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14 minutes ago, candall said:



I bow down to you for this!

I'm gutted guys after the Newsweek article and nothing being done. I've resigned to fate. I'm just going to lie down in this snowpile, leave me a grenade and I'll take a few out with me when I go. The fire is going out. 

Edited by callmebetty
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16 minutes ago, Enigma X said:

I am serious. Has anyone who has been appointed by the carpetbagger an expert in the area they were chosen to run?

From what I have gathered, they are all demolition experts in those areas.

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29 minutes ago, callmebetty said:

I bow down to you for this!

I'm gutted guys after the Newsweek article and nothing being done. I've resigned to fate. I'm just going to lie down in this snowpile, leave me a grenade and I'll take a few out with me when I go. The fire is going out. 

Even before the article, I was pretty much with you. I am truly feeling like we now have proof that we are not truly a democracy and many of our supposed leaders (the GOP) do not actually care to try to preserve it when doing so goes against their selfish interests. I have generally always known that they cared more about "winning" or other things more than they cared about the people they are supposedly governing for, but seeing the neverending evidence to this extent is astounding. I'm having a hard time being positive and imagining that we will get through this like the other side supposedly "got through" Obama's presidency, considering that our entire democracy wasn't being threatened. Maybe we're more headed the ways of the ancient democracies that ultimately fell. :-( Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm having a hard time thinking positively right now. If humpty trumpty had won fair and square and there were no questions, I would have still been horrified and afraid for the future of our country. Yet I wouldn't have necessarily doubted the US as a democracy. But I can't see any of this playing out in a way that shows us reinforcing our democratic ideals. We're not going to have a new vote, the electors aren't going to decide to go with the popular vote, even if electors went with an alternate republican - the fact that a republican was the leader would have come out of questionable means that led to the original republican being voted in....

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It's like football.  Some people cared about the Patriots' many cheating scandals and Brady's inflated balls, and some people were all, "hey, whatever it takes to win, everyone cheats."

The complicity of the Republicans in supporting Trump's election, their silence on or outright support of his Cabinet picks designed to dismantle every government institution that actually protects Americans, all in favor of allowing banks, insurance companies, pharmas, oil companies, and other corporations to loot and pillage America, and their deafening silence on Trump's conflicts of interest as well as the Russian election hacking scandal, along with the public's continued support of Trump in the face of all this shows me exactly how shaky our democracy is. 

Unless Congress gets off its self-interested ass and fights against the obvious, Putin is going to be managing this country from his dacha in Sochi.  Trump thinks he can deal with Putin on business level and that makes them friends.  Trump is a fool giving away the keys to our country.  He does not see Putin's long game.

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13 hours ago, backformore said:

(if someone could teach me how to post twitter messages so that they LOOK like twitter messages, please help me)

It's really easy.  Click on the  tweet you want to embed, and copy that tweet's address as shown in your web browser's address bar (by highlighting the address, right clicking your mouse, and choosing "copy").  Come back to the forums here and right click your mouse in the box where you compose your posts.  Choose "paste."  The tweet should automatically embed.  Hope that helps :)   

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3 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

They're not even trying to hide it, FFS....

Priebus: Trump won't rule out lifting Russia sanctions

If I have to hear another Trump supporter say "geez, he isn't even in office yet, quit judging him!" it's likely I'll need a lawyer.

IIRC this is exactly the concern that was raised months ago when Paul Manafort's ties to Russia and other foreign despots were outed.  In fact, Rachel, LOD and a couple of others even mentioned how quietly the GOP platform regarding how to deal with Russia was changed behind the scenes by Drumpf's advisers.  They raised the alarm months ago about the likelihood that Manafort and others will work on Drumpf to lift the sanctions against Russia.

