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Whoopi Goldberg: EGOT Winner, So Why Is She Here?


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I'm watching Whoopi right now on Jimmy Fallon and she said.....


.... She's writing a book that I think is about marriage. She threw out some one-liners that JF said were tidbits from the upcoming book. But I think I've heard her trot them out on The View  lately, though I didn't know she was leaking stuff from a book in the works. Stuff about how women who say they want to get married to have a man around the house to do things around the house, and how nuts that is since there isn't anything around the house that a woman can't do herself (hasn't she said this a lot on The View?). And how nuts it makes her when women talk about having married a man because he "completed" her since, according to Whoopi, no one can complete you; you have to complete yourself. Etc. etc. She'd better be careful not to give away all of the book!


..... Her daughter and her daughter's friend(s) out in California, who sound like they are already "empty nesters," are doing a reality show, called "According to Alex." I gather Whoopi will not be on it, though she didn't come out and say exactly that. I admit I will give this show a whirl, curious about her daughter. Whoopi said she is very funny.


......When JF asked her about Thanksgiving, she talked about how she cooks the meal the way her mother did; how much she loves Thanksgiving, how she REALLY needed the holiday break now more than ever, a break from all the recent sobering current events. She then started to sound a little angry and said "I just need a minute" --- a minute to take a break from discussing heavy things, so she can enjoy a holiday like Thanksgiving --- and called for the audience (well, maybe it was JF who called them to do it) to simultaneously yell, "I just need a minute!" Kind of a Peter Finch/"Network News" moment. Then she said, "Then we can go back to being all angry about all the heavy stuff going on in the world." This whole rant of hers reminded me exactly of what she was saying when she was brought on The View after Rosie O left in 2007. I remember very clearly how Whoopi was on talk shows saying how bad it was to be so angry about things all the time. It sounded like a rebuke toward Rosie O, and certainly sounds like one now, too. 


So why was she on this show and wasn't she on some other talk shows, too? She's not really officially hawking her book yet, so is The View sending her out to diffuse all the rumors about discord and diva-ism? Is that a "duh" question? Just seems strange to see Whoopi everywhere.

Thanks for the recap ChristOnACracker.   Of course today she showed a clip of herself (ala Babs) on Fallon and told the story about hearing everyone in her neighborhood yell out the window at midnight on Thanksgiving (the JF show was taped a day or two before).  I think it's hysterical that she got a reality show for her daughter and daughter's friends.  I'm sure it's an attempt to get her and her family off her payroll.  Good luck with that  after 40 plus years. 


Also, as to why she was on Fallon she said someone cancelled at the last minute so she filled in, so that explains the why.    I laughed out loud when guest co-host Andy Cohen asked her, "Who was it?"  

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I'm sure that I'm not the only one noticed that EGOT starts with ego right?


One of my favorite annual events, The Kennedy Center Honors was last night.  The spouse had CBS' morning show on and they showed a pretty long snippet of it, and there she was, annoying me, Ms. Whoopi Goldberg.

Edited by NextIteration
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They showed a clip of Whoopi presenting at The Kennedy Center Honors on the CBS morning show. From what I saw she misread her lines "Oh, God. Oh, God!" so that the joke didn't come across. 

That must be why she only showed a pic of it on the show today and said something like, "That's pretty much all I can show you."  Ha! 


Today,  on the topic of hiring someone to be an asshole to service industry people (cable customer service people, etc.) she ranted that she doesn't want to pay people that are bored with their jobs and that because she is paying them she expects people to be enthusiastic and perform helpfully with a smile.  It would have made a lot more sense coming from anyone else than the woman who continuously  sat looking bored out her mind on the end of the yellow couch for the last couple of years on this show.   The irony was huge to me. 

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I wish Whoopi watched The Daily Show.  Last night, Jon Stewart delivered an excellent piece on how his getting one name wrong in a segment about police brutality against minorities did not make all the other cases false.  Perhaps in a lucid moment she could consider that maybe that one case where a woman lied about being raped doesn't prove that all victims of sexual abuse are also lying.


Dare to dream.

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Dear Whoopi, "I'm sorry," but can it with the constant valley girl schtick. Back in the day, when the Zappa girl had her song , it was only mildly amusing. It's 2014, maybe STFU with the dumb accent, m'kay? I'm almost 50 --if it a'int funny to me, probably the younger crowd's ears bleed when they hear it coming!

