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Vicki Gunvalson: Her Love Tank Runneth Over

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

No politics.  That means none.  Zero. Zilch. Nada. 
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Wait, does Vicki wear hearing aids? If she has lost 50 percent of her hearing in both ears and then later lost 100 percent of her hearing in one ear, well I just question that if she doesn't wear hearing aids. Was it a temporary loss? I am very familiar with hearing loss and hearing aids because of two of my sons and my hearing loss radar never went off with Vicki. 



No, she regained something like 80% in one ear and the other was better too I believe.  Her hearing isn't bad enough now to make her want to wear hearing aids.  A lot of people who are late deafened don't necessarily give off huge signs of hearing loss.  I'm deaf, late deafened, and Deaf yet people don't realize it until I clue them in.

  • Love 4

I just took it and was scared to death because I don't drink and I didn't know what to pick for my drink of choice to keep me from being Tamra. I went with shots. I looked through slotted fingers at the end and...



I AM SHANNON!!!!!!! Yay I am so happy to be the housewife Shannon!

I got Heather! I don't drink very often, except for holidays, so I chose "Champs". LOL

  • Love 7

Okay.  I thought the blog post said she lost her hearing when she was a child and she didn't mention it coming back. I didn't think she had later in life hearing loss or any hearing loss so it threw me when I read the blog. I just couldn't imagine her being able to hear as well as she seems if the loss was from her childhood and as severe as she said,

without some type of assistance, for example hearing aids. 

The hearing loss was first due to the tumor removal when she was a kid.  She lived her life as a hearing person, and if she lost more hearing I would call her late deafened.   I lost the bulk of my hearing as a child but I'm still late deafened because I was raised English/hearing, not Deaf/deaf though I'm considered part of the Deaf.


Anyway, the tumor she had is an inner ear tumor and it made her lose 50% of her hearing when it was removed.  They reconstructed her ear recently which gave her 80% of hearing.  It can be very easy to lose 50% of your hearing and not have major problems talking and interacting with people because you could lose the hearing that isn't involved with speech.  Speech falls into a very limited range of our hearing, leaving people the ability to lose a ton of hearing before it affects their day to day lives.  My own hearing loss was like that, and it was why no one noticed for years that I really needed a couple of hearing aids.  It was caught when I moved states and into a school system that did hearing tests.

  • Love 6

I just took the "Which OC Housewife Are You" quiz at Bravo TV dot com.

It said I'm Vicki.




It wouldn't load for me, so I took the TV family quiz below it.  I'm the Simpsons.  D'oh!


ETA - it finally loaded, but now I wish it didn't.  I'm Vicki.  I knew I shouldn't have chosen 'Run your own business'!

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 2

OMG! Why did I take that "which housewife are you" test(!)?

There is NO DAMN way that I am ______!❗

I absolutely refuse to name The Ho'!

Those choices were too limited. I demand a retest then another then another..

Soooo.... You got Meghan?! Lol

What a relief! I got Shannon:

"You're usually the kooky, fun one, but it's been a rough year for you. You'll survive, though, and stay positive. 'Cause when life gives you lemons... put nine of them in a bowl!"

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
  • Love 6

Okay.  I thought the blog post said she lost her hearing when she was a child and she didn't mention it coming back. I didn't think she had later in life hearing loss or any hearing loss so it threw me when I read the blog. I just couldn't imagine her being able to hear as well as she seems if the loss was from her childhood and as severe as she said, without some type of assistance, for example hearing aids. 

Her whole story, while it may be true she had cholesteatoma, its highly exaggerated.  Cholesteatoma is never described as a tumor and while at its RAREST it can affect the brain, it certainly does not "pierce" the skull.     

       She lies about everything.  She is so absorbed in herself, she will tell lies that are so easily outed as outright lies, she still defends them. The list of lies is so long this forum is not large enough.

  • Love 9

Her whole story, while it may be true she had cholesteatoma, its highly exaggerated.  Cholesteatoma is never described as a tumor and while at its RAREST it can affect the brain, it certainly does not "pierce" the skull.     

       She lies about everything.  She is so absorbed in herself, she will tell lies that are so easily outed as outright lies, she still defends them. The list of lies is so long this forum is not large enough.

I wondered about Vicki's description.  I looked up the condition.  I would agree Vicki may have exaggerated, much as she did Briana's condition and seemingly Brooks condition.  I think at this point with Vicki and anything medical-when it comes to Vicki and those she loves all descriptions should be taken with a grain of salt.  She is just not reliable.

  • Love 4

We may as well go Whoop It Up while Brooks gets his Cabernet infusion!

L O L !

We could call it the Babbling Brooks (thanks BookElitist!) Cabernet.

Cholesteatomas are not a form of cancer. They are benign tumors. However, the affects of cholesteatomas can be just as severe as cancer.

This might be what Vicki meant to say:

"Brain herniation into the mastoid cavity"

There are pictures at the link.


  • Love 3

L O L !

