baby Ryan didn't like to talk about contraception. If my 20 year old son knocked up a 16 year old girl I'd have a lot more words for him than his teenage girlfriend's mother, but maybe that's just me. Fucking Larry.


All that said, I sadly don't think it's true that there aren't a lot of teenagers trying to get pregnant on purpose. And not even to get on a reality show- lots of teenagers have a romanticized view of what teenage parenthood is like and by the time they realize just how wrong they were- well you can't unring that bell.

Both parties need to take responsibility for birth control and STD protection. Ryan wasn't just a dumbass for assuming he wouldn't get Maci pregnant, he was also a dumbass for assuming she didn't have an STD from a previous encounter, even if she claimed she was a virgin. When my now adult son was a teenager I told him NEVER believe a girl if she says she's on birth control, ALWAYS use a condom, because girls can be big liars if they have a motive. And there's also the STD thing. My husband bought him condoms just in case our son was too embarrassed to buy them himself and we did tell him we would rather he wait until he was in a serious relationship to have sex but we knew that might be wishful thinking so better to be prepared. His freshman year college girlfriend tried to pull the pregnancy scare crap on him, saying she was late to see how he would react but refusing to take a pg test to end his worry and anxiety.  After three weeks he told her take the test or he was breaking up with her. He bought a test and insisted she take it. No surprise she wasn't pregnant, just playing head games. He broke up with her anyway after seeing what a manipulative bitch she was.

I totally believe teenagers get pregnant on purpose! Those who don't have future plans for college or a career see it as a way to trap a guy into supporting them, or worse yet, do it to get out of their parents' house an onto the government dole and receive Section 8 housing, food stamps, Medicaid, etc. Some do it to try and keep a boyfriend or feel it will "make them closer". The part of 16 and Pregnant that always made me think the show might help prevent teen pregnancy was the way the boyfriends reacted. Most were supportive in the beginning, but shortly after the baby was born they would gradually fade out of the picture and go back to their normal life of friends and parties while the girl was left with all the work and responsibility. Except for Jenelle, who did the same as the boyfriends and left Barb to care for poor Jace.

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, happykitteh said:

Both parties need to take responsibility for birth control and STD protection. Ryan wasn't just a dumbass for assuming he wouldn't get Maci pregnant, he was also a dumbass for assuming she didn't have an STD from a previous encounter, even if she claimed she was a virgin. When my now adult son was a teenager I told him NEVER believe a girl if she says she's on birth control, ALWAYS use a condom, because girls can be big liars if they have a motive. And there's also the STD thing. My husband bought him condoms just in case our son was too embarrassed to buy them himself and we did tell him we would rather he wait until he was in a serious relationship to have sex but we knew that might be wishful thinking so better to be prepared. His freshman year college girlfriend tried to pull the pregnancy scare crap on him, saying she was late to see how he would react but refusing to take a pg test to end his worry and anxiety.  After three weeks he told her take the test or he was breaking up with her. He bought a test and insisted she take it. No surprise she wasn't pregnant, just playing head games. He broke up with her anyway after seeing what a manipulative bitch she was.

I totally believe teenagers get pregnant on purpose! Those who don't have future plans for college or a career see it as a way to trap a guy into supporting them, or worse yet, do it to get out of their parents' house an onto the government dole and receive Section 8 housing, food stamps, Medicaid, etc. Some do it to try and keep a boyfriend or feel it will "make them closer". The part of 16 and Pregnant that always made me think the show might help prevent teen pregnancy was the way the boyfriends reacted. Most were supportive in the beginning, but shortly after the baby was born they would gradually fade out of the picture and go back to their normal life of friends and parties while the girl was left with all the work and responsibility. Except for Jenelle, who did the same as the boyfriends and left Barb to care for poor Jace.

I definitely agree with the last paragraph. The majority of 16 and pregnant episodes with the girl sitting in the baby's room alone, forlornly explaining that the boyfriend isn't returning her calls, doesn't see the baby that much, and the girl's friends came over for awhile when the baby was still a novelty but now they're all focused on impending college and prom and other extracurriculars that are just no longer feasible for the new teen mom. There's a deep sense of melancholy at the end of each episode that I think would be pretty powerful for any teen watching thinking having a baby young is so romantic and cool. 


