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3 hours ago, aradia22 said:

National. Holiday.


National holiday for election day? Yes please.

Feel free to use it.  "P-E" comes from my sister.  Trumplethinskin is mine.

19 minutes ago, aradia22 said:

That (HRC emphasizing her blue collar roots) likely wouldn't have worked. The internet is still flooded with articles about how large and grand her childhood home was. 

Yep.  She's been hated (HATED) for 30-35 years now.  For absolutely no reason, other than she's smart and has a vagina.  Not necessarily in that order.

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13 minutes ago, fastiller said:

National holiday for election day? Yes please.

Feel free to use it.  "P-E" comes from my sister.  Trumplethinskin is mine.

Yep.  She's been hated (HATED) for 30-35 years now.  For absolutely no reason, other than she's smart and has a vagina.  Not necessarily in that order.

Don't forget about Bill. They hated her due to his affairs. Never put the blame on the man (apart from trying to impeach him). Always have the blame lie on the woman. Ugh. That always ticked me off since the scandal back in the 90's (meaning Ginnifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky, etc.). What president hasn't had those? Really. It's called holding men accountable. But no, they never do. As for the impeachment, I think that they've hated her even more since they weren't able to impeach Bill back in the day.

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Watched The Daily Show tonight. I know what China will do. They're going to recall the pandas from Atlanta, Nashville and San Diego. Mark my words. Also, I'm certain YKW will use the word "irregardless" at the State of the Union.

ETA: Forgot about Washington. That would really stick it to the US.

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13 hours ago, fastiller said:

Feel free to use it.  "P-E" comes from my sister.  Trumplethinskin is mine.


Sorry for quoting myself here: I've run across another "Trumplethinskin" on-line.  I can no longer claim it.  Apologies!

Edited by fastiller
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2 minutes ago, candall said:

To address the What Now? topic.  I posted a comment in the DT thread about Lawrence O'Donnell + guests discussing that DT's impulsive tweets and snit fits are starting to be recognized for what they are--childish outbursts--and that's why Boeing stock only briefly dipped and China hasn't expressed outrage by the Taiwan insult.

This is why it's so hilarious that people choose Trump because he's so "tough." The rest of the world has already started adjusting to him because they understand he's a baby. Like people are thrilled that he's tough on China, when really the only reason he's getting away with it is that China isn't dealing with him like a tough guy. 

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11 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

This is why it's so hilarious that people choose Trump because he's so "tough." The rest of the world has already started adjusting to him because they understand he's a baby. Like people are thrilled that he's tough on China, when really the only reason he's getting away with it is that China isn't dealing with him like a tough guy. 

I know, right? The only reason no one's bringing down the hammer on his outrageous and bullying comments is because no one takes anything he says or does seriously, he's just a whiny brat having a tantrum and it's best to just ignore him.

It's like Corey Lewanwhatever said during that Bitchfest meeting of the two opposing camps: about the media's need to parse and dissect and fact-check everything Dump says, the problem is that they all took everything Dump said so seriously and literally when everyone else understood that sometimes people just say things that they may not mean or may not check the facts on before they say it, they're just talking.

Is that what we need? A president, a commander-in-chief, a leader of the free world whose word cannot and should not be taken seriously because he can't be bothered to speak the truth and rarely means anything he says anyway? In any other context, a person like that would be labeled (a) a pathological liar, (b) an idiot, (c) lazy, (d) insane, or any combination thereof.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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5 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

I know, right? The only reason no one's bringing down the hammer on his outrageous and bullying comments is because no one takes anything he says or does seriously, he's just a whiny brat having a tantrum and it's best to just ignore him.

It's like Corey Lewanwhatever said during that Bitchfest meeting of the two opposing camps: about the media's need to parse and dissect and fact-check everything Dump says, the problem is that they all took everything Dump said so seriously and literally when everyone else understood that sometimes people just say things that they may not mean or may not check the facts on before they say it, they're just talking.

Is that what we need? A president, a commander-in-chief, a leader of the free world whose word cannot and should not be taken seriously because he can't be bothered to speak the truth and rarely means anything he says anyway? In any other context, a person like that would be labeled (a) a pathological liar, (b) an idiot, (c) lazy, (d) insane, or any combination thereof.

