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I've been watching this show with some regularity lately, after having given up on it a few months after it debuted. I have to say, Trevor is really hitting it out of the park lately. The election seems to have done him some good. Maybe it's just that he's got such a gold mine in material now. In any case, it's a shame he's not getting more attention. TDS seems to have fallen off the progressive radar, having been largely displaced by Sam Bee, John Oliver, and even Seth Myers. 

The debate between Sanders and Cruz was interesting, but I still think we're probably better off with Trump than we would have been with Cruz, believe it or not. Both would have filled their cabinets with the same ilk, and Cruz is that crazy kind of Armageddon monger I don't want anywhere near the nukes. On the other hand, he probably wouldn't have won if he'd been the candidate, because I don't think the vast majority of Trump enthusiasts would have flocked to the polls to elect him any more than they did for Romney or McCain. Just another stuffed shirt career politician. Can hardly imagine thousands showing up a Cruz rallies.

The healthcare debate is maddening because Republicans insist on mis-characterizing the ACA as government run and controlled, as if the government is making people's health care decisions for them, and Democrats have done a crap job of dispelling that notion.

Edited by iMonrey
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11 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I've been watching this show with some regularity lately, after having given up on it a few months after it debuted. I have to say, Trevor is really hitting it out of the park lately. The election seems to have done him some good. Maybe it's just that he's got such a gold mine in material now. In any case, it's a shame he's not getting more attention. TDS seems to have fallen off the progressive radar, having been largely displaced by Sam Bee, John Oliver, and even Seth Myers.

I also went from giving up on the show entirely in the beginning to now looking forward to watching it every day. I'm sure having such a goldmine in Trump and his administration has helped a lot, but Trevor and the writers also seem to have finally found their voice. It may also be that they're just a good match - Trevor's forte seems to be his boyish glee in ridiculing the patently absurd, and the Trump era just lends itself really well to that. 

I'm fine with Samantha Bee and John Oliver getting more attention because I think they're doing more original things (not Myers, I don't really understand his love) but I do hope others give TDS another shot. 

Meanwhile, I still don't think Trevor's a great interviewer (I didn't care for Stewart's interviews either), but the chat with Tracee Ellis Ross was far more fun than usual. 

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Could I love the Trevor/Roy TV bromance any more? I do not think so.

Trevor's impressions continue to crack me up. His Trump is good but I hope he still has occasion to slip into Obama-speak every now and then.

He and Desi were awesome dissecting Ivanka's clothing line. The handbag is NOT waterproof!

Edited by Lord Donia
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21 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The healthcare debate is maddening because Republicans insist on mis-characterizing the ACA as government run and controlled, as if the government is making people's health care decisions for them, and Democrats have done a crap job of dispelling that notion.

What would be nice is if everyone understood that the ACA and Obamacare are the same thing to start. 

I didn't see it live, so I'm astounded Conway actually said "free commercial." Her condescending attitude is starting to be her undoing. 

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10 hours ago, retrograde said:

Meanwhile, I still don't think Trevor's a great interviewer (I didn't care for Stewart's interviews either), but the chat with Tracee Ellis Ross was far more fun than usual. 

I think TN is improving as an interviewer.  He's not in Terry Gross area by a long shot, but he's better now than when he first started.  What I do like a whole lot about the interviews on TDS is that the people they're bringing on are much more diverse* than they were during JS's time.  This isn't a knock on Stewart, I just think that there has been an increased awareness of needing to talk to a wide array of people.  

*I'm not just referring to ethnic diversity, but also to diversity of 'expertise'.  It's nice to see they're going to be speaking to the Teen Vogue folks and Romero was an important interview to get. Likewise Fulton/Martin, Farenthold and Goldberg.

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I love that Trevor's impression of 45 is gleefully terrible yet still eerily accurate in its petulance.

As much as I've struggled to watch a lot of the shows as if any of this is remotely okay,  I find myself increasingly looking forward to seeing Trevor and company's take on everything too.  The show is really firing on all cylinders in its horrified bemusement of "yep, this is how far through the looking glass we are now" without giving in to all shouting and outrage all the time.   That seemed to be where Stewart was stuck quite a bit of the time in his last years and it was sometimes exhausting to watch.  The clip of the South African parliament brawling for perspective to kick things off was sublime.

Interviewing is one of those things that can get better with practice and I think we're seeing that now.   I'm really enjoying the wide diversity of interview subjects too.

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"Truth Scarecrow" is now my favorite nickname for Kellyanne Conway. It seems as if her shilling for Ivanka Trump was a violation of government ethics law but you know she won't even be reprimanded for it. If a Democrat did this the Republicans would be screaming for her head. 