I've had waaay too much coffee today so I am just gonna be brave and say it; what the hell  ---- Does anyone else find this to be offensive in a racist way when she does this?  Because she only uses that voice for very particular topics and if you pay even the littlest bit of attention; you will notice a pattern.   There, I said it.  And this is coming from someone who never, ever gets into the race discussions on this forum; I usually stay out of them but this time I am opening my big mouth.

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I think that deep down, she has the belief that the rich and famous live by a different set of rules, and cannot be judged by us "regular'  folks.

I totally agree but don't think it's 'deep down.'  It's so close to the surface of her very being that she can't even hide it; in spite of her being an Academy Award winner.  She reveals her feelings of celebrity superiority anytime a topic like this comes up and add to that her obvious disdain for us; the viewers, and you have a pretty miserable experience when you tune into this show anymore. 

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I totally agree but don't think it's 'deep down.'  It's so close to the surface of her very being that she can't even hide it; in spite of her being an Academy Award winner.  She reveals her feelings of celebrity superiority anytime a topic like this comes up and add to that her obvious disdain for us; the viewers, and you have a pretty miserable experience when you tune into this show anymore. 

.... and I had such high hopes for this crop of co-hosts, but that was contingent on Whoopi continuing her "dopey haze"!!!  LOL.

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That condescending crap is even worse than Babs needing to explain everything to the viewers.  I cannot imagine the showrunners of The View thinking this regular behavior of admonishing the audience is going to attract viewers, especially the coveted under 40 group.


YES!   Because Whoopi comes across as though she thinks that she is smarter or wiser  than her audience.   She talks down to younger people because they don't have her experience.   I'm the same age as she is, and I feel talked-down to when I listen to her.  It's insulting, because I KNOW I'm smarter, I am more educated, I have made good choices in life. I've raised my kids with good morals, they have college degrees and JOBS.   I am well-read and informed on important issues. I am successful in my career, but my career does not come with a huge paycheck.   She may be famous and have a ton of money, but that's all she's got on me. Her opinion is not better than mine! 


Imagine -   If Whoopi were a normal, non-famous middle-class person, she would annoy the crap out of her neighbors and co-workers. Fun at a party, bu annoying as hell on a regular basis.   What would it be like to live next door to her?     She'd be the crazy looking lady in the beat-up house who dresses funny, grows marijuana in her backyard,  and is always yelling about her taxes.  I picture her in jeans and a man's flannel shirt, knit cap with dreads sticking out, cigarette hanging out of her mouth, muttering to herself about how the government can kiss her ass.  She'd live with her kids, grandkids and great-grandkids, a couple of mangy dogs, some stray cats.   

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There's also some reason she defends men so strongly. You'd think Whoopie would be a hard core feminist, but, she's really not. Her views frequently, to me anyway, suggest that women are the inferior sex and not quite equal to men. She rarely sees women as the victim of anything, more that they got what they deserved because they were asking for it.

Edited by Bronzedog
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Phylicia Rasad who played Cosby's wife on two sitcoms has been oddly silent on the Cosby issue if she thinks he's innocent. When Wayne Brady mentioned her today, because she's winning an award or something, I was hoping someone would jump on the opportunity to bring up her seemingly lack of support for her long term co-star.


Many comedians have talked about that Bill Cosby rep was well known. That it was the worst kept secret.

So, that makes me wonder why this Hollywood insider, this Movie Star WG, Has never ever heard about this ugly reputation of Bill Cosby's ??

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I think Whoopie may think it's true, it's just she doesn't care. She's all right with it because it's Bill Cosby. It's so odd to me. She also frequently alludes to her past like she was Jeffrey Dahlmer's assistant or something. It's always she's tolerant because of her past and she's grateful she was allowed to get past that. WTF are you talking about Whoopie??

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 She also frequently alludes to her past like she was Jeffrey Dahlmer's assistant or something.  It's always she's tolerant because of her past and she's grateful she was allowed to get past that. WTF are you talking about Whoopie??

Oh Bronzedog, this made me choke on my coffee!  


Whoopi has been in the public view, or as she would say, a Movie Stah,  for almost 30 years.  It cracks me up that she often alludes to some scandalous past we might not have heard about.  



She could have heard about Bill years ago but if he never tried anything with her then she probably doesn't believe what he did to others could have happened. 

You might be right.  If I remember correctly that was her exact defense of Mel Gibson's drunken bigoted rant.  He never said any of those things around her so therefore he can't be a bigot.