I can't believe we're now at where we'll be saying "Oh that silly President, he's tweets are so crazy." And just fluff them off, like he's fucking Kramer or any other nutty neighbor  from a sitcom. Hand slaps forehead.

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39 minutes ago, callmebetty said:

I can't believe we're now at where we'll be saying "Oh that silly President, he's tweets are so crazy." And just fluff them off, like he's fucking Kramer or any other nutty neighbor  from a sitcom. Hand slaps forehead.

Trump has made himself the laughingstock of the entire world, and turning America and the Presidency into a sit com. 

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1 hour ago, sistermagpie said:

The rest of the world has already started adjusting to him because they understand he's a baby.

I can see an, umm, adjustment in international attitude helping to hold everything together for a little while.  ("Naturally we're booking the DC T Hotel--the President would get all pissy  be insulted if visiting diplomats and emissaries booked anywhere else.") 

But there's no way we can depend on everyone cosseting our Big Baby In Chief indefinitely.  He's so notoriously thin-skinned--one suspicion at anything less than complete respect and admiration and boom, International Incident Twitter Insult. 

Frankly I'm astonished that China's response to DT's Taiwan overture has been so low-key.  (AFAIK!  Obama?)  The US has tremendous debt there, DT has tremendous personal debt there.  They seem to be responding very graciously by ignoring all the shit shade DT threw out regarding China during the campaign.

Edited by candall
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8 minutes ago, candall said:

Frankly I'm astonished that China's response to DT's Taiwan overture has been so low-key.  (AFAIK!  Obama?)  The US has tremendous debt there, DT has tremendous personal debt there.  They seem to be responding very graciously by ignoring all the shit shade DT threw out regarding China during the campaign.

I thought China issued some kind of WTF statement and Obama had to clean up Trump's mess and soothe their anger by telling them US policy toward "One China" has not changed.  Trump - and China - won't have Obama around soon, so that's when the shit will start hitting the fan with foreign leaders.

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27 minutes ago, candall said:

But there's no way we can depend on everyone cosseting our Big Baby In Chief indefinitely.  He's so notoriously thin-skinned--one suspicion at anything less than complete respect and admiration and boom, International Incident Twitter Insult. 

Oh yeah, I know it won't last forever. But they will probably continue to think him an idiot. 

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17 minutes ago, izabella said:

I thought China issued some kind of WTF statement and Obama had to clean up Trump's mess and soothe their anger by telling them US policy toward "One China" has not changed.  Trump - and China - won't have Obama around soon, so that's when the shit will start hitting the fan with foreign leaders.

Yes, I think the fact that he's not yet POTUS gave China wiggle room to not react the way they would have otherwise. That won't be forever.

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I hope people will really push back on this new thing with Trump that even anti-Trump journalists are selling--the "post truth" or "post factual" world we now supposedly live in because of his election.



There is no such thing as "post factual" just because our new president is a pathological liar. It's called "lying", pure and simple. Or  at least "saying things he should know are false".  The president should be held accountable for what he says--and for not lying to us. He should be expected to be truthful and factual -- and, where he has been actually misinformed and accidentally speaking in error, he should be expected to correct the inaccuracy immediately.

No "one standard of truth for everyone" well, except a different standard of truthfulness for Tubby. Don't let him get away with lying (which he does all the freaking time)--and definitely don't think of some bs new name to call it.

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Joining the chorus, with Duke Silver, Chicken Wing and many others:

If you’re looking for an uplifting post, you're in the wrong place.

This one is another reminder that not only has the Republican president-elect Hair Gropenführer continues to undermin faith in American democracy by confirming an long-standing and outrageous paleo-con lie about millions committing voter fraud to award his opponent a record-breaking popular vote victory, but since this weekend, the four most powerful Republicans beneath Hair Gropenführer on the dance card are on record abetting that lie.

House Majority Leader Paul Ryan says it doesn’t matter to him if Trump is lying or not. Senatortoise Mitch McConnell says the claim is “irrelevant.” Reince Priebus says hey, maybe 2.6 million and counting really DID vote illegally. VP-elect Funda-gelical Pence says lies about big, important things are just self-expression, so ... SQUIRILL!