Then along comes Teen Mom and fucks that all up with their participants tooling around in leased BMWs and planning their umpteenth vacation while appearing on the cover of US Weekly.


(Of course, in the show's defense, the early years of TM2 showed most of the girls living paycheck to paycheck. Remember Kailyn crying and calling around to various car lots trying to find a car for under $2000? But those days are long gone).

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Big Mack, you friggin idiot. How are you going to spin this one? I've said it before but I'll say it again- there is a reason the go to phrase for people with sensitive information is always "no comment".  Yes, I know, that doesn't get you attention, but you're not going to be able to outsmart...well, anyone, really, so you may as well just rely on old faithful and say you have no comment.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 16
10 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Big Mack, you friggin idiot. How are you going to spin this one? I've said it before but I'll say it again- there is a reason the go to phrase for people with sensitive information is always "no comment".  Yes, I know, that doesn't get you attention, but you're not going to be able to outsmart...well, anyone, really, so you may as well just rely on old faithful and say you have no comment.

Mack Truck is an idiot. She should have never given Radar an Exclusive after his March 28, 2018 arrest.


‘Everything’s Fine!’ Ryan Edwards’ Wife Insists He’s Sober Amid Heroin-Related Arrest



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3 hours ago, druzy said:



He got off pretty easy, IMO, if he didn't have to spend even a few hours in jail. Mark my word, Ryan will screw this up.  He'll either fail a drug test or won't be assed to do his public work days.  I don't think Rhine has done anything resembling "work" since Maci's 16 & Pregnant, when he actually had a job. 

If he manages to go through with these conditions, I will bet it's only because Mimi Jen or Mackenzie held his hand through the whole thing.  They'll probably have to take alternating shifts staying up to watch Ryan so he doesn't sneak away to "the bank" while one of them is asleep.  They'll probably have to drive him to his public service and sit there & watch him pick up litter off of the road to make sure he doesn't just leave to meet some random at Food City.  Ryan does not care.  

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 19

Mack Truck is an idiot. She should have never given Radar an Exclusive after his March 28, 2018 arrest.

Anyone who marries someone the day they are leaving for drug rehab has serious emotional problems of their own. And then gets pregnant knowing damn well their husband still have some serious issues.  Like everyone else on here, I feel bad for the kids who are the real victims of this situation.  But I do have some sympathy for Mackenzie. I bet her own childhood was no walk in the park, considering what she is choosing to put up with. No one with any kind of real self esteem signs up for this train wreck.

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On 5/1/2018 at 9:46 AM, Kellyee said:

Anyone who marries someone the day they are leaving for drug rehab has serious emotional problems of their own. And then gets pregnant knowing damn well their husband still have some serious issues.  Like everyone else on here, I feel bad for the kids who are the real victims of this situation.  But I do have some sympathy for Mackenzie. I bet her own childhood was no walk in the park, considering what she is choosing to put up with. No one with any kind of real self esteem signs up for this train wreck.

Preach!! I'm no fan of Mackenzie, but you're speaking the truth.

I have a twin brother. He is THE biggest verbally abusive asshole and druggie on the planet. He started his drug of choice at age 13, so his hypothalamus is all kinds of screwed up. He's also an undiagnosed narcissist with undiagnosed bipolar disease. He's got the worst OCD and is on the sleep schedule of an infant (sleeps for X hours, awake for Y, then goes back to nap from 1-4pm, lather, rinse, repeat). My mom is very much like Mimi Jen (an enabler), so I can confirm that Mimi Jen doesn't have the strength to do the right thing. You cannot reason with an enabler, no matter how "right" you are.

I'm about to have a version of Mack Truck join the family. No kids involved (thank God), but my brother, aka Psycho, has been dating Mack Truck for nine years. I just found out (via Facebook) that they're getting married in August. He's never had a job in his life. Couldn't make this up if I tried. She wears scrubs to work, has an MA and I think she's in Occupational Therapy. They both still live at home and have never moved out. I would bet my savings account that she bought her own engagement ring. She's marrying a guy who hasn't ever filed income taxes because he doesn't work, so he doesn't have to "adult" like the rest of us. He has to turn bottles in for money to put gas in his car (that is a hand me down from my mom, as every vehicle has been). Where did he get money for a ring?

