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Vicki Gunvalson: Her Love Tank Runneth Over

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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I agree, as I said earlier today when they zoomed in on the fake Pet scam mockument I knew they (production/Bravo) knew.


 Vicki and Girth thought they would sail thru this season on their con, but two of the stupidest cons of all time got played by the network and production company.


 Club Detox?      GREAT IDEA !      coffee enema's Brilliant !     Wow, you two are the stars of the show.  2 flat tires?    Ahhhh, we are so so sorry. Here Brooks, seat down, take a rest. Can I bring you a medicinal shot of tequila?    

 Tamra is being mean to me, to us.    Oh, lets set her up, we will bring her over and you can set her straight.  More BAHAAAAAAAA

  • Love 6

I agree NC Socialworker Vicki lied about accompaning Brooks to chemo, lied about the binder, lied about him needing an IV for dehydration. I also believe Vicki was in on the whole thing from the get go.

I know Briana has had a tough time on this board, but heck Vicki is her mom. :-( I have a new respect for Briana for sticking to her guns about what a piece of shit Brooks is for the last 4-years. She was, no doubt using RHOC this season for an intervention for her mom. Now if only Vicki will confess to the extent of her involvement and apologise to everyone especially Briana. IMO Vicki did the most harm to her daughter by not believing the horrendous things Brooks said to Briana. I can't begin to understand how a mother could be so unsupportive of her daughter and so easily under the spell of an sleezy operator like snakey Brooks.

The fact that Vicki is such a narcissist that she dumped all over her own child to perpetuate this lie about Brooks cancer is the ugliest thing I've ever witnessed.

  • Love 11

Vicki can't ever admit to her complicity in this cancer lie, if she does, she is done, DONE! She will loose her insurance business and she will loose her job as an OC HW, Andy HATES to be made a fool of and this is as bad as it gets IMO. I don't see how he can bring her back next season as things stand now, let alone if she finially admits she knew either before filming began or just after it began. IMO, she is done on the show.

I hope she does lose her business, I hope she loses everything. I firmly believe she was in this from the start. Who would want to buy insurance or anything from somebody who would do this. I bet she'll lose a lot of clients over this.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 7

Well do I ever feel left out! I live in Saskatchewan, Canada, and we just had the Reunion Part 2 shown this week!! I was surprised to find out everyone here has already watched Part 3 of the Reunion! So though it will not be on here until next week, I got busy reading all of the posts, so will not have any surprises when I watch it next week. The shitty part is that all 3 of the Reunions are now locked up, and so I can't post any of my opinions. It is strange the way it is being broadcast, everyone has already seen part 3.

All I want to say is that it really pisses me off with all of the fake cancer crap. I lost a child to cancer, and it was real, and I had to sit by and watch her die. And it was real, and it broke my heart. FU to Brooks & Vicki and anyone else who is sick in the head enough to fake such an awful, degrading disease. You just don't do that. Okay, I'm done.

  • Love 14

Well do I ever feel left out! I live in Saskatchewan, Canada, and we just had the Reunion Part 2 shown this week!! I was surprised to find out everyone here has already watched Part 3 of the Reunion! So though it will not be on here until next week, I got busy reading all of the posts, so will not have any surprises when I watch it next week. The shitty part is that all 3 of the Reunions are now locked up, and so I can't post any of my opinions. It is strange the way it is being broadcast, everyone has already seen part 3.

All I want to say is that it really pisses me off with all of the fake cancer crap. I lost a child to cancer, and it was real, and I had to sit by and watch her die. And it was real, and it broke my heart. FU to Brooks & Vicki and anyone else who is sick in the head enough to fake such an awful, degrading disease. You just don't do that. Okay, I'm done.

So very sorry to hear about the loss of your child to this devastating illness. I can't even imagine how much you've suffered.

So many have had their lives touched by cancer and now we've witnesses two adults willing to mock the disease for financial gain. Between Vicki's one million dollar Bravo salary and their desire to cash in on CLUB DETOX as a cure, we've seen greed at it's worst. Unfortunately, Revolution Media, the Bravo production company, had Vicki drop this subject into their laps and they ran with it like a dog with a bone. It was easy money for them to have the twisted pair dig themselves deeper and deeper into a pile of lies and deceit as their storyline.