A clear pattern has worn a deep path, that can be seen by satellite:

1. Hair Gropenführer says or does something outrageous through wounded vanity or rank ignorance.
2. Republican leaders rush to normalize the action or statement, regardless of the danger to the nation.
3. Trump’s business associates and/or the Republican Party, and media of all stripes capitalize on the fallout.

It’s an astounding combination of political cowardice and opportunism — without precedent in my lifetime, I think.

I suspect the Taiwan call fallout had similar origins, and it is being handled in similar fashion. Just as needy adulation junkie Hair Gropenführer is constitutionally (i.e., personal, not national constitution) unable to admit defeat on any level, he is also compelled to take a congratulatory call from an important person, so he took the call from Taiwan.

At first, official DC was shocked, and their disapproval caused Hair Gropenführer to double-down with anti-China tweets. Then Republican stooges like Tom Cotton and everyone’s favorite No Labels poster boy John Huntsman stepped forward to proclaim it a bold new direction in Chinese-American relations. Former-Senator Bob Dole pipes up that his lobbying association was instrumental in Taiwan and Hair Gropenführer politically unsound phone call.

Hair Gropenführer critics have noted ties to Taiwanese commercial interests in his inner circle and corporate interests, intimating that there might be a sharp (if treasonous) business strategy behind the seemingly ham-handed diplomatic imbroglio. Maybe. The evidence that Team Gropenführer  is approaching his impending presidency as a world-historical grift opportunity is unmistakable.

But I think even these less flattering interpretations give Hair Gropenführer too much credit. Hair Gropenführer is a conman, but only his inherited wealth and connections plus a flair for tacky showmanship allowed him to grift at the highest levels. If not for the machinations of Fred Trump, Donald would likely be pitching shady timeshare deals to senior citizens in a third-rate Orlando hotel’s Mickey Mouse Room.

I see nothing in his business background that suggests Hair Gropenführer is a genius and much to suggest the opposite, so until confronted with evidence to the contrary, I’ll assume he’ll continue to make blunders that are wholly motivated by rage, rank ignorance and/or insecurity, in response to stimuli that arise by chance or are concocted by associates who hope to benefit from Hair Gropenführer’s thoroughly predictable responses.

And the amoral shell of a party that was the object of Hair Gropenführer’s hostile takeover will continue to put its donor's political objectives over the nation’s interests, as long as Hair Gropenführer is useful to them. It’s not surprising that the GOP would hitch its wagon toHair Gropenführer; they’ve been putting party over country since the end if WWII.

 I confess to being a little surprised at the speed and scale of the corruption and graft. The mainstream media has demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that it isn’t up to the task of exposing Hair Gropenführer or holding his feet to the fire of his criminality. The Republican Party at the highest levels has traded the appearance of patriotism for a spot at the trough. If this country is to be saved before it collapses and is sold off piece by piece, it’s really is up to us now.


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McCain is outraged to be asked about Donald Trump, even specifically about his tax plan. https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/the-fix/wp/2016/12/06/john-mccains-impossible-mission-to-not-talk-about-donald-trump/

"Outrageous and ridiculous that people like you keep asking me about him."

Uh, senator? He's going to be President of the United States and he's a Republican, just like you. Unlike your friend Lindsay Graham, you did NOTHING to try to stop him. Look forward to four years of being asked about him. You supported this disaster by your basic silence and now--he's yours to support and defend. Enjoy.

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I still think "economic anxiety" is bullshit code for other things, but....hey, Rust Belt:  SHOCKER!!!  The GOP doesn't care about your economic anxiety.  They only want to foster more faux conservative beliefs in less government (which inevitably equates to UNequal justice; worse education for all but the wealthy, leading to a dumber & dumber electorate)...  Stuff like this is only the beginning; have fun choking on the lies that you lapped up.


Fight over 'Buy America' provision erupts in Congress


Oh, and I know Trump supporters will just plug their ears & feign ignorance, but remember that PEOTUS himself loves using Chinese steeel in his building projects.

Edited by Duke Silver
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1 hour ago, Padma said:

McCain is outraged to be asked about Donald Trump, even specifically about his tax plan. https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/the-fix/wp/2016/12/06/john-mccains-impossible-mission-to-not-talk-about-donald-trump/

"Outrageous and ridiculous that people like you keep asking me about him."