Then again, two months' of his salary for a ring would be $0, so maybe she proposed to him?

This bitch, who has dated my brother for nine years, has never once said "hello" to me. True story. She walks right past me and ignores me each and every time she and I are in the same room or have to walk past each other. We've never had a fight or disagreement because she's never spoken to me. Ever. Over a period of nine years. Zero conversations. Tell me that's not some weird shit.

My friends and I have all come to the only logical conclusion: she has no self esteem or self confidence. None. The only "good thing" I can say about Psycho is that he's never been to jail or arrested - not that he hasn't done tons of shit that should have sent him there.

Mack Truck 2.0 knows he's an abusive asshole and has probably been brainwashed by him, so I'm automatically the enemy because of XYZ. It sounds crazy, I know, but I believe it. She SHOULD know that the way he treats his mother and sister indicate how he will end up treating her. I don't wish DV on anyone, but nothing else explains why she's been with him for so long and is going to marry him.

I really want them to get married so he finally moves out of my mom's house and so I can rest assured that my mom is not going to end up having a heart attack from the sheet stress of being around him/yelled at by him. She's an enabler, so he won't ever leave until something life changing happens.

I'm dying to walk up to her and ask her when I should go get fitted for my bridesmaid gown just to see the look on her face.

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It seems Mimi Jenn raised Ryan to believe the sun rise and set upon him and that he was so special he was immune from taking responsibility for any and all behavior and the consequences there of. This caused him to turn into an irresponsible adult. The reason I say Mimi Jenn and not Larry is because Jenn did the bulk of the children rearing and it seems she doesn't allow Larry to hold Ryan responsible so this isn't an "it's always the mother's fault" opinion because I don't believe it's always mom's fault. That said, Larry should have put his foot down and dealt with the fallout of crossing Jenn for the good of his son and his future. Regardlessly of the, imo, irresponsible upbringing Ryan had I don't think that in and of itself can be blamed for his drug problems. There are many kids who were coddled and spoiled as kids who don't grow up to be addicts. Addicts come from all kinds of backgrounds and upbringings, both strict and permissive. Do I think Jenn and Larry are enablers? Yes! But as the parent of a grown son my heart still breaks for them. I think the enabling stems from their fear of losing him, that if they push him he'll disappear from their lives and they won't be able to keep an eye on him and he'll become worse off than he already is. There's also an element of disbelief in what is happening. They haven't truly accepted the situation for what it is, they can't imagine their baby boy is a heroin addict, they imagine he's different from other addicts, not as bad off. They want SO BADLY to believe he's clean they believe him when he says he is. I look at my middle-class raised son and cannot imagine him becoming an addict. I'm sure Jenn and Larry felt the same, never imagined this was a possibility. I can't honestly say I wouldn't behave like Jenn in the same situation - the inability to accept reality part.  I hope I'd be able to take a tough love, Intervention-type stance but I might, like Jenn, be in a state of disbelief and so badly want to believe he's better that I wouldn't see the reality. I'm so heartbroken for Jenn and Larry when I see the desperation in their eyes, especially Jenn's, that look of "Please, please don't let this be happening", the desperate grasping onto any tiny shred of hope that he's going to be okay. Ryan is an asshole but I hope for his parents' sake he doesn't die. It will KILL Jenn and Larry if he does, probably literally kill them from grief.  They will be the ones most deeply affected by his death, more so than ever Bentley. There is no deeper pain than to lose a child.

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I agree with all of this. ^^^^^^^^ My parents buried 2 children and the rest of us prayed our asses off hoping my addict sister wouldn't be the 3rd under Ryan's circumstances. Thankfully, I guess, the sister barely outlived them because I truly believe that would have died of broken hearts.

Also I think Ryan is an only child.  My child is an only child though I helped raise nieces and nephews along the way and when she screwed up and go the DUI on NYE. I was somewhat relieved because I know she will be tested for the year. She ransacked my room a while back and took an ungodly amount of RX's from my room. I never dreamt I would ever have to hide my shit from my own kid. Luckily she passed out in my bed so I stayed up watching her breath. The FEAR is REAL.   

