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Marriage Boot Camp - General Discussion

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I still can't help but think the cheating scandal is fake or at least made to be a bigger deal than what it was.  I know the other woman took a lie detector and passed, but that could have been faked as well.  I also remember reading on various sites that Kendra had been with other men while married (implied it was for money), so they could very well have an open relationship or just more of a business relationship than a marriage at this point.  


Kendra so went for the whole "he's an NFL player" rather than who Hank really was.  I don't know if a big name NFL player would have been with her seriously, as all of the big names are very much into image.  All of the married ones portray the happy all American family, and the single ones who want to be the playas have hot models.  Not sure Kendra could fit either profile, plus she wants to be the big star.


If it were not for the cheating scandal, what would their storyline be on any show?  They have nothing exciting.  Even with the scandal, it's the same conversation over and over.  Without the scandal, you have Kendra basically being her same old self; pouting, whining, laying around, doing a random photo shoot, going out with her girls, while Hank seems to take care of the household/kids.  


I'd tell Hank to run, but he seems to be invested in the relationship.  At this point, is he really in love with her or is he in love with the idea of her and having the happy family he's always wanted?  He really needs to move on; I think he'd be happier having a normal life.  I don't think Kendra will pull the plug, unless she can latch onto a big name.

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Since there are no replies 3 days after airing, I'll assume the rest of the viewers have finally given up!  I cancelled my DVR recording for the rest of this season.  I can't take another week of this show acting as advertisement for Hank & Kendra & their 400th reality show.  Hanks boo-hooing Everry.Damn. Week..."I wanna tell her!  But I caaaaaaan't!" and Kendra's middle school theater production level of emoting- "Am I strong enough?? Can I handle this??" It's so boring at this point.  They've had MONTHS to spin this anyway they wanted or to pay professionals to shut it down.  Instead they think their public is so enamored of their fake-ass love story that they can parley this shit show into big ratings.  I'm out until the next train wreck pulls into the station.


I think I'd watch a whole season of the Tammy show though!  Sure, she has issues, but I find her waaay more entertaining than the rest of this season's batch of fame whores.

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I like Marriage Boot Camp because it's like watching a train wreck and I've mostly never heard of any of these people before this show; I'm not really a fan of reality TV (which begs the question why I find this show entertaining). Except it's not entertaining with this bunch, just repetitive whining and crap and I've lost interest in all of them. Especially Kendra. Hank I sort of like, though what he sees in her is a mystery but their drama is boring and I'm not buying it. Maybe I would care about the others more if they were actually married. Yanno, MARRIAGE boot camp?

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Ugh Kendra is awful. Her meanness and constant demanding of things and her need for total control even when Hank is sitting there, crying and confessing whatever happened with that Ava Sabrina person is unbelievable. If I were him I'd be so outta there. She's a wretched person, and her entitlement is off the charts. I honestly wouldn't blame him if he did admit to cheating.




Whatever bitch, have some seats over there. Nobody owes you shit.


I am past the point of giving a shit about Kendra or Hank, even though it's obvious they both need some intense therapy. Hank needs to grow a spine and stop letting Kendra constantly speak for him or say shit like "oh well he doesn't know..", and stop acting like a broken puppy. He's a grown man and he can speak/think for himself without her. Kendra needs anger management, and that would just be the beginning.


Everyone else, I like.

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You know I couldn't watch/listen to the confession. Seeing Hank cry just broke me. I keep ff thru and stopping and ff again then decided I'd rather come on here and let you guys speak on it as only you all can. Kendra sure doesn't look sad.

And that group downstairs at the table, stop talking about what Hank and Kendra are not doing. They didn't ask you all to concentrate on them. Work on your own shit, shit.

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Wow. Kendra is a horrible person, but those so called therapists are just as evil. Why are they taking Kendra's side and beating up Hank constantly? If he cheated or was caught doing whatever with whomever, yes, he needs to apologize to his wife, ask for her forgiveness and do what he can to earn her trust again. But the Three Idiot Amigos just continually pile on an already beaten vulnerable man. They allow Kendra to act as if she is some lofty ethereal being who shall not be disgraced or embarrassed or inconvenienced in any way. She is an ex-Playboy Bunny for Pete's sake, not Mother Theresa!

