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Whoopi Goldberg: EGOT Winner, So Why Is She Here?


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It is possible for them to have a little something to acknowledge a passing and then go to the show. I'll assume they didn't bother.


Of course they didn't bother.  That would be the decent thing to do.  I don't remember this show ever acknowledging anything remotely newsworthy while on hiatus.  I'm sure both Whoopi and Rosie will have a nice tribute when they return Sept. 15.

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The View is just a talk show, not a news program, they shouldn't be expected to interrupt their vacations for breaking news. Whoopi will probably say something heartfelt, and hopefully Rosie uses it as a chance to do a segment about depression and suicide, which is currently an epidemic that no one wants to talk about.

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The View is just a talk show, not a news program, they shouldn't be expected to interrupt their vacations for breaking news. Whoopi will probably say something heartfelt, and hopefully Rosie uses it as a chance to do a segment about depression and suicide, which is currently an epidemic that no one wants to talk about.

I agree with the last part, the beginning, not so much. ABC owns the show. Someone from the show didn't have do anything. Even just a graphic would be the least they could have done, imo.

Edited by ginger90
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So true...this show is not a news show, as BW reminded us although pointing out SHE was part of the news division of ABC. But then.....they did discuss the news and actually believed many people got the news from them, sadly. And WG often said they would keep US posted, lol.


And then there was the Red, White and View segments. Very political, during Presidential election years.


So they kinda tried....and then went for the fluff and year of BW last year.


But  so true, they will not interrupt their vacation to return and ITA they need not do that. For numerous reasons.


Over 97,400 liked WG"s tweet on the Robin, a tad over 600 for SS's and almost 800 for BW's.


Plus SS and JM were fired, BW would fight for the chance (even without BG who was fired) and I really don't think WG would ever consider it in her grief.

Bear in mind that when the show goes on hiatus everyone goes on hiatus. Folks may be in the offices prepping for the leadership transition and the new season, but the studio is shut down. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the studio is being remodeled already for the new season. Also, reruns aren't broadcast from the studio. That's all handled by computer at another location. The selected reruns were probably preloaded into the computer last week at the latest.

ABC, like all of the other networks, have been and will be airing tons of Robin Williams related programming. Have other regular ABC prerecorded programs added a memorial card or a recorded message or anything in the past couple of days?

I'm sure if Whoopi expressed a desire to record something for air they would certainly accommodate her, but she's at home (presumably) and grieving. It seems much more likely that she would simply release a public statement on her own if she were so inclined. Even if she did decide that she wanted to use The View timeslot as a venue to make a statement, I wouldn't expect it to be on air yet anyway unless she went in and recorded it less than 24 hours after the news broke. The only other on air talent they have left is Rosie, and technically she doesn't officially speak for The View yet. Babs has been doing her own live on air stuff and is prepping her 20/20 special for Friday. RW was a member of the ABC Disney family and they've already released a condolence statement with a very touching piece of Aladdin artwork drawn by one of the original (I think) Aladdin animators.

I guess I'm just not understanding why you would expect The View in particular to be different under the circumstances and given that they shut down production for the season last week. I don't know, I guess I just don't see anything unusual about the fact that they haven't chosen to use reruns of this particular show to acknowledge his passing.

  • Love 9

Yeah, I live in the bay area and I'm sorry to say that was our local ABC affiliate flying over the Williams house and live streaming it. I was one of many who jumped all over them for it. Completely unnecessary and disrespectful. Ironically earlier that same day I had three media helicopters circling directly over my house (a construction crew opened a gas leak one block over) so it was vivid in my mind just how obnoxious and disruptive those loud, low and slow flying choppers are.


In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the studio is being remodeled already for the new season.


In a sense they are: they're now taking over the studio space that hosted Katie Couric's talk show.


I didn't expect Whoopi to make any kind of statement for the show. At least this will give her time to grieve privately and when the show comes back, she can make one statement in full public view and hopefully that's all that will be asked of her.

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Just saw on my Facebook Page, a post from Whoopi, thanking everyone for their kind words.


Let me see if I can link it here... Whoopi's FB


You have to scroll down a bit. It was posted three hours ago.


Thanks.  Here's the direct link to that FB post:



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It will be interesting to see if the release of video showing Ray Rice hit his fiancée first and then proceed to knock her out in the elevator will still be a hot topic when the show comes back from break. If so, I would love to hear what Whoopi has to say now. She needs to think long and hard about what she says on these kind of situations. Her career survived her Polanski comments, but the tide is turning on these things. (Cee Lo Green) I know Whoopi is beloved, but people used to like Mel Gibson, too.