Uh, senator? He's going to be President of the United States and he's a Republican, just like you. Unlike your friend Lindsay Graham, you did NOTHING to try to stop him. Look forward to four years of being asked about him. You supported this disaster by your basic silence and now--he's yours to support and defend. Enjoy.

Exactly.  His trying to act brand new is supremely disingenuous when one considers that he couldn't stop flapping his dentures about everything President Obama did.  He sounded like such a bitter bitch.  He criticized everything the new president did and figuratively slapped Obama's hand away when he dared to reach out to him in a conciliatory manner.  He--and Senator Graham--were on virtually every Sunday morning talk show kvetching about Ambassador Susan Rice, etc.  McCain even launched an all-out assault against Rice and his smear campaign of her was despicable.  For example, he attacked her over the Benghazi attack, incredibly claiming she was "not very bright."  Let that sink in for a moment.  This is coming from a bitter old fucker who picked Sarah Palin as his vice president.

McCain even wanted a Watergate-style investigation into the Benghazi attacks.  Meanwhile, all his old ass had to do was attend a closed door hearing on the matter, which he couldn't be bothered to do.  Evidently, it was more satisfying to him to go on publicly attacking Ambassador Rice and President Obama.  

But, now he wants to be closed-mouthed about Drumpf?  Yeah, right.  He knows good and well he was in the fight of his life in Arizona this year and he needed Drumpf's base to help him hold onto his seat.  Anytime a man is too chickenshit to defend his own war record against a known draft dodger, it tells you everything you need to know about him.  

Hmmmm... maybe McCain is also afraid that reporters will start suggesting that birds of a feather stick together since both he and Drumpf's tempers are well documented, as well as their blatant disrespect of their respective wives.*

*Yes, I actually went there because I am that bitch this afternoon.

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Sigh. I vaguely remember a time when I respected and actually liked John McCain. That was a long time ago. Pre-Sarah Palin.

As a Daily Show viewer, I found it interesting to watch Jon Stewart lose respect for and then become disgusted by McCain, since it largely mirrored the trajectory of my own feelings. 

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2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Anytime a man is too chickenshit to defend his own war record against a known draft dodger, it tells you everything you need to know about him. 

That's the part I really don't understand. Never mind the rest of the weasel Republicans, so eager to wrap themselves in the flag any chance they get, but how could McCain ignore the hateful things Trump said about him, and slither over into Trump's camp?  I didn't go through what McCain did, but if anyone disparaged my military service like that, they would regret the day they were born.

2 hours ago, Pixel said:

Sigh. I vaguely remember a time when I respected and actually liked John McCain. That was a long time ago. Pre-Sarah Palin.

I could have almost voted for him in 2000, but after W's minions did a hatchet job on him in the primaries, he sold his soul to the far right to get the nomination in 2008.  I still can't believe that a rational person would think Sarah Palin would be the right person to have one old-man's heart beat away from the Presidency.

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"If I had to do it over again, I'd make up bullshit about bone spurs. I think he was onto something. Also, I would've picked somebody other than Palin. Man, a female vice-presidential candidate . . . I was so cynical about voters back then. Still am."

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

As a Daily Show viewer, I found it interesting to watch Jon Stewart lose respect for and then become disgusted by McCain, since it largely mirrored the trajectory of my own feelings. 

Yes! Yes, yes, and yes!

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56 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

That's the part I really don't understand. Never mind the rest of the weasel Republicans, so eager to wrap themselves in the flag any chance they get, but how could McCain ignore the hateful things Trump said about him, and slither over into Trump's camp?  I didn't go through what McCain did, but if anyone disparaged my military service like that, they would regret the day they were born.

And it wasn't just McCain himself he would have been defending. It would have been ALL POWs whose suffering and sacrifices Trump had insulted and demeaned.  His silence was...deplorable.

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1 hour ago, Padma said:

And it wasn't just McCain himself he would have been defending. It would have been ALL POWs whose suffering and sacrifices Trump had insulted and demeaned.  His silence was...deplorable.

My Father was a POW in WW2 and when Trump made that remark about Sen. McCain being captured, I had steam coming out of my ears!  Outrageous & beyond the pale!  I cant believe Sen.McCain did not come out strongly against Trump and defend the bravery of POWs.  Ugh, Trumpster is a Coward as well as a hater, liar, con-man, and all the rest!