Edited by BusyOctober
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I don't know if Hank's version of the story is the true one, but his version in the show is that he went looking for weed and then was sexually harassed and/or assaulted.  I don't know if that's the true story, but nobody really contradicted him.


And in response to that version of the story, Jim and Elizabeth call him a cheater.  The "therapists" called someone claiming to be a victim of sexual harassment/assault a cheater.  Ugh.  This show has moved from stupid to actively disgusting.

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Hank is severely depressed, self-medicating with weed, and gets sexually assaulted - and all they got out of that was that he's a cheating asshole?


If this were one of the girls talking about getting cornered by a naked person who started groping them, everyone would be up in arms, no matter how they ended up in the situation. He was fucked up before he even showed up at that place; I'm not surprised at all that he froze. It's easy for Tami to talk about "I would have done this." STFU, woman, you have no idea how hard it can be just to trudge through a normal day with severe depression, let alone reacting to an assault.


And when Kendra is talking to Jordan later, she acknowledges the severe depression as a factor, but she still berates the crap out of Hank. Not once did I see a "Oh, shit, honey, I'm so sorry you felt you couldn't come to me for help, that you couldn't get professional help on your own, that I didn't see what you were doing to yourself, that you ended up in that situation" out of her. Instead, she's freaking over details to determine whether she will forgive him for being sexually assaulted. The fact that his affect was fucking flat when he was trying to handle things on the phone call is just more evidence for depression, and it doesn't make him guilty because he didn't perform the way you wanted him to.

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These therapists are awful. His story makes sense and seemed honest, not to mention devastating to talk about, and they call it cheating? If all of that was true, it's akin to rape, not cheating. His not telling was from the shame and fear that everyone who has been molested goes through. The fact that he was already dealing with severe depression would have made that even worse. And they want to call that cheating? Do they know anything?

Kendra is another story. I don't know what's wrong with her.

Edited by LADreamr
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I watched the episode just today, because I got it mixed up with he previous one, so I thought I had already watched it.

Watching Kendra is exhausting. I wonder if watching Aubrey on this show is actually worth it, that's how much life and energy Kendra drains from me! I just can't with her. One minute she wants to know the truth and gives Hank an ultimatum and the second minute she is too afraid to handle it and wonders if she does want to know. I get it, it is gonna change some things, but decide what you're gonna do!

As for the exercise, I see what they wanted to do there, but I don't agree with it. I was thinking how if I was paired with someone, but I didn't value them that much or was interested in them, I wouldn't talk about my issues with that person. Some people had insights when it comes to their own behavior, but I feel like, for example Tami and Hank (as well as Kendra and Travis) were put together just so they could get the scoop and make the other one (of the K&H couple) open up.

Believe it or not, I was actually on Kendra's side for once when she was talking with Travis. First of all, he is not a therapist, just a colleague in that very situation and she doesn't need to justify or explain herself to him. Like she said, who is he to judge her or tell her anything? I think he's too nosy and in people's business. No wonder he can't hold down Aubrey, he's too busy telling people how to deal with their own issues without being asked for help. On the other hand, I thought it was ridiculous how Kendra claimed he talked behind her back while he was sitting there and confronting her directly about the whole thing! Maybe in the end he did have a genuine wish to understand where's she's coming from, but I didn't see she wanted to do anything about it.

The funny moment was when Tami said how it's no wonder Kendra will be pissed because Hank is paired with her, since she's fine, lol

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The therapists defined "cheating" to include keeping secrets, and I think that's where they were going with using that word. If his account is true, he was assaulted, and talking about a sexual assault is difficult - it's not "cheating" to want to pretend it didn't happen.

they are lousy therapists if they think that having that kind of detailed account should be done on TV.

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I had to fast forward the parts with Hank and Kendra, I just couldn't watch it. It seemed to me that Kendra wanted each detail just for the sake of the show, not to get more of a grip on the situation. It was so hypocritical of her to call Aubrey to talk about it and then say Aubrey's giving her own input because she wants to. YOU were the one who called her, woman!

I felt sorry for Hank in general. I think the male therapist (Jim?) lost his patience when he said: you went there to buy drugs, just say it!. I think it was a bit unnecessary and insensitive. As for the exercise about telling people what you don't like about them, I think it really didn't do anything good. Just look at Travis's reaction!