  • Love 6

It will be interesting to see if the release of video showing Ray Rice hit his fiancée first and then proceed to knock her out in the elevator will still be a hot topic when the show comes back from break. If so, I would love to hear what Whoopi has to say now. She needs to think long and hard about what she says on these kind of situations. Her career survived her Polanski comments, but the tide is turning on these things. (Cee Lo Green) I know Whoopi is beloved, but people used to like Mel Gibson, too.

The Baltimore Ravens have terminated the contract of Ray RIce....... I have no doubt he will be picked up by someone in 3 weeks or less

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Whoopi is known for preferring and wearing oversized outfits and "fun" shoes - it's her signature style. Joan would have expected nothing less.

Sara Jessica Parker wore hot pink pumps with her black dress. So Whoopi was not the only only attendee wearing bright coloredshoes. Whoopi is known for wearing crazy, fun shoes...often they are pricy "art" shoes. I appreciate the fact that she, and most others, wore black or more somber colors for the funeral. Unless the dearly departed requests bright colors be worn, I wear mostly black to a funeral out of respect. I was surprised that Hoda K. showed up in a lighter blue and white striped outfit. Surely she had an outfit with black in it in her closet....

Edited by CathInAZ
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Whoopi gave the name of the designer of that shmatta on Facebook, I don't remember who it was, but I can check back if anyone cares.

Not everyone wears black to a funeral - for my mother's at a Jewish cemetery in August last year, I wore a dark blue dress with a white shrug. I don't even remember what the other people wore, but I noticed that no one was wearing drab colors, either.

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I think that the 'crazy', shoes, colors, whatever are a tribute from Joan's friends to Joan.


I am of the age where friends have died and I don't even want to tell you what we have done to honor the friend or relative who died before their time.  Funerals are intensely personal and reflective of the deceased's wishes as well as the heirs wishes as well as dear friends connections.  Regardless, it is all about mourning the connection you had to a well loved person.


My very beloved youngest brother died this past January while I was out of the country.


My family also had to remove life support ( I was out of contact but agreed completely with the decision).


They delayed the memorial until I returned and we had the best, most loving Irish Wake you could ever imagine.  No one in my memory has had a grander or more joy/sad filled event.  Such a beautiful tribute.


Such a sad time and everyone deserves to do it their way.

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I missed the show today, I have gotten out of the habit of watching it and I keep forgetting to set the DVR. I peeked over at the View message board and saw a lot of complaints about Whoopi so I decided to Google and see if there were any new stories about her. I found this from a MRA site-she is their hero: http://www.avoiceformen.com/mens-rights/if-only-society-was-more-like-whoopi-goldberg/

I am not sure if you are familiar with MRA's, but her being their hero is not good, in my opinion, especially as a host of women's show. I almost think Whoopi is trying to get out of her contract. The other things I got when I googled her name were the many stories of her being an apologist for the likes of Polanski, Rice and Smith. I am fucking done with her dumb ass.

Edited by GiveMeSpace

I was just googling some ages and am shocked to learn that Whoopi is only 58 years old.  The way she always refers to being so old, I was sure she was well into her 60's.


Whoopi's age is dipsuted. Most sources list it as 1955 making her 59 this year, but other sources such as this one list her birth year as 1949 making her 65. I'm inclined to believe the latter.

Who knows, MedicineCrow! Wouldn't the specifics be in her contract for each movie? She may or may not have elected to receive or been offered some residual payment. And that may or may not have depended on how well the movie did. And may or may not have included additional provisions for how the movie did outside of the U.S. And probably specified a period of time any payments would be paid out and then have an ending date. Based on how her contracts were negotiated, it's totally possible that she no longer receives any income from some or all of her movies.

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I've always thought (probably incorrectly) that Whoopi would be receiving pretty decent residual checks from her various movies & T.V. roles. So I'm asking if anyone knows this to be true or am I just under the wrong impression!!??

The amounts would vary depending on the individual deals she negotiated for each project, but as a SAG member every principal performer whose work makes it into the final cut is entitled to residuals calculated based on the SAG union contract in effect during that particular year. So, she likely does get a fairly steady income from residuals for all of her film and television work although it's likely not a humongous sum unless she negotiated some particularly lucrative deals for some of those projects. The vast majority of her films probably don't bring much income anymore because they just don't air or sell that often, but Star Trek TNG, for example, airs some place in the world all the time and still does very well in DVD sales and "new media", so she probably gets a fairly steady income from her participation in that particular franchise.

Edited by TribbleTrouble
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I think WG on this show has opened so many other opportunities and kick-started her career - her documentaries, Ballerina books, appearing in sitcoms like The Middle, occasional stand up.....she sure is hard working and creative!

