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Season 7 Discussion

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This was a surprisingly good episode. It had all of the usual problems associated with this show trying to do issues, but if you can get past that the actors did a great job with the material. And it wasn't quite as heavy handed as the last couple years have tended to be. It did feel like there wasn't quite enough space for both non-Potter storylines and they might have been better off dropping one, But it is always nice to see Erin, who has basically been carrying this season, as well as Jamie having a story that was not about putting him together with Eddie.

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There was an awful lot of plot in this episode. And I'm always a bit wary when the show tackles race relations. This was one of its better efforts I think but Potter feels too much of a stereotype to me (although they tried to humanize him).

Bruce McGill looked as if he had the time of his life playing a smarmy villain full of fake Southern charm. I did wonder though why nobody ever bothered to check traffic cams of that transport right before the accident.

My favorite scene was Garrett doing his Sid impression, that was great. And one tiny nitpick - all Reagans incl. Linda are shown as devout Catholics - there's no way Linda would not have known that that quote was not St. Matthew (unless the show is buying into the old Catholics-don't-read-the-Bible-stereotype).

Edited by MissLucas
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That was 3 episodes of plot all in one. It was good, but too much.

 Jamie shooting a cops son 3 times I think was a bigger story they portrayed. Frank & Danny were too busy with the Potter plot to be apart of the Jamie plot.

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When Eddie and Jamie become overly involved in a complicated adoption case between the birth and adoptive parents, they ask Erin to help them settle the dispute without going to court. Also, Frank looks into reports of NYPD cadets cheating on their psychological exams, and Danny learns that Jack plans to enlist in the Marines after graduation.


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When Danny accepts a side job as a bodyguard for a recently released ex-con who took the fall for someone else, he uses the opportunity to go after the real criminal. Also, Gormley’s wife, Sheila, asks Frank to give Gormley a bigger command position, and Jamie and Eddie witness a lovers’ quarrel between two cops that leads them to reflect on their own complicated relationship.



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I really liked the Frank plot. It doesn't stand up to much scrutiny if you know anything about the issues involved, But if you can past that it was a good story. And if you can't why are you still watching this show? I like seeing Jamie and Erin working together, but wasn't there a way to do this plot without having Jamie and Eddie act like complete fools with no sense of boundaries? Maybe have them have to take everyone in at the beginning and then turn to Erin to try to keep the kid out of potentially going into the CPS system? Or have this be a recurring issue on their beat and they sense that there was something hinky going on more than they were being told? The basic idea had potential, but the only way the execution could have been worse is if Jamie and Eddie ended up adopting the kid themselves. And as far as the Danny is concerned I feel the same way about his plot as I do about Jack joining the Marines. Better this than him out on the street getting into trouble and beating people up. And it was nice to see Amy Carlson getting something to do. Maybe next episode they'll remember that Len Cariou is a great actor who can do more than sit at the table drinking wine and listening to Frank pontificate too.

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2 hours ago, CooperTV said:

Jamie and Eddie witness a lovers’ quarrel between two cops that leads them to reflect on their own complicated relationship.

If this inspires them to give up on the relationship entirely this will be my favorite episode of the season. Action Hero Danny notwithstanding. I fear we are headed in a different direction though...

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I wondered if the discussion between Erin and Jamie at the end of the episode was intended to foreshadow a major career change for Jamie.  He wants to help people in a way he cannot as a police officer.  Call me crazy, but I could see him as a priest.   (They would never do that because they need him as a romantic lead, but it would really fit his personality.) 

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1 hour ago, TVFAN said:

I wondered if the discussion between Erin and Jamie at the end of the episode was intended to foreshadow a major career change for Jamie.  He wants to help people in a way he cannot as a police officer.  Call me crazy, but I could see him as a priest.   (They would never do that because they need him as a romantic lead, but it would really fit his personality.) 

You're right. He does feel compelled to go above and beyond what his role is supposed to be. He did go to law school, and a few seasons ago was to start a mental health task force for police officers.  It's somewhat clear that he won't make detective, so what is Jamie's plan? I don't think riding around in a squad car for the next 10 years with Eddie does either of them any favors. 