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On 5/3/2018 at 3:31 PM, Bridget said:

I don't wish DV on anyone, but nothing else explains why she's been with him for so long and is going to marry him.

I was trying to just copy text into a quote without it showing the original poster, because I don't want it to look like my post is directed to Bridget and it's in response to a couple of posts, but it wouldn't allow me to type in a blank quote box for some reason. It also didn't load the sentence I was actually trying to quote and I can't like in this forum again because Teen Mom hates me as much as I hate it. My post may not have made any sense without the context of the quoted post and several of the others above it.

Mackenzie sought out Ryan who was clearly a drug user and interjected herself into his life. My guess is that she supported his drug use, possibly assisting in the purchase and definitely looking the other way. She moved her child in the home of a drug addict who was actively using. According to Radar, her ex-husband took her back to court and received primary custody of their son and Mack was ordered to pay him child support. Mack said it wasn't true, her child support was miscalculated from the beginning and she still had custody. She lost primary custody of her son to be with a drug addicted reality star. Well, no, in my opinion she lost primary custody of her son for Teen Mom air time. If she wanted to put her son first, she would have left Ryan, but that also meant leaving air time, her one true love.

I noticed how Mack lies. There is always a trace of truth in them. For instance, her comments about his arrest where she said it was from the March/April 2017 arrest before he went to rehab. That is true, it was based on that arrest, but it was a new charge. She says she still has custody. That's most likely true, she wouldn't have lost 100% of her custody rights, but she made sure to not clarify she still had "primary" custody and didn't deny she pays her ex child support. In Ohio, if he was overcharged it is typically reduced for a few months unless that would result in a hardship, but most of the time the person who overpaid is just out of luck. They don't change the order for the person who received the overpayment to pay back the overpayer and then issue a new order when it's paid off. I just can't believe it works that way in Tennessee, either.

She doesn't get a bit of sympathy from me. She sought him out to realize her reality television dreams, having wanted to be on Teen Mom forever. She didn't find herself in love with someone she discovered was in the throes of addiction, she intentionally stalked him and supported that addiction to be part of his life. She looks the other way on his cheating, too. She wanted reality television fame and is willing to support Ryan's issues to get it. 

In an effort to  be a fan favorite, I think she reads everything she can to get an idea of what viewers want and then she says and does what she thinks we want to hear. We, the viewers, have often suggested that the cast tell Drew he's full of shit and Farrah got (virtual) applause when she told him if he wasn't her therapist he should keep his opinions about her actions to himself. 

Maci's hypocritical actions are always called out online, and I think she thought Maci bashing would endear her to people, but instead, it and her call out of Drew made her look even stupider than they are, and that is not an easy task. 

Now that she's pregnant with an active drug abuser's baby, one which was clearly planned by her, she probably thinks she has cemented her place in the Teen Mom universe. So, an anonymous tip to the police when she knows he's carrying or a plant of drugs, a la Dalia Dippolito, to get him put away and give her more air time will probably be next. If that doesn't work, a hot shot wouldn't be out of the realm of things I believe she would do. Then, she'll demand a Being special so she can discuss how hard it is to be such a young widow.

Fortunately for me, TPTB don't seem to care for her either. I find Mackenzie to be just as despicable as Matt. At least he didn't bring a young child into it. Of course she lost primary custody so her son isn't really involved full time. I can see him grabbing a needle or boat while Ryan has nodded out and Mack is busy on her phone googling her name. She spent three weeks in Texas while Ryan was in detox without her son, and probably expected more camera time then, too. She tried to get the show to send her and her girlfriends on vacation because she was so stressed out over Maci breathing, or something, but was shut down. 

In my opinion, Mackenzie has issues every bit as bad as Ryan. He can get clean and revert to just being a lazy bum living off his parents. Mackenzie will remain sanctimonious and attention seeking to the detriment of anything that stands in the way. She's not to blame for Ryan's drug use even though I am accusing her of helping him stay active in the disease, and Ryan is not to blame for Mackenzie's actions of staying with him while he uses and cheats. They are both apparently getting what the want out of this arrangement.

