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S06.E07: Heartless

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In a flashback to the Enchanted Forest, Bandit Snow dodges a bounty hunter known as the Woodcutter while shepherd David goes on a fateful journey to sell his family’s farm. In Storybrooke, the Evil Queen threatens to destroy the town and everyone in it unless Snow and David surrender their hearts. As Emma, Hook and Henry prepare to defend Storybrooke, Snow, David and Regina search for a magical sapling created by the first spark of true love. Regina uses Gold’s and the Evil Queen’s burgeoning romance against them, and Zelena offers Belle some friendly advice.

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My thoughts as I watched the episode:

Enchanted Forest Charming cut his hair!  I’m kind of disappointed but I’m sure Josh doesn’t miss the Fabio wig.  This is certainly turning into the Season of Haircuts, first Rumple, now EF Charming.

Blue Fairy looked like a pretty tough customer with that axe during the fight scene with Snow.  I wouldn’t want to run into her in a dark alley. 

So the Woodcutter has a medieval but mobile version of a Police Call Box in the woods?  Also, Charming’s dog is a really poor judge of character. 

A magic sapling?  Is that the best magical item the writers can come up with?  It’s not even as interesting sounding as the Shears of Destiny.  Even Hook agrees (“magic baby tree thing”) 

Ewwww, Regina is confirming “chemistry” with Rumple – damn retcon.   AAACK! Show writers, didn’t I politely request after the last episode no more kissing between Rumple and EQ?  I even said I’d rather eat grapefruit and boiled mackerel.  PLEASE NO MORE I BEG YOU! 

I did enjoy seeing the Charming and Snow scenes; after season 1 ended those moments became far fewer.  There was a nice scene with Hook and Emma too, all about hope.   So, EQ got Snow’s and Charming’s heart(s) and then immediately returned them, blabbing some nonsense about making them feel her pain?  All that build up and effort for this?  Lame writing.  But it was interesting how the sleeping curse could transfer itself back and forth between them.  Reminds me of Ladyhawke.

It was fun seeing Zelena turning green again.  Nice continuity.  And now she’s pissed off Rumple.  We’ll see if he takes revenge a second time.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Worsel said:

Ewwww, Regina is confirming “chemistry” with Rumple – damn retcon.   AAACK! Show writers, didn’t I politely request after the last episode no more kissing between Rumple and EQ?  I even said I’d rather eat grapefruit and boiled mackerel.  PLEASE NO MORE I BEG YOU! 

But the look on Hook's face and Emma's reaction was everything that is good in the world. 

Terrible episode. Retcons, continuity errors, pointless flashbacks... very weak. The sleeping curse concept was clever, but I doubt it will last for very long. The Sapling didn't need to exist. I don't believe that Snow and Charming were True Loves before really even meeting each other. 

I really hope Rumple doesn't end up killing Zelena.

My favorite part of the episode was all the WTF expressions after hearing about Golden Queen. Hook's was the funniest.

  • Love 7
Just now, InsertWordHere said:

The cuteness of Snowing and CS almost makes up for the extreme awkwardness I felt watching Regina describe her chemistry with Gold. 

Yup.  There seems to have been a pretty universal reaction cringe from the fandom in regards to that ship, that I don't think A&E were banking on.  Plus, I don't see how Rumple/Belle could believably reconcile after that.  I don't care if they were on a break.  Usually, I agree with the concept that "on a break" means you aren't cheating.  However, if it's "True Love," instead of just regular love-love, you should be able to keep your tongue in your own mouth even on a break.


This episode was . . . different.   There were parts of it I liked very, very much.  Extra Evil Regina was legitimately creepy and menacing.  They used Snow and David in a reasonable way--they weren’t retconned into idiots with an eggbaby plot.  Goodwin and Dallas really do play well off each other when they’re given something to work with.    It almost seemed like an episode from a different, alternate, better universe.

Yeah, we've seen variations of some of it before, but it's been so long since we've had a good episode, especially for Snow and David, that I was almost grateful.


Even Belle was a more interesting character than I’ve found her before.  


But, there were some things I got stuck on.


Why is this Extra Evil Regina still obsessed with getting revenge on Snow?  It doesn’t track, for me.  This is supposed to be the evilest impulses of the current, modern Regina.  Shouldn’t her current rage be directed at something involving Robin?  


I’d still probably roll my eyes, but I’d understand her being rageful at Zelena, or Emma, or even Rumple, due to events leading up to Robin’s death.  I’d even get (although my eyes would probably hurt) if she were targeting Emma because Emma was splitting part of Henry’s affections.   