I still think Roy Wood Jr. and Desi Lydic are the weak spots on this show. Neither has ever done a bit or a piece that made me so much as crack a smile. They come off like SNL rejects. 

I liked Desi's "Facts" segments during the election (it had a better name, but I can't remember it right now)

Roy's segments are often a bit too silly for me, although I liked his Steve Harvey impression.

On 2/8/2017 at 6:42 AM, ganesh said:

I disagree with Trevor slightly on the under reporting. I don't think Trump has much of a thought beyond the next 5 seconds. The administration had to scramble and I think not including American terrorists was their idea. I don't think was a whole directed thing. 

I agree that they had to come up with a list very quickly.  I also think that Trump and his main spokespeople - Spicer and Conway - are used to people not questioning their statements.   Plus, they have a history of doing things just for show - like the stack if files without labels at the press conference where Trump talked about his businesses.  They thought they could just wave the list in the air and "See? Look at this long list. That's what we're talking about" and they didn't expect people to actually think about what was on the list.

On 2/8/2017 at 7:33 AM, ganesh said:

The thing is, I find Conway transparent and predictable so you know what's coming next with her. I don't know why the media has given her so much slack. It seems recently everyone is fed up with her, but she still pops up.

I want Trevor to have her on (did she appear during the campaign?), but only if he has the guts to say, "We will talk about that next, right after you answer the question" when she started rambling off on  tangents.

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1 hour ago, needschocolate said:

 I also think that Trump and his main spokespeople - Spicer and Conway - are used to people not questioning their statements. 

Right, I think they were the ones that deliberately omitted any terrorist incidents on the list from white people in order to direct that narrative. There's no way they expected every news outlet to go through each one and report on coverage.

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Someone actually reposted these on FB and I saw them there first. I thought, "oh, they're probably not looking at sensitive materials at the dinner table right?" Then I saw the pics of the guy who holds the football. With his name! That guy isn't a political appointee, so I can't imagine he didn't have training on that. Unless who holds the football switches every day, but still. 

Well, at least Trump wasn't at the dinner table sending emails on his phone to Conway or whomever, right? 

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Republicans have got to see the hypocrisy in criticizing Obama and Clinton about things that Trump and his people are doing, but of course the Repubs have actions they've been wanting to take for years and now can do it with a friendly Prez. Therefore, they don't want to rock the boat. I just wonder at what point they'll realize they can't ignore the problem anymore.

I can't believe that Drumpf didn't wear a translation earpiece. What the hell could have been his reason? It would muss his hair? It would look like a hearing aid, and he didn't want to look old? Still, wasn't he told, "But you won't be able to understand the PM" ? Maybe Drumpf then said, "Believe me, I'm great at body language. I don't need words to know what people are saying. I'm the best at reading people, believe me."

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So how soon before one of these reporters drags Giant-toe-for-a-head Stephen Miller down to the boiler room for a thorough beating? I have even money on Jake Tapper throwing the fists and connecting at this douche.

HOLY SHIT!!! Drumph conducts a classified meeting out in the open for the general public to view?!! If Obama or Hillary had did that...oh who's kidding whom, neither one of them would have done that because they're not fucking insane morons like Drumph! Can someone also please drag Zuckerburg down to the boiler room for Tapper to beat him as well?

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Did some comments get deleted?

Loved Trevor's take on the Flynn fiasco. What a hypocrite that man was which was probably why he fit so well with the current administration.

I laughed at Trevor's reaction to Adele speech on the Grammys but it's not so funny once I read how upset people really were at Adele winning and threatening to boycott the Grammys. That's a bit much. 

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16 hours ago, maraleia said:

Laverne Cox is a queen who has such a great way of explaining multiple issues/projects in a short time. She was fantastic on this show and Colbert. #StandwithGavinGrimm

Yes! Man, she's such a knockout.

The 'Lie Lie Land' segment was excellent too, with that 'Guess what ... Now what' ridiculousness. I cheered when Trevor said, 'Guess what? That's some bullshit. Now what? We're gonna make fun of yo ass.' Hee!

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The Golden Guy bit was hilarious. Brian Doyle Murray was perfect. And then for him to pop up in those... what do you call them? The intrusive bottom-of-the-screen promos? was great.

When Trevor said that maybe the CIA needs to conduct briefings over breakfast, that's not so far from the truth:



Working dinners have become standard fare for Trump. Long after the President's official day has ended, his workaholic tendencies have him hosting a rotating supper club at the most coveted address in Washington.

