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Rumored Presidential Appointments

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52 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Although I've never given birth, I was in the delivery room taking pictures when my best friend had her son after hours of intense labor.  I've watched women give birth on numerous TV shows, including All My Children, where the legendary Erica Kane gave birth to Bianca in full makeup.  

Therefore, I am qualified to be the Secretary of Labor.

Post of the week!

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According to Fox News, Trump's pick for labor secretary is very anti raising the minimum wage and against Obamacare. So... what you might expect from a stereotypical CEO who complains it's too expensive to pay people and if he's pushed, he'll just automate everything. (I'm paraphrasing a quote they actually read.) I give them the tiniest bit of credit for reporting on this fairly, even if they're not acting appropriately horrified... Linda McMahon for SBA... REALLY???


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1 hour ago, aradia22 said:

According to Fox News, Drumpf's pick for labor secretary is very anti raising the minimum wage and against Obamacare. So... what you might expect from a stereotypical CEO who complains it's too expensive to pay people and if he's pushed, he'll just automate everything. (I'm paraphrasing a quote they actually read.) I give them the tiniest bit of credit for reporting on this fairly, even if they're not acting appropriately horrified... Linda McMahon for SBA... REALLY???


Yep. We're now living in...

I'm horrified as well.

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I just told a friend I feel like we're living in one of those awful novels (like 7 Days in  May), the kind of novel we read years ago, never believing that this could actually happen to our country.  Well, to all the union members who voted for Hitler  Trump, this middle finger is for YOU.

(by "middle finger" I meant the nomination of Puzder)

Edited by annzeepark914
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6 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

Hmmmm, yet another move by Trump that flies in the face of his supporters claiming "economic anxiety."  

They feel less anxious when they know all the money is safely in the hands of the stockholders. Having it themselves makes them nervous. They might spend it on rent or something.

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And the racist drive of hate continues with Puzder.  His stance on labor is incredibly bad.  But he is also so anti-gay and so opposed to a woman's right to decide her own health matters.  Pence is getting a stacked deck to attack women's and gays' rights.  What better way to pile on by having someone opposed to both in labor.  Where the simple right to work and have the same benefits as your co-workers can now fall under the new Reich.  Can't get the Supreme Court to abide by your draconian dogmatic hate?  Go about it in every other aspect of people's lives.  Affect them in work, in education and in being afforded basic human services. 

Make me wonder when the pink triangles are going to be made mandatory so business can refuse to hire us and serve us and house us. 

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20 minutes ago, Padma said:

"Paula Broadwell (David Petraeus' former girlfriend, the one he gave top secret information to) has declined to speak with The Associated Press since it reported last month that the Army is conducting a new leaks investigation related to the sex scandal."

Safe to say Petraeus is out of the running for SOS.


Ah.  Well that's one down. 

On an unrelated note I thought it said 'Safe to say Petraeus is out of the running for 3DS.' O_o <-- that's what I get for not paying close enough attention to that sentence :p.

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6 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

I just told a friend I feel like we're living in one of those awful novels (like 7 Days in  May), the kind of novel we read years ago, never believing that this could actually happen to our country.  Well, to all the union members who voted for Hitler  Trump, this middle finger is for YOU.

Gosh...I feel a need to edit my comment.  I meant to say this (i.e., Trump's appointment of Puzder) middle finger is for you.

Oh, Petraeus.  His name shouldn't have even been brought up.  I can't wait to learn who the real SOS nominee will be...another general?

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4 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:


Oh, Petraeus.  His name shouldn't have even been brought up.  I can't wait to learn who the real SOS nominee will be...another general?

It's Ghouliani.  It has to be. He was a loyal minion to the dark lord and he has not been given his reward yet.  All the rest of the trash traipsing through the Trump Tower lobby are just entertainment for the Apricot Asshole and fresh meat that he dangles before the ever hungry media.  Can't go too long without "breaking news" don't ya know.

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34 minutes ago, onthebrink03 said:

It's Ghouliani.  It has to be. He was a loyal minion to the dark lord and he has not been given his reward yet.  All the rest of the trash traipsing through the Drumpf Tower lobby are just entertainment for the Apricot Asshole and fresh meat that he dangles before the ever hungry media.  Can't go too long without "breaking news" don't ya know.

So he's this alternate universe's Wormtail, I take it?

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1 hour ago, annzeepark914 said:

I can't wait to learn who the real SOS nominee will be...another general?

I wouldn't be surprised if he went with the man in the shadows...ExxonMobil CEO, Putin's esteemed business partner, Rex Tillerson.  He makes big deals, big, beautiful deals.

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7 hours ago, izabella said:

I wouldn't be surprised if he went with the man in the shadows...ExxonMobil CEO, Putin's esteemed business partner, Rex Tillerson.  He makes big deals, big, beautiful deals.