But, Snow didn’t have anything to do with Regina’s latest heartbreaks.  Extra Evil Regina being focused on Snow makes her  seems less like a break-off of modern Regina, and more like time-traveled Regina

  • Love 11

the never ending sleeping curse, is a good twist. 

Everything that got to that point was stupid (and i missed the opening but i bet that was dumb too). 

wouldn't Charming + Snow have recognized each other's voices from the first time they've met. (answer. yes. hence flashback, YOU ARE A LIE). 

Zelena turning green because of... the scene that must not be mentioned, or that she's not EQ's special snowflake? 
The Scene that must not be mentioned. burn it in a fire, and then shoot the ashes into the sun. 

Rumple's fear of failing was touching but a big bwahaha of Belle basically calling him a coward. but I don't care.

(sigh). this season is sucking the joy out of me. 

  • Love 2

The curse was clever.   But its kind of funny that its like an actual manifestation of the writing where either Charming or Snow can get a storyline but not both at the same time.

I wonder if they will just keep kissing each other and trade off waking and sleeping hours.  Or is Charming going to be out for the count.  Will anyone think to have them record messages for each other on their phone?  Will someone tell Snow to calm down, kiss David, and take a nap?

FINALLY!  In one episode this show became watchable again (except for the make out montage...my eyes).

Slow clap for storytime with Hook and Emma!  A real conversation in the middle of chaos, so sweet and lovely.

Regina gets points for knowing what's probably going on with EQ and Gold and sending Zelena in was genius!  Loved everyone's reactions to the news that the EQ and Gold have always had chemistry.

Belle was awesome as well, she could forgive if he was evil but he can love so he's just a coward.  Rumple, never changing or learning since 300 years ago...

EQ sending Snow back into the woods butterfly coffin was predictable but the twist, THE TWIST! Is genius.  Also I would guess they Josh and Ginny like it because one parent could be at home with their little kids.

  • Love 8

Killian's face while Regina was talking about the Rumple/EQ situation was my everything. His face was my face. Yuck. I love that everyone was disgusted. 

Belle, at the end, giving Rumple the business. YES! Zelena...sleep with one eye open. Rumple is gonna come for ya. 

Story time with Killian and a hand smooch? I am there for that. 

Interesting twist with the curse.

Next week looks...whatever. 

  • Love 7

The first half was boring, but the second half had some positive stuff which saved the ep.


Regina saying "chemistry" was a good line reading by LP, and I did like the character's reactions to it. You could see Hook choke back some vomit lol.

Snowing flashbacks. Josh and Ginny have changed so much throughout the course of the show, and I couldn't help but think of their real life fairy tale. 

Colin's accent was extra yummy and Hook reassuring Emma was very sweet.

Belle grew a backbone! This is the best writing she's ever gotten on the show.


Dan Scott "The woodcutter" was a cartoon. The prop department also failed with those axes. They looked so fake. Same with the rock Snow picked up.

Sapling of true love? Why is this a thing? Why do we need a new magical object every episode? Why do Emma and Regina drive places when they could poof there?

Zelena's jealousy; this character serves no purpose.


Sleeping Curse: Could be interesting if it's not resolved in one episode. Not excited for Emma/Regina team-up next week.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Mari said:

So, does this confirm that Snow and David don't truly love Emma, or would the transfer kiss curse her, too?

It wouldn't affect her, but the other parent would still fall asleep.


I think the curse is on the split heart, so even if someone else kissed them awake, one would still have to sleep. 

Yeah, this.  The curse is on the heart, it's not a matter of who wakes who up, just that as long as one of the carriers of the heart is awake, the other must sleep.  The only feasible way to break this kind of curse is to get both of them asleep and then have both of them kissed at the same time.

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Mathius said:

Yeah, this.  The curse is on the heart, it's not a matter of who wakes who up, just that as long as one of the carriers of the heart is awake, the other must sleep.  The only feasible way to break this kind of curse is to get both of them asleep and then have both of them kissed at the same time.

So Regina or Emma just need to spell Snow to dream about David and put them in bed together.

I wonder if a kiss is the only thing that wakes the other or if just dozing will wake the other one up.