We could call it the Babbling Brooks (thanks BookElitist!) Cabernet.

Cholesteatomas are not a form of cancer. They are benign tumors. However, the affects of cholesteatomas can be just as severe as cancer.

This might be what Vicki meant to say:

"Brain herniation into the mastoid cavity"

There are pictures at the link.http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/860080-overview#a1

Could be Vicki suffered a brain problem that effects her today called Brooksitis. Very rare, hostile, unreliable attachment to a total azzhat guy!!! Lie for the reject even if it means loosing your job.

  • Love 5

I wondered about Vicki's description.  I looked up the condition.  I would agree Vicki may have exaggerated, much as she did Briana's condition and seemingly Brooks condition.  I think at this point with Vicki and anything medical-when it comes to Vicki and those she loves all descriptions should be taken with a grain of salt.  She is just not reliable.



Now I'm a bit more confused.  So Vicki has had major medical problems herself, Brianna, Donn and maybe another person in her life (just because she's had friends in the past), so I now would assume that since she's not a stranger to this level of medical care, she would have a little bit more experience then the person who's had no experience.  Scans of any type, medical reports, etc, this should't be so far out that even she can't claim total ignorance.   And it just keeps getting more ridiculous every time another piece falls.  

  • Love 4

I assumed that's what Tamra meant when she said she is choosing to cut Vicki out of her life. It's clear they don't see each other when not filming so....what else could she have meant? I also took Vickis' speech in the limo to mean she didn't want to come back . I'm sure she has since changed her mind because you know ,it's her show and she IS responsible for the show being a success.

  • Love 2

In the comments someone said fire them all. I just don't see Andy doing that. Though more than Vicki may not be asked back. I can see Tamra with her personal problems and problematic son Ryan not being asked back. Tamra is like a bag of rocks and the audience is tired of seeing her drag them out season after season. A breath of fresh air is needed and some normalcy.

  • Love 4

In the comments someone said fire them all. I just don't see Andy doing that. Though more than Vicki may not be asked back. I can see Tamra with her personal problems and problematic son Ryan not being asked back. Tamra is like a bag of rocks and the audience is tired of seeing her drag them out season after season. A breath of fresh air is needed and some normalcy.

I think Tamra has proven she will do anything to stay on the show.  She kissed up to Vicki through the reunion so she had no enemies.  The producers love Tamra because they know she is only months away from going after someone.  My guess is Shannon next year.  If they bring Jeana instant adversary for Tamra.  By next year Sydney is 18 and she can be either a thorn in Tamra's side or an instant reconciliation story.. 

  • Love 2

Vicki and her daughter have just sunk to new levels of low.   Andy Cohen is not a therapist-run, don't walk to  some serious therapy.  http://www.etonline.com/tv/174342_briana_culberson_says_brooks_ayers_hit_on_her/  There is no level she won't sink to get her mom's attention.  The rest of the cast must feel like they need a shower when Briana leaves the room.

  • Love 1

If Vicki, and especially Brianna, are on the show next year I am out. Now B is saying Brooks hit on her and wanted to show his privates? Why is she doing this now.....especially since V and B's have broken up.

I hate being jerked around. Fortunately it doesn't happen if not self-inflicted like watching this show.

  • Love 2

So Brooks has his say on E!  Interesting he called Vicki a "peacekeeper" when backed into a corner not a peacemaker.  He also said he had inflammation or mass or whatever around his pancreas.  He said he has never spoken directly to Briana about his cancer.  I tend to believe his comments as it sounds as if Briana went south on Brooks very soon after learning of him.  She first met him in late 2011 and by March of 2012 they were at odds of the alleged Girth Brooks moment.   


He also said Vicki called him after filming the Reunion and said she believed everything he told her.

  • Love 1

I do not buy Crookes hitting on Brianna under any circumstances. Maybe she believes it though.

Also her "bring it on" is like Icky's constant refrain of "take you down". Classy bunch.

I hold Vicki and Briana equally responsible for letting their mother/daughter rivalry come front and center.  When Vicki was done with Donn, who Briana became fond of apparently after discovering her mom had someone else in her life, she basically rubs it in her face.  Briana with her, Brooks hit one me, with either her mom across the room or in the other room, seemed to be a way of showing Vicki that Vicki's men find her desirable.  Vicki allegedly saying, "Brooks would never want you."   This is just beyond the pale with these two.  Vicki sitting there listening to her daughter prattle on is just "messed up".  Not Brooks' alleged pass but that Briana, feels the need to denigrate her mother. 


Sometimes for the sake of a franchise you have to cut one from the herd.  I doubt the Beadors, Edmonds or the Dubrows want to be around this mother/daughter dynamic any longer.  I remember Lydia getting up in disgust, disbelief last time Briana had a run at her mom and Brooks.  How can any of these women show their support for Vicki when doing so means they side eye Briana?  I would say Vicki's biggest hurts at these Reunions have been at the hands of Tamra and Briana.  As I write this there is a campaign to get Briana on the show as a full-time RH, difficult because she lives in OKC but more difficult because who would want to hang out with her and be exposed to her brand of toxicity?  