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I'm wondering the same thing, NextIteration. Whoopi's been able pull her usual MO of being on the side of the STAH so far, but now that another star has spoken up, what will Whoopi do? I don't think she'll want to publicly call Beverly Johnson a liar, no matter how desperate she is to contradict RO. Monday should be interesting.

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Great article. I am amazed at comments on every forum that the Cosby story is mentioned. There is ALWAYS at least one person who posts a comment that these women are lying. Yeah, she didn't go to a hospital or police station. Because at that time, women did not tend to report stuff like that. What, someone put a little something in your drink to relax you? Well, why we're you alone with him in the first place? A time when rape was defined to exclude a man's wife, and everyone joked about execs banging their secretaries.

Was a hospital even going to do anything? "A famous celebrity gave me coffee and then I felt woozy". Nobody was going to take that seriously. "Date rape" was unheard of. It happened, but it was seen as a woman getting what she deserved for being a tease.

This is bringing up all kinds of history for me, personally. This was a time when men had all the power. If a woman wanted to survive in any field, she better not say no to the men in charge.

Edited by backformore
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It's obvious to me that Whoopi can't stand to see black icons like Bill Cosby torn down. In her eyes, it must seem like a lynching. I can understand that even though I am not black. But when Beverly Johnson speaks up, why is she so reluctant to believe her?

I *might* buy that if she hadn't heartily defended Roman Polansky and Mel Gibson etc. as well. No, there's something else going on with Whoopi. She has a tendency to defend men in particular when they're caught in a wide variety of abhorrent behaviors. The only one in recent memory who she didn't vigorously defend was Stephen Collins. She was pretty ambivalent when his story broke. Why was he different? Only Whoop's twisted logic knows....

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I *might* buy that if she hadn't heartily defended Roman Polansky and Mel Gibson etc. as well. No, there's something else going on with Whoopi. She has a tendency to defend men in particular when they're caught in a wide variety of abhorrent behaviors. The only one in recent memory who she didn't vigorously defend was Stephen Collins. She was pretty ambivalent when his story broke. Why was he different? Only Whoop's twisted logic knows....

Because he said it on tape, and what can really be said after that. I'm sure had it just been the wife or victim saying it, WG would say, we don't know where is the proof?

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She has a tendency to defend men in particular when they're caught in a wide variety of abhorrent behaviors. The only one in recent memory who she didn't vigorously defend was Stephen Collins. She was pretty ambivalent when his story broke. Why was he different? Only Whoop's twisted logic knows....

Maybe because Stephen Collins is not Hollywood A list.  He can't do anything to help Whoopi.

Edited by howiveaddict
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The professional media and the social media are all over Whoopi's comments. Good News: she got attention Bad News: she's being thorough ridiculed. 

I wonder how all of us will be scolded tomorrow..... will she end her scolding with another fart joke.... she doesn't seem to forget any of her criticism

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I don't think whoopi believes in rape. She gave it up freely to everybody in Hollywood and brags about it.


She was also a heroin addict years ago.  I sometimes wonder if that helped form her stance regarding women.  Did she do questionable things in order to get a fix? Did she feel like she demeaned herself to men and deserved harsh behavior that was doled out from them?  If so, she may feel that she brought that punishment on herself, but it's sad (and wrong) to extend that belief into the idea that men are naturally prone to dominance and that all women are "asking for it" if they don't stay in line.


I don't know.  I'm just wondering.


Whoopi was really a nobody until Mike Nichols discovered her and produced her one-woman show.  He more than likely saved her life as well.  Maybe that contributed to her unconditional respect of high-powered men. It seems she holds celebrity big shots to higher ideal than the rest of the world. I can understand her showing appreciation but she really has bought in to the hype that made her a star -- which is a side of her I hadn't seen until The Spew -- and a side I can do without.

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I don't have a clue as to how Whoopi arrived at her opinions on violence against women although I'm beginning to wonder if she just hates women.  But I do know that she has single-handedly accomplished something that even Sweaty G, Babs, Bitsy, and Sherri, all failed to do and that is make this show damn near unwatchable for me.  It's just not any fun to watch and listen to her bloviate opinions I've heard from her a hundred times before.  Toss in her scolding of the viewers and it gets ridiculous. 