I don't think I have ever been so alarmed by a president-elect's nominees & appointees as I am right now.  Glad McCain and Graham are chomping at the bit to investigate Russia's meddling in the election (and other nefarious deeds).  This will be interesting to see how Congress investigates Russian activities with Trump in the oval office.

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Why did Trump’s choice for national-security advisor perform so well in the war on terror, only to find himself forced out of the Defense Intelligence Agency?


But the question isn’t whether Flynn is the right choice, but whether Trump will scope and define his job in the right way—enabling him to succeed. At JSOC, he reported to a commander who apparently demanded that he discipline his outbursts and empowered his subordinates to rigorously test his ideas. He performed brilliantly. At the DIA, by contrast, he ran his own show, and reportedly demanded that his subordinates validate his ideas.

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Earlier today, multiple sources were reporting the Republican Congresswoman representing the Washington State 5th District--Spokane & Eastern Washington State, if I remember correctly--whose name I don't remember now, is Trump's pick for Secretary of the Interior.

And at least 1 source reported that former Major League Baseball Manager Bobby Valentine is the choice for US Ambassador to Japan (which, in an odd way, makes sense since--again, as I remember--baseball is a pretty big sport in Japan as well). He'd be replacing JFK's daughter, Caroline Kennedy, in the post.

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One of the things I hate most about the "drain the swamp" concept is the swamp was not in Cabinet positions.  The swamp is actually in Congress + lobbyists for the industries that want Congress to vote for their particular brand of sludge.  So now, not only is the swamp totally intact in Congress + corporate industry lobbyists, because they were all voted back in, but Trump is creating a whole new financial and civil liberties swamp with his Cabinet.  Conned doesn't even begin to describe the people who voted for Trump who are not already wealthy and protected.

Edited by izabella
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On 12/8/2016 at 11:53 PM, onthebrink03 said:

It's Ghouliani.  It has to be. He was a loyal minion to the dark lord and he has not been given his reward yet.  All the rest of the trash traipsing through the Trump Tower lobby are just entertainment for the Apricot Asshole and fresh meat that he dangles before the ever hungry media.  Can't go too long without "breaking news" don't ya know.

23 hours ago, callmebetty said:

All due respect onthebrink03, I'm so glad you're wrong :)

And Betty, I'm sure you know that the smart money is saying that this (yeah, removing his name, lol) is a bone that was thrown to Rudy to allow him to "save face".

Which begs the question, is face actually saved when everyone knows that you are attempting to save face? LOL 

Edited by SoSueMe
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I still just can't see Romney getting SoS....at this point, I'm hoping for Corker.  I think having Exxon Mobil, errr, I mean, Tillerson, would be not so awesome.  Big business is always going to get all the seats at the table, but Tillerson is just too on the nose for my tastes.  His dealings w/ Putin just have the stench of massive inevitable-corruption-waiting-to-happen-or-revealed.

<shrug>  WTF do I know, though?  At the end of the day, anyone Trump wants is probably not great (other than Mattis...I can get behind him as SecDef; as others have said, he'd at least be the adult in the room)

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SoSueMe, I myself have never been more happy to be wrong.  Of course based on most of his picks so far, I'm sure we'll all be back to silent screams of abject terror and vocal musing of the idiocy and lack of caring or logic once he finally settles on someone.


Which begs the question, is face actually saved when everyone knows that you are attempting to save face? LOL 

Hee!  Too true.  But "All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players".  In Dumpster's play, this is how the story ends for his most loyal of minions.  Hold the applause if you must but do try to stifle the embarrassed giggles and murmurs of "are you fucking kidding me" until you have exited the theatre.

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2 hours ago, Moose135 said:


I bet Mike Pence  knows someone.

'An archived page from Pence's campaign website, unearthed last year by BuzzFeed, contains an article titled "The Great American Smoke Out," which states:

Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill. In fact, 2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness and 9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer. '

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I honest to God feel like crying over some of these positions. These people either have zero experience (Ben Carson) or are going to dismantle everything Obama and hell, every other President has worked towards building (DeVos, Puzder, Pruitt). Hell, as horrible as Nixon was, he at least created the EPA. He'd be a flaming liberal today for that.
I'm sick of Orange taunting us with Sec of State like this is the damn Apprentice. I don't even give a shit anymore who he picks.

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2 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

How are the moderate Republican electors not seeing this as a massive problem? 

Are there moderate Republicans anymore...or at least enough of them to matter?  On the traditional political spectrum, I'd probably be considered a moderate Republican.  I don't feel like there are many politicians speaking to me.

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49 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

That may be one benefit of Putingate. Making the head of Exxon-Mobile our Secretary of State is so appalling...so depressing...so incredible.....BUT...with his ties to Putin it may be impossible for Trump to do it now, even though yesterday Tillerson was being called the new frontrunner. (Yes, sick of Tubby's game show here.)

It could still be the previous head of Exxon Mobile--also a terrible choice--but at least if Tillerson has to be eliminated because of the hacking-for-Trump scandal, something good has come from it already.