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On 5/3/2018 at 1:03 PM, FairyDusted said:

Thank you for sharing @Bridget! That sadly sounds like a nightmare to live with. I hope your parents can finally breath easy at night when this marriage comes about. I had LOL at the last line though! I'd totally do that shit for real.

I'm officially inspired. For real.

The next time I see her, I am SO GOING TO ASK what color my dress will be and how long it'll take to have alterations finished.

I also just realized that the "Mack" joining my family has a first name that also starts with an M.

(No offense to anyone here who has a first/last name that starts with an M. My own last name starts with an M.)

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On 5/4/2018 at 3:55 PM, Christina said:


I didn't want the whole quote, but I wanted to say I agree with the gist of the whole thing. I don't see Mack as some little girl lost that latched on to Ryan because her self esteem is in the toilet and she doesn't think she deserves better.


I see her as a completely calculating opportunist much like Matt (although less intelligent) who wants to be famous and is willing to trade her dignity, her first born child, and any long term career prospects for a chance at reality fame. I don't see her as any kind of victim. She may look back on the choices she made and regret them, but she honestly should know better at this point and her priorities (namely her child) should be realigned.

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On 5/5/2018 at 11:01 AM, FairyDusted said:

Thanks! Thankfully I have a huge extended family who have always stepped in when needed.

That had to be so devastating for you and your family. It is heartbreaking to read. I cannot fathom going through all that you all went through. I am happy to read you had major support.

On 5/7/2018 at 9:04 AM, Tatum said:

I didn't want the whole quote, but I wanted to say I agree with the gist of the whole thing. I don't see Mack as some little girl lost that latched on to Ryan because her self esteem is in the toilet and she doesn't think she deserves better.


I see her as a completely calculating opportunist much like Matt (although less intelligent) who wants to be famous and is willing to trade her dignity, her first born child, and any long term career prospects for a chance at reality fame. I don't see her as any kind of victim. She may look back on the choices she made and regret them, but she honestly should know better at this point and her priorities (namely her child) should be realigned.


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It was mentioned that Jagger/Jager sounds like a dog's name.  Jager *is* a common dog's name especially the version Jaeger because it means hunter.  Many hunting breeds have this name.  It's always a dog's name to me.


Someone else said that, or a few people felt that Ryan got off light and should be in prison.  I do think that he got off lightly but I don't think that prison is the right place for addicts who don't burgle or sell drugs.  If they simply use drugs, I think they should be sent to rehab programs and risk and harm reduction programs.  Prisons are clogged with addicts which does most of them no good.  Putting people immediately into the reduction programs has been shown to get people off of drugs more effectively than anything else.  When the addicts have safe drugs to use and safe places to take the drugs with outreach teams there offering support, people develop relationships and start to get off the drugs themselves (this happened in Portugal when they decriminalized all drugs for personal use).  We have to stop the for profit prisons where counties are required to kep the prisons at a certain capacity or get heavily financially penalized (what a shitty way to run a prison) and actually put money into people's recovery.   But again, these people don't need to be in prison which isn't going to get them off drugs, help them forge relationships with people or get them employed like the harm reduction programs do.

  • Love 10

I live in a rather small county. Drug court is fairly new here. Get busted, follow the rules of the program, and at the end the charges never happened. Or, so they say. Participant’s names are published in our local paper. So the info is out there.

Any way.......

Nonviolent offenders who successfully complete the program get their charges dismissed and can even potentially get the charges expunged from their records.

However, if you fail the program, it's straight to jail. Those offenders agree to plead guilty and be sentenced.

This particular program, at this time, is limited to 30 people. It is said 40%  of the crimes in this county are drug-related.

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On 5/9/2018 at 12:00 PM, Eater of Worlds said:

Someone else said that, or a few people felt that Ryan got off light and should be in prison.  I do think that he got off lightly but I don't think that prison is the right place for addicts who don't burgle or sell drugs. 


It's been a while since I have posted "oars" on this thread.

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On 4/29/2018 at 7:18 AM, CofCinci said:

Jen is the type of mother who would give her precious baby boy a ziplock baggie of her urine to use instead if it is an unobserved UA. 

