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S01.E08: Where With All

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Nice episode. 


Good for you, Charley. Finally standing up to Nova and not letting her dump all over you. No one was 100% right or wrong in that situation, but Nova loves to tell Charley how wrong she is about everything. I'm glad Charley finally refused to take Nova’s crap and gave her some push back. And that she got her freak on with Remy…in a wicker chair? Maybe they just cuddled.

Is this the first time it’s been spelled out that Ernest cheated on Nova and Ralph’s mom with Charley’s mom?

I don’t know if I accept Hollywood’s explanation for why he didn’t tell Vi about Leanne. Yes, he chose to stay married to her because of her mental illness, which is a shaky excuse already. But Vi had a right to know about Leanne and to choose whether she wanted to stay with Hollywood.


Ralph Angel: “Aunt Vi, please stay out of something for once.”

--He wasn’t saying that when she helped him out at work, now was he?

But I do agree that older relatives can be extremely judgmental when it comes to relationships. Yes, they’re wise and have experience, but most of the time, these relatives have a history of jacked-up relationships themselves. So while I listen to their advice, I always take it with a grain of salt.

--I did like what Blue’s mom (I forget her name) said to Aunt Vi despite the harsh things she overheard Vi say about her to Ralph Angel.

  • Love 9

I LOVED Nova and Charley's fight. They were both wrong and both right.

Auntie Vi was tap dancing on my last good nerve tonight.

Darla is a mess. Ralph Angel is a mess. Poor Blue.

Micah not knowing how to play Spades is proof that he and Charley have been gone a LONG time.

That said, I love Nova and Micah's relationship. They're so sweet together.

I know Hollywood loves Vi but him creepily trampling all over her boundaries was kind of gross. Have some pride dude.

Chantel better not get too comfortable. Nova got real commitment phobic real fast.

Remy remains yummy. However, Charley could've waited until they were alone to Urban Cowboy her way into his pants.

Miss Blanche is the best.

  • Love 4

Nova needs to sit the entire hell down. Presuming to take Charley's son whenever she feels like it (without permission) is strike one. And she wants to take him around while she actively deals weed from her car in broad daylight (while living in a heavily policed area)? Strike Two. Doing so while screwing a married man? Strike Three. Thinking it's her *right* to do so after literally stealing $10K from Charley and refusing to even admit wrongdoing? Go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $500. She's out saving the world and can't even bother to call her Aunt back when she's worried sick for Nova. And apparently they had to drop everything to come save her ass the last time she did so, and she can't even admit that it was worrying, or even an inconvenience. I can't even with her. 

Charley was an ass for forcing those men to work after Prosper told them to go home. She hired Prosper for a reason, why does she always think she knows more about farming than literally everyone if they don't say exactly what she wants? Good luck finding someone to work the fields after that stunt. She didn't have to do anything but help put two boards up while her family had the luxury of running around getting things prepared. Those workers may not have. 

Hollywood talked about how his wife had no family, but it looks like he doesn't either. Both he and Darla are desperate to get inducted into this family! Remy too, does he even have a job? He's hot, and Charley's lonely, but she doesn't know nearly enough about him to be diving into a rebound relationship.

Edited by rozen
  • Love 18

Sorry, but Charley can shut the hell up about respecting marriage. Unless she's given her home wrecking mother the exact same speech then bye. She exist because of an affair, and is a shitty reminder to Nova that her father stepped out on her mother. I sure as hell am not on Nova's side when it comes to messing with a married man I just resent Charley being the one to wag her finger. Please, your nasty husband set up a woman to be raped his cheating is the least of your problems. Don't blame Nova for your choice in husband and father for your son. This character gets ony nerves and she's one that I root for the least. I couldn't care less about her finding love with Remy. Oh, and how inhumane it was for her to NOT think of the safety of her field hands. If I liked her I would be tempted to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she just didn't get how bad the weather could get because she hasn't spent much time in the state and isn't use to the weather, but I'm not.

I do agree that her kid is still a minor and Nova needs to ask Charley for anything having to do with her son.

Blue=that is one precious child.

Blue's mom, I feel for her, I hope she can make amends. I hope she and RA can work parenting together with the family support. Although if I were her I would always want Vi listed as guardian. Lastly, I don't think she and RA should engage in any kind of relationship other than co-parenting. They need to get themselves together and take care of Blue, that's all they can handle IMO.