At least four nights a week, he welcomes a steady stream of Cabinet members, staffers and members of Congress to the residence to brush up on national security issues and foreign affairs over steak, fish and salads, according to Trump aides.


But the dinners also ensure the President is engaged well into the evening, allotting less time for some of Trump's less productive pursuits -- gobbling up cable news and engaging in Twitter wars.


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Can you call yourself a workaholic if you take three weekends off in a row?

I liked the "old man" analogy. It's clear that Trump has no grasp of what the current issues are and is just saying things just as clearly under the influence of his alt right cronies. The response from the Israeli PM was like, "You have no idea either what your doing or how to do it, do you?" TDS cut out the last of his remarks because he said, "uh, well, that's the art of the deal." 

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I didn't understand what trump was trying to say with the Israeli PM, that trump wanted 'whatever they wanted?'  Isn't that the two sovereign state?  Did they both want one and the US was imposing 2 on them?  I'm confused (probably no more than trump).

There was so much bruhaha over Hillary and Bernie being old, yet trump is older than both (or at least Hillary), and he does act like it.  Loved that Golden Guy bit, it was so true, and lol at the scene with him in the bathrobe.

Laverne Cox looked and sounded great.  It is amazing how trans people have been peeing for centuries and no one has prevented them from using a toilet before.  I suppose part of it is because now trans people can actually look more like the gender they identify with.  Frankly, in many cases, I can't really even tell, and care even less.  pee wherever you want.  I see women all the time use men's restrooms because the line for the women's is so damn long.  I suppose we need to hope that Gavin gets his case heard before SCOTUS gets Gorsuck.

The ridiculousness of trump holding security meetings in Mara Lago's dining room is just incredible.  And yet the Gop won't complain because 'trump's their man'.

Steve Miller brashly proclaiming he'll go on any show and support trump, or in other words, lie, means he's just another spinner like Conway.  Hopefully, the media will treat him similarly.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, ganesh said:

Can you call yourself a workaholic if you take three weekends off in a row?

I liked the "old man" analogy. It's clear that Trump has no grasp of what the current issues are and is just saying things just as clearly under the influence of his alt right cronies. The response from the Israeli PM was like, "You have no idea either what your doing or how to do it, do you?" TDS cut out the last of his remarks because he said, "uh, well, that's the art of the deal." 

The old man analogy definitely fits after that press conference this afternoon. Trevor going to eat that up tonight. 

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Brian Doyle (Bro of Bill) Murray was perfect playing President Grandpa in that comedy promo. He was on Sullivan and Son playing a racist troll of a barfly named Hank. Another patron of that bar was Roy.

After that joint press conference with Drumph, I bet Benjamin Netanyahu wishes Obama was still president.

Brilliant of TDS to turn Drumph's tweets into an eight year old's writing. It makes perfect sense that way.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Hanahope said:

I didn't understand what trump was trying to say with the Israeli PM, that trump wanted 'whatever they wanted?'  Isn't that the two sovereign state?  Did they both want one and the US was imposing 2 on them?  I'm confused (probably no more than trump).

He was trying to say nothing. He wasn't taking a side. With the wisdom of Solomon, he was saying that he'll approve of whatever the Palestinians and the Israelis agree on. 

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20 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I'm going to assume that Trevor mispronounced Anil's name in the Ellsworth v. Dick Street piece, to get laughs.  Because that's not how the name is pronounced. It's Uh-kneel, not Anal. 

I'm bummed there was no Hasan this week.

I didn't know how the name was pronounced. I found that joke distasteful and I didn't like the segment very much. 

10 hours ago, Temperance said:
On 18/02/2017 at 0:38 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

I'm going to assume that Trevor mispronounced Anil's name in the Ellsworth v. Dick Street piece, to get laughs.  Because that's not how the name is pronounced. It's Uh-kneel, not Anal. 

I'm bummed there was no Hasan this week.

I didn't know how the name was pronounced. I found that joke distasteful and I didn't like the segment very much. 

Yes, the pronunciation of the name was a deliberate joke. I laughed and found the segment a silly, blessed relief from the relentless ghastly hilarity of TDS's Drumpf coverage. (I don't want them to stop with their Drumpf coverage, but an occasional silly segment is welcome to me.)

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21 minutes ago, ganesh said:

Why are they on a break?

The show is contracted is for a certain number of shows a year - it looks like it was about 160 a year under Jon, and last year they had 164 under Trevor. They have to space them out, and this is a break week for Congress, so it makes sense in some ways to take the break then. They have to find a spot to take those 10-12 weeks of breaks.

Jon Oliver took three months off, and Samantha Bee took some extended absences last year as well. I think it is just the way the business works.

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