If I had my druthers Vicki's and Brooks' salaries would be forfeited to cancer research/charities for their deliberate attempt to deceive the public while filming a REALITY based show. IMO, the charlatans should be excluded from profiting from their appearance on any future NBC Universal program.

Edited to add: And here's a little about a company, NBC Universal, that made the decision to bring the public this cluster Fk reality show about a disease that about * 14 million learn they have and 8 million people die from each year.



* http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/dcpc/resources/features/worldcancerday/

Edited by talula
  • Love 5


All I want to say is that it really pisses me off with all of the fake cancer crap. I lost a child to cancer, and it was real, and I had to sit by and watch her die. And it was real, and it broke my heart. FU to Brooks & Vicki and anyone else who is sick in the head enough to fake such an awful, degrading disease. You just don't do that. Okay, I'm done.

{{{hugs}}} to you on your heartbreaking loss, mittsigirl.

  • Love 3

So very sorry to hear about the loss of your child to this devastating illness. I can't even imagine how much you've suffered.

So many have had their lives touched by cancer and now we've witnesses two adults willing to mock the disease for financial gain. Between Vicki's one million dollar Bravo salary and their desire to cash in on CLUB DETOX as a cure, we've seen greed at it's worst. Unfortunately, Revolution Media, the Bravo production company, had Vicki drop this subject into their laps and they ran with it like a dog with a bone. It was easy money for them to have the twisted pair dig themselves deeper and deeper into a pile of lies and deceit as their storyline.

If I had my druthers Vicki's and Brooks' salaries would be forfeited to cancer research/charities for their deliberate attempt to deceive the public while filming a REALITY based show. IMO, the charlatans should be excluded from profiting from their appearance on any future NBC Universal program.

Edited to add: And here's a little about a company, NBC Universal, that made the decision to bring the public this cluster Fk reality show about a disease that about * 14 million learn they have and 8 million people die from each year.



* http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/dcpc/resources/features/worldcancerday/

In all fairness to bravo-Brooks and Vicki started this horrific cancer lie long before Vicki signed her Season 10 contract. I don't know if they had superior knowledge of faked cancer or not. Vicki seemed pretty determined to use it as a sympathy ploy.

I watched E News last night and the reporter who interviewed Brooks as well Jason Kennedy made no bones about Vicki's complicity.  They even went so far as to say Vicki turned down an interview on E because of all the hard evidence against her and went with another  outlet-Mario Lopez.  There would have had to be substantial digging to uncover early on.  Brooks claimed his last chemo treatment was while Vicki conveniently took a 10 day vacation at the beginning of filming.  This one is on these two charlatans and I hope Bravo realized how heinous faked cancer is and was and holds Vicki accountable.  Essentially Vicki has zero credibility both in her acts and deeds-what is the point of having her on a reality show?

  • Love 8

I don't know what to make of this -

"I'm completely shocked. I've seen the bills, I went to City of Hope,” Gunvalson recalled, revealing that she even waited for hours for her ex at the hospitalduring one alleged chemo treatment. "He was there all morning so how do you think anything other than he's getting chemo? You go to City of Hope because you have cancer, not because you have nothing else to do during the day."

Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/vicki-gunvalson-breaks-silence-on-brooks-ayers-confession-i-hate-him-20151111#ixzz3rHuA2iB8

  • Love 2

The newest version of Vicki's visit to City of Hope-I picked him up after he spent the morning there:  http://extratv.com/2015/11/11/vicki-gunvalson-breaks-silence-on-controversy-surrounding-brooks-ayers-cancer/  E was correct this was a softball interview.

Yep, she said she only picked him up after his treatment which is version #?  On the reunion she says she went with him and stayed there for 4 hours.

  In this Extra interview she also says her life is too abundant to make anything up.......and if she did she wouldn't make up anything about Brooks.   REALLY?

       Casseroles, I.V.'s , she said "they" went to Newport Imaging, different versions of every tale ?

              Digging a deeper hole.