Hollywood is a wonderful man and without a doubt he is worth Vi giving him a second chance.

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 8
11 hours ago, topanga said:

Ralph Angel: “Aunt Vi, please stay out of something for once.”

--He wasn’t saying that when she helped him out at work, now was he?

But I do agree that older relatives can be extremely judgmental when it comes to relationships. Yes, they’re wise and have experience, but most of the time, these relatives have a history of jacked-up relationships themselves. So while I listen to their advice, I always take it with a grain of salt.


Ah, yep he did say that. I agree about older relatives and their so call sage advice. Some are wise from their experience and some just have experience and haven't learned a thing but feel they know what is right because they are older than you.

10 hours ago, rozen said:

Nova needs to sit the entire hell down.

Charley was an ass for forcing those men to work after Prosper told them to go home. She hired Prosper for a reason, why does she always think she knows more about farming than literally everyone if they don't say exactly what she wants? Good luck finding someone to work the fields after that stunt. She didn't have to do anything but help put two boards up while her family had the luxury of running around getting these prepared. Those workers may not have. 


Nova will always see herself as doing right when it comes to her and Charley even when she's wrong like stealing money. They're sisters but there's an underline of jealousy and dislike between them which may stem from Ernest and Charley's mother which isn't Charley's fault. She didn't ask to be here but she's the one Nova can take her dislike out on.

Unfortunately Charley is thinking too much like an investor concerned with the financial bottom line instead of someone who understands the business she's investing in and the people. I hope Prosper lays into her on what she did with the workers.

Charley and Remy was expected but it's too soon and not smart to do in a house full of people.

  • Love 3

I cannot believe Charley. She values the crop more than those workers' lives? And she knew she had them over a barrel because all the other farms are probably done picking for the season.

IMO, there should be a special place in hell reserved for people who use children as pawns in their grownup games. All her big, emotional speeches notwithstanding, Darla is wrong for playing with Blue's childhood innocence like that. RA is wrong too for letting her but I guess he's still at the mercy of his little head.

Charley is technically still married, isn't she? She might be a bit of a hypocrite, I think, even though in her situation she was the cheated upon versus the cheater. Plus for all she knows, Calvin's wife knew about the affair and had been deliberately looking the other way.


Thank Goodness for the storm! Everybody cleared the air tonight!

The generous alcohol consumption probably deserves most of the credit.

ETA: Guess I wasn't paying close enough attention. Were they playing spades or whist?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 1
14 hours ago, topanga said:

Good for you, Charley. Finally standing up to Nova and not letting her dump all over you. No one was 100% right or wrong in that situation, but Nova loves to tell Charley how wrong she is about everything. I'm glad Charley finally refused to take Nova’s crap and gave her some push back. And that she got her freak on with Remy…in a wicker chair? Maybe they just cuddled.

Is this the first time it’s been spelled out that Ernest cheated on Nova and Ralph’s mom with Charley’s mom?

I don’t know if I accept Hollywood’s explanation for why he didn’t tell Vi about Leanne. Yes, he chose to stay married to her because of her mental illness, which is a shaky excuse already. But Vi had a right to know about Leanne and to choose whether she wanted to stay with Hollywood.

I think Nova is WAY too self-righteous for my taste, and she really shouldn't call anybody "bougie" I mean Nova isn't exactly "hood, hood" herself.  And she needs to step back when it comes to Micha.  Nova is NOT the young man's mother, so stop overruling his own mother.  Nova needs to take several seats. 

Charley on the other hand has to realize that she's dealing with human beings and stop worrying about the bottom line.  I know that in business that is what you have to care about, but there's no shame in caring about people, especially during a hurricane.

I accept Hollywood's explanation because we live in a country where your very life depends on what type of health insurance you have.  Vi's issue wasn't about Hollywood's marriage, it was that he lied to her.  But I gave her the side eye when she said that "she has a family!"  No Vi, the woman DIDN'T have a family, that's why Hollywood was supporting her.  Sometimes Vi needs to realize that she doesn't know everything.   I get why she doesn't trust Darla, and I smiled when Darla proved in that moment that she was the bigger person when she didn't lash out at Vi, because I wanted someone to tell that "know-it-all" that she age doesn't mean you know everything.  The older I get, the less I know.