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This was some serious feel-good stuff right there, if it was a mixed bag mostly! So many nice character moments that were moved to foreground while the cases (if you could call them that) were there only as frames for the characterization. But also the custody battle nonsense where Jamie looked like unreasonable ass for no reason, and Erin had to deal with crap he left for her. Like, Jamie was completely obnoxious ass, and I was on Eddie's side the whole time! WTF are you doing, show? I cannot be on Eddie's side!

The Erin/Nicky subplot was probably the strongest, though. I'm glad we had a glimpse in Erin Reagan's head, and Bridget Moynahan, who I usually don't particularly enjoy as an actress, sold the hell of that scene where Nicky was fighting with Erin.

Jack wanting to be a Marine could had have more impact if this storyline just didn't happened on NCIS NOLA couple episodes back. I'm pretty sure they even rehashed half of the NOLA's dialogue here. Although, Danny/Jack and Danny/Linda scenes were good.

The vet cheating on the exam was for some reason really interesting for me to watch because I like boring subplots about red tape, I guess.

The dinner scene was great.

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I spent most of the episode thinking is Jack old to graduate and think about the Marines. How old is he exactly and how long have I been watching this show. 

Oh and its okay with me if they send Nikki away to school, she can take Eddie with her to be her chaperone or something also.

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When he was driving in the car with Danny, I was on the lookout for an accident. He kept turning to talk to Danny, and I thought there was going to be an accident that would have solved the Marines issue.

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On 1/7/2017 at 0:43 PM, TVFAN said:

I wondered if the discussion between Erin and Jamie at the end of the episode was intended to foreshadow a major career change for Jamie.  He wants to help people in a way he cannot as a police officer.  Call me crazy, but I could see him as a priest.   (They would never do that because they need him as a romantic lead, but it would really fit his personality.) 

I don't think Priest, but him as a lawyer is making me wonder if he won't become a public defender and being going up against Erin. He totally should become someone who tries to help the people who can't afford it.

I kind of wish Jack didn't change his mind so fast, him going to Marines would have been a good long term plot.

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First off, how does a high school senior get to January without discussing with his parents whether he's going to apply to college?  Erin and her daughter spent months talking about whether she was going to go away or apply to a NYC school.

In addition to being policemen and former military, a lot of the Reagans are also college graduates.  Uncle Jamie didn't become a cop until after he'd graduated from Harvard Law School.  What is the rush to join the Marines before college?  It's not like the kids who join up because can't find jobs and can't afford  to go to college.  If he really wants a military career, join ROTC and get an education at the same time.

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Odd episode - I don't know what to think of Frank's plot. Was the test really designed to keep vets out of the police corps? And if so, the solution to the problem can't be the commissioner interviewing all vets every year personally.

As for Jaimie and Erin's plot: Jaimie should have told the birth-parents that he would see what can be done for them and give them his number. Then ask Erin for the contact info of good family law lawyers and hand that over to them. Problem solved without a lot of sibling drama. But if that's what triggers Jaimie to question and rethink his career choices I'm okay with it. I'd actually like to see him become a priest - it's not as if the show has really made an effort establishing him as a romantic lead. And adding a priest to the Sunday dinner discourses would be quite interesting. Speaking of which: I'm glad somebody finally voiced exasperation with that sort of commitment and it was discussed. Is this every Sunday? Does Linda not have a family who would like to see her too from time to time?

Apparently glasses are not by default a problem when joining the USMC (contacts are). Grandpa sure had the annoying old geezer volume cranked up to the max. Everybody was willing to accept that Linda was not going to play the Spartan mother even if they disagreed with her - but he did his best to rile her up. I was quite happy with Jaimie giving him some lip. From the little we've seen of Jack so far I think he made the right decision in the end. As did Danny whose speech in the car was really good, as was Wahlberg's little hidden smile at the end.

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First off, how does a high school senior get to January without discussing with his parents whether he's going to apply to college? 