I think it's a shame those two people are still call therapists. If only the Association of Psychotherapists or something similar would see it and withdraw their certification. I feel sorry that people in there are doing literally everything just because they think those ''therapists'' are actual experts. Yes, the cast is getting money for it, but still, the therapists are playing with their mental health, if you ask me. Good luck to them after that.

Edited by EuropeanGirl
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Wow, really?! There's no money in the world that would make me work with them, especially sine they aren't trained professionals in the first place!

By the way, until this episode I mixed Jordan and Lauren, but I gotta say, Jordan is a really sweet girl. I didn't know her until this show.

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Assuming I'm repeating what others have said, but I'm so p$&ed at the opening moments of this that Im going to burst.

First, I knew what he would "confess" because they did it in People? Us? Some magazine like that a couple of weeks ago. Who knows whether that's the full truth, but it is what it is. He mentioned depression there, as he did here. That, and the fact the nitwit went to a strange house seeking drugs. (Yeah, I know: pot. But still, stupid move.)

Second, so far, they completely gloss over the depression reveal. The other nitwit claims she saw no evidence. Nope. Too busy yelling at him and partying - and whatever the hell else she does - to notice her husband is in trouble. But then she never bothered to learn about his career in a sport she supposedly obsesses over. Can't expect this halfwit to recognize actual human feelings (unless it's her own rage over whatever she was imagining him doing).

Third, I heard just enough on the show so far to see her flip out over whether a hand actually touched genitals. Um, old crisis line counselor here. That's assault, whether or not flesh touched flesh. I turned it off to avoid tablet being flung through the TV. But Im guessing that the other three idiots in the room, including the two "professionals," are going to skim over the depression and sexual assault and go straight to his "cheating."

I hope someone will eventually help him with his legitimate issues, especially the desperation I saw, and the assault. Oh, and slap him upside the head for wandering into a potentially dangerous situation when little children are depending on him at home.

Kendra, as usual, I have no use for or words to describe. She's seen and DONE far worse than what he's describing. And yet she sits there, on her high horse, judging and berating him.


Not sure I can resume the recording. Maybe I'll let your responses determine that.

Again, assuming that I've covered ground you all have covered above. Just so angry after just a few minutes.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I don't know if Hank's version of the story is the true one, but his version in the show is that he went looking for weed and then was sexually harassed and/or assaulted. I don't know if that's the true story, but nobody really contradicted him.

And in response to that version of the story, Jim and Elizabeth call him a cheater. The "therapists" called someone claiming to be a victim of sexual harassment/assault a cheater. Ugh. This show has moved from stupid to actively disgusting.

I agree! In any other milieu, this would be defined as a sexual harassment or assault. The guy went looking for drugs, the other person exposed himself and touched him in an unwelcome manner. You might not buy that anyone could "freeze" for so long, but Hank seems to be just that sort of person who would respond in such a manner.

I often think these therapists are frauds, and never more than now. Cheating? I don't think so.

Then they turn around and have these bogus infidelity exercises. It makes me want to barf. That's no way to repair a relationship.

Edited by renatae
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Tami was on RW Los Angeles.  And yes I am older than dirt - I watched the whole thing.  Panty gate - the whole mess!

I remember that too. All I really remember from her on RW was when she got into a fight with another housemate and barricaded herself in the bathroom. Lots of shrieking, too.


The more I watch this show the more I think Situation and his chick (whose name I can never remember. Lauren? Anyway..) look like they're family. Siblings or cousins, but they have similar face shape. Kind of weirds me out. Unless that's just the typical 'puffy ex-addict' face and I'm not aware of it.

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Ok watching again...Kendra is saying Hank's intent wasn't to cheat on her but to just buy some weed. Yet why are the therapists insisting he cheated? It sounds more like he was the victim here and just had no idea how to handle the situation. I know different people define cheating in different ways, but I think this would be a "pass" situation, so long as the incident was once and done. It seems the only further communication was the trans woman trying to extort and blackmail him. I think Hank just panicked, which would make sense.


I'm amazed Aubrey is actually explaining things in a sensible way, about Hank's trauma. It's obvious he was traumatized by what happened....but there was no intent to cheat. He just wanted some weed.