This is yet another reason why Vlad despised Hillary, who more than likely would have continued the Obama administration's policy on Russian sanctions.  And, check out how easy it was for him to get the tangerine turd to flip.  All he had to do was mention that Drumpf was "brilliant," have the word totally misinterpreted by an egocentric jackass and voila!  I've yet to hear Drumpf criticize Vlad.  Neither did his surrogates, including Ghouliani (who now finds his ass out in the cold with Jersey Boy Bully Christie).

As for those who want us to quit judging the 70-year-old titty baby, what's the matter?  Afraid that the judgment is more of a reflection on you since you voted for this treacherous fool?  They can go to the Coliseum in Rome and take several seats.

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I'm not saying there's a reason to be optimistic, but passivity and despair make me feel worse, so I'm trying to just get out of my feelings entirely and do what feels right, for the inherent value in that, not because I am hopeful but because I'd rather maintain my own moral momentum even if the end of the world is nigh.

When SNL reviews become the sole content of Voice of America, the dismantling of the content board will seem so good for the country.

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So the recounts were shut down (except Wisc).  When they started officials in several states said "Oops! We gave him thousands of votes too many! My bad."

Neither media nor Dems made anything of it.

Now, because of those "errors", the final difference between them in 3 states--even with two states not having to do recounts--dropped from 107,000 to 84,000 (or so),  That's WITHOUT any recounts in MI and PA.  And yet, media and Dems are still the same, "Nothing to see here."

I envy Republicans their passion and insistence on challenging and highlighting EVERYTHING that might benefit them in some way.

But, no.  The narrative is not 22,000 fake votes for Trump.  It's "Look! He got 138 more in Wisconsin thanks to the recount!"

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This is yet another reason why Vlad despised Hillary, who more than likely would have continued the Obama administration's policy on Russian sanctions.  And, check out how easy it was for him to get the tangerine turd to flip.

Yeah, there was even some letter/email uncovered during the election, I remember listening to either CNN or MSNBC, and one of the reporters describing what was in this letter from Hillary to Obama on how to deal with Vlad. I believe it was her advice upon leaving the SOS position, telling Obama not to invite Vlad to something, not to even acknowledge him until....I can't remember the rest. But it was definitely a look into how she would have dealt with Vlad.

True patriot she is, now we're stuck with a traitor. 

Edited by Keepitmoving
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5 hours ago, VMepicgrl said:

Even before the article, I was pretty much with you. I am truly feeling like we now have proof that we are not truly a democracy and many of our supposed leaders (the GOP) do not actually care to try to preserve it when doing so goes against their selfish interests. I have generally always known that they cared more about "winning" or other things more than they cared about the people they are supposedly governing for, but seeing the neverending evidence to this extent is astounding. I'm having a hard time being positive and imagining that we will get through this like the other side supposedly "got through" Obama's presidency, considering that our entire democracy wasn't being threatened. Maybe we're more headed the ways of the ancient democracies that ultimately fell. :-( Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm having a hard time thinking positively right now. If humpty trumpty had won fair and square and there were no questions, I would have still been horrified and afraid for the future of our country. Yet I wouldn't have necessarily doubted the US as a democracy. But I can't see any of this playing out in a way that shows us reinforcing our democratic ideals. We're not going to have a new vote, the electors aren't going to decide to go with the popular vote, even if electors went with an alternate republican - the fact that a republican was the leader would have come out of questionable means that led to the original republican being voted in....

I've been down there where you are.  (Including somber meditation on the hubris and inevitable plight of former superpowers.  So long, Qing, Persian, Roman, British Empires.)

But last week I mentioned on the DT thread that my spark had completely guttered out and someone very kindly said, "Understandable!  Take a break--we're holding your seat on The Resistance bus."

Savings your spots, V, Betty!  (May I call you that?)  Rally back when you're able.

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1 hour ago, Duke Silver said:

O.k.....I've had a crazy day, so maybe I missed it:  I know many here (with good reason) are down on the NYT....but I'm surprised I haven't noticed anyone posting/talking about their #RussianHack article:


The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S.

It was hard to read that. 