I tuned in this season for RO, I like Nicolle, and I can tolerate Rosie P, but  it seems like Whoopi's big mouth is drowning all those voices out.  My dislike for her increases in direct proportion to her increasing dominance  over the show - or at least my perception of her dominating the show - and it's frankly bigger than the likeability for the other three put together. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Even after all that's been going on with her crazy comments on The View the past few weeks, I still wouldn't say I hate Whoopi. I just don't think she's good on the show anymore. When she was with Joy, Barbara, Elisabeth and Sherri, I was always sort of ambivalent to her, although I think she is charismatic and I've always enjoyed her acting for the most part. I was really only watching for Joy those seasons, and Whoopi and Joy seemed like they got along which possibly could've kept Whoopi from being unbearable the way she is now. She still abused her role as moderator then, but it didn't bother me as much because it felt like someone needed to reign in E&S's comments. Come to think of it, she seemed to get into the screaming tirades and lectures the season after Joy left, but I guess I wrote it off as the same irritation I had with Barbara and Sherri, but maybe having someone she got on with at the table made her less crotchety. It's only now that the show has changed so much that all of her flaws are in the spotlight. I enjoy all of the other hosts to varying degrees right now (ofc, none of them as much as Joy, but you take what you get), and Whoopi just isn't gelling this year. I still think she's good at interviews, but her high point on the show has most likely passed.

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 Looking at some articles about Whoopi I found something interesting - when Ted danson did his famous blackface bit at the Friars club, he was criticized by nearly everyone.  Two people who defended his actions - his girlfriend at the time, Whoopi and model Beverly Johnson! 



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Do you guys really think Whoopi's back problems are a cover story for a phase out?  Seems too easy.   


On Monday when Whoopi was a no-show I thought, "Oh, there is always ONE person that feels the need to extend an extended vacation."  That happened so many times in an office I worked in that if you didn't show up after a long weekend off you were required to get a doctor's note before the company would let you count it as a sick day.   But when she still was out today (Tuesday) with the explanation of a back issue I wondered what was going on.  I mean, I have back issues from time to time and so far anyway, it's resolved after about three days on my back (usually on the floor with my legs on the couch, lol) but back problems are no joke in general.   Still, I'm kind of hoping Whoopi will take her time healing.  


But I think she'll be back.  She's in it for the money and unless ABC is willing to buy out her contract, she's going to show up.  

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I am under no illusion that anyone is being phased out.  I'm sure these were serious contracts and the departure of folks from the show have always been when there contracts were actually up, except for Ro's early departure the first time by a few weeks.


The uncomfortable departures were when contracts were not renewed to surprise of the co-host, imho.


We've been told that RosieP would be out for an extended time since the get go - so now it's that time frame.  Unless whatever Whoopi is experiencing does turn out to be a months long ordeal, and for her sake I hope it doesn't - back issues are terrible and I honestly don't wish them on anyone - I don't think it's anything except what they are representing it to be, to my disappointment.  I was under the impression though - that the new crew were signed to one year deals and Whoopi is on the last year of her previously negotiated deal.


I'll be happy to see evidence that my thinking is completely off kilter though!


There is manufactured buzz all over - but I think this is pretty straightforward and I do believe that Whoopi and Rosie have been given some kind of marching orders to make it work... better than it has been.

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I saw a commercial for The View today -  the audience holding up signs with WHOOPI on one side, and Whoopi's face on the other, cheering her comeback.   

weird, since, isn't the show LIVE?  did they hand those out to an audience when Whoopi was NOT there?  


I saw this as a bumper (the little piece before and/or after commerical0  on a show last week - I think it might have been Thursday.  Mario and Whoopi and maybe Nicolle were in the audience too.    I guessed they did it that day either before or after a show one day. I thought it was dumb.  Shocker. 

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Just saw today's (Wed) show and Whoopi was clearly on meds and all over the place. She should not be on the air until she is off pain meds for her back. Her performance today was not good for herself or the show. Glad she wanted to get back to work and is feeling better, but her off kilter and wacky actions and comments today were affected by her meds and she needs to be lucid to be on that show!

Edited by CathInAZ
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I am completely and utterly flabbergasted that ABC Executives continue to have Whoopi Goldberg on this show. The amount of inappropriate, disgusting "jokes" is reason enough to get her fired. When a "lady" says that the confetti they graciously had for her return looks like her "pubic hairs," the line should really be drawn there. And the cohosts (ahem, Nicolle) should not laugh at that! That is absolutely disgusting. You have all done a great job pointing out all of her flaws. I do think one-on-one she is a nice, kindhearted person, but this person cannot read a teleprompter, does not look presentable for television ever, is combative to her cohosts and unappreciative of her audience, and has said one too many disgusting things. What does it take to get someone fired from this show!? I really hope Rosie O is hanging in there because she knows Whoopi's contract is up this year and is hoping she won't get renewed and can then takeover the moderator spot which she does so well. Having Whoopi there is truly unfair to the cohosts and to the audience! 