Either way though, it looks to me like Kendra has checked out on their marriage. She likes it on paper but doesn't seem to give much of a shit about Hank as a person or partner.

Edited by fliptopbox
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psychotherapy is based on empathy and confidentiality.  Very few reality TV shows with "therapists"  use licensed therapists, as a license can be revoked if confidentiality is breeched or if a therapist acts unprofessionally.   Dr. Phil, for example, is not licensed. 


Jim and Elizabeth Carroll?  I looked it up - not only are they not licensed, they are not even trained in the field. 




Let's see -

Elizabeth (Davids) Carroll; born 7/5/1956, is a retired business executive, currently the Director of the Marriage Boot Camp. Elizabeth’s resume includes acting, modeling, public speaking and corporate training.

Another site says she has a "masters level education in counseling" but does NOT say she has a masters DEGREE.  If she did, it would say so.  master's level education could be double-speak for she took a class, or attended a seminar.

James (Jim) Warren Carroll; born October 12, 1954), is an American entrepreneur, seminar director, businessman, screenwriter, composer, author, poker player and film director.

In 1986, Jim attended YOU, (later changed to Pathways) a seminar conducted by Dr. Phil and Thelma Box. The seminar was a life changing experience. Jim had been unhappy in his marriage for a long time. Anger and bitterness had become a way of life. Jim resented his wife and hated being married. Dr. Phil broke through the anger and Jim was able to open up to others again. Jim went back and trained under Dr. Phil.


It goes on to say that after the experience with Dr. Phil. Jim divorced.  He re-married, started Marriage Boot camp, in 2002, then divorced his second wife in 2008.

JIm and Elizabeth met in 2009 and married the same year. 


(Oh yeah, Jim invented the first over-the counter tooth whitening system that used the same stuff dentists use.  But the FDA said it was a drug, made him stop, and a million dollars worth of product was destroyed.  JIm sued the FDA and lost)  not pertinent, but it made me smile.


The point -   this is NOT therapy.  not even close.   A professional therapist would never expect people to disclose personal information, to confront a spouse about cheating, in a public forum.  Therapy is not about embarrassment and humiliation.  And the exercise where they "propose"  to other partners is utter bullshit.

Edited by backformore
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I got the impression the proposal exercise was to let everyone verbally express the traits they liked in other people, and that they wish their current partner had. I just think it was set up wrong, because they didn't need fake proposals for it to be effective.

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I got the impression the proposal exercise was to let everyone verbally express the traits they liked in other people, and that they wish their current partner had. I just think it was set up wrong, because they didn't need fake proposals for it to be effective.

But how is that effective?  You choose your partner you can't really ask them to change their personality to suit your needs.   It seems like the exercise was just going to set up a lot of jealousy and bitterness.  REAL marriage therapy would involve exercise set up to say what you appreciate in your partner. 

The fake proposals just set them up for being unhappy and jealous.

Edited by backformore
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I'm not getting heated about any of this and Hank's story sounds fishy as hell to me. I went up there expecting to see another couple? Instead of just someone with drugs? I don't know, just sounds odd to me.


And let's just by Hanks story. It wasn't cheating, no. So, they were hella wrong for that. But, I don't think they were wrong for how they went at Hank in general. Someone needed to push that man to get it all out. Stop hiding and being scared of the truth.


On a f'ed up note, I can't listening to Hanks voice when he's all weepy and shit. Damn.


I fell out when Travis said he was down with the swirl. He can be annoying as hell but that made me laugh.


Mike, Jordan and Reggie seem like nice people but listening to them try to spit out sentences drives me crazy sometimes. Tami is right. Reggie and Jordan in a relationship would be brutally slow.


The watchit with Mike, Aubrey and Tami is always a good listen. Aubrey always seems to be on best behavior/damage control on there though. It's get annoying sometimes.

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Hank is dealing with depression, and he was sexually assaulted.  He is not the first person to freeze in that type of situation.  These jackholes tell him he was a cheater and turn it into a trust issue between him and the sucking hole of need that is Kendra.  When even Kendra initially said he didn't intend to cheat, J&E tell her she is wrong - he's a cheater. I guess they picked their story before they got any facts.  Listening to the "Watch It" version, Tammy piles on with the he shouldn't have put himself in this situation, thereby blaming him.  Thanks for the victim blaming.  What was he wearing?  Did he give mixed signals? Did his mouth say "no" but his eyes say "yes"?  