The FBI knew the Russians were hacking the DNC and chose not to tell anyone at the DNC except some lowly help desk guy who thought he was being pranked for months, thus allowing the Russians a leisurely stroll through the poorly funded and poorly protected DNC network.  By the time anything was done, the Russians had moved on to Podesta. 

I have no words.  None.

Edited by izabella
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Scientists are trying to archive as much climate change data as they can just in case the new administration tries to do something.

Source: msn.com

I'm glad that they're doing this.

Wow. Nothing like infighting. It's certainly not needed at this point in time. And going by some of what's in this article, it's looking like bs in part.

Source: msn.com

What the German spy chief said pretty much counters what this other guy said. I take his word more seriously to be honest.

Source: theguardian.com

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31 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

What the German spy chief said pretty much counters what this other guy said. I take his word more seriously to be honest.

Source: theguardian.com

This is the scary part Trump doesn't see.  Putin won't be satisfied doing oil deals with America.  If his hacking and propaganda efforts succeed in ousting Merkel next year, he's poised to trample all over Eastern Europe and Europe.  And he will.

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3 minutes ago, izabella said:

This is the scary part Drumpf doesn't see.  Putin won't be satisfied doing oil deals with America.  If his hacking and propaganda efforts succeed in ousting Merkel next year, he's poised to trample all over Eastern Europe and Europe.  And he will.

And the thing is, he doesn't care. He's a narcissist. And so is Putin. But Putin wants power. And is willing to do whatever it takes to get it. Drumpf just wants to protect his oil interests, his towers, golf courses and help his buddies ruin the US.

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The map of Europe, in all likelihood, will be different 4 years from now.  A couple weeks ago, I posted a Reuters story about Merkel, basically asserting that she stands alone to stop Russia.  How prescient.

I've already spoken w/ people who express lack of caring about Russia.  Trump & gang know most Americans are too disengaged to care about anything beyond their home towns much less half way around the world.  The looting & graft will be on an epic scale, and people will be fine with it as long as the "cultural" stuff is taken care off.  Actually, check that, there will be a prize Trump must provide: a few more manufacturing jobs in the Rust Belt.  Then he is free to loot all he wants.

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4 hours ago, candall said:

I've been down there where you are.  (Including somber meditation on the hubris and inevitable plight of former superpowers.  So long, Qing, Persian, Roman, British Empires.)

But last week I mentioned on the DT thread that my spark had completely guttered out and someone very kindly said, "Understandable!  Take a break--we're holding your seat on The Resistance bus."

Savings your spots, V, Betty!  (May I call you that?)  Rally back when you're able.

Yes, you may call me V, Betty. 

As they should https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2016/12/13/energy-dept-rejects-trumps-request-to-name-climate-change-workers-who-remain-worried/?tid=sm_tw&utm_term=.f48ce9720a4c


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The year still ain't over. Alan Thicke, TV's Jason Seaver, died at 69. Not related to the president-elect, but still sad, especially since I saw a commercial with him doing tax relief stuff. And I'm willing to bet that the ads on XM will continue without interruption. Once again, to quote John Oliver: "Fuck you, 2016. Fuck. YOU."

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2 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

As more & more info comes out about this Russian hacking, the more amazed & aghast I am! Unbelievable, what a topsy-turvy world we live in:  the Repubs who fought against the Russians for years, are now "A-OK" with the President-elect being 'pals" with a Russian dictator...sheesh.  And the Repubs just shrug their shoulders over what the CIA & Intelligence agencies are saying.

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29 minutes ago, Zuzubee said:

I know this sounds off the current discussion but just have to get it off my chest. Hope you can bear with me.

I'm a baby boomer. Grew up in a blue collar union family. Didn't have much but got by. First college graduate. Married blue collar union guy, electrician IBEW. Because of this, I am now, 65, living on social security and union pensions from both my late husband and my own work record. I have solid health insurance. I'm doing OK.