I know I haven't said anything new, you all have been saying it for months, but it felt good to get off my chest! 


ETA: I haven't even seen today's show yet and hadn't read the comments from today's show until after I posted this, but wow it sounds like today she was at her all-time worst. I can't imagine..

Edited by fl2dc
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Pretty sure Whoopi's contract does NOT expire this year, although the reports are kind of all over the place about exactly when it does expire. About 6 months ago the reports were that she had "recently" inked a 4 year contract. More recent reports claim that she has at least another year on her contract. Either way, unless they plan to buy out whatever time is remaining on her contract to the tune of something allegedly in the range of $5-$15 million, I'm afraid she's probably not going anywhere. :(

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ETA: I haven't even seen today's show yet and hadn't read the comments from today's show until after I posted this, but wow it sounds like today she was at her all-time worst. I can't imagine..

Oh fl2dc, you have to at least watch the dinosaur bones part of today's (Wednesday's) show.  It is so much worse than the comments.  When she can't find the skeleton's colon (what?)  she uses that as her transition to a commercial break:  "On that note, with no place for poop to go, we are going to forge a way to eliminate things and go to commercial."   I'm fairly certain that is a direct quote.  

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Oh fl2dc, you have to at least watch the dinosaur bones part of today's (Wednesday's) show.  It is so much worse than the comments.  When she can't find the skeleton's colon (what?)  she uses that as her transition to a commercial break:  "On that note, with no place for poop to go, we are going to forge a way to eliminate things and go to commercial."   I'm fairly certain that is a direct quote.


I finally watched it late last night. There are no words. She needs to go.

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Pretty sure Whoopi's contract does NOT expire this year


Most of what I've read - but then again this was all in the gossipy stuff so who knows, is that her contract goes through the next season and it's paid whether there is a season or not.


I really didn't think that she could get worse than she was the week before they broke for the holidays, but this is getting beyond frustrating to just sad to watch.

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Most of what I've read - but then again this was all in the gossipy stuff so who knows, is that her contract goes through the next season and it's paid whether there is a season or not.


I really didn't think that she could get worse than she was the week before they broke for the holidays, but this is getting beyond frustrating to just sad to watch.

I'll agree with frustrating NextIteration, but not with sad.  I can't think of any job I've ever held that wouldn't have serious consequences if I behaved like Whoopi has this week.   In my opinion, her behavior went waaaay beyond her general unprofessionalism (is that a word?) and crossed into truly offensive and bizarre. Heck, just the fact that she's being paid millions for this part-time gig should be enough for the ABC News brass to review her contract - not that I have any faith in Whoopi suffering any consequences whatsoever.    

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Oh, do I agree with that, Cosmo. Completely. Whoever is ABC's equivalent of the Moonves/Chen power couple needs to take a page from them and surgically excise Whoopi Goldberg from The View as quickly and bloodlessly as possible. Holly Robinson Peete and Leah Remini survived (and they were nowhere near as worthy of firing as the Queen of I Don't Care). Whoopi will survive too. And - bonus- have more free time to devote to whatever it is she does care about.

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I just find it hard to believe they wouldn't have put in a clause where things like dressing unprofessionally, not bathing, acting unprofessionally/hostile/disruptive, or showing up to work on drugs would leave her open to be fired without being paid. She must've got a golden ticket--do and say whatever you want, no questions, here's 5 million x 4+ years. Even with how well-known she is and her Q rating, that seems extraordinary.

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I'll agree with frustrating NextIteration, but not with sad.  I can't think of any job I've ever held that wouldn't have serious consequences if I behaved like Whoopi has this week.   In my opinion, her behavior went waaaay beyond her general unprofessionalism (is that a word?) and crossed into truly offensive and bizarre. Heck, just the fact that she's being paid millions for this part-time gig should be enough for the ABC News brass to review her contract - not that I have any faith in Whoopi suffering any consequences whatsoever.    


I get what you're saying completely - but it's sad like watching the demise of Bill Cosby has been.  When someone that you think a lot of and admire just falls apart before your eyes for whatever reason.  Both though, are examples of really nasty people in the long run, in my opinion.

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Remember last week (or maybe the week before?) when Whoopi co-opted the Oreo cookie commercial as a story about her and her mother?  She even got choked up about it, lol!  Well, today, RO put up a screen shot of her reaction face to Whoopi's blathering and comments echo alot of what I read here.



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