  • Love 9

I agree with everyone who says Nova and Charley are both right/wrong and both are self righteous in different ways.  Neither one came out well, imo.

Nova was wrong to steal that money and to have an affair with a married man.  But don't think she is wrong to offer Micah the opportunity to stay with her sometimes.  NOLA is a culturally rich city with a lot of offer a young man. 

I do understand Charley's protective instincts because you really can't be too protective of young black males these days and she is still trying to shield him from the fallout of Davis' mess.  And I totally agree with Charley on her unease about him being with Nova while she peddles her weed.  But her protectiveness seems like it is crossing the line into smothering.  She seems like she just wants him to be exposed to other rich kids at a prep school and then whisked back to the farm, with no real opportunity to explore his new environment. 

I do find bot Nova and Charley's attitudes toward the less fortunate problematic.  Nova is patronizing, she is gonna ride in with her social justice righteousness and fix all their woes regardless of the cost.  While Charley's attitude is condescending and shows a lot of classism re: The Ninth ward and the migrant workers.

But I do cry foul on Charley bringing up Nova's affair with Calvin.  That isn't her place to judge or to out in the way she did.  And honestly I feel that she is misplacing her anger toward Davis onto Nova.  Especially since she was prepared to stand by Davis and judged Davis (when she thought he was just having a quickie with a hooker) way less harshly than she does Nova.

I do love the scenes of pure blackity blackness, though.  The Henny and spades!  That one overhead shot of Nova and Charley playing their book and going BAM! was great.

And finally, Darla thanking Miss Violet (who was awful to her) and praising Hollywood, had me riveted.  Bianca Lawson killed that scene. Her depiction of Hollywood's character in just this few lines was everything.

Edited by DearEvette
  • Love 11
48 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

And finally, Darla thanking Miss Violet (who was awful to her) and praising Hollywood, had me riveted.  Bianca Lawson killed that scene. Her depiction of Hollywood's character in just this few lines was everything.

I agree, I've always liked Bianca Lawson (she's more than just Beyonce's step-sister).

  • Love 6

Great episode. Blue continues to be the cutest cutey ever. I think that Darla should be given a chance. It does seem like she is turning things around and she does appear to love Blue. I though Charley was really pig-headed when she overruled the men about keeping the workers. I mean come on, it could be dangerous.  Send the workers home. What would she be feeling if she let them out late and one of them died in the storm trying to get home? These are low paid workers, sometimes you have to look at the big picture. 

  • Love 5

I wish my brother WOULD stand in my face and tell me he was right to steal $10K from me. Nah, son.

3 hours ago, riverheightsnancy said:

Great episode. Blue continues to be the cutest cutey ever. I think that Darla should be given a chance. It does seem like she is turning things around and she does appear to love Blue. I though Charley was really pig-headed when she overruled the men about keeping the workers. I mean come on, it could be dangerous.  Send the workers home. What would she be feeling if she let them out late and one of them died in the storm trying to get home? These are low paid workers, sometimes you have to look at the big picture. 

And why does Charley think she knows more about farming than people who have spent their entire lives doing that work?

  • Love 7

I'm beginning to not like any of the Bordelon family members, except Blue. I'm waiting for Remy to get tired to Charley's ignorant stubbornness and lack of consideration, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Who are we supposed to be rooting for again on this show?

20 hours ago, Dee said:

Auntie Vi was tap dancing on my last good nerve tonight.

Me, too. It's a pet peeve of mine for parents (or older relatives) to dictate their adult children's behavior because of the parents' worrying. I get it, she was concerned, but Nova is an adult who has free will, and it isn't her responsibility to stop doing something helpful just to calm Violet's mind. Her worrying and incessant calling accomplished nothing, other than being an irritation. Don't even get me started on her willingness to kick Darla out when a hurricane was coming.

Edited by mrsbagnet
  • Love 5

I loved this episode - particularly how the interactions were built around the storm (glad they kept this sequence from the book). What I love about this show is how real the family relationships and interactions feel. Watching everyone gather at Aunt Vi's before the storm reminded me of times my family has done the same at my parents' house before snowstorms. And the episode captured the paradox of such a family gathering: it's comforting to have a safe place to go to, but after a few days (maybe hours?), we do all start to get on each others' nerves.