I don't say this to gloat, I actually say this in sadness because you 20, 30, 40 year olds are not going to have this ever in the current political climate. Unions have their faults but gave me this life after 40-50 years of work. They no longer exist for most of you.

I was a Bernie supporter because I hope for everyone who works hard to have what I have. This is how it should be. But it's not. What happened? 

My life experience, for what its worth, tells me that when people organize and fight for their own and others self interest, everyone benefits. It really is us against them, the 1 percent.

Every American is entitled, yes, entitled, to what I have. Except, if things keep going the way they are, they aren't going to have it. My heart breaks for my children and grandchildren. This election has blown my mind.

Fight, folks, like they did in the 1930's and 1940's. Let history be your guide. There is power in numbers.

As a political junkie, can't even get into what this all means globally. My head will explode.

Yep, as a Grandma, I too worry about the world my Grandchildren are going to grow up in, Sigh~~Those who dont learn from History, are doomed to repeat it.

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1 hour ago, BuckeyeLou said:

As more & more info comes out about this Russian hacking, the more amazed & aghast I am! Unbelievable, what a topsy-turvy world we live in:  the Repubs who fought against the Russians for years, are now "A-OK" with the President-elect being 'pals" with a Russian dictator...sheesh.  And the Repubs just shrug their shoulders over what the CIA & Intelligence agencies are saying.

The selfish of the Republicans blows my mind.  Unless they're completely stupid, and I know many are not.  They can see that the man lies, many should be able to see that he is not emotionally stable, and yet they don't care.  They're in power and they don't care how they got it or how destructive it will be to the country they claim to love.

On the other hand, this is the party that ran Reagan for a second term when he was already showing signs of Alzheimer's.

13 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

They're not even trying to hide it, FFS....

Priebus: Trump won't rule out lifting Russia sanctions

If I have to hear another Trump supporter say "geez, he isn't even in office yet, quit judging him!" it's likely I'll need a lawyer.

I hate the "Give him a chance".

This is the chance. And he's showing he's completely in competent.

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To paraphrase Ben Parker: "With great power comes great irresponsibility." Before the election, I asked people on Facebook what comic book character the would-be president reminded them of. Somebody suggested Iron Man. Even if he did get shrapnel near the heart, he'd still be a war profiteer. He's more Obadiah Stane. Or the Mandarin. Well, the Mandarin as played by Ben Kingsley.

Not nitpicking . . . was Alzheimer's a "thing" in the mid-Eighties?

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6 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

O.k.....I've had a crazy day, so maybe I missed it:  I know many here (with good reason) are down on the NYT....but I'm surprised I haven't noticed anyone posting/talking about their #RussianHack article:


The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S.

Interesting article. But IF the FBI really wanted to give Clinton a serious warning about hacking, why would they keep contacting some guy at the help desk who obviously wasn't knowledgeable about cyber security and wasn't even sure he wasn't being punked?  No one thought of reaching higher up in the organization for such a "crucial" piece of information? Really?

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8 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

To paraphrase Ben Parker: "With great power comes great irresponsibility." Before the election, I asked people on Facebook what comic book character the would-be president reminded them of. Somebody suggested Iron Man. Even if he did get shrapnel near the heart, he'd still be a war profiteer. He's more Obadiah Stane. Or the Mandarin. Well, the Mandarin as played by Ben Kingsley.

Not nitpicking . . . was Alzheimer's a "thing" in the mid-Eighties?

As someone very firmly on the Tony Stark defense squad, I feel very strongly about this. Drumf wishes he could be the hero Tony has proven himself to be, he's not half the man Tony is. Tony stopped making weapons in favor of making clean energy fully knowing his company would take a hit, Drumf just cares about himself and scamming others out of money. He ain't no hero. 

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1 hour ago, galaxygirl76 said:

As someone very firmly on the Tony Stark defense squad, I feel very strongly about this. Drumf wishes he could be the hero Tony has proven himself to be, he's not half the man Tony is. Tony stopped making weapons in favor of making clean energy fully knowing his company would take a hit, Drumf just cares about himself and scamming others out of money. He ain't no hero. 