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2 hours ago, Padma said:

And it wasn't just McCain himself he would have been defending. It would have been ALL POWs whose suffering and sacrifices Trump had insulted and demeaned.  His silence was...deplorable.

And as Thing made the remarks there was laughter in the audience. Laughter!! Like he made some hilarious joke. There should have been gasps and crickets chirping . 

McCain rolling over was a true humiliation, not only for himself but every veteran and POWs . 

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1 hour ago, BuckeyeLou said:

My Father was a POW in WW2 and when Trump made that remark about Sen. McCain being captured, I had steam coming out of my ears!  Outrageous & beyond the pale!  I cant believe Sen.McCain did not come out strongly against Trump and defend the bravery of POWs.  Ugh, Trumpster is a Coward as well as a hater, liar, con-man, and all the rest!

Remember when John Kerry was running? I remember some Republicans would wear little band aids as their way of saying that JK didn't deserve his Purple Heart, basically mocking his 'boo boo." I was amazed that these same idiots claimed to respect the military so much. They'd never put their fat asses anywhere near danger and they're mocking somebody for not getting shot in a place think this is serious enough? That right there laid out what they really think of the military.

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On December 6, 2016 at 11:56 PM, Lantern7 said:

Watched The Daily Show tonight. I know what China will do. They're going to recall the pandas from Atlanta, Nashville and San Diego. Mark my words. Also, I'm certain YKW will use the word "irregardless" at the State of the Union.

ETA: Forgot about Washington. That would really stick it to the US.

The Tennessee pandas are in Memphis.

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My bad. I still say the pandas are as good as gone.

Oh, and two-time Senate failure Linda McMahon is getting a post. Seriously hate the "president-elect." Like I said, I view the WWE as something that should be nuked from orbit. Why give Vince's sister a plum job?

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22 hours ago, Chicken Wing said:

Such obnoxious turds those Repugnican politicians are, huh?

Come on, Kasich. Veto that bitch. 

I wouldn't count on it.  For all that he tries to pass himself off as a "moderate" Republican (to the extent there's any such thing in existance anymore), he's always been very anti-choice and very pro abortion restriction/oulaw.

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Here's a list of Time's Persons (and Things) Of The Years. Lots of grimy people got the title, so YKW getting the mark doesn't bug me. In 2001, the Mayor of New York won. I think "Giuliani" is Italian for "Right Guy, Right Place, Right Time."

ETA: I know about Kasich thanks to Samantha Bee. Is there a high-ranking Republican that doesn't invite scorn? I consider myself a liberal, so maybe I'm not the right person to ask that question.

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I am still alive. I am in public meetings that don't get me back to the hotel until 9 PM, and the government hotel I am staying in is on a defense base. I cannot get Internet on my personal computer, so it is extremely tough to reply or write posts from my phone. (My conspiracy theorist mind thinks this is somehow by design.)

People do speak about Trump and the election but not as much as I thought. They claim they did it because he will be good for defense and "stop these terrorists from killing cops." The last is a verbatim quote. 

Actually, instead of directly talking about the election, they talk more derisively of Hillary, Pres. Obama, and democrats in general.

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1 hour ago, Hanahope said:

I wouldn't count on it.  For all that he tries to pass himself off as a "moderate" Republican (to the extent there's any such thing in existance anymore), he's always been very anti-choice and very pro abortion restriction/oulaw.

Yep. Which isn't a good thing. But hopefully people will still bug the hell out of him about it. Even if it passes, at least he'll know that his constituents sure as hell don't want it.

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18 hours ago, Padma said:

And it wasn't just McCain himself he would have been defending. It would have been ALL POWs whose suffering and sacrifices Trump had insulted and demeaned.  His silence was...deplorable.

THIS^^^^^ Yes. rump made me livid. I'm not a vet , but I know plenty. rump made me sick for many reasons,but especially this. And he weaseled out of service which adds insult to injury.

I'm so disappointed in McCain on this though. I wish he'd have torn rump a new asshole .

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16 hours ago, callmebetty said:

And as Thing made the remarks there was laughter in the audience. Laughter!! Like he made some hilarious joke. There should have been gasps and crickets chirping . 

McCain rolling over was a true humiliation, not only for himself but every veteran and POWs . 

YES>.... it sickened me.