10 minutes ago, Mari said:

But, Snow didn’t have anything to do with Regina’s latest heartbreaks.  Extra Evil Regina being focused on Snow makes her  seems less like a break-off of modern Regina, and more like time-traveled Regina

That was what was bothering me so much through the whole episode. This isn't supposed to be the Evil Queen from the height of her evil transported to the present. This is all stuff that was inside Regina at the time she was split, meaning that this was what was inside Regina while everyone else has been friends with her, while they were doing everything to help her get a happy ending. It goes back to our recent discussion in the Relationships thread and in the Regina thread about why it matters that she hasn't ever really apologized or said she was over her hatred of Snow and desire for vengeance. The truth is that she apparently isn't over it.

11 minutes ago, Sarcastica said:

Killian's face while Regina was talking about the Rumple/EQ situation was my everything. His face was my face.

I have to bless the editor for giving us that cutaway. I'm sure they filmed a bunch of takes of that scene from a variety of angles, then picked the bits to put in. And how could they resist that particular shot?

There was a lot of dust in the air during the storytime with Hook and Emma.

I'm trying to figure out how this fits into the timeline. It seems to be the time when Snow decided to become a bandit. But David had short hair, when he had the long, floppy hair at the time Rumple and George made him take James's place. Was there enough time for his hair to grow out again? And once he had the cute short cut, why on earth would he grow the mop out again?

  • Love 4

As much as I like seeing Belle stand up to Rumple, what she was saying was kind of ridiculous. if you're just plain evil, you can be forgiven, but being afraid makes you weak and that cannot be forgiven? What kind of morality lesson is that? I understand what she was getting at, it just came off as strange logic to me. I still don't understand why Rumple is with the evil queen. I'm guessing he's just playing along because he'll need her for something in the future.

I wasn't really a fan of the retcon of Snowing's first meeting. And for them to not realize until now that they had met earlier seems a bit implausible.

I loved the CS scene, especially the hand kiss!

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

This is all stuff that was inside Regina at the time she was split, meaning that this was what was inside Regina while everyone else has been friends with her, while they were doing everything to help her get a happy ending. It goes back to our recent discussion in the Relationships thread and in the Regina thread about why it matters that she hasn't ever really apologized or said she was over her hatred of Snow and desire for vengeance. The truth is that she apparently isn't over it.


I'm trying to figure out how this fits into the timeline. It seems to be the time when Snow decided to become a bandit. But David had short hair, when he had the long, floppy hair at the time Rumple and George made him take James's place. Was there enough time for his hair to grow out again? And once he had the cute short cut, why on earth would he grow the mop out again?

It means we're stuck wondering, again, why Regina bothered to form what seems to be an affectionate relationship with Snow, David, and Emma, since she still blames Snow for Cora's murder of Daniel.

It also completely undercuts and devalues both the closure that Regina supposedly got in the Underworld regarding Daniel, as well as her relationship with her soul mate, Robin, and makes her reconciliation with Cora extra maddening.

As for David's hair--I noticed that, too, and then decided not to care one tiny, little, eentsy bit, because it meant we weren't subjected to the horrible wig.  It was Enchanted Forest magickry, saving us from the wig.  That's my story.

Edited by Mari
  • Love 6

I wonder how long it will take the new brass at ABC to figure out that A&E should be replaced with Jane Epenson. She really does have a better handle on the history of the show and what the fans want to see (excluding SQers). I think she tossed in GoldenQueen to appease A&E and because it serves the greater arc that they clearly have planned.


Edited by Jul 68
  • Love 19
2 minutes ago, Jul 68 said:

I wonder how long it will take the new brass at ABC to figure out that A&E should be replaced with Jane Epenson. She really does have a better handle on the history of the show and what the fans want to see (excluding SQers). I think she tossed in GoldenQueen to appease A&E and because it serves the greater arc that they clearly have planned.

Why can i only 'like' this once????!@

  • Love 5

Anyone else think we were getting the untold story of Lassie during the intro?  

I actually liked this, the CS story time, the reactions to and Lana's perfect read of the word 'chemistry,' the hilarity of full size Blue's EF dress.  I was willing to forgo suspension of disbelief to get a Snowing flashback tha did not involve eggnapping or the 1000th retread of EQ.  Josh and Ginny were cute and seemed to be having fun.  I'll take it.

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, OnceUponAJen said:

I forgot to add that at the beginning when they showed Snow and Charming sleeping,  I half expected them to show Emma and Killian as well. I was preparing for all the squealing on social media!

I had the same thought. I started to get all excited and then...

Also, did anyone else find it curious that Queenie took Snow to the exact wooded area with the same blue lighting as the title card?