I was side-eyeing Charley during her argument with Nova. And I say that as someone who likes Nova but finds her self-righteousness a bit hard to take sometimes. But Charley was clearly taking out her anger about Davis' betrayal on Nova, which isn't right. Also, Charley really should have let those workers go from the beginning. A hurricane is nothing to mess with.

Aunt Vi and Hollywood were good together in this episode, too. I'm torn on them because I love them together, but I understand why Vi would find it hard to trust him again.

Bianca Lawson seared my soul during Darla's scene with Aunt Vi, Hollywood and Ralph Angel. I hope she gets the opportunity to make amends.

Loved the montage of everyone sleeping in the house. Subtle touches like that are why I love this show.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
  • Love 8
7 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I do love the scenes of pure blackity blackness, though.  The Henny and spades!  That one overhead shot of Nova and Charley playing their book and going BAM! was great.

I literally threw my head back and laughed when Hollywood pulled out two more fifths of Henny. He was like six of my relatives in that moment.

  • Love 9

Nova needs to sit the hell down. She stole 10K and still acts self righteous about doing the right thing, what makes her not a criminal is the fact her sister didn't call the cops on her. Then she's going to want to keep Charlie's kid 5 days a week without speaking to Charlie about it first? The drug growing, drug selling, sleeping with a married man, stealing 10K Nova wants to know why Charlie has an issue with her kid spending 5 days a week there? Oh please Nova.

I loved them all in the house getting together for the hurricane as a safe house and playing the spades/ "book" card game with partners, I grew up playing that game with all my family too and loved seeing them do it. 

  • Love 9

Charley really has no room to throw stones about anybody cheating seeing as she is the byproduct of an affair, was happy to play attack dog during her husband's affair AND is currently carrying on an extramarital affair all her own.

There are plenty of legit reasons for Charley to take her sister to task, but cheating, definitely isn't one of them imo.

Edited by Dee

Charley didn't ask to be born due to an affair.  Nova knowingly had an affair with a married man with young kids. She also sells drugs to those same young black men like the one she's fighting to get out of jail by stealing Charley's money. 

Charley had no idea it was a 3yr affair her husband had, she thought it was that one night she was defending him of false rape charges.

She also has declared her marriage over to Davis and to others "I'm gonna divorce my liar of a husband and take him for all he's worth." Between then and now she could have filed already. She took off her rings and doesn't even live in the same timezone as him anymore.  She's hardly having an affair behind Davis's back. It's a matter of paperwork. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 21

Charley didn't ask to be born of an affair, but the fact that she's acting as if that suddenly indicates a severe character flaw when she literally wouldn't be there if it did, shows a serious lack of self awareness on her part.

Calvin's kids doesn't matter to Charley, because all she knows of Nova's affair is that she's having one. The affair just gives her a convenient inroad to lighting into Nova like she's wanted to since Ernest's funeral.

No matter how many details Charley found out about Davis affair, she continued to rationalize things to suit her own narrative while slut shaming Melina. Even going so far as to engage in a screaming match with Nova after Nova gave an honest, unbiased opinion, about cheating in general, on the radio. Even with all the existing evidence, it wasn't until Charley was faced with unvarnished proof of Davis undeniable guilt that she deemed Melina worthy of a sincere apology.

It's true that Nova sells weed. She also encourages the dealers she sells to attend protest marches and social justice movements, which they do because they respect her. So it's not as if she's taking from the community without giving back.

If Charley had gone after Nova solely for taking the money, I'd be totally in her corner, because Nova was as wrong as two left shoes in that regard. But Charley, being the snob she is, reduced Nova's life into an offensive stereotype to support her agenda. The truth is that Micah, as a young Black kid, is at risk anywhere. A fact she ignored because she was more interested in being jealous of her son's close relationship with his aunt than his happiness.

Charley and Remy have been carrying on an emotional affair almost since the first day they met, back when she thought things might still be salvageable between herself and Davis. The ink isn't even on her divorce papers, let alone dry, for her to be lecturing anyone about the merits of fidelity.

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

Who are we supposed to be rooting for again on this show?

Maybe we're not supposed to be rooting for anybody.  For me, I just like the story, I never need anybody to root for, if the story sucks, it doesn't matter how many "rootable" characters there are, I'm gone.  I do like this show though, I want to see where the story goes.