Tony probably has way more money than Trump as well. 

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No moss grows on this rolling stone ...


There is a Call to Action underway coming out of the Technoscience Research Unit at the University of Toronto, and happening at the Faculty of Information.

Two professors are calling on citizens to figure out if they "Care about Trump, data, or the environment?" Volunteersare invited to join in a full day of hackathon activities in preparation for the Trump presidency.

This event collaborates with the Internet Archive’s End of Term 2016 project, which seeks to archive the federal online pages and data that are in danger of disappearing during the Trump administration. This event is focused on preserving information and data from the Environmental Protection Agency, which has programs and data at high risk of being removed from online public access or even deleted. This includes climate change, water, air, toxics programs. This project is urgent because the Trump transition team has identified the EPA and other environmental programs as priorities for the chopping block.


In other fun science news:

President-elect Hair Gropenführer has called global warming “bullshit” and a “Chinese hoax.” He has promised to withdraw from the 2015 Paris climate treaty and to “bring back coal,” the world’s dirtiest, most carbon-intensive fuel. The incoming administration has paraded a roster of climate change deniers for top jobs. On Dec. 13, Hair Gropenführer named former Texas Governor Rick Perry, another climate change denier, to lead the Department of Energy (DoE), an agency Perry said he would eliminate altogether during his 2011 presidential campaign.

Just days earlier, the Hair Gropenführer transition team presented the DoE with a 74-point questionnaire that has raised alarm among employees because the questions appear to target people whose work is related to climate change. The questionnaire has been bluntly characterized by one DoE official as a “hit list” – is starkly reminiscent of the worst excesses of ideology-driven science, seen everywhere from the U.S. Red Scare of the 1950s to the Soviet and Nazi regimes of the 1930s.

74-question document distributed to the Department of Energy workforce

The questionnaire asks for a list of “all DoE employees or contractors” who attended the annual Conferences of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – a binding treaty commitment of the U.S., signed by George H. W. Bush in 1992. Another question seeks the names of all employees involved in meetings of the Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Carbon, responsible for technical guidance quantifying the economic benefits of avoided climate change.

It also targets the scientific staff of DoE’s national laboratories. It requests lists of all professional societies scientists belong to, all their publications, all websites they maintain or contribute to, and “all other positions… paid and unpaid,” which they may hold. These requests, too, are likely aimed at climate scientists, since most of the national labs conduct research related to climate change, including climate modeling, data analysis and data storage.

On Dec. 13, a DoE spokesperson told the Washington Post the agency will not provide individual names to the transition team, saying “We are going to respect the professional and scientific integrity and independence of our employees at our labs and across our department.”

Why does the Department of Energy conduct research on climate change? A better question might be: How could any Department of Energy fail to address climate change?

The President-elect’s cabinet appointments speak to the harsh reality that this is an anti-science Administration, and the witch hunt has just started.

Resist the lies. Speak the truth. Join us. Call your representatives -- House of Representatives  and U.S. Senators

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President-elect Hair Gropenführer

I don't refer to him as that, because Gary Trudeau tagged Ah-nuld with that label when he became governor. He was represented by a giant hand. Seriously hoping Gary doesn't go away, even though Doonesbury is weekly these days, and he hasn't addressed what happened.

For history, I suggest we dub November 8, 2016, as "The Day America Crapped The Bed." It's not September 11, December 7, or the day of the Boston bombing, but I think it's a tragedy in its own right. Of course, if You Know Who winds up getting denied his prize, I'll have to revise my thinking.

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7 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

I don't refer to him as that, because Gary Trudeau tagged Ah-nuld with that label when he became governor. He was represented by a giant hand. Seriously hoping Gary doesn't go away, even though Doonesbury is weekly these days, and he hasn't addressed what happened.