Yep! I could literally see her procuring urine for him. 

On 4/30/2018 at 12:07 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Everything about this makes me sad for Bentley (and even sadder for) Baby Edwards #2.

I'm hardly a fan of St. Maci of Budlight, but I'm sad for her, too.  She has to try to explain all of this to Bentley & is stuck interacting with Ryan & his family (& Ryan's addiction) for at least the next 9-10 years of Bentley's life as a minor. I'm thankful Bentley has Taylor.

I know she's an enabler, but I'm also sad for Mimi Jen. 


I agree but I can’t feel sad for Jen at this point. In the beginning sure and even now if she got serious and realistic. But she still refuses to fully see the obvious, imo. She’s being a detriment.

On 5/1/2018 at 11:39 AM, FairyDusted said:

Allllll that shit and he basically walked. Losing hope in our legal system. 

It’s truly disgusting. 

On 5/1/2018 at 11:46 AM, Kellyee said:

Anyone who marries someone the day they are leaving for drug rehab has serious emotional problems of their own. And then gets pregnant knowing damn well their husband still have some serious issues.  Like everyone else on here, I feel bad for the kids who are the real victims of this situation.  But I do have some sympathy for Mackenzie. I bet her own childhood was no walk in the park, considering what she is choosing to put up with. No one with any kind of real self esteem signs up for this train wreck.

She wanted to be on TV and get easy money, imo. Her childhood sounds very rosey, by her own description (who literally calls themselves Little Miss Perfect? And it’s not exactly in a self deprecating way, either) until she had her son and had to, gasp, work and buy things at Target and eat at Taco Bell between the ages of what? 17-20 before she hooked up with Ryan? She also lived with her parents again after her first marriage so this “struggling” was limited to about a year or two. I’ve heard they are quite well-off financially so I highly doubt her whole, “if I didn’t work my kid wouldn’t eat” is anywhere near true.

This is her blog I’m referencing here, she had to turn off comments because they were all calling her out for thinking that what she was describing was struggling in any real sense. Many teen moms would love to have “everything they own” come from Target or to even be able to eat off the Taco Bell dollar menu but she uses these things as evidence of her struggle and how hard of a life that was?! ? https://www.mackenzieedwards.org/blog/2017/11/13/life-happens

I think she’s always been a spoiled princess. She saw her chance to have easy money with Ryan and ran with it. She can’t even make up a real story of struggle because she knows nothing about it in reality.

On 5/7/2018 at 11:04 AM, Tatum said:

I didn't want the whole quote, but I wanted to say I agree with the gist of the whole thing. I don't see Mack as some little girl lost that latched on to Ryan because her self esteem is in the toilet and she doesn't think she deserves better.

I see her as a completely calculating opportunist much like Matt (although less intelligent) who wants to be famous and is willing to trade her dignity, her first born child, and any long term career prospects for a chance at reality fame. I don't see her as any kind of victim. She may look back on the choices she made and regret them, but she honestly should know better at this point and her priorities (namely her child) should be realigned.

All of this. When she speaks about her first marriage being a joke (blog link above) it’s just so ironic. She’s clearly got an agenda.

On 5/9/2018 at 2:00 PM, Eater of Worlds said:

Someone else said that, or a few people felt that Ryan got off light and should be in prison.  I do think that he got off lightly but I don't think that prison is the right place for addicts who don't burgle or sell drugs.  If they simply use drugs, I think they should be sent to rehab programs and risk and harm reduction programs.  Prisons are clogged with addicts which does most of them no good.  Putting people immediately into the reduction programs has been shown to get people off of drugs more effectively than anything else.  When the addicts have safe drugs to use and safe places to take the drugs with outreach teams there offering support, people develop relationships and start to get off the drugs themselves (this happened in Portugal when they decriminalized all drugs for personal use).  We have to stop the for profit prisons where counties are required to kep the prisons at a certain capacity or get heavily financially penalized (what a shitty way to run a prison) and actually put money into people's recovery.   But again, these people don't need to be in prison which isn't going to get them off drugs, help them forge relationships with people or get them employed like the harm reduction programs do.