So, Dee, if a person is born from an affair, does that mean they shouldn't judge people who have affairs?  I don't get that rationale. 

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 8

So, Dee, if a person is born from an affair, does that mean they shouldn't judge people who have affairs?  I don't get that rationale. 

It makes no sense at all, it's like she should be ok with Davis cheating on her since she was born from one. Hey it's ok Davis, you can cheat on me because my dad cheated with my mom? 



It's true that Nova sells weed. She also encourages the dealers she sells to attend protest marches and social justice movements, which they do because they respect her. So it's not as if she's taking from the community without giving back.

So it's ok for her sell drugs to minors because she tells them to do social work? That makes no sense and doesn't make her home where she's selling drugs and growing drugs a good place to live for a kid in highschool. A rich well known, paparazzi chasing after kid. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 5

Besides Davis, and now Nova, Charley isn't holding anyone else (including herself & her parents) to the same standard about cheating. She's only using Nova's affair as a strawman excuse to vent at her sister and to conveniently bypass the real origins of her issues with Nova.

Charley has ample reason to be frustrated with Nova and legit reasons to question her sister's judgment but making cheating the fulcrum of her argument, does her no favors.


So it's ok for her sell drugs to minors because she tells them to do social work? That makes no sense and doesn't make her home where she's selling drugs and growing drugs a good place to live for a kid in highschool. A rich well known, paparazzi chasing after kid. 

She's selling to adults, not kids, hence her gobsmacked reaction to the news about Two Sweet. Since then she hasn't shown been selling to anyone, other than the couple joints she gifted Miss Blanche in the current episode.

And like she said during the argument, Charley certainly had no problem partaking of said illegal weed with her. So what, when Charley chooses to indulge in Nova's "lifestyle" everything is all fun and games yet when Charley wants to make petty digs at her sister then suddenly the weed is Serious Business? I don't think so.

And yes, getting people involved with community work who most likely wouldn't bother with it otherwise is a fairly big deal. Not everyone takes a linear road to social justice.

It doesn't matter where Micah lives and/or goes to school, the paparazzi will follow him. He was living in a gated community, with housekeepers and servants, doing everything "right" and was still hounded by the press.

Plus, it's not as if Nova is a bad influence on Micah. He seems fairly close with his auntie & eager to spend more time with her. He's smiled more in her company than he has the whole time he's been in St. Joseph's. And when Nova had an opportunity to involve him in her life, she took him to an art exhibit, not a trap house.

Edited by Dee
  • Love 4
52 minutes ago, Dee said:

Charley has ample reason to be frustrated with Nova and legit reasons to question her sister's judgment but making cheating the fulcrum of her argument, does her no favors.

This is the genesis of my issue with Charley bringing that up.  She has some very legit reasons for her anger with Nova, but their current argument had nothing to do with Nova's relationship with Calvin.  It was just a reason to put Nova's business on blast because Charley is mad about Goldie/Davis.

Also Charley falls into the all too familiar trope of judging women more harshly than she does men.  I thought Charley was much more angry and judgemental toward Goldie and Nova that she has been toward Davis (at first) and even Hollywood. Hollywood is married and is cheating on his wife and Charley doesn't seem to have any issues with him.  I know that Hollywood's situation has some mitigating circumstances, but that is kinda the point.  Adultery isn't always black and white.  She (and we) know nothing about the state of Calvin's marriage.  But if you are going to paint it with a black-or-white brush then at least apply it evenly across the board.

  • Love 5

Well, I'd imagine Charley sees Hollywood's situation as she does her own. She just cheated on her husband, but she probably doesn't see it that way because her marriage is over but for the paperwork. Hollywood's is the same - has been over for longer. (I tend to make a distinction between separated and married. If you're separated and planning to divorce, that can take years - in some places you have to be separated for a year before you can even file for divorce, and then the divorce proceedings take however long they take. I think most people in that situation stop thinking of themselves as married before the divorce is final.)

  • Love 4

The thing I really like about this show is how all the characters sympathetic, but can also be jerks or hypocrites (except Davis. Because screw that guy), and I think that works. I like Nova and Charlie, but they can be be absolutely infuriating. Charlie should have let the works go home right away, and she is clearly working through her Davis issues with other people, and Nova? She is REALLY self riotous, and while the causes she champions are important and worthy, it can be hard to take some of her rants as seriously as you might knowing all of her faults (affair, pot dealing, etc.)  And thats not even touching the rest of the family. They're all, to different extents, stubborn, judgmental, rude, and even just mean, but I feel they all do mean well, and while they can do bad things, I dont think they're bad people. 