I told myself I wasn't going to watch this crap anymore.  I should have stuck to that.  Jim and Elizabeth should be banned from speaking to other people, not just from providing "therapy".  They are horrible people. 

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psychotherapy is based on empathy and confidentiality. Very few reality TV shows with "therapists" use licensed therapists, as a license can be revoked if confidentiality is breeched or if a therapist acts unprofessionally. Dr. Phil, for example, is not licensed.

Jim and Elizabeth Carroll? I looked it up - not only are they not licensed, they are not even trained in the field.



Let's see -

Another site says she has a "masters level education in counseling" but does NOT say she has a masters DEGREE. If she did, it would say so. master's level education could be double-speak for she took a class, or attended a seminar.

It goes on to say that after the experience with Dr. Phil. Jim divorced. He re-married, started Marriage Boot camp, in 2002, then divorced his second wife in 2008.

JIm and Elizabeth met in 2009 and married the same year.

(Oh yeah, Jim invented the first over-the counter tooth whitening system that used the same stuff dentists use. But the FDA said it was a drug, made him stop, and a million dollars worth of product was destroyed. JIm sued the FDA and lost) not pertinent, but it made me smile.

The point - this is NOT therapy. not even close. A professional therapist would never expect people to disclose personal information, to confront a spouse about cheating, in a public forum. Therapy is not about embarrassment and humiliation. And the exercise where they "propose" to other partners is utter bullshit.

Thanks for the background! Not too surprising as there is so much wrong with so many of these exercises, not to mention the public revelations. Jim's got a lot of hutzpah to engage in amateur marriage counseling considering he was in three marriages between 2002 and 2009.Looks like Dr.Phil's course was a resounding success.

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But how is that effective? You choose your partner you can't really ask them to change their personality to suit your needs. It seems like the exercise was just going to set up a lot of jealousy and bitterness. REAL marriage therapy would involve exercise set up to say what you appreciate in your partner.

The fake proposals just set them up for being unhappy and jealous.


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Hank is dealing with depression, and he was sexually assaulted.  He is not the first person to freeze in that type of situation.  These jackholes tell him he was a cheater and turn it into a trust issue between him and the sucking hole of need that is Kendra.  When even Kendra initially said he didn't intend to cheat, J&E tell her she is wrong - he's a cheater. I guess they picked their story before they got any facts.  Listening to the "Watch It" version, Tammy piles on with the he shouldn't have put himself in this situation, thereby blaming him.  Thanks for the victim blaming.  What was he wearing?  Did he give mixed signals? Did his mouth say "no" but his eyes say "yes"?  


I told myself I wasn't going to watch this crap anymore.  I should have stuck to that.  Jim and Elizabeth should be banned from speaking to other people, not just from providing "therapy".  They are horrible people. 

Well, asking someone you don't know for some drugs and then going to a second location you know zero about from a guy you still know nothing about is putting himself in a situation he shouldn't have been in. It sounds sketchy as hell and shockingly it ended up being a sketchy affair. I don't blame him for freezing up and what not. I don't think anyone has. He should have never put himself in the situation in the first place. There is a difference (IMO) between victim blaming and putting yourself in a bad situation. While he didn't deserve any of this as a human being and he asked for none of it, going up to strangers and asking for drugs and going to strange meet ups are a recipe for disaster. He's lucky this is all that happened to him. He could have been killed.

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I just cannot believe that this whole Hank situation started with his desperation to get weed.  How can he NOT know someone who could hook him up?  I am a middle aged soccer mom and I know people who can get it. Even if he didnt know anyone, in California it is legal for medical use.  A five minute conversation with a Dr. (often found next door to a dispensary and who is bound by confidentiality) and he would have a card and could buy controlled, legal marijuana. It is my suspicion, and this is purely conjecture on my part, but I believe he was going to buy a MUCH stronger drug.  If this assumption is true, then the sketchiness of going to someones apartment he doesnt even know and the crazy risks that he took make more sense to me. Either way, I do hope he gets help for his depression...his breakdown was painful to watch.