For history, I suggest we dub November 8, 2016, as "The Day America Crapped The Bed." It's not September 11, December 7, or the day of the Boston bombing, but I think it's a tragedy in its own right. Of course, if You Know Who winds up getting denied his prize, I'll have to revise my thinking.

Well Drumpf is just as bad. So I call him that as well. I hope he doesn't either.

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5 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Well Drumpf is just as bad. So I call him that as well. I hope he doesn't either.

My brother & sister-in-law had been referring to him as "d RUMP" (as in: areshole) and then their 8-year-old daughter said calling people names is bad.  So, I think that it is still their "adult" nickname for him. 

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2 minutes ago, fastiller said:

My brother & sister-in-law had been referring to him as "d RUMP" (as in: areshole) and then their 8-year-old daughter said calling people names is bad.  So, I think that it is still their "adult" nickname for him. 

Ah. That's fair enough. Any name fits there, given that he's a sociopathic, narcissistic bully.

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That sounds like a witch hunt.  Senator McCarthy would be proud.

12 hours ago, Padma said:

They must be called out for lying, and not allowed to pretend that it's "something about the world we live in now" with such aggravating and fake "innocence".

What boggles my mind is that they are called out, as Trump was called out repeatedly, and they don't care.  When the NY Times interviewed Trump and confronted him on all the lies he told during the election campaign, his response was "I won".

It's the same with people who voted for him, and even people like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney. It doesn't matter what he does, how much he lied, how dirty the game, they won. And that's all that counts.

13 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Not nitpicking . . . was Alzheimer's a "thing" in the mid-Eighties?

I don't know how much the general population knew but yes, dementia was well known among the medical and scientific community.

In his speeches, Reagan conflated his movies roles with his own life and talked about things he had done which were part of roles he had played.  How can people close to him not have noticed that?

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

In his speeches, Reagan conflated his movies roles with his own life and talked about things he had done which were part of roles he had played.  How can people close to him not have noticed that?

they noticed.  That's why Nancy was glued to his side, helping correct his forgetfulness or misstatements.  They just didn't care because he's a Republican and they wanted a Republican in office as President and the public thought he walked on water because he was a good enough actor to deliver speeches well that riled up the base.  

The Republicans also propped up GWB, who was hardly a mental giant.  But, Republican as President, do or die! The Republicans would even support Putin for President if he called himself a Republican...oh, wait, that's exactly what they are doing now.

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I sit here, morbidly fascinated by so many things, but the process part of my brain is locked-in on what back room arm twisting/deals are being conducted right now.  NSA-to-be, General "Nutjob" Flynn has had a ton of negative press the past week especially.  It makes me wonder if a deal will be cut:  "Trump, jettison Flynn & we'll give you Tillerson with minimal (for the cameras), fuss."  I know some Dems, actually in the party structure I mean...who DESPISE Flynn/are legit scared of him.  I can see something like this happening.

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I wish there were marches on Washington and daily protests in front of Trump tower, and across the country demanding to know wtf is going on with Trump's connections to Putin, the hacking, and the potential damage to our country if the EC derelicts in their duty to prevent a treasonous, unfit man as President.

I am stunned that people are just la-la-la about the Russian election hacking scandal and how close Trump and his Cabinet picks are to Russia.  Do Americans just not give a shit?

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2 minutes ago, izabella said:

I wish there were marches on Washington and daily protests in front of Drumpf tower, and across the country demanding to know wtf is going on with Drumpf's connections to Putin, the hacking, and the potential damage to our country if the EC derelicts in their duty to prevent a treasonous, unfit man as President.

I am stunned that people are just la-la-la about the Russian election hacking scandal and how close Drumpf and his Cabinet picks are to Russia.  Do Americans just not give a shit?

Oh they do. But a lot of them have jobs and probably aren't able to take time off to do so. They'd be at risk of losing their jobs. So there's that.