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, pezgirl7 said:

As much as I like seeing Belle stand up to Rumple, what she was saying was kind of ridiculous. if you're just plain evil, you can be forgiven, but being afraid makes you weak and that cannot be forgiven? What kind of morality lesson is that? I understand what she was getting at, it just came off as strange logic to me. I still don't understand why Rumple is with the evil queen. I'm guessing he's just playing along because he'll need her for something in the future.

It seemed kind of weird to me to. And most humans are weak at some point and make mistakes, so saying that being weak is unforgivable is pretty harsh. I get that Rumple is more than just an average human being weak, so she shouldn't forgive him, but it was a pretty twisted explanation.

I always like stories where characters find out they unknowingly met before they think they met. So as unrealistic and contrived this one was, I enjoyed it.

  • Love 3
22 minutes ago, pezgirl7 said:

As much as I like seeing Belle stand up to Rumple, what she was saying was kind of ridiculous. if you're just plain evil, you can be forgiven, but being afraid makes you weak and that cannot be forgiven? What kind of morality lesson is that? I understand what she was getting at, it just came off as strange logic to me. I still don't understand why Rumple is with the evil queen. I'm guessing he's just playing along because he'll need her for something in the future.

I wasn't really a fan of the retcon of Snowing's first meeting. And for them to not realize until now that they had met earlier seems a bit implausible.

I loved the CS scene, especially the hand kiss!

that's what pissed me off. (like, honestly, i'm over them and I don't care), but at the core, what we've always known is that Rumple is a coward. He wants power because he was tired of always being dominated over, so he wanted to be dominating. He was afraid of portals because of what happened between he + his father. He is constantly being left behind, so he pushes people away (even though he wants them to be near). So yes, he's afraid, he's petrified. So he's playing his same ole hand. I'm fine with Belle channelling her inner Beyonce and telling him everything he's got is to the left, but I don't think i necessarily like her throwing his ultimate fears in his face like that. I didn't see this as a manipulation (maybe I'm getting soft in my old age) I saw this a a 100% crack in Rumplearmour. and she basically said "well if you were truly evil, I can dig it, but being alone and cowardly, nahhhh." 

And ultimately, it came of to me as saying "if you try hard enough and be good I'm going to stop being mad at you and forgive you." which is why i am so not buying this. 

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, Mari said:

Yup.  There seems to have been a pretty universal reaction cringe from the fandom in regards to that ship, that I don't think A&E were banking on.  Plus, I don't see how Rumple/Belle could believably reconcile after that.

I'm beginning to think that might be the point.  I don't think they are seriously entertaining the idea of GoldenQueen.  I'm not sure that they even think its a fun or dramatic development.

I think they are trying to erase the belief that there is a potentially redeeming love for Belle beneath all the things that Rumple does.  Last season Rumple was pretty consistent with not caring what Belle thought of his desire for power. Basically told her she was going to have to get over it and even stopped trying to whammy her into believing he had redeeming qualities.  Now Rumple is macking on the EQ.  Confronted on it and his reaction is basically about his obsession with his son.  Very season 1, pre-Belle motivations there.

Basically they are excising Beauty and the Beast from  the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale.  

As 'awwww'-inspiring as the CS scene was, it seemed incredibly random and over the top shmoopy. Unless it is to be revisited for some reason, it just seems so out of place to me.

The icked-out expressions were amusing.

I'll give an interim thumbs up to the alternating-sleeping curse thing. Mildly interesting, depending how it plays out.

Emma looks softer/prettier when all worried and scared. Brow-furrowed, pissed-off, kick-ass Emma makes a better character though.

Best thing? The adorable pupper.

The rest of it, including the magical baby tree thing? WTeverlovingF is going on? I don't get it, but I also barely care anymore...

And once again, Zelena needs to gtfo asap. She has no place/relevance, and hasn't for a while.

  • Love 1

Where's the dog now? Did it get turned by the curse into a human who's now running the pet supply store in Storybrooke?

Interesting how now Snow and Charming are all "we must sacrifice to save the town," when before the curse they were willing to let Regina destroy villages as long as she couldn't hurt them. But I guess giving up their hearts is one thing, but executing a mass murderer is another thing entirely.

29 minutes ago, snarkastic said:

Rumple: It's clearly Zelena's fault.

For a moment, I thought he was suspecting that it hadn't been Belle talking to him, but rather Zelena in disguise, and I figured that would explain the sudden show of gumption and understanding of Rumple's character, both of which Belle tends to lack.

1 hour ago, pezgirl7 said:

As much as I like seeing Belle stand up to Rumple, what she was saying was kind of ridiculous. if you're just plain evil, you can be forgiven, but being afraid makes you weak and that cannot be forgiven?