I have always loved Jeff and Jordan and I am happy that Jordans kind heart is shinning through.  She has always impressed me as being a beautiful person, inside and out. Her kindness and empathy for others, her sweet demeanor, her lovely smile...she is just such an endearing person, IMO.

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I am sorry, maybe I am too sensitive about calling them therapists, because I've been in the psychology field for the last five years. I've finished the basic psychoanalytical course, but just because I had some training doesn't make me capable of doing therapy. I don't like how they call themselves without the professional biography that backs it up. I am appalled by that, because I didn't know that they aren't actually certified professionals. I would appreciate it more if they said that they had training in communication and relationships, so they have somewhat experience in that field rather than giving themselves a title like it's no problem and you can easily get it. To me, that's a complete cheat and I wouldn't like to be in the shoes of their 'patients/clients'.
I feel like their exercises are meant to stir up drama, conflict and nothing else. I know, duh!, it's a reality show, but you don't have to be that much intelligent to realize what those exercise actually do. Good luck to the mental health of those people.

But how is that effective?  You choose your partner you can't really ask them to change their personality to suit your needs.   It seems like the exercise was just going to set up a lot of jealousy and bitterness.  REAL marriage therapy would involve exercise set up to say what you appreciate in your partner. 

The fake proposals just set them up for being unhappy and jealous.

I think you've really said ti all and nailed it!!

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Hank is a former professional athlete…he doesn't know anyone with a weed hookup?

No shit, I`m no celeb or [former] famous pro athlete and I know of at least 3 not shady people to get weed from. That whole going to an unkown person`s home would raise a red flag to me.

Edited by fliptopbox
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When have they EVER implied or used the term "Therapists"????? They just call themselves "directors". Also, aren't those other staff in the house real therapists? Finally, I would think, but have not researched to be a fact, that the exercises and counseling are done under the watchful advisement of an actual licensed counselor for risk mitigation purposes.

Just sayin'......   :)

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I was searching online and on Wikipedia it says they are marriage counselors, while on their site it says they're directors. I'm sure there should be professional therapists involved, but those exercises are still pretty questionable and I don't care if they whisper them in the directors' ears, I still think they shouldn't perform them.

Sorry if I'm too caught up in this, my shock (that they aren't actual therapists) is only now wearing off a bit :)

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In most states, what you have to do to call yourself a therapist, or psychotherapist is this -  a Master's degree in psychology or a related field; work under the supervision of a licensed therapist for 1- 2 years; taking and passing a written test.  In many states there are two levels of licensing.  The higher level is what is required by most medical insurance companies for reimbursement.  It includes at least 2 years working under supervision, and an additional written test after the first one.   


As to whether the exercises on the show are under the advisement of actual therapists?  I doubt it.  This is NOT therapy - it's a reality show.

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In most states, what you have to do to call yourself a therapist, or psychotherapist is this -  a Master's degree in psychology or a related field; work under the supervision of a licensed therapist for 1- 2 years; taking and passing a written test.  In many states there are two levels of licensing.  The higher level is what is required by most medical insurance companies for reimbursement.  It includes at least 2 years working under supervision, and an additional written test after the first one.   


As to whether the exercises on the show are under the advisement of actual therapists?  I doubt it.  This is NOT therapy - it's a reality show.

For example, in my country, I have a Master's degree in psychotherapy, but I'm still just a master psychologist. Here it is required to pursue any kind of school of psychotherapy (as in modal or specific direction of it) and study it for five years. In those years, like you've mentioned, it is required to work under supervision, have clients but also go to therapy and collect a certain amount of what we call here 'personal hours' (besides professional ones through doing therapy with clients). It's a long road, but it takes work for a reason.

I can't get pass those exercises or that actual therapists suggested them. I'm going with you that it is a reality show. The point is supposed to be entertainment and not something educational or that causes deeper meaning.

Edited by EuropeanGirl
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I sat there with my jaw open thinking wow if, IF, Hank's story is true (& quite frankly, it seems just stupid enough to be true) then he was assaulted & these dumbasses called that cheating??


I also couldn't believe Hank didn't have a proper hook-up for weed. Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with weed (I partake) but dang, know who you are buying from... not to say even if you are doing something mildly sketchy, like buying weed you deserve to be assaulted.