I may have missed when he mentioned he was a senior as the actor will be 17 in April.  Wouldn't that make him a junior?  With all the hand wringing about Nicky, I'm expecting to have something similar for him since he seems to get more B plot storylines than his brother. 



In addition to being policemen and former military, a lot of the Reagans are also college graduates.  

I don't think Danny went to college, it seems that he did odd jobs (club bouncer, construction, selling aluminum, etc.) before and after the Marines before he was a cop.  That could have inspired Jack to take a similar route. 


This was a mixed episode.  Jamie gets involved in a lot more domestic issues ever since he got partnered with Eddie, especially when there are kids involved. 

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I have always thought Jamie should be a public defender.   Remember a former episode where Frank and Erin made a mention of Jamie being a priest.  

    The adoption seemed odd.  The adopted father did not want the child. The biomom kept saying she didn't know what she was signing.  What did she think she was signing?  

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When diplomatic immunity complicates a child abuse case for Danny and Baez, Frank intervenes, despite not having jurisdiction on the case. Also, a robbery occurs while Eddie and Jamie are on a double date with Eddie’s boyfriend and his sister, and they are forced to step in.

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4 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Frank talked about how lucky he was to grow up in such a great family.  Have we ever heard mention of Frank having brothers and sisters?

He had a older brother who died when he was a toddler from leukemia, I think, before Frank was born.

So, about the episode.

I had the impression while watching they fused completely unrelated storylines in one ball of "WHAT" this episode. Usually Blue Bloods has a theme that weaves a common thread through all stories, and this one was lacking. We had a weird sitcom-y like story with Syd's wife and her wanting Syd to have a promotion, and this C plot also involved Frank's birthday somewhat. I mean, Syd/Garrett/Frank moment in the office was a comedy gold but it had nothing to do with... anything. Oh, and Frank had a talk with Baker, who is a sweetheart, as per usual. I guess?

Danny's storyline was mostly him being a vehicle into this messy ex-con trying to make amends to his family stuff. I do wish they'd make Danny go undercover as this dude's bodyguard from the beginning, though. It was convoluted and made no sense for him to be a cop and noone having any suspicions about why he was hanging out around Ernie. While I was interested in Ernie's plight, it was also kind of random story that was there. And the resolution was really sad. Plus it was cut extremely weirdly at the end with Frank's birthday party, i got a wiplash.

Can Eddie and Jamie go away forever with those stories that parallel their non-existent romantic build-up? Look, I ship best friends to lovers. I like when partners fall in love and stay together and have babies and live happily ever after. But Jamie and Eddie are not it for me. They're boring and obnoxious. Go. Away.

Edited by CooperTV
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The good news was: Baker was given more than 10 words!  Frank seems to appreciate her a lot and never says it!


The bad news was: most of it.  It was also strange that it focused solely on the adult men of the family: all the females and Danny's sons were in the final scene and that's it.



Usually Blue Bloods has a theme that weaves a common thread through all stories, and this one was lacking.

Totally agreed.  Sometimes the theme is loose but it mostly works when they are able to tie the 3 story lines together with the theme even when they were standalone plots.  This didn't have any of them, they were just plot lines that didn't mesh at all.



Plus it was cut extremely weirdly at the end with Frank's birthday party, i got a whiplash.

Especially this.  One shot, Danny is sad as to what happened to Ernie, though it was telegraphed once his son said yes to having dinner (and any time I think someone is going to die, I hear Desmond from Lost "You're gonna die, brotha" in my head.)  Next shot, it's "happy birthday Francis!" Gah? (Incidentally, Tom is turning SEVENTY TWO on the 29th and he looks fantastic.)

The more I see the show trying to push Eddie and Jamie together, the more I'm not amused with it.  It was just weird, jarring and made me tune out completely.

Edited by mtlchick
tvaddict44 corrected me and I thank them :)
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4 hours ago, CooperTV said:

So, about the episode.