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26 minutes ago, Enigma X said:

I am still alive. I am in public meetings that don't get me back to the hotel until 9 PM, and the government hotel I am staying in is on a defense base. I cannot get Internet on my personal computer, so it is extremely tough to reply or write posts from my phone. (My conspiracy theorist mind thinks this is somehow by design.)

People do speak about Trump and the election but not as much as I thought. They claim they did it because he will be good for defense and "stop these terrorists from killing cops." The last is a verbatim quote. 

Actually, instead of directly talking about the election, they talk more derisively of Hillary, Pres. Obama, and democrats in general.

Good to hear from you! And thanks for that quote. And.... really, people?

Interesting that it's less "Trump is wonderful" and more how awful Democrats are. I hear that here, too, and wonder, how long can they keep that up?  It's the one consolation I have that Republicans controlling all three branches. "You broke it, you own it."  I suppose as everything starts to go to hell they can still use "It would have been worse with Hillary" for a little while. But not for very long!

In a few months, Trump supporters will be singing a different tune. Glad that at least you're not swamped with lots of gloating about the election and our new glorious leader.  Sounds like you're doing well (even without internet access on pc at hotel!) Stay sane!  We're rooting for you, there in the "belly of the beast".  :)

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30 minutes ago, Padma said:

Recount stopped in Michigan because, per judge, Stein has no right to request it since she has no chance of winning.  So much for the rights of voters to know their elections are fair. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/federal-judge-weighs-end-michigan-recount-44027308

Yep. And that's NOT what she was going for in the first place. She was doing it regardless of the party just to see if things were rigged. But of course... they'd stop it in Michigan. Red lining, Gerrymandering... and election fraud, all in the name of getting Hair Gropenfuhrer elected.

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2 hours ago, Enigma X said:

I am still alive.

Yay! Glad you're okay.

1 hour ago, Duke Silver said:

To this POS, any non-white is an "awfully bad person."  I know it sounds quaint of me to say, but I never anticipated an openly racist Congressman from Iowa.  A friend of mine in Iowa City who is in med school there, says King might run for Governor w/ Branstad leaving to become ambassador to China...



Rep. Steve King: ‘Some Awfully Bad People’ Among DREAMers

Off-topic, but slightly related (& apologies for the language here, mods, if this is inappropriate): during the trial of the racist fuckwit (I WON"T USE HIS NAME) that shot up the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church one of the witnesses spoke of the fuckwit & his racist views:


Ms. Sanders testified that her wounded son managed to tell Mr. Roof that he did not need to continue shooting, that they meant him no harm. “I have to do this,” she quoted the gunman as responding, “because y’all are raping our women and y’all are taking over our world.” That, she said, was “when he put about five bullets in my son. I couldn’t move. I was just waiting on my turn.”

Heart-Rending Testimony as <<I WON'T USE HIS NAME>> Trial Opens

Also sickening in that: "OUR" women, "OUR" world.

Edited by fastiller
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Here's a list of Time's Persons (and Things) Of The Years. Lots of grimy people got the title, so YKW getting the mark doesn't bug me. In 2001, the Mayor of New York won. I think "Giuliani" is Italian for "Right Guy, Right Place, Right Time."

I mean Hitler and Stalin (twice) are on that list so I wouldn't crow about it too much. Also, Newt Gingrich. But for real, Time, where the ladies at? Almost 90 years and this is the best you could do?


In 1999, the title was changed to Person of the Year.[4] Women who have been selected for recognition after the renaming include "The Whistleblowers" (Cynthia Cooper, Coleen Rowley and Sherron Watkins in 2002), Melinda Gates (jointly with Bill Gates and Bono, in 2005), and Angela Merkel in 2015. Prior to 1999, four women were granted the title as individuals: three as "Woman of the Year"—Wallis Simpson (1936), Queen Elizabeth II (1952) and Corazon Aquino (1986)–and one as half of the "Man and Wife of the Year", Soong Mei-ling (1937).[5] "American Women" were recognized as a group in 1975. Other classes of people recognized comprise both men and women, such as "Hungarian Freedom Fighters" (1956), "U.S. Scientists" (1960), "The Inheritors" (1966), "The Middle Americans" (1969), "The American Soldier" (2003), "You" (2006), "The Protester" (2011) represented on the cover by a woman, and "Ebola fighters" (2014).

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