Kendra needs to STFU with all her selfish yelling of demands from Hank... no wonder he's depressed.


On a side note: I read online that Tami is expecting

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Yes, yes, yes to Hank being sexually assaulted (per the version of the story we heard). But what you guys are missing with the "how did he not know where to get weed" comments is the part that depression plays in the story. Depression, in part, means that your brain doesn't work right. Simple thoughts take longer.... complicated thoughts (like "who can I buy from? who do I know who can get me this? how will I get it? do I have enough cash? will I have to go there, or will they come here? do I have papers or a bong? will they clean it for me?") just can shut your brain down. Too much processing, that a non-depressed brain can do in the background. Too much physical energy to do too many steps. So sometimes you do things in an irrational way, just to do it the simplest way. Because that's depression.

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That's a piece of this that I hope, for the sake of Hank and his children, is addressed by legitimate sources. While a TRAINED therapist may or may not ultimately diagnose depression, he obviously has issues that need to be identified and treated. If it is depression, well, he definitely needs more credible treatment and support. Will he get it? We can only hope.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I may be going to hell for saying this, but I'm just not buying what Hank and Kendra are selling. Any of it. The acting was bad. The whole thing just seemed staged for effect. Hank and Kendra managed to squeeze money out of two different reality shows by claiming this cheating/sexual assault, and then dragging it out until almost the end of Marriage Boot camp. I just don't buy it. Even the recorded conversation. I just wouldn't put it past them to have made the whole thing up for drama. Their own reality show was otherwise going nowhere. And we've seen this type of thing before (Tori and Dean), where it just doesn't hold up to scrutiny. This "confession" will flow right into a new season of Kendra's own reality show. Its all a little too convenient.


I did love how Kendra made Hank's supposed sexual assault all about her though. What a douche canoe. And how no one else wanted to be married to them. That was awesome.

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Not trolling, but I don't understand how we've jumped to the conclusion that Hank was sexually assaulted.  Had he smoked so much weed that he was incapable of giving consent?  Doesn't sound that way if he had such a clear recollection of events.  He wasn't under any sort of threat of violence, he wasn't trapped.  He was sitting on a couch and someone made a move on him and he didn't say no stop i'm out of here.  Let's keep in mind Hank is a former (not too long ago) pro football player.  He's probably at least 6 inches and 50 lbs heavier than the person he was hanging out with.  If he wanted out of that room he would have left.

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I'm not buying it either.  The thing I can't get over is that this "scandal" is about 2 years old at this point; only still being talked about because they keep trotting it out on various shows and taunting us to keep tuning in for the reveal!  And whether Jim and Elizabeth have PhD's from Harvard or nothing but acting credits, the only reason Hank and Kendra are on the show is to do this publicly and try to get some viewers for their show.  What conversations have those two been having in their private time for the last 2  years if he hasn't ever told her anything about what happened?  As a viewer I can see how it's easy to get sucked into the show's timeline, but for me it all falls apart when the real timeline is considered.


As for what really happened - IMO either they made the whole thing up, or he DID do something bad (either real cheating or in sketchy area for other drugs than pot) and this is the story they concocted to get him off the hook.  The people I was feeling the most sorry for were Hank's parents - they must have had such high hopes for their attractive, smart and athletic son, and this is where he is today.  

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princelina, I completely agree with you... I guess my horror at the "therapists" was if this is the story Hank & Kendra have been feeding them then the story is one of assault & not cheating & shame on them for victim blaming.


one thing I do not buy & will never buy is this is the first Kendra is hearing of anything.  She absolutely annoys me.  I also feel bad for Hank's parents but to a greater degree, Hank & Kendra's children.  If Hank & Kendra would've just gotten off the reality TV circuit when the story broke then they would be forgotten soon enough.  No one would care by now.  The damage they are doing to the children is unimaginable to me as a parent myself.  Once you bring children into the world, your own selfish needs have to cease to exist since the children didn't ask to be a part of this train wreck.


Hank must really love Kendra to allow himself continued humiliation... I guess I don't love Mr. Lucy enough because I would be out & I would take my son with me (LOL granted my son is 21 now so there is no "taking him" anywhere but if he was still a minor, we'd be gone)

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