But her lifestyle is definitely high to sustain. Even though sources say her net worth is $45M.

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editing to add quote, which didn't work:   "Whoopi's age is dipsuted. Most sources list it as 1955 making her 59 this year, but other sources such as this one list her birth year as 1949 making her 65. I'm inclined to believe the latter."


Interesting.  Has she ever mentioned her age on the show?

Edited by buffynut

There have been 14 ebola outbreaks since 2000... and 12 before that....... what is different this time is we have a 24 hour media who is making it political

Well, it is definitely getting far too much hysterical attention in the 24 hour world of cable news, especially since it was barely covered before it landed on US soil, but it's attention-getting in part due to the sheer size of this outbreak. There are far more infected over all and more dead than all 24 previously recorded outbreaks combined (the 2014 outbreak is number 25 according to WHO). Prior to this, the most deadly outbreak killed fewer than 300 people, and most outbreaks were far, far fewer and were relatively contained geographically. There is reason to be seriously concerned about an outbreak that has killed approx 3 times as many and counting as all the previously recorded outbreaks combined, but anyone who tries to make political hay out of it should be ashamed.

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Plus the major problems of the Dallas Hospital, seemingly inept CDC (let alone no Surgeon General and budget cuts) is cause for concern. Perhaps not individually for most of us.....but I think how we can now see how this can get out of control very quickly.


Plus, the Dallas hospital nurses might walk off the job....and where are the necessary "hazmat suits"?Transparency is needed. It is also one thing to put one's life on the line....but your families as well?


Then we get the stupidity of Snyderman thrown in for good measure.

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I really dont think the CDC should be held responsible because this nurse decided to travel when she was self monitoring. She had an elevated temperature. I doubt she infected anyone..... but the optics were irresponsible.


Also, I dont understand how they hospital can say they werent prepared..... they may not have an ebola protocol.... but I have no doubt, like all hospitals, they have infectious disease protocols

but I have no doubt, like all hospitals, they have infectious disease protocols


According to the CDC:

any U.S. hospital that is following CDC's infection control recommendations and can isolate a patient in a private room‎ is capable of safely managing a patient with EVD. CDC recommends that U.S. hospitals isolate the patient in a private room and implement standard, contact, and droplet precautions.



If a patient in a U.S. hospital is suspected or known to have Ebola virus disease, healthcare teams should follow standard, contact, and droplet precautions, including the following recommendations:

•Isolate the patient: Patients should be isolated in a single patient room (containing a private bathroom) with the door closed.

•Wear appropriate PPE: Healthcare providers entering the patients room should wear: gloves, gown (fluid resistant or impermeable), eye protection (goggles or face shield), and a facemask. Additional protective equipment might be required in certain situations (e.g., copious amounts of blood, other body fluids, vomit, or feces present in the environment), including but not limited to double gloving, disposable shoe covers, and leg coverings.

•Restrict visitors: Avoid entry of visitors into the patient's room. Exceptions may be considered on a case by case basis for those who are essential for the patient's wellbeing. A logbook should be kept to document all persons entering the patient's room. See CDC's infection control guidance on procedures for monitoring, managing, and training of visitors.

•Avoid aerosol-generating procedures: Avoid aerosol-generating procedures. If performing these procedures, PPE should include respiratory protection (N95 or higher filtering facepiece respirator) and the procedure should be performed in an airborne infection isolation room.

•Implement environmental infection control measures: Diligent environmental cleaning and disinfection and safe handling of potentially contaminated materials is of paramount importance, as blood, sweat, vomit, feces, urine and other body secretions represent potentially infectious materials should be done following hospital protocols.

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Also, any Level 1 Trauma Center has been thru the wringer particularly since the initial hysteria regarding HIV/AIDS.  Once the full force of the government thru the Surgeon General, CDC and NIH began, the researchers doubled down and the ER staff at Level 1 Trauma Centers wrote the book on containing infections.


Really, there should be hospitals capable of handling this thru out the country.


Caveat, I do understand that HIV is harder to transmit than Ebola.....but so far Ebola is direct fluid contact.


Good Lord, as has been mentioned, FLU KILLS FAR MORE people in the US EVERY YEAR than have so far died in Africa.  Get a grip people and use the breakdowns as lessons.  Let's pull up our big girl pants and get to work.


Congress - get some money freed up for NIH and CDC and for god's sake approve a Surgeon General.


All those politicians using this to attack Obama (and it has already started), a pox on you and your house and a place in the outer rings of hell when you pass.

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