Everyone is grey, except Blue. He is just the most adorable kid on TV. He and Trixie from Lucifer should get into some kind of televised cute off. However, that could lead to the TV world imploding due to sheer adorableness. 

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 3

Charley didn't ask to be born of an affair, but the fact that she's acting as if that suddenly indicates a severe character flaw when she literally wouldn't be there if it did, shows a serious lack of self awareness on her part.

This is my point. Aunt Vi can tell her niece off on this matter of messing around with a married man, Charley, no. Of course it's not her fault that her parents were adulterers, but I'm sorry I don't want to hear shit from her to the sister whose life got fucked up because your mother was my father's mistress...yeah, don't you preach to me. Unless you can tell me that you told your mother off for committing the same offense against my family all those years ago. Charley can bitch to the cows come home to her cheating, setting up women to be raped husband, but she can STFU on the matter of cheating when it comes to Nova. She can tell Nova off on her selling of weed, on stealing that money and taking her son places and whatever else without asking her, Nova has no right to do that. But there is just something about her telling Nova off about being the other woman that pissed me the hell off.

It also kind of annoyed me that Aunt Vi is asking Nova if she remembers what her mother went through, as if she was forgetting that Nova was the innocent child that her father and Charley's mother screwed over with that affair. By the way, is the father Aunt Vi's brother or is the mother aunt Vi's sister? Because if he was her brother, I'm like woman please, your brother set a fine example for your niece don't forget that.  Nova is grown and sucks as an adulterer, all I'm saying is don't wag your finger in her face without stating some other pertinent facts on the matter of adultery in that family, it annoyed me as a bias fan of the character I will admit. Yeah her mother got screwed but  she was an adult, Nova was the child. You're damn right she remembers aunt Vi.  Subconsciously and unfortunately,this is the way it often works, if my dad could cheat on my mother or vice versa, why should I care about someone else's family. My mother was not worth being faithful to so why does the sanctity of marriage really matter. These are the kinds of negative marks that are left on children who go through shit like this and they shape what they will do as adults. At first sight you might think Nova has her shit together and is clear on her path, but I think she's all over the place and quite unsettled. 

I don't think Nova purposely sought out a married man, I don't know the back story there at all. I'll assume for now, that since she's always attempting to clear her conscience trying to save these young black men in the prison system,  because she wasn't there for her brother when he was in...I don't know, seems like she's been doing this before the young boy who she sold weed to got locked up ... I'm thinking she met that cop and maybe he helped her out here and there and so an affair took root. But then I don't know his story and based on that phone call she had, he left his wife and felt the need to tell Nova. So apparently, I don't know what to think about that.  With that said,  I don't think she's the woman around town who gets her kicks, and marks married men based on this ugly enormous ego that some women have that every man should want to be with them, and that they can have any man they want. So, let's see whose husband I can mess with next, I don't think she's that  woman.


Everyone is grey, except Blue. He is just the most adorable kid on TV.

So true, so true. 

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 2
On 10/28/2016 at 1:07 PM, Dee said:

And like she said during the argument, Charley certainly had no problem partaking of said illegal weed with her. So what, when Charley chooses to indulge in Nova's "lifestyle" everything is all fun and games yet when Charley wants to make petty digs at her sister then suddenly the weed is Serious Business? I don't think so.

There's smoking a joint in your home, and there's your sister who just offended a major percentage of the New Orleans police department/judiciary driving your teenage black son around in a car/having him at her home with trafficking amounts of weed in it.  I don't smoke or buy the stuff, but the gallon sized baggie she handed her buyer is a hell of a lot different from the individual joints she handed the old lady (and Charley).

Edited by kassa
  • Love 14
On 10/28/2016 at 7:05 PM, Keepitmoving said:

Of course it's not her fault that her parents were adulterers, but I'm sorry I don't want to hear shit from her to the sister whose life got fucked up because your mother was my father's mistress...yeah, don't you preach to me.

So, Nova's is the only kid in the family whose life got fucked by that? It's not like it didn't have a negative impact on Charley's life as well. I think they both have their share of damage from that, and can't get past it. 