  • Love 10

Well do I ever feel left out! I live in Saskatchewan, Canada, and we just had the Reunion Part 2 shown this week!! I was surprised to find out everyone here has already watched Part 3 of the Reunion! So though it will not be on here until next week, I got busy reading all of the posts, so will not have any surprises when I watch it next week. The shitty part is that all 3 of the Reunions are now locked up, and so I can't post any of my opinions. It is strange the way it is being broadcast, everyone has already seen part 3.

All I want to say is that it really pisses me off with all of the fake cancer crap. I lost a child to cancer, and it was real, and I had to sit by and watch her die. And it was real, and it broke my heart. FU to Brooks & Vicki and anyone else who is sick in the head enough to fake such an awful, degrading disease. You just don't do that. Okay, I'm done.


So extremely sorry for your loss....it must be difficult to watch all of this unfold.

  • Love 7

None of it makes any logical sense unless it is accepted that Vicki WAS in on this from the start.  zoeysmom's links to Vicki's season-wide blogs is AFAIC proof that she was manipulating and massaging her 'truth' from the start.  She decided to do this for pity, for fame, for whatever version of love and sex she and Brooks have, and for money from Club Detox.   She advertised for them.  It was a campaign by any reasonable defintion:  she profiled the two main professionals running Club Detox, she chose to do so just as she chose to advertise Vicki's DIamonds, Vicki's Vodka, Life with Vicki and her insurance business.  She got as much airtime for this endeavor as she did for her past efforts.  Vicki chose to do that for a 'holistic approach to cancer' when she knew her boyfriend was spinning tales about the state of his health.  She lied about a deadly disease and what she did, not only what Brooks did, is making a mockery of something that ends and ruins lives. 


 It's frustrating that we have to limit talk to this thread because all of this spins out from her lies and half-hearted acknowledgement of just one of those lies during the 3rd reunion episode.  Argh.

  • Love 16

In all fairness to bravo-Brooks and Vicki started this horrific cancer lie long before Vicki signed her Season 10 contract. I don't know if they had superior knowledge of faked cancer or not. Vicki seemed pretty determined to use it as a sympathy ploy.

I watched E News last night and the reporter who interviewed Brooks as well Jason Kennedy made no bones about Vicki's complicity. They even went so far as to say Vicki turned down an interview on E because of all the hard evidence against her and went with another outlet-Mario Lopez. There would have had to be substantial digging to uncover early on. Brooks claimed his last chemo treatment was while Vicki conveniently took a 10 day vacation at the beginning of filming. This one is on these two charlatans and I hope Bravo realized how heinous faked cancer is and was and holds Vicki accountable. Essentially Vicki has zero credibility both in her acts and deeds-what is the point of having her on a reality show?

Ditto to your post ZM, Both culprits are despicable. She's the employee for ten years and she pulls this crap? How she has any supporters left is beyond me. Edited by talula
  • Love 4

I don't know what to make of this -

"I'm completely shocked. I've seen the bills, I went to City of Hope,” Gunvalson recalled, revealing that she even waited for hours for her ex at the hospitalduring one alleged chemo treatment. "He was there all morning so how do you think anything other than he's getting chemo? You go to City of Hope because you have cancer, not because you have nothing else to do during the day."

Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/vicki-gunvalson-breaks-silence-on-brooks-ayers-confession-i-hate-him-20151111#ixzz3rHuA2iB8

Cmon use those critical thinking skills and moral compass, she is lying.
  • Love 14

This is fr/ Extra -

Vicki sat down with "Extra's" Mario Lopez to tell her side of the story amidst the news that Brooks was never treated for cancer at City of Hope Medical Center. Vicki said, "I'm completely shocked. I've seen the bills, I went to City of Hope." She revealed she picked him up at the facility when he was allegedly getting his first treatment of chemo, going in the hospital to wait for hours for him, tearing up. "He was there all morning so how do you think anything other than he's getting chemo? You go to City of Hope because you have cancer, not because you have nothing else to do during the day."


  • Love 3

Cmon use those critical thinking skills and moral compass, she is lying.