I had the impression while watching they fused completely unrelated storylines in one ball of "WHAT" this episode. Usually Blue Bloods has a theme that weaves a common thread through all stories, and this one was lacking. We had a weird sitcom-y like story with Syd's wife and her wanting Syd to have a promotion, and this C plot also involved Frank's birthday somewhat. I mean, Syd/Garrett/Frank moment in the office was a comedy gold but it had nothing to do with... anything. Oh, and Frank had a talk with Baker, who is a sweetheart, as per usual. I guess?

Danny's storyline was mostly him being a vehicle into this messy ex-con trying to make amends to his family stuff. I do wish they'd make Danny go undercover as this dude's bodyguard from the beginning, though. It was convoluted and made no sense for him to be a cop and noone having any suspicions about why he was hanging out around Ernie. While I was interested in Ernie's plight, it was also kind of random story that was there. And the resolution was really sad. Plus it was cut extremely weirdly at the end with Frank's birthday party, i got a wiplash.

Can Eddie and Jamie go away forever with those stories that parallel their non-existent romantic build-up? Look, I ship best friends to lovers. I like when partners fall in love and stay together and have babies and live happily ever after. But Jamie and Eddie are not it for me. They're boring and obnoxious. Go. Away.

Yeah you're right. Once again I'm amazed by the lack of basic competence in the writing on this series. Why not make the Jamie & Eddie plot something involving family issues? Or if you're not going to do a common theme why insist on giving us more of the worst plot ever instead of giving us more Erin who has basically been carrying the show this year? Maybe something on her own without Anthony since we have a lot of Danny already. And yes the ending of the dreary Danny story that it was one of the most forgettable I've ever seen was weirdly structured and I have to assume that it was a deliberate choice on the part of the writers and producers since this show is usually so well put together. This whole episode felt like it was shot from a first draft or something.

59 minutes ago, mtlchick said:

The good news was: Baker was given more than 10 words!  Frank seems to appreciate her a lot and never says it!

Yes it was nice to see her given something to do. There is so much underused talent here. I wonder if they could find a way to do mini webisodes or something that would just be stories with the secondary characters (except Eddie) off on their own. Make them DVD bonus material too. I'm glad they're all getting paid, but it would just be nice to see these fine actors get some decent material more than a couple times a season.

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47 minutes ago, tvaddict44 said:

At our age we feel each one of the years.  He'll actually be 72  - I only know that because he's 6 months younger than me.  He's aging much more gracefully though....

You don't have a team of makeup artists, lighting techs and other specialists to help you out though. Not to mention control over the lens which the rest of the world sees you through (literally). So it's not really a fair competition. And I would say that if you don't put a can of black shoe polish in your hair that you are probably actually the one aging more gracefully even if more obviously.

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And yes the ending of the dreary Danny story that it was one of the most forgettable I've ever seen was weirdly structured and I have to assume that it was a deliberate choice on the part of the writers and producers since this show is usually so well put together.

Upon further reflection, Danny has done side work as a bodyguard before but that brought the discussion with Linda about "it's better money, should he leave the force, etc."  Not only there was no discussion about this even though there was a greater likelihood this would go sideways faster, but I did wonder if he kept the 5K  he was already given or felt that he couldn't cash it after what happened?

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I like Jamie and Eddie and I think they have chemistry. I like their banter I was surprised to see the "boy scout" essentially suggest they sleep together. Jamie's always been my favorite character.

I felt bad the guy Danny was protecting got killed at the end. Ughhh.. 

I love this show. I love the Regan family. 

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I am sorry to those that like Eddie and Jamie together, I think they are okay as partners but more no. Those cringe worthy crap she was saying to him about her being so good if he hit it like he would be spoiled forever. Shame on the writers it was so awful, and I cannot believe they made it through that scene.

Sucked the guy died when there was a chance of him connecting with his kid. I was good to hear more than two words from Baker I like her.

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5 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Those cringe worthy crap she was saying to him about her being so good if he hit it like he would be spoiled forever. Shame on the writers it was so awful, and I cannot believe they made it through that scene.