Charley would be hyper-aware of the toll adultery takes on families. Imagine how uncomfortable and unsettling it would be for a child to have to fit into that family carrying that kind of baggage. Neither of them are in the right here, and neither of them are completely in the wrong. They're both people whose lives were screwed up by their father and Charley's mother, and dealing with it in different ways.

Which is what I like about the show - life is messy and people have all sorts of strengths and weaknesses. This show really explores their humanity in a way that is compelling to me.

  • Love 5
36 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

So, Nova's is the only kid in the family whose life got fucked by that? It's not like it didn't have a negative impact on Charley's life as well. I think they both have their share of damage from that, and can't get past it. 

Charley would be hyper-aware of the toll adultery takes on families. Imagine how uncomfortable and unsettling it would be for a child to have to fit into that family carrying that kind of baggage. Neither of them are in the right here, and neither of them are completely in the wrong. They're both people whose lives were screwed up by their father and Charley's mother, and dealing with it in different ways.

Which is what I like about the show - life is messy and people have all sorts of strengths and weaknesses. This show really explores their humanity in a way that is compelling to me.

Yep, sorry Charley's pain will not be compared by me to the kid's family that was already established and then broken up.

I'm still partial to Nova, sorry she's the one who had the legal family, with mother and father married and father decided to break his vows with with Charley's mother which ended up bringing a child into the situation. 

Yep, bye Charley, and once again, I think my main issue is hypocrisy.

 I would not have an issue with Charley as long as I get some confirmation that she sees the woman who brought her into this world in the same light while she's up in Nova's face judging her on the issue of adultery.  Don't fucking point your finger in my face when every time I look at your ass I'm reminded that your home wrecking mother was screwing around with my cheating ass father who was married with a kid, me.  I would have thrown that home wrecking shaming finger right back in her face, and brought up how her mother and I had so much in common.

Right now all I see is hypocrisy on the matter of adultery and I'm tired of Charley up in Nova's face, she just bugs me, but I already said she's my least favorite character on this show.  I'm with Charley on telling Nova off with regards to her son and the stolen money, but she can STFU on the adultery issue with Nova. I don't like how she spoke to her and it was all Nova is the bad one, that's the way it all came off and I didn't appreciate it.  So I'm defending the character where I genuinely while watching the scene I thought to myself well WTF?  I don't like the hypocrisy on the matter. It's worse than the offense at times.  If there were acknowledgement that her mother took part in the same home wrecking activities that Nova did, but she was worse because she got knocked up, then I'll start considering Charley's pain in the matter. 

Edited by Keepitmoving
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Why is this show not getting more attention? It is just so lovely and intense. The sisterly arguments are so ferocious. I look forward to learning more of the mothers' backstory (I understand his death was the impetus for the entire show, but I wish the father could have been around a little longer--maybe we'll get flashbacks.)

Remy can't be as good as he seems can he? Having them use his experimental crop seemed a tad too convenient, but I doubt horticultural intrigue is what is to come.

The Darla forgiveness speech was so well done. DearEvette said it better:


And finally, Darla thanking Miss Violet (who was awful to her) and praising Hollywood, had me riveted.  Bianca Lawson killed that scene. Her depiction of Hollywood's character in just this few lines was everything.

Also, this!


I do love the scenes of pure blackity blackness, though.  The Henny and spades!  That one overhead shot of Nova and Charley playing their book and going BAM! was great.

I don't know where the hell Hollywood ever got the notion that white people don't want to see black folks on tv. It is like all of a sudden the flood gates have opened and there are topnotch depictions of real black lives (QS, Atlanta, Insecure)--as a white chick, I find it so refreshing and so far overdue! Even without these touches, this would be damn good television, but where they are included they are great.

I gotta admit, I am intrigued about Calvin (nice seeing the soap actor doing something more compelling), Nova and a cop is just too juicy to not revisit.

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I'm white and love this show.  I generally enjoy and appreciate family dramas, provided they are well done and have a story to tell, which this one does.  I always think a good show will appeal to a broad audience.  I think this one had limited promotion - it's not on a major network or even a major cable channel.  I would never have known about it except more than a few people mentioned it in the "What shows are you watching" thread.   That doesn't excuse tv critics, though.