I thought what she was referring to was the Evil Queen being the pure darkness out of Regina, with no good parts. In that sense, she's a creature of pure evil who can't help herself. But Rumple has a choice because he's not some other person's dark side.

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

I figured that would explain the sudden show of gumption and understanding of Rumple's character, both of which Belle tends to lack.

I think ever since her sleeping curse, nightmare world, and incident with "Morpheus", she's finally gained both of those.  

Seriously, this isn't the first time she's shown them this season, remember the end of 6x04?

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Mathius said:

Seriously, this isn't the first time she's shown them this season, remember the end of 6x04?

But she did have an edge to her that she hasn't had before. Not that I really think it was Zelena, but when Rumple said that, I had that "hmm, wait a second" moment. I wouldn't put it past this show to only let Belle say something like that to Rumple if it was Zelena and it was part of an evil scheme.

I wonder if a normal sleeping Snow can visit David in sleep curse fire land and vice versa. 

When I realized this was like Ladyhawk I though "Hey, there is a solar eclipse next summer. " Then realized it won't work that way this time. :(

There was so much to like about this episode. I miss Snow and Charming adventures too!

A hatch really? Really guys? In the exact spot Ruby found the jewelry box in season 1. 

  • Love 3

I liked the episode overall despite some really pointless stuff like the "baby tree thing". I didn't mind the retcon about Snowing's first meeting.  Lots of sweet Snowing and Captain Swan moments. Captain Hook storytime seemed like yet another foreshadowing for a CS baby. 

That Sleeping Curse was a clever twist. Finally the EQ is menacing without being cartoonish.

The EQ and Gold making out was so squicky. It's OOC for Gold to be reciprocating, IMO. Ugh, whatever.

Belle's scene with Rumple was really good. Sure--everyone has weaknesses, but Rumple's been using them as excuses to hurt people for far too long. So, I don't think she was being harsh. 

It was beyond stupid for Regina to just stand there and let her EQ half take the sapling. What was the point? Couldn't she at least put up a fight?

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

Captain Hook storytime seemed like yet another foreshadowing for a CS baby.

I thought the same. It could certainly be read as hinting at that sort of thing. One of the only ways that scene makes sense to me.

ETA: Wait! Ha. You know how sometimes parents will arrange to have a genetically engineered child so that the cord blood or organs or whatever are a perfect match to a preexisting sibling with a terminal disease? What if the answer to all this season's nonsense is something like the product of a product of true love's true love. Heh. It would be a way to force the shmoopy 'fall in love, have a kid, and live happily ever after' on Emma without it being quite as cliche.

Edited by Randomosity
Lightbulb moment
  • Love 1

I really enjoyed this episode! It was fun, it had character moments. Yes, Snowing were cheesy and retcon-y, but it was still a fun and cute flashback (tell us what happened to the dog though).  The CS scene was cute too, specially when he kissed her hand. 

Why has GoldenQueen gotten more action than CS? I pulled the same face Hook did when Regina mentioned their chemistry. And Belle, I hope you stick to your guns this time. 

I loved the Sleeping Curse twist! But I hope it doesn't last that long. 

  • Love 2

A few good lines, but not as funny as normal Jane Espenson episodes, but she still seems to have a way better grasp on the characters and their relationships, compared to the normal writing staff.  While Snow and Charming's new "first meeting" felt a bit cheap, I still like how they brought them back into the forefront, and show how they were always meant to be together.  Credit to the acting too though, because a lot of this is admittedly cheesy stuff, but Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas to sell it completely.

The new sleeping curse twist was something I didn't see coming, although my first thought was this was totally a way for Ginnifer and Josh to take turns taking care of their baby each week!

Hook's face to hearing about EQ and Rumple will go down as one of the best reaction shots of all time.  I can just hear him thinking "Oh, wow, that is something I can never unhear or picture.  Can I just scrub my brain out, now?!"

Speaking of which, during the scene when Zelena finds out, I notice it felt like they were suddenly put Rebecca Mader in a low-cut top again, and then was like "Yep, that's why!", as soon as her cleavage turned green.  Gratuitous skin and using it as plot points, I see!

Hey, the Blue Fairy and her cleavage returned as well!

Paul Johansson was fun as the Woodcutter, even if it was obvious he would be bad, because he was dick on One Tree Hill, a dick on Mad Men, and he will always be a dick!

Belle reads Rumple the riot act again, which is nice, even though I doubt anything will come of it because Rumple never changes.

  • Love 4

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