It is not lying if you were raised in the mid-west.  It is trusting people-don't ya know?  I sure don't recall her blind trusting Lauri, Jeana, Tamra, Alexis, Gretchen or Slade.  There is a certain amount of humor in Vicki and her moral compass-I still wonder where it was pointing when she was cheating on Donn.  Maybe at the ceiling?  At this point I think critical thinking skills applied to Vicki and Brooks is an oxymoron.

  • Love 15

Am I the only one doubting Vicki found out about her mother's death during Bunco?  Given Vicki's recent stabs at thespianism it just seems like she might have set the whole thing up.  According to Meghan, one of Shannon's friends heard Jeana say just such a thing the night of the Bunco party.  When it got back to gullible Vicki she texted the others that she would not and did not want them to film with Jeana anymore.  Apparently, Tamra backed the Shannon's friend's claim which caused a little back forth on Twitter between Jeana and Tamra.


It seems odd that once Billy found out he would use Brianna in Oklahoma to locate her mother.  Why not Brooks?  Why not the production person who ultimately go the call from Briana?  Since Vicki's latest rampage of lies I am left wondering if she didn't fake this as well.  Jeana seemed to think so.  I mean when is the last time we saw Vicki without her phone?

  • Love 13

This is fr/ Extra -

Vicki sat down with "Extra's" Mario Lopez to tell her side of the story amidst the news that Brooks was never treated for cancer at City of Hope Medical Center. Vicki said, "I'm completely shocked. I've seen the bills, I went to City of Hope." She revealed she picked him up at the facility when he was allegedly getting his first treatment of chemo, going in the hospital to wait for hours for him, tearing up. "He was there all morning so how do you think anything other than he's getting chemo? You go to City of Hope because you have cancer, not because you have nothing else to do during the day."


Hahaha, I guess Vicki forgot the fraudulent yarns she stated on episodes and at the reunion! Vicki said she saw him in a chemo chair and she waited in the waiting room for 4-hours and drove him home!!! Now all of a sudden she just drove to City of Hope to "pick him up." Something is very sketchy and I believe Vicki can't keep her stories straight because she's nothing more than a lying sack of shit covering for a demented demon!

  • Love 9

A refresher-early blog from Vicki-just count the lies and the endorsement: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/blogs/vicki-gunvalson/vicki-i-missed-tamra

More BS and reference to LeAnn: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/blogs/vicki-gunvalson/vicki-true-friends-are-there

Shannon nagging Vicki about Brooks' cancer: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/blogs/vicki-gunvalson/vicki-i-needed-a-break-from-all

Vicki talks about the meeting at CUT Fitness: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/blogs/vicki-gunvalson/vicki-we-are-both-experiencing

Vicki and all the scans of Brooks' http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/blogs/vicki-gunvalson/vicki-meghan-is-just-being-mean

The last one was a doozy: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/blogs/vicki-gunvalson/vicki-i-never-betrayed-shannon

Lies and misrepresentation. Oh and Jesus. More about poor, poor Vicki and no one hugging her.


Thank you for posting this! (a "like" didn't seem sufficient)


Am I the only one doubting Vicki found out about her mother's death during Bunco? 


Nope, I'll sit at that table. I haven't seen that full ep, just the clip that was shown on the reunion, but I heard about it irl when it first aired and my immediate response was to guffaw and ask if Vicki's acting has improved or if it was just as ridiculously over-the-top as I would imagine. The person who was telling me looked sort of taken aback and swore it was all real. Whatever - here's the thing with Vicki: she has done so much attention whoring and "me! me! me!" since she first appeared on my screen that her credibility is zero. It's her own fault imo if people roll their eyes when she slumps to the floor and has a grand dramatic display over allegedly being shocked at the news of her mother's death. Her reputation precedes her. Sort of like Brooks and all his weird tales and convenient "misstatements" about cancer - I'm not saying he's lying, but I'm saying I don't have any reason to believe a word of it. :)


The fact that she has followed up the news of her mother's death by making it all about her ("I wanted to go first!") only adds to my skepticism.

  • Love 11

im shocked that Vicki hasn't trotted out her dead mother as the reason she lied. Isn't that a get out of jail free card?