I also watch Insecure, and like it way better than Divorce, which comes on just before it.

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The only one I'm rooting for right now is Blue (and maybe Darla if she's serious about getting her life back together again).

I said it right from the start but Nova is the height of hypocrisy. In a way, she reminds me of the social justice warriors on Tumblr who tend to see things their way and feel like that's the only way things should be done. They also tend to use that as a tool to be exempt from any and all criticism. Note: not all are like that but a large portion of them are.

Charley was wrong for bringing up the affair but I understand why she doesn't want Micah to stay with Nova. Now that we know she was the product of an affair, I see why she takes marriage so seriously.

Aunt Vi, give Hollywood another chance!

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I would like to chime in on this dad/mistresses topic. This is not something I share - not even with my closest friends. My dad died of alcoholism when I was 13 and he was 45.  He was in and out of my life - sometimes there was years when I didn't see him.  I have no memory of birthdays or Christmases with him (except the Christmas when I was 4 years old and he showed up drunk threatening to kill us all, which is when we left for good and he then proceeded to get drunk and burn down our house - luckily we are at my mamaw's house when this happened). Fast forward to his death, at which time me, my siblings and my mother found out he had another family unbeknownst to us. When he died, his other wife called my mom regarding Social Security benefits.  Turns out he married this other woman and had a family with her without legally divorcing my mom. Before Big Brother and computers? You could get away with bigamy. So apparently I have half siblings out there I have never met and have no desire to meet. I do however feel very sorry for them if my dad beat their mom half as bad as he did mine. I just remember feeling very relieved when I found this information that he didn't disregard me because he didn't love me - he was very busy with his other family. Sorry for rambling on, but I deeply understand infidelity and being the innocent victim of it.

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On 10/28/2016 at 10:05 PM, Keepitmoving said:

This is my point. Aunt Vi can tell her niece off on this matter of messing around with a married man, Charley, no. Of course it's not her fault that her parents were adulterers, but I'm sorry I don't want to hear shit from her to the sister whose life got fucked up because your mother was my father's mistress...yeah, don't you preach to me. Unless you can tell me that you told your mother off for committing the same offense against my family all those years ago. Charley can bitch to the cows come home to her cheating, setting up women to be raped husband, but she can STFU on the matter of cheating when it comes to Nova.

IMO, you don't blame a child for what their mama did period. Charley can't help how she came to be, her mother and her father did what they did and its quite possible that neither she, Nova, RA or Vi really KNOW what happened in that triangle. Even if they purport to, Charley's mom's behavior does not take away Charley's right to have an opinion about Nova's behavior. Now is Nova justified in dismissing that opinion because Charley lives in a house made mostly of glass? Absolutely. But Nova (and RA?) is not more of a victim than Charley in the "how did our parents fuck us up" game. 

Her lack of respect for Nova's actions isn't impacted by what she may or may not have expressed to her mama about how she was conceived. And in my world, if I had thought to "tell my mother off" for a crime as meaningless as wearing white after Labor Day, she would have made me rue the day, so I can't even fathom trying to step to my grown mother to express my opinion about her relationship choices, especially the choice to conceive me. 

Nova passes through the world with great conviction that her actions are correct and that the ends justify the means. So she should be equally comfortable with someone voicing their opinion about her actions. You don't get to be loud and wrong and then clutch your pearls that someone would have the audacity to call you on your bullshit.

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Charley is as hypocritical as Nova that's the bottom line for this viewer. Again she can stay out of Nova's face with that home wrecking mother she came out of. Of course she's not going to tell her adulterous mother off, so I suggest she stick to telling off the home wreckers that were sleeping with her husband only,thank you very much. We'll have to agree to disagree because on the subject of other people's acts of adultery I don't want to here from Charley. That's life the sins of parents pass down the generations.

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On 10/27/2016 at 5:01 PM, riverheightsnancy said:

Great episode. Blue continues to be the cutest cutey ever. I think that Darla should be given a chance. It does seem like she is turning things around and she does appear to love Blue. I though Charley was really pig-headed when she overruled the men about keeping the workers. I mean come on, it could be dangerous.  Send the workers home. What would she be feeling if she let them out late and one of them died in the storm trying to get home? These are low paid workers, sometimes you have to look at the big picture. 

This REALLY pissed me off. Send. The. Workers. HOME!!!

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