It was so embarrassing! I was thinking "You did not just said that, ugh". Jamie just stood there with a plastic smile glued on, it was awkward and uncomfortable to watch. I think their chemistry got progressively worse since that time Eddie confessed her feelings, and there had been not much to begin with.

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I thought that it was also cringe worthy that Sid's wife came to Frank to beg him to give Sid a better job. If I were Sid, I would be so pissed at her.

Sid seems to love his current job and Frank did create it for him and gave him a promotion to boot.

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13 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

I am sorry to those that like Eddie and Jamie together,

Actually one of the many things that confuses me about this show is that I can't figure out exactly who it is that likes them together or wants to see them romantically involved. My parents watch this show and have said how much they don't see it. One of my clients at work has mentioned his love of the show unprompted more than once and is the target audience for this show (middle aged conservative bring back TV like it was when Reagan was president type) has said this is the one part of the show he hates. My SO says she doesn't see any chemistry there. And on the rare occasions I see any mentions of this series on social media or online I don't see the shippers out in force. Who exactly thinks this is good television or something people want to see?

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13 minutes ago, wknt3 said:

Who exactly thinks this is good television or something people want to see?

I definitely saw one or two Jamie/Eddie (Jeddie? Ranko? Jeagan?) shipper in the wild, maybe even on TV Line! I was really confused.

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This is the  third show this week that has parents fretting about college. College isn't for everyone and forcing or assuming that the kid is going is an expensive lesson. Give the kid options and help them figure it out. It doesn't have to be college. 

Don't care about the Jamie/Eddie stuff. 

Baker is pregnant. Is the actress pregnant too?

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I liked what they did with Eddie and Jamie. I like them as partners. Hopefully, their exchange shut the door on a romantic relationship. I just don't care about the private lives of people in a cop or medical show. I do, however, like the family dinners. Can't imagine dragging myself to one of those every single week. Maybe they'll shake things up a bit in an episode and have one of Pop's former co-workers show up for dinner. (I'm seeing Sidney Poitier.)

Thought it a little odd that Frank wouldn't remember a birthday disaster. Who'd forget a thing like that? Was it so traumatic that he blocked it? Somehow I doubt that.

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2 minutes ago, mojito said:

Thought it a little odd that Frank wouldn't remember a birthday disaster. Who'd forget a thing like that? Was it so traumatic that he blocked it? Somehow I doubt that.

I think from Frank's conversation with the Pops it was stated that he had remembered. Maybe he just didn't connect the dots with his usual birthday mood and had to be reminded, idek.

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9 minutes ago, mojito said:

Frank asked his father if something of significance or bad (don't remember exact wording) had ever happened on his birthday. 

"Pop, anything bad happen on my birthday when I was a kid?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, I don't know, plane crash, ship sunk, something like that."

"No, nothing like that."

"Just that Ranger game when you turned nine."

"I remember. What do you remember?"

"Oh, you just moved to a new school, so I got tickets to the game for all the boys in your new class."


"And I'd gotten the date I gave their parents mixed up. So you and I arrived and, uh... None of the boys showed up."


So he remembered the event but doesn't remember the details, because childhood trauma, I guess.

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I liked the interaction between frank and baker. It was nice to have her actually be a participant in a conversation for once. I did call the end though, as soon as Pops told him what happened at the Rangers game lol! But it was still cute, if a bit out of place given the previous scene in the bar.

jamie/Eddie, really who gives a damn? Certainly not I. For my part they can both disappear tomorrow and not be missed. Their conversation sounded like that of high school kids, not two grown late-20s to early 30s adults.

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I think I spotted some Eddie/Jaimie shippers once or twice - they're a rare breed, tv line seems to be their natural habitat.

I thought there was a theme to this episode: Reagans making bad decisions, acting out of character. The moment Danny agreed to the bodyguard job it was clear things would end badly. Frank listening to Gormley's wife and then act on her 'order' and send Gormley to a tv interview makes only sense if it was supposed to be a cruel joke/reverse psychology - Frank would normally know Gormley good enough to realize that Mrs Gormley was more talking about her own wishes than those of her husband and he would also know that Gormley would hate doing a tv interview. And Jaimie all of sudden deciding that it was a great idea to to the deed after having witnessed how badly things can go south for partners/lovers was mindblowingly OOC.