She did and Meghan shut her down.  Apparently, on Vicki's moral compass lying five  months before your mother dies unexpectedly and lying for eight months after is some sort of mid-western grief process that includes unabashed lying and a casserole procession.

  • Love 18

Hahaha, I guess Vicki forgot the fraudulent yarns she stated on episodes and at the reunion! Vicki said she saw him in a chemo chair and she waited in the waiting room for 4-hours and drove him home!!! Now all of a sudden she just drove to City of Hope to "pick him up." Something is very sketchy and I believe Vicki can't keep her stories straight because she's nothing more than a lying sack of shit covering for a demented demon!

I listened to the interview again, and if Vicki is talking about the same event you referenced, what she said in the interview did not contradict what she stated at the reunion, IMO.

To paraphrase, Vicki said the alleged treatment Babbling underwent at the end of Oct. was his first alleged treatment and she wanted to be there. She said she went to pick him up. She parked her car and went in. Babbling was there all morning.

This an inference on my part, but I took it to mean Babbling got to COH via some other means and Vicki was there to support him and drive him home.

That still doesn't mean one or both of them aren't lying though.

I listened to the interview again, and if Vicki is talking about the same event you referenced, what she said in the interview did not contradict what she stated at the reunion, IMO.

To paraphrase, Vicki said the alleged treatment Babbling underwent at the end of Oct. was his first alleged treatment and she wanted to be there. She said she went to pick him up. She parked her car and went in. Babbling was there all morning.

This an inference on my part, but I took it to mean Babbling got to COH via some other means and Vicki was there to support him and drive him home.

That still doesn't mean one or both of them aren't lying though.

Her story has changed several times during the season. She first said she couldn't go to any chemo treatments because she chouldn't handle seeing him sick, that was right before her trip to Fl. in the beginning of the season. Then she said she only went to A Dr.'s appointment, then it became she went to his FIRST chemo treatment. Vicki has told so many lies she can't keep them straight.

  • Love 9

If I were Vicki I'd be really concerned about the damage this could to do my business. 


At this point her lack of credibility and sound judgment would really make me think twice about engaging her services to manage my retirement portfolio, life insurance or anything else of that magnitude.  It's a shame she's permitted this con artist to jeopardize everything she's worked so hard to build.


What a tangled web we weave...

Edited by luckykat
  • Love 8

I just don't know how Vicki comes back from this.  (I don't care either.)  

Here is a rerun of an article I posted many moons ago when I began have suspicions of Vicki and her motives.  I will say I was late to the party suspecting Brooks and Vicki but after I ran across this article about mid-season my mind slowly began to change.


This article is from September of 2014, right before Brooks declared cancer and the gist is Vicki cannot even land an endorsement.  She went to do her MLM and of course Club Detox.  it is her mindset-the perfume company didn't like the brooks and Vicki personas so what better than to develop a disease-a treatable disease and add a health product.  http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/meghan-king-edmonds-reacts-to-brooks-ayers-cancer-documents-lie-20151211


I just think there is a lot of plotting going on with Vicki.  Perfume line-bad for TV-it is not as if we have smellovision and she isn't exactly Charlize Theron and J'Adore-http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7YZc/jadore-dior-feat-charlize-theron-song-by-the-gossip I really liked the commercial so I linked it.  Back to Vicki, so I honestly believe she and Brooks got their heads together and tried the great sympathy arc.  I will say I do believe Vicki in that she didn't want so much attention paid to Brooks because that is Vicki and as much as she claims to have an abundant life, she just doesn't.   


As my kids would say-it is all about the Benjamins with the VIckster.  Wll maybe they said that about five years ago-I am getting old.


ETA in the tape Vicki claims she is putting out $30,000.00 a month in her insurance business.  She then goes on to say the insurance business is just okay.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 10

And so, Vicki Gunvalson has become the Theresa Giudice of the RHOC. This really is the Hunger Games. Except that these ladies throw their lives away voluntarily in exchange for fame.