This is all true but the other problem is the law should be applied equally. In this case it is clearly not being applied equally to Ryan as it would be to another in the same situation. The laws should be changed for everyone, not spoiled, white, man-children only. And until the law is adjusted he should get the sentence that others would get being charged with the same crime.

Edited by Rebecca
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44 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

You mean the Oarder of Protection? 

(Kazu made me do it)


Exactly @Rebecca re the laws and the punishment about white young guys.

BTW Ryan is breaking laws - killing cats...DUIs...he just hasn't been caught. It is more than him just doing drugs. He is also issuing threats to harm his ex, her family, and her animals to the point a TRO was put in place.

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From Radar


Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney’s protection orders against Ryan Edwards have been dismissed, but he is still ordered to stay away from the couple. RadarOnline.com can exclusively reveal the outcome of today’s courtroom showdown between the Teen Mom OG stars!

Maci Bookout’s Son Bentley Dropped From Protection Order Against Ryan Edwards

“The judge ruled that the two protection orders against Edwards are dismissed,” a clerk from Hamilton County Circuit Court told Radar of the May 21 court hearing. “They did put in a mutual restraining order that tells the parents to stay away from each other. The child is not on there. The case is closed.”

The clerk explained how violating an order of protection results in the defendant going to jail, while the mutual restraining order is not enforced by police.

Radar exclusively obtained both protection orders, which were filed on March 23. In Bookout’s order, she asked to have her son Bentley, 9, and her children Jayde, 2, and Maverick, 1, with McKinney protected. “He has left voicemail messages threatening to show up at my house and take my son,” she claimed. “He has made threats to show up and hurt me if I don’t answer my phone.” 

She alleged that during her son’s baseball game in May 2017, Edwards “showed up under the influence of heroin and got in my face, yelling and threatening to hurt me.” She continued, “His behavior and actions are getting worse. I am fearful for my three children and myself, and what he may do, based on his threats.”

In McKinney’s order, he claimed Edwards threatened to show up to his house and “put a bullet in [his] head” on March 20. “The police were called and they suggested to seek an order of protection,” he said. “He has also said he would show up at our son’s baseball game and confront us, my wife and I.”

Edwards, 30, was arrested days later on March 27 for petition to revoke, which means breaking probation from a past March 2017 possession of heroin arrest. Radar exclusively reported that he failed a scheduled drug test on January 17. He tested positive for opiates and morphine in a urine sample.

An insider told Radar, “Ryan got six months probation and five public work days. He has random drug tests in between.”

Edwards entered rehab for heroin after his May 2017 wedding when he drove high. He was caught on camera slurring his words and falling asleep at the wheel.   


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Teen Mom's Maci Bookout Gets Restraining Order Against Ryan Edwards for Two Years


All parties were present in court on Monday, May 21, along with their counsel for a hearing. Of the hearing, a Hamilton County Circuit Court Public Information Officer tells E! News, "The judge dismissed the ex parte order of protection and then entered a mutual restraining order."

Edwards' attorney Jonathan Turner also tells E! News, "We did agree to a restraining order where Ryan will not go within 100 feet of Maci and her current husband and their two children. Ryan has no exclusions with Bentley and is still able to see his son under the new restraining order. This gives Ryan a lot more protection against any false allegations, allows him to avoid getting arrested without a hearing first, and allows him to be around his son most importantly."

He adds, "Ryan agreed to this outcome to make it easier on everyone and not go through a formal process of a trial. Moving forward Ryan hopes everyone can get through this without any issues and that he can see his son."

The restraining order is for two years.

"Ryan agreed to this outcome to make it easier on everyone" what a considerate guy!

Edited by druzy
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I'm totally miffed on why Ryan is still allowed to be around Bentley unsupervised. Does anyone know if the court order has any stipulations about supervision around Bentley? Chelsea from TM2 would never have allowed Ryan to settle. It's a pattern of Ryan continuing not to have to pay any consequences for his actions. 

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I'm more than a little horrified by the outcome of this. I feel like the legal system doesn't take threats to people's lives seriously enough. He threatened to shoot her family, he has access to fire arms and he is using hard drugs, I understand wanting things to stay as normal as possible for Bentley, but this is not the healthy solution. 

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