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40 minutes ago, Padma said:

It could still be the previous head of Exxon Mobile--also a terrible choice--but at least if Tillerson has to be eliminated because of the hacking-for-Trump scandal, something good has come from it already.

Oh pish posh.

Hacking schmacking.

What scandal?

Nothing here to see, folks.

That was my takeaway listening to the news this morning.

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Cathy McMorris Rodgers for Secretary of the Interior would certainly continue the trend of appointing people devoted to undermining the very purpose of the department over which they'd preside.  In Congress, she repeatedly voted to open up public land to drilling, logging, and mining.  Why, you ask?  Perhaps because of the half-million dollars in donations she took from fossil fuel companies.  Part and parcel of what The Sierra Club called Trump's "anti-science, anti-conservation, anti-wildlife nominations to the Interior Department and the EPA."

In four years, they could do damage that would take decades to be reversed, and damage that could simply never be undone.  That horrifying prospect is true of so many of his proposed picks, of course, but it has an extra poignancy to me because wildlife and the environment have no voice on their own and must rely on people to stand up and fight for them.  And people are besieged on all fronts right now, with more immediate, personal concerns. 

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Well, he kept his promise to drain the swamp--of public servants.  

If anyone could have described the total, naked takeover of the U.S. government ("of, by, and for the people") by corporate America (now "of, by and for the richest of the rich") this is it.

Manchurian candidate, indeed.  Unbridled capitalism flanked by generals and conspiring with a Russian autocrat.  Sometimes fact really IS stranger than fiction.

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According to interviews with seven transition officials and senior Republicans in recent days, the question of whether senior counselor and chief strategist Steve Bannon or chief of staff Reince Priebus — represented by Trump as “equal partners” in the White House — has more power is one that is being widely discussed in Trumpworld. “In this administration, titles will not matter,” one transition staffer said. “It’s like Game of Thrones.” And the outcome is not simply about which personality gets pride of place but which worldview determines the Trump White House’s approach to policy: the nationalist-populist agenda of Bannon and other former campaign staffers, or the more traditional Republican governance advocated by Priebus and Vice-President-elect Mike Pence.

[...] When concerns were raised about Giuliani’s business conflicts hurting his chances to be confirmed by the Senate, Bannon lobbied Trump not to settle for Mitt Romney and to expand the search for new candidates to include ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, and Senator Bob Corker, a source close to Bannon told me.

Trump campaign staffers are also angry that Priebus is attempting to staff the West Wing with mainstream GOP officials rather than Trump loyalists. 

[...] According to a senior transition official, Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is supportive of Priebus’s staff choices because they bring a level of professionalism to the chaotic Trump team. But some at Trump Tower are alarmed that Priebus has so far not offered jobs to a number of Trump loyalists who may have been expecting them, including Michael Cohen, Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks, and Dave Bossie. “We didn’t fight two years against the swamp only to bring the swamp into the White House,” one senior Trump adviser told me. Sources said Trump himself may not be aware that members of his original team haven’t been offered jobs. With only about 40 West Wing positions available, Priebus is moving quickly to fill them with his choices. This may be one of the ways in which his knowledge of how the West Wing works puts him at an advantage.

[...] One Trump adviser speculated that Bannon may be content to let Priebus take control now because Bannon is hoping to play a longer game. Given Trump’s history of turning on those closest to him (Corey Lewandowski, Paul Manafort), it may be good strategy to lay low and avoid blame for any problems with the transition. There is sure to be dysfunction — not least because of this very power struggle. “When you have two people in charge of an organization,” said a Trump adviser, “it’s hard to be successful.” 

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1 hour ago, aradia22 said:


... One Trump adviser speculated that Bannon may be content to let Priebus take control now because Bannon is hoping to play a longer game. Given Trump’s history of turning on those closest to him (Corey Lewandowski, Paul Manafort), it may be good strategy to lay low and avoid blame for any problems with the transition. There is sure to be dysfunction — not least because of this very power struggle. “When you have two people in charge of an organization,” said a Trump adviser, “it’s hard to be successful.” 

I don't doubt it's chaotic, but otherwise I believe very little of what these people say. Priebus may be staffing the WH workers, but seems like Bannon --and maybe Flynn-- are getting the hard right corporate billionaires into place in the Cabinet.  Maybe Priebus likes them too, but I'm pretty sure Bannon gets his way if he cares about it.

As for Lewandowski and Manafort--will the media ever get over the fiction they were fired? 

Lewandowski wasn't fired. He worked for Trump ($20k/mo as "campaign strategist") and CNN at the same time, undisclosed to the public.

Manafort left because the FBI was investigating his ties to Russia.  Let's hear more of that, please. Especially as he is apparently consulting during the transition.

Edited by Padma
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I don't think we can count on dysfunction leading to the implosion of the Trump team but I do think it's important to start paying more attention to what his team believes in/supports and how they're likely to act because they're probably more predictable than he is.

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