Narcissists like Tre and Vicki are addicted to attention - they don't feel as if they exist without it. Bravo's casting people know this, so the network preys on narcissists as much as narcissists prey on others - pretty creepy all the way around, but also entertaining and educational in that we can see how the disease works and hopefully steer clear in our own lives. Edited by nexxie
  • Love 10

Brother Billy weighs in.  I didn't take Brother Billy for a fitness center owner.  Yeah the 10 times you were around him you were on vacation.  So ten times x how many ever days you were on the trip.  http://www.eonline.com/news/715235/vicki-gunvalson-s-brother-bill-steinmetz-says-he-s-astonished-by-brooks-ayers-lies


Also, for Briana's claims to tamra in April no one in her mother's family likes Brooks there is this August 2015 photo of Brooks with the family.

Oops forgot the link:  http://tamaratattles.com/2015/11/10/hey-did-yall-know-that-brooks-ayers-faked-cancer-again-and-a-kyle-richards-interview/

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 5

Am I the only one doubting Vicki found out about her mother's death during Bunco?  Given Vicki's recent stabs at thespianism it just seems like she might have set the whole thing up.  According to Meghan, one of Shannon's friends heard Jeana say just such a thing the night of the Bunco party.  When it got back to gullible Vicki she texted the others that she would not and did not want them to film with Jeana anymore.  Apparently, Tamra backed the Shannon's friend's claim which caused a little back forth on Twitter between Jeana and Tamra.


It seems odd that once Billy found out he would use Brianna in Oklahoma to locate her mother.  Why not Brooks?  Why not the production person who ultimately go the call from Briana?  Since Vicki's latest rampage of lies I am left wondering if she didn't fake this as well.  Jeana seemed to think so.  I mean when is the last time we saw Vicki without her phone?

What better way to get attention - her mother's death became all about Vicki. Really creepy.
  • Love 5

Is City of Hope a major hospital?  If so I wouldn't put it past Brooks to take Vicki there, have her wait in some general waiting area and then wander off like he's going to his appointment and either go hang out in another waiting area or actually leave and come back as if he was really there the whole time having an appointment/chemo.  But I don't know if it's possible to do that there. 

  • Love 6

Is City of Hope a major hospital?  If so I wouldn't put it past Brooks to take Vicki there, have her wait in some general waiting area and then wander off like he's going to his appointment and either go hang out in another waiting area or actually leave and come back as if he was really there the whole time having an appointment/chemo.  But I don't know if it's possible to do that there. 

Vicki makes it seem like she didn't even drop him off.  If that's the case it's remarkably easy to be in a hospital lobby 5 minutes before your ride shows up.

  • Love 4


The "I want my Mommy" mantra she repeated all season just served to reinforce that opinion.

That's the other thing.  How many of us here lost their moms?  Mine died when I was 24.  And I was upset about it.  But I didn't go around whining 'I want my Mommy!'.  Because (1) she wasn't gonna come back no matter what and I had to deal with it and (2)  I was 24.  Not 4.





Is City of Hope a major hospital?  If so I wouldn't put it past Brooks to take Vicki there, have her wait in some general waiting area and then wander off like he's going to his appointment and either go hang out in another waiting area or actually leave and come back as if he was really there the whole time having an appointment/chemo.  But I don't know if it's possible to do that there.


I'm sure that's what happened.  When my DH had chemo I dropped him off at the appropriate door and picked him up from there when he called me.

Edited by quaintirene
  • Love 7

Here is a rerun of an article I posted many moons ago when I began have suspicions of Vicki and her motives.  I will say I was late to the party suspecting Brooks and Vicki but after I ran across this article about mid-season my mind slowly began to change.


This article is from September of 2014, right before Brooks declared cancer and the gist is Vicki cannot even land an endorsement.  She went to do her MLM and of course Club Detox.  it is her mindset-the perfume company didn't like the brooks and Vicki personas so what better than to develop a disease-a treatable disease and add a health product.  http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/meghan-king-edmonds-reacts-to-brooks-ayers-cancer-documents-lie-20151211


I just think there is a lot of plotting going on with Vicki.  Perfume line-bad for TV-it is not as if we have smellovision and she isn't exactly Charlize Theron and J'Adore-http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7YZc/jadore-dior-feat-charlize-theron-song-by-the-gossip I really liked the commercial so I linked it.  Back to Vicki, so I honestly believe she and Brooks got their heads together and tried the great sympathy arc.  I will say I do believe Vicki in that she didn't want so much attention paid to Brooks because that is Vicki and as much as she claims to have an abundant life, she just doesn't.   