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1 minute ago, izabella said:

I wish there were marches on Washington and daily protests in front of Trump tower, and across the country demanding to know wtf is going on with Trump's connections to Putin, the hacking, and the potential damage to our country if the EC derelicts in their duty to prevent a treasonous, unfit man as President.

I am stunned that people are just la-la-la about the Russian election hacking scandal and how close Trump and his Cabinet picks are to Russia.  Do Americans just not give a shit?

It's a total lack of leadership within the Democratic party. No fire, no passion. From the top on down. 

As usual, when they're not campaigning.  Republicans stay fired up 24/7, always ready to pick a fight.

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1 minute ago, Padma said:

It's a total lack of leadership within the Democratic party. No fire, no passion. From the top on down. 

As usual, when they're not campaigning.  Republicans stay fired up 24/7, always ready to pick a fight.

Yea in regards to those in Congress. Those on the ground care.

Yep and that's scary and concerning in and of itself. They keep the crazy on day in and day out.

Dems have to step up.

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:shrug:  I'm passionate about things, but sorry, no way I can spend days...weeks, protesting in front of Trump Tower.  I make a nice living, but I'm not independently wealthy.  There are more effective ways at resisting than holding signs anyway, IMHO.  I mean, all of it matters, don't get me wrong.

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3 minutes ago, Padma said:

It's a total lack of leadership within the Democratic party. No fire, no passion. From the top on down. 

I'm so pissed about this.  Where is Diane Feinstein, who was Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee until last year?  Where is Elizabeth Warren?  The Democrats need to be speaking out on this on a daily basis and asking for an independent commission to investigate, like with fucking Benghazi and 9/11 and Monica Lewinsky?  Where is the outrage and where are the statements saying something like, "We don't want to believe Trump is connected to the Russian hacking scandal, but where there's smoke, there's fire, and his Cabinet picks are flaming Commies so maybe we should figure this out BEFORE we put a Commie in the White House?"

I need them making statements and demanding information in PUBLIC on a DAILY basis to keep this front and center on the news, and to light a fire under the Republicans who are happy to hush it all up as long as there is a Republican in the White House.

1 minute ago, Duke Silver said:

:shrug:  I'm passionate about things, but sorry, no way I can spend days...weeks, protesting in front of Trump Tower.  I make a nice living, but I'm not independently wealthy.  There are more effective ways at resisting than holding signs anyway, IMHO.  I mean, all of it matters, don't get me wrong.

Protestors would at least keep the cameras there, and force the media to report on it every day.  I'm so pissed that the media doesn't have this as their top story every single day.

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8 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

:shrug:  I'm passionate about things, but sorry, no way I can spend days...weeks, protesting in front of Drumpf Tower.  I make a nice living, but I'm not independently wealthy.  There are more effective ways at resisting than holding signs anyway, IMHO.  I mean, all of it matters, don't get me wrong.

That's me too. I agree on that. But occasionally protesting doesn't hurt. Poking from more than one angle -- meaning calling those in Congress, etc about it and what not as well could help too.


6 minutes ago, izabella said:

I'm so pissed about this.  Where is Diane Feinstein, who was Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee until last year?  Where is Elizabeth Warren?  The Democrats need to be speaking out on this on a daily basis and asking for an independent commission to investigate, like with fucking Benghazi and 9/11 and Monica Lewinsky?  Where is the outrage and where are the statements saying something like, "We don't want to believe Drumpf is connected to the Russian hacking scandal, but where there's smoke, there's fire, and his Cabinet picks are flaming Commies so maybe we should figure this out BEFORE we put a Commie in the White House?"

I need them making statements and demanding information in PUBLIC on a DAILY basis to keep this front and center on the news, and to light a fire under the Republicans who are happy to hush it all up as long as there is a Republican in the White House.

I know this isn't much, but try contacting her: http://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contact

And here's one for Elizabeth Warren: https://www.warren.senate.gov/?p=email_senator

Speaking of the latter... she condemned the wrong guy, someone who supported Hillary Clinton.

Source: nytimes.com

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