  • Love 9

I hold Vicki and Briana equally responsible for letting their mother/daughter rivalry come front and center. When Vicki was done with Donn, who Briana became fond of apparently after discovering her mom had someone else in her life, she basically rubs it in her face. Briana with her, Brooks hit one me, with either her mom across the room or in the other room, seemed to be a way of showing Vicki that Vicki's men find her desirable. Vicki allegedly saying, "Brooks would never want you." This is just beyond the pale with these two. Vicki sitting there listening to her daughter prattle on is just "messed up". Not Brooks' alleged pass but that Briana, feels the need to denigrate her mother.

Sometimes for the sake of a franchise you have to cut one from the herd. I doubt the Beadors, Edmonds or the Dubrows want to be around this mother/daughter dynamic any longer. I remember Lydia getting up in disgust, disbelief last time Briana had a run at her mom and Brooks. How can any of these women show their support for Vicki when doing so means they side eye Briana? I would say Vicki's biggest hurts at these Reunions have been at the hands of Tamra and Briana. As I write this there is a campaign to get Briana on the show as a full-time RH, difficult because she lives in OKC but more difficult because who would want to hang out with her and be exposed to her brand of toxicity?

I actually think Heather did a great job last season of supporting Vicki, but also calling out Brianna. True, she did it in her blogs, but since she wasn't around when they were directly going at each other over the d-bag, that was her only place to do it. She said in several blogs that she understood Brianna's concern, but that she had to get off Vicki's back and let her live her own life, just as Brianna was living hers.

My personal belief is that the only people who would actively be compaigning to get Brianna on the show would be Vicki and Brianna. Vicki is the one who said in an interview that Brianna would make a better HW than Meghan would. She seems to want to continue to put her relationship with Brianna under a microscope, regardless of how toxic it is, and really always has been. If she didn't fly to OK CIty to film with Brianna, she would have little to do with the show. I cannot see Bravo sending cameras out to that part of the world to film Brianna without Vicki.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 3

Unbelievable-Brooks won a defamation lawsuit.  Not only did he win the one against him but the where he was the plaintiff.  Probably not the best news for Briana today.  http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/10/20/brooks-ayers-victorious-again-in-vodka-lawsuit-exclusive/

I actually think Heather did a great job last season of supporting Vicki, but also calling out Brianna. True, she did it in her blogs, but since she wasn't around when they were directly going at each other over the d-bag, that was her only place to do it. She said in several blogs that she understood Brianna's concern, but that she had to get off Vicki's back and let her live her own life, just as Brianna was living hers.

My personal belief is that the only people who would actively be compaigning to get Brianna on the show would be Vicki and Brianna. Vicki is the one who said in an interview that Brianna would make a better HW than Meghan would. She seems to want to continue to put her relationship with Brianna under a microscope, regardless of how toxic it is, and really always has been. If she didn't fly to OK CIty to film with Brianna, she would have little to do with the show. I cannot see Bravo sending cameras out to that part of the world to film Brianna without Vicki.

Well Edmonds bought a house in OC shortly before Leann passed away so it leads me to believe Briana (please no) could relocate to OC during filming.  I think it would all depend on the size of the paycheck.  Vicki would have her own little cast with Briana and the boys. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 3

"Unbelievable-Brooks won a defamation lawsuit.  Not only did he win the one against him but the where he was the plaintiff.  Probably not the best news for Briana today.  http://realmrhousewi...suit-exclusive/"


One suit has nothing to do with another.

 And.......notice no suit against Meghan, just more of Swamp's low life moves.


The only income he has is what Vicki pays him, can't prove it, but I believe it.

  • Love 3

"Unbelievable-Brooks won a defamation lawsuit.  Not only did he win the one against him but the where he was the plaintiff.  Probably not the best news for Briana today.  http://realmrhousewi...suit-exclusive/"


One suit has nothing to do with another.

 And.......notice no suit against Meghan, just more of Swamp's low life moves.


The only income he has is what Vicki pays him, can't prove it, but I believe it.

I didn't  mean to imply the lawsuits were connected.  Sorry for the misdirect.  To me, it indicates Brooks will sue and regardless of what happens between he and Meghan, Vicki has lawyered up.


I think Brooks derived an income wither directly through Bravo or Vicki had to pay him to be on the show.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1

I didn't  mean to imply the lawsuits were connected.  Sorry for the misdirect.  To me, it indicates Brooks will sue and regardless of what happens between he and Meghan, Vicki has lawyered up.


I think Brooks derived an income wither directly through Bravo or Vicki had to pay him to be on the show.

Vicki lawyered up?    I missed that.  Direct me to where I can read about it. TIA.

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

No politics.  That means none.  Zero. Zilch. Nada. 
See the Primetimer Politics Policy

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