As my kids would say-it is all about the Benjamins with the VIckster.  Wll maybe they said that about five years ago-I am getting old.


ETA in the tape Vicki claims she is putting out $30,000.00 a month in her insurance business.  She then goes on to say the insurance business is just okay.

Imagine all of the good that could be done, if conniving people put their brains to good use, not to the bad things. 

No you are not.   I never believed it. 


The "I want my Mommy" mantra she repeated all season just served to reinforce that opinion.

Of course it is hard to lose your mother, but she just carried it way too far! You are way too old to keep freaking out that your mother is gone, and how you can't go thru life without her, when your mother is around 80. She just acted so stupid over it.

That's the other thing.  How many of us here lost their moms?  Mine died when I was 24.  And I was upset about it.  But I didn't go around whining 'I want my Mommy!'.  Because (1) she wasn't gonna come back no matter what and I had to deal with it and (2)  I was 24.  Not 4.





I'm sure that's what happened.  When my DH had chemo I dropped him off at the appropriate door and picked him up from there when he called me.

Losing your mom when you are just 24 is a tragedy, I am sorry you had to go thru that so young. But I know you never acted as stupid as Vickie did.

  • Love 6

Is City of Hope a major hospital?  If so I wouldn't put it past Brooks to take Vicki there, have her wait in some general waiting area and then wander off like he's going to his appointment and either go hang out in another waiting area or actually leave and come back as if he was really there the whole time having an appointment/chemo.  But I don't know if it's possible to do that there. 

I think that good liars always find a way to make their lies work.

  • Love 4

Is City of Hope a major hospital?  If so I wouldn't put it past Brooks to take Vicki there, have her wait in some general waiting area and then wander off like he's going to his appointment and either go hang out in another waiting area or actually leave and come back as if he was really there the whole time having an appointment/chemo.  But I don't know if it's possible to do that there. 

Vicki went from sitting with him for fours during the infusion, to being in the waiting room right outside the door to a random pick up.  More importantly if she was just picking him up-how did he get there?  City of Hope is at least an hour away from where they live.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 7

In all fairness, none of us can stand my brother-in-law's wife but we have family photos together.  So just because there are photos of Vicki & Brooks taken with her family doesn't negate the fact that most of them sans Billy didn't like Brooks or thought something was hinky with him.  Sometimes we set our feelings aside & grin & bear it to get through family events.  I have left some of my family shit with my tongue numb as hell from biting it so much LOL


edited because I hate it when people don't use the proper there/their/they're so it is absolutely unacceptable for me to do so myself LOL

Edited by Lucygirl2
  • Love 9

In all fairness, none of us can stand my brother-in-law's wife but we have family photos together.  So just because their are photos of Vicki & Brooks taken with her family doesn't negate the fact that most of them sans Billy didn't like Brooks or thought something was hinky with him.  Sometimes we set our feelings aside & grin & bear it to get through family events.  I have left some of my family shit with my tongue numb as hell from biting it so much LOL

I don't think Vicki's family liked him.  If Briana was the only one with an issue with Brooks there's no reason he would have been banned from the funeral. We all know Vicki doesn' give a shit about Briana's opinion about Brooks.  It had to be other people who didn't want him there.

  • Love 6

Ok, I'm sorry that I don't have a link to back this up but I'm certain Vicki said she saw them hang the IV and saw the solution go into Brooks arm. The reason It stuck out to me is because she added "it's not like they said this is chemo". Like many of you I've had cancer (twice ) and had a year of chemo. It is nursing protocol to say " this is ( fill in the blank drug) and it will run for x amount of hours, it's considered the last step in eliminating drug errors. So I knew that was bull shit. Vicki also has a way of saying her lies in the most frantic, hard to catch the words ,way, does anyone else notice that?

Lastly I don't read the bravo blogs but in that compilation that zooeysmom posted Vicki is clearly shilling the detox as curing ( or on the way to curing ) Brooks .

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 8
Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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