But at least Baker got a nice scene.

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Ive said it before, but I wish they would put Jamie in another department, narcotics ( young looking to pass in undercover etc), new department that has a lot of written law, anything to advance him. He just seems stuck.  Stuck in job, stuck with romance/no romance with partner, No advancement

Still love Tom.

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It really was nice for Baker to have more than 10 words. The actress keeps her private life out of the spotlight, and I sort of like that her pregnancies get written into her character without being a huge thing- Abigail Hawk is pregnant, so Abigail Baker and her yet-unseen-TV husband also have a baby. When Sid presented the restaurant gift certificate to Frank, he said it was from "...me, Garrett and Abigail;" this may be first time I've heard anyone call her by her first name instead of just "Baker." 

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A parole officer's romance with an ex-con leads to a possible cover-up in a gang leader's shooting. As Danny and Baez investigate the murder, Frank tries to halt further violence by talking to a rival gang leader who once killed a police chief.


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This episode was terrible.

Danny and Baez are on child abuse case... for some reason? Danny and Baez are talking with a minor about his abuse without Child Service officer present... for some reason? Deputy of the Secretary of State is against removing a child from abusive family because they have diplomatic immunity? The abused wife killing his diplomat husband instead of walking away? What is happening?!

Oh, you can miss me with all that Eddie and Jamie forced romance stuff and the writers' attempts at being topical about gender equality issues. Eddie is still the worst and always lashes out at innocent people (like Jamie) when she has issues, and Jamie is a complete pushover/doormat to her. Because gender equality, see! It's feminism when a woman is self-involved passive-aggressive brat and treats everyone around her like crap!

Eh, nice story about Joe's ex-fiancee, and nice moments between the Reagans, especially between Danny and Erin in the court.

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I liked a few things about the show. And hated many more. I liked the Joe plot although I don't understand why that the skepticism went straight to "her fiancee must be trying to score brownie points and show he's tight with the Reagans." Wouldn't a better starting point be "maybe she doesn't really want us there because it's a reminder of a hugely traumatic event, but she felt obligated'? I liked Erin. Once again she is the underappreciated MVP of this season. I would have loved to have seen her in a better story and given more material to work with, but I liked what we saw. And I liked that this show provided more evidence for my theory that the best way to reduce crime in NYC is to forget about stop and frisk and broken windows and just make a rule that the Reagans aren't allowed to eat out, get coffee, sit in parked cars, etc. They are obviously magnets for crime in their downtime. At this point I am wishing the show would just get on with it and prove me right about another pet theory - anybody except Amy Carlson who gets involved with a Reagan is doomed. Give me a marriage and a tragic painful death! Will Estes sitting around the house with Len Cariou and Tom Selleck wearing sweaters! Come on writers you can do this!

Edited by wknt3
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Eddie already has a new boyfriend? That was fast. I rather Jamie with the boyfriends sister or anyone other than her.

I liked the Joe's ex plot. Happy they went for her and for Joe's memory.

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I liked the Eddie-Jaimie subplot (never thought I'd type those words). Yes, it's just another step towards the inevitable but at least it brought up a couple of interesting points, so there's that.

As for the child abuse case - the list of people claiming diplomatic immunity being arrested (and later released) is long and depressing. The case in this episode seems to be based on this one (also depressing).

Having the mother shoot the father was the easy way out for the writers though in real life more troubles would follow. I guess the home-country would ask for the extradition of the wife who after all killed a diplomat in cold blood. And she would probably face the death penalty and Malik would end up an orphan. The State Department lady who happened to be in the unfortunate position of being at receiving end of Frank's mighty pontificating might resign at the prospect of dealing with yet another diplomatic crisis courtesy of the Reagans.

But instead nothing was really resolved at all, we got a harsh cut to the Reagans in their Sunday best going to a wedding and that was it. Looks like the writers have been biting off more than they could chew and just decided that wedding bells make everything go away.

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